#between golden cheese and sugar swan
sugarsquirrelcookie · 8 months
On a more serious note I’m actually kinda looking forward to the OB and Kingdom update…my wallet, not so much
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torn-myths · 2 years
I blame a song for this, but here is this au thing-
Each ancient has a different curse/ability relating to a different legendary or something, and for a while they are stuck in a different area from their kingdoms (if they have one), and also are separated from being able to ask anyone for help through any means, magic included. Enchantress most likely did this as a form of anger outlash, but that part isn't for certain. But they have found other ways to communicate if needed. The list is as follows-
Hollyberry, under Sea Fairy- Her curse is her being stuck under water and not being able to surface for however long it might take for one of her family or something to come and find her under water. But her water-based abilities keep her from dying under water, though it slowly and gradually turns her into a being of the sea. Sea Fairy updates her family on her condition and is helping figure out a thing to help her get back to her family. Would maybe be the last to be rescued
Dark Cacao, under Frost Queen- His curse makes it to where he can't find his way back to his kingdom, and he can't ever make it back lest someone he's fully close to finds and guides him. But due to Frost Queen having been watching over his kingdom and all, she had gifted him the ability to not freeze to death, though he still feels the pain of the cold affecting him. She's trying to manage watching over the king and his kingdom, alongside trying to find his son who he still deeply trusts and cares for. Is maybe the fourth to be rescued.
Pure Vanilla, under Timekeeper- His curse is where he is stuck in a constant time loop and being unable to break free from the loop of the battle him and his friends did against Enchantress and is forced to follow the timeline loop of himself. While Timekeeper often isn't one to be very helpful at times with curses, she has given him the ability to pause the loop for a certain amount of time and can ignore everything from it when he closes the staff's eye. She's trying to guide Gingerbrave and his group to where White Lily is stuck, so that she can help free him in time for the others. Admittedly still not being much help due to weird ways of sharing information. Is the second one to end up being rescued
Golden Cheese, under Fire Spirit and Pitaya- Her curse is pretty much to be constantly cooked/have her wings painfully melt and to have flames constantly coming from her core, making it painful to do any movements or any form of crying. Pitaya/Fire Spirit aren't much help but do both give her at least some form of fire immunity, even though she isn't allowed to be near her kingdom as a result of her high temperatures. Is the third to be rescued
White Lily, Under a fight between Millennial Tree and Sugar Swan and also Dark Enchantress- She is the only one being actively fought over, but because of this she is the first one needing to be rescued, that way Enchantress won't be able to corrupt her. Sugar Swan was corrupted, but Millennial Tree has been able to keep Lily incased in a stone statue and unaware of the further fighting and to hopefully stop the curse that would be spreading to her slowly and accidentally from Dark Enchantress/Future her. But both Millennial Tree and Sugar Swan have given her ties to nature and to possibly cookie life, so she already knows some ways cookies can be made. Timekeeper leads Gingerbrave and his group to her, and she is the first one rescued after Ginverbrave and Co. beats Enchantress enough to make her flee for the time being. Is also the one that would eventually beat sense into Enchantress in the final fight with the help of some of the others
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peanutdream · 7 years
Hey.............. Do all those ask things please I am Curious enjoy
1.      Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? 
Spotify. I don’t think I can even use Pandora since I’m from theNetherlands?? Last time I checked I couldn’t.
2.      is your room messy or clean?
A combination ofboth.
3.      what color are your eyes?
I think it’sgreenish??
4.      do you like your name? why?
 I used to really dislike it, but that was mainly because there was a Dutch song about my name (this one) that some boys from my class sang EVERY fucking school day, and sometimes even multiple times a day. It really ruined my name for me. Recently, though, my mom told me that?? The song came out somewhere around the time before my grandpa died when he was still hospitalized?? and?? he heard the song and liked it??? So i don’t really hate the song anymore, and I’ve kinda grown to like my name again. A lot of people still refer to me as ‘Rose’, though, since that’s just a lot shorter.
5.      what is your relationship status? 
Single and ready to eat an entire baguette.
6.      describe your personality in 3 words or less
funny jumpluff eat
7.      what color hair do you have?
Dark blone
8.      what kind of car do you drive? color?
I haven’t really driven in my mom’s car yet but it’s silver colored.
9.      where do you shop?
stores, usually. I mostly buy stuff at the mall that’s in my town, but sometimes I feel Fancy and I take the bus to a nearby city.
10.  how would you describe your style?
“i wish I was as cute as some of my clothes”
11.  favorite social media account
??????????????? of the ones I own?? someone else’s??? U gotta be more specific.
12.  what size bed do you have? 
a normal one. for a single person. because i’m single.
13.  any siblings?
14.  if you can live anywhere in the world wherewould it be? why?
Mmm, somewhere near a forest is Great.
15.  favorite snapchat filter? 
I Don’t Use SnapChat Enough For This But I Remember One With A Princess In A Car And I Think That One Is Pretty Rad
16.  favorite makeup brand(s)
I never......... buy make-up............. I wish i did, though. Sometimes I want to buy some, but then it’s like?? it’s expensive, and I don’t really know what I would need to buy anyway.
17.  how many times a week do you shower?
Depends on how many times I need to go out. I do shower atleast once every two days, though.
18.  favorite tv show?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Do series count? or just?? random shows?? Or can I just put in a random show that I’ve recently watched?? because then I’m just going to say Grace & Frankie because that one is Very Good.
19.  shoe size?
smol. 38 I think.
20.  how tall are you?
also very smol. 1.57 meters.
21.  sandals or sneakers? 
Sneakers when I have to walk A Lot, sandals when I’m at the beach or just?? at home I guess.
22.  do you go to the gym? 
lol no.
23.  describe your dream date
That’s a tough one. I’d have to say April 25th, because it’s not too hot, not too cold. All you need is a light jacket!
idk dude I think just?? hanging out with the person I really like would be very chill already?? Maybe some looking at the stars and?? laying outside in a grassfield?? that sounds pretty chill I think.
24.  how much money do you have in your wallet atthe moment?
About 7 euros I think
25.  what color socks are you wearing? 
Black + pink.
26.  how many pillows do you sleep with?
One normal head pillow + 2 neck pillow things.
27.  do you have a job? what do you do? 
haha no.
28.  how many friends do you have? 
6 close friends and?? a Whole Bunch of people that I consider friends but that I don’t talk as much with.
29.  whats the worst thing you have ever done? 
I’m not sure honestly, although I probably have done or said some bad things?? 
30.  whats your favorite candle scent? 
Roses and other flowers.
31.  3 favorite boy names
shrek, donkey, farquaad.
32.  3 favorite girl names
fiona, dragon, uhhhh fiona’s mom.
33.  favorite actor? 
Ryan Reynolds or Tom Hanks.
34.  favorite actress? 
Merryl Streep or Viola Davis
35.  who is your celebrity crush?
shit I don’t know dude. 
36.  favorite movie? 
shit there are so many movies that I love??? The Swan Princess, Matilda, Forrest Gump, A Lot Of Disney Movies, La Vita e Bella, Miss Congeniality and?? a lot more I think??
37.  do you read a lot? whats your favoritebook? 
Dead Withc Walking by Kim Harrison, although I really love the HP books too. I love reading and wish I did it more tbh.
38.  money or brains? 
money seems to be working pretty well for trump but honestly i think i prefer brains.
39.  do you have a nickname? what is it? 
Rose. There was this one week where my nickname was Cheese though.
40.  how many times have you been to the hospital?
I went to the hospital pretty often as a child because I was?? Not Very Tall?? and the docters were Concerned or something. they basically took some blood and checked how much I had grown since the last time I visited. 
When that was done I didn’t visit the hospital until I got hit by a car on my way to school and broke my clavicle. It hurt. A Lot.
The last time I went was like, 2 years ago?? To get my thyroid tested?? I was basically Really Fucking Anxious back then and constantly felt like?? Like shit I guess?? And as if I was going to die?? Sort of?? but not really?? Let’s just keep it at “I was really anxious about having a fast heartbeat” to keep it simple. I’m over it now, though. God, even just walking made me anxious back then. 
41.  top 10 favorite songs
NICE that’s more than ONE song. They’re not going to be in any particular order though. And also probably more than 10.
Day6: I Wait - Congratulations - I’m Serious.
Fall Out Boy: Sugar, We’re Going Down - Miss Missing You - Young Volcanoes - Rat a Tat
BTS: RUN - INTRO: What Am I To You - Crowtit - Ma City
Shortstraw: Thailand
Walk the Moon: Tightrope - Anna Sun - Shut Up and Dance 
Man Man: Loot My Body
Raleigh Ritchie: The Greatest - You’re A Man Now Boy
42.  do you take any medications daily? 
hell yeah. The Good Shit That Helps Me Against Hayfever.
43.  what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
Dry hands, oily face
44.  what is your biggest fear? 
Losing my friends.
