#If I’m walking in the rain and have my choice of the sidewalk or a curb; I will always pick the curb
rotthepoet · 5 hours
Gaslight Lamp Post(Toxic!Theodore Nott x Reader)
A cutie little mini-mini fic I wrote instead of partaking in a lecture. 
Warnings; Toxic man behavior, Cheating
Iridescent water splashes beneath my feet, ruining the shoes that he had only recently gifted me. He calls after me, recklessly crossing the traffic-clogged road, weaving through cars and cabs as he chases me. I ignore it, I have to, I can’t keep doing this to myself. I can’t let him keep doing this to me. An alligator tear falls from the heavy, dark clouds looming low over the city skyline, catching the bridge of my nose. Fuck. Of course it would rain, because God has a flair for dramatics, obviously. His sick laugh roared across flashing clouds, and rain fell harder upon the sidewalk and I. Regardless of my now ruined hair, clothes, mood, and especially shoes, I trudge down the road toward downtown, the buildings growing older with age at each step. 
I emerge onto a street I’m not familiar with, the rain still pouring down as the flames of lamp posts flicker inside the safety of their prisons. They cast a soft glow upon my skin, soaked to the bone and cold, and I watch my fist clench and unclench as I hear his smooth voice approaching.
“Baby, Baby please. I can explain,” Theodore gasps out, taking a moment to catch his breath as he stops in front of me. “Just give me a chance–”
“Another chance, Theodore? Another one? After the last chance? The one before that? How many chances do you need before you learn, Theodore?”
He approaches me, reaching his shaking hands towards me, but I step away. “I know it looks bad,” He starts, “You just walked in at the wrong time, she came onto me!” I can only roll my eyes at his old excuses, aged unpleasantly much like the collapsing, decrepit buildings lining the streets. 
“Didn’t seem like you were trying to push her away, did it?”
Theodore runs a hand over his face, and he groans in frustration. “Bella, please, you have to believe me. I don’t want her, I don’t want anyone but you,” his sweet words ring in my ears, and tears well up in the corners of my eyes, falling down my cheeks with the rain. “I need you, Bella, only you,” Theodore dropped to his knees despite my scoff, “All I've ever needed was you. It’s always been you, principessa.”
His honey-coated words draw me in, their sweet sounds lingering in my ears like a pleasant chime, he’s always been so good with his tongue. My resolve crumbles, and internally I chastise myself for the choice I’m choosing. 
“One more time. One more chance, Theo,” My voice wavers with uncertainty, and Theo’s strong arms wrap around me instantly, “But I can’t do this anymore. This needs to change or it’s over, for real.”
“I understand, Bella, I’m changing. I am.”
Sometimes words are repeated enough that they don’t even sound like words anymore.
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The Urge to walk on things like they’re a balance beam
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bullet-prooflove · 1 month
Let the rain come pouring down I’m not afraid to drown
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @alixw22x @vintagedaydreams @madisonbroxson1 @shira666 @zealouslibrariesparadiselight @lovethis-lovethat @foxfables
Companion piece to:
Wild Bloom - Jamie buys flowers on the anniversary of Lee’s death.
Palm Sunday - Jamie needs help with one of his plants.
Prequel to:
Everything (NSFW) - Jamie wants everything with you
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You don’t carry an umbrella. It’s a concept that’s completely alien to Jamie, because he’s always prepared no matter what the weather. It’s a product of his upbringing, a message that was instilled into him from an early age by his father.
Plan for everything, that way you can never be surprised.
“Sometimes it’s nice to enjoy the moment, feel the rain on your face.” You had said to him when he took you out for dinner last night. “Good things can come of being spontaneous.”
He thinks about your words the next day as he’s leaving the office. The town is experiencing a downpour and he’s watching the droplets as they bounce off the sidewalk.
He should have kissed you last night. He’d wanted to but he’d gotten in his own head, started to doubt himself. He’d tucked his hands into his pockets instead and wished you goodnight. You were disappointed he could tell but it was already too late to walk it back.
Sometimes it’s about taking a leap of faith, he recalls Lee telling him when he’d come to Jamie for help with a marriage licence.
Jamie hadn’t been able to understand it at the time because Anna-May had barely been back in his brother’s life more than a couple of days and suddenly Lee was making this huge monumental choice. He thinks he’s starting to get it now because Lee was right when you know, you know and sometimes you just have to take a chance.
Your flower shop is only a couple of minutes down the street and for the first time in his life Jamie tosses caution to the wind and leaves his umbrella behind. He steps out into the rain, letting it immerse him as he begins the walk. There’s something cleansing about the sensation, it washes away his doubts he tilts his head up towards the clouds.
It’s gone past five by the time he reaches the building. The closed sign is hanging in the window but the lights are still on and he can see your shape through the water speckled glass as you tidy your way around the shop. He raps his knuckles lightly on the door and when you open it, it feels like a way of sunshine lighting up his entire world. You’re wearing a yellow summer dress, embroidered with tiny white daisies, a white cardigan draped over your shoulders to ward off the chill as the weather changed throughout the day.
“Jamie.” You say as you open the door to let him inside. “What are you doing here?”
“Something I should have done last night.” He tells you before his mouth covers yours and you’re drowning in the sensation of him, the heat of his body, the rush of passion that ignites in your veins as he kisses you.
The door clicks shut behind him as he pulls away, his damp hair falling across his forehead as he cradles your face between his hands.
“Do it again.” You whisper as he looks into your eyes. “Kiss me again.”
Love Jamie? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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edenalieth · 1 year
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Pairing: Minho x Y/N
Genre: strangers to lovers, fluff fluff fluff (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
You found a small kitten during a rainy day, little did you know it would be the bond to your next romance…
Words: 5K 
A.N: hi guys! im still trying to write more often huhu so here is a minho fluff! im not really used to write full fluff so your opinion truly matters to me (reblog and comments are very much appreciated). english not being my first language, i apologize for the possible mistakes… a big thank you to my friend maria and enjoy ;) — 230831
The rain was pouring outside. Why didn’t you bring a damn umbrella ? It’s not like you didn’t check the weather forecast on your phone before going out. Apparently, the 40% chances of downpour didn’t convince you and you didn’t want to clutter your small hand bag with such a big object… Now, you were looking awfully foolish. 
Your clothes were getting wet, your hair were a mess, all of this only because of that stupid guy you met on an app and didn’t show up. Yes. It was a shitty day. 
You were grumbling, each steps you took on the sidewalks soaking your sneakers. You needed to find a place to hide, at least for a bit. You would have preferred to go home quick, not wanting to show yourself to anyone looking like this, but you could feel your hands and feet getting cold. 
The place you were at was thankfully crowded with different shops and one especially caught your eyes. It was a pretty small café, a little bit hidden behind some trees. Warm light was coming from it and you could see people happily seeping on their drinks, eating some delicacies and chatting. This would be perfect ! Hastily walking towards it, already thinking about the hot drink you would order, you put a halt to your run when you heard some muffled noises. They sounded familiar to you and you were wondering where they were coming from. Checking your surroundings, you couldn’t see anything. You were about to give up when you heard them again. Small meows. Following them, you almost stumbled over a little dirty plushie. At least, this is what you thought it was until you saw it trembling, small pointy ears dressed on its head, its tail enclosing its frail body. It was a kitten. 
Its orange and white fur was sticking and it was crying out for help, probably looking for its mom, shivering against the pavement. Apparently, someone was having a rough day too… Moved by the small creature, you crouched down to analyze the situation. 
« Hi little thing » you softly said. « Why are you here ? » you talked to the cat as if it was about to answer you any time. You scoffed at the thought of it. It didn’t seem to be hurt, there wasn’t any blood or weird swelling. However, rain wasn’t giving you a break and was getting heavier. Your muscles were getting stiff, you had to make a decision quickly. You weren’t sure if it was okay for you to pick it up like this. Its mom was probably going to be disturbed by the unknown scent on her baby, on the other hand, leaving it near the road wasn’t an option either. 
Stretching the fabric of your jacket, you carefully grabbed the kitten, who didn’t show an ounce of resistance, too weak and cold to do so. It was literally fitting in the palm of your hand, the sight of it making your heart break a bit… You noticed a space between two shops which seemed to be dry enough for the little guy. It would be safe under those bushes until its mom would find it. You put it down delicately, dirt already staining its fur and gave a little pat between its ears to reassure it. « Here you go! I’m sure your mom will come back soon. Good luck little one ». 
Saying you were feeling guilty was an understatement, even more after hearing it meowing again… You had to pull yourself together, you had made the best choice. You couldn’t just pick it up and bring it home in case its mom would come back. It was better to wait for few days. You just hoped that, if it was left alone, a kind soul would find it again and help. Giving it one last glanced, you waved at him and went back towards you first destination: the café. 
As you opened the door, you were welcomed by the sound of small bells and warm brown eyes. The man behind the bar was cleaning some cups with a towel, the sleeves of his black shirt rolled up, staring right at you. He put down his stuff and came to greet you. 
«  Welcome. For one person ? », he asked, a soft smile on his face. « Yes please », you answered. The barista gestured you to follow him to a table and handed you the menu for you to choose. You thanked him as he walked away to take care of the other customers. Unzipping your jacket, you put it on the back rest, hoping it would dry fast. Bringing your attention back to the menu, you were absent-mindedly looking at it. Your brain was fuzzing with questions and worries about the stray cat. Was it really ok to leave it like that ? Maybe you should go back and take it to the vet… But, if its mom was close it would be cruel to take her baby away. 
Biting your nails and lost into your thoughts, you didn’t even notice that the auburn haired boy was back. 
« Did you make your choice ? », he was holding a pen, unconsciously taping on a notebook, his cat like eyes questioning you, his head slightly tilted to the side. He was curiously looking at you, his brows slightly furrowed. Taken aback by his question, you vaguely answered. «  Hmm… I will take a hot chocolate and… hmm… whatever cake you think would go along with it. Thank you. » 
« Then I would recommend the pistachio and raspberry tart » he offered, waiting for your approval. « Perfect ! ». He nodded and grabbed the menu you were handing him before going back to the bar, not without a last glance to your table. After several minutes, the brown haired man came back with your order. You gladly took it and tried to enjoy it, however, your stomach was kind of tied with a knot at the memory of the frail wet cat. Despite your reluctance, the hot chocolate going down your throat felt like a relief. You could feel your entire system getting its energy back sip after sip and you thanked the heavens for putting this place on your path. You would have to come back in a less miserable state and not with a mind full of worries. 
Time went by and you had to go home. You were still thinking of what you could do. Maybe you could come back the next day to check on the animal ? With your job schedules it might be a bit difficult but that would be better than nothing. 
Looking out the window, the rain hadn’t stop at all… Never mind. One last run towards the bus stop wouldn’t be so bad. A soft voice startled you « Was everything fine ? », he asked while clearing your table and the fact that you barely touched the pie didn’t go unnoticed. « Oh! You didn’t like it ? I’m sorry, I should have recommended something more simple maybe… » You stopped him « No! Not at all! It was delicious! » 
Visibly relieved by your statement, he continued « Then, would you like me to pack it for you to bring at home ? ». You accepted, thankful on how thoughtful the man was. Following him to the countertop to pay the bill, you thought about this word again: thoughtful. Maybe you could ask him to keep an eye on the cat ? It was a bit inappropriate to do so, after all, he had his job and probably a ton of things to do after that… Yet, the way he was patiently gazing at you, clumsily looking for your credit card, made you think it would be fine. 
