#best elementor themes themeforest
Kalles - Clean, Versatile, Responsive Shopify Theme with RTL Support
In the world of e-commerce, having an attractive and functional online store is essential for success. Shopify, a popular e-commerce platform, offers a wide range of themes to help businesses create visually appealing and user-friendly online stores. One such theme is Kalles, a clean, versatile, and responsive Shopify theme with RTL (Right-to-Left) support. In this article, we will explore the features and benefits of Kalles, along with its RTL support, to understand why it is a great choice for businesses looking to cater to a global audience.
Section 1: An Overview of Kalles Theme
Kalles is a premium Shopify theme designed to meet the diverse needs of online businesses. With its clean and modern design, it offers a professional and visually appealing interface that enhances the overall user experience. The theme's versatility allows it to be used for various industries, including fashion, electronics, furniture, and more.
Section 2: Responsive Design for Seamless Mobile Experience
In today's mobile-centric world, having a responsive website is crucial. Kalles ensures a seamless user experience across different devices and screen sizes. Its responsive design adapts to the user's device, whether it's a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone, providing a consistent and optimized browsing experience.
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rsthemewp · 5 months
7+ Best Art Portfolio Website WordPress Premium Theme
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Art Portfolio Website WordPress Premium Theme
Creating an art portfolio website is essential for artists, designers, and creatives to showcase their work and attract potential clients. Let’s explore some of the best WordPress premium themes specifically designed for art portfolio websites:
1. Dabble – Creative Agency & Portfolio WordPress Theme:
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A sophisticated and stylish theme with multiple menu layouts, sliders, and preset blog post styles.
Features a portfolio system using a custom post type, allowing you to display your projects effectively.
Available in both free and premium versions, with advanced controls in the premium version.
2. Rubrash – Personal Portfolio WordPress Theme:
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Known for its rock-solid coding and fantastic support.
Offers full-width portfolio layouts, including checkerboard style and carousel options.
Utilize the drag-and-drop Elementor Builder to create stunning pages for each portfolio entry.
3. Swipy – Creative Agency WordPress Theme:
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A flexible and feature-rich theme powered by the Elementor page builder plugin.
Suitable for various types of websites, including art portfolio website.
Explore its extensive library of over 300 templates for startups, freelancers, and personal sites.
4. Kulluu – Creative Agency WordPress Theme:
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A minimalist freelancer and agency portfolio theme.
Ideal for showcasing your work with a clean and modern design.
5. Bionic- Personal Portfolio WordPress Theme:
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Another portfolio WordPress theme that emphasizes simplicity.
Perfect for artists, photographers, and creative professionals.
6. Cretic – Creative Agency WordPress Theme:
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A multi-concept artist and creative agency theme.
Offers versatility and a variety of options for different types of art portfolio website.
7. Mifo – Creative Minimal Portfolio WordPress Theme:
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A clean and minimal multipurpose theme suitable for art portfolio website.
Focuses on elegant design and typography.
Remember to choose a theme that aligns with your artistic style, provides an excellent user experience, and effectively showcases your work. Happy creating! 🎨🖌️
For more options, you can explore other themes from ThemeForest. Each of these themes has unique features and customization options to suit your specific needs.
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webdevnajmul · 3 months
How to Make WordPress Service Website design and development?
Here's a comprehensive guide on creating a service website in WordPress, combining the best approaches and addressing potential issues:
1. Fundamentals
Domain Name: Choose a short, memorable name related to your services or brand (e.g., [invalid URL removed]).
Web Hosting: Select a reliable WordPress hosting provider. Consider factors like performance, security, support, and price. Great options include:
WP Engine (for more established businesses)
WordPress Installation: Most hosting providers offer one-click WordPress installation.
2. Choose the Right Theme
Focus on Service-Oriented Design: Look for themes that specifically cater to showcasing services. Many great options exist on marketplaces like ThemeForest or directly within the WordPress theme repository. Consider these features:
Clean, professional layout
Clear sections for presenting each service
Pricing tables
Client testimonials
Contact forms
Popular Themes:
Astra (free and versatile)
OceanWP (free and highly customizable)
Neve (free and lightweight)
Divi (premium with powerful visual builder)
3. Essential Plugins
Page Builder: For easy design customization.
Elementor (free and beginner-friendly drag-and-drop builder)
Beaver Builder (flexible, great with themes)
Pricing Table Plugin:
Responsive Pricing Table (easy to use)
Pricing Table by Supsystic (more advanced features)
Testimonial Plugin:
Testimonial Rotator
Strong Testimonials
Contact Form Plugin:
Contact Form 7 (classic and reliable)
WPForms (powerful form builder)
4. Website Structure
Compelling headline and tagline about your services
Overview of services with eye-catching visuals
Call-to-action (CTA) buttons
Services Page:
Detailed descriptions of each service
Pricing information (consider clear pricing tables)
Benefits of choosing your services
About Us Page:
Your company's story and mission
Team member highlights
Testimonials Page:
Showcase positive client feedback
Contact Page:
Contact form
Address, phone number, email
5. Design and Content
Branding: Use a consistent color scheme, fonts, and logo that reflects your brand.
High-Quality Images: Professional images or relevant stock photos.
Clear and Compelling Headlines: Explain your services effectively.
Concise Service Descriptions: Focus on the benefits for the client.
Customer Testimonials: Build trust and credibility.
Calls-to-Action: Guide visitors to book a consultation, inquire, etc.
6. Additional Considerations
SEO: Optimize your website to rank well in search engines. Consider plugins like Yoast SEO or Rank Math.
Speed Optimization: Make sure your website loads quickly. Use image compression and caching plugins.
Security: Protect your website with a security plugin like Wordfence or Sucuri.
Example Process (using Elementor)
Install Elementor: Go to Plugins -> Add New -> Search for 'Elementor'
Create a New Page: Pages -> Add New
Edit with Elementor: Click the 'Edit with Elementor' button.
Choose a Template or Design from Scratch: Elementor has pre-built templates or you can build your own design.
Add Sections and Widgets: Use Elements like headings, text, images, service boxes, pricing tables, testimonials, and contact forms.
Customize: Adjust colors, fonts, spacing, etc., to align with your branding.
Remember to continuously test your site on different devices to ensure responsiveness and a great user experience across the board.
Let me know if you'd like assistance with any specific part of the process!
Thank you 
Md Najmul Hasan
WordPress Developer and SEO Expert
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lananh82 · 1 year
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dlsexpert · 2 years
Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme Review
What are the Main Features of Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme The theme is responsive and retina-ready, which will look great on any device, from mobile to desktop. It’s also packed with features, including a powerful options panel, social media integration, and an easy-to-use drag-and-drop page builder. Top Features
Fully Responsive Modern Design Retina Ready All in All Real Estate Website Features include Woo-Commerce Support One-click demo install 34+ demo website 25+ Property Page 48+ Elementor real estate widget 9 advanced search form 30+ Header Style Hubspot CRM integration Built-in Monetization system Paypal & Stripe support WPML ready MLSImport integration Excellent Support System Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme Review | Theme Documentation If you are new to the Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme, this documentation is for you. It covers all the basics of setting up and using the theme. The first thing you need to do is install and activate the theme.
