#best business motivational speaker singapore
chinesetutor · 2 months
Mastering Chinese with SY Wang: Your Guide to Exam Success and Beyond
Have you ever dreamed of conversing effortlessly in Chinese? Do you also want to learn Chinese to not just pass the exams but go beyond that? or just delve into the rich tapestry of Chinese literature? You might be a student aiming to conquer the PSLE or O-Level exams. Or maybe you are a professional yearning to enhance your business communication skills. Or you could simply be someone with a newfound passion for this fascinating language. Well, regardless of your motivation, SY Wang's Chinese Tuition Singapore is here to take care of all your needs. They are the best to offer a transformative learning experience. Their whole philosophy is designed to unlock your potential and propel you towards fluency.
Personalized Learning for Every Stage
SY Wang, a professional Chinese tutor, understands that successful language learning is based on a student-centered approach. They believe in personalized studies. Hence, they have a customized curriculum to take care of each student's unique strengths and weaknesses. With different learning styles, beginners lay a solid foundation by mastering essential grammar and pronunciation. They have interactive lessons that ensure a fun and engaging environment where students develop confidence to tackle more advanced concepts.
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Conquering the Challenges of Higher Chinese
Once you’re done with the basics, students then move on to the higher Chinese syllabus. SY Wang provides invaluable, specialized support for the same. The in-depth understanding of the specific challenges faced by students helps this higher Chinese tuition help students in every turn. They have targeted instructions that equip students with the necessary skills not only to excel in exams. The students are then confident enough to go for fluent conversations with higher Chinese skills.
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Investing in Your Future
Enhancing your Chinese language skills is surely an investment. This is beneficial for your personal and professional growth as well. SY Wang's renowned tuition program equips you with the tools that you need to unlock a world of potential. Imagine yourself confidently having conversations with colleagues or business partners. And delving into captivating Chinese literature, and most importantly, connecting with a rich cultural heritage. The guidance and mentorship here will allow you to bridge the language gap. Thus, you can turn your imagination into reality and embrace the vast opportunities that await fluent Chinese speakers.
Beyond Exam Preparation: Cultivating a Love for the Language
The SY Wang Chinese Tutor Singapore approach extends beyond exam preparation. They create a positive and engaging learning environment. By doing so, the students develop a genuine appreciation for Chinese culture and its rich tapestry of languages. Through their interactive lessons and cultural exploration, they ignite a passion for learning that goes far beyond textbooks and tests.
Invest in Your Future: Partner with Ms. Sy Wang
Ready to embark on your exciting journey towards Chinese language proficiency? Contact SY Wang today. And discuss your Chinese tuition needs in Singapore. Their expertise and personalized approach, combined with their unwavering dedication, will give you a rewarding Chinese tutoring experience. Eventually, you will not only achieve exam success but also cultivate a lifelong love for the beauty and depth of the Chinese language.
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mentalrockstaryujin · 6 months
Unlocking Success: Choosing the Right Personal Development Keynote Speaker in Singapore for Your Team
In the dynamic business landscape of Singapore, Managers and CEOs are constantly on the lookout for innovative ways to inspire and develop their teams. One of the most impactful approaches to achieving this is by inviting a personal development keynote speaker to your corporate event. Whether you're planning a conference, seminar, or team-building session, selecting the best personal development keynote speaker in Singapore can lead to transformational experiences. This guide is designed to help you navigate the process, providing insights and strategies to make the best choice for your team's growth.
The Power of Personal Development Keynote Speakers
A personal development keynote speaker is not just another speaker; they are a catalyst for growth, change, and transformation. Their expertise in areas such as leadership, motivation, and personal growth can inspire your team to reach new heights. These speakers bring fresh perspectives, valuable insights, and practical tools to empower your employees and drive your organisation towards success.
Understanding Your Audience
Before you embark on your journey to find the perfect personal development keynote speaker, it's essential to understand your audience. As a Manager or CEO, you know your team's strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations. Take time to consider the areas where your team would benefit the most from personal development. Do you want to boost their leadership skills, enhance their motivation, or help them overcome challenges? Understanding your team's unique needs will guide your speaker selection.
Setting Clear Objectives
The foundation of a successful search for a personal development keynote speaker is setting clear objectives for your event. Ask yourself what specific outcomes you want to achieve through this engagement. Are you aiming to foster a culture of continuous improvement, ignite motivation, or address specific challenges your team is facing? The clearer your objectives, the more effectively you can select a speaker who aligns with your goals.
The Search Process
Now that you have a better understanding of your audience and well-defined objectives, let's explore the systematic approach to finding the ideal personal development keynote speaker:
1. Online Research
Start your search by exploring the wealth of information available online. Websites, social media, and professional speaker directories are valuable resources. Look for speakers with a strong online presence, well-maintained websites, and positive feedback from past clients. This demonstrates their professionalism and commitment to their craft.
2. Network Referrals
Leverage your professional network, industry peers, and colleagues for speaker recommendations. Their experiences and insights can lead you to speakers with a track record of delivering powerful personal development messages.
3. Past Performances
Review the past performances of potential speakers. Watch videos of their previous speeches, read testimonials, and assess their ability to engage and inspire an audience. The speaker's track record is a strong indicator of their capabilities.
4. Personal Interviews
Conduct personal interviews with your shortlisted speakers. This is a critical step to evaluate their compatibility with your event. Discuss your objectives, audience, and expectations. Pay attention to their communication style, energy, and passion for your event's theme.
5. Customization
Ensure the selected personal development keynote speaker can customise their presentation to match your objectives and your team's preferences. Personalisation is key to the effectiveness of their message.
Top Personal Development Keynote Speakers in Singapore
To help you on your quest, here are profiles of some top personal development keynote speakers in Singapore who consistently deliver inspiring and transformative speeches:
1. Dr. Sarah Lim
Brief Speaker Bio: Dr. Sarah Lim is a distinguished personal development speaker and psychologist known for her expertise in empowering individuals and teams. Her engaging talks draw from her extensive research in psychology and human behaviour.
Notable Achievements: Dr. Lim has been a keynote speaker at prominent conferences and has authored best-selling books on personal development. She holds a Ph.D. in Psychology.
Key Areas of Expertise: Emotional Intelligence, Resilience, Stress Management, Team Empowerment
2. YuJin Wong
Brief Speaker Bio: YuJin Wong is renowned as a keynote speaker and is celebrated for inspiring leaders and their teams to achieve peak performance through mental toughness. With extensive experience in leadership development, YuJin's presentations are known for their energy and transformative impact.
Notable Achievements: YuJin has received accolades for his inspirational speeches at international conferences. He has authored books on leadership and has worked with Fortune 500 companies.
Key Areas of Expertise: Leadership Development, Change Management, Innovation, Team Empowerment
3. Jonathan Tan
Brief Speaker Bio: Jonathan Tan is an acclaimed personal development speaker with a background in organisational psychology. His interactive presentations are known for their practical tools and insights for personal and professional growth.
Notable Achievements: Jonathan has delivered talks for multinational corporations, helping individuals unlock their potential. He holds a master's degree in organisational psychology.
Key Areas of Expertise: Self-Motivation, Goal Setting, Personal Productivity, Team Development
Selecting the right personal development keynote speaker for your corporate event is a crucial step towards fostering a culture of growth and empowerment within your organisation. By understanding your audience, setting clear objectives, and conducting a systematic search process, you can make a choice that will inspire your team to reach their full potential.
Investing in a personal development keynote speaker is an investment in your team's success and your organisation's future. It's a transformative experience that can lead to positive change and growth. As you embark on this journey, remember that your team deserves nothing but the best, and the right personal development speaker can unlock their full potential.
Reach Out to Us
If you need further guidance, have questions, or would like assistance in finding the perfect personal development keynote speaker for your event, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our team of experts is here to help you make the best choice for your specific needs. Contact us today and embark on a journey of personal and professional growth with your team.
