#best neurology specialist in narasaraopet
mghospital · 1 year
Stages of a migraine attack to your brain | Mahathma Gandhi Super Speciality Hospitals
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Migraine is a neurological condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by a severe headache that can last for hours or even days, accompanied by a range of other symptoms. Migraines can be triggered by various factors, including stress, hormonal changes, certain foods, and environmental factors. In this blog post, we will discuss the stages of a migraine and the symptoms that accompany each stage.
1. Prodrome Stage
The prodrome stage is the first stage of migraine and occurs one or two days before the onset of a headache. During this stage, you may experience a range of symptoms, including:
Mood changes: You may feel irritable, depressed, or anxious.
Food cravings: You may crave certain foods or experience changes in appetite.
Fatigue: You may feel tired or lethargic.
Neck stiffness: You may experience neck pain or stiffness.
Sensory changes: You may experience visual disturbances, such as seeing flashing lights or zigzag patterns.
2. Aura Stage
Not all migraines have an aura stage, but for those that do, it occurs before the headache and can last for up to an hour. During this stage, you may experience:
Visual disturbances: You may see flashing lights, zigzag patterns, or blind spots.
Sensory changes: You may experience numbness or tingling in your face, hands, or arms.
Language difficulties: You may have difficulty speaking or understanding speech.
Motor problems: You may experience weakness or difficulty moving your limbs.
3. Headache Stage
The headache stage is the most well-known stage of a migraine and can last from a few hours to several days. The pain is usually unilateral (on one side of the head), although it can also be bilateral (on both sides of the head). During this stage, you may experience:
Throbbing pain: The pain is often described as a throbbing or pulsating sensation.
Sensitivity to light, sound, and smells: You may find that bright lights, loud noises, or strong smells make your headache worse.
Nausea and vomiting: Many people with migraines experience nausea and vomiting during the headache stage.
Lightheadedness: You may feel dizzy or lightheaded.
4. Postdrome Stage
The postdrome stage is the final stage of migraine and occurs after the headache has subsided. During this stage, you may experience:
Fatigue: You may feel exhausted or drained.
Difficulty concentrating: You may find it challenging to focus or think clearly.
Mood changes: You may feel euphoric, irritable, or depressed.
Muscle weakness: You may experience weakness or discomfort in your limbs.
Migraines can be debilitating, but knowing the stages of a migraine can help you prepare for and manage the symptoms. If you experience frequent migraines, it's essential to seek medical advice to determine the underlying cause and develop a treatment plan that works for you.
Get Appointment:
Call: +91 8647230007
Visit: https://mahathmagandhihospitals.com/service/neurology/
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mghospital · 2 years
Impact of Sleep on Brain: Best Neurologist in Narasaraopet | Mahathma Gandhi Hospitals
Sleep and brain hold a most beautiful story! Do you know how powerful and productive your brain gets with ample rest? Your appetite gets regulated, memory power gets boosted and stress gets released. Isn't that amazing? Understand every functionality that Mahathma Gandhi Hospitals acknowledge.
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Sleep has a profound impact on the brain, as it plays a crucial role in various cognitive processes, including learning, memory, attention, and emotional regulation. Here are some of the ways in which sleep affects the brain:
Memory consolidation: During sleep, the brain consolidates memories by transferring them from short-term to long-term storage. Studies have shown that people who get adequate sleep perform better on memory tasks than those who are sleep deprived.
Cognitive function: Sleep plays a vital role in cognitive function, including attention, concentration, problem-solving, and decision-making. Lack of sleep can impair these functions, leading to decreased productivity and increased errors.
Brain plasticity: Sleep is also essential for brain plasticity, which is the brain's ability to reorganize itself and form new neural connections. Sleep deprivation can reduce brain plasticity, which can have a long-term impact on cognitive function.
Emotional regulation: Sleep is crucial for regulating emotions and managing stress. Lack of sleep can lead to increased anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders.
Brain waste clearance: During sleep, the brain clears out waste products, including beta-amyloid, a protein associated with Alzheimer's disease. Sleep deprivation can impair this process, leading to the accumulation of toxic substances in the brain.