Then follow the instructions below to begin setting up your website with Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme. Basic Setup
1. Install and activate the WP Residence WordPress Theme.
2. Upon activation, you will be redirected to the Welcome page. Here you can import demo content, which we recommend if you are starting with a fresh WordPress installation (this will help save some time). Simply click on the Import Demo Content button and wait for everything to be imported (it may take a few minutes).
Once finished, head over to Appearance > Customize, where you can further customize your website by choosing a color scheme, adding your logo, etc.
3a) If you want to use Google Maps with property pinpoints (recommended), then create a free account at https://console.developers.google.com/flows/enableapi?apiid=maps_backend&keyType=CLIENT_SIDE&reusekey=true .
Once created, go to APIs & Auth > Credentials in your Google Developers Console and click on Create New Key > Public API access. A popup window will appear; click on the Browser key. In the next screen that appears, enter * as authorized Referrers.
Finally, copy your newly generated API key and paste it into the appearance > Theme Options > General Settings > Google Maps Api Key field back in your WordPress Dashboard.
3b) If you don’t want to use Google Maps or can’t get it working properly, then simply choose one of our default map providers: OpenStreetMap or LeafletMapsMarker appearance > Theme Options > General Settings section from your WordPress Dashboard.
. All locations added from now on will be displayed on this map provider instead of Google Maps.
Or, If you’re looking for detailed documentation on using Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme, you’ve come to the right place. Here ( Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme Documentation), you’ll find everything you need to know about installing and configuring Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme.
Finally, if you want to create a real estate WordPress website, you can contact me; I will create a professional real estate website per your requirement.
Best Real Estate WordPress Theme Choosing a WordPress theme for your real estate website is a critical decision. The right theme will help you create a professional-looking site that helps you stand out from the competition. With so many themes to choose from, it can be tough to know where to start.
That’s why we’ve put together this list of the best real estate WordPress themes for 2022. We’ve covered you whether you’re looking for a simple theme or something more complex.
1. Realtyna Organic IDXtheme
Realtyna’s Organic IDXpress plugin is one of the most popular plugins on WordPress.org. The company also offers an excellent premium WordPress theme called Realtyna Organic IDXtheme. This theme is designed specifically for use with the Realtyna plugin and includes all the features you need to build a top-notch real estate website.
2. WP Pro Real Estate 7 is one of the most popular themes available on ThemeForest. It’s packed with features and includes everything you need to build a powerful real estate website.
Plus, it has several pre-built demos that make it easy to start quickly.
3rd HomeQuest HomeQuest is another great option if you’re looking for a feature-rich real estate WordPress theme.
It has multiple properties listing templates, agent and agency templates, and IDX integration. Plus, it supports video backgrounds, parallax scrolling, and Google Maps integration. 4th RealHomes
RealHomes is one of the most popular free real estate WordPress themes available on WordPress.org. It includes everything you need to create a professional-looking site, including property listings, agent profiles, testimonials, and more. Plus, it integrates with popular plugins like WPBakery Page Builder and Slider Revolution.
5th AgentPress Listings AgentPress Listings by StudioPress is an excellent choice if you’re looking for a simple yet effective real estate WordPress theme. It includes property listings as well as agent profiles and contact information.
Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme Price Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme Price Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme Regular Licence Price 59$
How Easy is It to Use Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme There are a lot of factors that go into how easy a piece of software is to use. In general, the three main things you want to look at are the user interface (UI), the user experience (UX), and the documentation. The UI is how users interact with the software – it’s what they see and click on when they’re using it.
A good UI will be intuitive and easy to use; a bad one will be confusing and frustrating. The UX is how users feel while they’re using the software – if it’s enjoyable, they’ll keep using it; if it’s not, they’ll give up. Good UX considers everything from the UI to performance to customer support.
Documentation includes things like tutorials, FAQs, and help files; it should be clear and concise so that users can easily find answers to their questions. In short, there’s no definitive answer to this question – it depends on the software itself. However, by considering these three factors, you can get a good idea of how easy (or difficult) a piece of software might be to use.
Free & Premium Real Estate WordPress Themes 2022 There are many great free WordPress themes available for real estate websites. Here are the 6 best free & premium real estate WordPress themes for 2022:
1. Realtor – A simple and elegant theme perfect for real estate businesses.
2. Real Estate – A powerful and feature-rich theme designed specifically for real estate sites.
3. MLS – A beautiful and easy-to-use theme that integrates with the popular MLS plugin.
4. AgentPress – A sleek and modern theme from StudioPress, ideal for agent and agency sites.
5. Homefinder – An attractive and user-friendly theme perfect for property search and listing sites.
6. Property Finder – Another excellent choice for property search and listing sites.
Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme If you are looking for a comprehensive and user-friendly WordPress theme for your real estate website, you should definitely check out Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme. This feature-rich theme comes with everything you need to create a professional and successful online presence for your business. Some of the key features that make Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme stand out from other real estate WordPress themes include:
A powerful and user-friendly search engine lets visitors easily find the properties they are interested in. Advanced listing management tools make it easy to keep track of your listings and clients. A sleek and modern design that is sure to impress your visitors.
Integrated Google Maps support makes it easy to showcase your properties on a map. There is also an extensive options panel where you can customize every aspect of the theme to suit your needs. Overall, Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme is a great choice for anyone looking for a top-quality real estate WordPress theme.
Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme Demo If you are in the market for a new WordPress theme for your real estate website, you may want to check out the Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme by WP Residence Theme. This theme is specifically designed for real estate websites, and it comes with many great features that will make your site look professional and easy to use. One of the best features of this theme is the property search function.Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme Demo
Visitors to your site can easily search for properties based on their desired location, price range, and other criteria. This makes it easy for them to find the perfect property and helps keep your website organized. Another great feature of this theme is the listing management system.
With this system, you can easily add new listings, edit existing ones, and manage all of your listings in one place. This makes it easy to keep track of your properties and helps to keep your website looking organized and professional. Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme also includes several different page templates that you can use to create different pages on your website.
These templates make it easy to create custom pages without knowing much about coding or web design. All you need to do is select the template you want to use and then fill in your content. The templates are very user-friendly and allow you to create beautiful pages without any hassle.
Overall, Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme is a great choice for anyone who wants a professional real estate website. It has all the features you need to make your site look great, and it is very user-friendly so that even those unfamiliar with web design can easily create beautiful pages. If you are looking for a new WordPress theme for your real estate website, this is definitely one you should consider checking out! Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme Demo
Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme Review – Conclusion Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme Review is a real estate WordPress theme that makes it easy to list properties and manage your real estate business online. With Residence, you can quickly create beautiful listings with photos and descriptions and manage your inquiries and bookings all in one place. Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme Review is also fully responsive, meaning your website will look great on any device, from desktop to mobile.
