#best doctor for autism in india
diseases1 · 8 months
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tamaharsblogs · 10 months
Schools for autism in Bangalore
Tamahar is a non-profit, started in 2009 by Mrs Vaishali Pai, to work with children suffering from developmental delays due to brain damage (like Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down syndrome, Rare diseases, Genetic disorders, etc), from age 0 onwards, through the medium of holistic developmental intervention. which combines a wide variety of services like Core intervention, Functional Education, Pre-vocational training, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy, Music Therapy, Yoga, Arts, Dance, and Sports.
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Apart from this, we also have services for the family like mental health services to help them cope with stress and skill development for mothers to help them gain profitable skills.
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Discover Tamahar- an NGO running schools for autism in Bangalore. Dive deep into our legacy as a top special school for autism. Know our mission and values for the disabled.
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MISSION AND VISION To enable children with brain damage and their families to live a happy, healthy, and dignified life in an inclusive society through rehabilitation services, capacity building, community engagement, and advocacy Prevention and alleviation of developmental disability in children with brain damage.
To help each child with brain damage reach developmental potential and learn/ acquire academic and social skills …
By using standardized tools to determine the developmental age of children with brain damage and assess the intervention outcomes
By using standardized tools to determine the intervention needs of the child
By Early Intervention services
By functional academic program for children
Recreational activity programs
By Auxiliary therapy services
By pre-vocational training program for adolescents and young adults (OUT OF SCOPE)
By sheltered workshop program for adults with severe impairment (OUT OF SCOPE)An Occupational Therapist (OT) by profession and a Gold medallist in Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, with three decades of experience working with big names like Spastics Society of India, Mallya Hospital, Vydehi Institute of Rehabilitation and Align Centre.
Vaishali has worked in child and adult rehabilitation in varied situations and facilities throughout her career. As a certified Early Interventionist, she is adept at handling infants and newborns, even as young as 1 week old. Her area of specialties is Pediatric Rehabilitation and Sports Rehabilitation which require different techniques ranging from OT techniques, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Pranic Healing to name a few. Being a certified NLP practitioner has helped her to master methodologies that are adjutant for remedial teaching, for children who have learning issues, as well as children who may be on the Autism spectrum, hyperactive, or have attention deficit issues. Soon, she plans to use the not-so-known technique of EMG Biofeedback — which can help children and adults with physical dysfunction due to brain damage.
Main Office
Regd Office Address :
# 301, 23 Venkat Vihar Apartment, 12th Main, 15th Cross, Malleswaram, Bangalore 560055.
+91 9663325766
+91 8041142779
Business Hours
Monday — Friday — 9am to 5pm
Saturday — 9am to 2pm
Sunday — Closed
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manovaidyahospital · 2 months
Symptoms of Neurodevelopmental & Behavioural Disorders like Autism or ADHD in Ayurveda
If you are looking Autism therapy for kids, it is important to know the symptoms of neurodevelopmental and behavioral disorders such as Autism and ADHD. For anyone looking for autism symptoms and treatments, this blog explains why Ayurveda is able to identify and cure autism symptoms at the Manovaidya, one of the best clinics, hospital and center to cure using natural and holistic Ayurveda methods.
Symptoms according to Ayurveda
In Ayurveda, neurodevelopmental and behavioral disorders are often attributed to disturbances in the doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) and impairment of the digestive fire (Agni). Ayurvedic practitioners also scrutinize additional, specific symptoms that reflect imbalances in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or ADHD. Main signs of the disorder are problems with communication, repetitive behaviors, hyperactivity -impulsivity and social interaction difficulties. At the Manovaidya, the best available autism treatment clinic in Gurgaon uses a special diagnostic procedure to explain these mentioned symptoms from the Runa Sidhu- Psyhco- neurological symptoms.
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Signs shared by Autism and ADHD
For Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) symptoms can widely range from one to the other extreme. Common symptoms are delayed speech and language skills, trouble with eye contact, repeated behaviors, such as hand flapping and rocking, and difficulty with social interactions. Typically, symptoms can be broken down into 3 general categories of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Whilst at Manovaidya, leading Autism treatment in India, these symptoms are carefully assessed in great detail to customize therapy which will address the root cause under Ayurveda guidelines.
