#best institute for public policy in india
Valedictorian's Speech II CONVOCATION 2021
Before coming to ISPP Nikhil Kanakamedala worked with Centre for Social Action (CSA), Impact App and VA Tech Wabag Ltd. He loves to read, write and trek. Nikhil, now works for JPAL and is the Valedictorian for the Class of 2021. Here’s Nikhil’s valedictorian speech from 16th July 2021.
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whencyclopedia · 3 months
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The Ptolemies, Rise of a Dynasty: Ptolemaic Egypt 330–246 BC
The first volume of John D. Grainger's trilogy on the Ptolemaic Kingdom provides an overview of Ptolemaic history from 330 to 246 BCE. It explains the formation of the Ptolemaic Kingdom, focusing on the reign of Ptolemy II. A new overview of the Ptolemies is a timely idea but the result is underwhelming. The book adequately covers the dynasty's development and interactions with neighboring states. Yet, Grainger's shallow grasp of politics and society in Ptolemaic Egypt decreases its value.
In the introduction, Grainger makes the disconcertingly false claim that Ptolemaic Egypt’s political and military affairs were solely the province of Greek immigrants. He further states that no native Egyptian held office “above the level of the village headman.”(xii) This statement seemingly ignores the plethora of evidence for Egyptian governors, ministers, scribes, and priests who helped to run Egypt during the reign of Alexander the Great and his successors. Strangely, Grainger contradicts himself later in the book by briefly touching on Egyptian participation in the Ptolemaic military and political administration.
This initial flawed premise may be excused as a pretext for Grainger to focus on the historical accounts of Greek authors rather than on evidence from Ptolemaic Egypt. This would be an understandable decision on its own merit, as Greek history should be closer to the author's area of expertise. Unfortunately, the book falls short of even this limited goal. The usual primary sources are cited to build the basic framework of Ptolemaic history, but there is little critical analysis of these sources. The Ptolemies, Rise of a Dynasty is primarily a succinct summary of ancient authors such as Arrian, Diodorus Siculus, Justin, Pausanias, and Curtus Rufius, although it is not usable as a sourcebook.
Grainger succeeds in explaining the creation of fundamental Ptolemaic institutions, such as the royal cult, sibling marriage, and the cleruchic system of landed settler-soldiers. His grasp on Ptolemaic bureaucracy and fiscal policy is somewhat weaker, but this is fortunately not a focus of the book. Grainger makes the case that the foundational dynastic policies established under Ptolemy II, whose reign is often considered a high point in Ptolemaic history, actually paved the way for the dynasty's demise. He states that “the autocratic, extravagant, and unmilitary choices of Ptolemy II contributed directly to his empire’s eventual collapse.” (p. 260) This is an interesting idea, although it is never fully developed or expanded upon.
This book shines in its description of Mediterranean power struggles, guiding readers through Ptolemy I’s wars against the other Diadochi and Ptolemy II’s coastal wars from Asia Minor up to the Aegean. The Ptolemaic Kingdom's connections with the broader ancient world, from India to the Black Sea, are also mentioned. The first two Syrian Wars feature prominently, establishing the central conflict between the Ptolemaic Kingdom and the Seleucid Empire. The book closes with a brief period of peace during the end of Ptolemy II's reign, though readers are left with a good impression of how the seeds of future conflicts had already been shown.
The book has a handful of basic maps at the beginning, which are sufficient to help readers visualize where the action takes place. There is a collection of mostly public-domain images in the middle of the book. Grainger is at his best in the endnotes, when he is pointing readers in the direction of better books such as Gunther Hölbl’s A History of the Ptolemaic Empire (2001).
John D. Grainger is a former teacher and independent scholar. He has authored numerous books on Classical history, including multiple volumes dealing with the Hellenistic period and the Diadochi.
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mightyflamethrower · 8 months
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“Net Zero” is the hot thing among Climate Change zealots and has been for quite a while.
The idea is simple: if excessive emissions of CO2 are changing the atmosphere sufficiently to cause undesirable changes in the climate, then we have to quit emitting excessive levels of CO2. The “net” part of Net Zero is finding a way to remove CO2 from the atmosphere in the same quantity with which we increase it through the use of machines.
Simple enough. It’s a bad policy, but the reasoning is simple enough to understand.
More than 140 countries, including the biggest polluters – China, the United States, India and the European Union – have set a net-zero target, covering about 88% of global emissions. More than 9,000 companies, over 1000 cities, more than 1000 educational institutions, and over 600 financial institutions have joined the Race to Zero, pledging to take rigorous, immediate action to halve global emissions by 2030.
This policy goal is truly insane, and everybody promoting it is as well. And, as the Telegraph reports, they are incredibly careless as well, playing with human lives and prosperity without thinking anything they do through to their logical conclusions. Their obsession with Net Zero overrides the most basic level of prudence one would expect from world leaders.
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Two of the primary strategies for achieving Net Zero are, as you know, electrifying everything while simultaneously abandoning the use of fossil fuels to produce electricity. And, since nuclear power is controversial, time-consuming to construct, and requires a substantial up-front investment, countries are placing almost all their eggs in the “renewable” generation basket.
If renewables were reliable and affordable, it would be a great idea. Who wouldn’t prefer a cheap method for reliably generating a lot of electricity without depleting resources we could use for other things, or stretch out for a longer period? If it is all upside and no downside, why not?
Yeah, well, but…None of that is true, so the advocates get sloppy, deceptive, and push ridiculous propaganda out to obscure the basic facts.
Britain’s climate watchdog has privately admitted that a number of its key net zero recommendations may have relied on insufficient data, it has been claimed. Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith, who led a recent Royal Society study on future energy supply, said that the Climate Change Committee only “looked at a single year” of data showing the number of windy days in a year when it made pronouncements on the extent to which the UK could rely on wind and solar farms to meet net zero. “They have conceded privately that that was a mistake,” Sir Chris said in a presentation seen by this newspaper. In contrast, the Royal Society review examined 37 years worth of weather data. Last week Sir Chris, an emeritus professor and former director of energy research at Oxford University, said that the remarks to which he was referring were made by Chris Stark, the Climate Change Committee’s chief executive. He said: “Might be best to say that Chris Stark conceded that my comment that the CCC relied on modelling that only uses a single year of weather data … is ‘an entirely valid criticism’.” The CCC said that Sir Chris’s comments, in a presentation given in a personal capacity in October, following the publication of his review, related solely to a particular report it published last year on how to deliver “a reliable decarbonised power system”.
Here’s a simple question for you: would you completely upend a system that was working and that undergirded your civilization based on such a limited amount of data?
If the answer is “Yes,” step aside and let the adults make policy because you are a buffoon.  Unsurprisingly reality has not matched the fantasy of the Nut Zeros.
But, in response to further questions from this newspaper, the body admitted that its original recommendations in 2019 about the feasibility of meeting the 2050 net zero target, were also based on just one year’s worth of weather data. The recommendations were heavily relied on by ministers when Theresa May enshrined the 2050 target into law. A CCC spokesman said: “We stand by the analysis.” In October 2021 The Sunday Telegraph revealed that assumptions underpinning the committee’s 2019 advice to ministers included a projection that in 2050 there would be just seven days on which wind turbines would produce less than 10 per cent of their potential electricity output. That compared to 30 such days in 2020, 33 in 2019 and 56 in 2018, according to analysis by Net Zero Watch, a campaign group.
