#best child nutritionist in india
sanchita123212 · 3 days
Nourishing Your Child: India's Best Child Nutritionist's Advice
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Parents desire the finest health for their children. However, child nutrition might be overwhelming, so seek a trained child nutritionist India. Explore kid nutrition with India's leading child nutritionist.
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sanchitadaswani24 · 4 months
The Best Indian Child Nutritionist Unlocks Your Child's Optimal Health
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Finding the best child nutritionist in india  can improve your child's health in the bustling world of child nutrition. Our kids need proper nutrition, and a seasoned professional can assist. An Indian child nutritionist helps you achieve lifelong health and vitality.
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sanchitadaswani · 4 months
Best Child Nutritionist in India - Sanchita Daswani
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Sanchita Daswani is the best child nutritionist in India. She specializes in pediatric nutrition and ensures your child receives the essential nutrients for optimal growth and development.
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Best Protein Rich Indian Vegetables for Balanced Diet
Amidst busy schedules, it is crucial to prioritize a balanced diet to maintain overall health and well-being. Did you know that among the crucial macronutrients, protein plays a vital role in building and repairing body tissues, synthesizing enzymes and hormones.  It also serves as the fundamental building blocks for bones, blood, skin, cartilage, and muscles. In fact, protein deficiency can lead to various health issues, including physical weakness, impaired cognitive performance, poor appetite, reduced work capacity, muscle fatigue, and gradual weight loss. It can also hinder physical and mental development in children.
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Many people believe that vegetarians have a limited choice when it comes to adding protein to their diet as compared to non-vegetarians who can fulfill a significant portion of their daily protein intake by consuming meat alone. However, Indian cuisine offers a rich variety of Indian veggies that are rich in protein. Let us learn more about these from Delhi’s top nutritionist and dietitian, Avni Kaul.
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mslitelife · 3 months
Best Child Nutrition Consultant is Going to Help Your Kid Grow Properly!
If you are overweight then you should start exercising or start taking a proper diet for weight loss. People have become so busy that they can’t take care of their body and health. A proper nutrition and being on diet can help you a lot to lose the body fat and exercising also. Working at least for an hour a day can help you to be in a good shape and can lead the way for a better life. And you can also consult or take the help of doctor or nutrition specialist nearby you.
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Weight loss can lead the way for better life
At the best weight loss clinic in Mumbai, now you can get more help regarding this aspect! The weight loss specialist is a certified professional and gives the best advices to the people about diet, nutrition and weight loss. Now a day’s people are out of shape because they eat fast food and eat unhygienic food that keeps them unhealthy. They also don’t exercise which keep them unhealthy and overweight. Specialist suggests that people should exercise and eat food with proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle. If can’t get idea about how to lose weight or for proper nutrition, you should consult your nearby weight loss clinic.
Give your kid nutritional foods
Child nutrition has become a major issue in India. There are many kids who are suffering from malnutrition as well. By visiting the best child nutrition consultant you can bring an end to this problem. They give you the best advice and best nutrition foods that will help your child for a healthy life. Nutritionist has the knowledge and experience to help children for a proper and healthy life style. Good nutrition is the vital thing during the childhood. If the child is not provided with proper nutrition, then the child may suffer from diseases and won’t have a healthy growth and development.
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Pediatric Dialysis Specialists in India: Providing Expert Care for Children
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Introduction: Pediatric dialysis is a critical aspect of medical care for children suffering from kidney-related conditions. India is fortunate to have highly skilled and dedicated pediatric nephrologists specializing in dialysis treatments for children. In this blog, we will explore the expertise and services provided by Pediatric Dialysis Specialists in India, with a particular focus on the notable specialist, Dr. Sidharth Kumar Sethi.
Pediatric Dialysis Specialists in India: In India, there are renowned experts who specialize in pediatric dialysis, catering to the unique needs of children with kidney diseases. These specialists are trained in the field of pediatric nephrology and possess extensive experience in managing various kidney-related conditions in children. They play a vital role in providing comprehensive care, including the diagnosis, treatment, and long-term management of pediatric patients requiring dialysis.
Dr. Sidharth Kumar Sethi: A Notable Pediatric Dialysis Specialist: Dr. Sidharth Kumar Sethi is a distinguished pediatric nephrologist and an expert in dialysis treatments for children in India. He has received specialized training, including a Fellowship from the International Pediatric Nephrology Association and a Senior Residency in Pediatric Nephrology at the prestigious All India Institute of Medical Sciences. He also has experience in Pediatric Nephrology and Transplant Immunology from Cedars Sinai Medical Centre in Los Angeles, California.