At Manovaidya, a holistic approach is what we follow
Manovaidya, Program for Autism best hospital in Delhi, Sleep Disorders and ADHD offers an effective psycho hormonal treatment package along with Autism and ADHD SNP based genetic tests. It offers holistic and complete care combining the ancient Ayurvedic therapies and the latest modern medical practices in its judicious balance creating a center where all the primary healthcare needs are served. The possible remedies include medications, herbal treatments, dietary changes, Panchakarma (detoxification techniques), yoga and meditation. These therapies are designed to help balance the doshas, improve cognitive and behavioural functions, and provide for overall well-being. Manovaidya does an all-inclusive autism spectrum disorder treatment by treating the symptoms holistically.
Personalized Treatment Plans
Every kid with Autism or ADHD is truly one of a kind in their own symptoms and struggles. Manovaidya, one of the best autism treatment centres in India, believes in providing unique treatment plans that address these individual needs specifically. Its team includes Ayurvedic doctors, therapists and nutritionists creating a treatment plan. It is a program that is designed to reduce the symptoms of Autism and ADHD, encourage proper development and increase the overall quality of life of the child.
To sum up, Symptom of Neurodevelopmental and behavioural Disorder like Autism, ADHD need to be understood for proper treatment. Manovaidya, the top Autism treatment in Gurgaon and the best hospital for Autism treatment in Delhi provides individualized, holistic management for these conditions. Manovaidya is offering a complete treatment for autism spectrum disorder supported by the time-tested wisdom of Ayurveda and latest advancements in therapy. Manovaidya is the right place for the parents who search for the best Autism remedies in India.
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Know what is autism with Dr. Anish Vaknalli- Best Homeopathy Doctor in India
Do homeopathy medications work? Can you treat autism with homeopathy? Watch this video to know more.
Dr. Anish Vaknalli is a 3rd generation homeopath with over 25+ years of experience in his field. He specialises in behavioural and developmental disorders and all chronic conditions.
For in-person consultations, Dr. is available in Bandra & Malad; and for Online Homeopathy Consultations, you may visit our website or call/whatsapp us.
Ph: 9820190203
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asianentcarecentre · 8 months
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Unveiling the Most Common Ear, Nose & Throat Problems!** 🌟 If you're experiencing any of these issues, it's time to prioritize your health: 1️⃣ Ear Infection 🩹 2️⃣ Hearing Loss Problems 🔇 3️⃣ Hearing Aid Problems 🎧 4️⃣ Dizziness 🌀 5️⃣ Hoarseness 🗣️ 6️⃣ Tinnitus 🔊 7️⃣ Tonsillitis & Adenoids Problems 🦠 8️⃣ Swallowing Problems 🍽️ 9️⃣ Sinusitis / Sinus Problems 🤧 🔟 Snoring & Sleep Apnea 😴 1️⃣1️⃣ Speech Delay 🗣️ 1️⃣2️⃣ Autism 🧩 1️⃣3️⃣ Gastric Reflux 🥴 👨‍⚕️ Don't delay! Consult the Best ENT Specialist in Hyderabad at ASIAN ENT CARE CENTRE. 👂🌟 Consult NOW with the BEST ENT SPECIALIST, Dr. Chava Anjaneyulu – your EXPERT ENT Specialist in treating all problems related to Ear Nose Throat in Hyderabad. As the Senior ENT Surgeon & Chairman of Asian ENT Care Centre, he is the MOST TRUSTED & Senior Most ENT Specialist in Hyderabad, your go-to Expert ENT Doctor for the BEST ENT Treatment. 🌟 For Appointments! 📲 Call us at +91 8179033446 to prioritize your Ear, Nose & Throat health. 🌐 Visit our website for more information: https://drchavaanjanentcarecentre.com/
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entrepreneurstreet · 1 year
Dr Aadharshine Sairam - An Expert Homeopathic Physician in Chennai
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Dr Aadharshine Sairam has been practicing homeopathy for the last 05 years and has treated a myriad of different patients suffering from a range of different physical and mental illnesses.