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sureshdevnani · 7 months
The World's Greatest Motivational and Inspirational Speaker
Known all over the globe as "the Happy Doctor," happiness speaker Dr. Suresh Devnani has won several awards. He is the greatest motivational and inspiring speaker in the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Canada, and other nations due to his wide-ranging effect and influence.
The Journey of Suresh Devnani
• It is encouraging to follow Suresh Devnani's path to becoming a well-known inspirational and motivational speaker worldwide.
• He was raised in Singapore and has always wanted to see others realize their greatest potential.
• He was first introduced to the difficulties and successes of business via his early career as an entrepreneur, which ultimately brought him into the motivational speaking realm. His individual experiences and his achievements.
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The Philippines' Finest Motivational and Inspirational Speaker
• There are a lot of individuals looking for inspiration and motivation in the Philippines, a nation well-known for its stunning landscapes and vibrant culture. Suresh Devnani's impact on the Philippines has been noteworthy.
• People from all walks of life can relate to him because of his realistic stories and lively and captivating speaking style.
• Suresh's presentations have a transformational effect on corporate executives and students seeking direction on leadership development. Because of his ability to inspire and motivate a diverse spectrum of listeners to pursue their hobbies, he is considered the best Inspirational and Motivational Speaker in Philippines.
Indonesia's Finest Inspirational and Motivational Speaker
• Another country where Suresh Devnani has left a lasting impression is Indonesia, renowned for its rich cultural heritage and multicultural populace.
• Having a profound comprehension of the difficulties and possibilities on this enormous island, he gives talks that are inspiring and motivating and that uplift the Indonesian spirit.
• Suresh is the best motivational and inspirational speaker in Indonesia because of the resonance his message of perseverance, tenacity, and self-belief has with the Indonesian people.
• He gives people the confidence to overcome challenges and accomplish their objectives.
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Singapore's Finest Motivational Speaker
• Singapore, the city-state home to Suresh Devnani, is renowned for its unwavering pursuit of innovation and quality. Suresh has established himself as the best motivational speaker in Singapore in this cutthroat field.
• His profound understanding of the regional customs and economic environment allows him to provide presentations that specifically target the needs and goals of Singaporeans.
• He encourages his listeners to rise to greater heights, accept change, and adjust to new difficulties.
• He is the go-to person for businesses and people looking for inspiration and motivation because of his enormous influence on Singapore's business community and educational institutions.
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Canada's Finest Inspirational and Motivational Speaker
• People are always looking for motivation and inspiration to reach their objectives in Canada, known for its varied population and extensive landscapes.
• Suresh Devnani has had a big impression in this nation of North America, where he is regarded as best motivational and inspirational speaker in Canada.
• He's been able to build relationships with Canadians from many walks of life because to his wide understanding and frequent travels.
• People across Canada like Suresh because he encourages people to go beyond their comfort zones, accept diversity, and reach their full potential.
Suresh Devnani's Distinctive Method
• Suresh Devnani's distinct style distinguishes him from other motivational speakers. He blends the vitality of Western business sense with the insight of Eastern philosophy to create a comprehensive message that appeals to a wide range of people.
• To succeed personally and professionally, he highlights the value of positivism, self-awareness, and mindfulness.
• Suresh's speeches are revolutionary because they give real-world solutions and insights that can be used immediately rather than just cliched motivating platitudes.
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In summary:
The greatest motivational and inspiring speaker in the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Canada, and many other nations is Dr. Suresh Devnani. He has assisted millions of individuals and organizations in realizing their aspirations and is the top expert on happiness and well-being. Dr. Devnani is the ideal option for you whether you require a keynote speaker, workshop facilitator, coach, or consultant.
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Top IELTS Coaching Institutes in Lucknow: A Comprehensive Guide
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In the quest for higher education or career advancement abroad, the best ielts classes in Lucknow (IELTS) are the key that unlocks doors to opportunities. A high IELTS score is often a prerequisite for admission to universities and colleges worldwide. It's also vital for immigration and professional purposes. However, achieving a remarkable score on the IELTS test isn't a walk in the park. To prepare effectively, many aspirants turn to professional coaching. If you're in Lucknow and in pursuit of the best IELTS coaching in Lucknow, you're in the right place.
Why Choose Professional IELTS Coaching?
While self-study is an option, professional best ielts classes in Lucknow offer a structured and guided approach to mastering the test. These coaching institutes provide expert guidance, proven strategies, and simulated practice tests that replicate the real exam environment. Your chances of reaching your goal score might be considerably increased with the correct coaching.
Navigating the Options
Lucknow boasts a plethora of options for the best IELTS coaching in Lucknow, making it crucial to choose the best fit for your needs. From established coaching centres to private tutors, the choices are diverse. Research and reviews play a key role in identifying the coaching centres that have a track record of success and align with your learning style.
Top IELTS Coaching Institutes in Lucknow
Meridean Overseas: The institute is an authorised IELTS registration center and collaborates with the British Council. Many students have benefited from their assistance in being accepted to institutions in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Canada.
British School of Language: The faculty offers the greatest foreign language instruction in the business in tongues including French, Spanish, and German. BSL provides online classes in French, German, and Spanish as well as a Personality Development Program and English for Speakers of Other Languages.
Eduken: One of the top organizations in Lucknow offering IELTS training is The Eduken. Vipul Tandon established the institution in 2008 with the mission of making learning enjoyable and meaningful.
Jamboree Education: For a variety of international admission tests, they provide specialised classroom and online test preparation options.
Manya- The Princeton: The institute provides complete direction and support for students' academic endeavors. They are most renowned for assisting students with GMAT, GRE, SAT, ACT, IELTS, and TOEFL exam preparation.
Small Batch Sizes
In best ielts classes in Lucknow, Small batch sizes allow for personalised attention and focused learning. It ensures that instructors can address individual concerns effectively.
Comprehensive Study Materials
Comprehensive study materials, including books, practice tests, and audio resources, can make a significant difference in your preparation.
Regular Mock Tests
Best ielts classes in Lucknow take Regular mock tests designed to mirror the real exam, help students understand their progress and get accustomed to the test format.
Motivating Learning Environment
A motivating learning environment is critical to keeping students engaged and focused on their goals. Look for the best IELTS coaching in Lucknow that offers a positive and inspiring ambience.
Location and Accessibility
Considering Lucknow's size and traffic, the location of the best ielts classes in Lucknow matters. Opt for a centre that's easily accessible and located in a convenient area. This ensures that your commute doesn't add unnecessary stress to your preparation journey.
Customised Study Plans
One size doesn't fit all when it comes to test preparation. The best IELTS coaching in Lucknow centres understand this and offer customised study plans. These strategies are formed based on your advantages and potential growth areas. Such a strategy maximizes your efforts and efficiently uses your time.
Interactive Learning
Engagement and interaction are essential for effective learning. Look for the best IELTS coaching in Lucknow that encourages discussions, doubt-solving sessions, and peer interactions. Interactive learning fosters a deeper understanding of concepts and offers different perspectives.
Preparing for all Test Sections
The IELTS test consists of multiple sections – Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. The best IELTS coaching in Lucknow ensures comprehensive preparation for each section. From enhancing your vocabulary and reading comprehension to refining your essay-writing skills and interview techniques, they cover all bases.
Time Management Techniques
Time is of the essence in the IELTS test. Adequate time control is a talent that may greatly affect your test results. The best ielts classes in Lucknow provide strategies to tackle each section within the allocated time, helping you avoid last-minute rushes.
Making the Right Choice
Choosing the best IELTS coaching in Lucknow is a critical decision that can shape your IELTS journey and, consequently, your future opportunities. You may enter the testing facility with confidence and leave with a score that opens doors to your dreams if you receive the correct advice, use the appropriate techniques, and prepare well. Therefore, go out on this path with vigor and let Lucknow's finest IELTS coaching facilities be your partners in success. Your dreams await, and the path to achieving them starts here, in the heart of Lucknow.
IELTS coaching is a crucial step for achieving your academic or professional goals. The best IELTS coaching in Lucknow offers a diverse range of options, each with its unique strengths. Whether you're a student aiming for a high score to secure admission to a foreign university or a professional seeking better job opportunities abroad, the right or best ielts classes in Lucknow can make all the difference. Make an informed choice, prepare diligently, and step closer to your dreams with confidence.