It is not accidental or, bad enough, negligence that led to this rather error-prone way of estimating energy needs. Instead this is the sort of strategy used all the time in getting government to do remarkably stupid things: mislead about what the actual costs and benefits of achieving a goal would be.
In my earlier life as an activist, I saw this strategy used all the time: project an unrealistically low cost, claim unreasonably high benefits, and use the sunk cost fallacy to keep the money flowing. Projects in government can escalate in cost by as much as a factor of 20 or more and produce few actual benefits, but once the first dollars flow in the project has a life of its own.
Think high-speed rail in California. Costs have escalated out of control; hardly anything has been built; and a project that was supposed to be already running will likely never get finished. But the gravy train for the people getting the money continues for years or decades. The project got off the ground in…1996 and has consumed untold billions of dollars without much of anything having been built. The project got the green light in 2008, and costs have ballooned with little progress having been made.
The costs for the California high-speed rail project, which voters approved $10 billion in 2008, have risen sharply and the authority has not identified key funding needed for the project that has faced numerous delays. The full San Francisco to Los Angeles project was initially estimated to cost around $40 billion but has now jumped to between $88 billion and $128 billion. The rail authority estimated costs for an initial 171-mile segment connecting Merced to Bakersfield rose from $25.7 billion to at least $32 billion and is hoping initial service will begin in 2030.
Just to let you know, the Merced to Bakersfield portion is all in central California, where few people actually live. In other words, there will be a segment of high speed rail from nowhere to nowhere. Not to offend the good folks of Merced and Bakersfield, but nobody would have approved a $32 billion train from one to the other. It would have been the subject of very unkind jokes.
Now, it is reality, or rather, it might be late in this decade. That is how government scams work.
Nut Zero is using that model. Overpromise, underdeliver, skim a ton of money off the taxpayers and create a disaster.
Nobody involved with Net Zero has your interests in mind, and only the childish believe it is possible or desirable in the foreseeable future. Trillions will be made by scammers, bureaucrats and the transnational elite will gain more control over you, and the average person will be immiserated.
That is the reality of Nut Zero. It is a scam and a power grab. Nothing more. Trust nothing its advocates say.
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ipbbanking · 2 years
List of Different types of Banks in India
Banks are financial institutions that handle lending and deposit activities. In India, there are many different kinds of banks, and each is accountable for carrying out certain tasks. The public can deposit money with the bank at a considerably lower rate known as the deposit rate, and the bank can lend money at a much higher rate known as the lending rate. IPB one of the best banking training institute in india will let you know more about different types of banks in india. There are several different sorts of banks. The different types of banks in India are listed below: –
Central Bank
Cooperative Banks
Commercial Banks
Regional Rural Banks (RRB)
Local Area Banks (LAB)
Specialized Banks
Small Finance Banks
Payments Banks
Tasks of Banks
The main tasks performed by banks are essentially the same, however the population that each sector or type deals with may be different. Following are the duties performed by Indian banks:
Deposits from the public are accepted
Provide a facility for demand withdrawal.
Lending facility
Funds Transfer
Issuance of draughts
The provision of lockers for clients
Handling foreign exchange
The various banks must additionally carry out a number of utility tasks in addition to the ones on the list above.
Central Bank
Every nation has a central bank that oversees all of the other banks in that nation. The central bank’s primary duties include serving as the government’s bank and directing and supervising all other banking institutions in the nation. The duties of a nation’s central bank are listed below:
Guiding other banks
Issuing currency
Putting the monetary policies into action
The financial system’s supervisor
In other words, because it supports the nation’s other banks and oversees the nation’s financial system while working under the direction of the government, the central bank of the nation may also be referred to as the banker’s bank READ MORE.......
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shyfungiver · 2 years
What are the various education boards are there in India?
India has many educational boards, some of which have been around for a very long period. Each Board has its own approaches to curriculum, instruction, and exam administration that support students' entire growth. Parents frequently struggle to choose the best education board for their kids. You can find out everything you need to know about the many Indian educational boards in this post.
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Different Education Boards in India:
State Boards
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE)
International Baccalaureate (IB)
International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)
National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)
State Boards
Every State has its own State Boards, which adhere to its own syllabus and ranking standards. The main education boards in India each have their own educational strategies, which results in differences in the curricula from one state to the next. It places a focus on regionally relevant topics and local content that enables students to prepare for state-level engineering and medical admission exams. In comparison to numerous other boards, the syllabus is often restricted. Regional heritage and languages have a significant part in the curriculum. Recent state board directives mandated that all schools use only NCERT textbooks, which are crucial for students preparing for all-India exams.
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
One of India's most renowned and possibly most well-known education boards is the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Since it relates to establishing traditional teaching frameworks for most schools across the country, CBSE has succeeded in doing this. Numerous private and public schools across subscribe to this national level board. Exams are given by the Board to both regular and private students. Candidates who are interested in remote learning can register for admissions and apply for evaluations. After the tenth grade, CBSE offers its students a variety of courses in the humanities, sciences, and business. Students can submit applications to numerous universities for higher education after graduating from class twelve.
Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE)
In India, a private education board of administers the Indian School Certificate Examination. The purpose of this board is to offer an English-medium general education examination in compliance with the New Education Policy 1986 (India) recommendations. Candidates who plan to take the exam must complete one to three papers in each of six disciplines. Consequently, depending on the disciplines, there are eight to eleven papers in total. Results for the ICSE exam only consider the top five topics. But English marks are always required and inclusive.
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IB School
With its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, the International Baccalaureate (IB) is a privately run global educational foundation. It offers three main programmes: a primary year programme for students in grades KG through 5, a middle year programme for students in grades 6 through 10, and a diploma programme for students in grades 11 and 12. The 144 nations where this board is offered have around 3500 schools on it. Without having to take several additional tests, the IB board assists pupils in applying to overseas universities. Students are taught analytical abilities, language, the arts, and humanities in its curricula. To prevent a fragmented approach, the disciplines are taught in this setting in an integrated manner. Typically, parents who intend to relocate overseas favour IB.
International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)
Students can prepare for the International Baccalaureate and Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) A-level through the private, internationally accepted International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) programme. There are essentially four exam types: Cambridge Primary for students in the fifth through eleventh grades, Cambridge Secondary 1 and Cambridge Secondary 2 for students in the twelveth through sixteenth grades. It provides students with two pathways: Cambridge IGCSE and Cambridge O Level, as well as Cambridge Additional for students between the ages of 16 and 19 who need advanced study to get ready for college and higher education. Students then have the option of enrolling in Cambridge Pre-U or Cambridge International AS and A Level. The tests are administered by the University of Cambridge International Examinations, and this board has members in 120 nations.
National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)
The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), which was founded in 1989, is a government-run open school that enables students to study online or even restart their education if there has been a lapse in their studies. This board's main objective is to improve distant communities' access to education. Open Basic Education (OBE) includes classes 3 through 8 in the primary grades. Basic math, environmental science, and computer abilities are all covered here. At least five subjects and a language must be taken from each of the two basic groupings for grade 10. In grade 12, there are additional alternatives available in the humanities, sciences, and business. Then, the students choose one or two from each of the five groups that were created.
Students today in India have a variety of education boards to pick from while choosing a curriculum. It can be challenging to find the right education board in India, though. Choosing the best curriculum may be one of your many alternatives, but you also need to consider several other factors, such as the extracurricular activities that are given, the cost, and the future aspirations of your children. I recommend the Soundarya School in Bangalore, which offers both CBSE and state board education along with excellent other facilities that can assist your child develop more fully. We sincerely hope that our advice on selecting the best education board for your child helped you.