And because it’s built on WordPress, Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme Review is easy to use and customize to suit your needs. So if you’re looking for a simple yet powerful way to get your real estate business online, Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme Review is the perfect solution
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appandsoftware1 · 2 years
15 hot WordPress Themes For Elementor (E-commerce, agency)ThemeForest
15 hot WordPress Themes For Elementor The goal of this lesson is to show you how to control the design and layout of your WordPress website. You can also make your own themes using PHP if you want, or you may do it with a builder that doesn’t require any code. There are several different themes or WordPress website builders to choose from, such as Elementor, Thrive, Architect, Divi, Beaver, and…
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wordpresstop · 3 years
Reload Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme
Reload Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme
Reload Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme is a modern and advanced design with no restrictions. This theme provides two completely different styles for your header to choose from, The first style provides a vertical menu and the second a classic horizontal menu. Feel free to choose according to your current taste or needs. The validated reload HTML inspired the creation of reload wordpress,…
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rsthemewp · 5 months
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💥 Use Tekone, the WordPress theme designed for tech companies, to unleash your inner tech guru!
Hey tech wizards and IT whizzes! Tired of website themes that don't understand your code-slinging spirit? Look no further than Tekone, the WordPress theme designed specifically for the tech and IT industry!
With Tekone, you get:
✔A website that's as cutting-edge as your ideas: Think bold typography, clean lines, and high-quality visuals that scream tech-savvy.
✔Pre-built demo homepages: Choose from 22+ stunning layouts, all designed to showcase your services and expertise in the best possible light. No coding required!
✔Elementor compatibility: Drag and drop your way to website perfection with the world's leading page builder. Even non-techies can create a masterpiece. ✨
✔Features that speak your language: Progress bars, timelines, pricing tables, and more - Tekone has all the bells and whistles a tech biz needs.
✔SEO smarts: Climb the search engine ladder and attract more clients with a theme that's Google's best friend.
✔Inner pages galore: Services, portfolios, about us, contact - Tekone comes with all the essential pages you need to build a comprehensive website.
Perfect for:
✔Software companies
✔IT consulting firms
✔Web development agencies
✔Data centers
✔SaaS providers
✔And any other tech-related business
Ready to ditch the generic themes and unleash your inner tech guru?
Check : Product Portfolio & Download Link
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saulgross01 · 4 years
Best WordPress themes of 2020: paid, free, and for business
The WordPress platform is one of the simplest ways to create colorful and well laid out webpages. Setup is usually performed with a few mouse clicks, so no coding knowledge is required. free WooCommerce theme
The platform supports thousands of various designs known as themes, some of which are suited to specific users such as small businesses, whilst others have a more general appeal. 
Many Wordpress themes are designed for blogs, but there are more specialist ones, such as for art and photography portfolios. There are also premium Wordpress themes available for those who want to invest extra in their website, and there are also ecommerce themes for business users.
When starting out you may feel overwhelmed by the choices available, especially if you’re not sure if a theme is worth buying. Also, do check that any theme you do consider will work properly with any Wordpress plugins you have also installed.
In this guide, you’ll discover five of our very favorite free and paid WordPress themes. Whether you’re a freelancer on a tight budget or an established business, rest assured there’s a theme for you.
Foodie Pro
Hestia (Image credit: Hestia) 1. Hestia
The simplest of the best Wordpress themes
Free and Premium tier
One-click install
Hestia is the perfect theme for those with small businesses, startups, online agencies and firms due to its multi-purpose functionality. Users do not have to pay to download this theme. Installation and setup is designed to be user friendly. free WooCommerce theme
This theme is best suited to users who want to setup an ecommerce platform. Hestia integrates with WooCommerce, allowing users access to beautifully designed product listings. There is an easy to use drag and drop feature suitable.
This theme comes with custom background settings which aid in adding photos to your site and making it your own. It has a multi-purpose one page design, a widget designed footer and a blog or news section.
It integrates with Travel Map, Photo Gallery, Flat Parallax Slider and Elementor Page Builder. Hestia is responsive and uses Material Kit for design. free WooCommerce theme
As with most WordPress themes, there is a demo for users to sample before downloading.
X (Image credit: Themeforest) 2. X
The best Wordpress themes for features
Highly customizable
Integrates well with WordPress
Variety of designs
X is a paid WordPress theme suitable for all types of websites. 
The theme comes with four categories of built-in demos. Each of these themes cover a wide variety of potential projects. This means that no matter what you have in mind, X more than likely has a design suited to your needs.
Cornerstone is included with X. This is one of the most popular WordPress web page builders. The drag and drop feature is easy to use. Users are able to see exactly what their page will look like live as they are building. This enables users to change and edit while building their site. free WooCommerce theme
There are a huge number of customization options, with which users can build a unique webpage. It's also constantly updated and you get features like the custom font or inline editing. In the early 2019, X introduced Dynamic Content which helps a lot when building out content throughout your site.
X comes with a feature called ‘the customizer’. This is a handy tool as many premium themes come with their own theme options page that is not entirely compatible with WordPress. ‘The Customizer’ is highly intuitive. It integrates seamlessly with WordPress. It will help you to customize the look and feel of your website.
The regular license for X is $29 which includes future updates and 6 months customer support. Users can opt to extend support to 12-months for an additional $6.38. 
Allegiant (Image credit: Wordpress) 3. Allegiant
The most customizable Wordpress theme
Highly customizable
Slight learning curve
Allegiant is a highly customizable WordPress theme that is most suited for small businesses that are just starting out. free WooCommerce theme
The theme itself is simple and well laid out. Across the top there is a large header to highlight your most popular services or products. The slides on the homepage can be displayed in any order.
The theme offers several feature blocks that can be easily inserted onto your page with details about your business team or your past endeavors amongst others.  These blocks come with the theme’s plugin ‘CPO Content Types’. The plugin is free and installs very quickly.
These pre-built blocks also come with testimonial section. It is very easy to copy and paste information into the blocks.
Allegiant integrates with other free popular WordPress themes such as WooCommerce, Yoast SEO, WPML and Contact Form 7.
It’s also free to download from the WordPress website. 
Some online commentators mention that while the theme is customizable it is not easy to figure out how to do so. They don’t recommend Allegiant for newer users.
Sydney (Image credit: Athemes) 4. Sydney
The best Wordpress theme for freelancers
Huge variety of fonts
Feature rich
Sydney works well for freelancers and companies who want to create a strong online presence. free WooCommerce theme
It is highly customizable with many options to choose from such as Google Fonts and logo uploads. The theme has more than 600 Google fonts to choose from.
