#best boxing usa clubs
lady-jane-asher · 3 months
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Jane Asher and Gawn Grainger as Juliet Capulet and Romeo in “Romeo and Juliet” presentation while being on tour in the USA, 1967. Part 2. 🩶
Previously posted pictures with my old username, updating it with the new one.
Old Vic Brings First Spoken Drama to The Music Center. By Cecil Smith. Los Angeles times— March 5th, 1967.
It seems a curious bit of scheduling to have the Bristol Old Vic in the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion of The Music Center, opening a three-week season of Shakespeare Tuesday night.The company is doing the first spoken drama ever performed in the new complex and it arrives on the threshold, the very eve, of the twin openings of the new theaters designed primarily for drama next month. Not that the spoken word is a stranger to the Pavilion. Some of the more interesting musical plays produced there, notably "Fiddler on the Roof," have been as dependent on their dramatic as on their musical structure. And if the Pavilion is fundamentally a music hall, still the verbal music of Shakespeare can be as stirring and compelling as any instrumental or vocal music ever devised. No one plays this music better than a British ensemble and among the great companies of England the Bristol Old Vic is considered one of the best. No less an authority than Sir Tyrone Guthrie says it is among the world's finest acting companies and that its managing director, Val May, is an immensely vital force in the English-speaking theater.
Suited the Action
Sir Tyrone suited the action to the word by staging the production of "Measure for Measure" that opens the BOV season here. May directed the production of "Hamlet" that enters the repertory Thursday and the "Romeo and Juliet" that will open next week. The three plays will rotate through March 25. The Bristol Old Vic was initially formed in 1946 as an offshoot, a sort of farm club for London's justly celebrated Old Vic. When the latter was melded into the British National Theater three years ago, the BOV became an independent entity.
It is supported by an annual grant of 40,000 pounds from the Federal Arts Council, plus a grant from the city of Bristol and its thriving box offices in two theaters-the legendary Theater Royal and its new Little Theater. But even in its days as m the outpost of the London company, the Bristol Old Vic had an individuality and a spirit all its own. I remember when the parent organization was in the Philharmonic on one of its tours some years ago, I asked John Neville, who was playing Hamlet, what his plans were after the tour, and he said he was leaving the London company to return to Bristol. I asked him why. "It's more adventurous, more experimental, more daring and," he smiled, "more fun."
Although the BOV is only doing Shakespeare on this first American tour under the sponsorship of S. Hurok, the Bard is not its primary product in England. The company is known as an innovator, launching new plays and new playwrights, trying new areas of stagecraft, new methods and new approaches. It was in the vanguard of the new wave of British drama that spawned Pinter, Shaffer, Osborne, Arden, Wesker, and others. It was the first company to produce an English version of Erwin Piscator's "War and Peace" (later staged with immense success in this country by the APA) and it first provided a stage for such plays as "A Severed Head" and "The Killing of Sister George." ⠀⠀⠀
The company has a vigorous acting school and training program that has a spawned a legendary crop of stars, among them Rosemary Harris, Peter O'Toole, Dorothy Tutin and Paul Rogers. m Although the concentration is on youth, many an established star has played at Bristol, including Wendy Hiller, Moira Shearer, Pamela Brown and Neville.
The Hamlet of the current company is one of England's brightest young stars, Richard Pasco. He's little known in this country, though he was in the movie "Room at the Top" and played Broadway with Laurence Olivier in
"The Entertainer." Pasco, who also plays the key role of Angelo in "Measure for Measure," told a Times correspondent in Bristol recently that he sees Hamlet as "a fish out of water." "He's plunked right in the middle of all this political intrigue and violence and that's what he hates most— violence," Pasco said.
He approves director May's decision to set the play in the Napoleonic era-"lots of conspiracy and blood around in those days." Pasco said his first West End job as an actor was in "Hamlet"-playing Fortinbras to the prince of Paul Scofield. He feels Scofield saw the character as "an angry young man." "Yet," said Pasco, "he's really pretty cool. He likes to think about things-in a world that likes to act. Not that he's unable to take care of himself—he learned that as a soldier. But he's a scholar who knows that violence only leads to more violence. It's not in his nature to do the things that have to be done.
That's the terrible part." Pasco was the original angry young man—he played Jimmy Porter in the English Stage Company's famous production of "Look Back in Anger" in 1956, which launched the new wave of British drama. Most of his career has been in classical repertory though he's also starred in British television and movies. He joined the Bristol Old Vic in 1964 for its first tour of Europe, which extended as far as Israel.