45.  how many kids do you want? 
Not sure. No kids?? One kid??? I think it eventually also depends on my partner I guess??
46.  whats your go to hair style?
“Listen I combed my hair but the moment I stepped outside the wind acted like an asshole.”
47.  what type of house do you live in? (big, small,etc) 
medium house.
48.  who is your role model? 
ONE, as in, the one who came up with One Punch Man. 
49.  what was the last compliment you received?
“I like your sweater.” 
50.  what was the last text you sent?
“I’m home around 2:30, want to drink some coffee together?” = me @ my mom.
51.  how old were you when you found out santawasn’t real?
I never believed in Santa. as in, the american one. I think I was like, 10 or something when my mom told me Sinterklaas doesn’t exist??
52.  what is your dream car? 
one i can drive in without crying.
53.  opinion on smoking?
please don’t blow your smoke in my face. I personally dislike it but?? it’s your choice if you want to smoke.
54.  do you go to college? 
hell yeah.
55.  what is your dream job? 
Something I genuinely enjoy, that happens to pay decently.
56.  would you rather live in rural areas or thesuburbs? 
Suburbs I think??
57.  do you take shampoo and conditioner bottlesfrom hotels? 
I don;t visit hotels often enough to steal enything from them.
58.  do you have freckles? 
Don’t think so.
59.  do you smile for pictures?
I do. That is, when I’m not avoiding the person who is taking the pictures. 
60.  how many pictures do you have on yourphone? 
61.  have you ever peed in the woods? 
Yes. It is necessary if you want to play in the woods without peeing your pants, really.
62.  do you still watch cartoons? 
hell yeah!!
63.  do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s orMcDonalds?
I didn’t visit a Wendy’s during their one year stay in the Netherlands, so I can’t really compare them. 
64.  Favorite dipping sauce? 
Sour Cream.
65.  what do you wear to bed? 
Pyjama’s. As long as it’s something that I can wear pj pants with, it’s fine for me. I really hate not wearing pants during summer. the sticky sweat feeling between my legs is the worst.
66.  have you ever won a spelling bee?
We don’t really have those in the Netherlands lol.
67.  what are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, gaming? ? I think?? can talking with friends count as a hobby?
68.  can you draw? 
Depends on what it is that I need to draw.
69.  do you play an instrument?
I can play the (acoustic) guitar and the glockenspiel!! Also a little bit of recorder!! 
70.  what was the last concert you saw? 
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I think it was a Fall Out Boy concert?? From their American Beauty/America Psycho tour??
71.  tea or coffee?
Coffee. Tea is alright but it’s?? ?? ? yeah.
72.  Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
it’s been, what, a month since a Dunkin Donuts first opened in the Netherlands??? Somewhere in Amsterdam even I think?? So uhhh. no. I don’t really have any reference material.
73.  do you want to get married?
I think so.
74.  what is your crush’s first and last initial?
l i sten  n o.
75.  are you going to change your last name when youget married? 
Maybe?? If it’s not something like Naaktgeboren?? because there was an episode on Zoop where someone’s name was Ben Naaktgeboren which may sound ok if you’re not Dutch but it’s not a name I’d like to have.
76.  what color looks best on you? 
77.  do you miss anyone right now? 
I sometimes wish I lived closer to my online friends so I could hang out with them more but?? I can still talk to them whenever. I do sometimes miss my grandparents though.
78.  do you sleep with your door open or closed?
It’s usually not entirely closed.
79.  do you believe in ghosts?
Not really.
80.  what is your biggest pet peeve? 
when an inanimate object still falls over even though i’ve called it “dude!” and “bro!” many, many times.
81.  last person you called`
My phone says it’s my mom.
82.  favorite ice cream flavor? Lemon
83.  regular oreos or golden oreos? 
what the hell are golden oreos????? Why would you eat gold????
84.  chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? 
85.  what shirt are you wearing? 
One with Dory on it with the text “I have 99 problems but can’t remember ONE
86.  what is your phone background?
(This picture)
87.  are you outgoing or shy?
I used to be Super Shy, but now it’s getting a little bit less I think?? I’m pretty outgoing when I’m with friends, though.
88.  do you like it when people play with your hair?
hell yeah.
89.  do you like your neighbors? 
I don’t really know them but I think they’re alright??? 
90.  do you wash your face? at night? in themorning?
Before + after sleeping.
91.  have you ever been high? 
92.  have you ever been drunk? 
93.  last thing you ate? 
un petitfour
94.  favorite lyrics right now
Basically just?? the lyrics of If I Could Tell Her from Dear Evan Hansen. god I love that song.
95.  summer or winter? 
96.  day or night? 
97.  dark, milk, or white chocolate? 
All of them. 
98.  favorite month? 
June bc it’s my birthday month B)
99.  what is your zodiac sign
100.   who was the last person you cried in frontof? 
My mom, probably?? 
Thanks for letting me answer all these questions!! 
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hookedonapirate · 7 years
Tangled Up In Blue
Chapter 12
Summary: Fear for her unborn child, a bruised and broken Emma Swan is determined to escape an abusive marriage. When she drives a long way from home to a small town in Maine, she doesn’t think her life could get more complicated… that is until her OBGYN turns out to be a blue-eyed British man. But he may be just what she needs to begin her healing process and start a new life for her child. If only nothing gets in the way.
Rated M for a mild violence, language and eventual smut
*TRIGGER WARNING* Mentions of physical and verbal abuse/domestic violence towards a pregnant woman.
Chapter: 11 12 13
Liam gulped harshly, staring the man down. Liam was no coward but he didn't really think a a beat-up Volkswagen Beetle was worth getting shot over. Thinking of his family, his wife and the future they had planned together, he made a decision. This man before him did not look like the type he wanted to mess with and Liam couldn't bear the thought of leaving his wife a widow. Especially after their recent loss. He couldn't put her through that again. “The car's yours. I don't want any trouble. Just let me get the keys for you.”
“Good choice.”
Liam went inside to get the keys as the man followed him making sure he wasn't up to any funny business. Liam kept looking over his shoulder cautiously, his heart pounding as he fetched the keys and handed them over. A crooked smile creeped over the man's face, sending shivers down Liam's spine.
When they walked outside and Liam locked up again, the man put a threatening hand on his shoulder just when Liam thought he was in the clear. The man leaned in, speaking quietly in a dark, husky tone. “Just so we’re clear, if you tell anyone about this, I guarantee you will never see that lovely wife of yours ever again.” He handed Liam the cash and turned to walk away.
Liam gritted his teeth, his fist clenching as he watched him go. The urge to punch the bloke straight in his nose was overwhelming. Who the bloody hell did this guy think he was, coming to this peaceful town and making threats? And how the bloody hell did he know his wife? He's never even seen this arse before. Liam let out breath to steady himself before he did something stupid. Then, his eyes drifted to the cash in his hand, his thumb sifting through the bills. He asked himself two questions. Where did a man like that get two thousand dollars in cash and who would be desperate enough to threaten him with a gun over an old Volkswagen Beetle that had well over 150,000 miles on it?
Killian’s mouth fell agape and he blinked a few times to be sure he wasn't dreaming. He had never seen anything so stunning in his entire life. “Love...” He took her hands in his and mustered a charming smile. “You literally take me breath away.”
Emma blushed and returned a shy smile. She was wearing a jacket, but it was unzipped. Underneath it, she was clad in a red dress that showed off all of her wonderful feminine parts and curves flawlessly. “I doubt that.”
Her words tore at his heart. “It's true.” He only wished he could show her just how beautiful she really was. He could only imagine that she had never received that type of appreciation. The kind that would make her feel like a valuable treasure to be loved and cherished. The kind that made her feel like a woman in all aspects of the word, to be made love to slowly, passionately, and to be treated as a princess. He knew she's never been cared for like that before.
Killian released her hands, wrapping her up in his arms underneath her jacket as he captured her lips. She sighed softly as she rested her hands on his shoulders and moved her lips slowly against his, savoring the feel and pressure of his mouth on hers. He was instantly caught up in everything she had to offer as he breathed her in. Her taste, the smell of her perfume, her delicate curves as his hands roamed her body. He could easily feel the fire inside her from the way she kissed him and tugged on the fabric of his shirt between her fingers as though the need to have him closer was just too much to bear.
He let out a groan as he found her tongue, tasting her more adequately. He lifted one of his hands, curling it around the back of her neck behind her soft, golden locks, his thumb brushing along her skin as he angled his head to deepen the kiss. There was a low rumble in his belly, and it wasn't a hunger for food. He slid his tongue along hers and she pulled him in like a current, the kiss quickly becoming rapid and heavy as she nibbled and sucked on his tongue. He could feel himself harden in his pants and his arousal only grew inside of him with every stroke of her warm, soft tongue. He knew he had to pull away before things got out of control. They hadn't even made it into the house yet.
Regrettably, he released her lips, leaving them gasping for air as he rested his forehead on hers. “Why don't we start the dinner?” he suggested with a chuckle.