For users who want to show off, there is a full screen promotional banner that can be edited to suit your needs.
The custom elementor blocks can be designed as you see fit and to suit your promotional needs. Sydney can also display social media icons at the bottom of your page. 
The theme is translation ready and provides the necessary tools for a smooth translation process.
Users have access to full color control, sticky navigation, header image and a full screen slider. Sydney also offers Parallax background affects. Users can add this to any row in the theme layout. free WooCommerce theme
The theme is free to download, and costs $59 for a Pro licence.
Uncode (Image credit: Themeforest) 5. Uncode
The best multi-purpose Wordpress theme
Multi-purpose theme
Fully adaptive
Variety of premium plugins 
Uncode is a multi-purpose theme suitable for most users. 
The theme offers users a huge variety of website demos. These include classic, portfolio, blog and ecommerce layouts. free WooCommerce theme
Uncode’s images are fully adaptive so that they adjust automatically to whatever screen size they are being viewed on.
Users can edit their demos through the WPBakery Page Builder Plugin. They can also access to the handy drag and drop content editor. Uncode is compatible with most third-party plugins.
The themes large media library makes it easier for users to embed any type of media to your WordPress site.
Uncode has over 6 different menu types with advanced options. These include top right, justify, left, center, overlay, offcanvas and lateral.
The theme is WPML certified and offers RTL (Right to Left) support. The premium themes included are VC Page Builder, VC Clipboard, VC Particles, LayerSlider, Slider Revolution and iLightBox. In the recent updates, new features are available like animated headlines, highlighting effects and frontend editor, among other things.
You can purchase for $59 and includes future updates and 6 months support. If you want to extend support to 12 months, an additional $17.63  is needed. 
Foodie Pro (Image credit: Studiopress) 6. Foodie Pro
The best Wordpress theme for food websites
Detailed tutorials
Uses Genesis Framework
Foodie Pro helps users to create a beautiful blog based around all sorts of culinary delights.
It is created by the Genesis Framework. This means your website will have a solid combination of this Framework along with WordPress. The theme comes with a huge amount of typography and color options.  free WooCommerce theme
Users can build their site using up to 3 homepage and 5 site wide widget areas. These can be customized to fit around your brand.
The theme allows users to upload their own logo with one click. There is also full support for text-based logos.
Foodie Pro’s ‘Theme Customizer’ allows users to customize the theme’s settings, colors and backgrounds images. free WooCommerce theme
The ‘Foodie Pro Theme’ can be purchased for $129.95 for one year. This includes the Genesis Framework, Foodie Pro Theme, instant access, unlimited updates, supports, sites and access to detailed tutorials.
If this is not enough, users can choose the ‘Genesis Pro’ for $360 (£279.5). This includes all the ‘Foodie Pro Theme’ has to offer plus access to every theme the company makes including future themes.
Shopkeeper (Image credit: Themeforest) 7. Shopkeeper
The best Wordpress theme for ecommerce
Highly customizable
WooCommerce compatible
Learning curve for new users
Shopkeeper is a user-friendly WordPress e-commerce platform. The homepage consists mainly of one large slider, designed to catch the eye of any potential clients. This is part of the Slider Revolution plugin which is included. Various optional plugins like "Shopkeeper Portfolio Addon" can also be installed.
The theme integrates completely with WooCommerce, and translation is supported with the WPML plugin. Shopkeeper is Retina-ready and fully responsive, making it perfect to view on both tablets and smartphones as well as your desktop computer.
The theme is easily customizable. Users do not need knowledge of complex codes in order to use it.  There are a huge array of pre-built layouts to suit your needs, but failing this, users can create their own layout from scratch.
Users can also upload their own logo, change fonts and colors. Visual Slider and Revolution Slider plugins are included with the Shopkeeper theme; these cost around $26 (£19.5) each. Shopkeeper itself sells at $59 for a regular license. Users can upgrade to 12-months support for a further $17.63.
Some online commentators have noted that the huge amount of customizable settings contained within Shopkeeper can be overwhelming for newer users.
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wpthemego · 4 years
Avesa - Beauty & Cosmetics Store WooCommerce WordPress Theme available on @Themeforest now!
📥 More info: http://1.envato.market/avesa
Avesa is the best beauty product WordPress theme for any cosmetics store. Also, as a Power Elite Author with over 11+ years of experience in Web Design, we develop this theme as a beautiful, unique and professional design for all ecommerce website.
✅ 02+ homepages and more design coming soon ✅ Mobile layout coming soon ✅ Elementor page builder ready ✅ WP Rocket pro support ✅ Support multi-vendor plugins: Dokan, WC Vendors, WC Marketplace, WCFM MarketPlace
--- ➡️ SEE OUR TOP THEMES: #eMarket: http://1.envato.market/emarket #Revo: http://1.envato.market/revo #ShoppyStore: http://1.envato.market/shoppystore #TopDeal: http://1.envato.market/topdeal #MaxShop: http://1.envato.market/maxshop #OneMall: http://1.envato.market/onemall #Autusin: http://1.envato.market/autusin
SEE OUR TOP COLLECTIONS: ➡️ Top premium themes: http://bit.ly/best-premium-wordpress-themes ➡️ 25+ best selling themes on Themeforest: https://1.envato.market/25-best-wp-themes 📧 Contact Us: [email protected] #avesa #magentech #wpthemego #beautystore #cosmeticsstore #elementor #wordpresstheme #themeforest #sportaccessories #motocycle #bikeparts
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themesgear · 4 years
REHub - Blog / Magazine Affiliate Marketing, Community Theme
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About REHub
REHub– Hybrid wordpress template with enhanced all in one combination of profitable features. They made many unique Affiliate, Coupon, Directory, Social, SEO, Comparison and multi Store features. REHub is a modern multipurpose hybrid theme. Theme covers many modern Business models for profitable websites. REHub Each part can be configured and used separately or you can combine them all in one site. They used most actual trends and best unique seo instruments to build advanced wordpress functions which you will not find in other themes. Models are. Themes Basic Details Themes Name REHubAvailable Store ThemeforestThemes Type Blog / MagazineGutenberg SupportYesCompatible BrowsersIE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, EdgeColumns Support 2Layout ResponsiveMobile Friendly Yes DocumentationClick Here To View DocumentationThemes Demo Click Here To View Themes Demo How To Buy REHub - Blog / Magazine Themes From Theme Store First StepIf You Want Buy Themes From Themes forest Market You Need To First Login Or RegisterSecond StepAfter Register Or Login Go To Shop At Themes forestThird StepFind Your Suitable Themes From Variety Of Available Themes At Themes forestFourth StepThis is Timeline description, you can change me anytime click here Fifth StepMake Your Payment From Various Of Payment Mode Available At Themes forest .Final StepOnce Payment Successfully Done . You Will Redirect At Thank You For Your Purchase’ Screen . Now Everything Done . From My Account Anytime To View Your Purchase Details, And Download Your Theme Or Its Updates. How To Install REHub - Blog / Magazine Themes Review The normal installation method is done via your WordPress Dashboard area. From your ThemeForest Downloads Screen, click the Download button next to REHub- Directory & Listings. Select All files & documentation.On your computer, unzip this package you've just downloaded. Within, you'll find a file titled "REHub- Directory & Listings.zip". This is the theme file.In your WordPress Dashboard, navigate to Appearance > Themes.Click the Add New button and then click the Upload button.Select the "REHub- Directory & Listings.zip" file and click Upload.Once you've installed REHub- Directory & Listings , click the Activate button. Some Popular Demo Of REHub - Blog / Magazine Themes Review
