#best bean bags
marclef · 3 months
alright.... SO. since there has been.... a very big influx of people asking for Fake Peppino hugs. i have taken the liberty of making this easier for myself and shoved them all into (mostly) one drawing!! hooray!!!
(aside from 2 that i couldn't fit, and felt like drawing differently. but... you'll see!)
but anyways, i hereby present... THE FAKE PEPPINO HUG PILE!!!
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featuring the hug-ees @noodletime (don't worry, he's been given VERY strict rules not to eat you.), @juliatv, @lavenderrvalleyy, @cyanityinsanity101, @yoyosiuwu, @hamsterrodent, and @creat0rstudi0! i hope i drew you all right 🤗😊
.... and now, two more Fakeys for your (hopefully) viewing pleasure!!
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for the lovely @thatspecificanomaly, with their "Fake" Brick... i think getting a hug might be a bit too dangerous for them though, Fake seems fairly suspicious...... 👀💧
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and then for my friend @abbyroseflame24, because i couldn't figure out where the heck to fit her into the big drawing... so she gets a full-body snuggle instead 🤗
(... phew, that's like 10 asks out of the way now at least 😅)
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nachowtoast · 8 months
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My version of half-nakey Mammon! Ah.... I wanted to draw this for a long time now, but art got me hard. Here is an explanation of why I have chosen this design. :3 I imagine him with Antennae cause the sins we have seen (Ozz and Bee) have something on their fluffy heads too. Will draw an angry version/monster version soon to show how they react to his electricity! Mammon probably being the first clown/jester ever got me thinking that the jester hat was just to hide these cuties under there. They are sensitive~ His mismatched colors on his hands and feet: We´ve seen him at his own concert and that prolly were his naked hands with no gloves on. Why? Slamming the guitar is way easier without an extra layer on. haha : D Feetsies with two jelly beans. Why? Look up Spider Paws and you know why. XD Plus... his feet are sooooo tiny!!! I drew them way too big. I love dog paws.. as an owner of an overly fluffy dog with tiny feet I love paawiies!! The white fur? Some spooders got "fur". I love @devilsroost ´s design of Mammon! Using the white fluff design makes him compatible with all kinds of clothing and also looks good in his giant form. Plus I love fur so much and it makes him even more dangerous if that manipulative arse looks cute and fluffy. (No you don´t need to know why it is important for me to imagine giant spooder Mammon nakey) The nipples~ Black diamond-shaped nippies cause Ozzie has heart-shaped ones and Mam has the black rhomb signs all over his suits. (They are mostly covered with fur so you can´t make out the form much...) Hair? Yeah... he just combs it back cause that is the mafia vibe, but it can be poofy and cute looking too : D
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cookinguptales · 8 days
From the Halloween asks:
✨ - Best Halloween memory?
Ohhhhh hmm. I had a lot of fun trick-or-treating at Disney World while I was a teen, but admittedly the people I usually went with... make it less of a positive memory, in retrospect. One year we did all make homemade Lock, Shock, and Barrel masks and we looked fantastic. lmao
I also have really, really loved some of Sleep No More's Halloween parties, but I've never actually gone on Halloween proper, I don't think...
I lived on a floor full of Ancient Studies/Museum Studies majors when I was a freshman in college and we all watched The Mummy and wrapped each other up in toilet paper and that was fun, too...
Honestly, though, if it comes to like Pure Joy, there was this one year I went trick-or-treating with my best friend in Ohio. We were probably like... idk, 8? And it was the absolute apex of the Wonder Ball craze.
(For my non-American followers, they were sort of like Kinder Eggs but usually had toys relating to popular children's brands like Disney. The toy version was eventually made illegal here just like Kinder Eggs are, lmao. They replaced the toy with shitty candies.)
My dad never let me get one at the grocery store when he let me pick out a treat because they were so expensive (a whole dollar, lmao) so I desperately wanted one. They still had toys in them back then and everyone wanted one. But I'd never gotten one.
So Jody and I go trick-or-treating and we come to this quiet cul-de-sac that apparently no kids went to...? And there was this nice couple there who had clearly decided to go all-out for Halloween and they'd bought an entire box of Wonder Balls. Since no other kids had shown up, they let Jody and I take like five each and it was glorious.
I remember going back to her house and her dad had the Simpsons Halloween special on TV (fun for me as I was not allowed to watch The Simpsons back then) and we broke open our Wonder Balls and had a great night. :')
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offbrandhand · 9 months
I got Oscar a giant bean bag for Christmas and he will not move. Like talk about immovable force this dog will not fucking get up
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This 200 lbs beefcake of a dog will not get up no matter what I say or do. I laid on top of him and he just squished down deeper. I bribed with treats and a walk and he melted away further.
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He is lost to the bean bag. He will remain there until he rots into the woven fabric of time itself. This dog won’t even lift his head to look at me. Bitch barely moves his fucking eyes. He hasn’t moved once in the past 3 hours he’s been laying in it. Not once.
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The Urge to walk on things like they’re a balance beam
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prismaticpichu · 2 years
I know not too much activity lately, but hmmmmm right now Zack & Seph are sitting at Seph’s kitchen with a chemistry book bc Zack wanted an education past the 7th grade to make up for what he exchanged for SOLDIER and Seph is very proud! <3
Lazard has no idea why fully-constructed tests are being printed amid the other stuff, but hey, don’t look at him he’s just the director. It takes some Fs, but Seph soon realizes that pictureless articles aren’t gonna stick to his friend’s head—not like they make themselves home for him. No! He needs to represent the states of matter with a Moogle, a Moogle puddle, and a Moogle smoke cloud drawing. Ofc, Zack’s gonna do even better with an incentive :3c Lo and behold he passes with flying colors! And as promised, if (he really means when) he passes, he’ll agree to a movie—anything of Zack’s choice. It’s a very cozy night! This tutoring evolves into a weekly thing on Friday, each week with a new subject (ofc Sephiroth orders the history books outside of ShinRa. He’s not letting Zack drink that kool-aid), using finger puppets to reenact battles and divvying out pretzels to convey the distributive property.