Famous member⠀⠀⠀
Actually, the most famous member of the current troupe is its Juliet, 20-year old Jane Asher-particularly with the miniskirt set. The fame that preceded her had nothing to do with her acting but her fan magazine reputation as the girl friend of Beatle Paul McCartney, which has brought out swarms of teenagers on the cross-country tour. In proper repertory fashion, she balances Juliet with the tiny role of Julietta in "Measure for Measure." There are other players quite celebrated in Britain among them, John Franklyn Robbins, Frank Barrie, Madge Ryan, Frank Middlemass, Gwan Granger, Barbara Leigh-Hunt. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
But as in the National Theater, the Comedie Francaise, the Moscow Art Theater, one goes to see an ensemble, not an individual. This is a new wrinkle in this country but with the success of such ensembles as the APA, ACT and others, it's gaining momentum. There's an immense sense of pride in the Bristol company and in its homebase theater, the 200-year-old Theater Royal in cred Eritain on a heater where Sarah Siddons played and Edmund Kean, William Charles Macready, Jenny Lind, Henry Irving and Ellen, Terry-the ghost of Mrs. Siddons is said to stalk its stage.
Some feel it prophetic that the Blitz, which levered much of Bristol, spared the theater. Val May accompanied his players to this country and stayed with them through their highly acclaimed New York openings, then returned to Bristol to prepare his spring season, which includes such varied offerings as "The Hostage," "The Taming of the Shrew," Galsworthy's "Strife" and Pinter's "The Homecoming."
Among three new plays to be produced is one by American author Robert Rich, "Message from the Grassroots," a play about Malcolm X with an all-white cast.
Dr. Guthrie met the troupe in Philadelphia to brush up his initial staging of "Measure for Measure," that blackest of black comedies, which was much condemned in Victorian England for its outspoken attitudes on sex and morals and its cynicism. Dr. Guthrie told me later he was quite pleased with the production and it was greeted in Philadelphia, Boston and New York with warmth and a goodly share of critical hosannas.
The play is out of Shakespeare's middle period when he was at the height of his powers, written at about the time he wrote "Othello," after "Hamlet" and prior to "Lear." Although labeled a comedy, it is quite a serious work and tragedy is narrowly averted and then only through good fortune. It's easy to see how it shocked the Victorians, dealing with the stern enforcer of a Viennese law holding fornication illegal and punishable by death.
When a young man gets his girl with child, he is sentenced to die, and his sister, a novice in a nunnery, offers her own chastity in exchange for her brother's life. What particularly upset the Victorians was Shakespeare's straightforward appraisal of humanity, as when he has the wry Pompey ask the young governor if, to enforce the law, he plans "to geld and spay all the youth of the city?" Eras change. The candor that delights one age shocks another and can delight a third. But what endures is the essential truth in the poet in his evaluation of man for all his vice and folly.
When he has Angelo say: "They say best men are moulded out of faults, and, for the most part, become much the better for being a little bad," it's downright comforting.
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ladyluscinia · 1 year
A better "Where do you buy groceries?" poll because the other one's choices were so broken in scope
Detailed descriptions below if you don't immediately know which answer applies
1. Big-Box / Hypermarket stores can have a grocery section but they sell a lot of other general goods too. If there's equal or more not-food (clothes, electronics, furniture) than food it's probably this.
2. Bulk / Wholesale stores often require memberships and you buy in bulk with limited selection for cheaper prices. These are basically warehouses.
3. Discount Supermarkets in the US, at least, have Aldi's business model stand out as somewhat unique, though I expect it has more competitors in Europe. There's a focus on the cheapest possible prices by emphasizing store-brand items and reducing employee staffing.
4. Large Grocery Chain examples in the USA include Kroger (& Brands), Safeway, Hy-Vee, Publix, etc. They are big enough to cover a whole region instead of just a few states.
5. Large Grocery Chain in Europe would be the supermarket you can reliably find all over your country and possibly neighboring countries. I think Asda in the UK counts? I haven't grocery shopped across Europe for more examples.
6. Same kind of store as above, scaled to your country size. Not gonna pretend I know enough about groceries across the world to give more details.
7. In the US, if it covers a few states but most of the country would have no idea what you're talking about? It counts. Everyone use best judgement on how small they would consider a "local" chain.
8. Another best judgement but I was thinking of brands like Whole Foods Market (pricier, organics) or Trader Joe's (emphasis on marketing private labels but not specifically budget goods).
9. This one is especially for Americans who are immigrants or from immigrant families that shop at specialty stores (ex: Pan-Asian Market) to buy ingredients / brands that the local options don't sell, but I would assume it's internationally applicable.