In summary, sleep plays a critical role in the brain's function, including memory consolidation, cognitive function, brain plasticity, emotional regulation, and brain waste clearance. Adequate and quality sleep is essential for maintaining optimal brain health and function.
Get Appointment:
Call: +91 8647230007
Visit: https://mahathmagandhihospitals.com/service/neurology/
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mghospital · 2 years
Best Neurologist and Get Expert Care | Mahathma Gandhi Hospitals
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What are the symptoms :
Since stroke is a  brain attack, it can cause any neurological symptom, but the most commonly recognized are sudden weakness or loss of sensation on one side of the body, sudden giddiness, sudden loss of vision, sudden difficulty, or inability to speak or understand. These symptoms may be caused by other diseases also,  but it is essential to rule out a stroke, as it requires urgent therapy, before the damage to the brain becomes permanent. 
What to do when suspecting a stroke?
On suspecting a stroke, a patient must be immediately brought to the nearest “stroke ready hospital” as proper diagnosis and treatment of stroke in the first few hours is crucial in determining the long-term recovery of these patients. After evaluation, investigations, treatment, and observation for the first few days in the hospital patient undergoes physiotherapy and rehabilitation in an inpatient or outpatient setting with an aim to get back to usual life to the maximum extent possible.
Quick action is crucial when it comes to stroke. If you or someone you know suspects a brain stroke, don't wait. Contact the best neurologist and get the expert care you need.
Our team of experienced professionals is here to help you every step of the way. Don't let a stroke go untreated –  call us now and take control of your health.
Book Appointment:
Call: +91 8647230007
Visit: https://mahathmagandhihospitals.com/service/neurology/
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mghospital · 2 years
Risk Factors for Clogged Arteries in the Brain | Mahathma Gandhi Hospitals
The brain is the major organ of the human body that controls the functions of other body parts. A carotid artery is located on each side of the neck and this supplies blood to the brain. If there is a blockage in any one of the carotid arteries, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted. This is the most common cause of stroke. 
Causes of Clogged Arteries in the Brain
The main cause of clogged arteries in the brain is the building of plaque in the arteries. Plaques may be formed from proteins, fats, calcium, and waste cells. 
Plaque formation narrows down the arteries, and the arteries will become hard and less flexible. This reduces the flow of blood to the brain. Clogged arteries may also occur due to other diseases that can damage the arteries.
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Risk Factors for Clogged Arteries in the Brain
Some people are at an increased risk of developing clogged arteries. The risk factors for clogged or blocked arteries in the brain include the following:
People suffering from high blood pressure are at a greater risk because high blood pressure makes the arteries weak, due to which the arteries can get damaged easily. 
High blood cholesterol is another risk factor for causing clogged arteries in the brain.
People suffering from high blood sugar are also at an increased risk. High blood sugar can cause high blood pressure and the risk of developing plaque increases.
Being overweight is also an increased risk factor for high blood pressure and diabetes which further increases the risk of atherosclerosis or clogged arteries. 
Lack of physical activity is the major cause of high blood pressure, obesity, and high blood sugar and can increase the risk of clogged arteries. 
People who smoke are also at an increased risk of clogged arteries.
Increasing age is also a risk factor because, in older people, the arteries become stiff and can damage easily.
People who have a family history of stroke are at more risk of suffering from clogged arteries. 
When the brain is damaged, it can affect many different things, including memory, sensation, and even personality. Now, Get complete recovery from all brain-related problems from Mahathma Gandhi Super Speciality Hospitals.
Expertise in neurological care with different amenities like CATH LAB with in-house CT and a 24/7 Critical Care Support Team for effective care and monitoring for emergency situations.
Book An Appointment:
Call: +91 8647230007
Visit: https://mahathmagandhihospitals.com/service/neurology/
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mghospital · 2 years
Factors Affecting Our Health And Wellness | Mahathma Gandhi Hospitals
Our body is as delicate as a plant, don’t water them one day and they’ll wither rigorously.  The lifestyle of people has changed dramatically with time. And if we don’t switch to the steps and habits to improve it, our bodies would be vulnerable to various consequential diseases and illnesses. Here are the elements that are posing a serious threat to our overall health.