Zack catches on like a fish every time—especially when there’s a new incentive Seph commits to! (He still can’t believe he actually agreed to go to the bowling alley). Zack loves this quality time so much, and Seph treasures it too <33 Being able to restore a piece of Zack’s childhood and keep him connected to the world of a real teenager is everything to him. He wants to bring as a much of home to ShinRa as he can <3 Tho, Zack always feels at home, he always does even when they’re away on missions. But heck! There’s nothing better than your teacher being your best friend!
The safe haven is always open! *flicks on singular night light*
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scientia-rex · 5 months
A lot of younger people have no idea what aging actually looks and feels like, and the reasons behind it. That ignorance is so dangerous. If you don’t want to “be old,” you aren’t talking about a number of years. I have patients in their late 80s who could still handily beat me in a race—one couple still runs marathons together, in their late 80s—and I lost someone who was in her early 60s to COPD last year. What you want is not youth, it is health.
If you want to still be able to enjoy doing things in your 60s and 70s and 80s and even 90s, what you want to do, right now, is quit smoking, get some activity on a regular basis (a couple of walks a week is WAY better for you than nothing; increasing from 1 hour a day of cardio to 1.5 will buy you very little), and eat some plants. That’s it. No magic to it. No secret weird tricks. Don’t poison yourself, move around so your body doesn’t forget how, and eat plants.
If you have trouble moving around now because of mobility limitations, bad news: you still need to move around, not because it’s immoral not to, but because that’s still the best advice we have. I highly recommend looking up the Sit and Be Fit series; it is freely available and has exercises that can be done in a chair, which are suitable for people with limited mobility or poor balance. POTS sufferers, I’m looking at you.
If you have trouble eating plants because of dietary issues (they cause gas, etc.) or just because they’re bitter (super taster with texture issues here!), bad news. You still want to find a way to get some plants into your body on a regular basis. I know. It sucks. The only way I can do it is restaurants—they can make salads taste like food. I can also tolerate some bagged salads. On bad weeks, the OCD with contamination focus gets so bad I just can’t. However, canned beans always seem “safe,” and they taste a bit like candy, so they’re a good fallback.
If you smoke and you have tried quitting a million times and you’re just not ready to, bad news. You still need to quit. Your body needs you to try and keep trying. Your brain needs it, too. Damaging small blood vessels racks up cumulative damage over time that your body can start trying to reverse as soon as you quit. I know it’s insanely, absurdly addictive. You still need to.
You cannot rules lawyer your way past your body’s basic needs. It needs food, sleep, activity, and the absence of poison. Those are both small things and big asks. You cannot sustain a routine based on punishment, so don’t punish your body. Find ways to include these things that are enjoyable and rewarding instead. Experiment. There is no reason not to experiment—you don’t have to know instantly what’s going to work for you and what won’t, you just need to be willing to try things and make changes when things aren’t working for you.
You will still age. Your body will stop making collagen and elastin. Tissues you can see and tissues you can’t see will both sag. Cushioning tissues under your skin will get thinner. You’ll bruise more easily. Skin will tear more easily. Accumulated sun damage will start to show more and more. Joints will begin to show arthritis. Tendons and ligaments will get weaker and get injured more easily, as will muscles. Bones will lose mass and get easier to break. You’ll get tired more easily.
But you know what makes the difference between being dead, or as good as, in your 60s vs your 90s? Activity, plants, and quitting smoking. And don’t do meth. Saw a 58-year-old guy this week who is going to have a heart attack if he doesn’t quit whatever stimulant he’s on. I pretended to believe it was just the cigarettes, and maybe it is, but meth and cocaine will kill you quicker. Stop poisoning yourself.
Baby steps; take it one step at a time; you don’t need to have everything figured out right now. But you do need to be working on figuring things out.
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sneeg-snag · 4 days
do i just…. buy a walmart mattress this week… hegrhrghhrhrrr
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longbottomcoffees · 5 months
Longbottom Coffee: Your One-Stop Shop for Premium Coffee and More
In the quest for the perfect cup, coffee connoisseurs like myself are constantly on the hunt for exceptional beans. We crave that first sip revelation, the burst of flavor that elevates the everyday into something truly special. My search recently led me to the doors of Longbottom Coffee, and let me tell you, it was a journey well worth taking.
A Haven for Coffee Aficionados
Walking into Longbottom Coffee is an experience for the senses. The rich aroma of freshly roasted beans fills the air, a warm and inviting welcome. The cafe itself is a delightful blend of modern design and classic comfort. Glass display cases showcase an enticing array of whole beans, each origin boasting its own unique story. The friendly baristas, with their genuine passion for coffee, are eager to answer questions and guide you towards your perfect cup.
Beyond the Brews: A Celebration of Coffee Culture
Longbottom Coffee isn't just about the caffeine fix. They've cultivated a space that celebrates Best Coffee America has to offer. Whether you're a seasoned home brewer or just starting to explore the world of specialty coffee, Longbottom offers a wealth of resources. They host cupping sessions, where you can sample different origins and learn to discern their subtle flavor profiles. There are also brewing workshops, where coffee gurus share their expertise on everything from French press techniques to the finer points of pour-over.
Coffee Roasters Near Me? Look No Further!
Longbottom Coffee roasts their beans in-house, ensuring the freshest possible experience. Witnessing the roasting process through the large observation window is fascinating. The careful attention to detail, from the selection of green beans to the meticulous control of roasting profiles, is a testament to their commitment to crafting an unparalleled coffee experience.
