#besties at first sight ur honor
raggedyhive · 2 years
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we've been thinking and come to the conclusion that Diatrice and Imogen should meet
(Pose credit @/closet_06)
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awkwardtortilla · 2 years
Oh- ok bestie! Sure! Thank btw you’re all those things and more bc WOW this is my first request. Aight here we go :D
Playing with Camilo’s hair hcs
Ohohoho this is gonna be funnnn
So firstly, this probably goes without saying but sweet jebus Camilo loves loves LOVES it when you play with his hair
So let’s say you’re sitting on a chair or couch or whatever and he’s chilling on the ground between your legs while you guys watch a movie or show and suddenly, just bc it looks so fluffy, you reach out and let his hair
First time you do it he tilts his head all the way back to look quizzically at you and you apologize but he’s like “no no no- do it again”
And you do and he sighs happily and puts his head back down. As you get more comfortable with it and roam your fingers across his scalp and lightly tug at the soft curls he dam near starts purring
And when you do the gentle little scratchy thing on his scalp????
To where?
Camilo might actually purr
His body oozes with pleasure. I’m talkin shoulders slumping, muscles relaxing, he probably goes kinda dead-weight. When he relaxes his neck his head kinda flops either to the side or backward. So either into your lap or against your knee or thigh.
He can be pretty vocal about it too, like a heavy but content sigh, or really long hum, or praises
Ooo and when you play with his hair just the right way it’s all of the above. Camilo just- he l o v e s when you play with his hair.
I mean it’s a sacred thing ofc, this is Camilo Madrigal we’re talking about, but he trusts you and loves you so do whatever you want with his hair! :D
Although, as heavenly as all this sounds, there is a matter of the knots you will undoubtedly come across. Holy cripe they can be awful. But if you’re handling them it’s all good bc you do them gently. And if you accidentally pull a little too hard it’s very quickly forgiven and forgotten bc you make up for it with kisses.
It’s also fun to put Camilo’s hair up in buns, braids, etc… if you’re up for a challenge. As soft as his curls are they are STUBBORN AF. So it might be a little bit of a workout but he looks so GODDAMN C U T E with his little floof-bun sitting on the top of his head the sweat was 100% worth it.
Space buns on Camilo look like mouse ears no matter where you put them and it’s gotta be the cutest thing you’ve ever had the honor of laying eyes on. Seriously it’s so wholesome and pure you don’t think you’re worthy of such a sight
But then he takes them out bc he wants you to keep playing with his hair :)
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arosebyan0thername · 2 years
im currently hyperficated on other people's ocs. please tell me abt ur ocs 🦉🐔
Hi! I have no idea when you sent this as I’ve been talking about my book on here for a while, but I am happy to oblige, whether or not you are still interested!
So! First is Ella my heart and soul, and honestly kind of a doozy to write about. She’s trans but she spends a lot of the book not out to the people in her life, especially her family, so she’s deadnamed a lot and misgendered even more, which sucks, but the narration will never ever do it. True to the cinderella trope, she’s very nice and sweet and very very very strong and brave. She doesn’t have the typical cinderella story father figure to teach her values, though, she just knows that that is how the world should be. She is doubted by a lot of people and overcoming that and the self-doubt it leads to is a big struggle, but she gets shit the fuck done, don’t you worry. Animals aren’t quite as big a deal with her, she doesn’t have any mice friends or anything, but she does care about animals and the environment more than the average person and it does help her. She’s pretty naive because of the way she was raised (although she has, of course, Seen Some Shit), but very quick to pick up on things, and she adjusts pretty well. I really cannot give a lot about her away without spoiling things, because most of her personality comes from her particular backstory and much of that isn’t revealed until later on.
Ian is my good good boy. He’s the younger of the two princes but first in line for the throne (more on that later), and he is very proud of his role and eager to become king and clean up the messes his country is still dealing with from his shitty grandmother. He is also very proud and defensive of his older brother (not that andrew has much trouble defending himself, physically or verbally). He meets Ella when she’s at a low point in her already troubled life. He is in fact a straight man, so with her not yet out and certainly not passing, it’s not love at first sight, but he does immediately want to help because, again, good good boy. He’s the kind of royalty who knows the names of every single member of the castle staff and he treats them with kindness and respect (I do not endorse monarchies irl but this is a book with magical fairies so I get to make the rules here). His love language is 100% acts of service, which I love for him as the future king, and, once they get there (it’s a slow burn for sure), he practically worships the ground Ella walks on (but in a healthy way. eventually). One of the first things to really draw him to her is that she’s very outspoken about her disapproval of the former queen (aforementioned shitty grandmother) in a way which he just doesn’t normally get to hear. She’s very open and earnest, but not just hostile for the sake of it, you know? Like she actually has opinions and reasoning and isn’t just “fuck queen genevieve because I said so.” She’s also open about her opinions of the current royal family in a way he never ever hears, since she doesn’t know he’s the prince right away. I’ll be honest, most of Ian’s characterization revolves around Ella, he’s almost kind of a mary sue. He does have flaws he’ll address tho don’t worry.