« Can I ask you something ? You, obviously can say no, I wouldn’t mind » you said sheepishly. The man was visibly curious. Were you going to ask for his number ? Was it why you seemed a bit embarrassed around him ? He was full of expectations but probably not that one. « Of course ! » 
You were kind of fidgeting while paying the bill. « Well, I have came across a small kitten earlier and I’m really worried about it… Its mom wasn’t around and it was trembling. Do you mind looking for it ? I let it near your store, under the bushes so it could dry. » Visibly surprised by your request, he quickly tried to keep his composure and hide the slight deception. « Where exactly did you let it ? » he asked smiling as an even brighter smile was forming on your face. You started to describe the exact spot you let it and thanked the man a hundred times for his help. « No worries, I have three cats myself » he laughed. 
You were about to leave when he noticed that he forgot to give you the tart. « Miss, wait! » he stopped you, gently grabbing your wrist. « You forgot this and please take this as well ». In his hand was the food bag and an umbrella. You tried to politely decline the offer but he insisted, saying the pie would go to waste otherwise. You blushed a little, profusely thanked him and went to catch the bus. 
The umbrella was a blessing and you thought that, maybe, he was an angel who helped to make your day better. You would have to return it to him as soon as possible and ask him about the stray kitten. You didn’t even know his name… 
Finally, the bus appeared and you jumped inside it. Sitting comfortably, you put your hands inside your jacket’s pockets when your fingers came across a paper that wasn’t there before. Intrigued, you pulled it out to see what it was. Handwritten on it was a phone number with a message: « Please call me so I can give you news of your furry friend — Minho Lee ». A weird little drawing was next to it, it looked like a strange face. You giggled. Lee Minho. Here was the name of your helper. Your heart felt warm at the idea of him taking care of the cat and got you happy the whole ride. 
« Where the hell are you running to ? » asked your coworker. « I have an appointment! » You half screamed while heading to the exit. It was the end of your schedule and one thing kept you going the whole day: you were going to see the kitten. You waved them goodbye, your bag in one hand, Minho’s umbrella in the other. 
Last night, you did call him. It was kind of awkward at first and very polite, until you heard his cats meowing, asking for their food. Minho seemed a bit overwhelmed and couldn’t keep up with your small talk. He apologized and hang up. Few days passed and you had exchanged some messages with the café worker. He sent you a picture of a cardboard shelter he made, where you could see some old blankets, milk and food, then some messages to plan your meeting. He also reassured you saying that your friend wasn’t cold anymore but its mom hadn’t showed up. You were worriedly looking at your screen when you received another text from Minho. 
| minho lee: fluffy boy is waiting for you! 
A picture was attached to it. It was kinda blurry, the kitten was probably moving around, but you could see the orange and white fur of it which looked like a cotton ball. Asking for the man’s help had been the best idea. After 40 minutes, you finally arrived to destination. A panel with the word « closed » was hanging on the front door. Getting closer of the glass you used your hands as a shield to look inside. Minho was actively sweeping the floor but as soon as he turned around he gestured for you to come. You entered the café, once again welcomed by the bells’ symphony. 
« Give me a second, I’m almost done » he asked, one finger up to emphasize his sentence. 
« No problem, I’m sorry to bother at this moment of the day… » 
« Yea, you’re right. You’ve been a bother from the start » he jokingly said. You looked at him and sticked your tongue out. He shook his head and rolled his eyes at your childish behavior but, deep inside, he could feel his heart beating a bit faster. It only had been less than a week since you met each other, however, he wanted to talk to you every day and felt strangely close to you. Things were still pretty formal but he could see that you were slowly opening up. 
« Ok! I think everything is done! We can go. » he stated, both of his hands on his hips, looking around as a last check. 
« Where are we going already ? » you gently asked, following him as you were leaving the place. « To Sondonri association. It’s where I let the kitten. Its mom didn’t show up and it was visibly loosing weight… » he closed the door and went to the parking behind the shop. « I would have kept it with me if I wasn’t so busy with work… » this last sentence was more of a murmur and you could see a wrinkle on his forehead. He had been worried.  
You took place on the passenger seat while the brown haired boy was starting the car to drive you to destination. During the trip, you talked about your day and he also told you that the association you were going to was the same one where he adopted his three cats (or his sons as he liked to call them). Soon enough, you were in front of the association… which was closed. 
« Wait ? What time is… Oh… », his mouth was forming a small cercle, letting his bunny teeth slightly showing. Minho was clearly dumbfounded as he looked at the hour on his watch. It was passed 7:30pm. 
« Don’t tell me you didn’t check the opening hours ? » you looked at him, half laughing, half sarcastic but the man was remaining silent. 
« It happens to the best of us, ok ? I was s-sure it was closing at 8! » he stuttered, hopelessly trying to defend himself. He frowned and his ears were turning red, embarrassed by the situation and you couldn’t help but laugh. You put a compassionate hand on his shoulder. 
« Yea sure. » you rolled your eyes. « But I owe you one, so why don’t we go eat somewhere ? ». Your offer seemed to surprise him and the redness of his ears was spreading through his cheeks. You couldn’t really tell tho, the dusky light distorting his real skin tone. « Exactly, so be more respectful. » Minho scoffed and you gently pushed him with your shoulder. He flashed you a mischievous grin and you realized how handsome he was. Of course, you noticed that since day one. Still, the more you learnt to know him, the more you found him beautiful inside and out. You especially liked his funny and devoted personality, as well as his cat like eyes, his manly hands (they seemed really soft!) and his li-… Wait a minute. Your thoughts were running a bit too wild and your friend was looking at you, confused by your sudden change of emotion. You made him turn over to go back to the car, which he followed not without a hint of hesitation and asking on where you were going to have a diner. But honestly, you had no idea… You ended up going to the closest konbini, eating ramyeon at the store, drinking and enjoying the evening. You discovered that he had a sweet spot for pudding. 
« Pudding ? Really ? » 
« What ? Is it that weird for a man to like sweet things ? » he side eyed you, still eating his desert with a pout. 
« I don’t know, you work at a café. I was expecting something else, I guess ». 
« Maybe but sometimes simple things are the best » Minho stated with a proud face. And he was right. This evening was pretty simple. You both here, eating and talking about your lives, learning to know each other, talking about your furry friend. It truly was the best. 
« Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you home ? » he offered for the nth time. 
« Yes, don’t worry. I’m not really far. » you reassured him even if he wasn’t completely ok with it. 
« Mmh… Fine. But send me a text, you know, just to be sure you didn’t get into a weird situation or something. ». The brown haired man was intensely staring at you, as a warning. « I promise ».
As soon as you arrived, you kept your words. 
| you: im still alive! 
| minho: ugh, guess I will have to bear with you a bit longer then
| you: meanie…
| minho: :p
Removing, your jacket and putting your bag on the coffee table, you realized that you totally forgot to return his umbrella. Thankfully, you were seeing each other at the association tomorrow and, this time, you would be able to see the rescued cat. 
| you: at which hour tomorrow ? and, please, dont mess it up this time
| minho: tch! you loved spending time with me! 
His words made your heart flutter, it was true. You really enjoyed your time together.
| minho: let’s say around 11am, sounds good for you ? 
| you: perfect! see you tomorrow then, good night! 
| minho: g’night y/n 
This night, you could barely sleep. Your head was filled with his face, his smile, his voice calling your name… Holding your pillow tight, you tossed it aside while facing the feeling, a sweet feeling blooming in your heart. 
You were awake at 7 this morning, too excited to keep sleeping. What was happening to you ? Getting over excited like a teenager. You were impatient to see the kitten, you hoped it was in a better shape than the last time you saw it. You were also impatient to see Minho. Where you having a crush ?… Uh. Definitely. The ringtone of your phone startled you. 
| minho: yo y/n ! you up ? 
You hastily took the phone and answered. 
| you: yup! Slept well ? 
| minho: woaaa, you answered faster than usual. can’t wait to see kitty cat ? 
His comment made you blush a little. Thank god he wasn’t there or he would have teased you for that. 
| you: yes :( it’s like my baby 
| minho: i understand, felt the same for my sons. ok, let’s meet at the association then, see you 
At 10am, you were more than ready to go and arrived even a bit in advance. Now that it was broad daylight, you could see many dogs behind the fences, enjoying their time outside. Some people were there to adopt some of the animals, others were probably caretakers. You were absorbed by the scenery, when you felt that weird feeling telling you someone was watching you. When you turned around, a smily Minho was there. 
« You truly are impatient to see the cat » he said while walking up to you. 
« What about it ? Are you jealous I don’t give you the same attention ? » you teased. « Hmm, maybe ». He passed next to you as you were stunned by his words. Quickly coming back to your senses you followed him inside. 
You were welcomed by two women and one of them seemed to know the brown haired man pretty well. 
« Minho! It’s good to see you! How is the café going ? Are your parents fine ? And your cats ? » she asked with a soothing voice. She was middle-aged and exhaled literal kindness, the type of perfect mom you see in series. « Everything is going great, thank you so much. I came with my friend to see the kitten I brought early this week ». He stepped aside so he could properly introduce you to the women. « Oh my! You’re the lady who saved this baby. Thank you for your help, I can’t imagine what would have happened to it if you didn’t help it… » she shook her head, picturing the worst. « Come, I will bring you to it » the woman gestured for you to go with her, which you did. 
You entered a room which probably was a nursery. Lots of kitten were sleeping or playing together but, as soon as your eyes landed on its white and orange fur, you could tell that it was your cat. You gasped and repeatedly tapped on Minho’s arm. He sighed at your behavior but he was truly amused by it. 
« Can I go see it ? » you politely ask to the worker. « Of course! Be careful of the other ones, they might want to climb on you » she prevented. And she was right. As soon as you crouched down, some of the cats hide behind the cat trees or boxes, while some others were really curious. They were sniffing your clothes, trying to climb on your legs and you decided to sit down so you could be more stable. Unfortunately, the rescued kitten seemed too scared to come close. 
Your friend joined you and tried to lure the cat with a toy. Moving it close to it, the colored feathers of the stick seemed to catch its attention. You could see its pupils getting rounder, its small body ready to jump and lightly wiggling. It attacked the toy and did it again.
« What are you doing ? » you asked when Minho started to move the feathers closer to you. « Shh, just trust me ». You weren’t so sure of his tactics until it paid off. The cotton ball was happily playing with the toy on your legs, biting its feathers and trying to catch it with its claws. You heart melted at the view of it. It had gained weight since the last time you saw it, you could tell that it was happy and healthy. « It truly worked! ». Your friend looked at you with a smug face and leaned towards you. You felt his fingers brushing over yours, chill going down your spine and it created an eye contact. You were both staring at each other, Minho’s gaze trailing along your face features until he quickly removed his hand. « S-sorry, I didn’t realize we were that closed » he apologized with a sheepish look. « It’s fine! » you almost squeaked that sentence and swore in your mind for being so easy to read. The brown haired boy acted as if nothing happened, still playing with the kitten. However, his ears betrayed him once again because of their bright red color. 