The result? Beans brimming with life, bursting with complex flavors, and boasting an aroma that is pure sensory delight. Longbottom offers a diverse selection of roasts, from light and bright to rich and full-bodied. Their baristas are experts at tailoring their brewing methods to each roast, ensuring you experience the coffee at its peak potential.
Bagged Coffee Near Me? Longbottom Delivers!
For those who prefer to brew at home, Longbottom Coffee offers their freshly roasted beans in a variety of sizes. Their packaging is beautiful and resealable, ensuring your precious beans stay fresh until the very last cup. But the good news doesn't stop there! Longbottom Coffee also offers online ordering with convenient home delivery, making it easier than ever to get your hands on their premium beans (Search for "Bagged Coffee Near Me" and Longbottom should be at the top of your results!).
The Search is Over: The Best Coffee in America?
Let me be clear: my search for the perfect cup has ended at Longbottom Coffee. Their commitment to quality, from sourcing to roasting to brewing, is evident in every sip. Whether you're a seasoned coffee enthusiast or just beginning your exploration, Longbottom offers a welcoming atmosphere, exceptional coffee, and a wealth of knowledge waiting to be shared. So next time you're searching for "Coffee Roasters Near Me" or "Best Coffee in America," look no further than Longbottom Coffee. You won't be disappointed.
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likirahub99outfitstees · 10 months
Let's Rock Year T-shirts, Travel Mugs, Stickers, Pillow, Crewneck Sweatshirt, iPhone Case, and Many More…
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Treat Yourself Shop at - likirahub99
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decampau · 11 months
Website: https://www.decamp.com.au/
Address: Northern Beaches, Sydney, Australia
DECAMP, established in 2021, is an Australian brand rooted in a passion for travel, adventure, and camping, with a staunch commitment to sustainability. Originating from a love for a community that shares a vision for a better future and environment, DECAMP provides a range of sustainable products, including a durable, sleek bottle available in various colors and styles, designed to offer an elegant, cost-effective, and eco-friendly alternative to plastic bottles. The brand, which is deeply invested in combating pollution and its impacts, aims to reduce plastic waste and deliver maximum hydration through its innovative products. DECAMP invites you to join them on their journey towards making the world a better place through affordable, sustainable products that enhance planetary well-being.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/decampaustralia/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/decamp_official/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/decamp
Keywords: insulated water bottle thermos flask waterproof bag insulated drink bottle insulated water bottle with straw waterproof swim bag waterproof duffel bag waterproof beach bag best insulated water bottle waterproof phone bag insulated drink bottle with straw kids insulated water bottle waterproof bag for swimming waterproof bum bag waterproof bag kmart waterproof bean bags thermos flask kmart thermos food flask insulated bottle bag insulated straw water bottle waterproof golf bag waterproof swimming bag waterproof tote bag 1 litre water bottle insulated best insulated water bottle australia outdoor waterproof bean bags waterproof beach bag australia thermos flask bunnings insulated water bottle 1l double wall insulated water bottle kmart thermos flask best thermos flask 1 litre insulated water bottle with straw 2 litre insulated water bottle insulated water bottle woolworths metal insulated water bottle stainless steel insulated water bottles vacuum insulated bottle vacuum insulated water bottle 1.5 l insulated water bottle small insulated water bottle smash insulated bottle tommee tippee insulated bottle bag bindle vacuum insulated storage water bottle 360 degrees vacuum insulated stainless steel bottle sip cap 550ml thermos vacuum insulated bottle 360 degrees vacuum insulated bottle best vacuum insulated bottle best vacuum insulated water bottle camelbak chute 1.2 l vacuum insulated bottle camelbak chute 1.2l vacuum insulated bottle camelbak chute mag 1l vacuum insulated bottle camelbak chute mag vacuum insulated stainless steel water bottle camelbak eddy stainless steel vacuum insulated 1l water bottle camelbak eddy vacuum insulated 1l water bottle camelbak vacuum insulated water bottle coldest sports water bottle leak proof vacuum insulated stainless steel copper vacuum insulated bottle double wall vacuum insulated bottle double wall vacuum insulated water bottle promotional vacuum insulated bottles stainless steel vacuum insulated water bottle stanley vacuum insulated bottle stanley vacuum insulated water bottle thermos stainless steel vacuum insulated drink bottle thermos vacuum insulated drink bottle stainless steel thermos flask thermos stainless steel 1.2-litre flask thermos thermocafe stainless steel flask demonstrate the magic leakproof bag magic leakproof bag sustainable drinkware large stainless steel thermos flask small stainless steel thermos flask stainless steel flask thermos stainless steel thermos flask with 2 cups thermos 1 litre stainless steel flask thermos stainless steel flask 1l thermos stainless steel food flask thermos stainless steel king flask premium insulated water bottle leakproof cooler bag alternative to single use plastic bottles alternatives to single use plastic bottles alternatives to single use plastic water bottles leakproof bag leakproof bag for wine leakproof ice bag leakproof lunch bag leakproof toiletry bag leakproof travel sickness vomit bags environmentally friendly alternatives to single use plastic bottles
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tojisun · 3 months
still thinking about childhood best friend simon and that lake house
thinking about how simon is so forceful at pushing your boyfriend out. he’d wake up early in the morning and shoot you throngs of messages, things like if you wanted to take a morning walk with him, and take the dogs out or something.
and when you roll over, plucking your chiming phone from the nightstand, ignoring your boyfriend’s grumbling, you see simon’s messages and think nothing of them.
(simon would never—you told your man; you told him that simon’s just clingy because it’s been years since the two of you met again, that simon’s a good man.
