#between europe and the US. between multiple states within the US. it would just be LOST
crimeronan · 1 year
kind of a tragedy that ao3 didn't exist in the 70s and 80s. i know people say it would be a horror story to find your parent's ao3 but honestly as long as you avoid anything E-rated until you're like the same age they were when they wrote it you'd be fine. my mom has an old yellowed manuscript of the extremely generic high fantasy novel she painstakingly wrote on a typewriter at age 15 and i've read it twice. her self insert was a side character tough warrior catgirl named "catchild" who had a sword and always rode on horseback and could talk to feral cats in the main character's village. are you telling me you guys would find ABSOLUTELY NO DELIGHTS in the OP deviantart OCs that your disco 'rents came up with.......
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scarlet--wiccan · 8 months
What do you think about (as an idea for a slight retcon to explain the Maximoff twins’ background without removing Natalya from their story) Magda actually BEING Natalya? As in, when Magda is presumed dead after giving birth, she actually took on a new persona as Natalya and started a new life as a witch? This way, Magneto and Magda could still be the twins’ parents. I feel like it’s iffy because Magda is Western European and Natalya is likely Eastern European implying they’d be from different vistas (sorry, I’m not 100% sure that this is the proper term) but I think it would be the best way to bring back the old story without undoing the new one.
I gotta tell you, that would be really hard to pull off. I mean, Marvel is no stranger to sloppy retcons, but if you actually care about good writing, I think it'd be tough. First of all, in Scarlet Witch, Wanda encounters a past version of Natalya from before the twins were born, and she's already a witch, already going by that name, etc. Second, multiple living characters attest that Natalya was Django's brother and had been living-- and doing magic-- in the Balkans her whole life.
So, you need to find a way to account for all that. If Natalya, as a character, existed in a vacuum, then maybe it would work, although I really don't like that almost every Romani woman in comics is a witch, so I'd like to keep Magda out of that if possible.
On that subject, though, if we are going to continue employing Romani witch archetypes, I want to do it in a way that speaks authentically to this part of Romani history.
As I understand it, things like folk magic and divination, in the Romani community, are usually family trades, and were historically practiced as survival work, so, for most people, it is something that goes back several generations. A lot of those skills, like cartomancy, were developed by applying Romani ancestral customs to European folkways, and many of our communities do still have closed and/or initiatory spiritual traditions.
I don't have all the right answers, but I feel very strongly that if Wanda's magic is hereditary, it does need to be a part of a family lineage. My dream would be to really incorporate this part of Romani history into the Marvel canon in a way that changes outsider perceptions of witches and gypsies in genre fiction for the better. That's a lofty goal, and I'm not the right person to do it-- I'm sure you can imagine that this is difficult to talk about in a way that respects our cultural boundaries, and you end up walking a really fine line between representation and affirming stereotypes. So, it's just really hard.
Anyway, that's why I kind of love Natalya as she is, and I want to believe that something really positive could be done with this character. In the same vein, I actually really like that Magda is just an ordinary lady-- her story's really dark, but it's important for people to be reminded of Romani Holocaust victims, and I worry that we would be taking away from that if we made her into a magical being.
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In this house we stan two unique, individual, and equally important Romani mothers!!!
The word you're looking for is "vitsa," which, in this context, is used to describe distinct groups or communities within the global Romani diaspora. Those distinctions are not technically based on geography-- it's more about lineage and dialect-- but, yeah, in Europe, they tend to be regional. It's not a hard rule, or anything. My family lives really far north from where you'd think to find Cale people, but that's who we are! I don't think it's ever explicitly stated, but we can infer from context that Magda is Sinti. She is actually one of the few Romani characters in comics with an identifiable vitsa. The fact that the Maximoffs don't have one can make it harder to nail down "authentic" details, which is sometimes frustrating.
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yaqamole · 8 months
You racebend romano but are against racebending spain? Make it make sense
Hi so. That's certainly one way to interpret what I agree with. But let me dive into what I actually believe.
On Racebending Romano
I have been racebending Romano as a character since I was 14. It's something I have spent years doing and put a lot of thought into in order to divert from the racist implications put out by Hima (i.e him stating Romano is violent because of his Arabic blood). I have actively spoken to other people who come from the background I make him from in order to make sure I am doing things as respectfully as possible.
The other thing I want to emphasize is that I actively understand that there is much more nuance within Hetalia in regard to racebending as a result of the relationships between these nations and the ethnicities within them. I am not doing what I do simply because I want to gain something or seem like I'm the most "woke" by diversifying him. I am doing it because of my own interpretations of the character and his history and how he is impacted by it.
I've had more interactions with North African Italians and they are who I have used as my basis of Romano's character and what he represents.
Yes, I also did this because I wanted to feel a bit of myself in the character though I am not North African Italian. That is the decision I made as a person of color and I don't expect everyone to agree with my interpretation of Romano. I don't expect everyone to like him. I simply do this for myself and what brings me joy and it has evolved and developed over the years as a result of interactions and research.
If you've followed me long enough and spoken to me, you know I headcanon all of my Southern Italians to be mixed-race and know that I have been very particular in how I execute that. You also know I don't demand everyone follow my lead. I am one person with my own interpretations and I don't believe everyone has to agree with me or their racist. That would be childish and also just wrong. Not everyone has the same headcanons I do nor is everyone obligated to like what I do.
But the point here is that I am very clear in how Romano is affected by this change to his character and it is crucial to quite a significant amount of my headcanons which revolve around his interactions in Europe as a man who is mixed-race. This is especially clear in how I write his interactions with other nations of color as he branches away from Europe. It's not just a "oh hee hee he's brown now" thing. I have put a lot of thought and effort into making sure he is an in-depth character and that I take into consideration what it means for him to be non-white.
On Racebending Spain
I have been very clear on this blog that the greatest issues I have with people racebending Spain are that people
Treat him like Mexican Lite
Go into this headcanon with ignorance.
