#best fricken armor I love that set
sleepyssnail · 6 years
Andes Sides
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I’m not the best artist and I can never seem to draw myself properly, so I just drew my sides with their own design. Kinda cheating, I know, but I thought it was more fun and they still have some of the physical traits I do, so here we go!
Intuition: Essentially my anxiety and my logic fused together to create him.
The only one of my sides who actually has my glasses, mainly so he can try and guess what’s to come next in my interactions.
Gets pouty and sulks when he’s wrong,
Preens when he’s right,
Loves puzzles and trying to figure out what’ll happen next in fanfictions, movies, books, or conversations.
“I swear, if she turns out to be his sister, I’m gonna flip.”
*Five minutes later*
Has a slightly difficult time trusting people if they don’t instantly make him feel at ease or if he can’t read them
Fantastic skill at reading body language and facial expression
Plays with mind teasers all the time
Is a huge nerd
Vulnerability: My insecurities, doubts, trust, and hidden desires.
The only side who rarely shows up, and when she does it’s for a reason
Has bandages over her face to hide what I don’t want others to see unless I trust them enough.
Speaks softly in a normal setting, but will raise her voice and scream if she needs to get the attention of the others or assert herself.
Will sometimes overstep and say something too personal
“That was too much, we gotta backtrack, someone take over I ruined the moment.”
Has my absolute hate for lemons and limes
Reads a lot, enjoys coloring books or simple rhymes
“Lemons and Limes are bad, while melons and mimes are sad.”
Has a tendency to hide behind another side if she’s overwhelmed or trying to put up walls
Takes off a few bandages around her neck and hands when I’m trying to empathize with someone so I’m at a better position to be there for them.
Will regularly fall asleep in a pile of blankets and not move for hours until scaring one of the other sides by awakening
Spite: One of my dark sides, motivation, and more.
Is everything I’ve wanted to do to spite someone, or didn’t do to spite someone.
Has purple hair as a form of rebellion
I was going to get mine dyed purple but some control freak constantly berated me and basically told me my natural hair color is boring and I’d look so much better with it purple.
Just to piss her off I kept mine its natural color, but Spite has his purple because I do want to get it colored sometime.
Has henna tattoos on his arms and shoulders
Refuses to call any of the sides by their names and will tease them and never tell them what his name is
Will tackle the other sides to spite someone in my life
“Not again.”
Alternates between wearing leather jackets and heavy hoodies to soft sweaters and loose shirts
Likes to rest his arm on Vulnerability’s head around people who I don’t think deserve to know personal info
Loves to torment Intuition by taking his glasses or hiding his puzzle books.
Partners with Creativity whenever I need to write a vent fic or something angsty
Will bang pots and pans together in the morning to wake everyone up when he makes breakfast
Creativity: My inspiration, positive motivation, my Roman.
Has an intense love for fantasy realms and will spend most of her time there
Adores making outfits and armor sets for the other sides (even if she doesn’t show them)
Enjoys questing and interacting with mythical creatures and will try to bring back little dragons to tease the other sides
Will regularly return from the imagination soaking wet from a pirate quest
“Why are you dripping on the carpet?”
“That’s nice.”
Likes clothes with pockets and will sew them on herself if need be
Will get irritated at Intuition for telling her that an idea is “too predictable” and will debate with him to try and create a better plot with more twists
Sometimes feels inadequate and useless to the other sides because I don’t know how to work her into my life without damaging my sleep schedule or grades
I still adore her
Will try and rope the other sides into doing something crazy and it usually works
Optimism: A fusion of my morality and deceit, keeps me looking on the brighter side of things even when I shouldn’t, and pushes me through situations.
Has a love for anything pastel and happy themed
She has the difficult job of making my pessimistic self find the positive in a situation
Doesn’t get along with Spite in the slightest and will try to use positivity to motivate me instead of petty revenge
Loves to ballroom dance
Creativity is the only other side willing to dance with her
Will obsess over the smallest good things even if it’s very small in the big picture
“Lookit! We got the laundry in the dryer on time!”
“Half the house looks like a tornado hit it and we have guests coming in 30 seconds.”