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Finding the Best Law and Business Education in India
India is home to some of the most prestigious institutions offering specialised education in law and business. For students looking to pursue a career in these fields, choosing the right college is crucial. Whether you are aspiring to enrol in one of the Law Colleges in India or aiming for a career in business management through the Top BBA Colleges in India, the quality of education and opportunities offered by these institutions can shape your professional journey.
Why Choose Law Colleges in India?
Law Colleges in India have garnered a reputation for producing some of the country’s finest legal professionals. With a focus on both theoretical knowledge and practical experience, these institutions are designed to equip students with the skills necessary to succeed in the legal field. Programs like Top BA LLB Hons offer a blend of law and arts education, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of legal principles while also nurturing critical thinking and communication skills.
Leading law colleges emphasise the importance of moot courts, internships and real-life case studies, giving students the exposure needed to tackle real-world challenges. With legal education becoming increasingly diverse, students can choose from specialisations such as corporate law, environmental law, intellectual property law and more.
What Makes Top BA LLB Hons Programs Stand Out?
The Top BA LLB Hons programs in India are designed for students who wish to pursue an integrated degree in law and arts. This program typically spans five years and provides a holistic education that includes subjects like political science, sociology and economics, along with core legal studies. This combination allows students to develop a well-rounded perspective, making them better equipped to understand the socio-political context of legal issues.
Students enrolled in these programs benefit from hands-on learning through moot courts, legal clinics and research projects. This practical approach not only enhances their legal knowledge but also prepares them for careers in litigation, corporate law, public policy and academia. Graduates of Top BA LLB Hons programs are highly sought after by law firms, government agencies and NGOs for their comprehensive legal education and analytical abilities.
Exploring the Top BBA Colleges in India
For those more inclined toward business and management, the Top BBA Colleges in India offer a solid foundation in business principles, preparing students for leadership roles in various industries. A Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is an ideal choice for students looking to understand the intricacies of business management, marketing, finance and human resources.
These colleges are known for their focus on experiential learning, often integrating internships, business simulations and case studies into the curriculum. The Top BBA Colleges in India prepare students to thrive in competitive business environments by fostering skills in problem-solving, leadership and strategic thinking.
Graduates from these institutions often go on to pursue further education, such as an MBA, or step directly into managerial roles in industries like banking, retail, healthcare and more. With India being a hub for startups and multinational corporations, a degree from one of the top BBA colleges can open doors to numerous career opportunities.
Why Symbiosis Law School, Pune?
Among the Law Colleges in India, Symbiosis Law School (SLS), Pune, stands out for its excellence in legal education. SLS Pune offers integrated programs like Top BA LLB Hons, which combine academic rigour with practical training. With a strong emphasis on experiential learning, SLS ensures that its students are well-prepared for the challenges of the legal profession.
Additionally, SLS Pune provides an environment that nurtures leadership, innovation and critical thinking, making it one of the most sought-after destinations for law education in India. For students looking to build successful careers in law, SLS Pune is an ideal choice.
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propertykumbh · 7 days
Best Commercial Property in Noida | Comprehensive Guide for Investors
Best Commercial Property in Noida: A Comprehensive Guide for Investors
Noida, known for its rapid development and strategic location within the National Capital Region (NCR), has emerged as a hotspot for commercial real estate investment. With excellent infrastructure, robust connectivity, and a growing business ecosystem, the demand for commercial properties in Noida is soaring. Whether you’re looking for office spaces, retail outlets, or industrial facilities, Noida offers a diverse range of options that cater to various business needs.
Why Noida is a Prime Location for Commercial Property Investment
Strategic Location and Connectivity
Noida enjoys a prime geographical location with seamless connectivity to Delhi, Greater Noida, and other parts of NCR. The Noida-Greater Noida Expressway, Yamuna Expressway, and DND Flyway provide excellent road connectivity, making it a preferred choice for businesses that require quick access to major urban hubs. The upcoming Jewar International Airport is another game-changer, expected to further boost the commercial real estate sector by increasing footfall and business opportunities in the region.
Moreover, the well-established metro network, including the Aqua Line and Blue Line, ensures smooth intra-city travel, reducing commute times for employees and clients alike. The efficient public transportation system adds value to commercial properties in Noida, making them highly accessible and desirable.
Growing Business Ecosystem
Noida has transformed into a hub for industries ranging from IT and ITES to manufacturing, hospitality, and retail. Many Fortune 500 companies, multinational corporations, and Indian startups have set up their offices in Noida’s commercial spaces, leading to a burgeoning business ecosystem. This growth has been supported by the Special Economic Zones (SEZs), industrial parks, and technology parks located in the city.
Additionally, Noida is home to several prestigious business districts like Sector 62, Sector 18, Sector 16, and the Noida-Greater Noida Expressway belt. These sectors boast modern office spaces, tech parks, and mixed-use developments that provide businesses with world-class amenities and infrastructure.
Government Initiatives and Policies
The Government of Uttar Pradesh has introduced various investor-friendly policies to promote commercial development in Noida. The Industrial Investment and Employment Promotion Policy, Noida IT and ITES Policy, and Start-up Policy have paved the way for new ventures and business opportunities. These policies offer tax incentives, subsidies, and easier land acquisition processes, encouraging businesses to invest in Noida’s commercial real estate.
Additionally, the Noida Authority has been proactive in improving infrastructure, making the city a more attractive destination for companies. The Smart City Mission is another initiative that enhances Noida's standing as a well-planned urban center with state-of-the-art digital and physical infrastructure.
Top Sectors for Commercial Properties in Noida
Sector 62: The IT Hub of Noida
Sector 62 is widely regarded as the IT and ITES hub of Noida, housing several multinational corporations, IT firms, and educational institutions. The sector is strategically located near the NH-24 and has easy access to the metro, making it one of the most sought-after locations for commercial property in Noida. Businesses here benefit from modern infrastructure, proximity to talent pools, and a variety of commercial spaces such as office buildings and coworking spaces.
Sector 18: The Retail and Entertainment Hub
Often referred to as the Connaught Place of Noida, Sector 18 is the bustling retail and commercial heart of the city. The sector is home to popular shopping malls like DLF Mall of India, The Great India Place, and several high-street retail outlets. It offers premium commercial properties ideal for retail businesses, restaurants, and entertainment centers. The sector's high footfall makes it an excellent location for businesses looking to attract a wide customer base.
Noida-Greater Noida Expressway: The Future Business Corridor
The Noida-Greater Noida Expressway is rapidly developing into one of the most promising commercial corridors in the NCR region. Several large IT parks, office complexes, and mixed-use developments are coming up along this stretch, offering world-class amenities to businesses. The availability of Grade A office spaces with modern facilities makes it a preferred destination for companies looking to establish their corporate offices.
Sector 16: Emerging Commercial Zone
Sector 16 is an emerging commercial zone that offers a range of affordable and mid-segment commercial properties. It is strategically located near Sector 18 and the Noida Film City, which makes it a great option for media houses, production studios, and small businesses. The sector's proximity to major residential areas also adds to its appeal for retail outlets and restaurants.
Types of Commercial Properties Available in Noida
Office Spaces
Noida offers a wide range of office spaces, from traditional office buildings to modern coworking spaces. Whether you're a startup looking for a shared office or an established business seeking a sprawling corporate campus, Noida has options to meet every need. The city also boasts Grade A office spaces that offer high-end facilities, including 24/7 security, power backup, parking, and access to fitness centers and eateries.