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tctteredwings · 9 months
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if you’re hearing I AM WHAT I AM by GLORIA GAYNOR playing, you have to know LUCIAN CARTY (THEY/THEM; GENDERFLUID) is near by! the THIRTY-THREE year old HOMELESS SHELTER LEADER/BARTENDER AT HELL & HIGH WATER has been in denver for, like, ALL THEIR LIFE ON AND OFF. they’re known to be quite CARELESS, but being PASSIONATE seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble CODY FERN. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those PLACARDS FIGHTS FOR INJUSTICE, AN EVER CHANGING WARDROBE, MESSY BEDHEAD vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the RINO DISTRICT long enough!
tw: drug abuse, abortion mention, violence, drug overdose
Name: Lucian Carty. Age: Thirty-two. DoB: April 23rd 1990. Occupation: Homeless ShelterLeader/Bartender at Hell & High Water. Sexual/romantic orientation: Pansexual/grey-romantic. Birthplace: Denver, CO, USA. Current Location: Denver, CO, USA.
They’re a native to Denver and grew up in Lakeridge.
Product of a one night stand who was treated like crap by their mother from birth. She didn’t want them, had planned to get rid of them and made that clear each and every day. The police were constantly getting called to their place because of the continual screaming and shouting.
At seven they found their mum’s drug stash which suddenly explained why they had no money even though she was working all the time. It explained a lot.
Shortly after that they were joined by a younger sister, who their mum seemed to want this time.
Threw themselves into school. They were a bit of a brainiac. Maths club, debate, constant tutoring of other students, anything to keep them away from home.
By the time high school had come to an end they’d found a passion for activism and spent all their time in the middle of the city involved in protests. Constantly spent their time clashing with the police, chaining themselves to buildings and locked away for the night after peaceful protests ended up violent.
At around twenty-one they came out as genderfluid. They’d never fit in any kind of box anyway. Started going by both they/them, something that has stuck ever since.
They spent the rest of their time working in bars, coffee shops, restaurants (whatever brought the money in) and a local homeless shelter.
Attempted a relationship for the first time. Failed. It lasted a couple of years but ended when they let them get dragged off by the police without helping at all. They are a bit of a hopeless romantic deep down, but have never really felt they deserve love because of how they were treated by their mother when growing up.
Spent the next couple of years flitting back and forth between Denver, Los Angeles and new York constantly, unable to settle. 
Moved back to Denver permanently around five years ago after receiving a phone call from their younger sibling, who told them their mother had overdosed. Despite everything they still came running to take care of them both.
Picked up a job at a bar again pretty quickly, needing money to support themselves and their mother and sister, something they never thought they’d be doing. They live in an apartment away from them though, choosing to settle in Rino, there was no way they were living in the same house as their mother ever again.
They’ve fallen back into working at the shelter since arriving back home, working their way to leader. It's something they've always been very passionate about and dedicate most of their time to both that and charity work within the LGBTQIA+ community. Working at the bar just tops up their income so they have enough to survive.
Maternal Half-sister (0/1): Of at least half European descent. 7/8 years younger. Anya Taylor-Joy’s the dream.
Childhood best friend (0/1): This person was like Lucian’s family when they were growing up. That’s never changed.
Childhood friends (0/?): Anyone they knew growing up in Lakeridge.
Sister from another mister/brother from another mother (0/1): They’ve never been close to their actual siblings (or don’t know them at all) so this is someone they’ve formed a sibling-like bond with over the years.
Close friends (0/?): Friends they’ve grown close to since settling Rino.
Getting to know you (0/?): They’ve only recently got to know one another, but they’re working on it.
The best kind of people (0/?): They’ve met on numerous charity/good will projects over the years and just made a bond.
Ex-partners (0/2): There have only been a couple, Lucian doesn’t have the best luck with lasting relationships.
You’re kind of special (0/1): Someone they’ve found themselves growing closer to recently, although it might all be one-sided, they’re not sure yet.
One night stands (0/?): There aren’t too many of them, but every so often they’ll spend a night with someone.
Friends with benefits (0/2): Same as the one night stands, though these two keep coming back to one another.
Roommate (0/1): They are by no means rich, so having a roomie helps with rent.
People from work (0/?): People they know through their work at the bar or others who may work with the homeless from time to time.
Not quite the best of friends (0/?): They just really don’t get along… at all. They could have clashed during a protest or something in the city at some point.
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nerdgasmnoire · 9 months
Smut Book Club's Smut Book Club 1: A Taste of her Own Medicine
Hey everybody, Welcome to the inaugural episode of Smut Book Club’s Smut Book Club, a book club where me and Melissa read our long list of romance novels and talk about them in the only way we know how, messily. Melissa also shoots some ideas for the jingle for this particular podcast. It goes about as well as you think.
  This week Melissa and De read A Taste of her Own Medicine by Tasha Harrison (https://tashalharrisonbooks.com/products/a-taste-of-her-own-medicine)
Single middle aged newly divorced mom Sonja is trying to start her own business. Enter Atlas, the teacher in the six week entrepreneur course. They navigate an age gap (10 years and she's older) in a small town. Real sexy times.