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Features Of REHub - Blog / Magazine Themes Full support Content Egg helps to make your content more valuable for visitors and search engines. With simple clicks adds content from youtube, google images, books, freebase, flickr, twitter, and much more. Also have affiliate modules. Free version has CJ coupons, Affili.net Coupons and Offer module which can be used to add any links to comparison list. PRO version – Ebay wordpress module, Zanox wordpress.Directory theme optionsYou can use your site also as directory theme or Review theme. The added many functions for this and you don’t need paid plugins now, as we added our RH Frontend PRO plugin for frontend submit and WPF plugin for creating custom search filters. There is no limitations for type of data which you can add to each post. Range slider, select, checkbox, number fields.Special ProductThe added also some special product layouts and custom code areas with examples, so, you can customize look of post and add advanced blocks. Frontend submit has options to make paid submissions and limited submissions. You can sell submition packs and subscription packs.Community theme functionsAll popular websites have community. The added advanced community functions with custom support for Buddypress, MyCred and membership plugin. All functions are in powerful connections with each other like never before. They added seo optimization for Buddypress Profiles and even share options. Modern Design Theme has modern clean design which they update according to current design trends. The included also a lot of unique Elementor modules and library of ready templates. For example, Listing Builder. Unique Better Conversion Rate Tools for wordpress The consulted with best moneymakers and added many instruments to theme for advanced and smart money making. There are many things which you can easily create with theme for top profitable sites. “Top of something”Versus pagesAttribute (specifications) comparison bars with multigroup supportPrice range pages, like “best phones under $200”Top rated, popular set of offersCustom Tables, Top lists and Comparison ChartsAdvanced Search filters and dynamic comparisonsPrice drop widgets by period Attention Attention for using nulled versions – you have limited access to theme functions. Only official buyers from Themeforest have access to frontend posting plugin, multivendor, affiliate extension for deal and coupons, specification extensions, Membership options and many others useful instruments. Be aware of nulled version as it has javascript backdoor injected in jquery.js file. First on Envato. Extended combinations of community functions (BuddyPress), multivendor store (WC Vendor, Dokan, WC Marketplace, WCFM), reputations system (MyCred), Store locator (Geo My Wordpress), paid membership system via WCFM, Price comparisons. Create your deal, idea, business, store, review site in one install. Paid plugins is not required in most of cases, looks awesome with free versions. Also, theme includes Frontend plugin with support of paid submission. Special Schema The added special schema markups to make special product snippets and even some secret schema for advanced snippets. You can also use Auto Top lists in theme and divide whole post on beautiful parts with Autocontents. You can use also special Score widget with smooth button and special Offer Post Layouts with different design (compact, corner offer, comparison post layout). Advanced Mobile Wordpress Theme support Mobile traffic grows a lot nowadays. So, they continue to improve mobile functions and they are in priority for. All our product and post grid and list have Great Compact Stylish look on mobilesProduct Mobile floating panel with button and navigation linksAdvanced Product Filtering panelResponsive Comparison chartsQuick Icon panel in header, compact mobile header layoutAMP support for wordpressGoogle Mobile friendly Well Documentation This documentation is to help guide you through each step of setting up & customizing your theme. Please go through the documentation carefully. Read the full article
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Best Classified Ads Wordpress Theme!
The active theme Classiads helps to promote your work, service and profile professionally. The theme is fit for an online company website. The overall design of the template is intricate and reliable but feature-rich with a variety of color, sidebars, backdrops, and customization. Classiads are a mix of general and add-on points such as contact form, pricing table, subscription box, parallax scrolling, group media integration, shortcodes, widgets and several more. Discover more about Classiads – Classified ads WordPress theme than visit on Themeforest. This Classiads warm theme gives a solid base for your selling strategies. Improvement Business is a dynamic theme for online firms and start-ups, online companies, commercial websites, corporate organizations, small and medium-sized companies, etc. Classiads is an excellent choice for those who require to have an impressive online presence but have a low budget. The free theme suits freelancers and companies and many more other Online business. It is based on a powerful Elementor and has a lot of customization options. Classiads – Classified Ads WordPress Theme is very reliable for his Customers. A best-classified theme is always an excellent option for any business. Classiads has Happy customers in several thousand because of Feature. Want to know More About Classiads Than Visit On Themeforest.
Visit: https://themeforest.net/item/classiads-classified-ads-wordpress-theme/8625840
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Wordpress Website Tutorial for Beginners in 2019
This is the complete guide from WPBuilderMaster on the best way to make a WordPress site for beginners.
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Making a site is simple these days with WordPress. With only a little cost of cash, you can create a Wordpress site for your business or individual blog.
By following my guide, you can make a WordPress site/blog
In just 6 stages.
Without any preparation without composing any code.
Finished in 3 hours.
Under $60/year.
With all my fundamental WordPress tips
Try not to give yourself a chance to be abandoned in this period of data. Allow's transition to advance and make a plunge directly into the noteworthy 6 stages now.
Instructions to Create a WordPress Website for Beginners – 6 Steps
Step #1: Buy a Domain Name from a High Credibility Registrar
Step #2: Purchase Web Hosting from a Reliable Hosting Service Provider
Step #3: Install WordPress for Content Management
Step #4: Install a Theme for the Website Style
Step #5: Install Plugins to Enhance the Functionality of the Website
Step #6: Build Content Easily by Using Drag and Drop Page Builder Elementor
Step #1: Buy a Domain Name from a Domain Registrar (10 mins) (< $13/yr)
Domain name is the name of your site. It mirrors the character of your own image or business.
Pick a remarkable name, so your site sticks out and is anything but difficult to recall.
These are a few hints that you can investigate when picking a space name for your site.
Utilize the brand name or watchword or individual name
Utilize proper area expansion (.com)
Keep away from hyphens and numbers
Make it simple articulate and spell
Make it short and paramount
Get thoughts from web index and area name generator
Check space name accessibility
For a progressively complete clarification, you can peruse it from here to help you in the naming.
Instructions to purchase an domain name for site
Space enlistment center is the area names representative on the web. You have to utilize its administration so as to purchase a space name.