“please trust me?” you whispered, and he had to hold back his glower because of course he trusts you.
it’s simon he doesn’t trust, but it’s not like he could say anything when your parents adore simon; when your mom pinches simon’s cheek before giving him extra servings, or when your dad claps simon on the back, telling him how he’s grown so tall and how he dearly remembers when you used to tower over simon back in your youths.
simon’s so woven into your family so how could your boyfriend ever say anything against him? he’s fucking royalty at this point—beloved by everyone.
even your nephews stare at simon with starry eyes more than they do their own dad.)
so you agree to every little outing that simon proposes—morning walks, drive to the local shops, going to liquor stores together, completing errands alone for your family.
you tried to include your boyfriend but simon and him never got along, and you just got so tired of of trying. this is your long-awaited vacation, so why the hell are you playing telephone with your two boys?
so you divided your attention then, with how the two of them are so stubborn when it came to you.
simon knows you. he knows how to catch your attention.
so night dates with your boyfriend turned into a hangout with simon inviting himself in. he would always walk with you two to your room, crash in the bean bags and ask what would you all watch tonight. or he would tug you all to the family game room and make up a game that would end in you and him teaming up against your boyfriend. or he would propose a night swim in the shallow ends of the lake, and it’s always his shirt that he’d hand to you when you get chilly.
it’s these little things that add up; little things that you never really questioned because you grew up with simon, you grew up doing all of these with him, but—
simon’s different now. he’s a lot taller, a lot broader. he’s a lot more beautiful than you ever remembered.
and something in your chest unfurls, choking the threads of your rationalization—
oh god.
(simon walked in on your boyfriend packing his bags, his chest heaving and his eyes red with tears. and all simon ever tells him is, “y’need a ride?” because finally.
finally the motherfucker got the hint.)
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pedroscurls · 12 days
secret crushes (one-shot)
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summary: you've known hugh for years, having not only a personal friendship with him, but also a professional one. then, ryan decides to play matchmaker unbeknownst to you or hugh. pairing: hugh jackman x fem!reader word count: 4.5k warnings: this is complete filth bc how can you not look at that first photo and just be fine??? anyway - porn with little plot, unprotected p in v, public beach sex, seated cowgirl, oral - m receiving, light dirty talk, no use of y/n. a/n: this is for the anon who requested this spicy idea! i hope you enjoyed it as much as i did writing it. i haven't opened up my requests since 2017 (i think), but ya know, that might change after this lol. i mean no disrespect to hugh jackman! this is purely fictional.
“All expenses paid,” you hear Ryan say over the phone. “You deserve a vacation. Even Blake agrees.”
“Ryan, no,” you protest, beginning to clean up your small coffee shop for the day. When you opened your own coffee shop so many years ago, you didn’t expect that not only would it be great business, but that you’d be very close friends with Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman. 
“Oh, come on!” he says. “When was the last time you took time for yourself, hm?” 
There’s a silence that engulfs the two of you.
Before you can even speak, Ryan chimes in. “Exactly. You’ll have your own hotel room. You don’t have to spend the entire trip with us, though, we will be hurt if you don’t hang out with us, and–” he teases. 
“Okay, fine! Fine,” you huff. “I’m sure after Deadpool & Wolverine, you need some time for you and your family too.”
“Yeah,” Ryan replies. “I feel like I can be a good dad now.”
You let out a quiet laugh. “You’ve always been a good dad.”
“Eh,” he chuckles. “So, we’ll see you at the airport this weekend?”
“Actually, we’re going to pick you up.” Ryan decides. “That way, I know for sure you’ll be coming with us.”
“God, you’re annoying!” you laugh. “Fine. I’ll see you and the family this Friday night. After I close up.”
“No, no. We’re leaving in the morning. Your coffee shop will be fine.”
“I know, it’s just–” you sigh, resting the phone between your ear and shoulder as you rearrange the bags of coffee on the display. Your mind drifts momentarily when you see the Laughing Man coffee beans, thinking about Hugh. “Nevermind.” 
“You think too much,” Ryan points out then his voice turns serious for a moment. “You’ll be okay. Your shop will be okay. In the time we’ve known you – Hugh and I – you’ve always been working, busting your ass.”
“I know,” you then move your gaze to the amount of photographs on your wall behind the counter. They are photographs that you’ve taken, candid ones of your employees, landscape portraits of the trips you’ve taken to find the best coffee beans, even personal photos of you and your family and friends, including Hugh, Ryan, and Blake. 
“So…” he says. “Pick you up Friday morning?” 
“Yes, Ryan. You can pick me up Friday morning. You’re very convincing, do you know that? You just never quit until you get your way.” 
“What can I say? I’m very persuasive.” He chuckles. “Okay, I’ll see you Friday. Have a good rest of your week. Call me if you need anything.” 
“I’m sure I’ll see you and Hugh before then,” you tease. “At this rate, all this free coffee I give you does amount to a free trip.”
“Exactly! Talk to you later.” 
You hadn’t spoken to Hugh in weeks, knowing that he and Ryan had been doing constant press conferences and interviews after Deadpool & Wolverine came out. You’d never admit it to either of them, but you did go out to watch the movie and it only fueled the crush that you had on Hugh. Especially that final scene. You’d be lying if you said that you didn’t go home that night with thoughts filled of him. Shirtless and glistening. It was rather inappropriate, really. Not only did you and Hugh start out as friends, but you also had a partnership with him where he sells his brand of coffee at your coffee shop and takes a cut of what the sales make. It’s worked for years now and you never really looked at him in a way that was more than a friend or partner. You knew he was good looking, so sweet and funny, but it wasn’t until months after his divorce that you started to look at him differently. You had to wonder if he looked at you the same way because you started to notice how often he would come by when you were closing up to help you clean, or how his gaze on you would linger, his touches seemingly becoming more and more less friendly and more intimate. 