    Come join the fun!
Next Smut Book Club's Smut Book Club book is going to be Once Upon a Dream by Sierra Simone (https://www.thesierrasimone.com/once-upon-a-dream).
Lush. Evocative. Romantic. Enter the sensual world of modern day fairy tales with three novellas by USA Today bestselling author Sierra Simone. Music Box Girl A Twelve Dancing Princesses Story Every night they dance. Every night he follows. Ex-soldier private investigator Cal Dugan has been hired to follow Tamsin and her ballerinas to find out where they go at night. He didn’t count on Tamsin’s courage or her passion. He didn’t count on the way she twists him up inside. He solves the riddle of their disappearing act, but he’ll never reveal Tamsin’s secrets, no matter the cost. American Witch A Princess and the Pea Story Morgan wants to start fresh, but a mystery man at the masked ball lights her up from the inside. His hands, his touch, his scent--they're all too familiar, all too real. He’s always been her weakness, but can she deny him when every part of her is on fire for him and only him? Red & White A Snow-White and Rose-Red Story All that art student Scarlett wants to do is wait out a howling snowstorm and kiss her best friend senseless, but all her careful plans fall apart the minute a near-frozen bear stumbles through the door. Except he's not a bear—he's very much a man—and there's only one way to warm him up from the cold... Have you read the book? Tell us what you think about it on Twitter @NerdgasmNoire. Make sure you join our new discord channel and hang out with the community! discord.gg/7DqMZSy ENJOY! Intro / Outro - Dreamy provided by Mike (Pound 4 Pound Podcast) & Marion Moore from ALBM Production
Latest Episode of Nerdgasm Noire On-Deck!
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alatismeni-theitsa · 1 year
At one point in my college life, a friend convinced me to join a sorority and while I didn't like the idea of sororities based on stories I heard, I wanted to be closer friends with her so I did it. We ended up the only two left during pledging and it was one of the worst soul-breaking experiences in my life. The people running that chapter made me contemplate terrible things, grinded me down to mere dust, and made us do it all in secret because they went against the school's demand to suspend activities after a fraternity caused the death of a student due their heinous hazing rituals.
I left after a year because they did nothing to resolve the harassment I experienced from their partner fraternities, especially since I was the only one sober most of the time and had to endure it in order to take of everyone. I could not take it anymore.
My questions in all this is: what why do people call this Greek life? What are your feelings about it? I knew it wasn't for me and I can't believe I made myself go through all that just to confirm what I already knew. I felt no "sisterhood" not even real friendship, like there was always going to be a barrier between me and everyone else in the lines above me.
I have a memory of talking with a real Greek culture club with actual Greek students on campus who told us that we'd be better off learning actual Greek history than to go into that. I still wish I could have done that because I enjoy learning history, and they were happy to see other students interested.
Even ~8 years later, "Greek life" still feels like something so far removed from what it's claiming to honor that I don't know why it's still going on.
You hit the nail on the head, anon, and I am deeply sorry you went through this! This type of harassment is unacceptable and my heart aches for what I read! Sending you lots of strength and courage because... what in the actual FUCK was this period!!
The Greek Life communities are a remnant of high society clubs and that's why they think they are The Shit and they are super exclusionary. I heard that they are called this because they initially were based on ideals from ancient Greek society - but I don't have any knowledge on how they practice that.
The Greeks you spoke to were right. These sororities don't give you a connection or a learning experience to Greek culture. There's like NO connection whatsoever rather than some mispronounced Greek letters and some basic human ideals like "we give to charity". Some sororities turn out to be fairly good experiences and others very classicist and toxic. I don't want to dismiss people who had a good time in such chapters but I would like to note that the foundation of these communities are based on is not the best, and in the USA it looks like they mostly benefit the WASP upper class.
If you aim is to learn stuff about Greek culture DON'T waste your time on sororities/fraternities. Greeks themselves are not without biases but they at least offer you actual knowledge. Plus, Greeks are very enthusiastic in sharing their culture.
For more of my opinions see the tag #greek life.
If you want to stick around I have many tags full of content about Greek culture, history, mythology, food, music, traditional clothing, customs, names, memes, everything. You can search any word in the tags and on the search box and I'll probably have something on it. I hope the blog can become a start to the journey you wanted to take in college.
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spirituallomo · 2 years
Huge beatiful cdock
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bestiptvchannels · 20 days
How IPTV Works: A Technical Guide To The Best IPTV Service
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The primary system used for acquiring, encoding, and managing content before consumer distribution is known as the IPTV head-end. It entails gathering different TV shows and media, which are subsequently encoded and digitalized into formats appropriate for IP transmission. Compressing the audio and video streams is one step in this process that lowers bandwidth utilization without sacrificing quality. To guarantee a dependable and seamless viewing experience, the head-end also oversees user access and content delivery.