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People who reside in places with high levels of air pollutants have a 20% higher risk of death from carcinoma than people that live in less-polluted areas
Tension and anxiety
Anxiety disorders are the most traditional of mental disorders and are affecting nearly 30% of adults at some point in their lives.
Consumption of Junk Food
Eating Junk food on regular basis could cause health Hazards such as weight gain and obesity, Diabetes type 2, cardiovascular disorders, and a higher risk of death than an average human.
Lack of sleep
Lack of sleep could increase the risk of premature death.
Inactive Lifestyle
Sedentary lifestyles have a direct impact as an increased risk of early death.
Assurance is fortified with the right doctors that are present. This indeed is one of the initial steps of a successful diagnosis. Mahatma Gandhi Hospitals does it all with the best doctors that are present in Narasaraopet. Check out the different categories that are dealt with in the treatments that are offered. 
Book Appointment:
Call: +91 8647230007
Visit: https://mahathmagandhihospitals.com/
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mghospital · 2 years
What are the risk factors causing brain stroke | Mahathma Gandhi Hospital
Although they are more commonly seen in the elderly age group, stroke can occur to anyone at any age. Understanding the factors that increase the risk of stroke and recognizing the symptoms may help prevent a stroke. Receiving early diagnosis and treatment increases the chances for complete recovery.
 Risk factors can be categorized into modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors.
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 Modifiable risk factors:
 Modifiable risk factors are controllable and treatable risk factors that include:
Smoking: Smoking increases the risk of stroke. There is a further increase in the risk of stroke when some form of oral contraceptive is used along with smoking. There is recent evidence that long-term secondhand smoke exposure may increase the risk of stroke.
High blood pressure: Blood pressure of 140/90 mm Hg is the most important risk factor for stroke.
Carotid or another artery disease: The carotid arteries in the neck supply blood to the brain. A carotid artery narrowed by fatty deposits from atherosclerosis becomes blocked by a blood clot.
Diabetes: Diabetes, especially when untreated, puts it at greater risk of stroke and has many other serious health implications.
High blood cholesterol: A high level of total cholesterol (240 mg/dL or higher), high levels of LDL(bad) cholesterol (greater than 100 mg/dL), and high levels of triglycerides (blood fats,150 mg/dl or higher) and low levels of HDL (good) cholesterol (less than 40 mg/dl) may increase the risk of stroke.
Physical inactivity and obesity: Being inactive, obese or both can increase the risk of high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
Cardiac diseases like AF (atrial fibrillation) and others, large vessel and small vessel disease, increase the risk of ischemic stroke.
Epilepsy is a central nervous system disorder in which brain activity becomes abnormal, causing seizures or periods of unusual behavior, sensations, and sometimes loss of awareness. Early diagnosis is the key. Research shows that half of the people diagnosed with epilepsy in the early stages will become seizure-free with their first medication.
Get An Appointment:
Call: +91 8647230007
Visit: https://mahathmagandhihospitals.com/service/neurology/
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mghospital · 2 years
Best Neurology Hospitals in Narasaraopet | Mahatma Gandhi Hospital
A stroke is a blockage of blood flow to your brain This can be caused by clots or bleeding in or around your brain. Strokes are preventable and when they do occur, it is important to act fast because every minute counts. 
Nervous system science is part of medication concerned with the examination and treatment of problems of the sensory system. The sensory system is a complex, refined framework that controls and organizes body exercises.
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It Has Two Significant Divisions:
Central nervous system: the mind and spinal line.
Peripheral sensory system: any remaining neural components, for example, eyes, ears, skin, and other "tactile receptors".
Nervous system science additionally includes comprehension and deciphering imaging and electrical examinations. Instances of the imaging studies incorporate computed tomography (CT) examines and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) filters. An electroencephalogram (EEG) can be utilized to evaluate the electrical movement of the mind in the conclusion of conditions, for example, epilepsy. Nervous system specialists additionally analyze diseases of the sensory system by dissecting the cerebrospinal liquid (CSF), an unmistakable liquid that encompasses the cerebrum and spinal line.