You’re already on the plane with Ryan, Blake, and the rest of their family. It never felt like you were the odd one out. Both Ryan and Blake always made you feel like you were part of their family. There were plenty of times where you and Hugh would babysit Ryan and Blake’s children while they were busy and always, they’d ask for Uncle Hugh to sing songs from The Greatest Showman. You were always right there next to him, singing and performing alongside him to entertain the kids. 
When you moved to New York, it was a big leap of faith. It wasn’t always easy, but Hugh, Ryan, and Blake made you feel less alone when there were times you weren’t sure you were ever going to make it out here. Now, you can’t even think of leaving New York. It has become your home. These people… They have become your family. 
You look up from your notebook to see Blake and Ryan staring at you, both with big grins on their faces. You can tell they were hiding something, so you shut your notebook and point at them.
“Okay, spill.”
Ryan feigns a gasp, palms raising up in surrender. “Can’t my beautiful wife and I stare at you lovingly?” 
Blake lets out a quiet laugh and rolls her eyes. “It’s nothing.”
“You’re both really bad liars,” you point out. “What is it? Why are you both smiling at me like that?”
“We’re just happy that you’re finally taking some time to yourself,” Blake replies, moving to sit next to you. 
“You’re much more convincing than your husband,” you say loud enough for Ryan to hear.
“I take offense to that,” Ryan says. 
Blake turns to you and looks down at your notebook, tilting her head in amusement. “Even away from your coffee shop, all you can think about is how to improve it. Don’t you ever stop working?” 
“Never,” you laugh, opening your notebook for her to look through. “Fall is right around the corner, so I’m just thinking of a few specialty drinks that I can introduce for a limited time. I hear pumpkin spice is very popular.”
You and Blake stare at each other and then erupt into a fit of laughter, both of you shaking your heads. “Can you promise me one thing on this trip?” she asks.
“I can try.” 
“Try to have some fun, don’t think so much about work. It’ll be there when you get back. We’re in Hawaii for two weeks. Just–” Blake shrugs. “Be open and let loose.” 
You arch an eyebrow. “I feel like there’s a hidden meaning there somewhere.”
“Oh, there is!” Ryan nods, a grin lining his lips. “Or is there?” 
“The both of you,” you shake your head. “Are ridiculous.”
“Ah, but you love us,” Blake grins. 
“Unfortunately,” you tease. “But okay, I’ll do my best. No work. No thinking about work. I’ll try and focus on being in the present.” 
“Maybe you can meditate,” Ryan calls out. “You know, Hugh swears by it.” 
Hugh. The mere mention of his name makes your heart flutter and you subconsciously bite your lower lip. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Blake who tries to bite back a smile. 
“Yeah, maybe.” You stand up and then motion towards the bathroom, excusing yourself from both Blake, Ryan, and their kids. 
Blake then turns to Ryan and grins. She whispers very quietly. “I think it’s going to work.” 
“I sure hope so. Neither of them have any clue what we’re trying to do.” 
“You’ve seen it. I’ve seen it. They’re the only ones who haven’t seen it,” Blake says. 
“Oh, Hugh’s seen it,” Ryan winks. 
Blake chuckles. “Well, let’s see how this trip goes.”
“If it all goes well, they’ll be leaving together,” Ryan replies. 
You’ve been in Hawaii for three days now. You’ve possibly spent every moment with Ryan and his family since arriving. You didn’t mind though. Being in their company helped keep your mind away from work, away from the responsibilities that await you at home, away from Hugh. Today, though, Ryan and Blake want to spend the day at a secluded beach to allow their kids to roam free and have fun without worrying about possible paparazzi. 
You look at yourself in the mirror, dressed in a deep blue bikini set – a halter triangle top tied at the base of your neck and back, and a cheeky bottom with side ties that rest on the side of your hips – with a white, long sleeve cover-up. You take a few pictures of yourself, wanting to send it to Hugh or even post it on social media, but you don’t. Instead, you turn off your phone and set it inside your bag before you leave your room to meet Ryan and the family. 
Throughout the entire ride to the island, Ryan and Blake can’t keep their eyes off of you. You busy yourself, though, with playing with their kids, hearing their laughter fill the car. You can tell they’re excited, jumping up and down in their seats as they talk amongst one another about the things they’ll do once they get to the beach. 
It isn’t until you all arrive at the beach and climb out that you notice another car in the lot. Ryan had mentioned before that it would just be his family and you, so you had to wonder if maybe he had gotten something wrong along the way of planning this. But if you were concerned about it, he certainly didn’t show it himself. Instead, he climbs out of the car and grabs the kids’ bags from the trunk before he and Blake motion for you to follow them onto the beach. Your toes hit the sand as you slide your sunglasses on your face. You tell Ryan and Blake that you’ll be at a distance, allowing them at least some time to spend with their kids without you and it gives you enough time to try and meditate. Maybe it will work, you tell yourself. 
You don’t see anyone else nearby and you’re at a good distance from Ryan and Blake, so you set down your towel and bag, removing your cover-up and sunglasses. You make sure to reapply more sunscreen before you walk towards the water. It’s cold and it causes a shiver to run down your spine, so you force yourself to dive in to get acclimated to the temperature of the water. 
The beach had always calmed you down, kept you grounded. It was one of the reasons why you had been so hesitant to leave your hometown of California. From one side of the coast to another. Once you come back up, you run your hands through your wet hair, slicking it back away from your face as you stand, the water only reaching your upper thighs. When you open your eyes, though, your jaw drops. 
Hugh is within a few arms reach as his eyes meet yours. The surprise look on his face tells you all that you need to know. 
He had no idea you would be here.
And neither did you. 
You can’t help but let your eyes take in his frame. His broad chest, water trickling down his frame, disappearing into the waistband of his black board shorts. He’s pulling his shorts up just a bit, but it gives you a good view of the v-cut he has and immediately, you’re aware of the feeling between your legs.