Andrew is maybe my favorite possibly, he’s very great. He’s the colonel fitzwilliam to Ella’s lizzy bennett, they’re absolute besties and I can’t get enough of it. I’m in fact very very defensive of their relationship and its platonicness, and I know i cannot avoid people shipping them but I need it to be very clear that that is distinctly not my intention. They’re very very close, definitely at least almost as close as she and Ian, but like andrew is ella’s man of honor at she and Ian’s wedding, you know? And anyway, he’s gay and she’s a woman so you can’t really ship them without invalidating at least one of them. They spend a few days pretty much alone together when ella first gets to the castle and she really just opens up to him right away; there are things she feels more comfortable telling andrew than ian, and she’s known Ian longer and also is in love with him. Being the older brother, it is his divine right and duty to bully the hell out of Ian, but in a way that they both always know is just joking - he knows very well how to not take things too far. He and Ella actually frequently tag team and just shit on ian relentlessly (bur affectionately, of course), it’s great. He’s also not at all afraid to actually call ian out on his bullshit in ways that no one, not even their father or ella will do. He doesn’t do it in a mean way, but a very flat out and honest way, without sugar-coating. if ian is in the wrong, andrew will tell him “you are wrong and you have to stop.” The position of royal heir was taken from andrew by force, but he grew to learn that he would not want it anyway. He sees how hard it is to have political power and not become corrupt or let it completely break who you are as a person and he wants nothing to do with that; he could never take himself seriously and would never want the pressure of an entire country’s fate on his shoulders (although he would be good at it and he frequently acts as advisor to his father, and later his brother). He is very very proud of his brother, though, and has absolute confidence that Ian will be the best king their country has ever seen.
Madame Louise Bouchard would have been on Dance Moms for sure, and honestly that’s an understatement. I also can’t say much about her without spoilers bc she’s the main antagonist and the driving force for most of the plot, but i do think dance moms sums a lot of it up. She would definitely be a republican; she’s for sure homophobic and transphobic but honestly that’s not even why she’s so awful to ella, shes just a horrible person all around. She has two daughters (who I genuinely have not given enough thought to yet to warrant their own section), Vivienne and Camille, and she loves the image of them :) she loves when people think she’s a good mom :) does she love her daughters? :) good question :) she is a single widow and she does everything she can to make sure she and her daughters have enough money to look good and be seen in high society. She grew up with money and honestly her parents were pretty good to her so idk how she came out the way she did but sometimes people just suck and there’s no reason and thats like,, a major moral of the story. Her husband was like a minor politician iirc?? idk i wrote his backstory a while ago, but he also moved in high society until he mysteriously died of being poisoned disease but that’s never confirmed. and her daughters do love and trust her and follow her lead, not questioning why shes so awful to ella and instead playing along, as they grow up and far past the age where they should be able to recognize basic morality. Like i said I’m not sure of a lot of their specifics bc they haven’t come into any of the parts ive written yet, but basically they have draco malfoy syndrome very bad. Louise also does everything in her power to hide how she treats ella from the public so as not to besmirch the buchard image, but that relationship is very complicated and, again, half of the plot.
Queen Genevieve isn’t even alive by the time the story takes place so there’s not a lot to say about her, other than that she was a bigot and a colonizer and pretty much everyone in the country, regardless of general political views, hated her. She caused a lot of really bad things and also stirred up a lot of distrust in the royal family.
I don’t think I’ve given the king a name yet, but he’s. he tries. He’s not the very best father on account of having been raised by genevieve who was awful, and also having to spend so much time and effort making up for the shitstorm she left the country with when she died, but he does truly love his sons and he wants them to be happy and successful. He’s not a bigot but he’s not exactly like, fresh with the times, either, so some things are a little bit of a battle to get him to accept and be normal about. he’s generally fairly liked, although a lot of people think he’s maybe a bit too much of a pushover, overcorrecting from his mom. He's not an A+ dad, more like a B average probably.
There will be a few more principle characters who I know the general idea of but haven't actually started writing yet (ella has a handmaid, who I've been referring to as Tiffany for the time being, and she's very sweet and 100% rooting for ella and Ian endgame), but those are like the main main cast. Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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coolmyfireyearning · 2 years
my life has been... hm idk know how to describe.
i didnt write anything last week because why yah? did i write something? i forgot. i kinda regret it tho bcs the euphoria has slowly gone but im gonna write it anyway.
last week was my friend's wedding, which was my first time to be a bridesmaid. it was such an honor, honestly. and i would say, it was one of the best day i've ever had. well partly because of the wedding, but mostly is about our its-been-so-long-i havent-met-my-uni-friends-because of-work at PIM with A and D. they're my closest friend right now (i could say) since uni. and actually that was our first time hanging out just 3 of us. I LOVED IT. and skywalk foodcourt is the best spot for nongki-nongki and catch up with friend i tell you! we could see the sunset with the wind breeze with pondok indah's view in sight with ur bestie is the best thing ever, and dont forget to order food with GoFood pick-up so you can get the food with best deal.
we were so tired being a bridesmaid since morning wearing makeup and high heels all day long, outdoors, and the day was so hot it drains our energy. but so happy cz i met my frriends and my makeup was good (i think) anndddd yeaaa im happy.
the best part was when we were laughing so hard at the taxi i could feel the driver listening to us but idk whether he's annoyed or hold the laugh. BUT REALLY THAT WAS THE BEST TIME EVER. we laugh until we have batuk2 dahak AHHHHH THE BEST. i love em so much. at the point i confessed that i have a big big big crush on my cousin to them and I KNOW that is really a normal thing.
i am just so grateful. and i'm not gonna take it for granted.
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