#betrayus x grace
anti-cosmofangirl · 7 years
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My old Betrayus and Grace stuff is gold I will have you know
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anti-cosmofangirl · 8 years
So Kind of A Bace fic
Betrayus and (ghost)Grace. I know OC fics are usually frowned upon- but I just had to write it and I haven’t posted anything pmagta related in a billion years. 
Semi WIP- 2100 words, OC origin-ish story
“Can’t you two see… that you’re in LOVE with each other?”- Kramer
He leaned back in the chair, rolling his head around his shoulders, grunting at the stiffness in his ectoplasmic joints.
His hand rested a moment above his lukewarm tea before finally deciding against it, a sigh escaping his lips as he pulled the flask of whiskey out from the bottom drawer of his desk.
               He took a thoughtful swig,   the door opening as Buttler entered with a new tray of tea.
The older man frowned at the alcohol.
“You have no patience, Betrayus,” He said gruffly trough his moustache, taking the old half-drunken cup of tea as he poured a new one, the trails of steam twisting through the air.
His eyes lazy, the fire ghost watched him sit an opened envelope on the desk beside the cup.
“That’s the full report-
He didn’t get far before he snatched up the package with a newfound energy, eyes combing the thing with a curious hunger.
“What does it say? I didn’t get a chance to read it,” Buttler said as he absentmindedly sorted the mess of fireproof papers on the desk.
“Then why was it opened?”
“My brother.”
“Oh.” Betrayus turned and handed the papers to him, “All of that is highly classified. The public report suggests that the group of students is actually dead.”
Buttler started to read, “Then why are they ghosts?”
“Sir Cunference injected them with the poltergeist formula shortly after his device exploded on Maze High’s grounds. It seems he was convinced he could salvage their bodies but not keep them alive long enough to do it. They were successfully converted into phantoms but a small leak in information caused a public uproar and a group of anti-ghost idiots came after them. They ran and the ghost gang brought them here.”
Buttler skimmed the paper for a moment and decided that Betrayus’s explanation was satisfactory. He placed it back on the desk as he took up his tray to leave.
“Yes, most of them are at the church with Rose, Seraphine coaxed a few to the dragonlands with her and the art teacher and her 4 are working at Oogle’s.”
He paused at the door “I guess that proves they’re not spies?”
Taking a long slow sip of tea with a frown Betrayus finally replied, “Yes, I suppose … but troublesome all the same.”
With a snicker he leaned on the doorframe, watching the younger man scowl.
               “Where are you keeping her now?” Buttler asked.
               “In the throne room.”
               He raised an eyebrow “Is that wise?”
               “Where else am I going to keep her?”
               “Somewhere she could be less destructive…”
               “I put her in the mines doing minor labor for almost killing a man and she causes a worker’s riot. I put her in my dungeons and she convinces a group of ghosts to try to overthrow me!  I drag her out of her cell and she kicks me in the balls! I lock her in one of the nicest towers like a Princess and she breaks part of my castle! It’s like I’m babysitting a toddler here, I can’t let her get far or she’ll cause more mayhem! I’ve just figured keeping her close where I know what she’s doing is safer than any other option besides cutting out her tongue. Doc made some things for her wrists where she can’t leave the room or fly so she’s effectively contained there till I figure something else out.”
               “When’s the last time you checked on her?”
               “A couple hours ago. Why?”
               “I heard a crash in there a while ago.”
               He stood from the chair with a long string off cusses, taking a hearty swig from the flask before slamming it back into the bottom drawer and went flying through the wall, going down a level into the throne room.
               He spat out several more choice words at the wreckage, flying a few feet above the ground when the sound of his feet on the broken glass really started to annoy him.
“Where the Hell are you?!” He screeched, looking around the wrecked room “How the Hell did you reach the high *BLEEPING* windows!?”
All the lower windows were shattered along with a few of the high ones. He supposed she had to have torn of pieces of the throne and thrown them, for there were pieces missing, a compliment on the shredded cushions.
His monitor was shattered and broken beyond repair too, but most frustratingly his onyx table was flipped over and shoved against the now empty windowsills.
“You figure out that it wouldn’t fit out the window!?” he looked around wildly “I like that table. You broke one of the legs didn’t you, you little *BEEP*!?”
As if on cue in his psychotic frustration, the door to the main hall opened, Inky flying in partway and halting, starting to whirl around in fear, “I’ll come back later m’lord!”
“Stop! This wasn’t my rage,” the fire lord shouted, though he was bristling.
Inky winced and turned to face him, the other three members of the ghost gang very gingerly sticking their heads past the doorway to watch.
He sit down roughly on the throne, despite the white cloud of stuffing that flew up around him, hanging his head and rubbing his forehead exasperatedly.
“What do you want, Inky?”
“Uh- um. Perhaps I should tell you when you’re in a- um- better mood.”
He looked up, his eyes dark as he glared at the boy.
He wrung his hands as he looked at the ground “The parents of the students are gathered at the school- they- they kinda know that their kids are- uh- members of the undead …”
“AND how did they figure that out?”
“Um… Pacman …”
“Please. Do. Enlighten. Me.” The man’s voice had turned into a growl, “How did he know this?”
The blue ghost became even more nervous at this point, although he tried poorly to conceal it, “I don’t know . . .”
“Do you not? Doc doesn’t trust you four at all, but I know you wouldn’t be stupid enough to betray me, right?” He laughed bitterly at the joke, Inky laughing at it nervously.