Indications That Generally Require A Nervous System Specialist Include:
Coordination issues.
Muscle weakness.
A change in sensation.
Consult Our Doctors Today!
Call: +91 8647230007
Visit: https://mahathmagandhihospitals.com/service/neurology/
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mghospital · 2 years
Cardiac Doctors in Narasaraopet | Mahathma Gandhi Super Specialty Hospital
Cardiology must be addressed on a priority basis so that people can receive the best treatment possible. There are several hard diseases that are existing in this present world and the discomfort that is being felt by patients will have to be treated according to the diagnosis, Mahathma Gandhi Super Specialty Hospital stands as one of the best in terms of making sure that the cardiology department is well acquainted with a heart specialist in Narasaraopet.
Careful Diagnosis
Right from the diagnosis of various elements of heart diseases to the inceptions that are put forth with regard to cardiac tests are all provided with the fact of making treatment the finest option for people. There are several causes of heart disease, and one of the major causes is stress analysis. Persistent stress is evident at all levels, and as a result, Mahathma Gandhi Super Specialty Hospital diagnoses and treats patients by not simply limiting their standards.
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“No one understands Heartbeats better than a CARDIOLOGIST”
Ranked as the Best
We brought about advanced cardiology in Narasaraopet with all the prominence and approaches of various procedures. The hospitals also provide health insurance, and people can get the best deal possible without negotiating. With all the possibilities and probabilities, the Mahathma Gandhi Super Specialty Hospital team has the best doctors in Narasaraopet who are Stroke specialists in Narasaraopet with a high level of diagnosis. The hospital is the best in terms of meeting people’s needs in terms of the cardiological issues that frequently arise.
Get Your Appointment
Call: +91 8647230007
Visit: https://mahathmagandhihospitals.com/service/cardiology/
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mghospital · 2 years
Best Heart Hospitals in Narasaraopet | Mahathma Gandhi Hospitals
Cardiology is a clinical specialty managing the diagnosis and treatment of infections and anomalies including the heart and veins. Cardiology is a clinical, not surgical, discipline. Cardiologists provide the care of patients with cardiovascular illness, performing fundamental investigations of heart capacity and overseeing all parts of treatment, including the organization of medications to adjust heart capacities.
Regardless of whether the cardiologist sees you in the workplace or in the hospital, the person will survey your clinical history and play out an actual assessment which may incorporate checking your blood pressure strain, weight, heart, lungs, and veins. A few issues might be analyzed by your symptoms and the specialist's discoveries when you are inspected. You may require extra tests, for example, an ECG, X-ray, or blood test. Different issues will require more particular testing. Your cardiologist may suggest a way of life changes or medication. Every patient's case is interesting.
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Here Are The Most Basic Conditions Cardiologists Treat:
Atrial Fibrillation This is otherwise called unusual heart rhythm and happens when the bloodstream from the upper chambers to the base shifts with each beat so the heart has issues siphoning blood proficiently to the remainder of the body.
Ventricular Fibrillation One of the riskiest sorts of arrhythmia is ventricular fibrillation. It happens when the heart shudders as opposed to pumping blood, and the circulatory strain falls on the grounds that the heart isn't sending blood enough.
Congenital heart disease Nearly 1% of all infants brought into the world have a heart deformity upon entering the world. Typically, a deformity in the structure of the heart is the reason and restorative measures are important to fix the issues.
Coronary heart disease This condition is a significant reason for disease and demise. Coronary disease alludes to a narrowing of the coronary arteries, which supply oxygen and blood to the heart. This sickness regularly causes angina, windedness, myocardial dead tissue, and coronary episodes.
Congestive heart disease is A persistent progressive condition that influences the capacity of the heart to pump blood successfully. It is regularly alluded to as "cardiovascular breakdown." Congestive coronary illness happens when the ventricles of the heart can't siphon enough blood to the body, in the long run filling blood to top off in the lungs, mid-region, liver, and lower body.
Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the most widely recognized cardiovascular conditions treated by cardiologists consistently.