Dr Aadharshine Sairam, a leading homeopathy doctor in Chennai and the founder of Holistic Homeopathy Clinic in Ambattur , was recently awarded as “The Best Homeopathy Doctor In Chennai ” by Global Achievers Council . She was bestowed with the award for his consistent and top-notch contribution to the field of homeopathy in the city.
Dr Aadharshine Sairam has been practicing homeopathy for the last 05 years and has treated a myriad of different patients suffering from a range of different physical and mental illnesses. The doctor has made a name in the city of Chennai by treating bones and joints issues, diabetes, kidney disorders, leukoderma, respiratory disorders, skin diseases, PCOS, thyroid gland disorder, and more using homeopathy.
Dr Aadharshine Sairam also uses the alternative medicine of homeopathy for treating mental health issues like autism, ADHD, anxiety, depression, migraine, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, and more through homeopathy. When it comes to dealing with mental health issues, She believes that patients need a touch of kindness and someone who would listen to than anything else.
The vision of Holistic Homeopathy Clinic is to make India a disease-free country, and it has a deep connection with Dr Aadharshine Sairam growing years in a rural area. She witnessed the pain of diseased people very closely with no facilities available for treatment. The experience stirred her conscience and paved the way for pursuing the subject of homeopathy in the later part of her life.
She completed her Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery , PG Hom (London) and started Holistic Homeopathy Clinic in Ambattur, Chennai to provide a low-cost and effective treatment to the diseased.
Dr Aadharshine Sairam is an immensely successful homeopath and a great contributor to advancement of homeopathy.
Please note that Homeopathy medicine is prescribed after a thorough case taking and analysis by an expert doctor. Self medication is not advisable and may prove harmful.
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a1-domains · 1 year
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Ali's Journey to Hope and Healing with Stem Cell Treatment for Autism in India Stem Cell Treatment for Autism in India Ali was a 12-year-old boy with a unique spirit and a love for music. He was born and raised in a small town in the Middle East, where he faced the challenges of living with autism. From a young age, Ali exhibited difficulties in social interactions, communication, and sensory sensitivities. These struggles made it challenging for him to form connections and friendships with his peers, leading to feelings of isolation and frustration. Despite the challenges, Ali had a gentle nature that endeared him to those around him. He found solace in music, as it provided him with a means of expression and a way to connect with the world. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ahmed, recognized his immense potential and were determined to find the best possible treatment to help Ali overcome his obstacles and lead a healthier, happier life. They understood the importance of early intervention and sought out solutions to provide Ali with the support he needed to thrive. Ali's Challenges and Struggle Ali's autism presented numerous challenges in his daily life, impacting various aspects of his functioning. One of the main struggles he faced was in social interactions. Ali found it difficult to understand social cues, establish eye contact, and engage in reciprocal conversations. This made it challenging for him to form meaningful connections and friendships with other children his age, leaving him feeling isolated and left out during social gatherings and school activities. In addition to social challenges, Ali also grappled with sensory sensitivities. He experienced heightened responses to certain sensory stimuli, such as loud noises, bright lights, and crowded spaces. These sensory sensitivities often overwhelmed him, leading to anxiety and meltdowns. Simple tasks like going to the grocery store or attending family events became overwhelming experiences for Ali, requiring significant support and accommodation. These struggles not only impacted Ali's day-to-day life but also affected the overall well-being of his family as they navigated the unique needs and challenges associated with autism. Decision to Pursue Stem Cell Treatment for Autism After exploring various treatment options, including therapy and medication, the Ahmed family came across information about stem cell therapy for autism. Intrigued by the potential of this innovative treatment, they decided to delve deeper into its effectiveness and benefits. They consulted with medical professionals and extensively researched the topic to understand the risks and potential outcomes. The Ahmed's were particularly drawn to the promise of stem cell therapy in addressing the underlying biological factors associated with autism. They learned that stem cells have the ability to differentiate into different cell types and promote tissue repair and regeneration. This led them to believe that stem cell therapy could potentially help alleviate some of Ali's challenges and improve his overall functioning. Researching Autism Treatment Center in India In their quest to find a suitable autism treatment center, the Ahmed family turned their attention to India, known for its world-class medical facilities and renowned doctors. Their extensive research led them to discover Dr. Pravin Patel Innovative Hospital in Gujarat, India, a facility highly regarded for its expertise in autism treatment and its innovative approach to patient care. The family was impressed by the hospital's commitment to providing comprehensive and personalized treatment plans for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. They found that Dr. Pravin Patel and his team had a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by autistic individuals and were well-versed in the latest advancements in autism research and treatment. The testimonials and success stories from former patients and their families further reinforced the hospital's reputation and instilled confidence in the Ahmed.