My issues are and have always been with the way that people approach this headcanon and the poor executions I have seen. Because not only do a lot of people take cultural bits from various Latin American countries (mostly Mexico in this case) and apply them to Spain, but they then ignore actual racial and ethnic minorities in Spain to use as a basis for this headcanon.
This was especially a significant problem with the earlier Hetalia fandom up into the 2010s. Especially when Vine came into question. People took multiple Vines from Latino creators and inserted Spain into them as the Latino creators. This was done with a lot of David Lopez Vines and I take great issue with that because
Latinos are not our colonizer
It shows laziness when it comes to actually representing Spanish people.
The second point of what I dislike has to do with people doing the opposite of what I stated I do when it comes to Romano.
People do not think about the implications of what they are writing.
I personally dislike seeing Spain as a POC because as someone affected by Spanish Imperialism, I dislike being equated to my colonizer. I dislike seeing the nation that instilled the racist hierarchies that still plague Latin America as a POC. But that is MY personal opinion.
I will never tell another POC, especially if they are from Spain, that they cannot represent themself within their nation. It is not my place to dictate what another POC can or cannot do. Just like I find comfort in POC Romano, someone else might find comfort in POC Spain.
My only gripe after that is when people racebend without considering how that changes the nation's relationships with those around them. Or when people do not consider the political implications of doing so.
In general, I am fine with racebending because I understand it is mainly POC who do it for themselves and most everyone that I see does a lot of extensive research into the way that they represent the nations in question. I have seen a lot of fascinating interpretations and a lot of amazing headcanons that show a deep devotion and dedication to representing different minority groups within these nations.
I do believe racebending within the context of Hetalia is much more nuanced than it would be with other source material. We are handling nations here after all. Many of them would be directly impacted by race changes, which is important to consider when racebending a nation.
I have put a lot of thought into my interpretations of my Southern Italians and have taken these changes into consideration when it comes to writing them. I am cautious with what I do and I do it in order to express a better and more favorable characterization than was offered by canon material.
I have my own personal preferences when it comes to Spain as a character and racebending him. I have a lot of thoughts about it and I won't pretend that I don't. But I also understand that is my personal preference and I cannot use that to speak over other POC who might find something more in racebending him.
Overall, I agree with racebending headcanons and enjoy seeing them when they are done appropriately. However, just like I have my personal preferences about racebending my colonizer, I recognize other people might have their own reservations about me racebending Romano.
It's really simple really. I deliver the respect I expect and move on when I see something I don't like in Hetalia if it is not harming anyone.
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nineeyedartist · 9 months
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For as long as I can remember, gender has felt ambiguous within this body. As a child I learned — from a book about bones — how the Biblical story of Adam and Eve has led some to believe that males have one fewer rib than females (on account of Eve being made from one of Adam’s ribs). This fascinated me, so I would lie awake at night trying to count my ribs to find out if I was a boy or a girl — surely the skeleton cannot lie, I thought. Invariably I always lost count, left frustrated that I would never know the truth of my gender. Beyond my own questioning, others have inquired about my gender since birth. From an ambiguous birth name to androgynous features, being asked “are you a boy or a girl?” began long before I even knew about gender variance and what it is to be transgender or third gender.
As I’ve told in Spirits We Are, I identify as part of a collective being: the product of trauma and a thread connected to our ancestors. This experience of multiplicity and ancestral connection has everything to do with our shared and individual relationships to gender and the body. As we’ve begun the process of healing within, I’ve simultaneously been on a journey to rediscover the queer history of my ancestors. My twin spirit has been my primary guide on this exploration, as they are the one tied to our ancestors most deeply. They expressed clearly our ancestral connection to persons with male genitalia who would partially or fully castrate themselves, whip their bodies to bleed, dancing ecstatically to tambourines and the clashing of knives. In time, I was able to uncover a name for these people: the Galli.
The Galli were just one of several spiritually connected gender variant peoples in the ancient Mediterranean world. Throughout the region male, female, and intersex bodied people (male-bodied being most written about) would take on the role of the opposite sex or a third gender for cultural and spiritual purposes. Only a few of these variant identities continue to exist in some form today, many having been erased with the expansion of Abrahamic religions. The Feminnielli of Naples, Italy is one such identity which traces their origins back to the Galli and the cult of Cybele.
Discovering that my ancestors have an ancient heritage of gender variance felt like opening a door I had been unable to see, but knew must exist. It was an even greater feeling of comfort to see my experience of gender reflected in people living today in the land of my ancestors — a rare vestige of an ancient cultural gender identity. Although my body’s ancestry and our ancestral connections do come, in part, from Southern Italy — because I am third generation, raised in the United States, I feel it is not my place to claim a cultural identity as Feminniello. Instead I claim an identity of third gender, as this reflects a generic cultural gender identity, something more specific than non-binary or gender variant. The cultural piece — though diasporic — is significant for me and for us as a collective. For us, gender has ceased to be an individual matter — it’s connected to ancestral spirits and to the very fabric of our spiritual beliefs. It is not so much a personal desire to be between as it is a duty to our ancestors. This life does not belong to one person. This life begs to remember for our descendants what our ancestors were forced to forget.
This month is LGBTQ+ Pride Month in the US and in sharing this I wish to express a sort of pride for a gender experience that isn’t often mentioned in the European-American cultures. Our collective roots have been cut so long ago that many have forgotten the tap root we all once shared, now that we are left with thin fibers tangled at the surface. But some of us are compelled to dive deep into the soil, to recover the withered remains of that deep wellspring of culture that recognized (imperfectly) the varied genders of humanity within Europe. Perhaps, if enough of us can twine our roots together, regrowth and renewal can come forth; opening the way for healing within and between cultures. Perhaps, in reviving our queer ancestors we can provide foundations for our queer descendants to grow upon. For this some of us must find our genders in the past — digging in the dark recesses to recover the blood an bone — while others must find them in the present or future. Many strands wound together become stronger than a single thread can ever be.