High Cholesterol is a wax-like substance found in the blood. A specific measure of cholesterol is acceptable in light of the fact that the body needs it to assemble solid cells, yet once those levels get excessively high, you are at an expanded danger of coronary illness.
Pericarditis is the expansion and disturbance of the pericardium, the slender layer that shapes a sac around the muscle of the heart. It can cause sharp, intense agony when the disturbed segments of the pericardium run against one another.
Get Your Appointment: Call: +91 8647230007Visit: https://mahathmagandhihospitals.com/service/cardiology/
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mghospital · 2 years
Leading Advanced Cardiology in Narasaraopet | Mahathma Gandhi Hospitals
Advanced & scientifically based treatments for cardiac disease have always been the hallmark of Mahathma Gandhi Hospitals. Our cardiology department is equipped with a cutting-edge Electrophysiology laboratory for the evaluation & ablation of various types of Arrhythmias.
Why Mahathma Gandhi Hospitals for Cardiology
Mahathma Gandhi Hospitals boasts a number of leading and experienced world-renowned cardiologists, who have immense knowledge in each and every aspect of cardiac care ranging from echocardiography and angiography to progressive clinical research for cardiac rehabilitation, failure of heart & preventive cardiology. We, do offer modern cardiology techniques, drugs, & interventions – making us one of the best cardiology in narasaraopet.
Our aim is to cater to patients with the most comprehensive & advanced cardiology services for the treatment, diagnosis, & prevention of cardiac disease through research, teaching & patient care. Our goal is to top the charts of leading heart hospitals not only in Narasaraopet but also across the world.
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Cardiologists at MGH
Our reputation of being the leading advanced cardiology in narasaraopet is mainly because of the fact that we have the best cardiac specialists who are leaders in the research, implementing new treatments, and drug therapies that aid in improving the quality of patient's life. Additionally, the members of the MGH faculty are experts in the numerous subspecialties that include the field of cardiology, subsuming non-invasive, diagnostic, invasive & therapeutic means of reacting to cardiac problems. With MGH having the best cardiologists in Hyderabad, as well as exceptional infrastructural facilities, we can fairly maintain the title of being the best cardiology hospital in Narasaraopet.
Our Specialty
Forerunner in minimally invasive cardiac surgeries performing a number of cardiac procedures each year
Advanced technology with cutting-edge infrastructure
Pacemaker in Implantations
Exceptional quality care
Excellent treatment 
Remove all your doubts in matters of the heart. Bringing the most innovative cardiac care to you with all our hearts. Get Experts advice now from our senior interventional cardiologist.
Consult Our Doctors Today!
Call: +91 8647230007
Visit: https://mahathmagandhihospitals.com/service/cardiology/
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mghospital · 2 years
Best Cardiologist in Narasaraopet | Mahathma Gandhi Hospitals
In matters of the heart, ours is one of the largest cardiac specialty centers of excellence in India offering comprehensive heart care, diagnostics, and treatment including minimally invasive procedures under one roof.
Our superlative cardiac experts handle the most delicate of cardiac cases across all ages. Their range of treatment expertise includes the entire spectrum of cardiac conditions including congenital heart disease, coronary artery disease, heart rhythm disorders, disorders of heart failure, and valvular disease. Best in their speciality, our team of eminent echo cardiologists, electro physiologists, interventional cardiologists, radiologists, and cardiovascular surgeons are skilled in treating the most challenging of heart conditions including paediatric surgeries even in new born.
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Advanced cardiology in Narasaraopet
The Adult cardiology treatments and services include Coronary angiogram and angioplasty (radial and femoral), Emergency Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI), Complex coronary interventions (Left main, bifurcation, chronic total occlusion, rotaablation), Coronary lesion physiological assessment and imaging (FFR, IVUS, OCT), Electrophysiological Radio Ablation including 3D ablation, Structural heart disease intervention including Transaortic valve implantation, Left Atrial Appendage closures, Balloon Mitral Valvotomy, Balloon pulmonary valvotomy, Adult congenital heart disease interventions including atrial septal defect closure, ventricular septal defect closure, PDA device closures, pulmonary AVM closures, Peripheral angiogram and angioplasty and cardiac device implantation including pacemaker, ICD implantation, and CRT implantation.