Dr. Sidharth Kumar Sethi is widely recognized for his expertise in pediatric dialysis and nephrotic syndrome. His comprehensive understanding of kidney diseases in children enables him to provide advanced diagnostic evaluations, personalized treatment plans, and long-term management strategies to his young patients. Dr. Sethi's commitment to delivering the highest standard of care has earned him a reputation as one of the best pediatric dialysis specialists in India.
Dr. Sidharth Kumar Sethi Services Provided by Pediatric Dialysis Specialists: Pediatric dialysis specialists offer a range of services to address the unique needs of children with kidney diseases. These services include:
a. Diagnosis and Evaluation: Pediatric dialysis specialists conduct thorough evaluations to diagnose kidney disorders accurately. They utilize advanced diagnostic techniques and assessments to determine the appropriate treatment approach for each child.
b. Dialysis Treatments: These specialists are well-versed in various dialysis modalities, including dialysis and peritoneal dialysis, which are tailored to suit the specific requirements of pediatric patients. They ensure the highest standards of safety, comfort, and efficacy during dialysis procedures.
c. Comprehensive Care: Pediatric dialysis specialists provide holistic care, focusing not only on the physical aspects of the disease but also considering the emotional and developmental well-being of their young patients. They work closely with a multidisciplinary team, including pediatric surgeons, nutritionists, psychologists, and social workers, to provide comprehensive care and support.
d. Long-term Management: Managing chronic kidney conditions in children requires long-term care. Pediatric dialysis specialists develop personalized treatment plans and closely monitor the progress of their patients. They aim to optimize kidney function, manage symptoms, and improve the overall quality of life for children living with kidney diseases.
Conclusion: Pediatric dialysis specialists in India, including the esteemed Dr. Sidharth Kumar Sethi, play a crucial role in providing expert care for children with kidney diseases. Through their specialized training, experience, and commitment to comprehensive care, these specialists ensure that young patients receive the best possible treatments, enabling them to lead healthier lives. If your child is in need of dialysis or has a kidney-related condition, consulting a pediatric dialysis specialist is essential for their well-being and overall health.
Call Now: 0124-4141414 Visit: www.pediatricnephrologyindia.com
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typoeastnews · 1 year
Bournvita sugar content row: NCPCR asks health drink brand to remove 'misleading' ads 
The notice came after a social media influencer sparked a row by posting a video alleging that Bournvita has high sugar content.
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NEW DELHI: Apex child rights body NCPCR on Wednesday asked Mondelez India-owned brand Bournvita to withdraw all “misleading” advertisements, packaging and labels after a video claimed that the health drink has high sugar content.
In a notice to the confectionery major, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) also asked it to send within seven days a detailed explanation or report to apprise the panel on the matter.
The notice came after a social media influencer sparked a row by posting a video alleging that Bournvita has high sugar content.
Though the influencer, Revant Himatsingka, deleted the video from all platforms after being served a legal notice by Mondelez India, it had already raked up around 12 million views and was widely circulated.
The NCPCR said it has received a complaint alleging that Bournvita promotes itself as a health drink improving children’s growth and development but it contains high percentage of sugar and other substances that might impact a child’s health.
In the notice to Deepak Iyer, president-India, Mondelez International, the child rights body said,” The commission in this regard observes that the product manufactured by your company is misleading the customers through it product packaging and advertisements.
The commission observes that your product’s labelling, packaging, display and advertisement claims are misleading for the general public.”
The product’s labelling and packaging also fails to acknowledge the correct information regarding the contents used in the Bournvita health drink, the NCPCR said.
It asked Mondelez International to review and withdraw all “misleading advertisements, packaging and labels, and further send a detailed explanation/report to apprise the commission in the said matter within seven days.”
Responding to the viral videos, Bournvita had earlier said that over the last seven decades, it has “earned the trust of consumers in India by being a scientifically formulated product that adheres to quality standards and complies with the laws of the land.”
“We would again like to reinforce that the formulation has been scientifically crafted by a team of nutritionists and food scientists to offer the best of taste and health.
All our claims are verified and transparent and all ingredients have regulatory approvals.
All the necessary nutritional information is mentioned on the pack for consumers to make informed choices,” a Bournvita spokesperson had said.
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Bored at home or tensed with your obesity how to lose weight or looking for a profession that makes you fit and also gives you the money? Then you are on the right way. Take a step towards being a diet consultant.