It tells the program which IP address coordinates your area name.
Need a sound space enlistment center? I prescribe Namecheap over GoDaddy and 1&1.
This is on the grounds that it has
Sensible cost at $8.88 first year and $12.88 ensuing year. (for .com augmentation)
Free WhoisGuard security assurance to shroud your delicate information.
Straightforward and simple checkout process.
You will never turn out badly with Namecheap. It is the most prescribed area recorder among the engineers.
space recorder casting a ballot
The enrollment procedure through Namecheap is simple and it should take under 10 minutes in the event that you have chosen your space name.
We should purchase your space name and continue to the subsequent stage.
Step #2: Purchase Web Hosting from a Reliable Hosting Service Provider (10 mins) (< $50/yr)
Web facilitating gives innovation to store your site documents and make it obvious on the Internet.
Pick a dependable web facilitating to give incredible client experience, so you don't lose any guests.
Two principle factors purchasers should investigate when purchasing web facilitating are the
A quick site can improve SEO and gives an extraordinary encounter to guests. An incredible uptime web facilitating can guarantee your site is constantly online to serve your guests.
On the off chance that you need to get familiar with how to pick a web host and web facilitating bundle, if you don't mind read this Essential Tips When Choosing a Web Hosting.
Step by step instructions to pick a web facilitating for wordpress website
There are many web has on the planet.
In the event that you would prefer not to sit around and hazard cash on difficult every one of them, you can think about these two hosts, A2 Hosting and Siteground.
Each host has its one of a kind highlights and gives high fulfillment to the clients.
This site is utilizing A2 Hosting which is outstanding for its speed facilitating. On the off chance that you are worried about your page stacking velocity like me, if you don't mind read my survey to get familiar with it.
With the A2Hosting and my WordPress speed tips, I figured out how to make my site to stack in 387ms.
speed test gtmetrix
Suppose you have a site like this with quick speed, your guests like it and Google likewise enjoys it.
The enlistment procedure of facilitating is simple, you can benchmark A2 Hosting enrollment process which is comparable for all web hostings.
Try not to Get Poor Hosting
The web facilitating cost as a rule involves the enormous segment during WordPress site creation. In any case, it is prudent not to set aside this sort of cash by picking the low quality of web facilitating. It unequivocally influences client experience and the site's personality.
Try not to get a free web facilitating on the off chance that you are not kidding about your business. This is on the grounds that they are poor in speed, uptime, and backing.
Valuing for Great Hosting
In view of my encounters, I discovered that the cash I spent for A2 Hosting and Siteground justified, despite all the trouble, with great item gave contrasted with other web hostings.
For both A2 Hosting and Siteground, the expense of web facilitating can be under $50/year during the principal buy, yet the cost will be doubled(A2 Hosting)/tripled(Siteground) during recharging.
As long as possible, you can consider for 2-3 years administration when you put for your first buy to get the less expensive cost.
When you have done purchasing a web facilitating, you can move to the following stage to introduce WordPress on your web facilitating.
Step #3: Install WordPress for Content Management (10mins)($0)
The following stage is about the apparatus for site creation.
You need an apparatus named content administration framework (CMS), explicitly WordPress.
WordPress is the least demanding and most advantageous programming for making a site.
It is so amazing and famous where 33% of the considerable number of sites on the planet are made with WordPress.
For what reason is it so prominent?
100,000 topics and modules support.
An enormous network of clients and designers.
Website optimization amicable.
Profoundly adjustable.
Usability for everybody, in any event, for "non-nerd".
This establishment procedure is additionally exceptionally simple, and it should take around 10 minutes to finish.
How about we introduce the WordPress and use it to assemble the barebone of the site in the subsequent stage.
Step #4: Install a Theme for the Website Style (30mins)($0 or < $59/yr)
Topic is the general look, introduction, and style of your site.
It makes a really dazzling introduction for a drawing in and engaging site.
There are numerous topics accessible, and each subject has its very own exceptional trademark. Some made for woman blog, some made for internet business and so forth.
There is one multipurpose, my preferred best topic, the WP Astra. What I like the most is the speed and lightweight given. It can serve for blogging and internet business site.
The rundown of for what reason is it great?
Website design enhancement Friendly
Versatile responsive
Simple to utilize
Clean structure
Woocommerce support
No jQuery
Page manufacturer good
More data of WP Astra can be perused from "WP Astra – The Best Theme for Elementor | Configuration Guide 2019".
The arrangement ought to be under 30 minutes.
Free or Paid Theme
There are topics accessible free or paid.
The free topic source more often than not originates from wordpress.org.
There are a few paid subject sources, for example, ThemeForest/StudioPress/MyThemesShop or legitimately from the brand proprietor.
The value go for a paid subject is regularly under $59/year.
The paid topic has further developed highlights and better help contrasted with a free topic. Be that as it may, for a little site/venture, the free topic is typically enough.
How about we pick a topic for your site and set up everything.
In the event that you don't know, you can begin from a free subject and move up to the paid topic later on.
Step #5: Install Plugins to Enhance the Functionality of the Website (30 mins)($0 or more)
Modules are little bits of programming that upgrade the usefulness of a site.
It makes it simple to add additional highlights to a site without requiring the learning of how to compose code.
For example, page developer, SEO, speed enhancement, examination, security, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
It would be ideal if you perused "8 Must Have WordPress Plugins That'll Grow Your Website (2019)" to look at my preferred rundown of modules.
This is a progressing procedure. At whatever point you need another component for the site, you can look the module accessibility and introduce it.
The underlying establishment of some key modules, for example, SEO module and store module, it might take 30 minutes.
Step #6: Build Content Easily by Using Drag and Drop Page Builder Elementor (1.5 hrs)($0 or $49/yr)
Substance is a continuous procedure and its motivation is to give a profoundly captivating knowledge to guests. The procedure is rehashed.
The topic introduced accompanies its very own manager for structure content.
Be that as it may, numerous WordPress novices discovered trouble changing and completely redoing page designs to accommodate their inclinations from the first subject's supervisor.
Thus, I prescribe utilizing a page manufacturer module to make the activity simpler and better.
The page developer like Elementor enables clients to do an alternate degree of customization without expecting to compose a solitary line of code.
On the off chance that you need to spare additional time and make an expert site, the Elementor intuitive device is the best for making proficient looking sites effortlessly.
On the off chance that you are following my instructional exercise "Elementor Tutorial for Beginners to Build Website Contents", you can complete all the central structure and complete your site substance inside 1.5 hours.
Try not to accept about the fantasy that utilizing page developer will hinder a site, you can do the WordPress speed advancement and speed enhancement explicitly for Elementor site. I utilized these techniques to make my site stacks in just 387ms.
