#best ayurvedic syrup for irregular periods
aforehandseo · 6 months
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Discover the natural solution for irregular periods with Sundari Amrit Syrup. Our ayurvedic medicine for menstrual bleeding is formulated with potent herbs to promote hormonal balance and menstrual health. Say hello to regular cycles and goodbye to discomfort with Sundari Amrit Syrup.
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indianayurveda · 11 months
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Our ayurvedic medicine is made up of all-natural herbs that heal and cure PCOS problems from the root. Reduces inflammation, and itching and gives long-lasting relief.
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sara-alvi · 2 years
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ayurvedexperts · 1 year
Our Ayurvedic medicine for PCOS consists of all-natural ingredients that heals the body internally which increases women's strength and control irregular mensuration period giving long-lasting relief.
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nirogihealthcare1 · 2 years
PCOS - A New Epidemic Causing Infertility and More
What Is PCOS?
PCOS refers to multiple cysts on the ovaries and a host of other problems that go on with them, including lack of ovulation and menstrual abnormalities, facial hair, manly pattern baldness, acne, and weight gain. Women suffering from this condition may also have varying degrees of insulin resistance and an increased prevalence of Type II diabetes, high cholesterol & elevated androgen situations.
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What are the symptoms of PCOS?
You may stop ovulating, or it becomes infrequent
have trouble falling pregnant
experience hard hair on the face and body
suffer from acne
experience high blood pressure
suffer from high cholesterol
develop elevated insulin situations or insulin resistance
gain weight steadily for no real reason
suffer mood changes & last but not least your periods stop, come irregular or painful & your hair thins
What are its causes?
PCOS occurs when a woman does not ovulate, which causes a disruption in the normal, cyclical interaction among her hormones, brain, and ovaries. The exact cause of PCOS is unknown. In history, it was assumed that PCOS was caused entirely by the excess of androgen in the body. More recent exploration has shown that Metabolic patterns associated with insulin resistance and high situations of insulin play key places in PCOS.
The problem is, most of the time women with PCOS try hard to lose the weight only to find that they either can not lose it- or it rebounds once they complete their diet.
Some possible causes of PCOS are high consumption of junk foods, High saturated fat intake, Genetics, Environmental factors, life Factors including stress, lack of exercise, and poor nutrition, Birth control capsules & contraceptive pills
The Diet Connection to PCOS
By far the biggest life contributor to PCOS is poor diet. Research supports that high consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates be getting an unhealthy rise in insulin situations. Insulin stimulates androgen receptors on the outside of the ovary, causing the typical PCOS symptoms of dark hair( on the face, arms, and legs), thin hair( on the head), and acne. In the end, this type of diet will cause weight gain, which will result in insulin resistance( the incapability of the cells to take in insulin) which will aggravate PCOS indeed more.
So how does Insulin affect PCOS?
Insulin resistance and excess insulin production appear to be the reason of the overproduction of androgens associated with PCOS. Insulin transports sugar( in the form of glucose) out of the blood and into muscle, fat, and liver cells, where it’s converted into energy or stored as fat. Women with PCOS produce excessive insulin because their cells are “resistant” to insulin.
The body compensates by producing extra insulin. Resistance means that the process of removing sugar from the blood and into the cells is imperfect and the cells don’t respond to insulin. The pancreas senses high situations of glucose and continues secreting insulin to remove sugar from the blood and into the cells.
When you look at the whole picture of PCOS, you can understand why hormone-blocking medicines similar to birth control pills & insulin- lowering medicines, do not work for a long time. These approaches do not address the main cause of the problem, they only suppress symptoms.
What’s the best treatment for PCOS?
Doctors tend to offer two treatments, both of which affect symptoms only, and neither of which is particularly successful. One treatment is a direct manipulation of reproductive hormones using birth control capsules, androgens, androgen blockers & synthetic estrogens. The other is giving oral medicines for Type II diabetes, which reduces insulin resistance.
Losing weight is one of the main treatments for PCOS, yet it’s one of the hardest treatments to achieve and slim ras syrup is an ayurvedic syrup that helps in losing weight. Whether weight gain is a cause of PCOS or it is a result of PCOS is unclear. PCOS isn’t” cured” by weight loss, but the symptoms of PCOS may be lessened by it, or increased by weight gain.
