#beta Haily on it
hannathecartoonlover · 4 months
So today is a important day it’s my ✨birthday✨ As is tradition I make a art piece to celebrate But today is a lot more special
You see I have learnt so much in this year through the beginning of school and who I am
To the people who hurt me and betrayed me or to the people who came into my life and gave me support
Such as my cartoon characters without these characters from these shows that taught me
Like wander who taught me to help anyone no matter who are where they come from or to moon girl who taught me I am intelligent in my own ways
To skid and pump who taught me I’m not alone in my weirdness
But to all of my friends who made me keep going no matter what I was going through in my life
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Either them real or being cartoons these people and characters taught me so much and I will never stop being me
Thank you all for the love and support of my art …
Everyone keep going
And repost this to send the message that none of us are alone
Even if life gives us pain I believe it is followed by love and forgiveness
Don’t give up
Do what I did learn something new, make a new friend, join a club do anything all of us together have purpose and a destiny in our lives so go out there AND CHANGE THIS WORLD
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educationalporpoises · 9 months
4, 20, and 24 for fanfic writing asks <3
4. Link your three favorite fics right now hmmm this is difficult... three fics I come back to quite often are To Be Played At Maximum Volume by churchkey (winnix, 80k, it's about love and coming out and also there's bikes) the most remarkable thing by greatunironic ... if you use mountain goats lyrics in your title it's a surefire way to get me to read. (steddie, 35k) There's a theme here that I love fics with music and bands lol Haili Cetare by independent_variable. love and family and food and self-determination I do not have a favorite fic they are all my favorite! I read a lot of older fic and also read for a wider variety of fandoms than I'm actually involved in so there's a lot of diversity. 20. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process? The part I like about fanfiction that separates it from just writing original fiction is trying to figure out characterization-- how does a character change in an AU? What's a character thinking and feeling during this moment in canon? That's the magic of fanfiction for me, the ability to see and write beyond what was originally presented to you. Also I love the collaborative nature! I love being a beta reader, I love ask snippets and exchange fests and big bangs, I love commenting and receiving comments. It's a community!
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write? There's pretty little I don't even want to hear about-- my friends in fandom have different taste from me. That said, two tropes I rarely read and I don't think I'd ever write are age difference and x-reader. I'll read it if it's written by friends or mutuals but it's not stuff I seek out. Also not a big fan of horror or gore.
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naramun-frost · 4 years
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It’s been exactly TWO (2) months since I’ve drawn Karkat by himself and that’s a crime that must be rectified. I also wanted to try something with the lineart
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amethystpath-writes · 4 years
Favorite TV shows? Movies? Books?
I need more content lol
Oh honey. You've just doomed yourself and everyone who follows me. Anything in colour is the main focus. I put descriptions with everything in white :)
Television shows (honestly don't watch very many but here we go)-
Vampire Diaries (I started watching as a joke but it's actually very good.)
V-Wars [Netflix]
The 100 (I personally wasn't very into this show but my ex best friend loooved it.
Um, I haven't watched any other shows to be honest.
Great British Baking Show?
Movies (get ready for an onslaught)-
Hellboy II (don't bother watching the first one) [paranormal creatures, very cool]
Underworld franchise (for mature audiences because there are some unnecessary scenes. also very gorey) [vampires and lycans/werewolves]
Queen of the Damned (this one might be R rated, too, but I'm not sure) [vampires]
Narnia [based off a book series by an idol. fantasy creatures- centaurs, minotaurs, witches, talking lions, talking beavers, yada yada yada.]
Pirates of the Caribbean [pirates, ye know? Also skeletons and fish people]
Harry Potter [witches/wizards, merpeople, good v evil, cool stuff, fantastic beasts 😉]
I probably don't need to tell you what half of these are, but just in case, I do :)
Alita the Battle Angel (or something similar) [robot lady with big eyes. Kicks butt.]
Ready Player One [based off a book. Most of these probably are tbh. Futuristic. Virtual reality- go- real reality I believe. Produced/directed by Steven Spielburg so you know it's good.]
Transformers franchise [epic vehicular alien robots that kick butt as well. Highly recommend these. Please watch. Also Spielburg or however you spell his name.]
Spiderwick [based off a Holly Black children series I read when I was a little tot. Awesome movie, I loved it and still do. Many fantasy creatures- griffin, goblins, trolls, a little house elf thing, hobgoblins because those are a thing (voiced by Seth Rogen btw) Also the twins are one actor and it's the guy that plays as The Good Doctor on a television series.]
Hobbit and LOTR [based off the books my absolute idol wrote years and years before I was even born. Hobbits- aka mini humans- dwarves, wizards, elves, orcs, goblins, a shapeshifter, a dragon. Also a little demon looking thing that's obsessed with this supposedly special ring- played by Andy Serkis. Lots of kinship and teamwork. Character development, woot woot!]
The Greatest Showman [best musical movie ever. Even if you hate musicals, you'd love this movie. I say that as someone who dislikes musicals. Hugh Jackman, Zac Effron, Zendaya, Rebecca Ferguson, alllll of the actors- even the extras- GLORIOUS.]
Okay, I'll stop.
Books (I've been working on this ask for like 20 minutes.)
The Remnant Chronicles (Mary E. Pearson) [Medievalish setting but it actually takes place in the future as she has said when asked! Amaaaazing villain in the second and third book. The Komizar is just- holy crap. He's haunted me since I read the trilogy. Kaden (an assassin) is a babe and I love him- he's better than Rafe (a prince), don't fight me. Lia (a princess) is a strong female lead who is extremely determined and strong.]
Pretty much anything by Sarah J. Maas (A Court of Thorns and Roses) (Throne of Glass- have only read the first book and started the second but I love it. Assassins, princes, evil kings, competitions, magic, political affairs. Amazing.)
White Crow (can't remember the author- maybe Mark something idkkk- but it's a single novel worth reading once. Very mysterious. Modern day and diary entries from another character alive in the...probably 1800s.)
The Devouring (also forget the author. Single novel. Kind of a thriller/horror.)
The Unfortunate Son (forget the author omg. Novel. Worth a read once. Pirates. White fisherboy sold into slavery in some distant land- interesting interactions between character and master- pretty sure there's a bird involved, too.)
The Witcher Series (by a name I can't even begin to spell or pronounce. If you look it up, you'll know it right away. One of the books is called Blood of Elves (this is the first book of the series), The Last Witcher- I believe. I played the third videogame of it and decided to start reading it- love it.)
The Devil in the White City (by Erik Larson. Actually a nonfiction story about an architect and a serial killer in Chicago, Illinois, 1890's told in a fictional way. Very neat way to tell a real story. Highly recommend.)
@silverwhisperer1 <- I have only gotten to beta read one of her books, but I love her writing style. The book I read was about pirates and I ADORED it. She has a pirate story already published called Hailie Storm, I believe. On Amazon, go check it out!!
We were Liars (forget the author, of course. Modern story. Veryyy confusing at first because of there being a large family. Don't worry, there's a family tree, and as you read you'll get the hang of it. No worries at all. MASSIVE PLOT TWIST THAT MADE ME BAWL MY EYES OUT IN CLASS. read it. Please. Even if it doesn't sound interesting, just pick it up. Literally one of the best books ever.)
Okay, I'm here if you need/want more :)))
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