Retail Spaces
Retail businesses thrive in Noida, thanks to its growing consumer base and high foot traffic in sectors like Sector 18 and Sector 63. Commercial properties designed for retail businesses are strategically located in malls, shopping complexes, and high-street areas. These properties are perfect for showrooms, boutiques, restaurants, and entertainment venues, offering excellent visibility and accessibility.
Industrial and Warehousing Spaces
For businesses involved in manufacturing, logistics, and distribution, Noida provides ample opportunities with its industrial and warehousing spaces. Areas like Greater Noida and the Noida-Greater Noida Expressway are ideal for setting up industrial units and warehouses. These areas are equipped with wide roads, connectivity to highways, and proximity to the upcoming Jewar Airport, making them convenient for business operations.
Top Commercial Projects in Noida Similar to M3M
1. Wave One
Located in Sector 18, the heart of Noida’s business district, Wave One is a commercial development that mirrors the grandeur and architectural excellence of M3M projects. Spread over a sprawling area, it offers a mix of office spaces, retail shops, and recreational zones. Its four-sided open plot ensures maximum visibility and easy accessibility, making it a prime destination for businesses looking to establish a strong presence in Noida.
Wave One is designed by leading architects and boasts premium amenities, including high-speed elevators, 24/7 security, ample parking space, and sustainable construction techniques. The property also offers various configurations of office spaces, ranging from small suites to large corporate offices, catering to businesses of all sizes.
2. Bhutani Cyberthum
Bhutani Cyberthum, located in Sector 140A, is another high-end commercial property in Noida that competes with M3M in terms of grandeur and innovation. Known for its futuristic design, Bhutani Cyberthum features twin towers with sky bridges, making it an architectural marvel. The project offers Grade A office spaces along with high-street retail, making it a one-stop destination for businesses and consumers.
What sets Bhutani Cyberthum apart is its focus on technology and sustainability. The property is equipped with intelligent building systems, energy-efficient solutions, and world-class facilities that make it a preferred choice for tech companies, startups, and large corporations alike.
3. Assotech Business Cresterra
For businesses looking for a mixed-use commercial property, Assotech Business Cresterra in Sector 135 is an ideal option. Spread across 14 acres, it offers a mix of IT office spaces, retail zones, and hospitality spaces, making it a comprehensive business park. The property also features green buildings with energy-efficient designs, making it an eco-friendly choice.
Assotech Business Cresterra is home to several multinational corporations and is known for its excellent location advantages. It is located near the Noida-Greater Noida Expressway, providing seamless connectivity to Delhi, Noida, and Gurugram.
4. World Trade Tower (WTT)
World Trade Tower, located in Sector 16, is one of the most iconic commercial properties in Noida. Standing tall at 42 stories, it is one of the tallest commercial buildings in the NCR region. The property is a symbol of luxury and sophistication, offering high-end office spaces with state-of-the-art amenities. Its strategic location, in proximity to major highways and metro stations, makes it a preferred choice for multinational corporations and large enterprises.
WTT is equipped with world-class infrastructure, including modern fire safety systems, earthquake-resistant construction, and energy-efficient HVAC systems. It also provides ample parking space and easy access to a wide range of eateries, shopping centers, and entertainment hubs, making it a vibrant location for businesses.
Investment Benefits in Noida’s Commercial Real Estate
High Return on Investment (ROI)
Investing in Noida’s commercial real estate is a profitable venture, offering high ROI due to the increasing demand for commercial spaces. The city's growth trajectory, excellent infrastructure, and increasing business activity ensure a steady appreciation of property values. Investors can expect good rental income, especially in high-demand areas like Sector 62, Sector 18, and the Noida-Greater Noida Expressway.
Business Growth Opportunities
With a rapidly expanding economy, Noida offers unparalleled business growth opportunities. Companies across various sectors are establishing their presence in the city, creating a robust business environment. As more businesses move into Noida, the demand for commercial real estate is set to rise, presenting lucrative opportunities for investors.
Infrastructure Development
The city's infrastructure is constantly evolving with new highways, metro lines, and the upcoming Jewar Airport, which will be one of the largest in India. These developments are expected to further boost Noida’s status as a top commercial hub, increasing property values and demand for commercial spaces.
Noida's commercial real estate market is thriving, offering a range of investment opportunities for businesses and investors. From IT parks to retail hubs, the city caters to a wide spectrum of industries, making it an ideal location for setting up commercial operations. Whether you're looking for an office space, a retail outlet, or an industrial facility, Noida has something to offer everyone.
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global-taxman-india · 10 days
Private Limited Company Registration In India
Your dream to start a business in India can't come to realization if you don't have a proper business entity to support it. A private limited company is India's most prominent form of business entity. From veterans to novices, from budding start-ups to established entrepreneurs, and from north India to south India, it is considered the best business entity.
In order to start your business with such an entity, you must go through four simple steps. The first step is to obtain the DSC signature, and the second is to apply for the Director Identification Number. Third, get name approval and fill SPICe+ form and lastly obtain PAN and TAN number.
One Person Company Registration
An OPC or One Person Company is a business format where a single person owns the company. There is no more than a single director or more than a single member. Being a single-handled company, an OPC is easy to manage. If you are an entrepreneur who seeks singular success, you can register as an OPC in India.
The definition of a One Person Company is explained in Sub Section 62 of Section 3 of the Companies Act, 2013, which states: “One Person Company means a company which features only one Member.” Therefore, unlike a Private Limited Company, this single company registration of a single owner doesn’t need a minimum of two directors. However, like a private limited company, the online One Person Company Registration in India does provide you with Limited Liability.
The process of company registration in India is simple and includes fewer steps. Apply for DSC and DIN, then send the name of the company for approval, collect all the documents, and file the form on the MCA website if the authority found the application and documents correct, then it provides you a status of One Person Company.
Nidhi Company Registration In India
Nidhi Company is a business entity in India governed under the Companies Act 2013. Its sole objective is to engage with thrift and savings among its members. A Nidhi Company is a Non-Banking Financial Institute that exclusively provides services like lending and deposits to its members. Therefore, it can be said a Nidhi Company in India only consists of funding from its members and shareholders.
Starting a Nidhi Company in India means starting a Non-Banking Financial Companies class. They are governed by the Reserve Bank of India. This body tells the registered Nidhi Company guidelines about lending and depositing activities. However, Nidhi Companies can only deal with their members. Therefore outside members are not allowed.
Startup Registration In India
In the initial days of the company, it is called a Startup. By starting a company in India, you take your first step in the business world. After setting up a company it comes under the category of startup for 10 years. To get the recognition, you must complete the startup registration.
In the process of registration, the government of India is helping businesses to grow. These schemes have many benefits and to take these benefits, the startup needs to register under the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DPIIT). The startup businesses must fulfil the eligibility to obtain the certificate of a startup business.
Public Limited Company Registration In India
A Public Limited Company should be the preferred business choice in India if you plan to raise funds from the general public through Initial Public Offering (“IPO”) because public limited companies have been privileged under Securities Laws to access the capital market.
Sole Proprietorship Registration, Eligibility And Process
A sole proprietorship in India is the most popular form of business structure for micro and small businesses operating in the unorganized sectors due to its simplicity, ease of information access, and nominal cost. Because of these factors, single owners are going for sole proprietorship registration in India.