But just like you’re checking him out, Hugh’s also allowing his eyes to roam over your frame. The bikini you’re wearing is so tiny and tight around your frame. He tries to tell himself not to get excited at the mere sight of you, but it’s hard. He’s getting hard, so he does his best to think of other things that could lessen his excitement. 
Since his divorce, Hugh had taken comfort in your presence. What started out as a friendship turned partnership had blossomed into something else. Surely, you felt it too. Or at least that’s what he told himself. 
“Hello, you,” he calls out. 
The both of you begin walking towards each other, meeting in the middle as the waves crash around you. 
“I didn’t know you’d be here,” you say softly. Out of instinct, you reach out to give him a hug, warms snaking around his shoulders. This feels good, hugging him like this feels fucking great. You feel his hard chest and hair against you. He’s so wet, so slick and you just want to–
“I think Ryan may have forgotten to tell us both,” Hugh says, voice deep and husky against your ear as his arms wrap around your waist. Hugh shuts his eyes as he feels your breasts against him, his fingertips resting just above your backside and he feels his manhood stir awake. 
Quickly, Hugh pulls away, slowly lowering himself in the water to cover the growing erection between his legs and also to keep some distance between your bodies. You do the same, swimming further into the water as you both continue to float. 
“And Blake,” you add. “You think it was intentional? You ask, turning to look over your shoulder to see both Ryan and Blake staring at the both of you. 
Hugh looks over at them and lets out a quiet chuckle. “Dunno,” he answers. “But I’m glad you’re here.” 
“Me too,” you blush, heat rising in your cheeks. “How long– How long have you been here?”
“Three days.”
“Those fuckers,” you chuckle. “They totally set this up.”
Hugh laughs alongside you and tilts his head in amusement. He watches you closely, seeing you gnaw at your lower lip nervously (it’s something he’s noticed about you very early on). You bring your hand up to stroke your hair back away from your face and Hugh can’t help but smile to himself. He likes you. Really likes you and he knows that he shouldn’t act on it, knows that there should be some boundary, but he can’t help himself. 
“You nervous?” he asks quietly. 
“What?” you answer, looking up at him. “No…”
“You’re doin’ that thing you do,” Hugh points out. He gently reaches out and runs the pad of his thumb along your lower lip, causing you to release it between your teeth. 
“What thing?” 
“You know what thing,” he chuckles, slowly swimming closer to you. “You bite your lower lip a lot when you get nervous or when you’re deep in thought. So, you’re either nervous or you’re thinkin’ about somethin’. Which is it?”
“Neither,” you lie. 
Hugh narrows his eyes slowly and drags his thumb at the center of your lower lip and down to your chin until he hooks it in his grasp. “Now, I know you’re not someone who lies,” he begins, moving his thumb across your jawline. “Don’t tell me you’re lying now.”
“I’m both,” you blurt out, leaning against his touch. “I’m nervous and I’m thinking about something.”
“You’re always thinking about something,” Hugh points out. “Do I…” he asks hesitantly and drops his hand back into the water. “Do I make you nervous?”
“Right now you are.”
“Because…” you whisper, looking deeply into his eyes. “One, we’re both basically half naked.”
“We’re at a beach,” he says with a small smile. “We’re in our bathing suits.”
“Half naked,” you correct. “And two, you’re just–” you stop yourself and drop your eyes to his lips then back up to gaze into his eyes. You then remember what Blake told you. Try to have some fun. Be open. Let loose. Now, you understand exactly what she meant by that. So, you let out a shaky breath and continue. “You’re just so fucking hot, Hugh, and yes, you’re making me nervous because you’re literally shirtless and wet, and you’re muscular and it’s just–”
Hugh’s laughter interrupts your rambling. You notice the way his nose crinkles upwards when the laughter comes deep within the pit of his stomach. Suddenly, you’re very aware that you just made a fool out of yourself and you gently shove him. 
“It’s not funny! You asked and so I told you. I was being honest!” 
“I’m not–” he sighs, his laughter dying down. “I’m not laughing at you, baby.” The term slips past his lips so effortlessly and he reaches out from underneath the water to grab a hold of your hip, pulling you to him. “I’m laughing because you think I’m hot to a point that you’re stuttering over your words. Have you seen yourself?” The smile remains on his lips and his thumb begins to rub circles at your hip. “Because if anyone should be nervous, it’s me.”
“Oh, come on,” he says. “Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed that I’ve got the biggest crush on ya.” 
“Wait, you what?” your eyes slightly widen in surprise, but you can’t help the way your stomach flips in excitement. 
“I’ve got a crush on ya,” he whispers. “And I shouldn’t even be having crushes at this age,” Hugh chuckles nervously. “But I do. I like you.”
“You’re not joking?”
“Why would I be joking?”
“Because you can have literally anyone you want and–”
“I want you.” Hugh says, leaning down to rest his forehead against yours. “Do you want me to?” 
“More than you fucking know, Hugh.” You wrap your arms around his shoulders and press your lips against him. You sigh against him moving your legs to wrap around his waist underneath the water as you move your lips against his own. 
Hugh growls against you, both hands moving to your hips as he leans further into you, tilting his head to get a better angle of your lips. He didn’t realize this was how his trip was going to go. After Ryan convinced him to take some time off, especially after the success of their movie together, he was hesitant. He didn’t want to take time off. He was used to being busy, especially after his divorce, but Hugh had only agreed to come on the trip to figure out his feelings for you. 
He just didn’t realize that you’d be here too. 
In the distance, you and Hugh can hear a faint clapping and hollering. You both pull away to look over at the noise and see Blake, Ryan, and their kids jump up in excitement, cheering for the both of you. You see them wave in your direction before they begin to grab their things, making their way back to the parking lot. You then look at Hugh and gaze into his eyes.
“Are they leaving us? Leaving me?” You ask. 