Preparing for Autism Treatment With their decision made to pursue treatment for Ali at Dr. Pravin Patel Innovative Hospital, the Ahmed family began diligently preparing for their journey to Gujarat, India. They gathered all the necessary documents, including Ali's medical records and travel documents, ensuring that everything was in order. They also made financial arrangements to cover the duration of the treatment, understanding the importance of having the necessary resources for Ali's care. In addition to the logistical preparations, the Ahmeds reached out to the hospital to make the necessary arrangements and sought guidance on what to expect during Ali's treatment. They eagerly gathered information on the hospital's protocols, the treatment process, and any pre-treatment requirements to ensure they were well-prepared for the upcoming journey. Getting Stem Cell Treatment for Autism in India During the treatment phase at Dr. Pravin Patel Innovative Hospital, Ali received a comprehensive and personalized approach to his autism treatment. Under the care of Dr. Patel and his skilled team, Ali underwent a range of therapies, including speech therapy, occupational therapy, and behavioral interventions. The hospital's multidisciplinary approach focused on addressing Ali's unique needs, helping him develop better communication skills, regulate sensory sensitivities, and improve his social interactions. With the dedicated support of the hospital staff, Ali made significant progress in his treatment journey, laying the foundation for a brighter and more fulfilling future. Post-Treatment Care and Recovery Following Ali's completion of the treatment phase at Dr. Pravin Patel Innovative Hospital, the Ahmed family experienced the importance of post-treatment care and support. The hospital provided a comprehensive plan for Ali's post-treatment recovery, ensuring that the progress he made during his time at the hospital was sustained and built upon. The family received guidance on continuing therapy sessions, implementing strategies learned during treatment, and managing any potential challenges that may arise. The Ahmed were deeply appreciative of the ongoing support provided by the hospital. They remained in close contact with Dr. Patel and his team, who monitored Ali's progress remotely and provided valuable insights and recommendations. The family diligently followed the post-treatment care plan, integrating therapy and strategies into Ali's daily routine. This consistent follow-up care and commitment to Ali's well-being allowed him to continue thriving and further solidified the positive impact of his treatment at Dr. Pravin Patel Innovative Hospital. Improvements and Impact on Ali's Life The treatment received at Dr. Pravin Patel Innovative Hospital brought about remarkable improvements in Ali's life. His communication skills flourished, enabling him to express his thoughts and needs more effectively. The therapy and interventions he received helped him regulate his sensory sensitivities, empowering him to navigate previously overwhelming environments with greater ease. As a result, Ali experienced enhanced social interactions, forming meaningful connections and friendships that brought him joy and a sense of belonging. The improvements in his overall functioning not only transformed Ali's life but also had a profound impact on his family, who witnessed his growth and celebrated his newfound confidence. Ali's treatment at Dr. Pravin Patel Innovative Hospital paved the way for a healthier and more fulfilling life, filled with opportunities for personal growth and a brighter future. Spreading Awareness about Stem Cell Treatment for Autism Grateful for the positive outcomes of Ali's stem cell treatment, the Ahmed family became passionate advocates for spreading awareness about this innovative approach to autism treatment. They shared Ali's success story with their local community, organizing seminars and informational sessions to educate others about the potential benefits of stem cell therapy.