“But we switched the laundry!”
Has a love for outdoor activities and will join Creativity on quests or pester Intuition over his puzzles
Doesn’t understand why Vulnerability is needed but tries to include her whenever possible
Will prompt me to hug attack my friends whenever I see them
People who might find this interesting: @morganlafley @moonlitarchangels @time-to-sleep-now
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julianspancakes · 7 years
Malec Fic Recommendations ➸ 1
The fics listed below can be old or fairly new, so this has no timeline. Neither an order of preference. Some of them has serious warnings and that’s because I love psychology of people who has been hurt and their process of getting out of that state. Maybe you can give them a try if you think those things can’t trigger you. 
Part 2        Part 3 
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The Notebook by lunatic2.2
Summary :  After Magnus handed the notebook to Alec as an attempt to share his past with him, Alec can’t lay the book aside.
Happy Birthday and other Drabbles by jennynivea
Summary :  A series of drabbles about Alec Lightwood.  First Drabble: It’s Alec’s 26th birthday and he doesn’t want to celebrate.  New Drabble: Aline’s POV of Alec kissing Magnus before the battle.
Learning To Be by jennynivea
Summary :  When Alec was 13, he stopped speaking for almost a year. Five years later, Alec is forced to deal with the trauma of his past while learning to accept and love himself. Malec, Alec/Jace friendship and Lightwood family dynamics. [ Warnings : This story deals with very sensitive subject matters, including sexual abuse of a minor (actual abuse is not explicitly described but alluded to), internalized homophobia, self destructive behavior, language and adult sexual content. If you think any of those can trigger you in a bad way, please don’t read. ]
Learning To Breathe by jennynivea
Summary :  After confronting the trauma of his past, Alec must learn to navigate love, intimacy and adulthood in this sequel to Learning to Be. (This story has the same warnings with its prequel.)
Stamina Rune by  TheSuperBuffMarsAngelMortal
Summary :  It’s Magnus and Alec’s anniversary and Alec has some some special plans for Magnus. What has he got planned and what does this shadowhunter have up his sleeve or more like on his chest? (WARNING: Smut! Don’t like, don’t read.)
Jealousy by lunatic2.2
Summary :  Magnus Bane claims that he is not the type of being jealous. With Alec as his boyfriend he doesn’t really need to have a reason, anyway, as he is the most honest and trustworthy person he has ever known. What happens, though, when Alec gets hit on in a club? (A collection of little short stories with jealous Magnus ;D)
Reborn by  1thousandminus7
Summary :  “But Magnus, necromancy is not only illegal, but impossible! Isn’t it?" 
"Not if you have the right connections, my dear." 
Magnus is left heartbroken following Alec’s untimely death, and looks for any possible solution. But he might not get quite what he bargained for. [ Caution: Character death, angst and lemons. Smut chapters: 6,7,12, 21 and 24 for those who are here for that ;) ]
Boy With The Blue Eyes by 96qutie
Summary :  There are 3 rules among the Noble Families of Idris– 1:If you have a have a problem, go to Magnus Bane. 2: Do exactly as Magnus Bane says. And 3: You must pay any price Magnus Bane asks of you. Alec learned all these rules from his father. But when Alec’s Father is the one with the problem Magnus’ Price is only one thing. "Your son must say with me forever.”
Saving Alec by  AdventKisa-x
Summary :  AU fic, no shadowhunters. Alec is a bullied Junior in high school, desperately wanting to end his life. Magnus is a senior, one of the most popular boys in school and oblivious to Alec’s pain. Will Magnus save Alec in time? (Warnings : rated M for language and suicidal talk, Lemons in future chapters.)
Your World Is My World by akpendley
Summary :  Alec thought he was having a bad day already, but after a conversation with his parents about his sexuality, things just keep going downhill.
Prisoner’s Silence by OnyxInk
Summary :  Alec gets captured and tortured and Magnus has to find him. Will he be able to? What will happen afterwards? (WARNING: Intense Scenes!)
A jealous Warlock by NiennorNight
Summary :  During one of Magnus’ parties Alec is hanging back, waiting for it to be over when something unexpected happens that makes the High Warlock Jealous. 