“I can take you back,” Hugh says softly. 
You bite your lower lip and nod. “Only if it isn’t–”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if our hotel rooms are right next to each other,” Hugh chuckles, slowly then moving his hands down as he grasps your backside in his large hands, pulling you flush against him. His gaze darkens as he stares into your eyes. He thinks maybe he might have moved too fast, but when you roll your hips against him, he knows exactly what’s going to happen next. 
You want him just as bad as he does. 
“Hugh,” you whisper, voice laced with desire. “Please.” 
“Tell me, baby.”
“I need you.” You bury your face in the side of his neck and gently nip at his skin, feeling his hands move under you, his long fingers brushing against your core as it causes you to gasp. 
Hugh’s painfully hard against his board shorts and he lets out a low groan when he feels your teeth scrape against the skin at his neck. He feels you squirming against him, moaning into his ear and he has to pull away briefly to look into your eyes. 
“Are you sure?”
“If I have to say please one more time…”
“I don’t mind hearin’ you beg,” he winks. “Come on.” Hugh leads you out of the water and towards his towel in a much more secluded area. You drift from him for a moment to grab your things before following him, watching him lay out his towel before he takes a seat on it, legs spread wide. 
You bite your lower lip and lay out your towel in front of him, dropping to your knees as you crawl towards him until you're seated on your knees between his legs. “We won’t get in trouble, will we?”
Hugh shrugs, reaching down to cup your cheek. “Don’t think so. Ryan made sure that no one but us should be here and–”
“That’s good enough for me.” You lean down and move your hands to the waistband of his board shorts. He’s dripping wet from the water and you can see the outline of his length perfectly due to his shorts sticking to him. You hook your fingers into the waistband and slowly pull it down enough to see his length spring free. Hugh lets out a low groan of relief and reaches behind you to undo the knot at the base of your neck. Once loose, he watches your top fall open to reveal your breasts. He doesn’t have enough time to take in your newly exposed chest because your hand wraps around his base, soft lips grazing the head of his manhood. 
“Ah, baby,” he growls, moving a hand to your shoulder, gripping it tightly as your mouth wraps around his tip. Hugh shuts his eyes and tosses his head back, moving one hand to rest on the towel while the other remains on your shoulder. 
You look up at him, feeling an immediate possessiveness wash over you. He looks so beautiful like this, eyes shut, chest heaving, and at your mercy. 
You begin to stroke his base as your tongue swirls around his tip, lapping at his precum. His groans slowly become louder as you lower your head to take more of him, stroking his base when you realize you can’t take him whole. He’s larger than you expected, girthy and long, and it excites you. As you continue to stroke him in time with sucking his length, you feel Hugh’s hand move from your shoulder to the back of your head as his hips slightly lift itself. He pushes himself further into your mouth, feeling the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat repeatedly. 
“Fuck,” he moans, eyes opening to look down at you. God, Hugh can just come at the sight of you. Tears slightly stinging the corners of your eyes and your mouth stuffed full of him. What a beautiful fucking sight, he thinks.
Slowly, Hugh has to pull away from you because he feels the pit of his stomach tightening, searching for release. He lets out a low growl that reverberates through his chest and you lean up on your knees, licking your lips. Hugh reaches out for you and pulls you on his lap, hurriedly moving your bikini bottom to the side. He grasps his manhood and runs his tip along your length, feeling your wetness coat him with each movement.
“You’re wet for me?” he asks, eyes staring up at you. 
“Only for you.” you reply, eyes fluttering as you feel his tip slowly push into you. He releases his hold on his length and rests his hand on your hip, leaning down to press soft kisses against your chest before he moves onto a breast, flicking his tongue against your nipple repeatedly before he wraps his lips around it. 
You let out a loud moan, moving your hands to his shoulders as you slowly lower yourself onto him, your walls tight and wet sliding down his cock. You feel so full of him and he’s not yet fully in the hilt. The stretch is almost painful, but you’re so wet and throbbing that you have to stop yourself from slamming down onto him. 
“Oh god, Hugh,” you whimper, nails digging into his shoulders as you move along his length, not yet allowing him to fill you to the hilt as your walls begin to make way for him. 
Hugh moves his lips to your other breast, eyes staring up at you. He wants more of you, needs more of you so he slowly lifts his hips, inching further within your depths. 
“Shit,” he groans, watching as his cock disappears into you completely. Hugh’s hands rest over your hips as you pull him closer to you, chests pressed against one another as you slowly roll your hips against his. “So fucking tight, baby,” he whispers against you, forehead resting on yours. 
“You’re–” you gasp, feeling his hair at the base brush against your clit as you continue your movements. “So big,” you moan, eyes falling shut. 
Hugh gently pecks your lips and takes a hold of your hips to guide you along his length. He watches you reach for his cowboy hat, placing it on top of your head and Hugh has to force himself to hold back his release. 
“You’re so hot,” he moans, allowing you to take control of your movements. Hugh can’t help the way your walls tighten around his cock – you’re so warm and wet, so inviting and tight. He knows he’s close, but he can’t– he can’t finish without you finishing first. 
“Baby,” Hugh whimpers, holding you flush against him in a tight grip. “Don’t– Fuck, baby, don’t move.” 
“It’s okay,” you whisper, hands moving to link at the base of his neck. “You can come, Hugh.”
“No,” he shakes his head, losing his resolve as your hips move forward and backward slowly. “You have to be first– Shit…”
“This won’t be the only time,” you say reassuringly, lightly pecking his lips. You then increase your movements, hips moving forward and backward at a faster pace. Hugh’s so deep in this position and you know you’re close, but you’re determined to have Hugh finish before you. 
“Sweetheart,” Hugh grunts. “Baby, I’m–” His eyes flutter shut as he lets out a loud groan, mouth slightly agape as his fingertips dig almost painfully into your hips. His release shoots inside of you, painting your walls as his manhood throbs within your depths. 