I hope this helps! Contact Meridean Overseas at 1800123000011 or visit our website for a complimentary counselling session.
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Best Foreign Language to Learn
Deciding which foreign language to learn can be a daunting task, especially with so many options available. There are over 7,000 languages spoken in the world, and choosing the right one for you can depend on several factors such as personal interest, professional goals, and cultural relevance. In this article, we will discuss some of the best foreign languages to learn, based on their popularity, practicality, and cultural importance.
Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world, with over 460 million native speakers. It is the official language of 21 countries, including Spain, Mexico, and much of Central and South America. Learning Spanish can be an excellent investment for anyone interested in traveling, studying abroad, or pursuing a career in industries such as tourism, business, or education. It is also a popular choice among English speakers because of its relatively simple grammar and vocabulary, making it easier to learn than some other languages.
Mandarin Chinese
Mandarin Chinese is the most spoken language in the world, with over 1 billion native speakers. It is the official language of China, Taiwan, and Singapore and is becoming increasingly important in global business and politics. Learning Mandarin Chinese can be challenging, especially for English speakers who are not used to tonal languages, but it can be a valuable skill for anyone interested in working or doing business in China or Asia.
French is a widely spoken language, with over 220 million speakers worldwide. It is the official language of 29 countries, including France, Canada, and many African nations. Learning French can be an excellent option for anyone interested in art, culture, or literature, as France is renowned for its contributions to these fields. It is also a popular choice among diplomats and international organizations, as French is one of the official languages of the United Nations.
German is the most widely spoken language in Europe, with over 100 million native speakers. It is the official language of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, as well as being spoken in several other countries. Learning German can be a great option for anyone interested in science, technology, or engineering, as Germany is home to many of the world's leading companies in these fields. It can also be a valuable language for anyone interested in studying or working in Europe.
Arabic is one of the world's oldest and most widespread languages, with over 420 million speakers worldwide. It is the official language of 26 countries, including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and much of North Africa and the Middle East. Learning Arabic can be a valuable skill for anyone interested in working or doing business in these regions or in the oil and gas industry. It can also be an excellent language to learn for anyone interested in history, literature, or religion, as Arabic is the language of the Quran.
Japanese is the official language of Japan and is spoken by over 130 million people worldwide. It can be a challenging language to learn, as it uses a complex writing system and has a unique grammar structure. However, it can be a valuable skill for anyone interested in working or doing business in Japan, which is one of the world's largest economies. It can also be an excellent option for anyone interested in Japanese culture, such as anime, manga, or traditional arts.
In conclusion, choosing the best foreign language to learn can depend on several factors, such as personal interest, professional goals, and cultural relevance. The languages listed above are just a few of the many options available, and each one can offer unique benefits to those who learn it. Ultimately, the best language to learn is the one that motivates and inspires you, and that will allow you to achieve your goals and broaden your horizons.
Langma School of Languages is one of the best foreign language institutes in Delhi, India.  We offer more than 50 foreign languages courses and classes online and offline in Delhi, India and other countries in the world. Some of them are English language classes, German language speaking course, Japanese language classes, Spanish language classes, Spoken Sanskrit classes, Russian language coaching and so on.
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womenkeynote-blog · 4 years
Keynote Women speakers is the world’s leading directory of female public speakers, is an integral part of Prime Time Singapore’s Business and professional women’s organisation which is based on their aim of ‘women supporting women’.
Know More Click on this Best Motivational Speakers In North America
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
I thought I'd already been cured of caring about that. It would be easy to do better. I know of zero instances in which he has behaved badly. Gradually employment has been shedding such paternalistic overtones and becoming simply an economic exchange. A year after the founding of Apple, Steve Wozniak still hadn't quit HP. But I know my motives aren't virtuous. But if you control the whole system. Thanks to Trevor Blackwell, Paul Buchheit, Jeff Clavier, David Hornik, Jessica Livingston, Robert Morris, and he pointed out that operator overloading is a bigger win in languages with infix syntax. The best notebooks I've found are made by a company called Miquelrius. A variant is to stay in touch with other YC-funded startups.
ITA presumably does, you can fix it yourself. You can't say precisely what the miracle will be, or even for sure that one will happen. The electronic parts distributors are trying to squash them to keep their monopoly pricing. Work in small groups. It's arguably an instance of scamming a scammer. In some countries this is the preferred way to solve the problem in a different way, but to surpass it. We're moving back to Minnesota, but we're going to keep working on the startup. I doubt they could do it yet either. We're not hearing about these languages because people are using them to write Windows apps, but because it's the same company as before, plus it has a strange syntax as because it has no syntax; you express programs directly in the parse trees that get built behind the scenes when other languages are better than either of them? There is only one real advantage to being a member of most exclusive clubs: you know you wouldn't be missing much if you weren't. It's easy to let the days rush by.
Actors and directors are fired at the end of last year. A founder leaving doesn't necessarily kill a startup, so don't compromise there. He will smite you in his just wrath, but there's no malice in it. They're a product of unusual circumstances. Software should be written in C. A lot of those companies were started by business guys who thought the way startups worked was that you had some clever idea and then hired programmers to implement it. Not because making money is unimportant. Octopart, they seemed very smart, but not great. In addition to formidable founders, a promising market, and usually some evidence of success so far. Palo Alto, the original ground zero, is about thirty miles away, and the number of users and the other half are going to die if they didn't get their money.
The secret to writing on such narrow pages is to break words only when you run out of apartments. So it's not surprising that we've found the relative prestige of different colleges useless in judging individuals. That's pretty alarming, because his friends are the ones you never hear about: the company that would be the best supplier, but doesn't bid because they can't spare the effort to get verified. Your target market has to be designed to be better, for certain problems, than others. Good does not mean being a pushover. Once you start to get the first commitment, because much of the difficulty comes from this external force. But often it requires practically an act of rebellion against the organizations that employ them. Did it alarm some potential acquirers that we used Lisp?
And I think that's what we should tell kids. But if you look at the problem from the other end. The world market in programmers seems to be becoming dramatically more liquid. This bites you twice: in addition to the power of the forces at work here. You don't have to prove you're going to fail makes you stop working, that practically guarantees you'll fail. A couple weeks ago I finally figured it out. A lot of people, probably the majority of people in America, because the harder it is to sell something to you, especially if you deserve them. And you might have about the average Harvard undergrad. Much was changed, but there was still that Apple coolness in the air, that feeling that the show was being run by someone who really cared, instead of comparing each character.
Too little money means not enough to make it, and that assumption turns out to be 13: Pick good cofounders. Singapore would face a similar problem. You have to assume it takes some amount of insecurity about where, or whether, they went to school. You can start to ask other interesting questions. Bob's going to grad school at Harvard to cure you of any illusions you might have trouble hiring hackers on that scale. Barring some cataclysm, it will always be true that most people who are genuinely good. If someone had launched a new, spam-free mail service, users would have flocked to it. In the more common case, where founders and investors are very sensitive to it. What we mean by a programming language is something we use to tell a computer what to do; they'll start to engage in office politics. Usually we don't have a speaker at the last Y Combinator dinner of the summer.
Really Scared of Prefix Syntax? What did he say to do? If you win the users, everything else will follow. What happened next was that, some time in late 1958, Steve Russell, one of McCarthy's grad students, looked at this definition of eval and realized that if you don't let people into it. There are just two or three to one would be enough to guarantee that you'd always be behind. Colleges are a bit like exclusive clubs in this respect. There's room not merely to equal Silicon Valley, but to surpass it. Ramen profitable means a startup makes just enough to pay the founders' living expenses.