One of the most important things to remember is that everyone is different – what foods to eat varies according to what your individual hormonal influences. The best approach is to borrow a life system that improves hormonal balance performing in metabolic health, allowing you to lose fat & keep it off. It’s important for you to
– Identify hormonal imbalances
– apply a diet that reflects your hormonal requirements
– Exercise regularly
– Implement nutritional & ayurvedic treatment for PCOS
If you have PCOS you can enhance your fertility and your chances of having a healthy baby by losing weight. This is why weight reduction should be the first line of treatment for PCOS people who suffers from trying to conceive. This needs a multidisciplinary approach to weight operation that fosters lifestyle change through proper diet, exercise, and stress reduction.
The tragedy, of course, is that this is easy to advise, but quite hard to do. No one wants to be fat and losing weight can be really hard to negotiate if you have PCOS. But with the right help, in most cases, it can be achieved.
Original Source: Best Treatment for PCOS in Ayurveda
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marmaayurveda1 · 3 years
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Kusum SF Syrup is a meticulously manufactured Ayurvedic formulation that acts as a Best ayurvedic medicine for hormonal imbalance in female. It exhibits strong effectiveness as an ayurvedic medicine for irregular periods  and best ayurvedic syrup for hormonal imbalance
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dharishahayurveda · 3 years
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Buy Dharishah's Best Ayurvedic Maltina Syrup for Irregular Periods Online at Low Price in India. This is the Best Ayurvedic Tonic for Menstrual Irregularities.
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riyaroy04 · 2 years
The best Ayurvedic syrup for irregular periods
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Irregular periods can be a huge concern for teenagers, as well as women trying to conceive a child or stay on top of their menstrual health. Irregular periods can be the cause or effect of a series of internal processes that manifest as mood swings and other vaginal disorders. Therefore, it is important to take appropriate measures to ensure menstrual health.
Kumaryasavam is an Ayurvedic syrup for irregular periods and hormonal imbalance. It is formulated with various ingredients, such as kumari rasa, dhataki, lauha bhasma, honey, pippali, tvak, jaggery and many more. This herbal syrup is recommended for those who experience painful cramps, abnormal blood flow, irregular menstrual cycles and digestive concerns.
It may also fulfil the deficiency of iron in the body and aid digestion to enhance metabolism and immunity. The recommended dosage is 15-25ml twice daily after your meal or as directed by your Ayurveda practitioner.
You can buy Kumaryasava from the official website of Kerala Ayurveda at the best price. Being the official distributor, Kerala Ayurveda guarantees 100% authenticity and a 30-day easy return policy.
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tomatodeals · 3 years
Marma Ayurveda Kusum syrup for Irregular periods, Menstruation | PCOD and PCOS Relief (200
Marma Ayurveda Kusum syrup for Irregular periods, Menstruation | PCOD and PCOS Relief (200
Price: (as of – Details) Product Description Marma Ayurveda Kusum Syrup A woman’s body goes through a lot of changes during the course of her reproductive lifetime. It is possible that some gynecologic health issues will arise from time to time. Kusum SF Syrup best ayurvedic medicine for hormonal imbalance in females. This exhibits strong effectiveness as an Ayurvedic medicine for hormonal…
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drniteshkhonde · 4 years
Why Ayurvedic Treatment For Gynaecology is Trustworthy?
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Gynecology is the process or part of physiology and medication which manages the functions and ailments exclusively for ladies and girls, particularly those who experience reproduction issues, as it helps to repair menstrual issues from its main causes and again.
 What Ayurveda is?
 Ayurveda is an ages-old antique Vedic medication framework that has its foundations settled in the Indian subcontinent. Ayurveda is a Sanskrit term that means 'study of life and life span'. 'Ayur' signifies life, as well as 'Veda', signifies information. It is the main practice on the planet that follows preventive and curative strategies. The base of Ayurvedic science is to adjust the body, psyche, and soul.
 How does it work?
 As indicated by Ayurveda, every individual is brought into the world with daily existing powers that contain the five components or building squares of nature which are Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Space accordingly.
 Ayurveda has an interesting equalization of these five components in different degrees. This equalization of components is known as a Dosha. There are three essential doshas: Kapha, Pitta, Vata
 Great health is viewed as an ideal condition of harmony between these three doshas.
 Bad eating routine, stress, curbed feelings, and lacking activity are the components that harm one's doshic balance. Henceforth, to keep up the health and great well-being, an individual needs to shuffle with the three doshas and grow or shrink them as conditions request. In basic words, well-being implies balance and order, though sickness implies imbalance and disorder.
 Ayurveda for Women:
 For a large number of years, Ayurveda has given aware and steady answers for ladies in each phase of life for reestablishing and keeping up the stability of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. It is said that we reestablish harmony just when we are cheerful in our brains, fit in our bodies, and fulfilled in our lives!