The sole owners are liable for all the business debts and have unlimited liability. So, their business and personal assets are at risk. getting a certificate of incorporation for sole Proprietorship is a good idea. However, obtaining a certificate of sole Proprietorship is generally unsuitable for medium and large-scale businesses due to the array of disadvantages like unlimited liability, no separate legal entity, non-transferability, and limited company life.
Company Partnership Registration In India
Partnership registration in India involves the legal process of establishing a partnership firm under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932. This process ensures that the partnership is legally recognized and the partners' rights and obligations are clearly defined. A partnership firm is a business entity where two or more individuals agree to operate a business together, sharing profits and losses according to the terms of their partnership agreement.
To register a partnership, the partners must prepare a partnership deed, which outlines the terms of the partnership, including the name of the firm, the nature of the business, the rights and duties of the partners, and the profit-sharing ratio. The partnership deed must be signed by all partners and should be registered with the Registrar of Firms to gain legal validity. Registration provides the partnership with a legal status and enhances its credibility, facilitating better access to financial and legal benefits.
Our Assistance In Company Registration In India
At GLOBAL TAXMAN INDIA Ltd, we provide end-to-end solutions for Company Registration. Our services.
GLOBAL TAXMAN INDIA Ltd is a leading legal consultancy firm, offering comprehensive services related to Company Registration in India.
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sihsmph · 10 days
Best MPH Colleges in India at Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences (SIHS)
Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences (SIHS) is renowned as one of the Best MPH Colleges in India, offering a comprehensive Master of Public Health (MPH) program. This two-year program is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to tackle global public health challenges. The MPH course at SIHS covers key areas such as epidemiology, biostatistics, environmental health, health policy, and health program management. The program emphasizes practical exposure through internships, field visits, and hands-on projects.
Eligibility for the MPH program includes a bachelor’s degree in any health-related field, with a preference for candidates with relevant work experience. The course has limited intake, ensuring personalized attention and high-quality education for each student.
SIHS boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including modern classrooms, advanced computer labs, and a well-stocked library with access to leading public health journals. The institute also fosters collaborations with public health organizations, providing students with internship opportunities and real-world exposure to public health challenges.
Graduates of the MPH program can pursue careers as public health consultants, epidemiologists, health policy advisors, and health program managers in government organizations, NGOs, hospitals, and international health bodies. With the growing demand for public health professionals, Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences (SIHS) prepares students for a rewarding and impactful career in public health.
For more information, visit the https://www.sihs.edu.in/master-of-public-health-course website.
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ies10 · 13 days
Lady Hardinge Medical College: Best Medical Education Institutions
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Lady Hardinge Medical College (LHMC), New Delhi, is one of the most prestigious medical institutions in India with a rich history and commitment to excellent medical education, research, and healthcare services. Founded in 1916, the college has continuously produced highly qualified and compassionate medical professionals. Over the years, it has earned a reputation as a center of academic excellence and has contributed significantly to medical education in India.
Rich History of Empowerment of Women in Medicine:
Lady Hardinge Medical College was established with the primary objective of providing quality medical education to women. The college is named after Lady Hardinge, wife of the then Viceroy of India, Lord Hardinge, who championed the need for a medical college exclusively for women. The idea was born out of a recognition that there is a severe shortage of female doctors in India. This was particularly challenging in a society where women are often hesitant to be treated by male doctors.
Since its inception, LHMC has played a key role in empowering women in the medical field. Although LHMC originally started as an all-female medical school, since 1970 it has opened its doors to male students in postgraduate programs. Today, it continues to uphold its tradition of promoting gender equality in medical education.
Academic excellence and comprehensive courses:
Lady Hardinge Medical College offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate medical courses. Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) is one of the most popular courses at LHMC, attracting top students from across the country. Apart from MBBS, the college offers various postgraduate degrees (MD/MS) in several medical specialties such as Paediatrics, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Anaesthesiology, and Radiology.
LHMC is affiliated with Delhi University and follows a rigorous curriculum designed to provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The college ensures education for students through two affiliated Teaching Hospitals (SMTs): Sucheta Kriplani Hospital (SSKH) and Kalawati Saran Children's Hospital (KSCH) – where students gain comprehensive clinical experience. These hospitals are a key component of the medical education process, providing students with hands-on experience and the opportunity to work in a variety of medical specialties.
Research and Innovation: 
In addition to its academic excellence, Lady Hardinge Medical College is also a center for advanced medical research. The College encourages students and faculty to undertake cutting-edge research to address pressing medical challenges and contribute to medicine. The College's research focuses on areas such as public health, infectious diseases, maternal and child health, and oncology.
Research initiatives are often supported through collaborations with national and international organizations. Through its research activities, LHMC contributes to the advancement of medical knowledge and shaping health policy in India.
Modern Facilities and Infrastructure:
Lady Hardinge Medical College has a modern infrastructure that plays a key role in providing quality education and healthcare services. The campus is equipped with modern lecture halls, laboratories, and libraries, providing students with access to the latest medical literature and resources.
Associated Hospitals SSKH and KSCH are equipped with the latest medical technology and treat a large number of patients daily. These hospitals provide specialized healthcare services and ensure that students receive comprehensive clinical training whilst contributing to the welfare of the local community.
Focus on Community Health and Social Responsibility:
An important aspect of Lady Hardinge Medical College's mission is its commitment to community health and social responsibility. The college has a strong focus on public health and preventive medicine and encourages students to participate in community outreach programs. Students and faculty engage with underserved communities to improve access to health services through health camps, education campaigns, and rural health initiatives.
Emphasis on social responsibility not only benefits society but also instills a sense of compassion and ethical responsibility in students, making them compassionate physicians who understand the diverse health needs of the Indian population.
Gateway to a Promising Career: 
Lady Hardinge Medical College's graduates are highly regarded in the medical field, and the college has produced some of the country's most renowned medical professionals. Extensive training, clinical experience, and a focus on research prepare students well for success in the medical community.
Many of LHMC's graduates have achieved significant milestones in their careers and occupy leadership positions in prestigious hospitals, research institutes, and public health organizations. The college's strong alumni network also provides guidance and support to current students, guiding them in their career paths.
Lady Hardinge Medical College continues to be recognized as a beacon of excellence in medical education and healthcare. Its rich history, commitment to academic excellence and focus on community healthcare have made it a preeminent institution in the Indian healthcare landscape.
Going forward, LHMC remains committed to nurturing compassionate and qualified healthcare professionals who can address the world's ever-evolving healthcare challenges. With a strong foundation and focus on women's empowerment, medical innovation, and social responsibility, Lady Hardinge Medical College has a bright future and will continue its tradition of educating the medical professionals of tomorrow.
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pooma-education · 21 days
Public statement of what constitutes teacher quality
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The NPST is a public statement of what constitutes teaching quality and what is required to improve the educational outcomes of students in India. These standards are a set of guiding statements that define the expectation of the role of a teacher at different levels of expertise at different stages of a career. The standards also defines effective teaching and the competencies required to practice as a teacher in 21st century schools at each stage of teaching career.
The NPST will also inform the design of pre-service teacher education programmes. This could be then adopted by States and determine all aspects of teacher career management, including tenure, professional development efforts, salary increases, promotions, and other recognitions. Promotions and salary increases will not occur based on the length of tenure or seniority, but only on the basis of such appraisal. The professional standards will be reviewed and revised in 2030, and thereafter every ten years, on the basis of rigorous empirical analysis of the efficacy of the system.
Further, these standards provide a common understanding of what is valued in the profession and expectations from teachers across the country.