Nutrition Course is one of the best courses being offered in India. You do not need to have any background in nutrition either! Our certified teachers will make you fall in love with the subject of nutrition.
Join our Nutrition courses from beginner to advance levels. We have courses from regular to distance learning like Professional Certificate in Holistic Health, Nutrition, and dietetics, with complete in-depth knowledge of nutrition science, food science, Anatomy and physiology, Dietetics, clinical nutrition, alternate therapies, weight management, and slimming therapies, a certificate in clinical nutrition and sports and fitness nutrition and certificate in Child Care Nutrition.
The course will help you build a strong foundation knowledge and make a career in nutrition. The teachers will teach you how to apply what you have learned by creating several diet charts.  You will also learn how to reach out to new prospective clients from different sources.
This course intends to increase your knowledge of nutrition and provide you with the skills to plan and implement an effective personal, group and team-based nutrition program that maximizes health, fitness, performance and well-being. After completing this course, you can take nutrition as your profession. One will become confident in acquiring new clients and making diet plans for different kinds of people.
Aspiring artisans, our Course will help you shine bright. We offer a step-by-step learning process that lets you take the journey of your dreams in the most comfortable and inspiring manner.
We will provide you with the certification which adds value.
Qualified candidates can work in
: hospitals
: nursing homes
: Corporate wellness advisor
: Dietician
: Holistic health practitioner
  :Slimming centers
: Gym or Hotels
Day Boarding schools and canteens
Takeaway: These careers will keep you active and working with people.
We offer placement to our students to work with us as dieticians and also with other companies. Packages offered by our placement committee are good than others. It will give you a great start to your career.
It's never too late to start enjoying a healthy lifestyle. It doesn't matter how old you are -- your body needs energy and nutrition. As they say, nobody is perfect but we can make our lives better if we change the way we live.
One of the most important career goals that you can set for yourself is to become a nutritionist. You will be helping other people with their health, and by becoming a nutritionist you can do what you love while still getting the recognition that you deserve.
To avoid injury, start small and work up as you go.
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starfriday · 1 year
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Slurrp Farm And Anushka Sharma Rally For Moms Across India
~ Launch digital community called ‘Yes Moms’ to empower moms and return the joy of feeding
~ Marking International Year of Millets, Anushka Sharma emphasizes the importance of the supergrains and their role in setting children up for a healthy, happy future
National, January 23, 2023: Millet-based children’s food brand Slurrp Farm today unveiled “Yes Moms”, a digital-first community of mothers to enable mothers to connect with, learn from, and support one another. Yes Moms was launched at a high-decibel event in Mumbai by mother, Bollywood actor, and Slurrp Farm investor, Anushka Sharma. The event saw the presence of over 150 mothers from across the country.
Mothers are constantly thinking of and worrying about their kids, especially when it comes to feeding them. But what makes this journey easier is dialogue and support from others who are going through the same experiences. The sisterhood of moms is one of the biggest pillars of strengths for them to lean on and it is this insight that has formed the core of Yes Moms.
Yes Moms will create a safe space for moms to discover, debate, and engage with each other on topics related to food and nutrition as their children journey through babyhood into childhood and beyond. It will enable mothers to connect, share and celebrate the sisterhood of motherhood and learn from each other’s experiences. A panel of nutritionists and pediatricians will also help arm mothers with the right information.
Yes Moms community aims to make a difference in the lives of mothers by being an enabler for her and in the lives of her children by creating a positive impact on their health through the use of nutrient-dense superfoods.
The launch of Yes Moms also coincides with the UN-designated International Year of Millets - the community will provide a platform for mothers to learn more about supergrains like ragi, jowar, amaranth, bajra amongst others. Research has shown that nutricereals like millets go a long way in improving health and nutrition, especially if consumed in the early years of one’s life. At the core of Slurrp Farm’s brand proposition is to take millets to the center of kids’ plates, in a bid to set them up for healthy and happy futures.
Anushka Sharma, a longtime advocate of healthy and natural eating shared her experience with mothers present at the event. She said, “I am a Mom and it is important for me to be conscious about my daughter’s food. I’ve discovered that the best way is to surround myself with the right allies. My allies are other mothers who are going through the same experiences, creating and trying out new ways to keep their children happy and healthy. ‘Yes Moms’ is a milestone initiative by Slurrp Farm to enable mothers like myself to connect and share tried and tested tips and tricks. Moreover, it will also educate mothers on the benefits of the super grain millet, a grain I have personally grown up eating. I know the immense value it adds to our overall health and well-being. Especially if included in our diets from the early years. I can’t wait for mothers across India to discover more about these wonder grains through Yes Moms.”