You kept playing a bit more with the cats before you had to go back home. 
You both thanked the workers and told them you would come back soon. 
Once outside, you stretched and sighed in content. « Fuzzy seems happy ! Did you see how playful it is ? It was adorable ! » you were toddling gently and humming. 
« Fuzzy ? » you friend raised an eyebrow. « Yes, the kitten. » you replied. « That’s plain as fuck. » he deadpanned. « Did I ask ? » you turned around to face him with challenging eyes. « Maybe you should have ». 
Your faces were now so close that you could feel his breath on your cheeks. Heart racing, palms getting moist and you still couldn’t look away, totally captivated by his gaze. Oh, you looked gorgeous to him and the contact you made earlier this day made his stomach tingle in the most delicious way. Too busy looking at Fuzzy, you didn’t even notice how Minho gave you all his attention, how he loved seeing all your facial expressions, how he loved your laugh, your face, your curves. He was getting greedy. Greedy to be part of your life and be able to be just as close as you were right now or even more. 
You gulped and created a diversion. « Here. Your umbrella ! I forgot to give it back to you last time ». 
Minho looked at it and took it, brushing your hand in the process. The shivers were back. « Thanks Y/N, glad it helped you. But you still owe me. » 
« What ? I paid for last time dinner ! » you protested, crossing your arms in front of your chest. A mischievous smile was adorning the man’s face. « A bit weak for someone who saved your kitten and gave you his umbrella. ». He was expecting and, gullible, you fell into his trap. 
« Hmph. What do you want from me Lee Minho ? » you asked, suspicious. « I’m going to think about it. » he then headed towards the bus stop you previously used. Running after him, you called his name but he wasn’t answering. He didn’t want to break the game he was putting in place.
Days went by and you still didn’t know what he wanted. He teased you a lot about it, saying you had to be kind and obedient until he would find out. Except, that you weren’t. 
You grew to know each other more deeply, you crush for him getting stronger and often came to visit him to spend time together such as: visiting your furry friend or just wondering around the city after work. This evening was no exception to the rule as you were walking along the river. 
« I’m still waiting for my penalty ».
« A penalty ? » he sneered « You mean the price of your debt, right ? ». You sticked your tongue out and nudged him. « Come on. There must be something. » 
Minho stopped and you bumped into him. « What the… » 
« There is something. » he announced. You rubbed your lightly bruised nose and asked « Spill it! Why are you being so secretive ? ». 
« You would grant me anything ? » his face was totally serious and you didn’t know if you had to laugh or be scared right now. « If by granting, you mean being your servant for the rest of my life, that’s an absolute no ». He broke into a smile before answering « No, silly. It’s something else. » 
« Just say it, Minho ! » you sighed. « Is a kiss too much ? », his voice was soft and he tried to keep his composure despite his heart beating so hard he was afraid you could hear it. You felt your blood rushing to your cheeks. Did you hear that well ? You were used to his jokes and you could tell when he wasn’t playing. And he wasn’t. Too startled to speak, you simply nodded, holding your breath in anticipation. Minho stepped closer, a brand new glow shining in his beautiful eyes. His hand traveled to cup your face, his gaze glued to your lips. « I need an answer, Y/N. Is a kiss too much ? ». You whined. Why was he like this ? « Kiss me already, Lee Minho. » He tenderly smirked and closed the gap between you. He first kissed your cheeks as you were putting your arms around his waist. He then went to the corner of your mouth, teasing you till the last second before you could fully feel his lips on yours. It felt warm and soft, just like taking a nap in a sunny room or savoring the sweetest delicacy. 
You pushed your body against his and deepened your kiss. You would never get tired of this and you could feel the emotions, that you diligently took care of, were fully blooming into your stomach. You both stopped to catch your breath, Minho still cupping your face, his forehead resting against yours. You felt at peace with him. « You’re a good kisser Y/N Y/L/N» he stated, brushing his nose with yours. « What made you even doubt of it ? ». He laughed and laced his fingers with yours. « Let’s head home ». 
During the way back, you both couldn’t stop looking at each other, smiling like idiots and kissing from time to time. You loved it, feeling like you were falling in love for the first time again. 
« Here we are », Minho had walked you home and was about to part way when you held him back, grabbing his jacket. « Do you want to s-sleep here ? » you offered. His eyes widened a bit but his actions spoke for himself when he entered your apartment, a tender smile on his face. 
The next day, your eyes were welcomed by a sleepy Minho next to you. You caressed his bare back before preparing breakfast. You didn’t have much at your house and tried to make it as good as possible. When he woke up, his hair were all messy and he was walking with his eyes half-closed. « Morning » he said with a raspy voice. « Hi ». Wow. How did you manage to pull a man like him and be able to call him yours ? Wait. Was he even yours ? You didn’t clearly talk about your feelings or what you wanted to do next. Realization made you a bit gloomy but it was soon soothed by Minho’s kiss on the top of your head.
« Are we going to see Fuzzy today ? » he asked. 
« Yes and… You know what ? I’m going to adopt it. » you were determined. After all, you had created a special bond with this cat since day one and it was thank to that very same cat that you met this amazing boy. « It’s about time ! » he sarcastically answered. 
« But, before we go, I will have to go home and change. » the brown haired man stood up and started to pack his things. « I can accompany you, if you want » you were about to follow him when he stopped you. « No take your time and meet me to Sondonri when you’re ready » another kiss, « Thank you for the breakfast. » and he left. 
Two hours later, you were in front of the association and your boyfriend (?) was nowhere to be seen. 
| you: where r u ?
| minho ♡: come inside
When you entered, Minho was talking to one of the worker at the front desk. He gently grabbed your hand before inviting you to tell your request. 
« Good morning, I would like to adopt a kitten. »
« I guess it’s for the little male you kept visiting ? » the man asked, « One second please ». He was looking through the files of his computer when he started to frown. « I’m so sorry miss but it seems that it has been adopted earlier… ». You felt your heart sinking. « What ? Are you su-… ». You couldn’t finish your sentence that Minho let go your hand to join the middle-aged women you had seen multiple times. She was handing him a little ball of white and orange fur. Fuzzy ! You almost ran up to him, your vision getting blurry because of your tears. « Is… Is it the right cat ? » your throat was tight, waiting. « Yes and it’s all yours. I made the necessary steps before you arrived » he said, visibly satisfied by your reaction. Happy tears were rolling down your cheeks as you were patting the kitten’s head. Minho bowed a little and whispered « I like you, Y/N ». Half giggling, half crying, all you could say was « I thought you would never say it. ». He chuckled and softly hugged you, not to crush the small fluffy boy. 
You could tell the the kitten had found his new home, just as you found one in Minho. 
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omegaremix · 2 months
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July 21, 2022.
The biggest music haul ever had been made. So big that I needed two visits to the same store, Jesus, and fucking Mary to pull it off. High Fidelity’s stock has gotten so stuffed that there were piles and piles of disorganized vinyl records, discs, and cassettes all over the place. Under the bins, on top of the bins, on the floor, up high on the wall that you can’t reach. Mark the owner was so bad with overstock that he moved two blocks down to a bigger space and that wasn’t enough. His downstairs stock room he once boasted was off-limits and even a stack of vinyl records almost fell on me from above. It was a literal death hazard - but I survived. You’d think that two round-trips and $893.00 spent would be the penultimate event to cap off another intensive record-store victory tour. No.
There were two other stores I’d yet to visit. Plainview’s Vinyl Bay 777 and Amangansett’s Innersleeve Records. The one time I went to Vinyl Bay- was when I walked out empty-handed because they marked all of their stock three to four times more what other stores sold. There was no reason for me to pay more than I should for a vinyl record I could find elsewhere for a third or fourth of the price. Vinyl Bay was disqualified. That left Innersleeve Records a place of interest. I didn’t go in the previous round and had considered making the ninety-minute trip out to the East End to check it out - until I saw their latest social media post. Ouch! Their prices were even higher than that of Vinyl Bay’s and on new pressings. Vinyl-price cockfighting at its finest. I wanted no part of it. That moment I declared my island run of stores done. Nope. That’s it. I don’t want to hear it any more. La la la la la la fuck you.
Though, there was one store in New York City I was meaning to visit. That was Greenpoint’s Captured Tracks. My show Omega WUSB had just done a three-hour label tribute about the feel-good label and we always played their artists when we found them. They were around for years with no sign of stopping, so why not come take a ride and check it out? Let’s have another bonus round with another city jaunt, shall we?
Late July’s weather isn’t the most colorful but it’s certainly the brightest when it has cloud cover. I stood at the Central Islip platform and look up to see the lit white skies in 80*F weather. I board the train westward to Penn Station and…what a surprise? It’s thunder-storming and raining mercilessly. I didn’t see this coming, so I have no choice but to deal with it.
Deal with it I did. God didn’t give me lemons but instead gave me a 9/2 offsuit. I arrived at Penn Station and transferred to catch the ‘E’ line. It was insufferable. This was a sneak preview of the 7th Circle Of Hell. Everyone dealt with post-rain humidity in a limited underground space and were dying like dogs. I was drenched in sweat and felt like my clothes were falling off. The ‘E’ arrived and what a saving grace. I felt the cold chill of the air conditioner settling on me, erasing the half-an-hour of disgusting unease. The ‘E’ ended its travel and I transfer to the ‘G’ line to Greenpoint. In five minutes it was all over.
I walk up the stairs to Manhattan Ave. and I see nothing but hazy blue skies and sharp sunshine beaming on me, as if the rainstorm never even happened. I’m back at my element. I walk south on Manhattan Ave. to observe and breathe in what was Brooklyn to me. Two blonde women in Polish tongues walk past me as I process the storefronts, the graffiti, sticker vandalism, and cramped crooked sidewalks. I approach and turn the corner on Calyer Street only to learn that I walked past Captured Tracks?! I turn around and I finally found it. The way to The House of Mike Sniper was downstairs. It was a dream, was it? I never had to take a downwards path to any establishment. I hobbled below and here we are: a dense but neatly-packed music store with plenty of boxes of 45”, pricey first- and rare pressings, bins to fumble through, and several lower shelves of records not for sale designated for their Discogs store. It was going to be another intense day digging in the bins.
Three hours and $117.00 later, I finally declared my record-store victory tour of ‘22 finished for good. Nothing else fitting to cap it off with another perfect day in Greenpoint. I walk up Manhattan Avenue with my tote of vinyl records away from the clear sharp sun as its intensive rays bake into my skin. The skies bluer and the air much dryer. Then I notice something I didn’t expect to find: Sunshine Laundromat. Here’s another place I was dying to visit since my post-operation; one which my radio station friends decided to go without me. I’m here, so why not? I’m about to walk into a surreal dream - in reality.
I walk in and I couldn’t believe it. It’s the first time I walked into a laundromat since my stay in Lindenhurst. I walk down the narrow space past the rogue pinball tables and there was the secret door disguised as stackable units that led into the back room arcade. A speak-easy if I ever saw one. All that stood between me and that Murphy door was the nice lady who ran the place. She told me they would re-open the pinball speakeasy as soon as the city OKs their alcohol license. Sounds hopeful if you ask me. I thanked her for the good news and walked out knowing there will be another reason to come back to Brooklyn.