This understanding will inform the following:
▪️Defining the nature of teacher’s work
▪️Creating working and service conditions
▪️Reinventing teacher education programmes
▪️Enabling certification and registration of teachers
▪️Promoting life-long learning and career development
▪️Establishing uniformity of teacher qualification and enabling mobility
▪️Evaluating teacher quality
▪️Supporting teacher motivation
▪️Teacher accountability/duties
Thus, a common set of standards will ensure that there is coherence across policies in the varied matters pertaining to teachers and teaching as a profession.
1.NPST in NEP, 2020
The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 places the teacher at the center of the fundamental reforms proposed in the education system. The Policy indicates that teachers truly shape the future of our children - and, therefore, all students at all levels of school education must be taught by passionate, motivated, highly qualified, professionally trained, and well-equipped teachers.
To enable this, teachers must be re-established as the most respected and essential members of our society. Everything must be done to empower teachers and help them to do their job as effectively as possible. The very best and brightest must enter the teaching profession at all levels, by ensuring livelihood, respect, dignity, and autonomy, while also instilling in the system basic methods of quality control and accountability.
This will be made possible through the National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST), an essential policy action as stated in Para 5.20 of the NEP 2020, as indicated below.
2.Para 5.20. NEP, 2020
“A common guiding set of National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST) will be developed by 2022, by the National Council for Teacher Education in its restructured new form as a Professional Standard Setting Body (PSSB) under the General Education Council (GEC), in consultation with NCERT, SCERTs, teachers from across levels and regions, expert organizations in teacher preparation and development, expert bodies in vocational education, and higher education institutions. The standards would cover expectations of the role of the teacher at different levels of expertise/stage, and the competencies required for that stage. It will also comprise standards for performance appraisal, for each stage, that would be carried out on a periodic basis. The NPST will also inform the design of pre-service teacher education programmes. This could be then adopted by States and determine all aspects of teacher career management, including tenure, professional development efforts, salary increases, promotions, and other recognitions. Promotions and salary increases will not occur based on the length of tenure or seniority, but only on the basis of such appraisal. The professional standards will be reviewed and revised in 2030, and thereafter every ten years, on the basis of rigorous empirical analysis of the efficacy of the system”
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© 2024 NCTE | Website is developed & maintained by IT & e-Governance wing, NCTE, New Delhi Last Updated on 19-07-2024
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ISPP Cohort at 9th Public Annual Forum of India
ISPP encourages learning beyond the classroom by providing its scholars with a range of opportunities to learn from the real world. One such opportunity was when the ISPP cohort attended the 9th Public Annual Forum of India (PAFI). The informative sessions during PAFI’s annual forum were a valuable experience for the scholars at ISPP.
Read more - https://www.ispp.org.in/blog-post/going-beyond-the-classroom-networking-crucial-for-leadership/
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psibinstitute · 24 days
Comprehensive Curriculum for Investment Banking Course in India: PSIB Institute
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Introduction to Investment Banking
Investment banking is a prestigious career path offering immense opportunities in the financial sector. It is a field that demands a profound understanding of financial markets, economic trends, and investment strategies. For those aspiring to excel in this dynamic field, PSIB Institute offers a meticulously designed Curriculum for Investment Banking Course in India. This curriculum is tailored to equip students with the knowledge and skills required to thrive in the investment banking industry.
Why Choose PSIB Institute?
PSIB Institute stands out as one of the best institutions in India for pursuing an investment banking course. The curriculum is crafted by industry experts and is regularly updated to reflect the latest trends and practices in the financial world. The institute's commitment to excellence and its focus on practical learning make it the top choice for students looking to start a successful career in investment banking.
Key Highlights of the Investment Banking Curriculum
1. Fundamental Financial Concepts
Understanding the basics is crucial for anyone entering the world of investment banking. The PSIB Institute’s course begins with a thorough introduction to financial accounting, corporate finance, and financial statement analysis. Students learn to interpret balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements, which are essential for making informed financial decisions.
2. Advanced Corporate Finance
Building on the fundamentals, the curriculum dives into more complex areas of corporate finance. This includes capital budgeting, capital structure, and dividend policy. Students are taught to analyze a company’s financial health and to make decisions that maximize shareholder value.
3. Financial Modeling and Valuation
Financial modeling is a critical skill for investment bankers. The course includes extensive training in Excel-based financial modeling. Students learn to build models that forecast a company’s financial performance, evaluate investment opportunities, and assess the impact of different financial strategies. The valuation modules cover techniques such as Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), Comparative Company Analysis, and Precedent Transactions Analysis.
4. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)
M&A is a cornerstone of investment banking. The PSIB curriculum covers all aspects of M&A, from deal sourcing and negotiation to due diligence and post-merger integration. Students are exposed to real-world case studies that illustrate the complexities and nuances of M&A transactions.
5. Equity and Debt Capital Markets
Understanding how companies raise capital is essential for investment bankers. The course provides an in-depth look at equity capital markets (ECM) and debt capital markets (DCM). Students learn about Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), secondary offerings, bond issuances, and the roles of investment banks in these processes.
6. Risk Management and Derivatives
Investment banking involves significant risk, and managing that risk is a key skill. The curriculum includes comprehensive training in risk management techniques, including the use of derivatives such as options, futures, and swaps to hedge against potential losses.
7. Regulatory Environment and Compliance
Navigating the regulatory landscape is critical in investment banking. The course includes detailed coverage of the regulatory environment in India, including SEBI regulations, RBI guidelines, and anti-money laundering (AML) laws. Students learn how to ensure compliance with these regulations, which is essential for maintaining the integrity of financial markets.
8. Ethics and Professional Standards
Ethical conduct is non-negotiable in investment banking. The curriculum at PSIB Institute places a strong emphasis on ethics and professional standards. Students are trained to uphold the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and responsibility in all their professional dealings.
9. Practical Internships and Industry Projects
One of the distinguishing features of the PSIB Institute’s investment banking course is its emphasis on practical experience. The curriculum includes mandatory internships and industry projects that allow students to apply their theoretical knowledge in real-world settings. These experiences are invaluable in helping students build their professional networks and gain a competitive edge in the job market.
Career Prospects After Completing the Course
Graduates of the PSIB Institute’s investment banking course are well-prepared for a wide range of roles in the financial sector. These include positions as investment banking analysts, financial advisors, equity research analysts, and portfolio managers. The institute’s strong placement record and its connections with top financial firms in India ensure that students have access to some of the best career opportunities in the industry.
Is Banking a Good Career?
For those wondering, is banking a good career? The answer is a resounding yes. Investment banking, in particular, offers excellent compensation, job security, and the opportunity to work in a fast-paced and intellectually challenging environment. The skills you acquire through this course will not only open doors to lucrative positions in India but also globally, making it one of the best courses for a banking job.
How to Enroll in the PSIB Institute’s Investment Banking Course
Enrolling in the PSIB Institute’s investment banking course is the first step towards a successful career in finance. The application process is straightforward, and the institute offers personalized guidance to help prospective students make informed decisions. To find out more about the curriculum, admission requirements, and to locate banking courses near me, visit the PSIB Institute’s official website or contact their admissions office.
The investment banking course at PSIB Institute is designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and practical experience needed to excel in the competitive world of finance. With a curriculum that covers everything from fundamental financial concepts to advanced corporate finance, financial modeling, and regulatory compliance, students are well-prepared to meet the challenges of a career in investment banking.