To guarantee an enjoyable viewing experience, several criteria should be taken into account while choosing the best Indian IPTV service. First and first, content quality and diversity are crucial. An extensive VOD library and a broad selection of channels, both local and international, are hallmarks of the best IPTV Provider in USA. For a satisfying experience, the streaming quality—which includes compatibility for HD and 4K—is also essential. The service’s stability and dependability is another crucial factor. Seek suppliers who deliver low buffering and high uptime.
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karinagaynutdinova · 3 months
Salman Poddubnov created his own freedom: Eastern Block Boxing Club.
Let me tell you a story about how a strong mindset, determination, knowing exactly what you want, and a never-give-up attitude can bring you exactly what you desire.
My brother-in-law, Salman Poddubnov, was born in a small town in Russia. He had a normal family like most Russian kids, with a mother, father, and little brother. Nothing unusual, just a regular kid growing up in a typical family. Until he decided that Russia was too small for his ambitions and new life goals, he made a decision to move to the USA to start his new life in Los Angeles. He dreamed of becoming an international boxer. One of the most important lessons his father taught him was how to fight not just on the street, but as a professional boxer.
When Salman moved to LA with great talent and ambition, he thought he had hit the jackpot. However, in reality, nobody was there for him. It was just him and his dreams of fighting in USA boxing competitions. As is typical of the immigrant life, he started working odd jobs to make money, such as a mover and food delivery driver. At the same time, he trained at all the famous boxing clubs in Los Angeles, hoping that legendary boxing trainers would notice his skills and train him for a big fight in Vegas, where he could earn good money. Unfortunately, one day after training, he slipped on the wet floor at the gym and broke his knee in several places. This unfortunate event led to several expensive surgeries.
During his recovery, he met the love of his life, Alina, a fantastic lady also from Russia, who aspired to start a family in the USA. Salman admired her dreams, and they decided to build their future life together. Together, they opened their first business: a hookah place. It was a successful spot where many young people from around the world, mostly from old USSR countries, liked to hang out. However, COVID-19 struck, and like many independent business owners, they had no choice but to close their establishment.
The past two years have been challenging for everyone, but they stayed strong. Salman took a significant step in his life by proposing to Alina, and a year later, they became husband and wife in a cozy, intimate wedding reception with close friends and family. While they are still waiting to become legal US citizens due to the immigration process, Salman never abandoned his dream of continuing to fight and becoming the best boxer. Despite his surgeries, he kept going. He opened his own boxing club in 2022, where he could train people in the original USSR style of boxing, right in the heart of Hollywood. That same year, he became a father to a little girl named Tamilla, his future champion and princess of the boxing world.
Salman's club became incredibly popular and is now one of the busiest boxing clubs in Los Angeles. He trains Hollywood celebrities, directors, producers, and actors. While he still dreams of fighting professionally one day, he is currently focused on his family and club. With his drive, determination, and never-give-up attitude, I strongly believe that nothing is impossible for him. He is a true hero with strong leadership qualities.
To know more about Salman Poddubnov and his club please follow his social media accounts:
Instagram: @salman.boxing  @@eastern_block_boxing (https://www.instagram.com/eastern_block_boxing/)
Facebook: Salman Poddubnov
YouTube: Eastern Block Boxing Club
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sunnunderthesun · 5 months
Second Life's music clubs: An extension of toxic nationalism
Hatred for Muslims and Palestinians is rising in the USA as the nation continues to strongly support Israel’s genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. Based on my experiences of clubbing in the online game called Second Life, I can confirm the average American clubber’s apparent indifference towards the loss of civilian lives as a result of the ongoing war in the Muslim-majority countries.
The clubs I frequent are owned by Americans, and most of the members of those clubs happen to be Americans. Every day the clubs’ traffic goes down drastically when it’s past 12:00 a.m. in San Francisco. The only people one can come across at those clubs during the early morning hours are Europeans, Australians, New Zealanders, one or two insomniac Americans, and, rarely, Asians. One important rule of every music club in Second Life is not to ever bring up politics and religion in the chatbox or on air. Violation of this rule may even lead to a ban from the venues.