Can you imagine my excitement, then, to learn about a documentary on self-discovery and the Feminniello called Summer Within? Here is another descendant from Southern Italy, also raised in the United States, who is seeking connection to their queer ancestors and modern people whose gender exists between. Once again I felt a sense of reflection and relation. Though our paths and stories are vastly different, we share a commonality; we walk parallel to each other on the margins.
The digging into the deep recesses has felt like my/our path. As we explore our ancestral connections to spirit and gender, the distinction between “self” and “other” becomes increasingly blurred. To be trans and third gender in this life is not just about a desire to be a singular “me” — it is about being someone my great-great-great-great grandmother could not be. It’s about healing the misogyny of many generations of grandfathers. It’s about reviving ancient ways that my blood and bone hold memories of. It’s a way to honor the mother-fathers of the deep past where words no longer hold meaning. It’s about living for those who came before us and those who will come after us. It’s about the thread that ties us to the spirits of our ancestors and the old gods the once called by name. It’s about honoring this life as a gift, even when that gift is named a curse by the society we live in.
What more can we do — those of us who are queer by label or identity — than exist, live, breathe, love, and sing as we are. So that we may reflect in each other’s eyes and feel a sense of momentary belonging. There are some of us who must be seen in order to speak to the hidden ones, “you are never alone”. With such variety of human experience — of gendered experience — there must be such a kaleidoscope of bodies existing in the glorious light of day and glistening in full moon light. FROM OUR SKETCH BLOG
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valueside · 3 days
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The Repo Act: Why the US Can No Longer Be Trusted
On Wednesday, US President Joe Biden signed a massive aid package aimed at helping Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan strengthen their respective military. But it was also an omnibus bill that included much more than a mere aid package. Buried within its provisions were potential sanctions against the social media site TikTok and an extension of the regrettable Patriot Act.
However, a third provision within the Bill may prove to be the most costly for you and me, the American Citizens. Initially presented as the "Repo Bill," this piece of legislation proved to be so unpopular that it could not stand on its own. So, in the usual machinations of our Congress, the Repo Bill was attached to the massive aid package in the hope that few would notice.
Now passed and signed into law by the President, the Repo "Act" is nothing less than an attack on Private Property and the latest blow against global trade and finance.
With extreme irony, this part of the Act was labeled the "Repo" Act. As those familiar with finance know, a Repo is a shorthand for a Repurchase Agreement. In this sophisticated method, governments and other large institutions lend (sell) a security (generally a sovereign debt instrument) to another institution, with the provision that they will buy back (repurchase) that security at a future date.
Central to the Repo transaction is trust—the trust that both parties will fulfill their side of the contract. This trust is so fundamental to this kind of financial transaction that it is rarely stated. It is just assumed. After all, those involved in Repo transactions, and in fact in any transactions of this size and scope, are presumed to be "good actors." These are many of the world's most significant governments, institutions, and endowments. The US Treasury is among them.
On this Wednesday, the United States declared it had gone rogue.
You see, part of the legislation passed by the US House and Senate and signed into law by President Biden incorporated the Repo Act, a provision that the United States could confiscate Russian assets held on deposit in US Banks.
It wasn't even a debatable case. There was no doubt that these were Russian assets. Institutions within Russia had placed these deposits with American financial institutions to provide collateral for trade and finance between the two countries. Remember, as late as last November, the United States was still purchasing Russian oil and gas. No doubt, some of these assets were a result of these trades.
As one more step in Washington's widening war with Russia over Ukraine, our nation is taking the step to confiscate approximately $6 billion (US) held in this country. This move is unprecedented. Never in our long history has the US Government so blatantly and publicly pilfered international funds held on deposit. It is just the sort of action that Fiduciary Laws across the country are designed to prohibit.
Regrettably, this is just the latest step by the Biden Administration to disregard convention and strike a blow against Global Finance. In fact, America has promoted an all-out economic war in retaliation to Russia's invasion of Ukraine—from multiple sanctions to removing Russia from the SWIFT System of trade reconciliation, Washington has been determined to diminish Russia's ability to trade.
While I can understand that many in this country wish to support Ukraine, the debate needs to include how Washington is destroying our resources and abilities in trade and finance.
There isn't a day that I have yet to read about the decline of the US dollar's status as the reserve currency. Those who write about the dollar's decline are spot on. The decline in the Petro-Dollar is especially significant, as we've seen Saudi Arabia express its desire to join BRICS, the emerging competitor to US Dollar hegemony.
The Eurodollar is also under pressure, as Europe's energy purchases will increasingly be made in Russian Rubles or perhaps Indian Rupees. Historically, both the Petro-Dollar and the Eurodollar came about with the need to hold on deposit American currency to expedite global trade—the very thing that President Biden and Congress now attack.
From my perspective, far more than the billions spent on Ukraine, the damage done by the incorporated Repo Act will leave a lasting legacy on America.
Imagine a country, the United States, that is reliant upon foreign trade to provide many of the products we consume, that is reliant upon foreign investors to purchase nearly a third of our sovereign debt, and that encourages offshore customers to purchase our natural resources, automobiles, and high-tech products that make up our exports.
We are a country built over the past half-century by international trade and finance. And yet here is a president and Congress who have thrown a "monkey wrench" into the most basic of all attributes: trust. After April 25, 2024, the world can no longer trust the United States to be a fair and impartial custodian of assets. The world leader in trade and finance no longer meets the standards of a simple fiduciary.