As if on cue, a shard of glass went flying across the room and embedded itself in Betrayus’s shoulder. He spat out a sharp cuss, flying towards the table against the wall where she had hidden herself, another small shard of glass flying into his thigh.
“*BLEEP* You! *BLEEP* you, Grace!!” He drug her out from behind the table, slapping glass out of her hands.
She screamed, struggling and yanking the second shard out of his leg.
He spun and pinned her to the floor, grabbing both her wrists and putting a knee on the back of hers.
He snarled, “Do you even feel pain!?”
He looked up at the ghost gang frozen awkwardly in the door, mouths slightly agape.
She suddenly started bawling “Help! Help please! He’s trapped me here and he’s been torturing me! Look at the chaos his rage has caused!-
He got a hand clamped over her mouth as she grabbed for the piece of glass in his shoulder, looking down and realizing she was being cut by the glass pieces on the ground.
“Don’t you dare look at her like she’s a victim! Don’t you dare believe her!”
“Of- of course not, Betrayus-
“And don’t patronize me either!”
Inky flinched.
“I’m crazy but I’m not a liar! She is not really suffering! Dammit! Granted she is bleeding but that’s more my blood than hers!”
The ghosts just stayed staring at him in horror.
He smashed a fist into the ground, “I might be insane but I’m not a liar!!”
He let out a long growling sigh, “Make sure that the students don’t figure out about their parents. Shielding them is better than the chaos they’d cause.”
Inky nodded and spun, scrambling to get past the other three.
“And oh, Inky,” He grinned as the boy froze, “If I figure out Pacman has more information on this, I’ll let Doc have the lot of you.”
Inky swallowed once, then crashed out of the room along with the others, their voices racketing across the walls as they fled.
He finally released her mouth, leaning some of his weight off her bleeding knees.
“You’re a wicked man. Low enough to threaten children.”
“Those were hollow threats. Doc likes them he just pretends to never like anyone.”
He stood and looked at her stubbornly laying on the floor ���Are you going to walk or am I going to carry you?”
“Carry me where?”
“Wherever I go because you apparently can’t be alone. Which is a shame because you’re going to make poor Buttler have to clean all this up.”
She glared at him as she stood, cut and bruised, and grinned a slight crooked smile as she looked down his form, “I hope you’re sore.”
He scowled, baring his teeth and whipped around, leaving the room, barely cocking his head to make sure she was following him. He stopped at his office for his tea, and toyed with the flask until an image of Buttler’s disappointed face made him leave it.
She glared at him as she followed him back out of the room- up the flight of stairs to his quarters, where he opened the door with a flourish. She stopped, looking at him in disdain. “Oh, but ladies first, Betrayus.”
He frowned “And we all know you don’t act like one.”
She turned her nose up at him and stalked into the room, looking around with continued scorn. “It’s messy and ugly. Kinda like you.”
“It’s an organized mess and I’m a hot one. Close enough.”
He smirked and sit the papers he brought on the desk in the corner, pulling out several files that had correspondence with the various requests, shipping orders, and political nonsense his paperwork consisted of.
She roamed the room for a while, and he paused when she walked into the bathroom and out of sight. She soon reappeared, though, narrowing her eyes when she saw his on her. He turned back to his paperwork as she meandered into his closet, moving clothes around on hooks.
She turned to him. “Why do you wear that stupid emo dress when you have other clothes?”
“It’s a coat. And it’s made of my ectoplasm kind of like the hoodie and jeans you’re wearing.”
“I died in these. Don’t tell me you were wearing that when you passed away you gothic egg.”
“No, the spirit manifests whatever truly reflects you.”
“So emo dress for the gothic egg.”
“Lazy shirt for the small angry.”
“Shut up. Wait- why do you have a hoodie with ponies on it?!” She yanked it down, holding it up rather proudly.
He started to reply until he realized she’d put it on.
“Congratulations, now you’re wearing two hoodies.”
“Thank you, Captain Obvious.”
“It’s too big on you.”
“Cause you’re fat.”
“No I’m about a foot taller than you, midget.”
“Do you have any food in here?”
“Would you go get food?”
“What’s your paperwork on?”
“I refuse to answer anymore stupid questions.”
“That wasn’t a stupid question.”
“I could get in a pointless argument loop with you until the sun blew up.”
She was then silent for a long time, which worried him, until his pillows went flying across the room.
She looked him the eye as she threw the comforter in one direction and the sheets in another heap.
She slowly lifted up a pair of boxers off the edge of the mattress precariously and disgustedly balanced on her pinky. “Ew.”
“I didn’t ask you to wear my clothes and destroy my things and find my underwear.”
“I didn’t ask to die and be trapped in purgatory and be imprisoned in your flaming ego castle.”
She flung them at him, the article of clothing hanging on the side of his chair. Stalking to the other side of the room, she sat at his other desk, lifting up the first packet of papers and again looking him in the eye.
“Are these important?”
“We’ve addressed where I stand on stupid questions.”
She then continued to lock eyes with him as she calmly tore them in half. In the moment she picked up the next set, he’d gotten to her and grabbed her, dragging her struggling screaming form over to his chair and wrapping his legs around her torso, leaving her on the ground with his hands free, despite her wild protest.
“When you can act like you’re not three you can walk around again.”
She turned and bit his thigh. He screamed. This was going to be an interesting arrangement
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anti-cosmofangirl · 8 years
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Sorry for the overlaps- I did them all on one page . . . But more Betrayus X Grace shameposting Because one of my friends brought up how scared Betsy would be of rain
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