Through social media platforms and collaborations with support groups, they amplified their message, reaching a wider audience and providing valuable resources and support to families affected by autism. By sharing their firsthand experience, the Ahmed family played a crucial role in dispelling misconceptions, fostering acceptance, and empowering others to explore alternative treatment options for autism spectrum disorders. Take a proactive step towards improving the lives of individuals with autism - explore the possibilities of stem cell treatment at renowned centers in India, like Dr. Pravin Patel Innovative Hospital, and unlock new potentials for a brighter future. Embrace the potential of innovative therapies and join the movement towards transformative autism treatment. Disclaimer: The story depicted above is fictional and is not intended to represent any specific individual or medical treatment. It is essential to consult with medical professionals and conduct thorough research before pursuing any treatment options. Autism spectrum disorder affects individuals differently, and the effectiveness of treatments may vary. Always seek professional advice for personal situations. Contact Us: https://globalstemcelltherapy.com/contact/
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speechgears · 2 years
Searching for Speech Therapy Tools For Autism?
Around the age of three, a child's developmental stage may be observed in this. Children with autism will exhibit symptoms of the disease throughout this period. Parents will begin to suspect that something is miss with their child's growth. In comparison to other typical children, it moves relatively slowly. A child's autism severity can range from moderate to severe. 
Children with mild autism will be able to speak and, for the most part, usually behave. However certain specific characteristics hint to autism. Children with severe autism are the most challenging to deal with. They frequently experience self-inflicted pain issues, some may struggle with speech delay, they may experience mood swings, they avoid social situations, and they exhibit other pronounced traits of a kid with severe autism. 
Your children can receive speech delay treatment with Oral Motor Tools For Speech Therapy if they have speech issues. A trained therapist with a master's degree will instruct a kid in this treatment on how to speak, pronounce words correctly, use image exchange systems, or PES, and other more advanced techniques. Both children and adults can benefit from this autism therapy.  
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In addition to making games that will promote communication, non-communicative skills, other types of assessment, and speech curriculum, therapists employ a broad range of educational toys and equipment. Children with severe autism may not be able to talk at all, although development varies from case to case. Speech therapy may be effective for one child but not for others in a similar situation. In this case, the best line of action will be to speak with a doctor. Autism is not always cured by speech therapy for a child. Only a treatment that parents and others choose can influence whether or not a child's communication skills improve.
A kid with autism may need to take drugs in addition to speech therapy, depending on the doctor's recommendation. Medications or SpeechGears Therapeutic Kits are given to treat the child's sadness, sleeplessness, and other health issues brought on by the disease. Getting a doctor's advice before administering any medicine to your youngster is crucial.
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For a brain condition that commonly manifests within a child's first three years and lasts throughout a person's lifetime, SpeechGears India offers Speech And Language Assessment Tools or Sensory Integration Therapy Tools at the best prices. We're currently dealing with 7+ countries' distributors to distribute their products and services. 
Our Source Url: https://sites.google.com/view/speechgears-india/speech-therapy 
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diseases1 · 9 months
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Rehab Buddy Child Development Center & Autism Research Institute, India’s one of leading child development centres, it is an excellent child development centre that provides comprehensive and personalised care for children of all ages. With its cutting-edge technology and experienced staff, the centre has been helping children with disabilities, autism, ADHD, developmental delays, and other special needs to reach their full potential. Rehab Buddy’s highly trained therapists & doctors use a variety of techniques to help children learn skills such as communication, socialisation, motor skills, behaviour management and more. The centre also offers family support services to ensure that parents are able to provide the best possible care for their children. With Rehab Buddy’s commitment to excellence in child development care, parents can be assured that their children are receiving the best possible care.
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manovaidyahospital · 2 months
Ayurvedic Management of Autism or ADHD
The parents who are examining good Autism therapy for kids, themselves search for some alternative Treatments including Ayurveda that can naturally manage the confusions in the most holistic route without having any side-effects. Manovaidya, one of the prominent Autism Treatment Centres in India, caters individualized treatment using Ayurvedic therapies that aim to enable a whole hence providing complete solutions to autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and ADHD.