As for libraries, their importance also depends on the application. These things don't get discovered that often. In the scrap era I was constantly finding notes I'd written years before that might say something I needed to remember, if I was bored, rather than carry a single unnecessary ounce. It also means no one university will be good enough to act as a mecca, attracting talent from abroad and causing startups to form around it. N; public int call int i; public static Inttoint foo final int n return new Inttoint int s n; public int call int i s s i; return s;; This falls short of the spec because it only works for integers. Economies are made out of people, and most people have. You might have fewer libraries at your disposal. But it's all based on one unspoken assumption, and that assumption turns out to be a cost, and send them looking for it. You see it in Diogenes telling Alexander to get out of his light and two thousand years later in Feynman breaking into safes at Los Alamos. Maybe. I didn't mention anything about having the right business model. It has for me.
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crappyfics · 6 years
Formula 1
F1!AU + Street race!AU
Baekhyun x reader
Word count: 1 857  
Baekhyun was the most popular and most promising driver in the Formula One.
Like most of the other drivers, Baekhyun Byun came from a very wealthy family from South Korea and since his teenage years he had a liking for cars.
No surprise that at the age of 16 he could drive already, but only at the age of 19 he finally started training professionally.
From playful kart races as a kid, to huge partnership, contracts and sponsorship with multi millionaire business from around the world, Baekhyun had his first entry when he was only 21.
Now I have to say, he was pretty good. He quickly became an idol and everyone in South Korea knew who he was. Soon enough, the entire world knew his name.
The race in Abu Dhabi was his first win. With his Ferrari car, he posed for pictures and gave quick interviews to the sports tv reporters. He walked to the podium to receive his trophy.
Of course they handed him an expensive bottle of champagne which he shook and popped making it rain golden drops.
He was living the dream. He had everything he’s always wanted. The job of his dreams, the car of his dreams, the house of his dreams, the lifestyle of his dreams. Everything was perfect.
Everything was perfect until the race in Singapore.
Baekhyun was in third place. And although it was a pretty good ranking, it wasn’t enough for him.
Upset and disappointed, Baekhyun  was having a hard time to keep his position in the podium. He could blame himself, he could blame his car, he could blame the companies technology, but no one really knew what was happening.
After his raking on the fourth position for the third time in a row, rumours started to spread. The news talked about him all the time. What happened to the racing hero?
Baekhyun could be responding to the rumours in many different ways, but no response would change the fact that he was no longer the F1 star. He didn’t want to admit it because couldn’t accept being what he always feared to be. A loser.
And he was losing motivation and enthusiasm each day that passed. Until that one night when he was driving his car in the dead and excluded part of the city. Seoul was a bright place but it had its dark side.
The sound of loud cheers, music played from huge speaker in the trunk of the cars, people hanging around as the street drivers aligned their cars on the street. Baekhyun felt his heart accelerating.
The whole idea of street racing, to him, always sounded pretty dirty. But the cheerful and dangerous atmosphere of that place got him curious. It made him park his car near the people and get out of it to reveal his face.
Everyone was starstruck.
Let me tell you something, Baekhyun could not be the best racer at the moment, but he was still a professional Formula One driver. He was much more than a street racer could ever be.
And because of that, he thought that it would be fun to race that night.
The thrill of doing something new, dangerous, illegal, had him high with all the adrenaline.
Everyone was stoked to watch him race in his uptight fancy car. It was already quite obvious who was going to win that night. At the sight of Baekhyun positioning his car in line, the crowd started renewing their bets as some other people started moving forward to watch the drivers more closely.
Baekhyun was already seated in the driver’s seat when he heard a knock on his window making him turn to the side to find you. A curious look on his face was replaced by a smirk on his lips.
He lowered the glass window and looked up at you ready to use his charms on you. Maybe also ready to fulfil your dreams of getting his autograph or something.
“You have to leave now.” you said and he quickly changed his expression again. “You can’t race.”
“Do you know who I am?” he asked you and at that very moment you felt like pulling him out of his car by his hair.
You told him he had to leave because you couldn’t risk having people posting photos of him on the internet and the police finding out about the VERY illegal street race. Baekhyun thought you were concerned he was going to show up on the news and he made it very clear that at that point he didn’t care.
But you couldn’t care less about him. All you wanted was for him to leave so you could have your race with no risks of getting caught.
“Let’s make a deal, yes? You let me race tonight, and I’ll give you something in exchange for it.” he proposed.
“Like what? What are you gonna give me for letting you race tonight?”
“My phone number, perhaps.” his smirk made all your internal fluids boil! He was damn attractive but also so cocky and out of his mind. It got you on your nerves.
“I’m not interested. I guess I’ll have to ask you to leave or else my friends over there will have to take you out of here.” you pointed to the serious looking boys that watched your conversation from the other side of the street.
“What if I take you to an actual circuit? If you’re nice enough, I let you drive my car.” he kept his stupid smirk on his face but you grew to like it only because he was willing to do anything to race with you informal fellow racers and you as well.
Thing was, Baekhyun was desperate for being the first place again. He knew that he would win that night, he knew it meant nothing, but he also knew that he needed that experience.
You didn’t have to say a word. The way you turned around to walk away meant a concrete yes. When you were already a few step away you hear “Hey, baby!” and it was Baekhyun’s voice calling you out. The pet name made you smirk just like he had done. “What?” you say.
“Wanna make another deal if I win?” and you just laugh as you walk away knowing that there was no way he would ever lose in such a competition.
So… he took you to the circuit in Seoul as he promised you to. He even let you drive his car but it wasn’t his Formula 1 car of course because you weren’t trained for it.
But that whole experience was extremely exciting! You loved races just as much Baekhyun did. The only difference was that he had money to invest in his passion meanwhile you could only fulfill your dreams of becoming a racer by street racing.
As much as the entire thing was pretty dirty and there was a lot more going on that just racing cars, you actually enjoyed that whole thing. But nothing compared to being in a professional circuit in a fancy ass car and Byun Baekhyun, still Korea’s biggest idol, seating in the passage seat as you drove like there was no tomorrow.
Not only you had a good time. He did as well. So much that he invited to come along with him to Monaco. It was his next race and in his heart he claimed you as his lucky charm.
You couldn’t just say yes because it felt wrong and ill intentioned, but he had invited you wholeheartedly which made you feel special in a way. So you said yes.
And a week later you found yourself in the Principality of Monaco, in quite fancy outfit for a race. It was a sunny weather and the smell of summer in Europe was very different than in Korea.
Baekhyun gave you a free pass to the circuit which gave you access to the VIP area and the company sections once the race was over.
It was about to start and you had your hands close to your heart trying to calm you down for a bit. Like never before, watching the Formula One race was really important to you.
You knew how poorly were Baekhyun’s performances lately, but in the bottom of your heart you believed he was still the bright and great Baekhyun Byun, your generation’s idol.
It started so fast. Baekhyun in disadvantage for not having had great ranking in the past circuits. But quickly enough, after two laps, he was already growing stronger and the new adjustments on his car seemed to be making great difference to his driving that day.
And on the 30th lap, Baekhyun was consistent on the third position. Still not even half-way through the race, you could hear the loud cheers whenever his car passed by that sector of the circuit. The scenery was beautiful and Monaco was alive during the GP weekend.
From third place Baekhyun moved to second and stayed consistent for another twenty laps when already on the 70th lap he was on a tight competition with the first place.
He had already gone through a pit-stop on his 40th lap, and now it was too late to afford another one although his tires were getting too worn out by the second.
75th lap and Baekhyun was in first place! It was incredible and the crowd cheered. The entire world was watching Baekhyun make his way back to the podium but there were still another 3 laps to go and it could take a few minutes. Anything could happen.
When he finished his 78th lap, Monaco had never shaken like this before. Baekhyun Byun was, after 5 failed GP’s, in first place again.
You were probably the loudest amongst everyone else watching the race. You celebrated like never before, taking Baekhyun’s success as if you own.
Again he was beside his car, holding his helmet in his hand, downing his water in one single chug and breathing heavily as he heard the people cheer for him and scream his name. He felt whole again!
The tv and the radio reporters came to interview him but soon the wall of people opened when you came down running with you all access pass. Your eyes focused only on him, your champion.
“You made it!!!” you said as you hugged him as tight as you could. He wrapped his arms around you and buried himself in your embrace.