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theslaviccraft · 6 months
🏵️Remembrance Day Post🏵️
Notes Translations Steam
Hello everyone good day! Whole this post is a little overdue I didn't want to neglect making a remembrance day post. I feel like it's a very important to uphold and honor our ancestors and veteran's who fought for our many freedoms, but to also applauded the multiple man and woman who bravely fight for our freedoms and countries today. This is why I've chosen to focus this years Remembrance Day Post on the solider fighting the war in Ukraine.
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Since February of 2014 Russia has been increasing it aggression towards Ukraine escalating into a full on invasion in the recent past of February 2022. Russia annexed Crimea in 2014 and established two puppet states (or a Russia likes to call them: republics). Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) and the Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) The two republics were originally wanting too split of Ukraine due to pro-russian sentiments in the region and were quickly funded by Russia to go to war with the rest of the Ukrainian nation with Russia sending its own armed forces into regions but adamantly denying it. This conflict escalated into the violent Donbas war. In February 2015, Russia and Ukraine signed the Minsk II in agreements to end the conflict. The two nations never fully implemented in the years that followed. It was clear that both countries were still in a extremally tense state. Rightfully so on Ukraine's part as they were unable to gain back the now occupied russian territory. The Donbas war settled into a static conflict between Ukraine and Russia and separatist forces, with many brief ceasefires but no resolvent in the conflict and few territorial control changes.
In the beginning of 2021, Russia built up a large military presence near it's border with Ukraine within the neighboring Belarus. Russian officials repeatedly denied plans to attack Ukraine. Of course this was a lie and Russia invaded Ukraine in the February of 2022. Since then the two countries have been at a brutal war. There is hope that the war will end soon! Oleg Zhdanov is a former Ukrainian military officer has suspected that the war will end as soon as the spring of next year. Experts from the Atlantic and CNBC predict that the war will end in 2024 or at least prolong one year afterwards in the worst case scenario.
Today I would like to introduce you to a man, Vladimir "Fresh" Yezhov. A brave man that like many many in his nation has died fighting for the freedom of Ukraine. Vladmir was one of the developers of the hit and most anticipated games "S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2". He wasn't the first STALKER developer to fight actually, multiple of the game dev team are fighting in the war while also working on the game. (Incredible I know!)
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The game studio The GSC Game World released the dev diary above on Jun 14, 2022 showing their life before the war and how everything changed in Kyiv when Russia attacked. While most of the team was able to safely evacuate to Czech Republic some of it's members weren't able to leave and stayed to fight. The video shows at 2:30 just shy of the end of the video Vladimir "Fresh" Yezhov colleagues who too decided to join the army. Dmytro Iassenev the studios lead AI developer. Who tragically comments "I would have never expected to witness a war in Europe in the 21st centaury." (It is quite tragic how the ghost of our pasts have come to haunt us, yes. I agree with Dmytro fully.) Oleksii Ivanov the Community Manger and Maksym Hnatkov Narrative Designer are shown in the video supporting their country. Slava Ukraine! <3 The STALKER team has been hacked and constantly harassed from Russians on all sides, but none of these aggravations are able to stop them. The game is still on a steady way of being released. I hope you will all go and support them on their release trailer and steam page. (Go wishlist S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 and save up for this damm game the people that are making it deserve your money!)
Vladimir "Fresh" Yezhov became a commander of an air reconnaissance unit in the 23rd Special Purpose Battalion. He was one of the first ever recorded from the defense team in the initial invasion of Ukraine. Vladimir died bravely defending Bakhmut, a city in Eastern Ukraine that has been under assault since May. He left behind two wonderfull angel boys who I'm sure will be extremally proud of their father. a leader of a Freedom faction detachment In his memorial One of the game's characters, Loki, featured in STALKER: Call of Pripyat was based on Yezhov's likeliness.
To the remaining developers of The GSC Game World I would like to close off this post with a message to you, You are all incredibly brave and are all heroes to the people fighting or not. I give you my greatest condolence's to your loved ones who might have fallen in service. Their heroism and ultimate sacrifice will never be forgotten. I can relate to you in many ways, my home country of Croatia was only 30 years ago bombed and attacked as well but Croats have thrived since then immensely. Ukraine will thrive again your beautifully home of Kyiv will be restored to its former glory one day, as well as the rest of the glorious Ukraine. May the Gods protect you as you fight the good fight. Let's no forget all the other solider who just like Yezhov's have died in service to protect the country their scrafise is just as celebrated as the living who go on fighting.
Least we not forget Slava to Ukraine!
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schofieldgilmore30 · 10 months
Step into the Silent Rhythm: Renting Silent Discos for Unforgettable Parties
Silent discos have got the party scene by storm, offering a unique and immersive experience that is not within traditional nightclubbing. Since the name suggests, leie silent disco are a kind of party where people dance to music played through wireless headphones as opposed to traditional loudspeakers. It could seem somewhat odd in the beginning, however the phenomenon has been gaining popularity all around the world, and for an excellent reason. It's an ingenious method of partying without disturbing neighbors or the city while still getting the exact same degree of fun and excitement as one would expect from an evening out. One of many leading companies in the silent disco scene is silentclub, which has been bringing the silent disco phenomenon to events and parties throughout the UK, Europe and beyond. The company has years of experience in hosting silent discos, and their events have become the go-to area for anyone buying unique and unforgettable party experience.