Shauravi Malik and Meghana Narayan, Co-founders of Wholsum Foods, the parent company of Slurrp Farm, said, “As mothers ourselves, we recognize, and greatly emphasize the importance of feeding kids right and also having a support system, in other moms who can relate to your experiences. We’re firm believers that only a mom can truly understand and add value to the journey of another. With Yes Moms, it is our endeavour to do just that - give moms like us a platform to learn, help, and support each other, connect on the basis of common experiences around feeding children. Feeding is one of the most intrinsic parts of a mother-child relationship and there’s a lot of pressure on getting it just right. We want to drive behaviour change to allow for a healthier, happier future for all children. At the same time, we want to bring back the joy to it by surrounding mothers with a powerful sisterhood. Yes Moms will educate mothers, minimize stress, empower them and just let mealtimes be happy, healthy and yummy.”
About Slurrp Farm:
Founded in 2016, Slurrp Farm is a brand made by two mothers that aims to provide healthy, yummy and natural snack and mealtime options for young children and their parents. All of Slurrp Farm’s products use the power of supergrains like ragi and jowar and are based on a Zero Junk Promise - the products have no maida, refined sugar, trans-fat, cholesterol or artificial colours or flavours.
The brand currently retails in India through www.slurrpfarm.com as well as through leading e-commerce and quick commerce platforms such as Amazon, Big Basket, First Cry, and Swiggy Instamart amongst others. Products are also available across leading modern trade stores in India and the UAE as well as online in the US and UK.
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sparkleminds22 · 1 year
The Top 10 Healthcare Franchise Opportunities in India 2023
The healthcare sector of India is an ever-growing business industry. In this article, we will analyze the best healthcare franchise opportunities in India in 2023 and the health and wellness franchise cost in India. We have seen how the health sector has worked effectively towards controlling the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus in the recent past. India is one of the most populated countries in the world, with a huge number of senior citizens. This makes it necessary for us to depend on a strong and efficient healthcare system. Investing in a healthcare franchise can be profitable because it is an industry that caters to the basic needs of the people.We have listed below Healthcare Franchise Opportunity,
Top 10 best healthcare franchise opportunities in India
Dr. Batra's
Dr. Batra's is one of India's leading homeopathy clinics. They have more than 40 years of experience in the field of healthcare. Becoming a franchise of Dr. Batra's could be beneficial for you in multiple ways. They offer guidance in marketing and provide training to entrepreneurs. They provide a wide range of treatments in areas like hair care, skin care, child health, women's health, etc. Apart from experienced health professionals they also have efficient technology for treatment. Currently, they have more than 75 clinics and 2000 plus employees. To acquire Dr. Batra's franchise, you need to have an area of 500 sq. ft and a minimum investment of 15 to 20 lakhs. The ROI time frame ranges between 1 and 2 years.
 Medzone was ideated by Thiru M Daniel, an Indian. Today it is one of the best pharmacy chains in India with more than a hundred outlets. In addition to healthcare services, Medzone is also a leading manufacturer of pharmaceutical products. Medzone guarantees training and recruitment services to all its franchisees. The experts will also assist you in purchasing medical equipment. To own a Medzone franchise, you are required to have a suitable space of 130 to 250 sq. ft. The total investment including the cost of the infrastructure ranges from 10 to 15 lakhs.     
Sanjivani Pharmacy
Sanjivani is a well-known pharmaceutical brand that was established in 2006, in Delhi. It is a well-known name in the health and wellness franchise in India. A twenty-four-hour store is one of their highlights. The brand offers a promising opportunity to entrepreneurs in the field of franchising. They offer a lot of support to their franchisees by providing them with a detailed operation manual, marketing, and promotional support, assurance of product quality, pre-opening support, and guidance in outlet design. To open a Sanjivani pharmacy franchise, an entrepreneur needs to have an area of 100 to 300 sq. ft. The total investment required is 15 to 20 lakhs out of which 3.5 lakhs is the franchise or brand fee.
DR@Doorstep is the largest pharmacy chain in India, with international certification. It is one of the best franchises in healthcare in India, in 2017. Currently, it has more than 10 outlets in various locations. DR AT DOORSTEP is outstanding in its service quality which makes it a suitable option if you are considering a pharmacy franchise . The company provides treatment by the highly qualified, best doctors in Vadodara and Ahmedabad, under expert guidance in the allopathy (MBBS), dentistry, homeopathic, nutritionist & physiotherapy departments. The minimum investment required to get an DR@Doorstep franchise is 10 to 15 lakhs. The franchise fee is 2 to 5 lakhs .