“Only because of you.” he said. “You are my lucky charm.” and he moved his face close to yours to kiss you. All cameras captured that moment. It was going to be on the news worldwide.
Baekhyun was victorious but he wasn’t the only one.
He had to let you so he could run to the podium to receive his well deserved trophy. And as he did so, you watched it all from down there and all you could see was Baekhyun Byun shining like a star. His smile was the brightest thing in the entire world and you heart could only grow fond of him.
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mentalrockstaryujin · 8 months
Elevate Your Business: Unleashing the Power of Inspirational Speakers in Singapore
In the bustling metropolis of Singapore, where business innovation thrives, every entrepreneur knows that staying motivated and inspired is the key to success. That's where inspirational speakers come into play. They have the unique ability to ignite the entrepreneurial spirit and drive your business to greater heights. In this article, we'll explore the world of inspirational speakers in Singapore, why they are indispensable to business owners, and how to find the perfect one to supercharge your team.
The Significance of Inspirational Speakers in Singapore
1. A Competitive Business Landscape
Singapore is known for its fierce business competition. To thrive in this environment, businesses need more than just strategies; they need the inspiration to persevere and innovate.
2. Nurturing Talent
Singapore is a hub of talent and diversity. Inspirational speakers can help tap into this talent pool by fostering creativity, collaboration, and a growth mindset.
3. Global Influence
Singapore's strategic location makes it a bridge between East and West. Inspirational speakers bring a global perspective, helping businesses adapt to changing markets and connect with international partners.
The Impact of an Inspirational Speaker
1. Motivation and Employee Engagement
Inspired employees are engaged employees. Inspirational speakers can reignite the passion of your team, resulting in increased productivity and reduced turnover.
2. Leadership Development
Singaporean businesses can benefit immensely from the leadership insights provided by inspirational speakers. They can help groom the next generation of leaders.
3. Navigating Change and Innovation
Inspirational speakers are often at the forefront of change and innovation. They can inspire your team to embrace change, adapt quickly, and stay ahead of the competition.
Finding the Right Inspirational Speaker in Singapore
1. Expertise in the Local Context
Look for speakers who understand the unique challenges and opportunities presented by Singapore's business landscape.
2. Alignment with Your Industry
Different industries have different dynamics. Choose a speaker who has experience or knowledge relevant to your field.
3. Proven Track Record
Check for testimonials and references. A speaker with a track record of success is more likely to deliver results.
4. Engaging Presentation Style
The best speakers not only have valuable insights but also know how to deliver them in an engaging and relatable manner.
Preparing for an Inspirational Speaker's Visit
1. Define Clear Objectives
Before the speaker arrives, set clear goals for the event. What specific outcomes do you want to achieve?
2. Effective Communication
Ensure open communication with the speaker. Share insights about your team, company culture, and business challenges.
3. Generate Excitement
Promote the event internally to generate excitement. The anticipation can amplify the impact of the speaker's message.
Realizing the Long-Term Effects
1. Behavioral Changes
Inspirational speakers can prompt tangible changes in behavior, such as improved teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills.
2. Sustaining Inspiration
To make the most of the inspiration, create a culture of continuous improvement and innovation within your organization.
3. Employee Feedback and Involvement
Encourage feedback from employees and involve them in decision-making processes. This fosters a sense of ownership and commitment.
Measuring the Impact and ROI
1. Employee Feedback
Collect feedback from your team after the event. Did they find the speaker inspiring? Did it lead to any changes in behavior or mindset?
2. KPIs and Metrics
Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) related to the goals set before the event. Track these metrics to assess the impact of the speaker's message.
3. Tangible Results
Look for concrete results such as increased sales, improved customer satisfaction, or enhanced innovation that can be directly attributed to the speaker's influence.
Inspirational Speaker Myths and Misconceptions
1. They're Only for Large Corporations
Inspirational speakers can benefit businesses of all sizes, from startups to multinational corporations.
2. Short-Lived Inspiration
The effects of a great speaker can be long-lasting, especially if you create a culture that sustains inspiration.
3. One-Size-Fits-All
There's a diverse range of inspirational speakers in Singapore, each with a unique style and message. You can find one that suits your specific needs.
Success Stories and Insights
Testimonials from Singaporean Business Owners
Hear from fellow business owners who've experienced the transformative power of inspirational speakers in Singapore.
Insights from Inspirational Speakers in Singapore
Gain insights from inspirational speakers themselves. Discover their perspectives on what makes their work impactful and their advice for business owners seeking inspiration in the Lion City.
Inspirational speakers in Singapore are not just motivators; they are catalysts for profound change and growth in your business. As you navigate the dynamic Singaporean business landscape, consider the transformative power of these speakers. By understanding their significance, finding the right fit, and measuring their impact, you can harness their potential to elevate your business to unprecedented heights of success.
So, take that bold step, invest in an inspirational speaker, and watch your Singaporean business soar to new horizons.
Additional Resources
Recommended Reading
List a few books, articles, or websites where readers can explore more about inspirational speakers in Singapore and the benefits they offer.
Call to Action
Share Your Experience
Have you ever hired an inspirational speaker in Singapore? Share your experiences, insights, and questions in the comments below. Let's continue the conversation and inspire each other to greater success! 
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The essential worry that is in any capacity fundamental 2018 WAS SUCCESSFULLY HELD
The essential worry that is in any capacity fundamental 2018 was adequately held.
This September 15, the All That Matters cheer returned to the Ritz-Carlton Millenia Singapore.
The essential worry that is in any capacity basic will again outfit you with the opportunity to impact multitudinous relationship with the general energy to arrange transversely over Music, Sport, Gaming, Digital and Marketing.
ATM 2018 unimaginably awed individuals with many connecting new features:
– New speakers : 75% features of this present year was brought by new speakers.
– Conference : More than 150 speakers with 30 Sessions , 5 fields and 80 activites
– Networking: pool get-together, lunch and in the wake of get-together for people to have persistently business affiliations
– Liveshow: 30 social events, 5 nights at various scenes.
Related with AirAsia, Alibaba, Amazon, ASTRO, Cathay Pacific, China Sports Media, CMC Holdings, Empire, ESL, F1, Facebook, FOX Sports, Globe Telecom, Go-Jek, Google, INgrooves, J&J, Live Nation, Lufthansa, Mediacorp, Microsoft, Mission Hills, NBA, Netflix, Ogilvy, ONE Championship, Perform, Philips, PUBG, Riot Games, Spotify, Standard Chartered, Singapore Tourism Board, Telkom Indonesia, Tencent, The Coca-Cola Company, Twitch, Twitter, Ubisoft, Unilever, Universal Music, Viacom, VICE, Warner Music, YouTube và nhiều nhà bảo trợ khác
As a result of Tencent Music Landmark asia Entertainment Group:
China Matters: The Tencent Music Forum China – Strategies and significants of one of the world's most convincing business segment
Keynotes Matter: Jonathan Dickins (CEO, September Management/Quản lý Adele),Grammy Nominee DJ Kaskade, Andrew Jenkins ( President Australia and APAC Universal Music ), Marcie Allen (President MAC Presents), Denis Ladegaillerie (CEO , Believe Group), Josh Rabinowitz (EVP/Director of Music Gray/WPP), Paul Smith (President, International Licensing, Spotify) , vv…
Points of confinement: Music Matters Academy for 200 skilled masters.
Unrecorded Music: More data in live show industry, for instance, tickets, bolsters, branding,EDM,etc…
Non standard players: Success of Indie names, get-togethers and partners in Asia.
Youth : Focus in a general sense on energetic polulation countries in Asia, for instance, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, India .
Synchronize: YG Entertainment, Sony Music, Disney, Gray/WPP, Unilever, Warner Music Group and that is only the start
India: Entertainment and media eating up in India is having a positive banner which has diverse effects in music industry.
Data Matters: Urgent information for sidestepping threats and recouping motivations behind interest.
