#bethyl beta reader
rose-andthe-thorn · 5 months
Looking for Beta Reader
Hello everyone!
I am looking for a beta reader for my story No Good Dixon Boy. Only one chapter is up now (another hopefully following today) and noticed some inconsistencies in wording and grammatical errors despite having read it several times over.
I have up to chapter 10 planned out and am looking for someone long term, willing to collaborate with ideas, and point out if anyone seems a bit out of character.
Please message me if interested!
Thank you all!
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majicmarker · 4 years
i just want to say, love hearing about your book! i’ve always loved your fics so it’s just really neat to see what you’re doing beyond that. do you have anyone who’s reading it atm?? i know you’ve been fairly open about it, but i’m curious about a reader’s insight into what we can expect to see from you! (also curious about your beta reader process tbh)
tysm, nonny!! 💛💛
well, first thing — i don’t generally use a beta reader. i edit my fics on a “needs must” basis when i reread them. usually i only have a couple typos to fix up, so it’s not something that tends to bother me immediately when i post. there have been occasions wherein i want a second opinion, but that’s what @mygutsforgarters is here for and she KNOWS IT. (prior to writing bethyl/various crackships, tho, i was more concerned with quantity over quality, but that’s a whole other ~discussion.)
in that vein... yes, there are a couple people with whom i’ve shared the complete drafted doc (upwards of 30k now, *jvn voice* can you believe??). most of them have quite a lot on their plates and i’m not in any rush, anyway, so they’ll get back to me when they can. mostly i shared it with them bc i love them and i think they’ll enjoy it, and i want to give them something to read while i lag a bit on my fics (😬😬).
otherwise tbh you can always @ gus about it, she goes wild for this shit bc she’s like obsessed with me or smthn ¯\_(😎)_/¯ which might call her taste into question, it’s true, but she’s my biggest cheerleader and also we have very similar schedules, so it works out logistically as well as emotionally.
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