 Subsequently, by seeing how Ayurveda sees ladies and their Kapha, Vatta, pitta needs during their significant life stages, to be specific: pregnancy, periods, menopause and post-delivery period, we, in Ayurveda conceived answers for menstrual medical problems like period torment, postponed periods, PCOD and white release.
 Understanding the Core of Ayurveda for Treating Problems Related To Women:
 Gynecology is a medication area that centers around ladies' well-being issues and the endless physical difficulties they face in their daily routine. Probably the most well-known gynecology issues incorporate pimples, white release, unusual menstrual cycle, vaginal tingling, pelvic torment, infectivity, and inefficiency, fibroids as well as the painful menstrual cycle. Each of these issues is an aftereffect of ill-advised food, way of life, and routine.
 Ayurveda is the Best treatment for unusual Menstrual Cycle, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Treatment and Irregular Menstruation
 As per Ayurveda, gynecology issues are separated into two areas, 'Prasuti Tantra' and 'Stree Rogam'. 'Prasuti Tantra' is an ages-old science obliging pregnancy-related issues and 'Stree Rogam' is a study of Ayurveda taking into account different ladies well-being issues
 In both cases, the main reason for these medical problems in ladies is because of the unevenness of pitta, Kapha, and Vata doshas. Regardless of whether it is the irregular period treatment or some other type of treatment, no alternative is superior to Ayurveda and for ayurvedic treatments, Nagpur is an all-time favorite option due to the best gynecologist in Nagpur with their best strategies, knowledge, and treatments.
 Some Common Gynecological Disorders :
 Probably the most widely recognized sorts of gynecology medical problems are:
 •  Early menopause
•  Uterine Bleeding
•  Impotency
•  Amenorrhoea
•  Endometritis
•  Pelvic Varicosities
•  Vaginal Infection
•  Oligomenorrhoea
•  Uterine Fibroids
•  Hormonal Imbalances
•  Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
•  Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases
Causes of Gynecological Disorders :
 The absolute most basic reasons for gynecology issues include:
 •  Injury
•  Sexual misuse
•  Vaginal aggravation
•  Early pubescence
•  Hormonal irregularity
•  Blood cluster
•  Birth control pills
•  Tubal pregnancy
•  Cancer
•  Use of Intrauterine device
•  Weak pelvic area
•  Improper food and lifestyle
•  Excessive sweating
 Symptoms of Gynecology Disorders:
 The most widely recognized signs for gynecologic issues include:
 •  Itching in the vaginal territory
•  Pelvic torment
•  White or earthy colored vaginal release
•  Discomfort in the vaginal territory
•  Pain and bumps in the bosom
•  Excessive vaginal dying
•  Depression
•  Lower back agony
•  Flatulence
•  Insomnia
•  Nausea
•  Menstrual squeezing
•  Edema
•  Fatigue
•  Irritability
•  Red eyes
•  Burning sensation
Ayurvedic Treatment for Gynecology issues:
 There are numerous cures and solutions for ladies related medical issues however since immemorial time, Ayurveda has demonstrated the most gainful. The absolute most ideal choices for Ayurvedic gynecological treatments are:
 •  Virechana: The treatment attempts to remove the aggregation of Pita dosha.
•  Vamana: The treatment attempts to evacuate poisons shaped in the body through puking.
•  Uttaravasti: This works best for bladder issues.
•  Nasya: Treatment is performed through the nasal course to evacuate poisons.
•  Panchakarma: This treatment works for detoxification and refinement.
 Besides, numerous spices of herb pull wondrous outcomes when utilized for treating gynecology issues which include:
 •  Herbs for Cervix Relaxation: Natural herb like mourn leaf, parsley leaf, and tansy leaves.
•  Syrups for cervix Infections: Herbs as dandelion, ginger, and raspberry.
•  Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: turmeric, Cinnamon, zinc, chromium, berberine, and cod liver oil.
•  Hormone Balancing Herbs: Herb as a lemon ointment, wild sweet potato, milk, and thorn.
 For the best ayurvedic treatment gynaecology, one must focus on the best gynecologist in Nagpur to give you the best administrations with affirmation and positive thinking.
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blogvaidehipalsokar · 4 years
Today we will take about ayurveda and to be more presided about some certain elements of ayurveda which can useful for our health, keep us fit and fine.
Ashwagandha, Gudhuchi, Tulsi Leaf, Black Pepper, Shatarvari, Draksha, Adulsa, Kalmegh, Pippali, Shunthu these are the some herbs about which I will be sharing points in detail
The benefits of each individual are many in number so we will discuss the most common health problems we face in our life and how these elements can help us curing them naturally.