“Good idea,” she said in a breathy whisper.
He could tell she was disappointed and if he were acting on his instincts, he would scoop her in his arms, carry her up to his bedroom and make sweet, passionate love to her in his bed. But it was important to him that she knew how much she meant to him that went beyond physical attraction. Especially after their encounter in his office a week ago. He had never expected to do that, but he always did love a challenge and he just couldn't resist her feminine wiles. She was enticing and made him want to do things he never thought he'd be doing, at least not with one of his patients. And he quite enjoyed the power she had over him. It was intoxicating.
Emma opened the backseat door and grabbed a grocery bag full of supplies for the Lasagna they had planned on making. He had assured her she didn't have to buy them, but she insisted.
“Allow me, love.” He took the bag from her and they went inside the kitchen. Killian set the bag down on the counter and pulled her jacket from her shoulders, hanging it up in his closet along with her purse. They took the ingredients out of the bag and Killian grabbed some things out of the pantry that he already had in stock.
They were moving around the kitchen in a very domesticated fashion, gathering pans and cooking utensils. Emma minced the garlic as Killian cut up an onion and she started cooking the sausage, garlic and onion in a pan as Killian crushed up some fresh tomatoes and chopped up some basil.
When the sausage was browned, he added the tomatoes, tomato sauce and some other ingredients as she stood at his side and admired him.
“Brown sugar?” she asked with a lifted brow as he added half of a cup to the mixture.
“Aye, it gives it an added sweetness. You've never made it that way?”
She shook her head as he sprinkled in the Basal. “No, I haven't.”
Emma boiled the water, adding the lasagna noodles to it. Killian prepared the ricotta cheese in a bowl and as the sauce mixture was cooking on the stove, Emma stirred it with a wooden spoon.
Killian came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist as he moved her hair to one side and peppered kisses to her neck. She paused her task and closed her eyes, tilting her head back, relishing in his embrace. When the sauce was cooked properly, Killian grabbed the spoon from her and scooped some of it up, blowing on it to cool it down. “Here, try this.”
She leaned in and opened her mouth, allowing him to slide the the spoon between her lips and she brought the contents of the sauce with her to taste it. He pulled the spoon away and watched as she licked her lips.
“What do you think? Is it sweet enough?”
She nodded and left behind a bit of sauce on the corner of her mouth. “It's delicious.”
He smirked and set down the spoon, gently taking her chin in his hand to bring her lips to his. He licked the sauce from her mouth and kissed her, cupping her jaw in his hands. His tongue dove in, mimicking the way he licked her soft, velvety folds a week ago, the way he nipped and sucked on her. He shuddered at the memory as their lips slowly pulled apart. “I have to agree. Very sweet and delicious,” he managed, his breathing ragged as he stared into her sparkling emerald depths, but he wasn't just talking about the sauce.
She quivered at his suggestive tone. They reluctantly pulled apart and fell back into their tasks so as not to let the food burn. They worked together, assembling the lasagna in a baking dish and put it into the preheated oven, setting the timer.
“So, where did you learn to cook?” She asked, slipping her hand into his as they headed to the living room.
“My aunt taught my brother and I when we were younger. Our parents were busy most of the time with their practice so we stayed with our aunt and uncle from time to time. And when we were teenagers, I did most of the cooking.”
Killian took a seat, straddling the lounge chair as he gestured her to sit in front of him.
“I'm sorry you don't get to spend much time with your parents. That must have been lonely” Emma sat on the edge and Killian started massaging her shoulders.
“It's okay, love. Liam and I have always had each other and always kept ourselves occupied with our interests and hobbies. We were just grateful to have parents. And we knew they loved us, in fact they took us to work a lot and spend time with us when they weren't with patients. And every moment they weren't working, they were with us, apart from bedtime. I can only imagine that you had it much worst. I don't know what I would have done without parents.”
Emma shrugged as Killian worked his hands down her back. “It was tough but I managed.”
“Well, if you ask me, anyone willing to abandon their child shouldn't deserve to have one and definitely doesn't deserve the love of one, especially from someone as special as you are.” He could feel her stiffen under his touch and she turned to look at him, offering a small smile. He lifted his hand to her chin and kissed her cheek.
“People keep telling me I'm special but I just don't see it.”
“Well, you should believe them, because it's true.” He flashed her an encouraging smile and moved to sit back into the chair, urging her to join him.
She got up and and went to him, taking the spot in front of him. She rested her legs across the length of the chaise as she laid back so she was pressed into his front as he wrapped his arms around her, splaying his hands on her belly. They shifted into a comfortable position and she rested her head on his chest.
As he laid kisses to the crown of her head, he thought about what she said; people telling her she was special and he was glad she had those people in her life. He never had been especially close to the Nolans, but he respected Mary Margaret and David. However, he despised the other Nolan brother. “Can I ask you something, love?”
“Yeah, what is it?”
“It seems that you've gotten close with…” He paused, thinking about how he wanted to ask what he had in mind. They had been seeing one another for very long, romantically speaking, so he didn't want to come off as the possessive jealous type, but he cared about her and didn't want her to get hurt. “...James. I know you're just friends, but I have to admit I've known him for a while and I don't trust him.”
“You're not jealous are you?” she asked teasingly.
He sighed a breath of relief, glad that he didn't upset her. “No, I just… I don't want to see him let you down, that's all.”
“He won't,” she said confidently. “You don't have to worry about that.” She placed her hands over his, her fingers toying with his. “We understand each other and I know I can trust him.”
“How can you be sure?” he asked, resting his chin on her head.
“His eyes,” she replied simply.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I have this superpower. I can tell when people are lying. I can sense when they're dishonest or insincere by looking into their eyes. I can't explain it, it's just kind of like a sixth sense. It's how I can always tell him and David apart, even before I knew anything about them.”
“That's quite a superpower you have then.” He thought about that for a moment. “So, I take it that's how you knew you could trust me?”
“Exactly. I knew the moment I looked into your eyes. I could see warmth and comfort there. Something I wasn't used to at the time.”
“If that's true then why did you ask for a different doctor at first?” he asked curiously.
“Come on, have you seen yourself in the mirror recently?” she laughed.
Killian's face fell in confusion.
“Let me put it this way. If you went to see a young, gorgeous female doctor for, lets say a prostate exam or had to be undressed in front of them while she touched you in intimate places for medical purposes, wouldn't you feel insecure and uncomfortable?”
He chuckled at that, his cheeks filling with blush. “I see your point.” He peered down at her as she tilted her head to face him, kissing his lips. “Are you trying to say that you were off-put by my devilishly handsome good looks?”
“Yes,” she laughed.
“Believe me, you have nothing to be insecure about. Every part of you is beautiful, inside and out.”
“But I had bruises and scars on my legs,” she reminded him.
He stiffened at the thought. “The only thing ugly about your bruises and scars is the man who did that to you.” He wondered how such an intuitive person like her let such a monster creep into her heart. “When you met Neal, did you see trust in his eyes?” He immediately regretted the question when he felt her shiver in his arms. He knew he shouldn't have brought it up. He didn't want to ruin their evening. “If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to. I was only curious, love.”
“It's fine,” she assured him as her head reclaimed the spot on his chest. “I actually knew he was trouble when I met him. I could see the unpredictability and danger in his eyes, even if he was harmless at first. But I mean I was only seventeen at the time. What the hell did I know anyways? And before I met him, I slept under a bridge, so danger was not a deterring factor for me. In fact I lived for danger and the ‘unpredictable’. Maybe that's why I fell for Neal in the first place. I felt like I was home when I was with him.” She let out an exasperated sigh. “That obviously changed over the years. I grew to hate and despise him for what he did to me but I also loved him at the same time. It made it very difficult to leave.”
“How did you do it, love? If you don't mind me asking. How did you leave?”
“I had thought about it for a long time and planned it in my head over and over. I even hid a stash of cash that I saved from waitressing. But running away was just a pipe dream for a long time. And I guess getting pregnant gave me the courage I needed. I would never be able to live with myself if I brought a baby into this world for Neal to torment and abuse. I may have let him get away with that with me but nobody lays a hand on my baby,” Emma stated protectively as she put her hands on her belly. “The night after he pushed me to the floor and I fell on my baby bump, I decided that I wasn't going to let him do that to me anymore and risk the life of my baby. So, I came home from work and he was drunk off his ass like I knew he would be. I kept refilling his drink for him until he passed out on the couch at about two in the morning. I quickly went into our room and grabbed a few clothes and the money I saved and snuck out. My heart was pounding the whole time, I was so nervous that he would wake up or that one of his neighbor friends would stop by. Luckily, all of the houses were dark and there wasn't anyone in sight so I got in my car and drove to a gas station outside of town. I smashed my cell phone and discarded all of my credit cards, anything that he could use to track me down. Then I just kept driving, only stopping for food, gas and to rest my eyes when I needed to.”