A DJ can be heard playing songs hailing the British monarchy, and the staff can ask everyone to kneel their avatars for the King of England on special occasions at clubs that are supposed to be inclusive. But, one mention of the word “Trump” is enough to incite an ugly fight between Trump’s lovers and haters who are almost always present in the clubs. These clubs’ respective managers make sure that no conversation about any election ever takes place in the public chat box. However, I have noticed that clubbers can safely hark back to the September 11 attacks, 2015 Paris attacks, the Orlando nightclub shooting, the Noitre-Dame fire, or any such event that has impacted the West. The club owners possibly find it reasonable for someone to start discussing a crisis that has affected them or their loved ones. Since early 2022, many clubs and their members have been exhibiting their support for Ukraine. Some people speak of having dressed their avatars in clothes whose colours resemble that of the Ukrainian flag. Some have been spotted sporting a “Pray for Ukraine” tag above their respective names. Many clubs display the Ukrainian flag or a blue and yellow heart-shaped board that reads: Pray for Ukraine.
But where’s the support for Palestine and Yemen? Where’s the concern for the ongoing genocide against civilians in the Muslim-majority countries? A few weeks ago, a club hopper, who claimed to be intoxicated, randomly began to blame the others around them in an international club for not showing an ounce of sympathy for the Palestinians. The club’s host immediately warned them that they would be banned from the club if they didn’t stop “talking politics” while a staff member of the very club was sporting the hashtag "standwithisrael" typed against an image of the Israeli flag on their profile. People come to this place to escape their RL (real lives). So it's best to avoid topics that can disrupt the ambiance here, the host explained. The club hopper ended up being kicked out of the club for being vocal about the club’s lack of compassion for Palestine.
Second Life has too many such music venues where, according to my ten years of observations, it’s humane to talk about the suffering of the West, only when that suffering is not caused by people originally from the West, but political to empathise with the victims of war in the Middle East and Africa. Unless bigotry is eradicated from the developed nations, I doubt Second Life’s major cultural locations will be any more welcoming to the surprisingly few individuals who enjoy live Western music, share their worries about the poverty-stricken war-torn nations, and refuse to accept double standards just to fit in with most others in the virtual world.
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allthingsdarkanddirty · 6 months
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The Dungeons & Doms series box set by Golden Angel Romances is now just $2.99 at Chirp!
Get the deal here: https://geni.us/DungeonsDomsChirp I
t's also on sale for Nook & Kobo listeners!  Universal: https://geni.us/DaDAudioSale
This group of gamers have plenty of experience points, but they're about to embark on some new campaigns - to win back an ex, to repair a marriage, and a battle for dominance that will leave everyone hot and bothered.
Book 1: Dungeon Master Rule Zero: The Dungeon Master Makes the Rules.Ten years after divorce, Leah is finally ready to move on. No more ex-with-benefits at the club she and her ex belong to. No more scenes together, no matter how hot they are. She's ready to find someone to spend the rest of her life with. So is her ex, but then Gavin drops the bombshell: he wants to move on by winning her back. Unfortunately, he might already be too late. When he shows up to declare his intentions, Leah's on her way out the door for a date with someone else. Gavin won her heart once and he's determined to win that battle again, no matter the odds. Book 2: Dungeon Daddy As life happens, happily-ever-after gets harder to hold on to...Two kids and two busy careers have taken their toll on Jax and Esther Johnson. Muddling through the middle of their lives, this Daddy Dom and his sweet and sassy babygirl have been in a rut for a long time. Esther knows motherhood and age have changed her body, and she's never been the sophisticated type that her husband spends time with all day at work. Worried that Jax is moving on to younger, greener pastures, Esther begins a campaign to win back her husband. There's just one problem: when Jax notices his wife is no longer acting like herself, he begins to assume the worst. Book 3: Dungeon Showdown In this battle of wills, only one dominant comes out on top... After months of relentless game night flirting, Aiden finally gets his shot with fellow dominant Cyana. Too bad it comes with a major catch. Submission has never been his style, but a bet is a bet and Aiden won't back down. As one night of total surrender changes everything he thought he knew, this big bad dom isn't prepared to deal with the consequences. How long can Aiden avoid Cyana and the pleasure that only submission can give him? Since they're preparing to stand by their mutual friends for a double wedding in lifestyle-friendly-paradise on a tropical island, probably not very long.
About the Author:
Golden Angel is a USA Today best-selling author and self-described bibliophile with a "kinky" bent who loves to write stories for the characters in her head. If she didn't get them out, she's pretty sure she'd go just a little crazy.
She is happily married, old enough to know better but still too young to care, and a big fan of happily-ever-afters, strong heroes and heroines, and sizzling chemistry.
When she's not writing, she can often be found on the couch reading, in front of her sewing machine making a new cosplay, hanging out with her friends, or wandering the Maryland Renaissance Fair.
Find Her Online! Amazon: http://amzn.to/2DplX3X BookBub: http://bit.ly/2G68e3O Facebook: http://bit.ly/2Ds7c0e Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2rt4rdL Instagram: http://bit.ly/2CkqiqZTikTok: 
https://bit.ly/3sJhOod Twitter: https://bit.ly/37RSd1B Website: http://www.goldenangelromance.com
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the-blackorchid1 · 7 months
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eqbcny · 11 months
Why Boxing?