I head on to the ‘G’ to transfer and ride on the ‘E’ line back to Penn Station. It’s 7PM and the visible sun is coming down for the day; slowly sinking against the perfectly clean sky blue backdrop with no clouds in sight. I board the train back home and take a window seat moving backwards. The train motions and the blinding sun peeks through the window as I feel the frigid blanket of the air conditioner. There’s a sparse placement of riders in the same car as me. I can sit and relax knowing that my entire run of spending money all over New York City and Long Island has come to a satisfying end.
New Mexico Stargazers: “Santa Fe Cruiser”
Did You Die: “We Can Do Whatever”
True Dreams: “Reaching”
Vasco Rossi: “Siamo Soli”
Queensway: “Return To Dirt”
Pinch Points: “Am I Feeling OK?”
Public Service: “O Sabine”
Offset: Spectacles, The: “Snags”
Grimes: “Shinigami Eyes”
Schedule 1: “Show Your Children”
Mom: “Things Come Into Place”
Paper Dollhouse: “Swans”
Bad Kiss: “Gimme Action”
Strangers With Guns: “Somebody Needs A Hug’
Offset: Spectacles, The: “Color”
Offset: Spectacles, The: “Dead Air”
Deeper: “Only A Shadow”
Totally Unicorn: “All”
Paper Dollhouse: “Moon”
Spellling: “Queen Of Wands”
Krallice: “Crystaline Exhaustion”
Daniel Johnston: “In A Lifetime”
Sasami: “Say It”
INVSN: “Slow Disco”
Traps PS: “Voids”
Life In Vacuum: “9 To 5”
Jesus Fucking Christ: “Sadistic Madness”
Black Dresses: “Hertz”
Free Love: “May You Be The Mother”
Belk: “Question Of Stress”
Michael Berdan: “God Won’t Help Me (Cause Man Won’t)”
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corn-fanfiction · 8 months
got a damien karras idea: karras x vampire reader (i imagine them as male but any gender is also fine). the idea is vampire reader notices karras’ ordeal, corners him in a night lit alley and gives him a deal: they can make it so he can be immune to the demon at a terrible cost, only to be refused. they show respect to his faith before bidding farewell, kind of a sad story. they can pepper in charms in between but this isn’t mandatory, for example turning his jaw or teasing him “you know little, don’t you?”. im fine if this doesnt get picked up tho, have a nice day!
Anon...when I tell you I SPRINTED to my desk.
I hope this is what you wanted. I love this sad-eyed hunk and his rando vampire friend.
Blood of the Father (Damien Karras and M!Vampire)
Rated: T I guess?
Tags/warnings: ANGST, CATHOLIC GUILT, gays being mean to each other, hurt no comfort, religious trauma
It is the greatest of ironies that He cannot step inside the church. Instead, He has to resort to watching from outside the stained-glass window. He watches in the heat, watches in the cold, watches from the well-shaded tunnel of an alleyway. Georgetown was so changeable, but darkness and dimly lit streets are always reliable. The Bible is reliable, regardless of how others choose to change it. But religion? Church? Priests? These are wavering, tenuous. Born on shaky legs and dying on broken bones.
Damien Karras is one so flappable.
He watches him in particular for a very long time. He’s not His only subject, but certainly his favorite, for as long as the dance lasts, anyway. And it does not last long. Yet another leaf threatening to break away with a November wind. 
He’s watching from the ground below, hands in his pockets, the wet leaves illuminated by a nearby lamppost. A swift change in direction and the wind catches a maple and tugs it away with a sigh. It put up what fight it could. Even weak soldiers are still soldiers.
Or Jesuits. He turns when he hears him coming from a half-mile away. Coming from the Macneil residence, bundled up in his windbreaker. Collar turned against the heavy rain. He adjusts his collar, straightens his jacket. Strides along the opposite end of the sidewalk. They meet at the steps and He pulls the priest into a tight space between the steps and the brick casing of a house. 
Damien Karras barely breathes. Whatever he’s just seen makes every simple fright pale in comparison. He’d be jealous if He didn’t feel so sorry for him.
“I don’t have any money,” Damien says. He feels his arms under the windbreaker and smirks. He’s strong, toned, muscles well hidden under any choice of clothing. He could push Him away, really fight him, make a break for it. But he won’t. 
“I know. It’s a helluva good thing I don’t want any.”
To his credit, Damien does break His arms away. He peers back out onto the narrow street, in the direction Damien came from.
“You have no idea what you’re up against. But I do. I’ve been watching you, Dimmy. Not like the other one. But we’re much different, anyways. He’s a certified devil. I’m just…well. I’m a night trader. But I can still offer you a fantastic deal.”
Damien tries to walk as soon as the last syllable leaves His red lips but His arms brace against the brick and the priest can’t budge past them.
“Don’t be rude. It’s un-Christian.”
“What do you want?”
“It’s about time you asked. Do you know the only thing that can really, truly save your soul from the devil?”
Damien doesn’t answer. He doesn’t bother to say God, or repentance, or prayer. The man leans his face close to where its freezing skin gives Damien a chill.
“To be a devil yourself.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sometimes that’s true. Not in this case, however. We have encountered one of the few instances where I know better than anyone, actually. Aren’t you the least bit interested? You can withstand the temptation of that devil down the street, save that little girl’s life? Be a hero?”
“I withstand the temptation of one devil by giving into another?”
“He’s quick,” He sucks against his sharp teeth. “To be a martyr is the best thing in your God’s eyes, isn’t it? This way, you get the title without having to deal with the whole dying business.”
“You still haven’t explained your offer.”
He smiles.
“I am offering eternal life, eternal death, wakeless days and sleepless nights. Sanguine. You’d be immortal, imperceptable, and all for the price of your soul. Isn’t that nice? And you wouldn’t be without company, either. You’d have me, of course. I’ve been watching you, Damien. I’ve seen you, the way no one else has or will. Not even your precious Jesuit friend. You fear for your eternal soul and his anyway. I’m no mind-reader, but I’d say there’s some mutual feeling there. That’s another benefit they don’t tell you about. No one can truly judge you if you cannot die.”
“You can die. Anything can die. And there is one to judge.”
“True. But if you do something much worse first, sodomy disappears to the bottom of the list.”
Damien’s fist collides with the man’s face quick enough that He’s able to register it right before it happens, and He allows it. His head barely moves, his lip splits, but it does not bleed.
“I could go on. Abandoning your poor mother. God cares more about that than who you share a bed with.”
“You son of a bitch-” Damien grabs the lapel of His coat and draws him near. He shakes with rage and tears roll down his sculpted cheeks, mixing with the rain.
“If you don’t believe in a God, then what does it matter? Bring it down to science. I said I’ve seen you. The very idea keeps you up at night. How can you fight against something if you don’t believe in the one weapon you have against it?”
Damien pushes Him away, wipes his mouth with his knuckles. 
“Whatever it is, I’m not broken enough to buy it. Whatever you think you know about me or anyone else is false.”
“And yet you’re still here. Come on. Lay down this burden. Don’t be so selfish as to pawn it off on someone else. How do you think this ends for you? For her?”
Damien looks at the ground. He clenches and unclenches his fist.
“If that, that thing can exist, and if you can exist, and these things you believe in, then there has to be something, or someone to balance it all out, hasn’t there?”
“You’re asking me to tell you if God exists?”
Damien shakes his head, spilling more water droplets onto the sidewalk. He watches them with a hunger.
“I don’t need to hear anything else you have to say.”
The man straightens. “The pain would go away. The responsibility. The guilt.”
“It’s what makes us human.”
The man leans a hand against the brick wall beside Damien’s head. He smiles, then sighs. Wipes his face. 
“I can’t twist your arm?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Hm.” A beat. “I lied earlier. The guilt doesn’t go away. I don’t know why. But it doesn’t.”
He extends a finger, exposing a long, sharp nail and traces the line beside Damien’s mouth. 
“You know little, don’t you?”
Damien waits until He takes His hand away to respond.
“I know enough.”
He nods.
“Yes, I think you do.”
He withdraws his arm from the wall and Damien rushes out into the sidewalk. The man follows him slowly after a spare moment, leans against one of the posts of the staircase. Watches him jog.
“Goodnight, Father. And good luck.”
Damien looks back only for a moment, as if to make sure it really was this stranger that was speaking. He doesn’t respond before disappearing from view. The man sighs, turns towards the MacNeil house, mutters something in a long forgotten language, then disappears from Georgetown forever.
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idolsgf · 1 year
✨9 Ship Songs✨
Rules: List nine songs for one of your ships
I was tagged by @transprincecaspian weeks ago for this, sorry I'm just now getting to it. I've been burnt out from work but I'm going through all my tags now.
I've done this one before for the main 3 but I'm just going to do Mo and Solas for this one :) Under cut as usual
Also since it's been so long I'm just going to keep it as an open tag.
How We Used to Love by Siv Jakobsen
I ran into a woman on the sidewalk 'Cause I was thinking too much about us Dreaming of you and all we've lost 'Cause now you're always so angry You're always so sad You're mad about everything and everyone and I I don't have the heart for that How we used to love I'm afraid for our future I'm afraid it won't last 'Cause you've got too many scars to hide And I haven't got enough to understand why Why are you always so sad
The Archer by Adam Melchor
This is how you turned me to the archer from the arched This is where you turned me to the marksman from the marked This is how I learnt how to take the arrows in my back And shoot them at the stars But how they all just circle back and meet me at the start And how they hit me hard enough to question who you are And how you got so close to me And how you got so far I need more time
Pisces Moon by Flower Face
And I'm always staring at my phone I’m always trying to get you alone The wires got crossed along the way Now I’m standing here with nothing to say Fell in love with the Pisces moon Now I’ll follow you wherever you go 'Til you leave me at the altar some day Well I think that I’d love you anyway Yeah, I know that I’d love you anyway
It's About Time by Barcelona
There have been too many times When I've drowned you with these perfect lines And you've heard me say that I can cure you This morning I woke up with this overwhelming fear of love And I'm not sure if I can resurrect you Now I'm walking up to you so slowly It's about time, it's about time to fly away but wait I swear it's different cause I'm lonely Fold your wings, you'll need them more one day
Abstract (Psychopomp) by Hozier
Sometimes it returns, like rain that you slept through That washed off the world, the streets looking brand new I will not be great, but I'm grateful to get through The feeling came late, I'm still glad I met you The memory hurts but does me no harm / Sometimes there's a thought like you choose what you're doing But it comes to naught when I look back through it I remember the view, streetlights in the dark blue The moment I knew I'd no choice but to love you / Darling, there's a part of me I'm afraid will always be Trapped within an abstract from a moment of my life The weeds up through the concrete The traffic picking up speed All my love and terror balanced there between those eyes
You Want Everything by Snowmine
You woke up beside yourself You're taking back the night and I know you're meaning well But maybe I'm addicted To the hurt that comes around and then forgotten by yourself I can't remember, much of anything Faces passing by, and the time when we arrived But maybe, it's okay Cause you make me feel alive, you make me realize that.. You could try to be your best, but don't you know that it's suicide To want, you want, you want everything And you were right, this is a mess, because we're always picking sides But I won't let you have regrets, no way, no way
Chiromancer by Copeland
Your voice is fading, I call your name Cause I'm still here and the only thing that's left for me is listening Its the only way I make it through the night Are we just fooling ourselves, living in the moment? Am I just dying inside living all alone here? In a storm of quiet voices you're the only one that I can never find Just say you're mine and the fog would lift cause the only thing that's missing now is everything It's the only way I make it through the night / In morning light, in the darkest night and in-between I'm forever yours I hear you call my name and every sound's the same, I hear you call my name If only I could call up through the void to reach you If only I could stretch across the depths to hold you If only for a moment I can make two parts a whole, if only for a moment I could rest beside your soul, I could rest beside your soul
The Apparition by Sleep Token
So let's make trouble in the dream world Hijack Heaven with another memory now I make the most of the turning tide It just split what's left of the burning silence Don't wait, 'cause this could be the last time You turn up in the reveries of my mind I wake up to a suicide frenzy Loaded dreams still leave me empty And I believe Somewhere in the past Something was between You and I, my dear And it remains With me to this day No matter what I do This wound will never heal Why are you never real? The shifting states you follow me through Unrevealed Just let me go or take me with you
Lemons by Nick Leng
Won’t you please explain it to me Why’d we leave that way? Won’t you tell me please I can’t help but miss you But you’re too far to feel that Do wishing wells run dry? But did ours have to? Does the moon look different here from where you are? You’re getting colder from me and I can’t hold you that way No I can’t I can’t help but miss you But you’re too far to feel that
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anhourofsleep · 15 days
Favorite Umbrella
I didn’t expect the rain.