He’s still half hard and you take this moment to begin bouncing along his length, using your hand to reach down between you to rub your clit and Hugh’s eyes narrow. He pushes your hand away and rubs your clit with his thumb in a circular motion. 
Hugh feels possessive and almost animalistic at the sight of you using him to get yourself off. He can feel your walls begin to tremble and he’s still a bit sensitive, but you just feel so fucking good. 
“Come on, baby,” he coos, applying pressure to your clit. “I know you’re there. Come for me, sweetheart.”
That’s all it took. Your walls tighten around his length as your body trembles against him. Hugh moves his hand to wrap his arms around your waist, leaning up to press his lips against yours. He’s still inside of you, his length softening as the moment passes. 
You move your lips lazily against his, heavy breaths passing through the both of you as Hugh pulls back slowly. “Wanna head back to the hotel?” he grins. 
“Oh, hell yeah.” 
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saccobeanbags · 1 year
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Our bean bag chair is a perfect addition to any living space. The extra-large and long-lasting seat can withstand tough use in any home or office environment.It can be used as a sofa, bed or any other place you want!
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norrisainz33 · 2 months
Summer to Remember | MV33
☆ summary: in which Max surprises you during summer break 💍
☆ pairing: max verstappen x reader
☆ fc: none, pics from pinterest
☆ warnings: ever so slightly suggestive. you are responsible for the content you consume.
yourusername made a post
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liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris, redbullracing and 204,375 others
yourusername: strong first half of the season for my maxie! now its time to relax 🫶🏻🌊☀️
view all 433 comments
user1: if you guys need another cat i can meow
user2: how he bagged such a baddie will always be beyond me
maxverstappen1: beach baby
yourusername: 🏝️🌊☀️
redbullracing: going to miss you for a couple weeks y/n!
yourusername: i’ll miss you too admin but dw ill dm you updates
redbullracing: 🫶🏻 my queen
user2: even the rbr admin is obsessed with her and honestly i get it
maxverstappen1 added to his private story
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maxverstappen1: at least one of us is staying calm
danielricciardo: i’m so excited i could explode
landonorris: LETS GOOOOOOOOO
charlesleclerc: alex and i expect a call with updates directly after
maxverstappen1: don’t worry, i’m sure she’ll call alex before i’ve even finished asking her
martingarrix: ohhh it’s finally happening 🥹
yourusername made a post
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liked by maxverstappen1, alexandrasaintmleux, iamrebeccad, alex_albon, and 486,780 others
yourusername: i don’t think im ever going to leave this place 😫
view all 546 comments
oscarpiastri: lily will miss you too much if you don’t come home
yourusername: you make a good point
maxverstappen1: you don’t have to leave, i told you we could get a condo here
yourusername: ok mr solves all my problems
user3: making my partner take notes
user4: nah bc wtf where’s my man who just offers to buy me a second house
user5: i’m sleeping on the highway
bestie: if you need company i’d happily visit 😉
maxverstappen1 added to his private story
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landonorris: the suspense is killing me can’t you do it right now
maxverstappen1: patience lando!
danielricciardo: i have a countdown set on my phone. 23 hours, 6 minutes and 23 seconds left!
maxverstappen1: danny 😂
schecoperez: so excited for you mi amigo
maxverstappen1: 💙
maxverstappen1 added to his private story
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alexandrasaintmleux: she looks so beautiful in white 🤍
charlesleclerc: good luck mate
landonorris: facetime me in rn
oscarpiastri: lily and i are sending our best 🧡
georgerussell63: go get that girl 💙
maxverstappen1 made a post
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liked by yourusername, danielricciardo, charlesleclerc, redbullracing, and 1,344,234 others
maxverstappen1: she said yes! y/n thank you for completing me, supporting me and loving me. i don’t think i ever truly knew what love was until you came along. i can’t wait to make you my wife 🤍
view all 5,675 comments
user12: who is cutting onions
user14: not me sobbing over an instragram post
schecoperez: unbelievably happy for you both
landonorris: successfully did not spill the beans!
maxverstappen1: i know that was hard for you. thanks for keeping the secret and for helping me plan 😉
yourusername: i’ll always be your biggest fan. i love you to the moon and back my fiancé 💙
maxverstappen1: fiancé has a nice ring to it
danielricciardo: i love you both so much this is everything and more
yourusername: we love you more danny
danielricciardo: NOT POSSIBLE
maxverstappen1: couldn’t have done it without you mate
charlesleclerc: leo has agreed to be the ring bearer 💍
yourusername: that is the best news
user18: this is going to be the wedding of the century
user19: seeing max happy makes me so happy
yourusername has made a post
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liked by maxverstappen1, bestie, alexandrasaintmleux, redbullracing, and 454,789 others
yourusername: I AM GOING TO BE A WIFE!! the easiest yes i’ve ever said! I can’t even begin to explain how much i love you max, these past few years with you have been nothing short of a dream come true. i can’t wait to be your mrs. verstappen 🤍
view all 1,222 comments
user22: i just fell to my knees in this walmart parking lot
maxverstappen1: i’ll love you to the end of time mrs. verstappen
yourusername: promise?
maxverstappen1: promise
georgerussell63: finally!!
charlesleclerc: i am so happy for you both - congratulations 💙
user16: this is my version of the royal wedding
alexandrasaintmleux: you are going to make the most beautiful bride 🫶🏻
yourusername: and you’re going to make the most beautiful maid of honor 🤍
user33: so true love does exist huh
redbullracing: is it too early to talk about making the next world champion
user23: admin said get to work
☆ a/n: hope you enjoyed!! likes and reblogs appreciated 🫶🏻
© norrisainz33: please do not rewrite, translate, or copy any of my works posted here on to any other platform
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