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·     Stress and anxiety : In today’s busy life stress and anxiety has become very common and these problems does not look for any age group, people for any age can and do face stress and anxiety so ashwagandha plays a role in helping us reducing them as it supports adrenal by normalizing adrenal level. It is also closely link to thyroid function as well so it has and indirect effect on improving thyroid function too.
·     Increases stamina and endurance : We hustle and work hard all our hard all day and we do not time to rest even so to regain our stamina and energy time to time ashwagandha helps a lot it improves lung capacity while increasing energy level.
·     Balanced blood sugar level : It helps in balancing sugar level by reducing it whenever it is too high or by increasing it whenever it is too low.
·     Arthritis cure : It has potential inflammatory properties which is useful in painful conditions like arthritis as this herb is rich in iron.
You can find ashwagandha tablets and liquids on 3meds online app.
·     Digestion : Guduchi is one of the most useful herb as it treats digestive ailments such as hyperacidity, appetite loss, abdominal pain and liver ailments like hepatitis.
·     Digestion : Guduchi is one of the most useful herb as it is used in treating issues such as hyperacidity, appetite loss, abdominal pain and liver problems like hepatitis.
·     Fever : It also helps in curing chronic fever, remember than scratch of the guduchi plant is a very fine home remedy which helps in reducing burning sensation handles appetite and provides energy as in fever we become very weak.
·     Diabetes treatment : People with diabetes please stick your eyes on this point as a mixture of guduchi, nimbi and vask helps in treating diabetes and lowering the blood sugar level.
·     Reduces cold cough and other respiratory disorders.
·     Camphene and cineole are present in tulsi which helps to reduce cold and cough in chest, consuming it as a form of tea is the best way to have it.
·     Juice of tulsi leaf which is mixed with honey and ginger helps in asthma, influenza, cough and cold.
·     Anti-cancer properties as phytochemicals are present in tulsi has strong anti oxidant property which helps us preventing from skin, liver oral and lung cancer.
·     Treats loss of apatite, bloating and indigestion.
Find organic tulsi powder and tea on 3meds an online pharmacy app.
·     Weight loss : as it breaks down fat cells and improves metabolism, extracts nutrients from food and helps in removing extra water and toxins.
·     Improves skin : If it is mixed with honey, curd and cream or also if a pinch of black pepper is added in the food so it will help your skin gain oxygen, enables blood circulation and gets rid of wrinkles.
·     Addresses depression : Depression is something a single herb cannot cure totally but can contribute in it to help you deal with as black pepper helps your brain to stimulate, helps if function properly and make it more active.
·     Female reproductive health : Problem of irregular periods and symptoms of PMS is faced by almost all women so black pepper manages PMS and helps in bring menstrual cycle right back on track.
·     Breast milk production : Some mothers of new born baby cannot breast feed because of the less amount of milk production, it can happen because of different reasons like amentia, lower BP, stress. This does not cause harm to the baby in fact this helps in the nourishment of the child.
·     Reduces mood swing : Mood swings are mostly found in women, many men can understand it more nicely and this happens because of periods, pregnancy and for sometimes on normal days also for no reason at all, so black pepper helps in handling mood swing of both men and women too.
·     Fertility issue : Couples those are finding it difficult to conceive so black pepper can help them at some level as it’s ingredients are very beneficiary and it is a powerful herb.
Get capsules at any medical store near you.
·     Reduces tiredness : Students have the most hectic schedule as they so many things like school, tuition, extra classes, exam and etc to do in day to day life so it is very for them to have draksha, they must eat so they do not lack of enery.
·     Bleeding disorders : Ripened grapes helps in preventing bleeding disorders.
·     Increases apatite : Semi-ripened grapes are sour in taste which helps in gaining the lost apatite.
·     Anxiety and stress cure, makes mind calm and relax.
ADULSA (malabur nut)
·     It is the best home remedy which helps in problems like bleeding gums, piles, ulcers.
·     It halts the growth of cancer, tumor and lowers the cholesterol level.
·     Reduces high BP.
·     Good for asthma and cough, get adulsa cought syrup at any 24 hour medical store near you.
·     Cures minor vaginal infection too.
·     Digestive: Promotes Digestion 
·     Hepatoprotective : Protects the liver and bladder.
·     Vermicidal : Kills intestinal worms and supports the intestine.
·     Anti-acne: Protect skin from pimples. 