The Paediatric Cardiology treatments and services include
Fetal Echocardiogram
Balloon Dilatation of Stenotic Valve in Neonates
Newborns, and Children
Hemodynamic evaluation of Complex Congenital Heart Diseases
Counseling following a diagnosis of congenital heart defects in Neonates
Infants and children
Device closure of abnormal communication such as Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)
Device closure of Septal Defects such as Ventricular Septal Defects (VSD) and Atrial Septal Defects (ASD)
Consult Our Cardiologist Today!
Call: +91 8647230007
Visit: https://mahathmagandhihospitals.com/service/cardiology/
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mghospital · 2 years
Kidney Treatment In Narasaraopet | Mahathma Gandhi Hospitals
Nephrology is a subspecialty of internal medicine and is a kidney medicine. It is related to the diagnosis, treatment, and management of kidney functions and kidney replacement therapy like dialysis and kidney transplantation. Nephrologists are the doctors who offer treatment for systemic conditions that affect kidneys like diabetes and autoimmune disease as well as hypertension and electrolyte disturbances.
The Center for Nephrology and Urology specialised in the treatment of a wide range of diseases influencing the kidney, bladder, urethra, prostrate and male genitalia in all age groups, independent of origin or cause of the disorder. It has mastery in Nephrology like renal biopsies, renal angiography and angioplasty, haemodialysis and endoscopic treatment of prostatic illnesses. The centre is equipped with a cutting-edge haemodialysis and post-transplantation unit. It likewise houses a smooth-running CAPD programme. The kidney specialist in Narasaraopet specialised in offering diagnostic and surgical services, utilising advanced surgical methods to further improve the success rates and minimise the recovery time for the patients. The best kidney hospital in Narasaraopet has one of the top success rates in renal transplantations.
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When to see a nephrologist in Narasaraopet?
Your primary care doctor can help in preventing and treating the early phases of kidney illness. However, once in a while these early phases might not have any signs or may have general symptoms like sleep issues, weakness and changes in the amount you pee.
Your primary care doctor can help in preventing and treating the early phases of kidney illness. However, once in a while these early phases might not have any signs or may have general symptoms like sleep issues, weakness and changes in the amount you pee.
coronary illness
family background of kidney problems
Testing can identify indications to decrease kidney function like a decreasing GFR value or an expansion in the level of albumin in your pee. If your test results demonstrate quick or continuing worsening of kidney function, your doctor might allude you to a nephrologist.
Your doctor may likewise allude you to a nephrologist if you have any of the following:
advanced chronic kidney illness
large amounts of blood or protein in your pee
repeating kidney stones, however, you may likewise have alluded to a urologist for this
hypertension that is still high despite the fact that you're taking meds
rare or inherited reason for kidney disease
Mahathma Gandhi Hospitals is fully equipped with everything that guarantees the patients don't run into intricacies while utilizing our dialysis facilities on site! we have an expert team of specialists who work together in diagnosing and treating all kidney-related conditions. They strive to build relationships with their patients so every case is given the best treatment. Get kidney treatment from best kidney doctor in Narasaraopet
Get Appointment:
Call: +91 8647230007
Visit: https://mahathmagandhihospitals.com/service/nephrology/
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mghospital · 2 years
Acute Kidney Injury Treatment in Narasaraopet | Mahathma Gandhi Hospitals
Acute kidney Injury (AKI) is a sudden decline in the renal filtration function. It can start from minor loss of kidney trouble to complete kidney failure. AKI leads to a build-up of waste products for your blood and makes it tough for your kidneys to hold the right balance of fluid in your body. AKI can also affect other organs which include the mind, heart, and lungs. Patients who are hospitalized and specifically older adults can have the capacity to get acute kidney injury problems and can be treated at Best hospitals for acute kidney disease.
This type of kidney harm is typically visible in old aged people who are ill with different conditions and the kidneys also are affected. Anyone can get AKI. The Common Other matters that could maximize your danger of having AKI encompass:
Being age 65 or above
Having a kidney disease or kidney problem
Having high blood pressure
Having a chronic disease, such as heart disease, liver disease or diabetes
Having peripheral artery disease (a condition that makes it hard for your blood to get to your arms and legs)
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What are the Causes of acute kidney injury?