This is the first question that comes to everyone’s mind when they think about it.
Here are some but not all best physical benefits of Boxing.
A killer cardio workout that burns some serious calories real fast, improves your hand-eye coordination, helps build shoulder boulders, improves Bone Mineral Density, increases the endurance & stamina, enhances cardiovascular health, tones & shapes the body, and improves total body strength. These are few to be mentioned. Anyone involved in boxing knows of its power – particularly among working-class kids – to improve health, education, community cohesion and to lower crime.
You hear it all the time: You need to do cardio to protect yourself from heart disease, burn calories, and lose or maintain your weight. There are not enough promoters of boxing as a sport in the modern world. It’s a stressed-out world out there and boxing training really helps you to decrease stress level. Also, you must exercise to improve body composition out of the sedative lifestyle of young people. Easter Queens boxing club is known for its Athletic Training and Conditioning.
Boding experts have pointed out some important benefits for kids as well in the age group of 5 year to 15 year. Boxing focuses on agility, speed, quickness, balance, and hand-eye coordination, Confidence Building, Health and Proper Fitness, Self-Defense, Good Eating Habits, Higher GPAs, Staying out of Trouble, Humility and Patience.
What do boxing coaches look for in a boxer?
It is difficult to find a good boxing coach that gets the best out of you in the ring through his training out of the ring. If we think about a good boxing coach, he must possess the ability to work with fighters that vary in style, size, age, and experience. They will be able to analyze your strengths and weaknesses, then plan a training strategy. A coach will train you to augment your strengths and develop, improve upon and eventually eradicate your weaknesses.
How important is a boxing coach?
There is a famous saying about boxing “Behind every great boxer, there is a great boxing coach”.
Finding the right boxing trainer for you is essential to improve your boxing ability and to continuously develop as a boxer. In fact, trainers are so important, most professional fighters often have multiple coaches specializing in different expertise.
One more question can pop into your mind in this case, that is, do you need a boxing trainer?
Let me clear it for this sport, one cannot become a pro boxer by self-training with no trainers, You can’t. You must have a trainer to be able to do it right. You must also be able to spar unless you like to fight your imagination.
Something about trainers, what to consider while selecting a trainer. A great trainer must have a mental and emotional connection with the fighter, feeling what his fighter feels, and being able to see what the fighter is seeing. Trainers don’t give up on their boxers, and never let them feel unappreciated and incomplete. Remember one thing, a trainer who is in it for the quick buck is not a good trainer.
Same time you need a great boxing club to train yourself. You will never learn how to box without joining a boxing club/gym. A good, equipped boxing club is as much important as a good, experienced trainer, it can be even a friend who has experience from boxing trainings and fights, so he can correct you on your mistakes on boxing mitts, a lot of sparrings to learn how to react to a moving living target, but alone? No chance. If you want to be a recreational boxer, any gym that has a boxing program will do, but if you really want to devote yourself to the sport, you’ll have to find a good gym. Eastern Queen boxing club is one of the great places in the USA to join and get trained from experienced trainers to transform yourself into a professional boxer.
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jetlister · 1 year
Tips on Purchasing Second Hand Aircraft & Planes
If you are interested in purchasing a pre-owned plane available for purchase or an involved aircraft available for purchase, you should conduct adequate research. This is on the grounds that purchasing a pre-owned aircraft primarily involves looking at various better places. This is in contrast to the case of purchasing a brand-new, out-of-the-box aircraft. guarantee that you get ideal insights concerning the aircraft. If not, you will wind up in extraordinary difficulty as well.
What to consider while settling on a choice for the sort of aircraft you plan to purchase:
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After deciding on an appropriate Buy Used Private Plane Online in USA, check everything about the plane or aircraft gradually and consistently. Take a look at the frame of the aircraft from its base. This is to ensure that you have a close examination of the aircraft. Think about checking for rust. This is on the grounds that rust is viewed as the most obviously awful adversary of any current aircraft. checking for existing missing parts. They are unsafe as well. Checking the engine is likewise vital. This is due to the fact that each motor has its own set of flight hours. Ensure that it has sufficient flight hours remaining. You can deduct it from the aircraft's stated cost in any other way you want. With the nuances listed above at your disposal, you can be certain of making an informed decision. You may also prefer online involvement plans that can be purchased or involvement plans that can be purchased. Simply be cautious when purchasing through online bargains.