Pharmeasy was founded in 2014, with its headquarters in Mumbai. The brand actively offers franchise opportunities to eligible entrepreneurs. Currently, Pharmeasy has around 800 franchise partners. The area requirement for setting up a Pharmeasy outlet ranges between 100 and 300 sq. ft. The total investment cost will be around 15 lakhs to 20 lakhs. The brand will ensure complete marketing and business support to its franchisees throughout the franchise term.
Medplus was established in the year 2006 by Dr. Madhukar Gangadi. If you are an entrepreneur, with sufficient experience in the field of health and medicine, investing in a Medplus franchise can be extremely profitable. The brand has gained trust among the customers with its great service. It has more than a thousand pharmacies in various parts of India. The area required to set up a Medplus store is around 300 to 500 sq. ft. The total expense ranges between 15 and 20 lakhs, depending on the location and other specifications. The brand also provides all the necessary marketing and infrastructural support.
VLCC Health Care Ltd.
The popular brand was established in 1989, and it started offering franchise opportunities to potential entrepreneurs in 2007. The brand provides various skin and hair care treatments, weight control treatments, etc. The brand provides digital marketing support, proper training, and assistance in staff recruitment. To set up a new outlet of VLCC beauty and wellness center, the area requirement is between 1800 and 2200 sq. ft. The total investment cost ranges between 20 and 30 lakhs rupees, which includes a franchise fee of 6 and 8 lakhs.
Diet Mantra
Diet Mantra is a well-known health and wellness chain that is spread across various parts of India. The brand specializes in weight loss and fitness and has gained wide popularity over the years. They are planning to expand their presence in pan India through franchising. The minimum capital investment required to get a Diet Mantra franchise is 12 lakhs to 15 lakhs rupees, in addition to an area requirement of 500 sq. ft.
Max Lab
Max Lab is a part of Max healthcare, which is a highly trusted brand in the health and fitness sector in India. The brand has numerous super specialty hospitals across the country. Fully equipped labs with 24 hours service make Max Lab stand out among other brands. The total investment required to acquire a MaxLab franchise ranges from 30 lakhs to 50 lakhs, including the infrastructural expenses. Along with this, a franchise fee of around 5 lakhs is also required. The area requirement is 1000 to 1200 sq. ft.
Dava Discount
This brand is a product of Rajnish wellness limited, which was established in 2015 in Mumbai. They are one of the leading suppliers of pharmaceutical products in India. Dava Discount offers a great franchise opportunity to entrepreneurs. They are planning to expand their presence pan India, by opening a thousand more stores by 2025. The total investment cost will be around 12 lakhs including a franchise fee of rupees 2.95 lakhs. The ROI time frame is 6 to 12 months. The area requirement ranges from 1000 to 1200 sq. ft.
We have gone through a list of medical franchises that are running successfully in India, in the present day. The above-mentioned are a few of the latest healthcare franchise opportunities in India 2023. If you are a business person with adequate experience in the field of health and medicine, a pharmacy or hospital franchise is a good option for you. To gather further information on the most profitable franchises in the health industry, do check out the official website of FranchiseBazar. Highly qualified business consultants at FranchiseBazar can guide you in choosing the franchise that best suits your investment levels. Reach out to us on WhatsApp or dial +91 9844443200 or Register Here to gather all necessary facts and details about the scope and Prospects of franchising.
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sanchita123212 · 30 days
To Assist you Feed your Child, India’s Top Child Nutritionist Authored this Essay.
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Your youngster may struggle to eat in today’s bustling culture. Because modern existence is overwhelming. You may have trouble choosing the ideal health solution for your child due to the availability of information. Peediatric dietitians may assist.
Find an expert best child nutritionist in India. A complete guide to Indian child nutritionists and how they may help your child thrive is in this book.
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child-nutritionist · 2 years
Child Nutritionist Delhi
At diet2nourish, we care about the health of your family and children. The top child nutritionist in Delhi is Dt Priyanka Jaiswal, who offers creative, straightforward eating regimen plans to kids and offers the best of the sessions to kids and their parents to ensure the maximum congruence to genuine healthy goals.