All day, the sun was shining its blistering rays. When I left the house, I could feel the heat prickling on my skin, determined to persuade me to just stay inside.
It was Sunday. I can’t stay inside.
So when I went home at 9 PM, grateful for the ride home from my friends, the sudden, strong downpour was not something I wished for. Obviously, this will make it harder for me to go home. But I didn’t want this because I know, deep in the crevices of my short-circuiting brain that I did not bring an umbrella.
The rain was sudden. And it was strong. When it was at the crescendo of its power, I panicked. The sidewalk was clean of waiting sheds (screw poor urban planning, amirite?). I kept moving forward, hoping to find something. Anything, at this point. Because I knew if I don’t, I’ll get soaked and I’ll be miserable.
Shortly after I bet my whole life on just moving ahead and hoping for the best, I found myself in front of a car dealership, with a single, pop-up canopy still up. I hurried along and got under it just in time for the rain to drop like a hot new BINI single (I am not good with analogies).
Fall like rain indeed. With me safe under this tent, I watched as the rain became torrent, generously sharing its water as if everyone in this part of the city has had none for the past few years. It looked like it wasn’t stopping any time soon. I accepted that this was going to take a while, so I paced back and forth under the shade, getting weary as each second went by.
So I just decided to pray. Might as well do something. My bluetooth headphones are dead and I can’t lay down to nap (obviously).
I started reflecting on what’s been happening so far. I feel like I’m at a major fork in the road. I have gone through some, but this feels different. This feels like the moment. Like in the movies where the hero has to choose; the world or his loved one? Do or die, my good sir.
At this fork, my battle within myself rages on. The choice to be happy is hard when melancholy is so comfortable. They say change is the only constant thing in the world. And I’m constantly ignoring its calls.
I’m used to doing things on my own. I don’t care how anyone does it. And it worked for me. Right...?
“Nope. It did not.” I said out loud.
It’s fine. There are no people around and if there were, the rain would be loud enough to mask my voice.
But that’s the thing, isn’t it? It did not work out for me. I am a mess. I am broken. When I feel like everyone around me is having the time of their life, I am in my own world where the only one speaking is that gloomy blue star in the Mario Movie, going “Everything’s over now and all that’s left is you in an infinite void” over and over again.
And it all happened in an instant. It’s like this sudden downpour, where I am left to just move forward, regardless if I find shelter or not.
I looked for it in a lot of things. Most of it is in the company of people who want me to drink my troubles away. That worked for them, they said. But it’ll be like if I try and ask someone to walk with me in this rain and both of us have no raincoats or umbrellas. I’ll be glad of the company, but we’re both soaked, right?
For a time, I was content in doing this. It’s the familiar. It’s something that made me comfortable because it was my constant. I don’t want to look for a new life. This is it for me. Why should I strive for something better? But I felt it. I felt it in my heart that I have to move forward. Even if I can’t see how I’m going to be okay.
When I was slipping over and over again that made me look like I was just lying down, God held out His hand through the people in this community. When I accepted that this is the peak for me, He told me no and sent out people to help me up.
He doesn’t want me down there. He wants me up because I have a job to finish.
However, He also knows I can’t brave the storm yet. So He guided me to a canopy where I should just sit back and revel in the isolation because He knows I’ll get to know Him more here. He removed me from the world because I’ve been trying too hard to go through it on my own. He provided me shade because He knows that I have yet to acquire my umbrella.
Through the raging torrent, I found shelter. A shelter that I can stay in to wait out the storm and with people who are waiting with me. People isolated from the cruelty of the world, finding solace in God’s protection.
When the rain stops, I’ll be more careful to bring my umbrella next time. If the storm comes again, I’ll use it and maybe help out someone who got caught in the rain and lead them to their canopy. The same way that the people in mine did for me.
For now, let the storm prove its point. I will be waiting here, safe in the shade.
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Isaiah 4:5-6
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enithinggoes · 9 months
Chapter 13: Shattered
Benjamin had left his friend behind, with his father he feared. How had he not understood this years ago? Marcelo Gomes hurt Henrique every day. Benjamin had told himself some families were like that, that he was being prepared to inherit his parents’ legacy. How much of and idiot could he be?
Elizabeth had known, she’d known way before him, maybe even before Henrique fully understood his situation. And yet here she was dragging Benjamin forwards with more strength than he thought she was even capable off.
Benjamin sought for words, “We have to save him-“ Elizabeth didn’t look back, “We can’t-“ She started walking faster, “Are we just abandoning Henrique with his shithead father after everything we’ve been through? Are we that cowardly?”
Elizabeth started running, squeezing Benjamin’s forearm so tightly it turned red. When Benjamin’s legs hurt and his diaphragm ached, she stopped at an alleyway and turned so suddenly Benjamin thought he’d get smacked.
“I’m sorry.” Elizabeth was crying, he’d never seen her cry.
She put her face in her hands. “I don’t want to leave Henrique, I don’t want him to suffer. But I don’t know what to do, I don’t know how to help and I don’t want him to kill us. I don’t want us to die, Benjamin.”
Benjamin couldn’t say anything. Knowing how much she was suffering, and that there was no good choice here, he wasn’t angry at Elizabeth. But at the same time lines like “he’ll be okay,” “It’s not our fault,” and “it’s okay to run” ringed hollow and died in his throat.
“I cannot feel mister Gomes. He’s avoiding my sense, but I can tell Henrique is suffering.”
Benjamin breathed in deep, he was able to think of something to say that didn��t make him a liar. “We’ll think of something. We’ll come up with a plan and rescue him. I- I’ll get stronger and we’ll save Henrique with the shot he gave us.”
Elizabeth sobbed, wiped her face on her sleeve and nodded. Then her face froze and she jumped towards Benjamin, they fell together on the sidewalk and a brief rain of glass followed. His eyes fell upon the dagger right above them, stuck to the glass door to his right, lightly shining in the gloom, and followed the line of the hill to the imposing solidness of Marcelo Gomes.
“I don’t need magic to track anyone.” He started walking towards them, grinning, without hurry, without even pulling out a weapon. “If you two be good and don’t struggle, I promise to snap your necks without any pain”
Benjamin and Elizabeth leaned against each other to stand up, now was the time, he had to use more force than he’d ever tried, even more than he’d used against his own parents. Marcelo had a dense shining aura around him, making him more “real”, separating him from the world around him. Even he had to have limits, and Benjamin felt his peak was still much, much higher. He breathed in deeply-
Elizabeth put her hand over his mouth. “Benjamin, no, you’re going to wreck your lungs and you need to be well enough to run. Listen, I have a plan, but I need you to grab onto me and pull me towards you right now.”
Elizabeth closed her eyes tight, her arm seemed to glow and a humanoid shadow appeared behind Marcelo Gomes, the man ignored it safe in the knowledge his defenses would protect his from any attack aimed at him. Benjamin recognized it as the spirit they’d met on the bridge as soon as Elizabeth started shaking in his arms. The spirit raised a finger and murmured “one simple fall.”
When he lowered his finger, Benjamin was already pulling Elizabeth back. The whole world seemed so spin as gravity shifted, Benjamin’s feet left the ground and he fell sideways to the store window. Gomes, surprised by the magic affecting his surroundings, tumbled through the air into the glass, leaving a web of splinters in it.
Adapting quickly to the new “floor”. Gomes lunged towards the kid. Benjamin followed Elizabeth’s lead, aiming at the glass below Gomes instead of directly at him and saying “ᏇᎥᏁᎴ.” The splintered glass fell to bits, Marcelo crashed through into the darkness of the clothing store’s interior.
Benjamin tried to escape the glass window and get to solid wall but the expansion of the hole reached him first. Without letting go of Elizabeth, he reached out to hold onto the edge of the glass that still remained but cut his hand deeply and fell inside.
When he heard the loud distant thud of Gomes hitting the opposite wall and saw the deep darkness hiding that hid it, Benjamin immediately knew that if they fell to the other side, death was certain. He sought out anything to hold onto on the way down but nothing was in reach.
Elizabeth reached out her hand and the strands she usually used to bind creatures stretched out and tied themselves around a feminine mannequin. It bent  and creaked, but did not break. The two children hung from it, a hair’s breath from certain doom.
“Benjamin? Benjamin are you alright? I need you to climb up the strands. It’s just a few feet, I believe if we make it back to the window, we can leave him with no way to follow.”
“Right… Just like Spider-man.” Benjamin took a deep breath and gripped the line between them and the mannequin, ignoring the burning pain in his left hand and climbing inch by inch until he could climb onto the mannequin’s abdomen and looked down towards Elizabeth’s worried face.
“Oh… your hand is bleeding quite a bit, it must hurt, right? You were very brave, wait just a minute, I’m almost there.” Elizabeth started climbing. From here, the outside air didn’t seem that far, thankfully they hadn’t fallen far, and despite the spirit of falling staring at them menacingly from outside, the call of freedom was almost audible.
Benjamin saw a flash deep into the store.
Elizabeth gasped.
Gravity returned to normal, Benjamin fell painfully on his shoulder with a grunt of pain. “Congrats, little lady, you brought me down to using guns.”
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dentedhalostories-blog · 10 months
Advent 2023 - Day 3
My shoes thumped the city sidewalk.
They pounded out a runner’s rhythm as I made my way from one block to the next.
I was close enough to the end of my 5K run and far enough from the Charlotte Ballet building where Zeke was dancing to slow down to a steady walk and allow my racing heartbeat to become a resting heartbeat before I reached my day’s finish line.
Along my route, I passed poems on the brick walls of inner-city buildings.
One of the poems was by Dan Albergotti, who is a teacher and the Dean of the English Department at Coastal Carolina University.