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1. Innovative entertainment concept Silent disco is just a unique entertainment concept that's been gaining popularity in recent years. At silentclub, we give a one-of-a-kind experience by supplying a silent disco party that allows guests to dance to music using wireless headphones. This innovative concept has changed into a hit among party-goers, because it offers a fun and interactive way to savor music without disturbing others. Our guests can decide between different channels playing different genres of music, allowing them to customize their experience and dance with their favorite tunes. The silent disco phenomenon has taken the entertainment industry by storm, and we're proud to be at the forefront of the trend with this cutting-edge technology and exceptional service. 2. Wireless headphones, endless possibilities Have the Party Started: Exploring the Silent Disco Phenomenon at silentclub As it pertains to hosting a silent disco, the proper equipment will make most of the difference. One important element to consider is wireless headphones. With wireless headphones, the possibilities are endless in regards to silent disco events. Guests have the ability to dance and pay attention to music at their preferred volume without disturbing others, making a unique and inclusive party atmosphere. At silentclub, we offer high-quality wireless headphones with long battery life, ensuring an easy experience for guests throughout the night. Without tangled cords or bulky equipment to be worried about, our wireless headphones enable maximum mobility and freedom of movement. Whether you're hosting a small private event or even a large public gathering, wireless headphones certainly are a must-have for any successful silent disco. 3. Personalized music experience for many In the ever-evolving world of music, the silent disco phenomenon has brought the entertainment industry by storm. Silent discos are unique events where partygoers wear wireless headphones to hear music played by DJs, without the need for traditional speakers. At silentclub, we take this experience to another level by supplying a personalized music experience for all. Our state-of-the-art technology allows each attendee to decide on their particular music channel, ensuring they hear only the songs they wish to dance to. This not merely creates a distinctive and customizable experience for every guest, but also eliminates the matter of sound pollution and noise complaints. Our silent disco events are ideal for venues and events where traditional sound systems aren't an alternative or where multiple events are taking place in the same space. With silentclub, get the party started with a personalized and unforgettable music experience.
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To conclude, SilentClub's silent disco phenomenon is a unique and innovative way to experience music and partying. The utilization of wireless headphones and multiple channels provides for a personalized and immersive experience, making it a perfect solution for events with noise restrictions or a desire for social distancing. The company's dedication to making a safe and enjoyable environment for his or her customers is commendable, and their attention to detail in every aspect of the events is evident. SilentClub is certainly worth exploring for anyone buying new and exciting solution to party.
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shxtdisturber · 1 year
Headcanons: Childhood and Familial Relationships
Contrary to popular belief, Jan didn't come from a physically abusive or neglectful household. His mother was never outright cruel to him, he was never exposed to any drug abuse as a child, and his mother was strict with who she was dating and brought near her baby.
Compared to many of his peers, he actually had a relatively normal upbringing aside from an absent father (he was aware of who his biological father was, but it was never something he cared much about). His mother, Julia Alvarez, was incredibly affectionate and provided for him the best she could when he was younger. Once she struck gold in her marriage and returned to school to pursue a Bachelor's in Computer Science, she promised to give him as many opportunities as she could.
In school, Jan was often derided by teachers for being disruptive, inattentive, and disinterested in his studies, and he would ultimately be denounced as a troublemaker and a 'lost cause' by a majority of the faculty. This reputation would follow him into high school.
Julia understood that he would never have an interest in academics, especially not when Jan could hardly focus in school or would tear up out of frustration when forced to sit and stare at an assignment for hours on end with little to no progress- he certainly wasn't going to be offered any scholarships with a C average at his best. So she pushed him hard for success in other areas such as athletics. She would enroll him in multiple extracurriculars such as gymnastics, football, basketball, and even musical theater on one occasion (which he absolutely detested and ensured he would never be forced to do it again by 'accidentally' lighting one of the backdrops on fire; Julia had to fight tooth and nail to keep him from being expelled that year). She was going to get this kid into college one way or another, and, if he had to get a full ride on an athletics scholarship, then that's what she was going to force him to work toward.
As he grew older, he began to feel resentment toward her as she continued to push him to excel. He had largely kept quiet about his resentment toward her and these extracurriculars. A once loving, affectionate relationship began to fall apart, and he became cold and distant toward her; he felt as though nothing he seemed to do was ever enough and he started to crack under the pressure. Eventually, he got involved with the 'troubled kids'- teens that fell by the wayside for one reason or another. Jan found himself being glamorized by their way of doing things and the fact that they didn't seem to care about anything. It was also around this time that he became involved with Luke, the half-brother he had a tentative relationship with at best, and his business. He skipped out on those extracurriculars to hang out with either Luke or his newfound friends, and he especially found a thrill in illicit activities such as theft or drug use.
By this point in time, the relationship between Jan and his mother had completely crumbled apart, and it seemed as though they could never scream loud enough at each other. Julia was worried for her son and about the sudden change in attitude and behavior. Her once sweet little boy seemed more jagged with each new day, and she just couldn't figure out why. Things came to a head when she found his stash hidden away in his closet, within it contained a half-empty box of cigarettes, some nudie magazines, and a wallet that definitely didn't belong to him. The ensuing fight would be their most heated yet and ended with Jan screaming that he, "Fucking hated her," and leaving home the moment those words left his lips.
He dropped out of school at the age of 17 to live with and work for Luke full-time. They would leave the United States to continue their operations in Europe 2 years later, and he hasn't seen his family since. Jan has been on and off estranged from his family for over 20 years, with attempts at reconciliation ultimately failing due to lingering resentment, anger, and a refusal to admit any wrongdoing on either side. His direction in life and decision to abandon them is still a point of contention between him and his mother, and his three sisters still resent him for leaving the way he did. He has no relationship with any of his nieces or nephews, something he decided was for the best regardless.
Jan has long since come to terms with the fact that he'll likely never fully reconcile with any of his family members, and he has no desire to pursue a relationship with them regardless and vice versa. He has no interest in arguing with them over who was right or wrong, who did what, having his criminal history held over his head, being looked down upon as not finding the same success his sisters did, etc.
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eugeneplotkin · 1 year
Eugene Plotkin Explains the Surprising Similarities Between Football and Soccer
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In 2022, the World Cup will coincide with the concluding weeks of the National Football League regular season. For the first time, American viewers will be able to watch national teams vying for the world’s most historic soccer championship on the same days that NFL teams battle for a chance at the postseason.