“Well, I'm proud of you, love. Some women in your situation would have… chosen other paths… maybe have given up and had an abortion instead.”
“I could never do that. I'd rather give up my own life,” she said adamantly. “Even if Neal is… even if he did attack me for resisting him and even if he did force himself on me and…” Emma choked on her words as a tear slipped from her eyes. “This baby is still my child and I could never just let him go.” Emma turned and started sobbing into Killian's shirt as he cradled her in his arms, rocking her gently.
“Hey, it's okay, love. You and your baby are safe, now. I would never let anything happen to either of you,” his said earnestly. He would do anything to make sure of that.
His heart broke for her as he felt his own tears stinging his eyes. He whispered soothing words in her ear and stroked her hair as she cried softly into his chest.
After a while, they could hear the timer go off and by that time Emma had no more tears to shed, her cheeks stained as Killian dropped a kiss to her forehead.
“I have to use your bathroom,” she murmured as he helped her up. “Okay, love. I'll get the Lasagna out of the oven, sweetheart.” He caressed her cheek as she smiled weakly. “I'm sorry for crying on our date,” she apologized with a strangled laugh. “I seem to do that a lot when I'm around you.”
“No need to apologize, love. I told you before, I'm here for you whenever you need to talk. I just hope that I'm never the one making you cry.”
Emma put her arms around the back of his neck and pressed her lips to his. “You could only do that if you broke my heart.”
His heart sank at the mere thought of such a thing. “Well if I were you, I wouldn't place a bet on that,” he said, offering a small smirk.
“I'll take your word on it.” She smiled and pulled away, turning around to head to the restroom as he went to the kitchen to get the Lasagna.
He served the Lasagna on two plates and they ate on the sofa, engaging in pleasant conversation. They also came up with something to tell Rosabell when Emma showed up for her appointment the following week, although Killian didn't like the idea very well, nor did Emma, but they knew it would be believable. Neither of them enjoyed lying about their relationship, especially considering the fact that they had to hide their affections for each other from everyone. And he couldn't help but wish that he could take her on a proper date and show her off to his parents and everyone else he knew. The fact that he couldn't bothered him more than he would ever admit.
After they finished eating, he took the dirty dishes to the sink and rinsed them off. When he returned to her on the sofa, they settled into a comfortable position. He curled his arm around her shoulder as she rested her hand on his chest. Emma's face was buried in the crook of his neck as she started pressing her lips to his skin. He groaned and tilted his head back as she kissed his neck, her hand sliding up to to his face to bring him closer. He closed his eyes and drew in a long breath as her fingers brushed along the scruff of his chin. He enjoyed the sensation coursing through him, the feel of her warm lips on his skin, arousal stirring in his belly and traveling south. She lightly sucked and nibbled on his neck, causing his erection to grow as her hand slid down his body. He felt the urge to stop her but she was quick in her endeavor to grab his package and all inhibitions escaped him. Another groan spilled from his lips as she started rubbing the hardness through his jeans, fostering heat that spread through his body and accumulated below his belt. The logical part of his brain was foggy with lust and in all honesty, he didn't want her to stop.
“Fuck…” he whispered as he ground his crotch against her hand. It's been far too long since he's been touched by anyone but himself.
“How does that feel?” she asked quietly in his ear.
“Gods, so good, love…”
She smiled deviously. “See, I don't even have to get you drunk to seduce you.”
A smile curved his mouth as he managed a reply, remembering their conversation from their first date. He didn't need to be intoxicated from alcohol, she was intoxicating enough. “No love, you've got me in the palm of your hand,” he quipped.
She giggled and it was probably the most pleasant sound he's ever heard. Although if she kept up her ministrations, he's certain he could extract more pleasant sounds from that beautiful mouth of hers.
Emma pulled her lips from his neck and sat up, undoing his belt and unzipping his jeans. He bit his bottom lip, anticipation building as she reached into his boxers and pulled out his unbearably hard cock. She moaned, taking it into her hand, stroking him up and down, brushing her thumb over the beads of pre-cum that leaked from his tip.
“Love, if you keep doing that, I'm going to come,” he managed, his voice wrecked as she paid no attention and slid off the couch, settling in between his thighs. He didn't have time to protest any further before she took him in her mouth. A loud groan escaped him as his hands found her hair, his fingers losing themselves in her locks. Her face sank down further upon him, gradually adjusting and devouring his whole length. He rocked himself slowly in her hot mouth, not wanting to hurt her. She released him, holding him steady in her hand as she looked up at him.
“Don't hold back. I want to make you feel good,” she breathed. “I want you to be selfish and take what your heart desires.”
He opened his eyes and lifted his head from the couch, looking down at her. “I have no desire to hurt you.”
“You won't,” she assured him. “I promise you can't hurt me.” He swallowed thickly, wondering if she meant that he couldn't hurt her anymore than she already has been because she’s developed a high tolerance for pain or if she was just immune to it altogether. “Please, Killian… I want to taste your cum in my mouth like you’ve tasted me.” He was surprised by her plea but at the same time, he was unbelievably turned on.
“Yes mam. If you insist,” he concurred with delight, allowing her to continue as she lowered her head again and kissed his velvety tip. He watched as his hard length disappeared inside of her mouth and she proceeded to suck on him. Her lips felt amazing around him and he threw his head back into the sofa, groaning as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. She took her sweet time torturing him and teasing him with her lips and tongue, although it didn't take her long to have him unraveling when the head of his cock hit the back of her throat and she moaned, sending a bolt of electricity through his body.
“Emma… oh fuck that's good...”
His hands cupped the back of her head, pressing her just a bit further, no longer able to hold back as he thrusted himself deep into her mouth, chasing his orgasm. She responded by bobbing her head more fiercely, and he was soon on the edge of release. She moved faster, taking him as deep as she could until his hips were stuttering and his body stilled, shooting his cum down her throat.
His body went limp as he sank into the couch, catching his breath and letting his heart slow down. She gave him one last suck and licked his slit, making him shudder before climbing into his lap, her legs straddling him. “Bloody hell…” His breathing was ragged as he tried to gather his strength.
However, she only made it more difficult when she unbuttoned his shirt and ran her hands through his chest hair and up to his neck and jaw. His hands rested at her hips, gently pressing his fingertips into her clothed skin. “Doing alright there?”
“Oh, my sweet love, you have no idea.” He was still floating from his orgasm as she pressed gentle kisses to his neck.
Finally, he was able to move again and grabbed her hand as he lifted his head and opened his eyes, bringing her fingers to his lips. They're eyes met, the stunning green piercing through him. They stared each other down, desire burning in their depths, both of them silent. He wanted to tell her he loved her right then and there, but he knew it was too soon, even though he knew she felt it too, she practically told him so.
Before he could form any other coherent thoughts, she grabbed his collar and smashed her lips into his. He closed his eyes again, savoring the touch of her soft lips and the taste of her tongue. The kiss gradually grew more intense, igniting the fire inside of him once again. She moaned, feeling the evidence of his arousal through her panties as she rolled her hips into him. He groaned as his hand followed the curves of her body, his fingertips itching to touch her breasts that were pressed firmly into his chest. He willed himself to stop and release her lips, catching his breath as he tried to speak.
“Emma… we shouldn't…”
She whined in complaint, chasing his lips with hers as he pulled away. “If it's because you don't have protection, I think it's safe to say you can't knock me up,” she joked with a strangled laugh. Her lips were kiss-swollen, her face flushed, hair tousled, and eyes glittering. “And you have first-hand knowledge that I'm clean, and I know you haven't been with anyone since Milah.”
“Love, that's not it. I just think we should wait.”
She pulled back, her face a mixture of disappointment and confusion. “Why? Because I'm pregnant and too big? I thought you of all people would accept me this way.” He could hear the irritation in her words and he berated himself for being such a bloody moron.
“Emma, you know that's not it. I find you to be insanely attractive as you are, believe me. I would tear your clothes in a heartbeat if I wasn't so much of a sodding idiot.” His words came out a little more loudly than he intended and to make matters worse, she looked even more confused.
“Then what is it?”
He considered his answer before putting it together in words, speaking in a more gentle and breezy tone. “Well, you know I don't have any problem with the little lad, but…” He put his hands on her stomach, caressing her gently to soothe her. Her expression relaxed underneath his touch as she patiently awaited his answer. “But, he's always in my way,” Killian replied with a light chuckle.
“Well, I know, but we can work around him, can't we?” she asked, her lips pulling into a seductive smirk.
“Aye, but our first time together…” he leaned in, his voice low and raspy. “I want to be able to hold your body against mine, watch you writhe in my arms as I make you come undone.”
Her eyes were filled with a yearning desire as though she were imagining what he was saying and a small whine fell from her lips. “Well, we have plenty of time for that after I have the baby, don't you think?”