It was titled “Things to Do in the Belly of the Whale.’
Since I love whales, and am trying to become a whale genius, I stopped to read the poem.
Measure the walls. Count the ribs.
Notch the long days. Look up for
blue sky through the spout. Make
small fires with the broken hulls of
fishing boats. Practice smoke
signals. Call old friends, and listen
for echoes of distant voices.
Organize your calendar. Dream of
the beach. Look each way for the
dim glow of light. Work on your
reports. Review each of your life’s
ten million choices. Endure moments
of self loathing. Find the evidence of
those before you. Destroy it. Try to be
very quiet, and listen for the sound of
gears and moving water. Listen for the
sound of your heart. Be thankful that
you are here, swallowed with all hope,
where you can rest and wait. Be
nostalgic. Think of all the things you
did and could have done. Remember
treading water in the center of the
still night sea, your toes pointing again
and again down, down into the black
It’s about listening, learning and living in a world full of talking, ignoring and dying.
It’s beautifuI.
I was thinking about it as the Charlotte Ballet came into sight.
I looked down to my right hand side and saw a styrofoam bowl of soup.
It was filled with rain water from the morning showers.
Little bits of shredded meat, sliced carrots and baby potatoes were floating at its rim.
It was sitting on a three block high green painted concrete wall that ran along the side of the sidewalk.
I looked down to my left hand side and saw a small loaf of Italian bread.
It was laying on its side in a muddy puddle in a pothole in the street.
It was split in the middle with tiny crumbs all around it.
“Soup and bread,” I thought.
“The simplest elements. The simplest meal. A meal, simply. A simple meal, elementally.”
I looked up.
An old couple was in front of me, sitting hand in hand on the wall, looking at me with kind eyes the color of smooth, brown stones and kind smiles the color of the sun shining out through the broken clouds.
“How you doin’ today?” they asked.
“I’m doin’ good,” I answered. “Real good. How ‘bout you?”
“We’re doin’ real good, too. Hope you have a nice day.”
“You, too.”
“People and words,” I thought. The simplest elements. The simplest kindness. Being kind, simply. Simple kindness, elementally.
I passed by the Charlotte Public Library.
The librarians have placed signs on support columns with quotes on them from some of the greatest writers in the world.
One of the signs stopped me mid stride and brought me back to it.
“A word is worth a thousand pictures,” wrote Elie Wiesel.
Human beings.
- Trevor Scott Barton, Advent Notebook, 2023
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omegaplus · 1 year
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July 21, 2022 Playlist.
The biggest music haul ever had been made. So big that I needed two visits to the same store, Jesus, and fucking Mary to pull it off. High Fidelity’s stock has gotten so stuffed that there were piles and piles of disorganized vinyl records, discs, and cassettes all over the place. Under the bins, on top of the bins, on the floor, up high on the wall that you can’t reach. Mark the owner was so bad with overstock that he moved two blocks down to a bigger space and that wasn’t enough. His downstairs stock room he once boasted was off-limits and even a stack of vinyl records almost fell on me from above. It was a literal death hazard - but I survived. You’d think that two round-trips and $893.00 spent would be the penultimate event to cap off another intensive record-store victory tour. No.
There were two other stores I’d yet to visit. Plainview’s Vinyl Bay 777 and Amangansett’s Innersleeve Records. The one time I went to Vinyl Bay- was when I walked out empty-handed because they marked all of their stock three to four times more what other stores sold. There was no reason for me to pay more than I should for a vinyl record I could find elsewhere for a third or fourth of the price. Vinyl Bay was disqualified. That left Innersleeve Records a place of interest. I didn’t go in the previous round and had considered making the ninety-minute trip out to the East End to check it out - until I saw their latest social media post. Ouch! Their prices were even higher than that of Vinyl Bay’s and on new pressings. Vinyl-price cockfighting at its finest. I wanted no part of it. That moment I declared my island run of stores done. Nope. That’s it. I don’t want to hear it any more. La la la la la la fuck you.
Though, there was one store in New York City I was meaning to visit. That was Greenpoint’s Captured Tracks. My show Omega WUSB had just done a three-hour label tribute about the feel-good label and we always played their artists when we found them. They were around for years with no sign of stopping, so why not come take a ride and check it out? Let’s have another bonus round with another city jaunt, shall we?
Late July’s weather isn’t the most colorful but it’s certainly the brightest when it has cloud cover. I stood at the Central Islip platform and look up to see the lit white skies in 80*F weather. I board the train westward to Penn Station and…what a surprise? It’s thunder-storming and raining mercilessly. I didn’t see this coming, so I have no choice but to deal with it.
Deal with it I did. God didn’t give me lemons but instead gave me a 9/2 offsuit. I arrived at Penn Station and transferred to catch the ‘E’ line. It was insufferable. This was a sneak preview of the 7th Circle Of Hell. Everyone dealt with post-rain humidity in a limited underground space and were dying like dogs. I was drenched in sweat and felt like my clothes were falling off. The ‘E’ arrived and what a saving grace. I felt the cold chill of the air conditioner settling on me, erasing the half-an-hour of disgusting unease. The ‘E’ ended its travel and I transfer to the ‘G’ line to Greenpoint. In five minutes it was all over.
I walk up the stairs to Manhattan Ave. and I see nothing but hazy blue skies and sharp sunshine beaming on me, as if the rainstorm never even happened. I’m back at my element. I walk south on Manhattan Ave. to observe and breathe in what was Brooklyn to me. Two blonde women in Polish tongues walk past me as I process the storefronts, the graffiti, sticker vandalism, and cramped crooked sidewalks. I approach and turn the corner on Calyer Street only to learn that I walked past Captured Tracks?! I turn around and I finally found it. The way to The House of Mike Sniper was downstairs. It was a dream, was it? I never had to take a downwards path to any establishment. I hobbled below and here we are: a dense but neatly-packed music store with plenty of boxes of 45”, pricey first- and rare pressings, bins to fumble through, and several lower shelves of records not for sale designated for their Discogs store. It was going to be another intense day digging in the bins.
Three hours and $117.00 later, I finally declared my record-store victory tour of ‘22 finished for good. Nothing else fitting to cap it off with another perfect day in Greenpoint. I walk up Manhattan Avenue with my tote of vinyl records away from the clear sharp sun as its intensive rays bake into my skin. The skies bluer and the air much dryer. Then I notice something I didn’t expect to find: Sunshine Laundromat. Here’s another place I was dying to visit since my post-operation; one which my radio station friends decided to go without me. I’m here, so why not? I’m about to walk into a surreal dream - in reality.
I walk in and I couldn’t believe it. It’s the first time I walked into a laundromat since my stay in Lindenhurst. I walk down the narrow space past the rogue pinball tables and there was the secret door disguised as stackable units that led into the back room arcade. A speak-easy if I ever saw one. All that stood between me and that Murphy door was the nice lady who ran the place. She told me they would re-open the pinball speakeasy as soon as the city OKs their alcohol license. Sounds hopeful if you ask me. I thanked her for the good news and walked out knowing there will be another reason to come back to Brooklyn.
I head on to the ‘G’ to transfer and ride on the ‘E’ line back to Penn Station. It’s 7PM and the visible sun is coming down for the day; slowly sinking against the perfectly clean sky blue backdrop with no clouds in sight. I board the train back home and take a window seat moving backwards. The train motions and the blinding sun peeks through the window as I feel the frigid blanket of the air conditioner. There’s a sparse placement of riders in the same car as me. I can sit and relax knowing that my entire run of spending money all over New York City and Long Island has come to a satisfying end.
New Mexico Stargazers: “Santa Fe Cruiser”
Did You Die: “We Can Do Whatever”
True Dreams: “Reaching”
Vasco Rossi: “Siamo Soli”
Queensway: “Return To Dirt”
Pinch Points: “Am I Feeling OK?”
Public Service: “O Sabine”
Offset: Spectacles, The: “Snags”
Grimes: “Shinigami Eyes”
Schedule 1: “Show Your Children”
Mom: “Things Come Into Place”
Paper Dollhouse: “Swans”
Bad Kiss: “Gimme Action”
Strangers With Guns: “Somebody Needs A Hug’
Offset: Spectacles, The: “Color”
Offset: Spectacles, The: “Dead Air”
Deeper: “Only A Shadow”
Totally Unicorn: “All”
Paper Dollhouse: “Moon”
Spellling: “Queen Of Wands”
Krallice: “Crystaline Exhaustion”
Daniel Johnston: “In A Lifetime”
Sasami: “Say It”
INVSN: “Slow Disco”
Traps PS: “Voids”
Life In Vacuum: “9 To 5”
Jesus Fucking Christ: “Sadistic Madness”
Black Dresses: “Hertz”
Free Love: “May You Be The Mother”
Belk: “Question Of Stress”
Michael Berdan: “God Won’t Help Me (Cause Man Won’t)”
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If your OC had one day left to live, how would they spend it?
Ooooh… he’d probably make sure that Jyn-Si and Alaber would be okay and taken care of. He definitely wouldn’t spend his last day doing things that he wants to do, or scratching off items on his bucket list (not that he has one in the first place).
He’d much rather spend his last day making sure that the people (or birds) he loves are alright. He cares deeply for them, and even if he saw that they were perfectly safe, he’d still be haunted by the idea of anything bad happening to them—especially if something bad happened when he felt like he could’ve stopped it if he’d tried harder, or been there.
I doubt he’d ever feel like he’d done “enough” before he died, even if he was assured otherwise by Jyn-Si.
Now I’m sad-
Does your OC have someone they want at their side when they are scared? Who?
Elmer’s definitely more of a loner—has been since he was a child. It’s less of a personal choice and has more to do with how he was raised; he didn’t get to spend time with anyone other than his instructor, for the most part, until he grew up. The few times he did interact with others were 99% due to training, and not because he was spending time with others “just because”.
That being said, Elmer does crave love and friendship—painfully so. When he’s eventually shown love by Alaber, and later Jyn-Si, he doesn’t really… know what to do with that. He has a very hard time understanding the idea that people will love him even when he didn’t do anything to “earn” that love.
I think that Elmer would probably want Alaber when he’s scared, partially because Alaber is an animal and won’t… like, Elmer doesn’t like to show weakness or vulnerability (he puts on a strong front most of the time) in front of others, and so he’d sort of feel a little better being able to show weakness to an animal instead of a person.
And of course, Elmer loves and cares for his Speckett very deeply, and Alaber has a very comforting presence about him. Elmer often feels better when he has Alaber nearby, especially after waking up from nightmares :)
Has your OC ever seen the ocean? If not, do they want to? What do they think of it?
OH-HO-HO, YES! Yes, he has seen the ocean—he was born and raised on Kamino, a planet literally covered in water!!!
Kamino is a bit different in the sense that there aren’t any beaches, however. It’s just completely covered in salty water.
Elmer… doesn’t like the ocean all that much. He’s alright with water—rivers, small lakes, etc—but he had a very um… frightening experience with oceans when he was young, and since then he just hasn’t liked them. They remind him too much of that dark time, so he doesn’t like being around them.