When Eugene Plotkin, the renowned investment banker and CEO of TechWallet, is off duty, he’s a sports enthusiast who can school even the biggest sports buff about American football and European soccer.
“As an American citizen who was born in Europe, I have a deep understanding and appreciation of both football and soccer,” shares Plotkin. “And yet I’m part of a significant minority because the vast majority of sports fans I know are either football fans or soccer fans. Very few truly enjoy both sports to the same degree.”
Plotkin adds that he always feels like he’s shuttling between two separate worlds when he watches a football game versus when he watches a soccer match.
“Even the sports bars are different,” Plotkin notes. “The bars that show NFL games don’t show soccer games. And vice versa. It’s two separate universes. I’ve heard football fans talk about how soccer is boring, and soccer fans talk about how football is indecipherable. There is this bias on both sides and neither side is willing to take the time or effort to appreciate the similarities between the two sports.”
Brothers From Another Mother: Eugene Plotkin on ‘Fraternal Sports’
Eugene Plotkin explains that football and soccer are in some ways fraternal sports that share multiple characteristics. Yet many sports fans remain unaware of the extent and depth of these commonalities.
“In both sports you have 11 players on each team,” Plotkin notes. “In both sports, the fields are of similar length, although the soccer pitch is a bit wider than the football grid. In both sports, the objective is to move the ball down the field to the opposing side’s goal line and most scores only happen once the attacking team is in range, which is around 20 to 30 yards from the goal line.”
Eugene Plotkin points out that the games were invented within a decade of each other. Modern soccer was created in the 1860s in England, while modern football, with its rugby-style rules, was formed in the 1870s in the United States.
“Football and soccer are both contact sports,” Plotkin continues. “While football takes contact to another level, both sports are highly physical. Also, both allow players to be substituted during the game.”
As a finance expert, Eugene Plotkin is especially attuned to the strategic elements of sports. He notes that both football and soccer require effective coaching and game plan preparation in order for teams to perform at their best.
“The highest-paid coaches in the world are football and soccer coaches,” Plotkin says. “The reason for this is not only that these sports are highly popular, but also that they are intricately complex. The players in these sports are experts in specific positions. Just as you would not expect a football running back to play at cornerback, so you would not expect a soccer fullback to play at forward. Optimizing the play of your own specialists while ensuring your team is in sync and disrupting the other team’s play is an intricate process with hundreds of moving parts.”
Advanced Technology, Machine Learning, and Statistical Models
In recent years, both professional football and professional soccer have increasingly incorporated advanced technology. Precision cameras are used for instant replay on the field, to identify player weaknesses, and to study opposing teams. Connected devices are used to map the motion of not only the players on the field, but also of individual player limbs and actions. Machine learning and statistical models are used to discover trends and identify highly effective performance tactics.
“Everything from how a player moves, to how a player touches the ball, to how a player reacts is captured, dissected, and optimized,” Plotkin explains. “Professional football and soccer players are the best of the best, so every tactical advantage, no matter how small, can make the difference between winning and losing on game day.”
Eugene Plotkin notes that there’s another unexpected commonality between football and soccer, and that is the fans. American football is the most watched sport in the United States, which is the world’s largest economy. Meanwhile, soccer is the most watched sport across the globe.
“As two of the most popular sports, soccer and football both command an incredibly passionate fan base,” Plotkin says. “Many of these fans would likely appreciate both sports, but most do not give themselves the chance. Given the complexity of each sport, it requires time and patience to fully appreciate what is happening on the field. Unfortunately, many soccer fans never take that time with football and many football fans never take that time with soccer.
“The differences in the pace of each game make it more difficult for fans to cross over,” Plotkin continues. “Football fans are used to more frequent scoring, so soccer can seem uneventful. At the same time, soccer fans are used to a continuous pace of play, so football feels like it has too many stops in the game play.”
Eugene Plotkin concludes by expressing his hope that an appreciation of the similarities between the two sports can open the door for fans of each to explore the other side. 
“A contemporaneous World Cup and NFL season is a rare occurrence,” Plotkin says. “I encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity to enjoy and learn a little bit more about the other sport.”
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Benefits & Drivers of Universal Design
National Disability Authority. (n.d.). Benefits and drivers. The Centre for Excellence in Universal Design | Centre for Excellence in Universal Design. Retrieved October 1, 2022, from https://universaldesign.ie/what-is-universal-design/benefits-and-drivers
"The age-distribution of the world's population is changing dramatically. People are living longer as a result of medical developments in the last century and healthier lifestyle changes. The following key statistics show some the demographic changes expected in the first half of the 21st century:
A child born today has a 50 percent chance of surviving to over 80 years of age.
By 2021, it is predicted that 15 percent of the irish population will be over the age of 65.
By 2021, the number of people over 80 years of age will have increased by two-thirds.
By 2050 it is estimated that there will only be two 18-64 year olds for every one person over 65 in Ireland, in comparison to six for every one at present.
Within the coming decades in Europe and Ireland, the number of people who are available and capable of assisting and caring for older people will decrease considerably.
The number of people living with physical, sensory, mental health or intellectual impairments is increasing, as is the life expectancy of people with particularly severe or multiple impairments."
Universal design is not only important for assisting people with disabilities, but for elderly people as well. Since life expectancy is constantly changing and increased a lot in the last century, there will be more older people. It's important to design with the future in-mind taking into consideration how our bodies will change with age and what we will be and not be capable of.
Able-bodied people may think that universal design or lack there of will not affect them, but when they older they will realise the impact.
"Universal Design assumes that the range of human ability is ordinary, not special."
Elaine Ostroff, 2001
Really like this quote. Growing up disabled people praise you a lot for accomplishing everyday things. Something as simple as tying my shoes I could get praised for. Someone would say it's so amazing I could live and function with one hand. It's probably one of the most frustrating things when people consider my disability as something 'special'. It is not a 'special' or 'amazing' accomplishment for me to live with one hand, it's just an ordinary thing for me and I think it is important to recognise that having disabilities or a range of abilities is just an ordinary thing for humans.