There are some general guidelines you can follow to ensure that you continue working safely and profitably:
Consider looking for those well-known stores if there are no dealers willing to show their plane, assuming the purchaser chose to buy the aircraft. Choose a tried-and-true website or a huge organization that has a solid reputation for the services and items they offer. Buy Second Hand Aircraft Online in USA. Purchase the aircraft of your dreams at a reasonable cost and take pleasure in the independence of private jet flying. We make it simple to discover the ideal listing thanks to our access to hundreds of them. Try to really understand you're desired specific; this will assist you in locating your desired plane. When purchasing a plane, it is also critical to determine your budget. It is always advisable to contact the seller of the product you intend to purchase.
Following each significant social event, consider hiring or calling any plane master you know who can assist you with inspecting the used private plane for sale in the USA you are considering purchasing. This master can assess the genuine expense and even safeguard you from getting outmaneuvered in a specific arrangement. After you are prepared, take a gander at the different second-hand aircraft available to be purchased on the web. You want to ensure that specific items are truly available for purchase or that the plane or aircraft you intend to purchase is free of flaws. Do more than adequate exploration and set aside some margin to decide. It is always prudent to exercise caution when deciding on an aircraft available for purchase.
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coghive · 1 year
[Music] Finish Line - Skillet Feat. Adam Gontier
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17x platinum, GRAMMY-nominated rock band SKILLET has announced the February 17, 2023 release of their DOMINION: DAY OF DESTINY (DELUXE EDITION). With five new tracks, including upcoming Active Rock single “Psycho In My Head” (full track listing below), the project is the companion to DOMINION, one of the highest charting rock and metal albums of 2022. Pre-Saves and  Pre-orders are available now with “Psycho In My Head” included as the first instant-grat track and now the second track – “Finish Line,” featuring Adam Gontier (formerly of Three Days Grace, now Saint Asonia and touring with Skillet this winter).  Fans can preorder exclusive DOMINION: DAY OF DESTINY (DELUXE EDITION) Box Sets via: https://stores.kotisdesign.com/skillet/dominion-day-of-destiny-deluxe-box-sets. SKILLET and THEORY OF A DEADMAN have recently announced the co-headlining Rock Resurrection Tour, with support from Saint Asonia, which will kick off on February 17th in Gary, Indiana,running through March 26th in Los Angeles. The 25-date trek includes stops in Milwaukee, Detroit, Boston, Cleveland, St. Louis, Dallas, Denver, Phoenix, and more. Tickets are going fast and on sale now at www.skillet.com. Finish Line - Skillet Feat. Adam Gontier https://youtu.be/CC5ZrOuu1_8 “We are so excited for our fans to hear “Psycho,” “Finish Line” and the other new tracks, and to be touring with our friends from Theory again!,” says Skillet’s John Cooper. “It’s been several years since our last tour together, and this time we are also joined by our friends in Saint Asonia. We are looking forward to kicking off 2023 the right way by joining forces for a super-charged rock show! Panheads get ready!” SKILLET is one of the best-selling rock bands of the 21st century. The two-time GRAMMY Award-nominated, Pandora Billionaires Club members, and multi-platinum rockers have an undying spirit that has humbly asserted and affirmed them as one of this generation’s most successful rock acts. However, as all classic underdog stories do, it happened quietly under the radar. By 2019, they not only garnered a pair of GRAMMY Award nods and sold over 17 million albums worldwide, but they also took home a Billboard Music Award for the double-platinum Awake. Its breakout single “Monster” is 5x platinum and remains “one of the most-streamed rock songs of all-time.” 2016’s Unleashed bowed at #3 on the Billboard Top 200. Hitting #1 on Rock Radio, the lead single “Feel Invincible” cracked 643 million global audio streams and went platinum. Meanwhile, the gold-certified Unleashed became their fourth consecutive album to receive either a gold, platinum, or double-platinum status. Their 2019 release Victorious included the top ten rock radio hit “Legendary,” which lived up to its name with over 108 million streams. To date, nine original tunes earned RIAA recognition in tandem with high-profile syncs by everyone from WWE and Marvel to ESPN and NFL. Between selling out arenas in 26 countries and four continents, the group performed on CONAN and graced the pages of USA Today and The New York Times, Skillet debuted their first graphic novel, EDEN: A Skillet Graphic Novel with Z2 Comics, which became the publisher’s best-selling book of all time, followed by EDEN II: The Aftermath. Skillet’s latest project, DOMINION, is one of the highest charting rock and metal albums of 2022 and available now. DAY OF DESTINY DELUXE EDITION Track Listing (*denotes new track): 1. Surviving the Game 2. Standing in the Storm 3. Dominion 4. Valley of Death 5. Beyond Incredible 6. Destiny 7. Refuge 8. Shout Your Freedom 9. Destroyer 10. Forever or the End 11. Ignite 12. White Horse 13. Crossfire* 14. Psycho In My Head* 15. Finish Line (with Adam Gontier)* 16. Unbreakable Soul* 17. The Defiant* Read the full article
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