Closed Doors by ferventkenopsia
Summary :  Set primarily during CoHF, so spoilers. What did Isabelle, Clary, and Simon say to Magnus? What thoughts drove Magnus to write that notebook? How did Alec realize what his real problem was?
A Maid’s Apology by DoroTastesLikeDinosaur
Summary :  Alec finds out that Magnus is pissed at what he claimed: “I’m not going out with anyone!” Alec, feeling guilty, thinks up something that would cheer Magnus up: Why not dress up as a maid and do what he wants for the day? Maybe Magnus would forgive him. ( WARNING : Rated M for explicit scenes. )
Love Can Defy Time by dax-fox
Summary :  Alec and Jace accidently end up back in time… in Victorian London, how will Jace react to meeting his ancestor? How will Alec react to meeting a Magnus who has never known him and is in love with another? (This one is TMI & TID crossover.)
I’ve Seen Where This Goes by haru.fan   
Summary :  Takes place after City of Lost Souls (time frames may not match perfectly). Alec comes by to try and make amends with Magnus but a girl with a serious face answers the door instead. The two talk about Magnus, immortality and Will. (This one is also TMI & TID crossover.)
Please Trust Me by RobinTheSoldier   
Summary :  Tessa visits Magnus and Alec gets confused about Magnus’s relationship with her. Magnus gets upset by Alec’s lack of trust in him. Alec gets annoyed at Magnus for keeping so many secrets about his past. Can Tessa help the couple to understand eachother before it’s too late? (This one is TMI & TID crossover too.)
Archangel’s Sword by Lycii   
Summary :  Going down a wayward portal was never high on Alec Lightwood’s to-do list, but the Fates were never kind. Horrifying asphyxiation shall ensue to the ones that are not ready. With a combination of purple faces, two over egoistic Herondales, three warlocks and four Lightwoods, what could go wrong? (In case that you couldn’t understand by now, let me tell you. I’m sucker for TMI & TID crossovers. Feel free to recommend me if you know good ones.)
Cold Love by JaycieferandCursedGilbert   
Summary :  What if Alec lived back in the Victorian age? And what if Alec wasn’t just a Shadowhunter, but had a ability? When a series of events make him go to London, he suddenly finds out that not everything is black and gray and good verses evil. Will he control his power, or will his power control him? And how will a certain Warlock react to this? Is love really stronger then anything? (Do I have to say it? Yes, it’s a TMI & TID crossover.)
Time Lapse? by Girl59
Summary :  Why are Jem, Tessa, and Will on the steps of the New York Institute this late at night in the pouring rain? Why are they nearly 130 years away from their home? and what happens when Will and Jace are in the same room? (TMI & TID crossover.)
Family Dinner by Zora4995
Summary :  Everybody knows that the current residents of the New York Institute are not the most conventional family. What happens when the lot of them attempt to have a normal family dinner? Set sometime before Isabelle’s visit to the Shadowhunter Academy in The Evil We Love.
Dance Like Nobody’s Watching by Renesmee4eva
Summary :  AU version of Magnus’s party in CoB.
Shadows Of The Past by ANGELofMUSICval
Summary :  Alec isn’t taking his break-up with Magnus very well.
I’ll Give You A Whole New World by Apple Pie Is Fricken Worth It 
Summary :  Everything was different. Magnus was an eighteen year old mundie, best friends with Clary and Sam.. I mean, Simon. If the love is true, it will still find away for a freewheeling bisexual to to finally get his knight in shining armor, a closeted shadowhunter… Or will it? AU Human Magnus Bane Shadowhunter Alec Lightwood.
Done by AnimeLover796
Summary :  I’m done being Alec Lightwood, i’m done with this sad existence, i’m just…done. (Warning: abuse, future lemons.) All human, no powers.
Past, Present by colourfulswan
Summary :  When Tessa, Will and Magnus are transported from 19th century England to 21st Century New York things get a little complicated. (Yes, another TMI & TID crossover.)
Dear Magnus by Ayanfe
Summary :  Alec wrote letters for Magnus to read when he’s dead.
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