"No two people are the same and no two people have exactly the same ability. The considerable variation that exists between people can be influenced by both external and internal factors. Ability can vary according to the type of activity in which a person is participating or the environment in which that person is carrying out the activity.
Every person experiences reduced functioning at some stage during his or her lifetime. For example "noisy environments impair anyone's hearing; [a] dimly lit rooms impair anyone's vision; and having the flu reduces anyone's stamina" (molly follette story and james Mueller, 2001)
A Universal Design approach therefore requires an appreciation of the varied abilities of every person and to design in such a way that the resulting product, service or environment can be used by everyone regardless of age, size, ability or disability."
"In this technological age, the skills required to participate in society are becoming increasingly complex. As each technological innovation is adopted the risks to people who do not adopt of being excluded from accessing a whole range of financial, state, social or cultural services or amenities increases. Technology is increasingly embedded into the built environment and products so that the lines of what is specifically product, ict or building design have become blurred.
In order the facilitate people with differing abilities, of differing ages and sizes within society, systems and building must be designed with the user at the centre of the design process. A universally designed environment promotes equality and makes life easier and safer for everyone."
Designing universally means products and places can appeal to a wider range of people as you are not excluding a large market of people. Taking extra time and care to design for everyone gives benefits in the amount of people that can appreciate and use the products or environment.
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needlebreath7 · 2 years
Seven Issues Twitter Wants Yout To Neglect About Singapore Airport Transfer
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An expert & licensed driver will choose you up at your desired location, and from then on, you're fully answerable for the trip no matter where you go in the town. As you come out of the airport, you'll be able to count on knowledgeable and courteous chauffeur to welcome you to a effectively-maintained automotive. Travelling might be invigorating and very fulfilling, yet the uneasiness of being late to your flight can dampen that pleasure. On January 15, 2009, US Airways Flight 1549, an Airbus A320 departing for Charlotte/Douglas Worldwide Airport ditched within the Hudson River at a gradual angle after shedding each engines on account of multiple fowl strikes at an altitude of 3,000 toes (910 m); all 150 passengers (12 in first class and 138 in financial system) and 5 crew members (2 pilots and three flight attendants) have been successfully evacuated from a secure water ditch. Taxis are available from the Newark Airport and value between $50 and $75 excluding tip depending on where in Manhattan you want to arrive. This transfer is to private residential addresses in Manhattan only. LGA would take 1 hour and 6 minutes by mass transit to the Manhattan cruise terminal (with excellent timing making all your connections).
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If you’re planning to land your Municipal aircraft in the brand new York tri-state area, we know you’ll agree that Enterprise Aircraft Center is definitely worth the few minutes from Westchester Airport for financial savings and comfort. Why Do Business People Always Flip To Skilled Airport Transfer Companies In Singapore? You can invest the saved time to check out the town or have a scrumptious dinner before you arrive at the airport. Hiring a limo from the airport can be very useful, irrespective of whether or not you're going to catch a flight or just land. Singapore Airport Transfer Service: How about getting a punctual, comfortable, hassle-free, and inexpensive limo service in Singapore ? It is simple and your limo might be sitting tight for you while you present up or when you're ready to go away. The chauffeur with a properly-maintained automobile will probably be at your service nicely forward of time. You can regain your energy by having a nap within the effectively-maintained car or doing some necessary enterprise work when you please when you've chauffeur driven limo service in Singapore. They've nicely-maintained limos. They maintain their limos in excellent condition to keep away from any possible issues or problem. Bon Limos is the reputed transport organization to rely on to have one of the best Singapore airport transfer service.
Located in borough of Queens, New York, LaGuardia Airport is the busiest airport in the US without any non-cease service to Europe. You won't request something apart from airport limo service ever. Skilled chauffeurs can take you to essentially the most visited locations in your technique to the airport or while taking you to your place of keep. Mother and father' organizations are additionally taking a vigorous function, not only in serving to to locate lacking kids but additionally in preventing abductions. Reputed transport organizations solely rent professional and experienced chauffeurs who are nicely disposed, gracious, and secure. You may cut back your journey stress by having providers from an expert transport organization in Singapore. The car inside and the professional driving of the chauffeur will make it attainable to have a comfortable and protected journey. Hiring a chauffeur pushed limo service in Singapore implies you will have a chauffeur who is aware of about every terminal and flight timings. This suggests they know the place to drop you off.
Schedule a booking to your airport drop or pickup. https://jetblacktransportation.com/ might need spent hours on the airplane before you arrived at Changi Worldwide Airport. Irrespective of your objective of traveling to or from Changi Worldwide Airport, hiring an airport switch service in Singapore is advantageous. Add in authorities security charges and, in Ontario, a jet-gas tax that can hit 6.7 cents a litre by April 2017, and the airport is at a real cost drawback compared to its rivals. In the event you want to get to know NYC in fashion, you can ebook not solely Mundi’s luxurious transfer but in addition our metropolis tour service, where a knowledgeable chauffeur will drive you to one of the best spots in town in a luxurious automobile and offer you an unforgettable journey expertise. With KAYAK you may also compare costs of aircraft tickets for last minute flights to Los Angeles from New York.
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rabbiswing09 · 2 years
Little Known Facts About Iptv.