He loved her optimism and the fact that she was thinking about them as a couple after she had the baby. “Aye, but-”
Emma pressed a finger to his lips to shush him. “No more buts. You're over-thinking this. I want you. You want me. It's that simple. If you want our first time to be memorable than why not take advantage of this unique opportunity of me being pregnant? I have a lifetime ahead of me of not being pregnant so I refuse to let my pregnancy get in our way. And yes, we might have to put a little more work into it, but…” Emma smirked and batted her eyelashes flirtatiously as she leaned in, cupping his jaw in her hands, speaking in a playful tone. “...that just means we’ll have to experiment and try multiple positions to find one that works and have fun while we do.”
Without even blinking, Killian lifted her up effortlessly, letting her feet hit the floor before he adjusted his pants and stood up. He scooped her in his arms, picking her up and kissing her deeply as he made his way out of the living room and to the staircase, using his back to open doors in his path. Emma beamed with excitement as they reached the stairs, smiling and blushing.
“Wait. You shouldn't carry me up. You won't be able to hold onto the railing if you trip or something,” she pointed out, her tone ringing with enthusiasm.
“Good point.” He was gushing with excitement as well, a smile spread across his lips as he set her down and took her hand. They went up the steps as quickly as her pregnant belly would allow. He felt like a giddy schoolboy losing his virginity.
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cucinacarmela-blog · 6 years
20 Memorial Day Dessert Recipes
New Post has been published on http://cucinacarmela.com/20-memorial-day-dessert-recipes/
20 Memorial Day Dessert Recipes
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[Photographs: Vicky Wasik]
It’s true that with all the many Memorial Day grilling recipes we’ve shared recently, you might not end up with much room in your stomach for dessert. But what’s a cookout without something sweet? After a meal of smoky, savory grilled meats, dessert can be a great opportunity to show off the fruit that’s just starting to come into season—think flaky, golden-crusted pies bursting with fresh cherries or blueberries; a moist and tender blackberry cake topped with tangy cream cheese frosting; the best strawberry ice cream; and more. Don’t let the fun stop with fruit, though. Chocolate chip cookies and Texas sheet cake will please guests of all ages and are ideal for serving a big crowd, while frosty DIY pudding pops make a picture-perfect nostalgic summertime treat. Whatever you’re in the mood for, you’ll find the right recipe for your cookout in this collection of 20 Memorial Day dessert recipes.
Cookies and Bars
Sunny Lemon Bars
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
The texture of this tangy, bright dessert falls somewhere between lemon curd and lemon meringue pie—soft, rich, and just firm enough to hold its shape when you cut it. A custard made with equal parts whole eggs and egg yolks and cooked on the stove is the key. We also briefly bake the bars in the oven after making the custard, but only to help the filling spread out into a beautifully smooth, satiny layer.
Get the recipe for Sunny Lemon Bars »
Lofthouse-Style Frosted Sugar Cookies
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
I don’t know about you, but I’ve definitely stopped at the supermarket more than once for a package of Lofthouse cookies after realizing I needed a last-minute dessert for a party. It takes just a little more effort, though, to re-create these childhood favorites at home. To get them so soft and puffy that they’re more cake than cookie, carefully incorporate the eggs for the most tender crumb possible, and be sure to use only cake flour, such as Swans Down. Don’t forget the frosting, too—use organic powdered sugar to avoid a gritty texture.
Get the recipe for Lofthouse-Style Frosted Sugar Cookies »
Quick and Easy Chocolate Chip Cookies
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Chocolate chip cookies are classic for a reason—who doesn’t love them? Our ultimate recipe requires resting the dough overnight, but if you don’t have that kind of time, this version comes together in just 45 minutes and is utterly delicious. The key is ditching the mass-produced chocolate chips in favor of hand-chopped bar chocolate—we like to use a mix of dark, milk, and white chocolate, for variety’s sake. Not only does bar chocolate taste better than chips, chopping it with a knife produces a cocoa dust that infuses every bite of cookie with chocolaty flavor.
Get the recipe for Quick and Easy Chocolate Chip Cookies »
No-Bake Cookies With Chocolate, Peanut Butter, and Chewy Oats
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
These cookies are really a type of peanut butter fudge, but don’t let that scare you—with the help of a digital thermometer, this stovetop-only recipe is super easy. You can make the cookies with either instant or old-fashioned oats, but the best option is to use a mixture of the two for a thick, chewy texture. A combination of Dutched cocoa powder and dark chocolate gives the cookies a great flavor that’s mellow enough after cooking to be kid-friendly.
Get the recipe for No-Bake Cookies With Chocolate, Peanut Butter, and Chewy Oats »
Sweet and Salty Stout Marshmallow Bars With Pretzels, Potato Chips, and Chocolate
[Photograph: Morgan Eisenberg]
This recipe combines the salty pretzels and potato chips you might normally see on a party table with chocolate and marshmallow, making a savory-sweet, Rice Krispies Treat–inspired dessert. We bind the pretzels and chips with a homemade marshmallow flavored with bitter stout—be sure to let the beer go flat first, to avoid a sticky boil-up—and finish the bars with stout-infused chocolate to boost the sweetness.
Get the recipe for Sweet and Salty Stout Marshmallow Bars With Pretzels, Potato Chips, and Chocolate »
Cakes, Pies, and Cobblers
No-Bake Cheesecake With Freeze-Dried Fruit
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
We may be about to hit peak produce season, but the best choice for adding fruit flavor and vivid color to our no-bake cheesecake is powdered freeze-dried fruit—the excess of moisture in fresh fruit will ruin the texture. A graham cracker crust is a classic choice for cheesecake, but you might also try experimenting with different cookies depending on the fruit—consider Oreos paired with strawberry, Biscoff with banana, or gingersnaps with mango.
Get the recipe for No-Bake Cheesecake With Freeze-Dried Fruit »
The Best Cherry Pie
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Fruit pies can feel like an exercise in frustration—how many times have you followed a recipe to a T and still ended up with a filling that was way too loose or gloopy? Turns out, the secret to the best fruit pie comes down to science. If you combine the fruit with 25% of its weight in sugar and 5.5% of its weight in tapioca starch, you’ll end up with a thick but juicy pie every time. The formula works with either fresh or frozen fruit, so you can make this pie even if cherries haven’t appeared at your farmers market yet.
Get the recipe for The Best Cherry Pie »
The Best Blueberry Pie
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
The ratio of fruit to sugar to tapioca starch works just as well with other fruits as it does with cherries, so you can use it to make a perfect blueberry pie as well. A mix of wild and cultivated blueberries produces the best depth of flavor, though it’s not essential. Our preferred pie plate is made of inexpensive tempered glass, which yields a crispier crust than ceramic or stoneware.
Get the recipe for The Best Blueberry Pie »
Summer Strawberry Pie
[Photograph: Yvonne Ruperti]
It’s already sweltering here in California, so turning on the oven long enough to bake a pie doesn’t sound like my idea of a good time. Come Memorial Day, I’m much more likely to whip up this fruity, eye-catching no-bake dessert, made with a combination of macerated strawberries and strawberry purée in a graham cracker crust. Rather than cooking the filling on the stovetop, we simply thicken it with gelatin quickly melted in the microwave—minimizing cooking helps preserve the fresh flavor of the berries.
Get the recipe for Summer Strawberry Pie »
Classic Biscuit-Topped Peach Cobbler
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
If I’m busy prepping for a big cookout, the last thing I want to do is struggle with a pie crust. A cobbler has all the fruity deliciousness of a pie, but pairs it with tender drop biscuits instead, a much less labor-intensive project. We thicken this lemon-tinged peach filling with a bit of cornstarch, but moisture is less of a concern than it is with a pie—there’s no bottom crust to get soggy, and cobblers are meant to be messy anyhow.
Get the recipe for Classic Biscuit-Topped Peach Cobbler »
Old-Fashioned Blackberry Cobbler
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Our blackberry cobbler relies on three key ingredients: baking soda (to tame the acidity of the fruit), cinnamon (which intensifies the flavor of the blackberries), and—perhaps surprisingly—a small amount of raspberries. The latter adds a complex sweetness to balance out the blackberries, which can be prone to bitterness if they’re not perfectly ripe. Beyond that, the recipe is just a matter of mixing the filling ingredients together, topping with a simple drop-biscuit dough, and baking until the filling is bubbling and the biscuits are golden brown.
Get the recipe for Old-Fashioned Blackberry Cobbler »
Blackberry Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Making a fruit-flavored cake isn’t as simple as adding fruit purée to your favorite cake recipe—a properly hydrated cake batter can’t take the extra moisture. Instead, you’ll need to replace the other wet ingredients entirely with the fruit, which works with blackberries because they’re acidic enough to tenderize the cake and help it rise. Making the batter with egg whites instead of whole eggs allows you to achieve the lovely purplish hue you see here; yolks will turn the cake an unpleasant shade of green.