Learn More About Ayurvedic Treatment for Autism and ADHD
The ancient Indian system of medicine, Ayurveda is all about bringing balance to the energies in the body for maintaining good health. Ayurveda treats the disease in autism spectrum disorder through natural/herbal therapies, food modifications, physical exercises to enhance cognitive functioning in Ayurveda. Manovaidya, who is famous for providing the best autism treatment India, incorporates these age-old practices along with modern medicine to develop a comprehensive treatment plan for autistic and ADHD children.
Autism Treatment in Gurgaon
Parents looking for Autism treatment in Gurgaon, can visit Manovaidya for custom therapies for every child. It is a clinic that utilizes one of the best approaches in which it first evaluates the child in depth and then accordingly, prepare the treatment plan. This plan may include herbal supplements, Panchakarma therapies (detoxification procedures), yoga, and meditation that have proven to enhance neurological functions and behavioral outcomes.
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India's Best Autism Treatment
Why Manovaidya is best autism treatment in India Manovaidya is well renowned in India as the best center for the autism treatment in India also they highly believe in Ayurveda and they do mix Ayurvedic with the scientific researches only this principle makes Manovaidya best in the country. The center takes a comprehensive view of ASD, treating sensory processing deficits, communication problems and challenging behaviors. Manovaidya works with the vision to enhance the quality of life for the children with autism and their families by the natural and non-invasive way of treatment.
Best Autism Treatment Centres in Delhi
For the best hospital for autism treatment in Delhi, Manovaidya after providing the best therapy of speech and occupation therapy has the best lab also for the medical treatment. With a team that includes Ayurvedic doctors, therapists, and nutritionists, the center is unique in that each child is addressed from a holistic point of view which is based on their individual case.
How Ayurvedic Treatment Helps Autism
The Ayurvedic Autism therapy for kids is focused on long-term health advantages and side effects reduction in Manovaidya. The treatments are designed to improve cognitive function, social interactions and decrease the hyperactivity and impulsivity of inattention of ADHD. When you send your child to an IEP school in East Elmhurst, you can count on a nurturing space where your child will be given the attention and resource-based help that they need.
The Ayurvedic treatment of Autism and ADHD at Manovaidya presents an appealing alternative to conventional therapy, ultimately providing relief. Manovaidya stands as a best Autism Treatment Center in India and offers range of quality treatment according to individual need to the patients enabling the patient with autism spectrum disorder to lead a normal life in future. At Manovaidya, we are the first choice for families looking for autism treatment in Gurgaon or the best hospital for autism treatment in Delhi, with our unique combination of the timeless knowledge of Ayurveda along with modern therapeutic practices, we provide care for the holistic well-being and development of children with autism.
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What Do You Mean By Hydrotherapy, And How Can It Help?
Using water to treat various conditions is a common practice that’s as old as humanity. Hydrotherapy as a medical practice dates back to ancient Greece when hot water spas were used to exercise and help manage pain.
We have also found evidence that water therapy was utilized among several ancient cultures in Egypt, India, and China as a naturopathic treatment. Water aerobics, massage, stretching, and colonics were used to treat anxiety, chronic pain, constipation, stiffness, pregnancy aches, and more.
Aquatic therapy services are perfect for individuals dealing with various health issues. Even before science could explain how aquatic therapy services worked, people understood that water had several properties that helped in rehabilitation. Water adds gentle muscle resistance without adding excess weight to strained or sensitive body parts.
What Do You Mean By Hydrotherapy, And What Can It Treat?
Hydrotherapy is the internal or external use of water in any form (ice, steam, or water) for the treatment of diseases or health promotion with various pressures, temperatures, duration, and sites. It is an alternative medicine practice that uses water as a natural remedy to manage multiple symptoms.
Water or aquatic therapy has been used for thousands of years and is considered one of the best types of physical therapy in Nassau County. The therapeutic applications of water therapy include fitness improvement, rehabilitation, injury prevention, and relaxation. It is most commonly used to treat conditions and symptoms, including:
Neuromuscular and musculoskeletal disorders
Osteoarthritis pains and arthritis symptoms
Stiffness, joint pain, sprains, and any other condition that’s intolerant to weight-bearing exercises
Pulmonary disorders
Paralysis as a result of a stroke
Cardiovascular disorders
ASDs (autism spectrum disorders, motor delays, and disabilities among children
Fatigue, obesity, and headaches
Balance-related issues
Reduced range of motion and reoccurring injuries that make other forms of exercise uncomfortable or difficult
If you have any of these symptoms or conditions, consult a professional doctor and ask if they recommend hydrotherapy for faster recovery. Hydrotherapy may be the perfect solution for you!