He would be very curious about oceans outside of Kamino, though, mostly because of how different they look. I don’t think he’d ever actually step foot in the water, but he’d look out at it and feel the sand beneath his feet and the breeze hitting his face and the slight mist in the air and the birds flying overhead and think to himself, “This is pretty. I never knew that the beach could be this pretty.”
What is the favorite thing for you OC to do on a rainy day?
She’d absolutely love sitting on her front porch, in a rocking chair, quietly watching the rain fall. She’d be covered by a little awning above her head, so she wouldn’t get wet or anything, and she’d smile and close her eyes and breathe in the air and feel so so peaceful.
Sometimes she likes to take walks in the rain, down sidewalks and in the park. She’ll often bring an umbrella, but there’s times when she doesn’t. Either way she just likes being out in the rainy weather and seeing how beautiful everything looks :D
Your OC has to improvise a 10 minute lecture about a topic of their choosing. What do they chose?
Probably flowers! In addition to owning a flower shop, she also just… loves them in general. She’s very passionate about different flowers and what they symbolize, how they grow, all the colors, the best times to grow them… pretty much anything about flowers, actually XD
She’d improvise the best darn lecture in the galaxy, and she’d make it entertaining, too! Her clear passion and joy about the topic would make anyone listening to her (probably Elmer alsgaodhowshosg) excited as well!
If your OC has a nightmare, what’s it most likely about?
Oh this is a good question, hmm… most likely something terrible happening to Elmer. She gets more nightmares once she learns about Elmer’s past/his job, because she’s scared that people will hurt him, capture him, or kill him. That fear is often in the back of her mind, and she brings it up a few times. Elmer tries to tell her that she’s just worrying and that he’s far too well-trained to let anything like that happen, but that doesn’t really help.
What does your OC’s bed look like? What would they like their bed to look like?
She has very pretty, light-colored things on her bed; light purple blanket, white pillowcases, etc. She probably also has a stuffed animal as well :)
Her bed would look neat, but she doesn’t try to make it look super good. It doesn’t look messy, but it also doesn’t look completely… I guess made? Everything is where it’s supposed to be, but the blankets are a bit rumpled and not tucked in, the pillows are haphazard.
Jyn-Si likes her bed to look just like that: neat but still a bit messy.
Was there ever a time your OC would have given everything to turn back the clock 5 minutes? What happened?
Probably the times where he ended up yelling or being too harsh with Eli or his nephews. Hacks is very um… well, he doesn’t try to hide or mask what he’s feeling 😅
If he’s feeling or thinking something, he is going to be very clear about that, and sometimes he’ll end up hurting people just because he’s so honest and blunt.
As of now I can’t think of any major moment where Hacks would want to turn back time; it’d mostly be a collection of smaller moments where he let himself get carried away by anger.
Has your OC ever seen the ocean? If not, do they want to? What do they think of it?
Yep! The planet he grew up on was very tropical and beach-y, and he and his mother lived right by an ocean.
Then, when he was in his 20s, he and his friend Eli took on jobs that brought them to Kamino, another ocean-y planet, where they stayed for years.
As for whether or not he likes the ocean, I’d say that he doesn’t really mind it. It’s not his favorite place to be, but he doesn’t hate it or anything. It’s just alright to him.
Would your OC survive for a week on their own in the wilderness?
Oh absolutely. He’d definitely be more adept at surviving in places where technology is prevalent, like a city, but he’s very much capable of surviving just about anywhere.
What is the favorite thing for you OC to do on a rainy day?
Not go outside lol
He’d probably work on coding or programming or inventing something… which is what he likes doing all the time, pretty much XD
Does your OC have any craft skill, as a hobby or profession? If so which?
Azizi honestly doesn’t really… like crafts, or art, or anything related to that. He’s a lot more practical in how he views the world; art or creative writing frustrates him.
That being said, he’s non-verbal, so he uses writing to communicate with others. He has a small notebook that he carries with him whenever he goes, and he uses it to write down things he wants to communicate to others. He’s a very fast writer (if someone is saying something, Azizi can keep perfect pace with what they’re saying as he writes. Basically, he can write as quickly as someone talks).
However, he doesn’t view that as a creative skill; everything he writes is for communication or so he can remember an exact conversation he overhears. He never comes up with his own stories, nor does he want to.
Does your OC have someone they want at their side when they are scared? Who?
Azizi loves doing things on his own—he’s been that way ever since he was little. This often causes him to get into all sorts of trouble, because if he gets into a tough situation, there’s often no one there to help him out of it XD
In addition, he has a naturally bold, confident personality. He rarely experiences fear, even if he falls off a tree or gets bullied at school.
However, during the times where he is scared, or overwhelmed or in the midst of a meltdown, he wants his bird with him. She’s very similar to a parrot, with light grey and pink feathers, but has the intelligence that a human possesses. She’s able to understand him better than a lot of other people can, and Azizi trusts her more than he trusts… honestly, he trusts her more than he trusts most others. They’ve got a very close bond and love each other very much :)
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serenaoculis · 1 year
the way back home
// short narration i came up with while walking back to my apartment // inspired by the final scene of disco elysium, and the rainwater collecting in my hair
The clouds overhead swirl in nonsensical patterns. The wind blows past the street. The sky above is black, the lights around are dimmed by trees growing on each side of the road.
This is you.
You're heading back home. It's calm outside. There's puddles in the street and barely any cars. Your lower lip itches a little.
It feels as if though the earth itself is talking to you.
Why are you alone?
A cold breeze blows past you. Rainwater wets your clothes, falling more and more furiously every second past.
"I am not alone. My friends are back where I came from. The world is beneath me. The sky is above and the trees surround me as I walk. Life flows down my face, from the sky. There are a thousand versions of me and all of them are here right now, walking at night on the sidewalk. The lights in the distance are warm. I know these streets by memory. Everything is beautiful."
Why are you here?
The stoplight is red for pedestrians. The cars stop, waiting for you to cross. They see the sillhouette of a young woman, dripping wet. On her face, a smile. It's still under construction.
"Because I insisted real hard on getting here. I fought with my hands and sheltered myself in my mind, I thought good things and I did them too, and all of it has led to the present moment. Now. I am here because I want to be, because everything around me has shown me why it's all worth my time. I've made a choice."
Don't you sometimes wish you were free of the burden of awareness?
The trees sway with the rain. The grass holds puddles of water, making them invisible to the naked eye. Black asphalt. Green leaves. The things around you are alive.
"I do not. Awareness is not a burden. Humanity is not a mistake. I am a miracle."
Is that something you truly believe, or something you tell yourself to make it hurt less?
You step on the street. It's like a flowing river of rainwater, collecting. It's cold. You wipe your glasses on your undershirt.
A moment of silence.
"I do believe it."
"I am a mathematical impossibility. For me to exist, so many things had to happen. The earth. The rain. The sea. Microscopic organisms growing eyes, and fins, and mouths, and legs. An unbelievably complex nervous system. The sun in the sky. The trees in the street. The entire history of the world and someone falling in love with the man I call my father. The improbability of everything surrounding me is incomprehensible. And yet, here I am. Capable of loving everything, and of recognising that I do. Capable of being surrounded of beautiful things, because I see them and because I make them. I do good because I am compelled to. I see beautiful things and it makes sense. I am the life of the world that surrounds me, I am the eye of the beholder that sees the meaning of everything. I am life. I am a miracle. And, just tonight, I'm beautiful."
A cyclist drives past. The smell of cannabis invades your nostrils. You keep walking forward. The rain is about to clear.
Do you love me?
You look at the layer of rainwater collecting beneath your feet. It reflects everything around you. Buildings, trees, clouds, the dark sky and your own two feet. You take one step. The water drips through your shoe, into your socks.
"You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."
That's good.
I love you too.
I know it's hard being a human. I know it's hard being who you are. I know it's hard waking up every morning and working to exhaustion and having to keep calm and having to talk to your dad.
But when you feel like it's not worth your time, look at me.
And when you do, remind yourself that it is only thanks to you that I can be seen.
Just tonight,
I'm beautiful.
See you tomorrow.
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amicheri · 2 years
;;~ This day wasn't the best not neither was it the worst, Sakura found herself a bit lightheaded to begin with as she hopped out bed. Grim was playing cards with one of the ghost which surpised her to say the least, however she shook it off.
"Good morning grim, im going to head to the cafateera do you want to come along, or perhaps wnat me to get somthing for you?" She held the door open realizing the small chill but brushed it off, she wasn't going to be gone for long.
She watched as the magically warlock cat lazily shook his head as he poped one of those weird tainted gems in his mouth and waved her off. "I'm busy.. nommhmm." With a roll to her eyes the female shook her head and closed the door not realizing it was supposed to rain today.
Sakura made her way out to the sidewalk with she admired the villionas statues. before making her way to the cafateria.
From there she grabbed her food just like any of the other students however heard a few whispered from the Middle classmen in heartslabyul that started talking about her animalistic features which caused her to feel a bit uncomfortable and decided to take her meal home.
From there she started to walk of the building Only to realize it was down pouring outside, Sakura made the choice to turn back around only to suddenly realize the door was locked from the side , she noticed the group, high fiving one another as she spoke up. "HEY!"
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One of the immature boys chuckled sorry but no wet dogs are allowed in the caffateria. Were only following School rules. "pets airn't allowed in the building so scram." The other one sneered.
"You guys are jerks does your dorm leader know you act like this. you'll be kicked out what he finds out you did this!." Sakura bearked out as she growled a little. All three of the classmen walked away ignoring her words. Sakura however was getting drenced by rain as her pink locks stuck to her cheeks.
Just... Great.. the rain was cold. she didnt have a unbrella her breakfast was ruined. being hard headed as she was the female half demon student decided to rush back home. she ran as puddles of water began to splsh around her feet.
She finally arrived to her dorm after a hours of so of walking and running,  when suddenly she reached into her pocket and realized her keys were missing.. "My keys.. d-did I leave them in the cafaterra.... wait." her teeth chattered as she thought about it for a moment.
she happend to reacall the taller boy out of the rude bunch was olding somthing in his hand.silve with a gold tag.. Did those jerks steal her keys too.??! No no no this wasn't good, she was shivering cold, man this day really was getting worse. She set her food down only to bang on the door.  "Grim open up it's me!"
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"...." ..."..."
there was silence as Sakura shivered. "G-Grim!" Suddenly Sakura started to feel a little dizzy as she found herself sneezing. "Achooo.."  2 hours passed by trying to figure out to get into the house. The next thing she knew the door suddenly opeend up , there stood Grim with a half opened can of fish in his hand.
"Whoa what happened to you.... Sakura... hey earth to Sakura..!" the cat found the Mc laying on the couch for a moment her face red as she shivering and huffing. "Oh boy.. you dont looks so good.. hey can you hear me?" Grim called out again only to realize he needed to get help as she wasn't responding to him.
Quickly Grim did what he knew best and ran to the classroom where he found one of the guys and began asking for help. "So I know this is a little unannouced and all, but.. the kid needs help.. so .. gahh just follow me."  with this Grim had every intent to take the classmen to the dorm to help his housemate.