Get the recipe for Blackberry Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting »
Double Strawberry Cake
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
A successful strawberry cake is a very different animal from the blackberry cake above: Strawberries aren’t as acidic as blackberries, so if you try to use strawberry purée in the batter, you’ll end up with a poorly risen, off-tasting cake thanks to the un-reacted baking soda. Our solution is freeze-dried strawberries, which add a concentrated dose of acidity without affecting the hydration of the dough. As an added benefit, the freeze-dried berries also improve the cake’s color and flavor.
Get the recipe for Double Strawberry Cake »
Texas Sheet Cake
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Need a dessert that can handle a big crowd? This sheet pan–sized chocolate cake can easily be cut into two dozen pieces (or, if I’m in charge, maybe five or six). The thin cake itself is made with buttermilk and natural cocoa powder, giving it a relative lightness that’s immediately counteracted when you douse the whole thing in hot fudge. For a crunchy finish, shower the cake with toasted pecans.
Get the recipe for Texas Sheet Cake »
Other Desserts
Rhubarb Crisp
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
For this seasonal crisp, we cook down tart rhubarb in a sweet, thick sauce and bury it under a streusel made from brown sugar, whole wheat flour, rolled oats, cinnamon, anise seed, and Chinese five-spice powder (plus lots of butter, of course). The anise and five-spice powder may surprise you, but these secret ingredients complement the rhubarb nicely and help to bring out more of its flavor. We cook the rhubarb in two stages, leaving some of it meltingly tender and the rest with a little bit of a bite.
Get the recipe for Rhubarb Crisp »
Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Rhubarb is definitely an acquired taste, and a common tactic for toning down its assertiveness is to pair it with strawberries, for a flavor that’s both sweeter and more complex. We use the same ratio of fruit to sugar to tapioca starch as we do for baking pies, ensuring that the filling is gooey but not gloopy.
Get the recipe for Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp »
Tangy Strawberry Fools
[Photograph: Yvonne Ruperti]
A traditional British fool is made by folding stewed fruit into a creamy custard, a dessert that can feel a little too heavy for summer. Modern fools often replace the custard with whipped cream, which is more refreshing but not as rich. Here, we find a middle ground by mixing whipped cream with Greek yogurt and pairing the result with both cooked and macerated strawberries. Check out our pineapple-mango and lemon-blueberry fools, too.
Get the recipe for Tangy Strawberry Fools »
The Best Strawberry Ice Cream
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Strawberry ice cream can be tricky: When it’s made with fresh berries, the fruit’s moisture easily turns to ice; make it with cooked berries, and you lose that fresh strawberry flavor. Using the best strawberries you can find (for a more concentrated flavor and less moisture) and macerating them rather than cooking yields ice cream that’s both flavorful and creamy.
Get the recipe for The Best Strawberry Ice Cream »
No-Bake Chocolate-Nutella “Cheesecake” Verrines
[Photograph: Nila Jones]
These conveniently no-bake, conveniently individual parfaits offer a triple dose of chocolate, with an Oreo crust and fillings made by whipping cream cheese with Nutella and dark chocolate. Finish each one with a dollop of whipped cream, toasted hazelnuts, and crushed Oreos—because can you really ever have too much chocolate?
Get the recipe for No-Bake Chocolate-Nutella “Cheesecake” Verrines »
DIY Pudding Pops
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Who could say no to a popsicle on a hot day? If you’re a child of the ’80s, you probably have fond memories of Jell-O’s Pudding Pops, those chocolate or vanilla or butterscotch swirl popsicles that managed to be both creamy and bracingly cold. Since they haven’t been in stores for years, you’ll have to take matters into your own hands if you want to relive the experience. Our recipe is made with a simple vanilla custard thickened with tapioca starch. You can enjoy them just like that, or dip them in a mixture of chocolate and coconut oil for a crispy shell reminiscent of a Klondike bar—dunk them in sprinkles or cookie crumbs, too, if you’re feeling extra fancy.
Get the recipe for DIY Pudding Pops »
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keijay-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on http://cookingtipsandreviews.com/20-memorial-day-dessert-recipes/
20 Memorial Day Dessert Recipes
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[Photographs: Vicky Wasik]
It’s true that with all the many Memorial Day grilling recipes we’ve shared recently, you might not end up with much room in your stomach for dessert. But what’s a cookout without something sweet? After a meal of smoky, savory grilled meats, dessert can be a great opportunity to show off the fruit that’s just starting to come into season—think flaky, golden-crusted pies bursting with fresh cherries or blueberries; a moist and tender blackberry cake topped with tangy cream cheese frosting; the best strawberry ice cream; and more. Don’t let the fun stop with fruit, though. Chocolate chip cookies and Texas sheet cake will please guests of all ages and are ideal for serving a big crowd, while frosty DIY pudding pops make a picture-perfect nostalgic summertime treat. Whatever you’re in the mood for, you’ll find the right recipe for your cookout in this collection of 20 Memorial Day dessert recipes.
Cookies and Bars
Sunny Lemon Bars
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
The texture of this tangy, bright dessert falls somewhere between lemon curd and lemon meringue pie—soft, rich, and just firm enough to hold its shape when you cut it. A custard made with equal parts whole eggs and egg yolks and cooked on the stove is the key. We also briefly bake the bars in the oven after making the custard, but only to help the filling spread out into a beautifully smooth, satiny layer.
Get the recipe for Sunny Lemon Bars »
Lofthouse-Style Frosted Sugar Cookies
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
I don’t know about you, but I’ve definitely stopped at the supermarket more than once for a package of Lofthouse cookies after realizing I needed a last-minute dessert for a party. It takes just a little more effort, though, to re-create these childhood favorites at home. To get them so soft and puffy that they’re more cake than cookie, carefully incorporate the eggs for the most tender crumb possible, and be sure to use only cake flour, such as Swans Down. Don’t forget the frosting, too—use organic powdered sugar to avoid a gritty texture.
Get the recipe for Lofthouse-Style Frosted Sugar Cookies »
Quick and Easy Chocolate Chip Cookies
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Chocolate chip cookies are classic for a reason—who doesn’t love them? Our ultimate recipe requires resting the dough overnight, but if you don’t have that kind of time, this version comes together in just 45 minutes and is utterly delicious. The key is ditching the mass-produced chocolate chips in favor of hand-chopped bar chocolate—we like to use a mix of dark, milk, and white chocolate, for variety’s sake. Not only does bar chocolate taste better than chips, chopping it with a knife produces a cocoa dust that infuses every bite of cookie with chocolaty flavor.
Get the recipe for Quick and Easy Chocolate Chip Cookies »
No-Bake Cookies With Chocolate, Peanut Butter, and Chewy Oats
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
These cookies are really a type of peanut butter fudge, but don’t let that scare you—with the help of a digital thermometer, this stovetop-only recipe is super easy. You can make the cookies with either instant or old-fashioned oats, but the best option is to use a mixture of the two for a thick, chewy texture. A combination of Dutched cocoa powder and dark chocolate gives the cookies a great flavor that’s mellow enough after cooking to be kid-friendly.
Get the recipe for No-Bake Cookies With Chocolate, Peanut Butter, and Chewy Oats »
Sweet and Salty Stout Marshmallow Bars With Pretzels, Potato Chips, and Chocolate
[Photograph: Morgan Eisenberg]
This recipe combines the salty pretzels and potato chips you might normally see on a party table with chocolate and marshmallow, making a savory-sweet, Rice Krispies Treat–inspired dessert. We bind the pretzels and chips with a homemade marshmallow flavored with bitter stout—be sure to let the beer go flat first, to avoid a sticky boil-up—and finish the bars with stout-infused chocolate to boost the sweetness.
Get the recipe for Sweet and Salty Stout Marshmallow Bars With Pretzels, Potato Chips, and Chocolate »
Cakes, Pies, and Cobblers
No-Bake Cheesecake With Freeze-Dried Fruit
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
We may be about to hit peak produce season, but the best choice for adding fruit flavor and vivid color to our no-bake cheesecake is powdered freeze-dried fruit—the excess of moisture in fresh fruit will ruin the texture. A graham cracker crust is a classic choice for cheesecake, but you might also try experimenting with different cookies depending on the fruit—consider Oreos paired with strawberry, Biscoff with banana, or gingersnaps with mango.
Get the recipe for No-Bake Cheesecake With Freeze-Dried Fruit »
The Best Cherry Pie
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Fruit pies can feel like an exercise in frustration—how many times have you followed a recipe to a T and still ended up with a filling that was way too loose or gloopy? Turns out, the secret to the best fruit pie comes down to science. If you combine the fruit with 25% of its weight in sugar and 5.5% of its weight in tapioca starch, you’ll end up with a thick but juicy pie every time. The formula works with either fresh or frozen fruit, so you can make this pie even if cherries haven’t appeared at your farmers market yet.