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arikit · 3 years
Top WordPress Premium Themes
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A WordPress theme allows you to create a professional website or blog quite easily. But not only this, but you can also build an online eCommerce website, a magazine, a portfolio, etc. To do this, it is best to choose a premium theme that includes many features.
In this post, I am going to select the best WordPress themes, that I consider being the best according to various criteria, such as visual quality, the number of options, the demo pages that are included, updates, plugins, load optimization, and SEO and technical support. Most of the wordpress themes have beautiful designs, are elegant, well structured. That automatically adapts to all devices. These themes allow you to customize almost anything you want without having to touch code or do complicated things.
That includes many pages and sections already mock-up and easy to install that you can use to create your own sections. That includes free premium plugins, which are usually paid. Above all, that they bring a content layout plugin such as Elementor’s, Visual Composer, and some plugins to design slides.
Based on all these criteria, our selection of WordPress themes is as follows:
1. Bridge
The bridge is an excellent premium theme to create corporate websites with more than 100+ demos to choose from with various styles to make websites for agencies, artists, designers, photographers, musicians, bloggers, clinics, law firms, restaurants, clothing stores, events, etc. It stands out for its great graphic quality and its extensive configuration options, as well as its ease of use.
2. Total
With Total, you can build a corporate website with a very elegant and minimalist style. The theme includes 30 attractive demo pages that you can easily import and a very advanced options panel that allows you to configure almost any aspect of the template you want: structures, types of pages, logos, menus, widget areas, etc. A great WordPress template.
3. Hazel
The Hazel is a premium WordPress theme for creating visual-looking corporate websites with a retro and elegant style. It allows implementing various structures of pages, menus, and widgets, as well as importing 35+ demo templates with all kinds of attractive graphic elements, portfolio images, image galleries, product pages, etc. In addition, it offers a huge section of configuration options.
4. Enfold
One of the best sellers on Themeforest, the Enfold offers you a large number of demos that you can quickly install to build corporate websites, portfolios, blogs, online stores, etc. In addition, it includes its own visual layout. A template that has the advantages of veteran themes (consistency, good performance, and support) without losing freshness or style.
5. Ronneby
With Ronneby, you can make a website or blog, ideal for a blogger or any professional, agency, store, etc. It stands out for its excellent visual style, really beautiful, with many graphic elements that give it modernity. Includes demo content with all kinds of galleries, portfolios, etc. In addition, it integrates Visual Composer so that you can easily layout your content.
6. Jupiter
Jupiter is a theme that includes many different demo pages, easy to install, and is of great visual quality, with all kinds of advanced and modern effects. With this theme, you can build almost any project you want: corporate websites, blogs, eCommerce, portfolios, etc. The Jupiter theme includes Elementor, Visual Composer plugins to make spectacular designs in a simple way.
7. Salient
Salient is an excellent theme that stands out above all for its visual power and its many customization possibilities. The theme comes with 7 graphically elegant and modern demos. Especially suitable for building portfolio galleries with infinite graphic options. Includes Visual Composer extended with custom elements for the template.
8. BeTheme
BeTheme is one of those themes that includes a huge amount of demos or different themes with which you can make almost any type of website. More than 130 demos with modern effects, animations, parallax, sliders, etc. It offers the possibility of using Visual Composer or your own visual layout created by the team of developers.
9. Brooklyn
The Brooklyn theme is focused on the design of corporate web pages, with a vertical navigation style, also called one page, in which the menu buttons lead to parts of the same page. It offers 13 demos with different formats that can be installed in one click. It allows you to insert ideal elements for this type of website such as portfolios, sliders, and price tables.
10. The X
The X theme is one of those themes preferred by many designers, since to its great customization possibilities it adds elegant and minimalist designs excellent for usability, modern effects, libraries of fonts and icons, advanced menus, etc. It includes Elementor, Visual Composer and allows you to design directly on the visual part of the web.
11. The7
With the The7 theme, you can build a modern and elegant corporate website, with a multitude of different demos and compatibility with advanced plugins such as Elementor, Visual Composer to layout and design your pages, WooCommerce to make an online store, and WPML to translate a web page. All these features and its graphic quality make The7 an excellent website.
12. Unicon
The Unicon theme is another of the pleasant surprises of 2021. A versatile and very wide template with which to carry out almost any project. Elegant and minimalist style, all kinds of advanced elements such as Visual Composer, sliders, icon galleries, portfolios, etc. Allows you to create a one-page website, that is, all the content on the home page and vertical scroll navigation. To highlight its wide panel of customization options.
You can leave me a comment to give your point of view or ask me about a particular theme.
Web designer and WordPress Experts. I work as a freelance creating websites for clients who want to grow their business through the internet. In addition, I teach in my Blog how to create a web project absolutely from scratch.
You can find me on Fiverr. Kindly Visit Our Fiverr Services: WordPress Website Design and Development.
Kindly Visit our website:
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brandinghunter698 · 3 years
Best Elementor Wordpress Themes
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Elementor Themes Free
Download Elementor Wordpress
Bugster – Bugs & Pest Control WordPress Elementor Theme for Home Services Xing – Business / ecommerce WordPress Theme Searmek – SEO and Marketing WordPress Theme Kargo – Logistics & Transportation WordPress Elementor Theme. We provide the best Free Elementor WordPress Themes based on a strong template framework, Elementor Free add-on. All Free Elementor themes and Free Elementor Templates design with a modern, fully compatible with latest Elementor Free version, with high-performance loading, easy to install and customize with drag-drop layout. Hello theme works out of the box and offers consistent compatibility with Elementor. When we release a new version of Elementor, most of the testing is done using the Hello theme. Our developers make sure Hello is always updated and up to speed.
It is one of the fast, lightweight and modern WordPress themes for Elementor. Although the theme is easy to customize. Page Builder Framework was developed from the ground with page speed in mind. Furthermore, the theme is SEO friendly, WooCommerce ready, developer-friendly. So that it is the best WordPress Elementor theme. The best, simplest, and fastest theme for Elementor is the Hello Theme. It features minimal elements upon which you can easily build your desired design and it’s absolutely free. There other free themes which you can use, including Astra Themes and Envato Themes. What are some of the best premium themes for Elementor?
Last updated:
Elementor is undoubtedly one of the best WordPress page builders on the market (if you haven’t already, check out our full review). In fact, I rank it right alongside Divi (from Elegant Themes) as one of the two best page builders available for WordPress.
It features a fantastic front-end page builder that’s easy to use and includes hundreds of high-quality content widgets, pre-made page templates and blocks. Elementor is supported well by third-party developers too, so it’s easy to extend functionality.
As with all WordPress plugins, page builders, such as Elementor, need to work in harmony with your WordPress theme. Unfortunately, some WordPress themes conflict with page builders and don’t offer full-width page templates or support Elementor’s excellent theme builder.
So, to help you to get the most from Elementor, we’ve prepared a list of the top ten best WordPress themes for this plugin.