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He’s one of the good ones
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Nurse Reader
Warnings: Curse words, one (1) dirty joke, mentioned boss-employee relationship, objectification, brief description of a fight, stab wound, light spoilers for the movie, Bruce is actually a sweetheart 🥰
A/N: The prequel is now posted 😊 This will hurt 😊
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“Wait, wait, wait...I’m not sure if I understand you correctly. Not only are you working for him, but you’re also sleeping with him? What the hell, girl?” Your friend asked, looking pointingly at you. 
“I’m in a relationship with him.” You corrected, giving her a small glare. “But yeah, that’s the gist of it.” 
“Are you insane?” 
“Excuse me?” 
“Look, I know the last guy was a loser, but even he was a better choice than Bruce fucking Wayne. He’s a broody loner, holed up in that tower. I’m pretty sure a wall is more entertaining than him. I never said anything about it when you said you got a job with him, but now I gotta say something. What on Earth are you planning on doing with him? You have nothing in common and your personalities are completely different. Did you even think about the future?”
“Also, really, sleeping with your employer? How many times have you seen that having a happy ending?” She paused. “Although I’m pretty sure he has a lot of happy endings right now.” She laughed at her own joke. 
“You had to go there?” You glared at her. 
“Oh, lighten up.” There was a moment of silence as she stared at you. “Well, are you gonna start talking?” Your first response was an eye-roll.
“You are right, we have little in common, he is reclusive and he doesn't have friends. But he treats me better than any of my exes ever did and he doesn't object to me going out, having fun or meeting friends, even if he doesn’t join. He is kind, smart and surprisingly funny, so he’s more entertaining than a wall. What I feel when I’m with him...I have never felt like that before. There is no second guessing or doubts. I...he’s one of the good ones, you know?” You met her eyes as you stopped describing the man you were now seeing. 
“Oh God...you’re really in love with him, aren’t you?” Your friend commented as she watched a small smile tug at your lips as you described Bruce Wayne. 
“I am.” Your smile deepened. Your friend raised her glass and you clinked it. 
“To you, for finally falling in love. Even though I still think it’s a bad idea. But I’m not going to stand in love’s way.” She smiled. 
“So tell me, more about him and how you met.” 
You didn’t tell her the whole story. The story you told to your friends and family is that he saved you from getting mugged. But in reality you both saved each other. Kind of. 
It was raining again. It shouldn't have surprised you, this was Gotham for Christ's sake...yet you still went out without an umbrella. To your defense, you didn't plan on staying out as long as you did. You just went to meet with your now ex to break-up with him. That was over quickly, but then you met a friend and decided to grab lunch...and then coffee and then drinks. So now it was 3 am and you were walking down the street completely drenched after 2 minutes in the rain that dulled the shine of your yellow sweater.
"Hello, Sunshine." The man, sitting on the sidewalk slurred. He had a long night as well. You gave him a curt nod before passing him. You found that if you just briefly acknowledge them, they tend to leave you alone. Unfortunately for you, sometimes you were wrong, just like in this case. But usually you have an umbrella with you...
"Come on, Sunshine, don't be rude. At least say hello." He caught up with you. Your hands balled up under your arms, as you were trying to hold back a shiver from the wind on your damp skin.
"Hey, I'm talking to you." He grabbed your elbow, pulling you towards him. You yelped in surprise, your eyes the size of saucers.
"Let me go." You finally managed to let out, as the shock let its grip of you go.
"Why don't we have some fun. I promise, you won't regret it." The man smirked when you started trashing in his grasp. Your body tensed up and you kicked at his shins and he released you, cursing you out. You started running, the man right on your heels. He was gaining on you and you whimpered as the idea of what might happen next creeped up on you.
*THUMP* was heard and you looked back, to see the man lying on the ground. Another man was standing above him. He briefly met your eyes, nodding, before the drunk man got up, taking a knife from his belt, swinging at your savior. Your instincts told you to run, but you decided to stay and try to help. The two men were engrossed in the fight and you were just trying to spot an opening. Unfortunately when you found it, your savior was the one that got startled and the drunk man managed to stab him in the shoulder. 
There was fortune in misfortune, as even though your savior was just stabbed, you were still close enough to the drunk that you managed to get behind him and put him in a chokehold, holding him until he stopped trashing. 
"Hey...thank you. And I’m sorry." You stepped to your savior, offering your hand. He looked at you and you finally registered who was kneeling in-front of you. 
Bruce Wayne.
He took your hand and you pulled yourself out of your daze, pulling him on his feet. He stared at your bright yellow sweater, before meeting your eyes again.
"Are you alright?" He asked after a few moments of silence. His voice matched the broodiness he exuded.
"Yeah. Yes. Um, I guess I'm a bit shocked about everything that just happened.” You paused, waiting for a response. "It's just I didn't know you actually go out. No one has seen you in years." You continued when the elusive man refused to speak. He kept his gaze on you. You swallowed down everything that you wanted to add.
"Just...thank you. There's not many people that would help in this city." You smiled at him, your face lighting back up again. Bruce looked at your hand that was still holding his and you quickly let go. He brought it over his wound and nodded at you. He wanted to leave, but you touched his un-hurt shoulder, stopping him. 
“My place is just down the block. I have medical supplies at home and I can stich you up. I promise it won’t leave a scar.” You smiled at him. 
“You don’t have to.” He gently shook his head. 
“I want to. It’s the least I can do, since I’m the reason why you got stabbed.” You sheepishly said.
When Bruce entered your apartment, you quickly made him change into dry clothes and made him tea to warm up, before really patching him up. He left pretty much the next second, but stopped by a week later with the clothes and an offer for a job. 
Bruce was out when you returned, which was weird, since you didn’t notice the bat signal in the sky. But you figured that either you missed it, or Bruce just decided to check some thing out. Saying hello to Alfred, you made your way to the “bat cave” with your book The Midnight Library and propped up on one of the chairs, waiting for your boyfriend / boss to come back. 
You were startled awake as the entrance to the “bat cave” opened and Bruce returned. 
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He ignored you, taking his mask off and pulling his contacts out. Stretching, you made your way to him, your arms embracing him and kissing the back of his neck. 
“Sorry I was out so long. You should go to sleep, I’m fine, just a couple of bruises.” Bruce commented as he rewound the footage. 
“It’s fine. What happened?” You sighed as you looked through his shoulder and gasped as you saw the murdered mayor. Bruce turned to face you, blocking your view. 
“I don’t want you to see this. Please, go upstairs and I will join you shortly. I just want to review what happened.” He caressed your face, before kissing you softly. 
“He lies still.” You said after you parted. Bruce nodded and leaned his forehead on yours. Your hands traced the black paint he used to fill in the eye holes once his mask was on. 
“You go through more of my make-up remover than I do. I should really get a raise.” You smiled at him, making it bigger once he smiled back at you. 
“I think we can work something up. I can be persuaded.” Bruce chuckled. 
This was the Bruce you loved. This was the man no one saw. Which was equally heart-breaking and heart-warming.
Thank you for reading! 😊🙏
The GIFs are not mine, they belong to the amazing creators 😊
I think I might do a second part to this...at some point 😊 I saw the new Batman movie this week and I was pleasantly surprised! I really loved the movie, so much so, I will go see it again this week 😁
Also I am reading this book right now and I am so pumped up about it, can't wait to finish it! 😊💙
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rainy-day-noise · 3 years
𝕊𝕦𝕕𝕕𝕖𝕟 ℝ𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕪 𝔻𝕒𝕪
Summary: Vanitas finds himself momentarily stranded under the rain. That is until you find him.
Warnings: Writing errors
A/N: My mind said rainy day prompt and I wrote this as fast as my fingers could type
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Vanitas sighs as he leans against a shop’s large window, hiding from the sudden downpour under an awning. He does his best to squeeze out the water from his drenched clothing, shivering when a sudden gust of wind passes by. He rubs his arms with his hands in an attempt to generate some warmth.
The man gazes out into the scene on the streets. Children giggle as raindrops tickle their cheeks and noses. The rascals jump in every puddle they can find, despite their parents’ best efforts to keep them dry. Adults use whatever they can to shield themselves from the assault of water. As quickly as the rain had come, the street soon became bare of people, save for the poor bluenette shivering like a leaf.
The rhythmic sound of raindrops falling onto concrete fills Vanitas with growing annoyance. Glaring at the ground, he weighs his options. He could wait for the rain to stop, or at least calm down a tad. Or, he could sprint back to the hotel now, given that he was already soaking wet. Another frustrated sigh leaves him.
“There you are!” a voice exclaims, yanking him away from his train of thought.
He looks up to see you sprinting towards him with an umbrella in hand. It bobs up and down with each step you take. You pant breathlessly as you come to a halt beside Vanitas, who curiously stares at your disheveled form.
Finally catching your breath after a few moments, you look towards him and take in his appearance. Wet strands of dark hair stick to his features; his eyes wide and face scrunched up in mild confusion at your sudden arrival. His baggy clothing clings to his form.
Before you can make a comment, Vanitas places a hand on his chest in his usual dramatic fashion, “You came out just to find little old me? How sweet of you, dear (Y/n)!”
You send him an amused but worried smile, “How about we get back to the hotel before you tease me? I’d rather you not be grouchy tomorrow because of a cold.”
He pouts but joins you under the umbrella’s welcoming protection, careful not to get too close, “Your reactions are always lackluster.”
“I have no idea what you mean.”
The two of you make your way back to the hotel in silence. The sounds of your shoes tapping the pavement and the rain hitting the umbrella fill your ears. It was ….relaxing, in a sense. Were you not so worried about your wet and shaking companion, you would have enjoyed taking a walk like this in his company. You pass by people taking cover from the rain under awnings, much like Vanitas had been doing. They look at your umbrella with jealousy shining in their eyes. You do your best to ignore their stares.
“How did you find me, anyway?” Vanitas asks curiously, sniffling as he rubs his nose. He gladly takes the handkerchief you hand him.
You cringe, remembering how you ran around the big city, desperately trying to locate him. Thankfully, his unusual clothing choices and hairstyle made him easy to find.
You decide to answer truthfully, “I dashed from street corner to street corner. It isn’t hard to spot you, but I still roamed around for a while.”
He laughs in response, finding the mental picture of you running around like a headless chicken funny. While he certainly wouldn’t admit it out loud, he appreciated the gesture. Being able to go back to the hotel and into some warm clothing quickly was one-thousand times preferable over waiting in the rain like an abandoned dog.
Vanitas suddenly comes to a stop. He stands still in the middle of the sidewalk. You stop as well, making sure he stays shielded from the rain.
“Vanitas? What are you-”
He lunges at you, swiftly enclosing you into a hug. You nearly drop the umbrella in surprise.
“VANITAS-?!” you shriek. You wiggle around in an attempt to escape his hold. “I’m getting wet! Let me go!”
He squeezes you gently in response, rocking you softly from side to side. “It’s cold. I’m simply trying to warm myself up. Now stay still.”
After a few fruitless moments, you cease your struggle. Instead, you start rubbing his back with your free hand in an attempt to bring him some much-needed body heat. He continues to hold you, not caring about how soaked you’re getting in the process. Out of curiosity, you turn your head to the side, just enough to see the tip of your lover’s ear a bright shade of red. A teasing smile finds its way to your face.
“You know, Vanitas,” you start, feeling him tense the tiniest bit, “if you wanted a hug, you could’ve just told me.”
“......shut up.”
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