Get the recipe for The Best Cherry Pie »
The Best Blueberry Pie
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
The ratio of fruit to sugar to tapioca starch works just as well with other fruits as it does with cherries, so you can use it to make a perfect blueberry pie as well. A mix of wild and cultivated blueberries produces the best depth of flavor, though it’s not essential. Our preferred pie plate is made of inexpensive tempered glass, which yields a crispier crust than ceramic or stoneware.
Get the recipe for The Best Blueberry Pie »
Summer Strawberry Pie
[Photograph: Yvonne Ruperti]
It’s already sweltering here in California, so turning on the oven long enough to bake a pie doesn’t sound like my idea of a good time. Come Memorial Day, I’m much more likely to whip up this fruity, eye-catching no-bake dessert, made with a combination of macerated strawberries and strawberry purée in a graham cracker crust. Rather than cooking the filling on the stovetop, we simply thicken it with gelatin quickly melted in the microwave—minimizing cooking helps preserve the fresh flavor of the berries.
Get the recipe for Summer Strawberry Pie »
Classic Biscuit-Topped Peach Cobbler
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
If I’m busy prepping for a big cookout, the last thing I want to do is struggle with a pie crust. A cobbler has all the fruity deliciousness of a pie, but pairs it with tender drop biscuits instead, a much less labor-intensive project. We thicken this lemon-tinged peach filling with a bit of cornstarch, but moisture is less of a concern than it is with a pie—there’s no bottom crust to get soggy, and cobblers are meant to be messy anyhow.
Get the recipe for Classic Biscuit-Topped Peach Cobbler »
Old-Fashioned Blackberry Cobbler
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Our blackberry cobbler relies on three key ingredients: baking soda (to tame the acidity of the fruit), cinnamon (which intensifies the flavor of the blackberries), and—perhaps surprisingly—a small amount of raspberries. The latter adds a complex sweetness to balance out the blackberries, which can be prone to bitterness if they’re not perfectly ripe. Beyond that, the recipe is just a matter of mixing the filling ingredients together, topping with a simple drop-biscuit dough, and baking until the filling is bubbling and the biscuits are golden brown.
Get the recipe for Old-Fashioned Blackberry Cobbler »
Blackberry Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Making a fruit-flavored cake isn’t as simple as adding fruit purée to your favorite cake recipe—a properly hydrated cake batter can’t take the extra moisture. Instead, you’ll need to replace the other wet ingredients entirely with the fruit, which works with blackberries because they’re acidic enough to tenderize the cake and help it rise. Making the batter with egg whites instead of whole eggs allows you to achieve the lovely purplish hue you see here; yolks will turn the cake an unpleasant shade of green.
Get the recipe for Blackberry Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting »
Double Strawberry Cake
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
A successful strawberry cake is a very different animal from the blackberry cake above: Strawberries aren’t as acidic as blackberries, so if you try to use strawberry purée in the batter, you’ll end up with a poorly risen, off-tasting cake thanks to the un-reacted baking soda. Our solution is freeze-dried strawberries, which add a concentrated dose of acidity without affecting the hydration of the dough. As an added benefit, the freeze-dried berries also improve the cake’s color and flavor.
Get the recipe for Double Strawberry Cake »
Texas Sheet Cake
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Need a dessert that can handle a big crowd? This sheet pan–sized chocolate cake can easily be cut into two dozen pieces (or, if I’m in charge, maybe five or six). The thin cake itself is made with buttermilk and natural cocoa powder, giving it a relative lightness that’s immediately counteracted when you douse the whole thing in hot fudge. For a crunchy finish, shower the cake with toasted pecans.
Get the recipe for Texas Sheet Cake »
Other Desserts
Rhubarb Crisp
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
For this seasonal crisp, we cook down tart rhubarb in a sweet, thick sauce and bury it under a streusel made from brown sugar, whole wheat flour, rolled oats, cinnamon, anise seed, and Chinese five-spice powder (plus lots of butter, of course). The anise and five-spice powder may surprise you, but these secret ingredients complement the rhubarb nicely and help to bring out more of its flavor. We cook the rhubarb in two stages, leaving some of it meltingly tender and the rest with a little bit of a bite.
Get the recipe for Rhubarb Crisp »
Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Rhubarb is definitely an acquired taste, and a common tactic for toning down its assertiveness is to pair it with strawberries, for a flavor that’s both sweeter and more complex. We use the same ratio of fruit to sugar to tapioca starch as we do for baking pies, ensuring that the filling is gooey but not gloopy.
Get the recipe for Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp »
Tangy Strawberry Fools
[Photograph: Yvonne Ruperti]
A traditional British fool is made by folding stewed fruit into a creamy custard, a dessert that can feel a little too heavy for summer. Modern fools often replace the custard with whipped cream, which is more refreshing but not as rich. Here, we find a middle ground by mixing whipped cream with Greek yogurt and pairing the result with both cooked and macerated strawberries. Check out our pineapple-mango and lemon-blueberry fools, too.
Get the recipe for Tangy Strawberry Fools »
The Best Strawberry Ice Cream
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Strawberry ice cream can be tricky: When it’s made with fresh berries, the fruit’s moisture easily turns to ice; make it with cooked berries, and you lose that fresh strawberry flavor. Using the best strawberries you can find (for a more concentrated flavor and less moisture) and macerating them rather than cooking yields ice cream that’s both flavorful and creamy.
Get the recipe for The Best Strawberry Ice Cream »
No-Bake Chocolate-Nutella “Cheesecake” Verrines
[Photograph: Nila Jones]
These conveniently no-bake, conveniently individual parfaits offer a triple dose of chocolate, with an Oreo crust and fillings made by whipping cream cheese with Nutella and dark chocolate. Finish each one with a dollop of whipped cream, toasted hazelnuts, and crushed Oreos—because can you really ever have too much chocolate?
Get the recipe for No-Bake Chocolate-Nutella “Cheesecake” Verrines »
DIY Pudding Pops
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Who could say no to a popsicle on a hot day? If you’re a child of the ’80s, you probably have fond memories of Jell-O’s Pudding Pops, those chocolate or vanilla or butterscotch swirl popsicles that managed to be both creamy and bracingly cold. Since they haven’t been in stores for years, you’ll have to take matters into your own hands if you want to relive the experience. Our recipe is made with a simple vanilla custard thickened with tapioca starch. You can enjoy them just like that, or dip them in a mixture of chocolate and coconut oil for a crispy shell reminiscent of a Klondike bar—dunk them in sprinkles or cookie crumbs, too, if you’re feeling extra fancy.
Get the recipe for DIY Pudding Pops »
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20 Memorial Day Dessert Recipes
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[Photographs: Vicky Wasik]
It’s true that with all the many Memorial Day grilling recipes we’ve shared recently, you might not end up with much room in your stomach for dessert. But what’s a cookout without something sweet? After a meal of smoky, savory grilled meats, dessert can be a great opportunity to show off the fruit that’s just starting to come into season—think flaky, golden-crusted pies bursting with fresh cherries or blueberries; a moist and tender blackberry cake topped with tangy cream cheese frosting; the best strawberry ice cream; and more. Don’t let the fun stop with fruit, though. Chocolate chip cookies and Texas sheet cake will please guests of all ages and are ideal for serving a big crowd, while frosty DIY pudding pops make a picture-perfect nostalgic summertime treat. Whatever you’re in the mood for, you’ll find the right recipe for your cookout in this collection of 20 Memorial Day dessert recipes.
Cookies and Bars
Sunny Lemon Bars
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
The texture of this tangy, bright dessert falls somewhere between lemon curd and lemon meringue pie—soft, rich, and just firm enough to hold its shape when you cut it. A custard made with equal parts whole eggs and egg yolks and cooked on the stove is the key. We also briefly bake the bars in the oven after making the custard, but only to help the filling spread out into a beautifully smooth, satiny layer.
Get the recipe for Sunny Lemon Bars »
Lofthouse-Style Frosted Sugar Cookies
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
I don’t know about you, but I’ve definitely stopped at the supermarket more than once for a package of Lofthouse cookies after realizing I needed a last-minute dessert for a party. It takes just a little more effort, though, to re-create these childhood favorites at home. To get them so soft and puffy that they’re more cake than cookie, carefully incorporate the eggs for the most tender crumb possible, and be sure to use only cake flour, such as Swans Down. Don’t forget the frosting, too—use organic powdered sugar to avoid a gritty texture.
Get the recipe for Lofthouse-Style Frosted Sugar Cookies »
Quick and Easy Chocolate Chip Cookies
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Chocolate chip cookies are classic for a reason—who doesn’t love them? Our ultimate recipe requires resting the dough overnight, but if you don’t have that kind of time, this version comes together in just 45 minutes and is utterly delicious. The key is ditching the mass-produced chocolate chips in favor of hand-chopped bar chocolate—we like to use a mix of dark, milk, and white chocolate, for variety’s sake. Not only does bar chocolate taste better than chips, chopping it with a knife produces a cocoa dust that infuses every bite of cookie with chocolaty flavor.
