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Top Cardiac Hospitals in Bangalore are equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure and experienced cardiologists to ensure the wellbeing of your heart.
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Dr. Bhaba Nanda Das Preserving and Improving Heart Health in India
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Dr. Bhaba Nanda Das is one of India’s most famous cardiac surgeons. He was the first person to perform beating heart surgery in India. Dr. Das is presently working as the Chief Cardiac Surgeon (CTVS) at Apollo Indraprastha Hospital, Delhi. He has about 30 years of experience in this area of expertise.
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sps06 · 6 years
Best Cardiac Surgery Hospital in Punjab | SPS Hospitals Ludhiana
SPS Hospitals Ludhiana is recognised as one of the Best Cardiac Surgery Hospital in Punjab.  Why Choose SPS Centre of Heart Sciences for your Heart Care?
The Centre of Heart Sciences at SPS Hospitals provide State-of-the-art treatment for Cardiovascular Disease and also offers a range of programs and unmatched services designed to support our community’s cardiovascular health and empower people to live active and healthy.
No other hospital in the region offers robust programs in diagnostic and interventional cardiology as well as cardiac electrophysiology together with prevention and rehabilitation.Our full-service diagnostic cardiology suite has state-of-the-art tools for non-invasive cardiac testing, including echocardiograms, EKGs, stress tests, Holter monitors, and nuclear medicine.
In the cardiac catheterization laboratory, our interventional cardiologists specialize in minimally invasive approaches to diagnosing and treating heart disease and heart attack. Cardiac electrophysiologists diagnose heart rhythm abnormalities and implant cardiac devices to help regulate the heart’s electrical impulses. Although diagnosis and appropriate intervention save many patients’ lives, they go hand in hand with The Heart Center’s prevention and education programs. The cardiac risk reduction program takes a multidisciplinary approach toward identifying and reducing individuals’ risk factors for cardiovascular disease. And our cardiopulmonary rehabilitation program can help ensure meaningful recovery from an adverse cardiac event as well as long-term prevention of future cardiovascular problems.Our cardiac catheterization laboratory (known as the “cath lab”) is the site of life-saving heart attack treatment as well as a variety of other interventional and diagnostic procedures. Meet with our Top Surgeons here! http://spshospitals.com
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sps06 · 6 years
Best Cardiac Surgery Hospital in Punjab | SPS Hopitals Ludhiana
SPS Hospitals Ludhiana is one of the Best Cardiac Surgery Hospital in Punjab.
High risk cases done by Dr Manoj Aggny in the initial years of cardiac surgical practice in Mumbai after return to India:
Complex coronary cases:
CABG - coronary artery bypass grafting - operation to bypass blocks in the arteries of the heart .  Thus, give more blood supply to the heart muscle, give relief from chest pain and/or breathlessness, decrease in a huge manner the chances of an heart  attack in the future and thus improve life survival.   The connotation " x 3" or " x 4"  would indicate the number of arteries bypassed.
MI -       Myocardial infarction or in layman's language a "heart attack". 1.  CABG x 3, on IABP (Intra aortic ballon pump) –   2 patients:  a 53 yrs old gentleman  & a 47  yrs old gentleman.  Both had severe triple vessel CAD - coronary artery disease (blocks in all the three main arteries of the heart) and critically depressed left ventricular  function ( severely decreased strength of the main pump in the heart).  EF = 15%.    Normal value: More than 60%.
             Postoperative  echocardiogram :  Pt 1.      EF – 30%  and doing great 7 yrs after surgery.                                                                                                Pt 2.      EF – 25%  and doing fine 5 yrs after surgery.
2.  CABG x 3 and Mitral Valve Repair in a 48 yrs old executive for severe Grade IV  Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation (MR)  ( severely leaking heart valve after a heart attack ) due to recent heart attack (MI). Postoperative  echocardiogram  : Trace MR. No complaints at 6 yrs follow up.