·     Anti-inflammatory : Helps in reducing swelling and boycotts exudation too.
·     Hypoglycemic: Blood sugar reducer. Immune Enhancement.
·         Laxative: Aids bowel elimination
·     Diarrhea : helps in curing diarrhea, drink long pepper soup in diarrhea.
·     Toothache : nothing is better than long pepper paste with salt and water for you gums apply it on painful gums and keep if for 1 hour.
·     Cough and sore throat : fry 1-2 gm of long pepper allow it cool and then swallow everything at once you can also mix it with honey to cure sore throat.
·     Motion sickness : helps in curing motion sickness or morning sickness which is mainly faced by pregnant ladies, it should be consumed mixed with water.
·     Improves metabolism : It contains thermogenic agents which are useful for fat burn and boosting metabolism.
·     Helps in good digestion and eliminating excess gas from intestinal tracts.
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There is no better cure than the home remedies which our parents are making for us since forever whenever we fell sick and we cannot deny with the fact that it helped us getting better in no time, so do not neglect ayurveda totally. I hope that mentioned benefits of each elements helps you understanding the value of ayurveda.
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indianayurveda · 1 year
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Consume a balanced diet with a focus on fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid processed and sugary foods that can worsen PCOD symptoms and disrupt hormonal balance. Include foods rich in antioxidants, such as berries, green leafy vegetables, and nuts, to reduce oxidative stress, which is associated with PCOD. Incorporate herbs like cinnamon and fenugreek, known for their potential to improve insulin sensitivity and hormone regulation. Our ayurvedic treatment for PCOS gives effective medicine without any side effects and gives long-lasting relief.
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marmaayurveda-blog · 4 years
Are you looking for effective Ayurvedic medicine for constipation? Here we have one for you!!
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Constipation the word itself scares us, right? But not worry because this blog will make it easy to cure it effectively. Constipation is one of the most obvious health problems these days in people. According to a recent survey, about 22.7% per cent of Indians are prone to regular constipation. The constipation issue states to 3% of the overall visits to comprehensive pediatric healthcare centres. The statistical data reports advice that the occurrence and recurrence of this constipation disease is a significant issue among the middle classes of society. Let us discuss more what is constipation and symptoms to identify it.
 What is Constipation?
 Constipation is a condition wherein the stools become difficult to pass or stop moving for some time. However, constipation comes with one or more of the following symptoms, which are as follows:
 Straining/ Pain during a   bowel movement
Being unable to process a  bowel movement smoothly
A sense that a bowel     movement was is not complete fully 
A feeling of being blocked     up with remains within.
The stools in it can be dry,     pellet-like or hard, which itself gives a sense of constipation     occurrence. 
 What is Constipation as per Ayurveda?
 In Ayurveda, there are three types of constipation that children or adults suffer. And this constipation is based on the Tridoshas and their imbalances which are: Vata, Pitta, Kapha. 
 Constipation due to Vata dosha is because of excessive dryness in the body. It occurs due to the intake of an excessive amount of dry foods, and decidedly less intake of ghee, butter, and oils. It can also occur due to the disproportionate amount of physical exercise.
 Constipation due to Pitta Dosha is due to the excess heat generation within the body. The heat generation usually occurs particularly in the intestines/ colons and the stomach; perhaps this is due to the consumption of foods/beverages that are hot in potency, which stops the stool movement and causes constipation.
 The third type is the Kapha Dosha imbalance, in which the main cause of constipation is because of overeating which includes consumption of stale and cold food. Also, sloth and lazy lifestyle add to Kapha dosha constipation.
 Causes of Constipation:
 Constipation is due to the following reasons:
 ·         Avoiding the natures call for a long time. 
·         A sedentary lifestyle insufficient fibre in the diet.
·         Inadequate water intake.
·         Lack of exercise.
·         Heavy meat-eating.
·         Irregular eating habits.
·         An incorrect diet.
·         A disturbed and worried mind.
·         Drinking too much tea or coffee. 
 How Does It Affect The Human Body?
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  A day without satisfactory bowel movement can be very disturbing and sometimes very painful. Our today's lifestyle is such that it has given a boost to this problem. Most people affected by this constipation problem feel bloated, which in turn causes an inability to pass stool easily. Constipation increases the chances of; distension and discomfort, headache and bad breath, flatulence and pain; in fact, at times there are 50% chances that it may also lead to absorption of toxin from the colon. It is preferable to keep Vata dosha under control. According to a famous book on Ayurvedic medicine for constipation, "Constipation Kick it natural" by TC Hale. It says that constipation may also cause acidity, pimples, acne, ulcers in the mouth, heartburn, and in some cases, it has chances to cause depression.