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Understanding the causes and risk factors of epilepsy
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Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that affects the brain and causes seizures. It is one of the most common neurological disorders, affecting over 50 million people worldwide. While seizures can be caused by a variety of factors, the underlying cause of epilepsy is often unknown. Understanding the causes and risk factors will help you with the diagnosis and epileptic seizure treatment in Jaipur of this condition.
One of the most common causes of epilepsy is brain injury or trauma. Traumatic brain injuries, such as those caused by a car accident or fall, can lead to the development of epilepsy. In these cases, the seizures are typically caused by damage to the brain tissue, which can disrupt the normal electrical activity in the brain. epilepsy doctor in jaipur
Another common epilepsy symptom is a brain infection, such as meningitis or encephalitis. These infections can cause inflammation in the brain, which can lead to seizures. In some cases, the infection can leave permanent damage to the brain, which can lead to the development of epilepsy.
Genetics also plays a role in the development of epilepsy. Some genetic disorders, such as tuberous sclerosis and neurofibromatosis, increase the risk of developing epilepsy. Additionally, some genetic mutations have been linked to the development of specific types of epilepsy.
Stroke, brain tumors, and other brain disorders can also lead to the development of epilepsy. In these cases, the seizures are typically caused by damage or abnormal growth in the brain.spinal cord injury treatment 
Certain lifestyle factors can also increase the risk of developing epilepsy. Alcohol and drug abuse, for example, can lead to brain damage and increase the risk of seizures. Additionally, lack of sleep and poor nutrition can also increase the risk of seizures.spinal cord stimulator
Risk factors for developing epilepsy include:
Head injuries
Brain infections
Genetic disorders
Brain tumors
Alcohol and drug abuse
Lack of sleep
Poor nutrition
Certain groups of people are also at a higher risk of developing epilepsy. For example, older adults are more likely to develop epilepsy than younger adults. Additionally, people with developmental disorders, such as autism and intellectual disability, are also at a higher risk of developing epilepsy.
It is important to note that many people with epilepsy have no identifiable cause for their condition. This is known as idiopathic epilepsy, which accounts for about 70% of all cases. consult with Best Seizure treatment Doctor in Jaipur
Diagnosis of epilepsy typically involves a thorough medical history and a physical exam, as well as neurological tests such as an EEG (electroencephalogram). An EEG measures the electrical activity in the brain, and can help identify abnormal patterns that may indicate epilepsy. Imaging tests, such as an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or CT (computed tomography) scan may also be used to help diagnose epilepsy and identify any underlying causes.
Treatment for epilepsy typically involves medications, known as antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), which help to control seizures. In some cases, surgery may be recommended to remove the part of the brain that is causing seizures. Additionally, lifestyle changes, such as avoiding triggers that can lead to seizures, can also help to manage epilepsy.
It's important for people living with epilepsy to work closely with their healthcare provider to find an appropriate treatment plan that works best for them. It's also important to be aware of the causes and risk factors of epilepsy, as it can help in early diagnosis, preventing seizures and managing the condition. spinal cord surgery
Treatment options in Jaipur
Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan state in India, is home to a number of specialized hospitals and clinics that offer treatment for epileptic seizures.
One of the most renowned medical centers in Jaipur for epilepsy treatment is the Sawai Man Singh (SMS) Hospital. The hospital has a dedicated Epilepsy Clinic that offers a range of treatment options, including medication management, surgery, and lifestyle changes to help control seizures. The clinic is staffed by experienced neurologists and neurosurgeons who are skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy.
In addition to these specialized hospitals, there are also many private clinics in Jaipur that offer epilepsy treatment in Jaipur. Many of these clinics are staffed by experienced neurologists and neurosurgeons who are skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of seizures.