        3.   CABG X 3, in a 64 yrs old man with triple vessel disease, severe COPD (FEV1-0.8) and                        severe anemia (Hb -8g%).  Follow up 5 yrs later doing good.
    4.   Emergency CABG x 3 - 45 yr old MTNL employee, completely occluded LAD, D1, D2 & RCA             with fresh thrombi, 90% Cx lesion and had been thrombolysed unsuccessfully.                                 Discharged home on postoperative day 7.  At 6 yrs follow up: doing good.
    5.   Emergency CABG x 3 within hours of completion of coronary angiogram in a 40 yr old                       man with a negative Stress test and a 95% Left main stenosis on coronary angiogram.                           Climbed a flight of stairs on postop day 3. Discharged  home postoperative day 5.              At 5 yrs Followup: doing fine.
    6.   CABG x3 in a 64 yr old IDDM patient  with TVD, Recent MI, Leriche’s   syndrome,    Diabetic             nephropathy and Gangrenous left foot.   Underwent a vascular procedure uneventfully a             week later. At 6 yrs followup: stable and good.
    7.   Emergency CABG x 3….80 yrs old patient, Lt. main CAD, LVF, on ventilator,             status post thrombolysis 12 hours ago…….Discharged on day 10 and doing great on 6             yearly  follow-up visit.
    8.   CABG x3 in a blind 64 yr old IDDM patient from Nairobi, with TVD,  Hypertensive   Pulmonary             edema, Bilateral Iliofemoral blocks,     Diabetic retinopathy and Gangrenous  feet.  Extubated              5 hrs post-op. 4 yrs follow up: Doing fine.    
Complex Adult Valvular cases:
   9.   Aortic valve replacement, extensive dealcification and  aortoplasty for fragile aorta in a                       40 yrs old, 40 kg lady with  severe calcific bicuspid aortic stenosis & a small            aortic root :  19mm.    Preoperative near systemic PASP: 82 mm Hg, EF = 20%  and Peak            Gradient  across Aortic valve – 175.  Postopertive echocardiogram: EF – 45% and PASP – 29            mm Hg.     Follow up: doing great 6 yrs later.
  10.  MVR and Tricuspid annuloplasty in a 40 yr old lady with Severe Mitral Insufficiency,                          severe Tricuspid Insufficiency and suprasystemic PH – PASP 102 mmHg.              Sildenafil (Viagra)  postoperative for  recalcitrant PH. On last echo: PASP-35, excellent            prosthetic valve function, No TR.            Completed her seventh anniversary a few days ago.
   11.   71 yrs old, 100% LAD, 19mm Aortic calcific annulus …..Root enlargement + AVR  (Mosaic) +             CABG. Smooth uneventful postoperative recovery.              At 5 yr: followup:  doing great.
     12.  AVR with a large valve…27 mm in a 23 yrs old, 185 cms tall, Engineering student,             with  a  28 mm vegetation on the aortic valve despite 6 wks of antibiotics. Discharged                home  day 7 and on 5  yrs follow up asymptomatic.  
   13.   AVR in a 28 yrs old young man with severe aortic regurgitation and poor LV function –                         EF= 25 %. Smooth recovery and discharge on postop day 6.  Sadly died 6 months  later with             RVD.              
   14.   MVR in a 34 yrs old man with a 7.5 cms LA clot completely adherent to Lt.Atrium.               At 4 yrs follow up: doing fine.
   15.  MVR with TA in 6 patients with Aneurysmal LA: 8 - 10 cms:  3 in Jan’08 and 2 in  Dec’07 and 1            in Sept’08.  All discharged home 5 - 8 days postoperatively and doing fine at 4 -5 yrs follow up.
Pediatric cases – complex congenital.
16.      Clearance of tight Right Ventricular Outflow Tract obstruction,14 yr old girl - From                
            Hegar size 6 to Hegar size 18.  She had a Double chambered right ventricle – DCRV -                             a rare entity. RV proximal chamber pressure – 225mmHg.                 Arguably, highest recorded, in history.               Postoperative echocardiogram: RVSP – 60 mm Hg. Doing great 6 yrs later.