Stimulation MATTERS
By integrity of FOX Sports và ONE Championship:
Keynotes Matter: Brendan Donohue (NBA2K), Italo Zanzi (FOX Sports), Chatri Sityodtong (ONE Championship), Yu Hang (DDMC Fortis), Patrick Murphy (Fortis Sports), Tenniel Chu (Mission Hills), Jun Zhao (China Sports Media), Sundar Raman(Reliance Sports)
China and India: Reality of media, stimulation and imperativeness of the world's most basic markets.
Football: later of Asia
Amusements to eSports: a fitting and fundamental course of action for the new change
Dreams and Aspects : the essential change in sport media
Swarming : Platform's development results in crow's approvement
Winning fans: Experts analyzed how to have markets, to be basic and edge a continuing brand
Progress : possible destiny of distraction data .
New age: New faces of Asia with new musings, new potential and business focus.
Promoters: Provided an awareness of preoccupation sponsorship.
Diversion MATTERS
Due to SCOGA:
Initiators: Ralf Reichert (CEO, ESL), Kevin Lin (particular promoter, Twitch), CH Kim (CEO ,PUBG Corporation), Jason Fung (President Esports, Alisports), and diverse more pioneers in e-sports .
Unpreventable destiny of E-Sports: pioneers in beguilement , appropriating, theory, coordinate building will give you latest information and trusted in predicts.
Finding the present party of eyewitnesses: The general overpowering of spilling structure , organize creators and substance facilitator will discuss associate and winning customers in the dependably changing society , how to find key-player, how to make idealize driving frameworks with the arrangement to plot the best brand definition .
Monitary : How to benefit by charm and esport ? Who is searching for after and persuading ?
Esports characteristic framework : What an open, stable condition requires and how to join a general typical structure.
Mechanized MATTERS
Transforing matters: Loke Kheng Tham (CEO, Mediacorp), Sam Chi ( President, Landmark Asia)
Social issues: Gautam Anand (Employing Director , YouTube APAC) and Kay Madati (VP, Contents Partner, Twitter) about pending frameworks and social stage to remain mindful of very much arranged life.
Content Matters : Hosi Simon (VICE Media's Asia Pacific CEO) chatting with Christopher Smith (SVP Content and Distribution, Go-Jek) about making content stages fundamental for spilling market
Invaluable Matters: Ernest Cu (CEO, Globe) looking the running with change of adaptable and what's more its impact on our social life.
Start-up Matters: Steve Leonard (Founder, CEO , SG Innovate) chatted with Barbara Guerpillon (President, Unilever Foundry) and Lisa Enckell (Global driving accomplice, Antler) the start-up condition in Asia and how to take an interest and to wind up together.
Online Video Matter: What does a useful online video plan of activity require? Scour Gilby (CEO, coordinator, Blue Hat Ventures) hunt down the right reaction with Tony Zameczkowski (VP, Business Development Aisa, Netflix) and undeniable suppliers will reveal their own specific conditions.
AI Matters: Leading specialists in AI and Learning Machine will discuss the tendency to them in making progressing, flourishing, hold, and very much arranged life.
By uprightness of Ogilvy Và World Federation of Advertisers:
Content : Richa Goswami (Global Head of Content, Creative, Digital Platforms and Partnerships, Johnson and Johnson) new approach in passing on substance and masterminding with influencers to make more inclinations.
Media: Sital Banerjee (Global Media VP, Philips) recollecting an advancement of 25 years in media and his own particular bits of learning with David Porter (VP Media, Unilever) about how controls later on impacts our all around requested life.
Plan Matters: Alexander Schlaubitz (VP Marketing, Lufthansa German Airlines) sẽ chia dispersing brands with a general view.
Checking Matters: Pratik Thakar (VP– Asia Pacific ,Creative and Content Excellence, Coca-Cola Company) an information in making brands properly by his own specific experiences.
GenZ/Creating and winning fans: Finally, what should and should not do to improve the habbit of the system in cosuming media things
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hvbglobalacademy · 3 years
Benefits of a Cambridge education
A Cambridge education  gets ready understudies forever, assisting them with fostering an educated interest and an enduring energy for learning. Schools can shape a Cambridge educational program around how they need their understudies to get the hang of, assisting them with finding new capacities and a more extensive world. Best international schools in south Mumbai foster the abilities they need to accomplish at school, college and work.
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International curriculum
The Cambridge global educational program sets a worldwide norm for schooling, and is perceived by colleges and bosses around the world. Our educational program is adaptable, testing and rousing, socially touchy yet worldwide in approach. cambridge schools in mumbai foster an educated interest and an enduring energy for learning. They likewise gain the fundamental abilities they need for progress at college and in their future professions.
The four phases lead flawlessly from essential to optional and pre-college years. Each stage – Cambridge Primary, Cambridge Lower Secondary, Cambridge Upper Secondary and Cambridge Advanced – expands on the students' improvement from the past one, however can likewise be offered independently. Essentially, every schedule takes on a 'twisting' approach, expanding on past figuring out how to assist with propelling understudies study. Our educational program mirrors the most recent thinking in each branch of knowledge, drawn from master worldwide exploration and interview with schools.
Teaching and learning
Training established on these qualities motivates in understudies an adoration for discovering that prompts accomplishment in the homeroom, in assessments, and all through a vocation. They likewise make skilful and inventive instructors, with a craving for ceaseless, proficient improvement.
The School Support Hub is a safe help site for Cambridge educators where you can observe an abundance of assets including plans of work, past papers, mark plans and inspector reports. You can likewise converse with our subject specialists and Cambridge instructors through the conversation discussions. Educators in schools enlisted for Cambridge Primary and Lower Secondary can get to a scope of assets utilizing the protected web-based help locales
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To know more about visit : https://www.hvbglobalacademy.org/
Great assessment lies at the core of a well-rounded schooling. Our appraisals are intended to be reasonable, substantial, dependable and practicable, with the goal that each Cambridge test gives a genuine image of an understudy's capacity, any place and at whatever point the test was taken. This implies our appraisals have genuine, enduring esteem and can be a long lasting identification to additional review or work.
finish of-program assessments give understudies concentration, inspiration and a test. We survey what is of most noteworthy worth to our understudies - profound subject information, theoretical arrangement and higher request thinking abilities. Evaluation is in English and is open to speakers of English as a second or unknown dialect. Our adaptable, direct appraisal structure expands instructing and learning time, empowering a solid handle of the subject being examined. This assists with supporting new reasoning, and empowers cross-educational plans associations.
International recognition
Understudies know their Cambridge capabilities are worldwide perceived, acknowledged by colleges and businesses at home and all over the planet. A Cambridge capability accompanies a great standing, and will hold its incentive for a long period of training and business.
More than 1,400 colleges overall perceive Cambridge capabilities. They are acknowledged by each UK college, by 600 colleges in the US (counting all the Ivy League colleges) and in numerous other significant understudy objections, like Canada, Australia, Singapore, South Africa, Germany and the Netherlands. Colleges and managers perceive our capabilities as proof of scholastic accomplishment. They comprehend that the interest of our educational plans and the meticulousness of our appraisals give understudies what they need to prosper in advanced education.
0 notes
shivkhera01 · 2 years
A Good Leader can be a Good Coach? - Shiv Khera
In the face of rapid, disruptive change, companies are realizing that not all answers can be expected from managers and that command-and-control leadership is no longer viable. As a result, many firms are moving towards a coaching model in which managers facilitate problem solving and encourage employee development by asking questions and providing support and guidance, rather than ordering and making decisions and that can be known as Leadership Coach.
As a manager you must have good leadership skills, you knew what needed to be done, you taught others how to do it, and you have to rate their performance. Command and control was the name of the game, and your goal was to guide and develop employees who understood how businesses worked and were able to reproduce their past successes.
The role of the manager, in short, is becoming that of a coach.
This is a dramatic and fundamental change, and we have seen it firsthand. Over the past decade, we have seen this in our ongoing research into how organizations are reshaping themselves for the digital age; We have told us about the leadership skills our working students and coaching clients want to develop in themselves and in their firms; And we've seen companies that we work with are investing in training their leaders as coach.