For their overall growth and development, our finest child nutritionist in India treats and caters for sick children, babies, and infants. In order for children to develop properly, nutrition is essential. The kids nutritionist specialises in determining the best nutrition needs for kids' developing bodies and brains so they can reach their full potential. A child's health and ability to battle the disease can be hampered by poor dietary habits or competing diseases and medical problems. Therefore, the child nutritionist collaborates with parents and children to establish good eating habits.
One of the key phases of development and growth is childhood. Perhaps the most important aspect of nourishment is child nutrition. Typically, a child's eating habits and food choices develop over time. Additionally, youth stoutness and inactive active work inclinations are becoming much more prevalent. Working guardians and attention to the consumption of outside low-quality food have both increased recently. Poor nutrition quality while a child is young can negate the effects of dietary deficiencies on the child's health, wellness, mobility, and physical strength.
What is a pediatric nutrition consultant? A pediatric dietitian is your nourishment specialist and an authorized healthcare expert who evaluates and administers nutritional problems for kids. Nourishment plays a crucial part in your child’s mind and body development, allowing them to attain their potential. Poor diet practices or medical conditions can weaken a child’s growth if gone untreated.Nutrition is significant at each age. Your kid needs certain supplements to stay sound and solid and grow up strong and healthy. Nutrition for youngsters can likewise help build up an establishment for good dieting propensities and nutritional information that your kid can apply all through life. Diet2nourish has the best child nutritionist in India that meets with children and their parents to help establish healthy dietary habits for lifelong well-being.
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evalin24 · 2 years
Best Maternity Package Cost in Bangalore
You've come to the perfect spot if you're seeking the best maternity package cost in Bangalore. Our hospital provides a complete package that includes all required examinations and treatments in addition to a number of extras that can be added on to meet your needs. Throughout your pregnancy, our skilled team of doctors and nurses will make sure you get the best care possible.
Motherhood Women & Children's Hospital in Bangalore's Maternity Package.
9 Divine Delivery Package
One of the most well-preferred pregnancy packages at our hospital is the 9 Divine Delivery Package. Countless patients have received unparalleled healthcare services from Motherhood Hospital thanks to the streamlined incorporation of cutting-edge medical innovations from India and the rest of the world.
At our treatment facility, you'll find one of the premier packages for identifying your maternity-related issues. You can choose from modest, cost-effective pre- and post-maternity packages.
Newborn Screening
A small amount of blood is drawn for the newborn screening test, which only needs to be done once by jabbing the baby's heel. It makes it possible to identify the disorders at birth, giving the infant the best chance to live an active and happy life.
Worrying about the baby in your womb is quite normal for most parents and especially you being an excited mother. Millions of questions go around in your mind, such as - Will my delivery be successful? Will my child be in good shape? Will my child grow normally? And many more.
As a consequence, Motherhood Women's & Children's Hospital is always available at your service to provide the required solution to put an end to your every problem. Our specialized doctors will conduct various tests and scans to clear your worries and doubtful thoughts.
One of these is nuchal translucency or NT scan. The NT scan can help you determine if your unborn child is at risk for chromosomal abnormalities.
Nutritional Guidance
To bring out the best of your pregnancy journey, our expert nutritionist will provide and guide you through an individualized diet chart. And that includes both your baby and you. Inevitably, that's done to prepare for a healthy baby and you.
Other packages
Immuno care package
To fulfill the healthy journey of your baby is what our immune care package does. We know how critical it is for your child to protect and prevent any kind of disease and abnormalities after they enter into this beautiful world. We make sure that we are there for you and your baby throughout each phase of the journey, providing immunization reminders, dispensing the choicest vaccinations in a safe, autoimmune setting, and maintaining on the edge of your child's specific wellness concerns.
Packages for preventative health screenings
Motherhood's preventive health check-up concentrates on identifying illnesses or the propensity for contracting them early on while concurrently reducing the chances, allowing them to be caught early on.
Why Motherhood Women & Children's Hospital?
Motherhood India, one of the leading maternity hospitals in the nation, strives to offer the best medical care services for expectant mothers and children. We are staffed with the greatest professionals.
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Foods That Can Provide Relief in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can present daily challenges, affecting everything from your work to your social life. The discomfort of symptoms like cramping, diarrhoea, gas, and bloating can be overwhelming. However, understanding the role of diet in managing IBS can offer a ray of hope. With the right food choices, tailored guidance, and support from healthcare professionals, you can significantly alleviate IBS symptoms and improve your quality of life. Let us explore the best foods to eat when you have IBS with the leading dietician and nutritionist for gastrointestinal or digestive disorders Avni Kaul.