 Healing Constipation with Ayurvedic Laxative Syrup: 
 Ayurveda recommends specific remedies and other Ayurvedic medicine for constipation. It helps to make the bowel movement uninterrupted and smooth. However, it does deny the fact that you should have a balanced diet to keep bowel movement going. We at Marma Ayurveda have also introduced in Ayurvedic laxative syrup for constipation which is very effective and can help in easy bowel movement.
 Ayurvedic Laxative Syrup by Marma Ayurveda:
 It is Ayurvedic medicine for constipation that helps to initiate an effective colon cleanses and improves digestion. ayurvedic syrup for constipation ensures that your bowel movement is easy, smooth and regular. The Ayurvedic laxative syrup is a bowel cleansing decoction based syrup for constipation with magical ingredients that have their specific therapeutic efficacy in controlling constipation.
 Ingredients of Ayurvedic Laxative Syrup: 
 Haritaki, Manuka, Vavding, Nishoth, Indravaruni, Sunthi, Dantimool, Gokshur
 Haritaki ( Terminalia Chebula): it's a medicinal herb which is rich in properties of laxative-containing dietary fibres.
 · Helps in digesting undigested food residue.
· Helps in proper excreta formation and release movement.
· Helps to eliminate toxins from the body.
· Helps to inhibit the growth of harmful E. coli and C.
 Nishoth (Trivrit-Cymbopogam citrates): it helps to not only cure constipation but following; worm infestation, intoxication, haemorrhoids & fistula.
 · It acts as a laxative
· It helps accelerate defecation
· It liquefies and expels stool
 Sunithi (Zingiber Officinale): it helps to kills all the bacterias of the stomach.
 · Helps to reduce pain due to constipation
· Helps to reduce mental stress
· Helps and increase stool movement
 Dantimool (Baliospermum Montanum): It helps to eliminate all the tridoshas which causes constipation.
 · Helps to enhance the movement of stool
· Liquefies the hard, dry stool
· Reduces the gas pain due to constipation
 Manuka(Leptospermum Scoparium): it is a member of the dry fruits family which helps to improve digestion.
 · Helps to generate digestive enzymes 
· Helps to keep bowel moment regular
· Helps to reduce abdominal pain 
 Side Effects and Safety:
  No side effects are observed with Ayurvedic laxative syrup ( laxone SF syrup) by Marma Ayurveda. It's proven to be safe in acute (or 10-20 ml at bedtime, preferably with lukewarm water) toxicity studies. The gross pathological test did not proclaim any abnormalities or any virtue of toxicity during the 14 day test period.
 Ayurvedic treatment for constipation is not a big deal when taken under guidance. The associated health problems or side effects like acidity also comes along with constipation which is more holistic and thus a proper Ayurvedic medicine for constipation which cures all the associated side effects should be preferred to avoid side effects of treatment. Ayurvedic laxative syrup ( laxone SF syrup) by Marma Ayurveda is the best when compared with other similar products. It comes with zero side effects. To buy the product and know more about it, click on the following link: 
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livehealthy-well · 5 years
Source: Amenorrhea
Amenorrhea is defined as the absence of a menstrual period in a woman during her reproductive age.  Women who missed her three menstrual periods are dealing with amenorrhea problem. It is a normal feature in prepubertal, pregnant, and post-menopausal females. The physiological state of amenorrhea is seen most commonly during pregnancy and lactation. Apart from the reproductive years, there is an absence of menses during childhood and after menopause.
For a woman to have regular menstrual cycles, her hypothalamus  (stimulates the pituitary gland), pituitary gland (that releases luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone which influence the production of estrogen and progesterone that control cyclic changes in the lining of the uterus), ovaries, and uterus must be functioning properly.
Environmental factors play an important role in determining the menstrual flow, its integrity, and regularity. Menstrual dysfunction reveals infertility and increases the future risk of various chronic diseases such as diabetes, breast cancer, and cardiovascular diseases.
What are the different Types of Amenorrhea?
There are mainly two types of Amenorrhea –
1. Primary Amenorrhea
When a woman has not her first menstrual period by the age of 14 years and no signs of other sexual characteristics (such as developing breasts and pubic hair), it is known as primary amenorrhea or delayed menarche. This is common in teenage girls who:
Are very thin or an athletic
Have a genetic problem
Have abnormal female reproductive organs
Imperforate hymen
Having low energy availability (for example eating disorders, excessive exercise, decreased caloric intake )
2. Secondary Amenorrhea
It occurs when periods have stopped for about three months or more. It is commonly seen in
Emotional or physical stress
Rapid weight loss
Strenuous exercise
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Premature ovarian failure
What are the Signs & Symptoms of Amenorrhea?