   17.  Intraventricular Tunnel Repair and Pulmonary volvotomy in a 8 yr old girl with Double                      outlet Right ventricle (DORV),doubly commited VSD and Pulmonic stenosis.             Postopertive echocardiogram: Successful VSD channeling to aorta, no residual vsd or                           RVOTO.   Fine on 6 yrs follow up.
    18.  Total correction done in a 16 yr old boy from Gujurat, with a complex congenital disease          -             Partial AV Canal, persistent Lt. SVC, Cleft mitral, Pulmonic stenosis and RV pressure  of              140 mmHg.  Preop O2 sat – 66.  Postop O2 sat – 99.               Asymptomatic on 3 yrs follow up.
 19.    Excision of Subaortic membrane,VSD closure and PDA ligation in a 6 yr old              boy with Downs syndrome. Both, VSD closure and membrane excision done via right              atrium.  No LVOTO or  residual shunt on last echo done 4 months postop.  At 4 yrs follow up             doing good.
  20.  Triple transfixation and Clipping in a 7 yr old girl with a Hypertensive Patent Ductus                            Arteriosus, PAP– 125/60 (normal – 25/10).  Post op PAP 45/15.              At 5 yrs follow up: doing fine.
Rare Infective case:
  21.  Excision of an Intracardiac mass in the RA, RV and completely occluding the IVC (with                    multiple liver abscesses) under circulatory arrest in a 49 yr old senior ONGC executive.              Postoperative echocrdiogram:  complete removal of the mass.
Medical tourism cases - operations successfully performed on patients from USA, UK, Dubai, Nigeria, Kenya, Iraq and Yemen:
CABG + MV Repair in a 58 yr old pt from Yemen admitted in cardiogenic shock due to recent ACS (IWMI) and severe MR.Discharged day 8.
CABG x3 in a 64 yr old IDDM patient from NJ, USA with TVD, Recent MI, Leriche’s syndrome,Diabetic Nephropathy and Gangrenous left foot. Underwent a vascular procedure uneventfully a week later. 6 yrs F/U: good.
CABG x3 in a blind 64 yr old IDDM patient from Nairobi, with TVD, Hypertensive Pulmonary edema, Bilateral Iliofemoral blocks, Diabetic retinopathy and Gangrenous feet.  Extubated 5 hrs post-op. 6 yrs F/U: Doing fine.
CABG X 3 in a 55 yr old gentleman with severe CAD, HTN,  DM. Discharged on postoperative day 8 and flew to Iraq a week later. Doing well 9 months later (telephonic consult via an interpreter).
AVR in a 84 yr old arab lady from UAE.  She had severe Aortic Stenosis, G6PD deficiency, severe Anemia (Hb 7.8g%), COPD and CRF (Sr Creatinine – 2.9 mg ).  Discharged day 6 and flew to Dubai on postoperative day 12.  Doing well on 8 weeks follow-up.
For more Info, Get in Touch with us here! http://spshospitals.com/cardic-overview
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sps06 · 6 years
Best Cardiac Surgery Hospital in Punjab | SPS Hospitals Ludhiana
SPS Hospitals Ludhiana is one of the Best Cardiac Surgery Hospital in Punjab.
Various Interventional Cardiology services offered at SPS Hospitals Ludhiana include:
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR)
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angiography (PTCA)
Directional coronary atherectomy
Heart catheterization
Cardiac stenting, including carotid artery stenting with distal protection
Abdominal aortic aneurysm graft stenting
Peripheral arteriograms and interventions
Vascular access site closure
Intravascular ultrasound
Thrombectomy to remove blood clots
Structural heart repair, including minimally invasive valvuloplasty. Get in touch with us here for more Info! http://spshospitals.com/cardic-overview
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