In summary, Jaipur has a number of specialized hospitals and clinics that offer treatment for epileptic seizures, including Sawai Man Singh (SMS) Hospital, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Hospital (MGMC), and many private clinics. These medical centers are staffed by experienced neurologists and neurosurgeons who are skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy. It’s advisable to consult with a specialist for a proper diagnosis and treatment plans. We recommend you visit an epilepsy doctor in Jaipur in this serious state.
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that affects the brain and causes seizures. The underlying cause of epilepsy is often unknown, but it can be caused by a variety of factors, including brain injury or trauma, brain infections, genetic disorders, stroke, brain tumors, alcohol, and drug. we recommend you to take consult with a specialist doctor and get proper treatment.
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drkashikajain · 2 years
Counselling Psychologist in Meerut
Dr. Kashika Jain Health Psychologist and Psychotherapist
About Dr. Kashika Jain
• Dr Kashika Jain is National Renowned Psychologist, Counsellor, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, Inspirational Speaker and Life Coach in Meerut. • She provides Psychological and Spiritual counselling & therapy for Depression, Anxiety, Relationship solution, Child counselling, Insomnia, Dementia, Mood disorders, Couple relationship, Child bonding, Fears & Phobia, Autism, Alcohol Addictions, Stress, OCD, Bipolar disorder, ADHD, Schizophrenia, Anger, Weight loss counselling, Personality development, Career counselling and other psychological issues counselling. • The best part of her treatment is that ‘She treats all the psychological issues without any medication’. • According to her philosophy ‘ We cannot change our thought process with the help of any medicine’.
• She provides all the Advanced Therapy at her clinic and some of them are still not available even in Metro cities. • She is the founder of ‘Wonderful You’ organisation, with the vision to spread Hope-Harmony-Happiness in society and make people’s life wonderful! • She has started a national campaign named as ‘Wonderful Mind Mission’ with the objective to spread awareness of mental health and her mission has been joined by more than 1 lac people including many Medical Doctors/MPs/ MLAs/ IAS Officers/ Bollywood Stars / Singers / Journalist/ Social Workers and other respected people of the society. • She has won many awards in her field and also a regular writer of many national newspapers and magazines. • She has transformed over 40,000+ lives since 2010 through her Seminars/ Workshops/ Training /Counselling/Therapy. • She has conducted seminars on mental health in Singapore and Malaysia. • She is also very famous on YouTube and her videos on various psychological issues are being appreciated by all the age group.
Awards & Achievements:-
• Author of the book ‘Dear Depression Let’s Break-up’ has published in June 2020. • ‘Karmaveer Samman’ 2020 by ‘Akhil Bhartiya Sarv Vaishya Ekta Maha Sabha’. • ‘Naari Shakti ko Pranaam’ award 2019 by ‘Brijbhoomi Foundation’ among the 51 most influential women of Meerut City. • One of the Jury member in ‘Alora Mrs India 2019’ • ‘Naari Shakti Samman’ award 2018 by ‘Aseem Naari Shakti Ngo’. • ‘Chandragupta Maurya’ award 2018 by ‘Jain Mahila Milan’. • ‘Aesthetics Style Icon’ award 2015 by ‘Aesthetics International Club’. • ‘Responsible Citizen’ award 2015 by ‘MCMI Ngo’. • ‘16th Film Media’ award 2014 in Education Category ‘Best Counsellor & Trainer’ by ‘UP Film Association’. • ‘Empowered woman’ award 2014 by ‘Prerna Deep Welfare Society’. • ‘Woman with Spark’ award 2013 by ‘Crime Spark Magazine’. • Won the ‘Mrs Meerut’ Title in 2010. • Regular writer of different magazines, newspapers, blogs and YouTuber. • Got Appreciation letters from different organizations. • Social worker ‘Promotes Female Education’ through free seminars and awareness programs. • Regular visitor of different ‘Orphanage and Old age homes’, spreading happiness among people. • Worked with ‘Den Galaxy Channel’ in a series of ‘Art of Winning Exams’ program as a Key Note Speaker for the welfare of Students. • Being invited many times as guest speaker by News 18 Channel for different programs.
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