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sikshapedia · 24 days
The Future Scopes of Master of Public Health (MPH) Course : A Comprehensive Guide
The Master of Public Health (MPH) is a prestigious postgraduate program designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to address public health challenges globally and locally. The Master of Public Health course focuses on areas such as epidemiology, health policy, environmental health, and biostatistics, preparing graduates to lead initiatives that improve community health outcomes. If you are passionate about making a difference in the healthcare sector, understanding what is Master of Public Health is crucial, as this program provides a comprehensive foundation in public health principles and practices.
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About Master of Public Health Course and Eligibility
The MPH Master of Public Health is an interdisciplinary course that combines classroom learning with practical fieldwork. The Master of Public Health eligibility criteria usually include a bachelor’s degree in health sciences, medicine, or a related field. Some colleges may also require relevant work experience in public health. The Master of Public Health admission process often involves an entrance exam, personal interview, and sometimes a statement of purpose that outlines your interest in public health.
Master of Public Health Course Duration and Syllabus
The Master of Public Health course duration generally spans two years, divided into four semesters. During this time, students delve into a wide array of subjects that form the core of public health education. The Master of Public Health syllabus includes topics such as epidemiology, biostatistics, health management, social and behavioral sciences, and global health. This curriculum is designed to provide students with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills essential for effective public health practice.
Master of Public Health Fees and Top Colleges in India
The Master of Public Health fees can vary based on the institution and location. Public universities often have lower fees compared to private institutions, but both offer quality education. India is home to some of the best Master of Public Health colleges that provide state-of-the-art training and research opportunities. For those specifically interested in studying Master of Public Health in India, there are numerous top-tier institutions that offer this program. Exploring Master of Public Health colleges in West Bengal is also a great option for those looking to study in that region.
Best Master of Public Health Colleges in India
Choosing the best Master of Public Health colleges in India is crucial for gaining a comprehensive education and securing a successful career in public health. The quality of faculty, research opportunities, fieldwork exposure, and placement support are key factors to consider when selecting a college. Exploring Master of Public Health colleges in India will help you find an institution that aligns with your academic and career goals.
Master of Public Health Jobs in India
Graduates of the Master of Public Health program have a wide range of career opportunities available to them. Master of Public Health jobs in India include roles in government health departments, NGOs, international health organizations, research institutions, and healthcare consulting firms. These roles often involve designing and implementing health policies, conducting research, managing health programs, and working towards the betterment of public health systems.
The Master of Public Health (MPH) is an impactful degree that prepares students to become leaders in public health. With a deep understanding of the Master of Public Health course, Master of Public Health eligibility, and Master of Public Health course duration, prospective students can make informed decisions about their educational journey. Whether you're exploring the Master of Public Health syllabus, looking for the best Master of Public Health colleges in India, or curious about Master of Public Health jobs in India, this program offers the expertise needed to make significant contributions to the field of public health.
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vishalprime · 25 days
 Vinayaka School of Economics and Public Policy: Shaping the Future of Economists and Policy Leaders in India
When it comes to pursuing a degree in economics, selecting the right institution is crucial for shaping your future. In India, where economic development plays a pivotal role in global markets, a degree from a reputed institution can set the foundation for a successful career. Vinayaka Mission's School of Economics and Public Policy (VSEP) in Chennai stands out as one of the top choices for students aspiring to excel in this field.
 Why Choose a B.Sc. Economics Program in Chennai?
Chennai is not just a hub for information technology and cultural richness but is also emerging as a significant center for higher education. Among the various disciplines, economics holds a vital place as it directly impacts policy-making and socio-economic development. Pursuing a B.Sc. Economics in Chennai offers students a unique advantage, combining academic rigor with the dynamic opportunities the city provides.
The Vinayaka School of Economics and Public Policy (VSEP) is a prime example of an institution that marries academic excellence with real-world application. Located on the bustling Rajiv Gandhi Salai (Old Mahabalipuram Road), VSEP is a beacon for students who aim to make a meaningful impact in the world of economics and public policy.
 VSEP: Where Policy Meets Purpose
At VSEP, the primary objective is to cultivate future economists, social leaders, and thought leaders. The school's mission is to equip students with the capacity to address dynamic socio-economic challenges by promoting inclusivity at the local, national, and global levels. The curriculum is designed not just to impart theoretical knowledge but also to nurture practical skills that make students future-ready—not only as employees or entrepreneurs but as leaders across various sectors.
 Innovative and Interdisciplinary Courses
What sets VSEP apart from other economics colleges in India is its innovative and interdisciplinary approach to education. The B.Sc. Economics (Honours with Research) program offered at VSEP is in line with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. It is a four-year undergraduate program that offers exit options and specializations along with an Honors degree at the end of the fourth year. This makes it one of the first few programs in India to offer such a comprehensive structure.
Students can choose minors in Health Economics and Data Analytics, making the program not just a degree but a gateway to becoming a leader in economics. These minors are particularly relevant in today's world, where data-driven decision-making and healthcare policies are at the forefront of economic discussions.
 Learn from Top Instructors
One of the key attractions of VSEP is its faculty. The school boasts some of the best experts and professors in the field of economics and public policy. These educators bring real-world expertise into the classroom, ensuring that students not only learn the concepts but also understand their practical applications. The faculty's areas of expertise include health policy, data analytics, finance, and other demanding fields.
This level of instruction places VSEP among the top Indian colleges for economics. The school is not just focused on teaching but on forging changemakers who can tackle complex societal issues with confidence and competence.
 A Dynamic Student Life
Student life at VSEP is designed to be as enriching as the academic curriculum. The school offers a vibrant atmosphere where students can learn from peers and professors from diverse backgrounds. This diversity is crucial in today's globalized world, where understanding different perspectives is key to solving complex problems.
Moreover, VSEP's location in Chennai allows students to leverage the city's dynamic networks and diverse communities. This provides practical experience that catapults students onto the global stage, making them not just graduates but global citizens ready to make a tangible impact.
 Empowering Minds, Inspiring Change
Dr. Debdulal Thakur, the Dean of Vinayaka Mission's School of Economics and Public Policy, emphasizes that VSEP is about more than just education; it's about empowerment. The school's interdisciplinary curriculum is anchored in economics but extends far beyond textbooks. The focus is on empowering students to develop cross-sectoral solutions and on pioneering specializations like social innovation.
Dr. Thakur's message is clear: VSEP is dedicated to making a tangible impact on the world. Whether it's through public lectures, open houses, or the school's active engagement with the community, VSEP is committed to redefining what's possible.
 Preparing for the Future with a B.Sc. in Economics
The B.Sc. Economics program at VSEP is more than just a degree; it's a pathway to becoming a catalyst for positive change. With a focus on inclusivity and practical application, the program prepares students to address dynamic socio-economic challenges both at the national and global levels.
The programme structure is robust, offering foundational and capstone projects that encourage the practical application of a variety of tools and techniques. These projects are often live and based on real-world scenarios, providing students with actionable solutions that they can carry into their professional lives.
VSEP also offers a unique Work Study Programme, an "Earn While You Learn" initiative that blends funding for studies with the acquisition of practical skills. This initiative not only helps students financially but also prepares them for the workforce by giving them hands-on experience.
 Conclusion: Your Future Starts Here
If you're considering a career in economics, VSEP in Chennai should be at the top of your list. The school offers a unique blend of academic rigor, practical experience, and a commitment to making a difference. Whether you aim to become an economist, a policy-maker, or a social leader, the Vinayaka School of Economics and Public Policy provides the tools and the environment to help you achieve your goals. Don't miss the opportunity to be part of an institution where policy truly meets purpose. Apply now and become a catalyst for positive change.