1. Hello Theme — FREE
Hello is a simple WordPress theme that was developed by the creators of Elementor.
It acts as a blank canvas — there’s no settings page and no additional options available in the WordPress theme customiser either.
The lack of theme customisation options may not suit everyone, but this approach means Elementor can be used to control all aspects of your website design. It also means Hello is one of the fastest WordPress designs available today.
The theme can be downloaded free of charge from WordPress.org.
If you’re looking to use Elementor to control every aspect of your website, Hello should be top of your list.
Elementor Themes Free
2. OceanWP — FREE/$39-Plus
OceanWP is a flexible free WordPress theme that comes with 13 website designs, and has been optimised for drag-and-drop page builders such as Elementor.
All design options can be found within the WordPress theme customiser, and there’s great support for WooCommerce. The core version of the plugin is quite basic, but eight plugin extensions are available to expand functionality.
The core extensions bundle retails from only $39, and upgrading gives you access to 13 premium extensions and a further 60 website designs.
If you want to use OceanWP properly, I recommend upgrading, as all of the included free website designs use premium extensions to function correctly.
Check out our full review of OceanWP to learn more about what this WordPress theme offers.
3. Astra — FREE/$59-Plus
Like OceanWP, Astra was created with WordPress page builders in mind.
It’s a user-friendly solution that lets you change your website design through the WordPress theme customiser.
Using the Starter Templates plugin, you can import over a hundred website designs that were created using Elementor, Beaver Builder, Brizy and the WordPress block editor.
While Astra is free to download, if you upgrade to Astra Pro you’ll be able to change page headers, adjust colors, add footer widgets and more.
Astra Pro retails from $59. However, you can only gain access to 55 additional website designs if you select one of their more expensive agency licenses.
Read our full review of Astra to learn more about what it can do.
I also encourage you to check out our Astra showcase and our comparisons with OceanWP and Divi.
4. Layers for Elementor — FREE
Layers for Elementor was originally an ‘All-In-One’ WordPress theme that featured its own unique page builder, but, in 2019, the company was sold to Elementor.
All of the features that were previously only available in Layers Pro have now been now built in to Layers free of charge.
Like Elementor’s Hello theme, Layers is a minimal solution that complements Elementor well — however, it’s not simply a blank canvas.
Layers does offer many useful styling options within the WordPress theme customiser, including header arrangement options, header styling, a sticky header, menu styling and more.
If you’re looking for a minimal WordPress theme with support for the WordPress theme customiser, give Layers a try.
5. Jupiter X — $59
Jupiter X is a premium multipurpose WordPress theme that comes with more than 320 pre-made website designs.
The whole WordPress theme was designed around Elementor, adding new features to its page builder, such as a form builder, visual effects and a title bar customiser.
Jupiter X adds many new content widgets too and, as you’d expect, each pre-made website design was created using Elementor’s page builder.
Jupiter X retails at $59 from ThemeForest, and comes with lifetime updates and six months of support.
6. Phlox — FREE/$39
Phlox is a user-friendly WordPress theme that’s built upon Elementor — but it also adds hundreds of customisation options to the WordPress theme customiser to help you to change how your website is styled and structured.
Download Elementor Wordpress
The free version of Phlox comes with 19 high-quality pre-made website designs, and adds 40 new content widgets to Elementor.
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Phlox Pro is available from ThemeForest for only $39.
Upgrading will give you access to more than a hundred designs and around $250 of premium plugins. It also adds new features such as white label branding, a unique header and footer builder and unlimited footer and header layouts.
Phlox is easy to recommend as the developers have been generous with features in the free version, and priced the full version competitively.
7. Hestia — FREE/$69-Plus
Hestia has been one of ThemeIsle’s flagship WordPress themes for a long time.
It has a corporate style design that can be adapted for many different websites. From the ground up, the theme has been created to work with the WordPress block editor, Elementor and other page builders, such as Brizy, Beaver Builder, Visual Composer, SiteOrigin and Divi Builder.
The free version of Hestia comes with five website designs, and these can be installed via the Hestia options page, but all website customisations take place within the WordPress theme customiser.
Hestia Pro retails from $69 a year, and adds options for reordering sections on the home page, a header slider, customisable colors and more. If you upgrade to the $99 business license, four additional website designs are made available.
I recommend checking it out.
8. GeneratePress — FREE/$49.95
GeneratePress is a lightweight WordPress theme that works with all major WordPress page builders.
The free version of GeneratePress has many useful customisation options within the WordPress theme customiser, but I recommend upgrading to Generate Pro, as it unlocks 14 premium modules.
The site library module adds dozens of demo website designs for the WordPress block editor, Elementor and Beaver Builder. Generate Pro also adds more options for customising colors, typography, menus, backgrounds, sections and more.
I use the premium version of GeneratePress on my own blog; its minimal designs may not appeal to everyone, but I love its simplicity and how quickly pages load.
9. Bridge — $59
Another ThemeForest WordPress theme that has been optimised for Elementor is Bridge.
Bridge comes packaged with more than 495 beautiful pre-made website designs and layouts for headers, blogs, online shops, portfolios and more.
The theme also adds more than 75 unique content widgets to Elementor to expand what you can do with the page builder.
Bridge retails at $59, which is highly competitive when you consider the number of designs and features it makes available to you.
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10. Shoptimizer — $99
My last recommendation is WooCommerce WordPress theme Shoptimizer.
Developed by CommerceGurus, Shoptimizer adds many features to help shop owners increase sales and leads — and it also offers auto-complete for searches, mega menus and pre-designed layouts.
All content pages have been designed around Elementor, which gives you greater control over how your shop and other important pages look.
Typography, colors and other website design customisations are all handled through the WordPress theme customiser.
Shoptimizer is available for $99, but is frequently sold at a discount in sales. It’s a great option if you want to create an online shop using WooCommerce and Elementor.
Final Thoughts
All of the WordPress themes in this article have been optimised for page builders, but which one should you choose for your website?
If you want to use Elementor to control every aspect of your website’s design, I recommend Hello, as it makes every page on your website a blank canvas for Elementor’s page builder.
Layers and GeneratePress are also great minimal themes. In contrast to Hello, they also give you many options within the WordPress theme customiser to help to style your website.
OceanWP, Astra and Hestia have been designed with all page builders in mind and include professional pre-made website designs.
If you want closer integration with Elementor, I’d recommend checking out Jupiter X, Plox and Bridge, as they’ve been built specifically for Elementor. This means they add new content widgets, layouts and other features directly into the Elementor page builder.
All of these themes work well with WooCommerce, and many add features for the eCommerce plugin. However, I recommend Shoptimizer if you’re building an online shop, as it adds many conversion and optimisation features that you’ll not find elsewhere.
Which theme do you view as the best for Elementor? Thoughts?
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