AKI also can be resulting from a problem with the kidney itself, which includes glomerulonephritis. This can be outcome of a reaction to a few capsules, infections or the liquid dye used in some sorts of X-rays and can be treated by best doctors for aki treatment in narasaraopet.
Being very dehydrated (not having enough fluid for your frame)
Severe hypersensitivity
The coronary heart pumping out much less blood than normal due to coronary heart failure, liver failure or sepsis
problems with the blood vessels – such as inflammation and blockage in the blood vessels within the kidneys (a rare condition called vasculitis).
Not enough blood flowing through your kidneys.
An injury directly to your kidneys or a problem with your kidneys.
An enlarged prostate.
A tumour in the pelvis, such as an ovarian or bladder tumour.
Kidney stones.
How can I prevent acute kidney injury?
Because AKI happens suddenly, it can be hard to predict or prevent it. Depending on the cause of your acute kidney injury, it is important that AKI is found as soon as possible because it can lead to chronic kidney disease, or even kidney failure. It may also lead to heart disease or death. Best Kidney Treatment in Narasaraopet depends on what's causing your illness and how severe it is.
You may need:
To increase your intake of water and other fluids if you're dehydrated
Antibiotics if you have an infection prescribed by best doctors for kidney injury in narasaraopet
To stop taking certain medicines (at least until the problem is sorted)
A urinary catheter, a thin tube used to drain the bladder if there's a blockage 
For Appointment:
Call: +91 8647230007
Visit: https://mahathmagandhihospitals.com
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mghospital · 2 years
Best Nephrology Hospital in Narasaraopet for Kidney Disease Treatment | Mahathma Gandhi Hospitals
Mahathma Gandhi hospital is one of the best Super specialty hospitals in Narasaraopet where we have accumulated solutions for various health issues with the best professional team for each medical sector. Whether you are struggling with a kidney disorder or seeking a kidney specialist, Mahathma Gandhi hospital is the only solution for your search. 
What does a Nephrologist do?
The nephrologist is the kidney specialist. He works in the hospital and is responsible for the medical aspect, but not the surgery (it is the urologist who performs the surgeries on the kidneys or the urinary tract). For this, he performs numerous medical procedures. first, he questions his patient, in particular, to obtain information on any family or medical history:
he performs a rigorous clinical examination
he may perform or order examinations, such as an ultrasound of the kidneys and urinary tract, a CT scan, a renal biopsy
he follows dialysis patients, takes care of the post-operative consequences of a kidney transplant
he also prescribed drug treatments and offered dietary advice
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  When should you consult a nephrologist?
You should consult a nephrologist for all pathologies affecting the kidneys:
acute or chronic renal failure (CRF)
renal colic
presence in the urine of blood (hematuria)
hematuria (presence of blood in the urine)
nephritic syndrome
glomerulonephritis or repeated urinary tract infections.
Some people are at greater risk for kidney disease. Here are some factors are known to increase risk:
high blood pressure
Collaborating with other specialists as appropriate (resuscitators, cardiologists, diabetologists, etc.), the nephrologist then takes charge of these diseases. Based on examinations to refine his diagnosis, he can prescribe medications, recommend an appropriate diet, and follow dialysis or transplant patients. Pace Hospitals has excellent nephrology and dialysis (hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis) services, which combine medical competence and patient support, including dietetic support, which is essential in cases of Chronic renal failure (CRF).
For more details
Call: 08647230007
Visit: https://mahathmagandhihospitals.com/contact-us/
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mghospital · 2 years
Kidney Health Secrets That You Should Know | Mahathma Gandhi Hospitals
Kidney stones are rigid deposits that are made up of minerals and salts found within the kidney or urinary tract. They are formed when there is a decrease in urine volume and/or an excessive amount of stone-forming substances in the urine. 