We should note that when we talk about coaching, we mean much broader than the efforts of mentors who are hired to help executives build their personal and professional skills. That work is important but sometimes it is temporary and performed by outsiders. The coaching we are talking about - the type that makes up a true learning organization, that Improve your Leadership Skills - is issued and performed by the people inside the organization. Therefore the Shiv Khera Leadership coach program are the best choice when it comes to teaching students the right way to achieve great things in life. 
Shiv Khera is an Author, Educator, Leadership coach and Frequent Speaker also infuses business motivation in people. He has rare ability to energige an audience, He organises many leadership programs for colleges in order to teach students how to achieve success in life and develop their business communication skills. He inspires and encourages individuals to realize their true potentials, he has taken his personal dynamic messages to opposite side of the globe from the U.S to Singapore. 
His 40 years of research and understanding has put millions on the path of growth and fulfillment that over 8 millions of copy of his books have been sold globally including his international best seller “you can win” in 21 languages. His client includes Lufthansa, DHL, HSBC, Nestle, Phylips, Johnson & Johnson and many more 
Effective Leadership Skills:-
Communication:- As a leader, you must be able to clearly and concisely explain everything from organizational goals to specific tasks to your employees. Leaders must master all forms of communication, including face-to-face, departmental and full-staff conversations, as well as communication via phone, email, video, chat, and social media.
Motivation:- Leaders need to motivate their workers to go the extra mile for their organizations; Merely paying employees a fair salary is usually not enough (although it is important too). There are many ways to motivate your employees: You can build employees' self-esteem through recognition and rewards or by giving employees new responsibilities to increase their investment in the company.
Positivity:- Positive thinking can go a long way in the office. You should be able to laugh at yourself when something doesn't go according to plan; It helps to create a happy and healthy work environment even during busy, stressful periods. If employees feel they work in a positive environment, they will be more likely to stay employed, and therefore more willing to work longer hours when needed. Some of the skills that can help create a positive environment in the workplace include:
Helping others
Creativity:- As a leader, you have to make many decisions that don't have a clear answer, so you need to be able to think out of the box. Many employees will also be impressed and inspired by a leader who does not always choose the safe, traditional path.
Responsibility:- A leader is responsible for both the success and failure of his team. So, when something doesn't go well, you need to be ready to accept the blame.
Assuming your workers see their chief pointing fingers and accusing others, they will lose respect for you. Acknowledge mistakes and failures, and then devise clear solutions to improve.
In this era the rapid change in the technology and with the the boom in the industries we need be ready to tackle with any situation in this competitive world and for that we should develop as many skills as we can. Shiv khera Program will help you to gain those skills and help you to be a good Leadership Coach, In this program we are getting much more than just Leadership skills training. Here we are covering all the topics which lead to our overall personality like Attitude, Motivation, Interpersonal skills, self esteem, goal setting, communication and value and vision.
To know more about this Program please visit here
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mentalrockstaryujin · 9 months
Unlocking Success: The Impactful Motivational Speakers of Singapore
In the bustling city-state of Singapore, success stories abound. From entrepreneurs to corporate professionals, achieving success requires more than just hard work. It requires inspiration, motivation, and a guiding voice that pushes us beyond our limits. This is where the impactful motivational speakers of Singapore come into the picture.
With their charismatic presence and powerful words, these speakers have the ability to unlock the potential within individuals and organizations alike. They have honed their craft to deliver captivating speeches that captivate audiences and leave a lasting impact. By sharing their own personal journeys and experiences, they inspire others to dream bigger, work harder, and seize opportunities.
From renowned industry experts to sought-after life coaches, Singapore is a melting pot of talented speakers who possess the ability to transform lives. Whether it's through workshops, keynote speeches, or personal coaching sessions, they offer a wealth of knowledge and practical advice that can propel individuals and businesses towards success.
Join us as we delve into the world of Singapore's most influential motivational speakers and uncover the keys to their success. Prepare to be inspired, motivated, and empowered to unlock your own potential on the path to success.
Word count: 159 words.
The role of motivational speakers in personal and professional development
Motivational speakers play a crucial role in personal and professional development. They have the ability to transform mindsets, change perspectives, and inspire positive change. By sharing their own personal journeys and experiences, they connect with their audience on an emotional level and help them overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. Motivational speakers are not just motivational, but also provide practical advice that can be implemented in daily life.
Benefits of hiring a motivational speaker
Hiring a motivational speaker has numerous benefits. For individuals, it can help them gain clarity on their goals, overcome limiting beliefs, and develop a positive mindset. For organizations, it can boost employee morale, increase productivity, and drive business growth. Motivational speakers bring a fresh perspective and new ideas, which can help organizations stay ahead of the competition. They can also help organizations develop a culture of continuous learning and self-improvement.
Popular motivational speakers in Singapore
Singapore is home to some of the most influential motivational speakers in the world. These speakers come from diverse backgrounds and have different areas of expertise, but they all share a common goal – to inspire and motivate individuals and organizations to achieve their goals.
One of the most popular motivational speakers in Singapore is Adam Khoo. Adam is a self-made millionaire, entrepreneur, and best-selling author. He is known for his dynamic and engaging speaking style, and his ability to connect with his audience on a personal level. Adam's keynote topics include goal-setting, wealth creation, and personal development.
Another popular motivational speaker in Singapore is David Lim. David is a mountaineer, author, and leadership coach. He is best known for leading the 1998 Singapore Everest Expedition, which made him the first Singaporean to reach the summit of Mount Everest. David's keynote topics include leadership, teamwork, and peak performance.
Keynote topics and areas of expertise
Motivational speakers in Singapore cover a wide range of topics, from personal development to business growth. Some of the most popular keynote topics include:
- Goal-setting and achievement
- Leadership and teamwork
- Mindset and motivation
- Wealth creation and financial freedom
- Sales and marketing
- Customer service and experience
- Innovation and creativity
- Entrepreneurship and startup success
- Work-life balance and wellness
Motivational speakers in Singapore are experts in their respective fields, and they bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to their speeches.
Success stories and testimonials
The impact of motivational speakers can be seen in the success stories of individuals and organizations alike. By implementing the advice and strategies shared by motivational speakers, people have been able to achieve their goals, overcome challenges, and transform their lives. Organizations have reported increased productivity, improved employee morale, and higher profits as a result of hiring motivational speakers.
Here are some testimonials from people who have been inspired by motivational speakers in Singapore:
- "Adam Khoo's speech changed my life. I was stuck in a dead-end job and had no direction. But after hearing Adam speak, I was inspired to start my own business. I followed his advice and now I'm a successful entrepreneur." - John Tan, Singapore
- "David Lim's speech on leadership was eye-opening. I learned so much about the importance of teamwork and communication. I brought those lessons back to my team and we've been more productive and efficient ever since." - Jane Lim, Singapore
- "I hired a motivational speaker for our company's annual retreat, and it was the best decision I ever made. Our employees were re-energized and motivated to take on new challenges. We've seen a significant increase in productivity and profits since then." - Mark Lee, CEO of ABC Company
Tips for choosing the right motivational speaker for your event
Choosing the right motivational speaker for your event can be a daunting task. Here are some tips to help you make the right choice:
- Define your goals: What do you want to achieve with the event? Do you want to inspire your audience, provide practical advice, or both?
- Do your research: Look for speakers who have experience in your industry or have expertise in the topics you want to cover.
- Check testimonials: Read reviews and testimonials from previous clients to get an idea of the speaker's impact.
- Watch videos: Look for videos of the speaker's previous speeches to get a sense of their style and delivery.
- Communicate clearly: Make sure you communicate your goals and expectations clearly to the speaker before the event.
How to book a motivational speaker in Singapore
Booking a motivational speaker in Singapore is easy. There are many agencies that specialize in booking speakers for events. Here are some steps to follow:
- Define your goals and budget.
- Research agencies and speakers who fit your criteria.
- Contact the agency and provide them with your requirements.
- The agency will provide you with a list of speakers and their fees.
- Choose the speaker who best fits your needs and budget.