The main symptom of amenorrhea is the absence of menstrual periods. Other signs & symptoms include-
Excess body and facial hair
Lowering of the voice
Altered sex drive
Changes in the breast
Weight gain or weight loss
Dry skin and hair
Muscular and neural pain
What is an Ayurvedic view of Amenorrhea?
According to Ayurveda, Amenorrhea is termed as ‘Anartava’. According to Acharya Charka, the imbalance of the Vata Dosha in women is the main cause of Amenorrhea. Aggravated Vata dosha accumulated in the body and relocated to Purishvaha srotas.
Normally, the food is digested by the digestive fire and converted into rasa dhatu. This rasa dhatu provides nourishment to the successive dhatus and other tissues of the body. Anartava or menstrual blood is a part of this rasa dhatu. But when the digestion is impaired, instead of the healthy rasa dhatu, ama or toxins are produced. This ama gathers in rasavahi srotas or artavavahi srotas which causes blockage in them and stops the menstrual flow, leading to Amenorrhea.
What is an Ayurvedic Treatment for Amenorrhea?
The strength of Ayurvedic treatment is its ability to remove the root cause of the disease rather than treating the symptoms. Ayurveda has numerous natural and pure herbs which are very beneficial in the treatment of Amenorrhea.
Chandigarh Ayurved Centre provided you the ‘’Amenorrhea Go Kit’’, which includes total 5 products – Rajpravartini vati, Stri Poshak tablet, Stri Poshak capsules, Stri Poshak syrup, & Ashwagandha tablet.
1. Rajpravartini Vati
Rajpravartini vati is an Ayurvedic medicine that is best for the treatment of women’s health problems. Its main effects appear on ovaries and uterus. The ingredients used for the preparation of vati are – Shuddha tankan (Purified borax), Kaseesa (Purified blue vitriol), Shuddha Hingu (Purified ferula asafoetida), etc. It pacifies the Vata and Kapha doshas. The main action of the vati is to increase the menstrual flow and eliminate the flow obstruction caused by aggravated Kapha.
Recommended Dosage – Take 2 tablets twice a day with normal water.
2. Stri Rasayan
Stri Rasayan is the best remedy to treat all the gynecological problems. It is being prepared from the formation of several herbs and extracts to provide health benefits naturally. The composition of Stri Rasayan contains – Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Amla (Emblica officinalis), Devdaru (Cedrus deodara), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Nagkeshar (Mesua ferrea), Guggulu (Commiphora mukul), etc. It mainly helps to strengthen the uterine muscles, relieve the pelvic pain, vomiting, etc.
Recommended Dosage – Take 2 tablets twice a day with normal water.
3. Stri-Poshak Syrup
Stri Poshak Syrup is very beneficial in curing woman’s physical weakness, anemia, reproductive problems, etc. It includes – Ashok chall (Saraca asoca), Lodhar chall (Symplocos racemosa), Khadir chall (Acacia catechu), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra), etc. The ingredients used in this syrup mainly balances the Pitta and Kapha doshas and helps to get relief from hot flashes, disturbed sleep, abdominal discomfort, mood elevation, amenorrhea, excess sweating, tiredness, etc.
Recommended Dosage– Take 2 teaspoonful twice a day with normal water.
4. Stri-Poshak Capsules
These capsules contain – Ashok chall (Saraca asoca), Lodhar chall (Symplocos racemosa), Aamlaki (Emblica officinalis), Nagkesar (Mesua ferrea), etc. Stri Poshak capsules mainly balance the kapha dosha. This capsule is very beneficial in maintaining women’s health. It is used in irregular menstrual periods, pelvic pain. The capsules are very effective in the management of headache, muscular pain, general weakness, etc.
Recommended Dosage – Take 2 capsules twice a day with normal water.
5. Ashwagandha Tablet
Ashwagandha is a traditional medicinal herb with multiple health benefits. It helps to reduce anxiety, stress, and helps to fight against depression, beneficial for regulation of the menstrual cycle and also supports the female reproductive system and gives satisfactory results.
Recommended Dosage – Take 2 tablets twice a day with normal water.
What is the Panchakarma Treatment for Amenorrhea?