IPTV is a fantastic choice for those who want to improve their TV offerings. In contrast to traditional TV, IPTV uses time-shifted media and videos on demand. These techniques make the overall experience more tailored. Additionally, they lower costs associated with media broadcast solutions and the monetization. Also, it reduces the amount of time required to deploy new features. Below are click through the up coming web page of IPTV for small-sized businesses: IPTV is like browsing the Internet. IPTV lets you watch films and television programs via establishing a temporary connection between your browser on your computer and the content provider's server. IPTV content providers can send data to other IPTV clients at the same time, a process called unicasting. IPTV offers a variety of media options thanks to this process. You can even pay extra to access additional channels boxes, films plus other things. IPTV systems differ between regions, because the various service providers and the various IT solutions are based on different needs. Every provider has a slightly different way of building their infrastructure that's why it is essential to understand the market in which you live before selecting a service. DSL is the most common IPTV technology in the U.S. DSL allows users to watch television and video on the same device no matter the location they reside. Additionally, IPTV is more flexible than ever before: it lets viewers to listen and watch to TV shows anytime and anyplace they want, and without having to log out of the system. IPTV can also allow you to look up television programs following the broadcast. IPTV can, however, allow you to view programs that already recorded just for a small time. IPTV is not like others streaming services. It requires an internet connection and installed software. IPTV allows you to watch live television. Live IPTV can also be referred to as IP simulcasting, and is a common feature of broadcasting news and sports occasions. IPTV has great growth potential. It is likely to be as well-known now as broadband internet was in 2000, which has seen more people using it. This also means that it is possible to increase earnings to invest in upgrading telecommunications systems. It's also simpler to watch videos on IPTV as opposed to conventional television. IPTV allows viewers to make their own channels. This is in addition to its flexibility and convenience. This means that greater variety is expected to emerge on the IPTV market. Even though Europe and the United States and Europe have the most significant IPTV markets, Asia Pacific countries are gaining ground in their share of the IPTV market. As more and more viewers are using online videos and pay-TV providers need to come up with solutions to deliver streaming video on the internet to their viewers. It's challenging to provide online-based services which are devoid of costs and infrastructure. It is a solution called hybrid IPTV. It combines broadcast TV and online video. Streaming videos will require a minimum downloading speed of 10Mbps. Faster speeds result in higher resolution and lesser buffering. Also, you will notice the speed decrease if your devices are multiple. If you are planning streaming from several devices, ensure that your internet speed exceeds 20Mbps. There should be no issues once you've got your IPTV service is broadly utilized. Therefore, why put off? Start IPTV now! It's simple! If you're considering watching IPTV through your phone or tablet, first consider your location. A US server would allow you to stream content across all IPTV providers within your local area. Numerous IPTV providers are accessible in the US such as fuboTV, USTVNow, and Xumo. For connecting to your IPTV subscription, follow the URL, or M3U playlist link that came along with your IPTV subscription. While IPTV is legal in a majority of countries, it's not for everyone. There is a chance that IPTV channels aren't licensed properly and it may be illegal to use them. Furthermore, IPTV services that offer legal content are also known as legitimate. Thus, it's important to search for a reliable IPTV service prior to signing up. Before you sign up to IPTV make sure that your internet is fast and reliable. It is also possible to utilize VPN to connect your content. VPN to unify your content. One advantage of IPTV is that it permits people to view shows they missed whenever they wish to. The time-shifted format differs from VOD which has a an expiration date. VOD permits you to view older episodes of TV shows at any time you'd like, however they don't have the same shelf-life. With IPTV you are able to watch old episodes of your most loved shows. Time-shifted media is best illustrated by BBC's iPlayer.
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namemaraca52 · 2 years
Detailed Notes on smart iptv
IPTV signifies Internet Protocol Television, and it is the technical term that refers to streaming television on the internet. IPTV includes Netflix, NowTV, Amazon, and the BBC. IPTV is an legal substitute for satellite or cable television. IPTV offers many benefits. Here are only four. The services provide control, accessibility, and even interactivity. However, to reap the full benefits of IPTV requires an internet connection that is faster. TiviMate is one of the most popular IPTV application that is available on Android TV. You can make multiple playlists and hide categories and change the name of channels. You are also able to add your preferred channel logos. The app also includes parental controls that ensure your kids and family cannot use the app without your consent. The application is no cost, but you are able to purchase the premium version at $4.99 per year. Then, you can download TiviMate across all devices that you want. IPTV is rapidly growing into a very popular service. The largest regions for IPTV users are Europe and in the United States, but Asia-Pacific has a faster growth rate that Latin America and Latin America. The appeal of IPTV has grown because of the increased access to video-on-demand as well as a better quality of user experience. The two main reasons that are driving IPTV's rise are the increasing urbanization and increased consumer demands for quality goods and services. If you're travelling abroad for a trip, you'll need a VPN can be a fantastic solution. VPNs mask your real IP address and change it from the VPN's database. https://phtvmedia.co.uk/internet-protocol-television/ creates the illusion that you're located in another. It allows you to watch content that is not available within your local area. Additionally, it lets you watch IPTV services on a TV system or streaming device. IPTV apps allow for you to enjoy all the entertainment you want without hassle. Two kinds of IPTV service are accessible. The service allows you to stream TV and movies on-demand (VOD) and without the need to sign up for cable services. It works the same approach similar to Netflix. You have the option of choosing the type of content you would like to see. IPTV is also available through other providers like Netflix. Certain broadcasters, such as the BBC, make the last week's programming available on the web. It is possible to access these shows via BBC iPlayer (a online streaming player).
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Another type of IPTV is one that allows you to save content and watch it later. It is possible to select the channels you want to watch and save them on your phone tablet, computer, or. IPTV lets you save and download video, as well as a wide range of streaming options. Resolutions up to 4K are achievable. Furthermore, IPTVs are free to make use of, meaning that you just pay for the channels that you view. While IPTV might be permissible in some instances however this isn't always the case all the times. There are, however, some unlicensed IPTV providers, the vast majority are legal. The services that are licensed legally have copyright restrictions and usually require a subscription fee. It is important to know what is the difference between legal as well as an illegal IPTV service. It is essential to research every company that provides IPTV. It might surprise you when you learn that IPTV is legal , and it can be used for the rest of your lifetime.
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