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What sort of foods can provide relief for Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
Add fiber to your diet – Adding fibre to your diet can ease IBS symptoms by softening stool and aiding digestion. There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber, found in beans, fruit, and oats, is particularly beneficial for IBS. It helps regulate bowel movements and relieves constipation. However, too much insoluble fibre, found in nuts and whole grains, can worsen diarrhoea in some cases. Therefore, it is important to gradually increase fiber intake and focus on soluble fiber sources to manage IBS effectively.
Take probiotic-rich food – Probiotic-rich foods like yoghurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi contain good bacteria called probiotics. These microorganisms can help ease symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). They work by restoring balance in the gut microbiome, which can improve stool consistency, reduce bowel movement frequency, and alleviate overall IBS…
Read Here: https://nutriactivania.com/foods-diet-relief-irritable-bowel-syndrome-ibs/
Dietician Avni Kaul
Author Avni Kaul is a qualified nutritionist, experienced dietician, Diabetes Educator and founder of Delhi’s successful diet and nutritionist clinic NutriActivania. She is also one of India’s eminent weight-loss experts, diabetes dieticians, pregnancy dieticians and child nutritionists and helps kids to develop a strong immune system, fight allergies, gain height and weight as well as fight overweight / Obesity with an effective diet plan that is easy and fun to follow by children.
In Buenos Aires, 2018 Summer Youth Olympic Games Nutritionist Avni Kaul was the Advisor (Nutrition) from India. She is a Gold-medallist master’s science graduate from the University of Delhi in the subject of Food and Nutrition. Avni Kaul is a diet and nutrition columnist in some of India's leading newspapers and magazines like - NDTV, TimesNow, Grazia and more.
Diet Programs by Avni Kaul
Your dietician consultation with dietician Avni Kaul will do the following things. Avni Kaul’s diet program will offer: Focus on your health benefits: Key benefits Avni offers, are long-term wellness, freedom from restrictive diets, and improved relationships with food and body, that include "intuitive eating," "weight loss without hard core dieting," and "healthy eating for pregnant woman and kids". A high degree of qualifications, expertise, and achievements: Dietician Avni is one of the most sought-after dieticians in Delhi because of her qualifications that include gold medalist in Master's Degree of Science, B.Sc and M.Sc Food and Nutrition, Certified Diabetes Educator, Diploma in Applied Sports and Exercise Nutrition. Fully personalized diet plans: With dietician Avni Kaul, you will get a tailor-made diet that suits your body and mind only that will help you to achieve your health goals in a holistic and sustainable manner be it is with your weight management, pregnancy diet, child nutrition, diabetes or thyroid management.
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vanity-wagon · 2 years
Why Should We Treat Skincare Like Nutrition
Beauty might be skin deep, but beautiful skin requires the right foods. What you eat will show on your skin. So, focus on eating right this National Nutrition Week
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“The first form of happiness is sound health, one should partake in nutritious, balanced food to keep the body healthy. So it is essential to maintain the health of the mind and body simultaneously.” — Rig Veda
For centuries now, our country has been a pioneer in the field of nutrition and beauty. By the means of scriptures such as the Rig Veda, Patanjali’s treatise on Ayurveda and various Upanishads Indians have always focused on, and believed in the philosophy of “healthy body, healthy mind”.
However in the contemporary landscape, the focus on healthy and holistic nutrition has been dwindling because of reasons that could range from a fast-paced life to professional and academic stress, with addition to the increased dependency on food and beauty products that are heavily synthetic or are grown and/or packed with huge chemical dependency.
In that light, did you know that every year from September 1 to September 7, National Nutrition Week is observed? It aims to promote the importance of a well-balanced diet that contains all of the nutrients that our bodies require for various functions and the maintenance of our overall health. This initiative is taken by The Food And Nutrition Board of India, which is overseen by the Ministry of Women And Child Development. Every year, National Nutrition Week focuses on a different theme and addresses it through the launch of various programmes. Last year’s theme was ‘Feeding Smart From the Start,’ and this year, all the programmes would be under the theme of ‘Celebrate A World Of Flavors.’
The theme for this year’s nutrition week is to bring awareness of course but also to expand people’s food palette into nutritious dishes from all over the world. It is also to motivate people to have a healthy lifestyle, which is all the more a basic necessity pertaining to hectic changes in lifestyle habits and a slump in the overall atmosphere that we reside in. The list of reasons urging people to change their current habits into more healthy and sustainable ones just goes on and on. What matters is, how much of it you believe in.