Panchakarma is the best way to treat any type of acute or chronic diseases as it overall detoxifies the body. Chandigarh Ayurved Centre provides the Bliss therapy consisting of Abhyanga, Shirodhara, Swedana treatments. It helps in pacifying Vata dosha and nourishes the system. The therapies are beneficial for the treatment of amenorrhea and are conducted under the supervision of a Ayurvedic Doctor.
Healthy Tips and Diet for Amenorrhea Patients-
Take plenty of fresh fruits, and vegetable in raw, juice, or soup form.
Avoid hard digesting and junking food items.
Avoid ice creams, cold drinks, alcohol, smoking, etc.
Eat warm, nutritious and easily digestible foods like khichadi and soup which give the gastrointestinal tract a rest and facilitate cleansing.
Drink filtered or boiled water.
Limit the use of Contraceptive pills.
Eat a Calcium-rich food at each meal that helps in maintaining the bone density.
Medication and Relaxation techniques are beneficial to overcome mental stress.
Daily oil massage can be helpful in maintaining the imbalanced dosha.
Take deepana dravyas like Cinnamon (is a good choice because of its demulcent and stimulating properties), Dried Ginger (works as an emmenagogue), & Turmeric (helps to regulate menses by decongesting the liver).
Exercise is very beneficial to bring back the menstrual cycle because it reduces stress and brings balance to the endocrine system.
Regular practicing yoga has good results in the treatment of Amenorrhea. Do perform Yoga Asana such as Dhanurasana, Ustrasana, Bhujangasana, Malasana, and Baddha Konasana.
Do perform Pranayama like Anulom Vilom, Shitali, Sheetkari, and Chandrabhedi pranayama.
AlsoRead: ovarian cyst diet, tulsi amrit ras, sarcoidosis treatment in ayurveda,ayurvedic store in mohali, ayurvedic medicine for amenorrhea
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Menstrual irregularity is appears to be very common finding in today’s era of junk food and unhealthy life style of modern world.
Woman’s body continuously undergoes with numerous hormonal changes, right from the beginning of her menstruation till the time she attains menopause. These hormonal imbalances lead to physical and emotional changes. Irregular periods among the most common ones experienced by women.
Irregularity in your periods means you could experience any of the following:
·         you may have heavy bleeding or very scanty bleeding
·         long cycle or a very short cycle
·         you may have a skipped period
·         you may also have spotting
There is no particular definition of irregularity. If you experience any changes in your monthly cycles, which last longer than usual, it is considered as irregular periods. The normal length of a woman's menstrual cycle is 28 days, but this varies between individuals.
The length of a monthly cycle may either last longer than usual or end earlier than usual, only to begin in a short while again, accompanied by greater abdominal pain and blood loss.
In the beginning of first menstruation, it can take up to 2 years to establish a regular cycle. After puberty, most women's menstruation is regular. The length of time between each period is similar.
However, for some women, the time between periods and the amount of blood shed vary considerably. This is known as irregular menstruation.
Causes of Irregular Menstrual Cycle: 
The altered hormonal levels in the body lead to irregular menstrual cycles. There are many factors in routine life which affect hormonal balance, like-
·         Food: Poor diet or wrong dietary habits
·         Stress, emotions and anxiety  
·         Lifestyle: Lack of physical activity and exercise, too much physical exertion
·         Puberty: your periods might be irregular for the first year or two
·         Before menopause
·         During pregnancy, menstruation ceases, and most women do not have periods while they are breast-feeding.
·         Hormonal contraception: such as the contraceptive pill or intrauterine system (IUS)
·         Extreme weight loss or weight gain, excessive exercise or stress
·         Medical conditions: such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or a problem with your thyroid
Try herbal supplement for irregular periods- M2 Tone
Charak Pharma, has a best ayurvedic tablets and syrup for irregular periods in the form of  M2-TONE. M2-TONE is a comprehensive formulation for regulating menstrual cycle and controlling related symptoms like pain, lethargy and stress.
M2-TONE contains Ashoka (Saraca indica) and Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa) that correct hormonal imbalance and improve ovarian functions. It maintains nutritional balance and improves uterine health. It restores emotional balance by relieving anxiety and tension with its mild tranquilizing agents like Ashwgandha (Withania somnifera) and Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) and Deodaru (Cedrus deodara). Nagkeshar (Mesua ferrea) improves the endocrinal function and restores hormonal balance. Shuddha Kasis is an iron supplement.
The regular use of M2 Tone which proven to be a best ayurvedic tablets and syrup for irregular periods, can promote uterine health, regain your regular menstrual pattern and relives the pain associated with irregular periods.
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