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topglobaleducation · 26 days
Exploring Engineering Courses Abroad: A Guide for Indian Students
In today's globalized world, the desire to pursue higher education in foreign countries has become increasingly popular among Indian students. Engineering, being one of the most sought-after disciplines, is no exception. Many aspiring engineers are now looking beyond the borders of India to acquire world-class education and exposure. This blog will delve into the various aspects of studying engineering courses abroad, offering valuable insights for Indian students who are considering this path.
Why Study Engineering Abroad?
1. Global Recognition and Quality of Education
One of the most compelling reasons to study engineering abroad is the opportunity to earn a degree that is globally recognized. Many countries, such as the United States, Canada, Germany, and Australia, are known for their prestigious engineering programs. These countries have a long-standing reputation for academic excellence and innovation, offering students a chance to learn from some of the best minds in the field.
2. Access to Cutting-Edge Technology and Research
Engineering courses abroad often provide students with access to state-of-the-art laboratories, research facilities, and the latest technology. This exposure is crucial for budding engineers who wish to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving technological landscape. Many universities also collaborate with industry leaders, giving students the chance to work on real-world projects and gain hands-on experience.
3. Diverse Learning Environment
Studying engineering abroad allows students to immerse themselves in a multicultural environment. This diversity fosters a broader perspective, enhancing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Indian students will have the opportunity to interact with peers from different cultural backgrounds, enriching their educational experience and preparing them for a global career.
4. Better Career Opportunities
A degree from a reputed international institution can open doors to a wide range of career opportunities. Many multinational companies prefer candidates with international exposure and experience. Moreover, some countries offer post-study work visas, allowing students to gain work experience in the host country before returning to India or exploring opportunities elsewhere.
Popular Destinations for Engineering Courses Abroad
1. United States
The United States is home to some of the world's top engineering schools, including MIT, Stanford, and Caltech. These institutions are renowned for their rigorous curriculum, research opportunities, and strong industry connections. Engineering programs in the U.S. cover a wide range of specializations, from aerospace engineering to computer science, offering students the flexibility to choose their area of interest.
2. Germany
Germany is known for its excellence in engineering, particularly in mechanical and automotive engineering. The country offers a high-quality education system with many programs taught in English. Additionally, public universities in Germany offer low or no tuition fees, making it an attractive option for Indian students. The German government's focus on research and development further enhances the learning experience.
3. Canada
Canada is another popular destination for Indian students pursuing engineering courses abroad. The country's universities are known for their strong emphasis on research and innovation. Canadian institutions like the University of Toronto and the University of British Columbia offer diverse engineering programs with a focus on practical learning. Canada's friendly immigration policies and multicultural environment make it a welcoming place for international students.
4. Australia
Australia's engineering programs are recognized worldwide for their quality and innovation. Universities such as the University of Melbourne and the Australian National University offer a wide range of engineering disciplines. Australia also provides students with ample opportunities for internships and industry placements, which are crucial for building a successful engineering career. The country's strong focus on sustainability and green engineering is also a key attraction for students interested in these fields.
5. United Kingdom
The UK has a rich history of engineering education, with institutions like Imperial College London and the University of Cambridge leading the way. British universities offer engineering programs that are both rigorous and research-oriented. The UK's strong ties with industry and emphasis on practical learning make it an ideal destination for Indian students looking to study engineering abroad.
How to Choose the Right Engineering Course Abroad
1. Identify Your Area of Interest
Before selecting a course, it's essential to identify your area of interest within engineering. Whether it's civil, mechanical, electrical, or software engineering, understanding your passion will help you narrow down your options. Research the specializations offered by universities and choose a program that aligns with your career goals.
2. Research Universities and Programs
Once you've identified your area of interest, research universities that offer strong programs in that field. Look for institutions with a good reputation, experienced faculty, and access to research facilities. Rankings, student reviews, and alumni success stories can provide valuable insights into the quality of the programs.
3. Consider the Cost of Education
The cost of studying engineering abroad can vary significantly depending on the country and university. Consider tuition fees, living expenses, and other costs associated with studying abroad. Some countries, like Germany, offer low-cost or free education, while others, like the United States, can be more expensive. Scholarships, grants, and financial aid options are available in many countries, so explore these opportunities to make your education more affordable.
4. Check Visa and Immigration Policies
Understanding the visa and immigration policies of the country where you plan to study is crucial. Some countries offer post-study work visas, allowing you to gain work experience after completing your degree. Research the visa requirements and ensure you meet all the necessary criteria before applying.
5. Evaluate Career Opportunities
Consider the career opportunities available in the country where you plan to study. Some countries have strong job markets for engineers, while others may have limited opportunities. Research the industry demand for your chosen field and consider the long-term prospects before making a decision.
Application Process for Engineering Courses Abroad
1. Prepare Your Documents
The first step in applying for engineering courses abroad is to prepare all the necessary documents. These typically include academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose, and proof of English language proficiency (e.g., IELTS or TOEFL scores). Some universities may also require standardized test scores like the SAT or GRE.
2. Apply to Universities
Once you have all your documents ready, start applying to universities that offer your chosen engineering program. Most universities have an online application portal where you can submit your documents and track your application status. Be sure to apply well before the deadlines and keep track of any additional requirements or interviews.
3. Secure Scholarships and Financial Aid
Studying engineering abroad can be expensive, so it's important to explore scholarship and financial aid options. Many universities and organizations offer scholarships specifically for international students. Research the available options and apply for any scholarships that you are eligible for.
4. Apply for a Student Visa
After receiving an offer letter from a university, the next step is to apply for a student visa. The visa application process varies depending on the country, so make sure to follow the guidelines provided by the embassy or consulate. Gather all the required documents, including your offer letter, financial statements, and passport, and submit your visa application in a timely manner.
5. Prepare for Departure
Once your visa is approved, start preparing for your departure. This includes arranging accommodation, booking flights, and packing essentials. It's also a good idea to familiarize yourself with the culture and customs of the country where you'll be studying. Join online forums or social media groups for international students to connect with others who are also preparing to study abroad.
Challenges of Studying Engineering Abroad
1. Cultural Adjustment
Moving to a new country can be challenging, especially when it comes to adjusting to a different culture and lifestyle. Indian students may experience culture shock, homesickness, or difficulty in adapting to the new environment. However, most universities offer support services, including counseling and cultural orientation programs, to help students acclimate.
2. Academic Rigor
Engineering programs abroad can be academically demanding, requiring a strong commitment to studies. Indian students may find the education system and teaching methods different from what they are used to. Time management, self-discipline, and seeking help when needed are crucial for success.
3. Financial Strain
The cost of studying engineering abroad can be significant, and managing finances can be a challenge. It's important to budget wisely, explore part-time work opportunities, and make use of student discounts to manage expenses.
4. Language Barrier
Although many engineering programs abroad are taught in English, students may still face language barriers, especially if they are studying in a non-English speaking country. Improving language skills and actively participating in language classes or cultural exchange programs can help overcome this challenge.
Studying engineering courses abroad is a life-changing experience that offers numerous benefits, from quality education and global exposure to better career opportunities. However, it requires careful planning, research, and preparation. Indian students who are passionate about engineering and are willing to embrace the challenges and opportunities of studying abroad will find this journey immensely rewarding. Whether you choose to study in the United States, Germany, Canada, Australia, or the UK, the knowledge, skills, and experiences you gain will pave the way for a successful engineering career on a global stage.
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