Get the recipe for Quick and Easy Chocolate Chip Cookies »
No-Bake Cookies With Chocolate, Peanut Butter, and Chewy Oats
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
These cookies are really a type of peanut butter fudge, but don’t let that scare you—with the help of a digital thermometer, this stovetop-only recipe is super easy. You can make the cookies with either instant or old-fashioned oats, but the best option is to use a mixture of the two for a thick, chewy texture. A combination of Dutched cocoa powder and dark chocolate gives the cookies a great flavor that’s mellow enough after cooking to be kid-friendly.
Get the recipe for No-Bake Cookies With Chocolate, Peanut Butter, and Chewy Oats »
Sweet and Salty Stout Marshmallow Bars With Pretzels, Potato Chips, and Chocolate
[Photograph: Morgan Eisenberg]
This recipe combines the salty pretzels and potato chips you might normally see on a party table with chocolate and marshmallow, making a savory-sweet, Rice Krispies Treat–inspired dessert. We bind the pretzels and chips with a homemade marshmallow flavored with bitter stout—be sure to let the beer go flat first, to avoid a sticky boil-up—and finish the bars with stout-infused chocolate to boost the sweetness.
Get the recipe for Sweet and Salty Stout Marshmallow Bars With Pretzels, Potato Chips, and Chocolate »
Cakes, Pies, and Cobblers
No-Bake Cheesecake With Freeze-Dried Fruit
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
We may be about to hit peak produce season, but the best choice for adding fruit flavor and vivid color to our no-bake cheesecake is powdered freeze-dried fruit—the excess of moisture in fresh fruit will ruin the texture. A graham cracker crust is a classic choice for cheesecake, but you might also try experimenting with different cookies depending on the fruit—consider Oreos paired with strawberry, Biscoff with banana, or gingersnaps with mango.
Get the recipe for No-Bake Cheesecake With Freeze-Dried Fruit »
The Best Cherry Pie
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Fruit pies can feel like an exercise in frustration—how many times have you followed a recipe to a T and still ended up with a filling that was way too loose or gloopy? Turns out, the secret to the best fruit pie comes down to science. If you combine the fruit with 25% of its weight in sugar and 5.5% of its weight in tapioca starch, you’ll end up with a thick but juicy pie every time. The formula works with either fresh or frozen fruit, so you can make this pie even if cherries haven’t appeared at your farmers market yet.
Get the recipe for The Best Cherry Pie »
The Best Blueberry Pie
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
The ratio of fruit to sugar to tapioca starch works just as well with other fruits as it does with cherries, so you can use it to make a perfect blueberry pie as well. A mix of wild and cultivated blueberries produces the best depth of flavor, though it’s not essential. Our preferred pie plate is made of inexpensive tempered glass, which yields a crispier crust than ceramic or stoneware.
Get the recipe for The Best Blueberry Pie »
Summer Strawberry Pie
[Photograph: Yvonne Ruperti]
It’s already sweltering here in California, so turning on the oven long enough to bake a pie doesn’t sound like my idea of a good time. Come Memorial Day, I’m much more likely to whip up this fruity, eye-catching no-bake dessert, made with a combination of macerated strawberries and strawberry purée in a graham cracker crust. Rather than cooking the filling on the stovetop, we simply thicken it with gelatin quickly melted in the microwave—minimizing cooking helps preserve the fresh flavor of the berries.
Get the recipe for Summer Strawberry Pie »
Classic Biscuit-Topped Peach Cobbler
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
If I’m busy prepping for a big cookout, the last thing I want to do is struggle with a pie crust. A cobbler has all the fruity deliciousness of a pie, but pairs it with tender drop biscuits instead, a much less labor-intensive project. We thicken this lemon-tinged peach filling with a bit of cornstarch, but moisture is less of a concern than it is with a pie—there’s no bottom crust to get soggy, and cobblers are meant to be messy anyhow.
Get the recipe for Classic Biscuit-Topped Peach Cobbler »
Old-Fashioned Blackberry Cobbler
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Our blackberry cobbler relies on three key ingredients: baking soda (to tame the acidity of the fruit), cinnamon (which intensifies the flavor of the blackberries), and—perhaps surprisingly—a small amount of raspberries. The latter adds a complex sweetness to balance out the blackberries, which can be prone to bitterness if they’re not perfectly ripe. Beyond that, the recipe is just a matter of mixing the filling ingredients together, topping with a simple drop-biscuit dough, and baking until the filling is bubbling and the biscuits are golden brown.
Get the recipe for Old-Fashioned Blackberry Cobbler »
Blackberry Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Making a fruit-flavored cake isn’t as simple as adding fruit purée to your favorite cake recipe—a properly hydrated cake batter can’t take the extra moisture. Instead, you’ll need to replace the other wet ingredients entirely with the fruit, which works with blackberries because they’re acidic enough to tenderize the cake and help it rise. Making the batter with egg whites instead of whole eggs allows you to achieve the lovely purplish hue you see here; yolks will turn the cake an unpleasant shade of green.
Get the recipe for Blackberry Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting »
Double Strawberry Cake
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
A successful strawberry cake is a very different animal from the blackberry cake above: Strawberries aren’t as acidic as blackberries, so if you try to use strawberry purée in the batter, you’ll end up with a poorly risen, off-tasting cake thanks to the un-reacted baking soda. Our solution is freeze-dried strawberries, which add a concentrated dose of acidity without affecting the hydration of the dough. As an added benefit, the freeze-dried berries also improve the cake’s color and flavor.
Get the recipe for Double Strawberry Cake »
Texas Sheet Cake
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Need a dessert that can handle a big crowd? This sheet pan–sized chocolate cake can easily be cut into two dozen pieces (or, if I’m in charge, maybe five or six). The thin cake itself is made with buttermilk and natural cocoa powder, giving it a relative lightness that’s immediately counteracted when you douse the whole thing in hot fudge. For a crunchy finish, shower the cake with toasted pecans.
Get the recipe for Texas Sheet Cake »
Other Desserts
Rhubarb Crisp
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
For this seasonal crisp, we cook down tart rhubarb in a sweet, thick sauce and bury it under a streusel made from brown sugar, whole wheat flour, rolled oats, cinnamon, anise seed, and Chinese five-spice powder (plus lots of butter, of course). The anise and five-spice powder may surprise you, but these secret ingredients complement the rhubarb nicely and help to bring out more of its flavor. We cook the rhubarb in two stages, leaving some of it meltingly tender and the rest with a little bit of a bite.
Get the recipe for Rhubarb Crisp »
Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Rhubarb is definitely an acquired taste, and a common tactic for toning down its assertiveness is to pair it with strawberries, for a flavor that’s both sweeter and more complex. We use the same ratio of fruit to sugar to tapioca starch as we do for baking pies, ensuring that the filling is gooey but not gloopy.
Get the recipe for Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp »
Tangy Strawberry Fools
[Photograph: Yvonne Ruperti]
A traditional British fool is made by folding stewed fruit into a creamy custard, a dessert that can feel a little too heavy for summer. Modern fools often replace the custard with whipped cream, which is more refreshing but not as rich. Here, we find a middle ground by mixing whipped cream with Greek yogurt and pairing the result with both cooked and macerated strawberries. Check out our pineapple-mango and lemon-blueberry fools, too.
Get the recipe for Tangy Strawberry Fools »
The Best Strawberry Ice Cream
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Strawberry ice cream can be tricky: When it’s made with fresh berries, the fruit’s moisture easily turns to ice; make it with cooked berries, and you lose that fresh strawberry flavor. Using the best strawberries you can find (for a more concentrated flavor and less moisture) and macerating them rather than cooking yields ice cream that’s both flavorful and creamy.
Get the recipe for The Best Strawberry Ice Cream »
No-Bake Chocolate-Nutella “Cheesecake” Verrines
[Photograph: Nila Jones]
These conveniently no-bake, conveniently individual parfaits offer a triple dose of chocolate, with an Oreo crust and fillings made by whipping cream cheese with Nutella and dark chocolate. Finish each one with a dollop of whipped cream, toasted hazelnuts, and crushed Oreos—because can you really ever have too much chocolate?
Get the recipe for No-Bake Chocolate-Nutella “Cheesecake” Verrines »
DIY Pudding Pops
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Who could say no to a popsicle on a hot day? If you’re a child of the ’80s, you probably have fond memories of Jell-O’s Pudding Pops, those chocolate or vanilla or butterscotch swirl popsicles that managed to be both creamy and bracingly cold. Since they haven’t been in stores for years, you’ll have to take matters into your own hands if you want to relive the experience. Our recipe is made with a simple vanilla custard thickened with tapioca starch. You can enjoy them just like that, or dip them in a mixture of chocolate and coconut oil for a crispy shell reminiscent of a Klondike bar—dunk them in sprinkles or cookie crumbs, too, if you’re feeling extra fancy.
Get the recipe for DIY Pudding Pops »
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