- Sign a contract and make payment.
The cost of hiring a motivational speaker
The cost of hiring a motivational speaker in Singapore varies depending on the speaker's experience and popularity. Some speakers charge a few thousand dollars for a keynote speech, while others charge tens of thousands of dollars. The cost also depends on the length of the speech, the size of the audience, and the travel and accommodation expenses. However, the cost of hiring a motivational speaker is a small investment compared to the potential benefits it can bring to individuals and organizations.
Conclusion: The power of motivational speakers in unlocking success
In the bustling city-state of Singapore, success stories abound. From entrepreneurs to corporate professionals, achieving success requires more than just hard work. It requires inspiration, motivation, and a guiding voice that pushes us beyond our limits. This is where the impactful motivational speakers of Singapore come into the picture.
With their charismatic presence and powerful words, these speakers have the ability to unlock the potential within individuals and organizations alike. They have honed their craft to deliver captivating speeches that captivate audiences and leave a lasting impact. By sharing their own personal journeys and experiences, they inspire others to dream bigger, work harder, and seize opportunities.
From renowned industry experts to sought-after life coaches, Singapore is a melting pot of talented speakers who possess the ability to transform lives. Whether it's through workshops, keynote speeches, or personal coaching sessions, they offer a wealth of knowledge and practical advice that can propel individuals and businesses towards success.
Join us as we delve into the world of Singapore's most influential motivational speakers and uncover the keys to their success. Prepare to be inspired, motivated, and empowered to unlock your own potential on the path to success.
Word count: 159 words.
The role of motivational speakers in personal and professional development
Motivational speakers play a crucial role in personal and professional development. They have the ability to transform mindsets, change perspectives, and inspire positive change. By sharing their own personal journeys and experiences, they connect with their audience on an emotional level and help them overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. Motivational speakers are not just motivational, but also provide practical advice that can be implemented in daily life.
Benefits of hiring a motivational speaker
Hiring a motivational speaker has numerous benefits. For individuals, it can help them gain clarity on their goals, overcome limiting beliefs, and develop a positive mindset. For organizations, it can boost employee morale, increase productivity, and drive business growth. Motivational speakers bring a fresh perspective and new ideas, which can help organizations stay ahead of the competition. They can also help organizations develop a culture of continuous learning and self-improvement.
Popular motivational speakers in Singapore
Singapore is home to some of the most influential motivational speakers in the world. These speakers come from diverse backgrounds and have different areas of expertise, but they all share a common goal – to inspire and motivate individuals and organizations to achieve their goals.
One of the most popular motivational speakers in Singapore is Adam Khoo. Adam is a self-made millionaire, entrepreneur, and best-selling author. He is known for his dynamic and engaging speaking style, and his ability to connect with his audience on a personal level. Adam's keynote topics include goal-setting, wealth creation, and personal development.
Another popular motivational speaker in Singapore is David Lim. David is a mountaineer, author, and leadership coach. He is best known for leading the 1998 Singapore Everest Expedition, which made him the first Singaporean to reach the summit of Mount Everest. David's keynote topics include leadership, teamwork, and peak performance.
Keynote topics and areas of expertise
Motivational speakers in Singapore cover a wide range of topics, from personal development to business growth. Some of the most popular keynote topics include:
- Goal-setting and achievement
- Leadership and teamwork
- Mindset and motivation
- Wealth creation and financial freedom
- Sales and marketing
- Customer service and experience
- Innovation and creativity
- Entrepreneurship and startup success
- Work-life balance and wellness
Motivational speakers in Singapore are experts in their respective fields, and they bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to their speeches.
Success stories and testimonials
The impact of motivational speakers can be seen in the success stories of individuals and organizations alike. By implementing the advice and strategies shared by motivational speakers, people have been able to achieve their goals, overcome challenges, and transform their lives. Organizations have reported increased productivity, improved employee morale, and higher profits as a result of hiring motivational speakers.
Here are some testimonials from people who have been inspired by motivational speakers in Singapore:
- "Adam Khoo's speech changed my life. I was stuck in a dead-end job and had no direction. But after hearing Adam speak, I was inspired to start my own business. I followed his advice and now I'm a successful entrepreneur." - John Tan, Singapore
- "David Lim's speech on leadership was eye-opening. I learned so much about the importance of teamwork and communication. I brought those lessons back to my team and we've been more productive and efficient ever since." - Jane Lim, Singapore
- "I hired a motivational speaker for our company's annual retreat, and it was the best decision I ever made. Our employees were re-energized and motivated to take on new challenges. We've seen a significant increase in productivity and profits since then." - Mark Lee, CEO of ABC Company
Tips for choosing the right motivational speaker for your event
Choosing the right motivational speaker for your event can be a daunting task. Here are some tips to help you make the right choice:
- Define your goals: What do you want to achieve with the event? Do you want to inspire your audience, provide practical advice, or both?
- Do your research: Look for speakers who have experience in your industry or have expertise in the topics you want to cover.
- Check testimonials: Read reviews and testimonials from previous clients to get an idea of the speaker's impact.
- Watch videos: Look for videos of the speaker's previous speeches to get a sense of their style and delivery.
- Communicate clearly: Make sure you communicate your goals and expectations clearly to the speaker before the event.
How to book a motivational speaker in Singapore
Booking a motivational speaker in Singapore is easy. There are many agencies that specialize in booking speakers for events. Here are some steps to follow:
- Define your goals and budget.
- Research agencies and speakers who fit your criteria.
- Contact the agency and provide them with your requirements.
- The agency will provide you with a list of speakers and their fees.
- Choose the speaker who best fits your needs and budget.
- Sign a contract and make payment.
The cost of hiring a motivational speaker
The cost of hiring a motivational speaker in Singapore varies depending on the speaker's experience and popularity. Some speakers charge a few thousand dollars for a keynote speech, while others charge tens of thousands of dollars. The cost also depends on the length of the speech, the size of the audience, and the travel and accommodation expenses. However, the cost of hiring a motivational speaker is a small investment compared to the potential benefits it can bring to individuals and organizations.
Conclusion: The power of motivational speakers in unlocking success
In conclusion, motivational speakers play a vital role in unlocking success. They have the ability to inspire, motivate, and empower individuals and organizations to achieve their goals and fulfill their potential. Singapore is home to some of the most influential motivational speakers in the world, and their impact can be seen in the success stories of people and businesses. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can choose the right motivational speaker for your event and unlock the potential of your audience.
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wespeakglobal · 3 years
Jerome Joseph
Jerome Joseph is one of the best motivational and business speakers in Singapore and has worked with over 1,000 brands, including many Fortune 500 companies, in 34 countries. His experience as a CEO of a public listed brand consultancy and his 23 years of consulting has led to a powerful combination of real-life consulting experience, global expertise, and proven speaking skills. These…
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Manage Life, Work, and Everything in Between with Help of the Best Motivational Speakers in Singapore
The world is filled with hardships and a lot of problems – this is just a well-known and undeniable fact. Many people out there are not able to deal with all the negativity, and they surrender, they even stop fighting. Do not let life control you, you are in control. Ans if you do not feel ready to start making the change by yourself, let the Best Motivational Speakers in Singapore guide you. Yes, we are talking about YuJin. His job is to show everyone what life has to offer and how beautiful it can be. He motivates people to change their way of thinking. Positive changes await you, a new you is just around the corner. It is time to hire YuJin.
There are a lot of Best Public Speaker In The World, but some really stand out and YuJin is one of them. He is committed to inspire and motivate others. With an engaging, unique, and thought-provoking style, YuJin helps his audience to achieve the unthinkable.
Highly sought-after to deliver a range of talks, seminars, webinars, and presentations, YuJin helps to build trust, boost confidence, and improve social engagement. And combining his years of experience in the business world, YuJin is also able to engage even the largest of audiences. He adopts a dynamic and honest approach in order to help a business thrive.
So, if you haven’t yet hired a motivational speaker for your upcoming event, approach YuJin to rest assured that your event is going to attain new heights. Please browse www.mentalrockstar.com to contact him today!
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