That being said, we must not ignore the connection between nutrition and beauty. After all, you are what you eat. The importance of a healthy diet for a healthy, well-functioning gut has been brought to the forefront not only by doctors and nutritionists but also by various dermatologists and beauty experts.
Nutricosmetic is a trend that gained popularity pertaining to the importance of nutrients and the lack of them in our daily lifestyle. Nutricosmetics are products and components that work as nutritional supplements to maintain the natural attractiveness of the skin, nails, and hair. They work from the inside out to enhance the inner beauty. This trend quickly gained popularity because it corresponds to modern culture:
Consumers today are increasingly cautious about the food they put in and onto their bodies, and there is also a developing need for natural products that can improve one’s health and beauty without side effects and substantial traction before usage. Beauty begins at the center of your body i.e. your gut. Your skin is the reflection of the plethora of activities happening inside your body, and this is exactly where your nutrient intake comes into play. Anything and everything you consume is bound to show up on your skin as either a glow or a blow.
Eating clean and using clean cosmetics is the essence of keeping your skin and body in its best form. The emphasis on the consumption of the right products, be it internally or externally is of utmost importance with the kind of fast-paced life we are all living in. It is no surprise that a meal plan with high sugar content and processed chemicals along with skincare products that do not subsume or fit right with your skin type would bring with it not only a plethora of medical disorders, but also cases of acne, hair fall and breakage of skin barriers, and an overall absence of healthy skin and hair. And at the same time, a hearty meal with the right nutrients and vitamins along with skincare that’s free of toxins and enriched with the right ingredients will help bring out the best in your health and also your skin.
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Pediatric urology hospital in Pune | Inamdar Hospital
The center is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and world-class facilities to provide a broad spectrum of quality services under one roof. We have a team of highly experienced and dedicated pediatric specialists, working in collaboration with other medical specialties to provide unparalleled and personalized treatment plans for pediatric patients suffering from various medical conditions.
Our center is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and offers a wide range of inpatient, outpatient, diagnostic, surgical, rehabilitative, behavioral, emergency, and outreach services to infants, children, and adolescents up to 12 years of age.
The center is managed by a highly experienced team of specialized intensivists, pediatricians, neonatologists, nutritionists, neonatal nurses, and allied health specialists, who follow a patient-centric approach to design a comprehensive treatment plan according to the unique needs of the patients. We strive to prevent and treat diseases affecting pediatric patients and help them lead happy, healthy lives while providing comfort and convenience to their families.
Services offered at the center:
Inpatient and outpatient services
State-of-the-art pediatric and neonatal intensive care units
Highest level of medical monitoring and care
24×7 Transport services
Advanced life support ambulance
Ultra-Modern diagnostic and therapeutic services
Advanced Technologies
The comprehensive clinical services we offer range from various invasive and non-invasive treatment options for a wide gamut of complex pediatric conditions to holistic child care and routine check-ups. Our services are backed by leading-edge medical facilities and technology which include:
Radiant Warmers and Incubators
Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring
A “blender” mixes pure oxygen and air (or other gases) in precise ratios and delivers the resulting mixture to the baby
Neonatal Ventilator, CDAP, BIPAP, High flow
Transport Incubator and Ventilator
T-piece Resuscitator or Neopuff
LED Phototherapy Lights and Biliblankets
Bedside EEG and Video EEG Monitoring
Bedside Screening and Treatment for ROP
Bedside ECHO and Ultrasonography
Renal Replacement Therapy (Peritoneal dialysis, CRRT)
Nitric Oxide Therapy
Dedicated Facilities for babies – Premature or underweight babies
Laminar flow
Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)
Pediatric Specialist Services Offered
Inamdar Multispecialty Hospital provides children with high-quality pediatric care from birth to adolescence and is listed amongst the best medical institutions in India. It offers tailored pediatric services and has dedicated units, which are further streamlined into various sub-disciplines of pediatric care, such as:
General Pediatrics
Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care
Pediatric Intensive Care
Pediatric Cardiology & Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
Pediatric Surgery & Pediatric Urology
Pediatric Neurology & Developmental Pediatrics
Pediatric Orthopedics
Pediatric Nephrology
Pediatric Endocrinology
Pediatric Organ & Bone Marrow Transplant
Child and Adolescent Psychology
Pediatric Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation unit at the Centre for Pediatrics is committed to offering comprehensive care for children with multiple congenital or acquire diseases and disorders. Some of the services we provide include:
Child and Family Counselling
Child Psychology
Functional Independence in Activities of Daily Living
Nutrition Information
Speech Therapy
Strengthening and Stretching Exercises
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