The highest risk factor for kidney stone formation is Dehydration which has to be treated at the Best hospitals for kidney stones in narasaraopet kidney stone symptoms are: 
flank pain and blood in the urine (hematuria). People suffering from certain medical conditions like gout, and those who take certain medications or supplements are at risk for kidney stones. Stone is also formed due to diet and hereditary factors.
Some Kidney health secrets that you should know
1. To much water can also be harmful to kidney2. An intense workout is harmful to the kidney3. Regular weakness is also a sign of kidney disease4. Meditation can control your high blood pressure
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Why kidney stones can be a problem?
Sometimes stones pass from the kidney into the ureters and don’t always abide in the kidney. Ureters are tiny and sensitive, and the stones may be too large to go smoothly down the ureter to the bladder.
The passage of stones down the ureter can lead to spasms and irritation of the ureters. This results in blood appearing in the urine.
Sometimes the flow of urine is blocked by these stones. This is called a urinary obstruction. Urinary obstructions can result in kidney infection and kidney damage.
Based on a variety of factors including the location and the size of the stones, treatment for kidney stones in narasaraopet should be tailored to the individual patient by the Best doctors for kidney stones in narasaraopet.
We provide a comprehensive approach for patients suffering from kidney stones that not only includes the latest technology available for treatment but also includes the prevention of stone formation. 
Contact Us:
Call: +91 8647230007
Visit: https://mahathmagandhihospitals.com/service/nephrology/
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mghospital · 2 years
Pulmonologist in Narasaraopet | Mahathma Gandhi Hospitals
Pulmonology is the branch of medicine that focuses on the respiratory system with a subspecialty of Internal medicine.
Specialist in Pulmonology is known as pulmonologists. Doctors who deal with the diseases of children’s lungs are pediatric pulmonologists. The entire respiratory system-related disease treatment comes under this discipline. Pulmonology is also part of intensive care medicine that involves providing ventilation to patients who need them.
A person should go to the best pulmonologists in Narasaraopet if he/she has an undiagnosed respiratory disease.
You can see a pulmonologist at pulmonologist in Narasaraopet if you have the following: :
Chronic cough.
Shortness of breath.
Chest pain.
Mucus production.
Coughing up blood.
Breathing problems.
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Conditions pulmonologists treat include:
Asthma: a condition where the person’s airways turnouts to be inflamed, narrow, and swollen producing extra mucus which makes it difficult to breathe. Consult a pulmonology specialist for asthma treatment in Narasaraopet.
Bronchiectasis: a condition that involves inflammation and excess mucous secretion.
Bronchitis: It happens when a person has an inflamed lower airway in the lungs. Consult a pulmonology specialist in Narasaraopet and get the best lung disease treatment.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Lungs airflow blockage causes this disorder.
Emphysema: It happens due to damaged alveoli in the lungs.
Interstitial Lung Disease: This affects your tissue and space in the lung.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea: It slows down or stops your breathing during sleep. The human body can catch occupational disease due to inhalation of dusty air and chemicals.
Pulmonologists at best hospitals in Narasaraopet will use and interpret exams and tests to verify a lung-related diagnosis. These could include the following:
CT Scans: it induces elaborated pictures of the bones, muscles, fat, organs, and blood vessels in your chest.
Chest radiology: In this test, an X-ray takes a look to check how well your lungs are functioning
Chest Ultrasound: This will help to look at the organs and different chest structures.
Pleural Biopsy: It is used to get rid of the small tissue sample from the Pleura, it is a membrane that surrounds your lungs.
Pulmonary: It is a test of respiration to examine how well your lungs are operating.
Pulse Oximetry Test: This is an assessment of the saturation level in your blood.
If the condition of the respiratory organ is severe then a pulmonologist refers you to a surgeon for further procedures.
Mahathma Gandhi Hospital has the best pulmonologist with decades of experience. They are dedicated and efficient in treating the patient’s conditions. We have advanced facilities with excellent diagnoses and affordable costs for lung disorders in Andhra Pradesh. We provide comprehensive care for all our patients and make them breathe freely.
Consult Dr. G. Jayabarath Reddy for the best Pulmonology in Narasaraopet. 
For More Info:
Call: +91 8647230007
Visit: https://mahathmagandhihospitals.com/service/pulmonology/
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