#beware a siren’s call (Borderlands au)
anotherhumanpet · 1 year
@general-kalani replied to your post “At least one of the candies had a 30% chance of...”:
Jakobs vc: oh no
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"It's fine! I think? I'm fine, it's fine. Please don't get Jaden, Mister Jakobs sir."
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anotherhumanpet · 1 year
This idea won't leave me alone, even though I can't really think of a way to coherently put it, so I guess I'm just going to jot it down and berid myself of the energy so I can have peace again.
But Dennis inherited his Siren powers from his mentor's now-dead wife. His mentor, Orion, was a soft spoken, strong, firm, kind, and gentle sort of man. Not at all fitting for the typical narrative of Borderlands, but then again neither is Dennis' Siren status. So, shh.
Orion wasn't officially teaching Dennis anything. There was no skill trade or formal education going on. There was just long winded discussions and elaborations on the mysteries and knowledge of the Ancients, the Sirens, and the strange connections between the two.
Dennis was just curious about the subject though, where as Orion was deeply invested into it because his wife, Elita, was one of the six Sirens of the universe at the time. At least until some undecided Thing happened and it resulted in Elita being gravely injured.
Dennis wasn't Elita's first choice of successor by any means. In all honesty, she would have chosen Orion if she could make that choice. But Orion wasn't around, for whatever reason, and Dennis was. So, a choice was made. Rather than let the Siren energy leave her and go to who-knows-what, she passed it onto Dennis and let him pick up the mantle of her role in hers and Orion's research.
From then on, I'm not sure what came next.
It could be Dennis was deeply traumatized by what happened, and left without disclosing to Orion he now had Elita's powers.
It could be Orion withdrew in his grief and Dennis was forced to set out on his own.
It could be a combination of the two.
Either way, when Dennis comes home with the markings of a Siren, nobody in his family is happy about it. Jaden's the only one who's forward thinking enough to do something about it though, and that's why it's the two of them traveling Pandora to figure out what comes next.
They take it slow and cautious though (as long as they're together anyway; Dennis is prone to recklessness and is easily encouraged into it when Jaden isn't around to be his voice of reason). Sirens are essentially the keys to the Vaults after all, and Dennis is a gangly, fifteen year old boy with new powers he can barely control. Any bastard looking to get into a Vault could easily scruff him and whisk him to wherever they want and need to achieve it. So, Jaden hovers as much as possible, is extremely protective of Dennis, and instructs the kid to keep covered up as much as possible - even in the overbearing heat of Pandora's deserts. It's better to be sweaty and gross than sweaty, gross, and kidnapped after all.
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anotherhumanpet · 1 year
It's worth noting as well that Dennis keeps his marks covered up most - if not all - of the time, even as they grow and spread across his body, as a means of protecting himself. Anybody can find a Vault but only a Siren can work the keys, and as a lanky ass teenager, it'd be nothing for someone to either man handle him into doing what they want or manipulating him into doing their bidding.
Sure, he's got powers that are kick ass, but he's still pretty new to them, so standing up for himself is a little bit tricky sometimes. And with how Jaden worries about him, covering up is the easiest, safest method he can go with to keep negative/power hungry attention off of himself until he can finally handle things on his own.
Makes for some weird get ups though too. Kid's always got sleeved shirts on (sometimes one sleeve; sometimes two) and bandages on his face to cover a wound that just never seems to heal.
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anotherhumanpet · 1 year
Not me making rough models of Dennis' siren mark growth at bedtime. I would never--
First/Beginning marks, when he just inherited his power from a dying Siren a source he will not disclose.
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Followed by the slight progression of the mark's growth in tandem with his powers getting stronger on Pandora.
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And then there's the rapid growth (and addition of scars) when he teams up with the likes of anybody who will actually take him Vault Hunting and let him use his powers to his fullest capabilities, instead of being sheltered by Jaden.
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anotherhumanpet · 3 years
Borderlands AU
Send me an au and I’ll give you 5+ head canons about it
Oh, it's been an age and a half since I played a Borderlands game. Uh... Keeping it loose cause I don't know what's going on anymore in terms of lore--
Dennis is a wanna-be vault hunter. Problem is he's 15, so everybody's either looking at him like he's 5 or actually trying to legitimately arm for the quest.
He doesn't want the fame and glory of being a successful vault hunter (although he won't say no to it). He just wants the money so he can buy himself and his family a better life.
The problem with some people taking him seriously and arming is he's now a 15 year old with a gun. A gun which Jaden has to confiscate and sell off to another would be vault-hunter. Or keep for himself, if it's nice enough.
One of Dennis' favorites weapons is Deliverance. If it were a little more sentient he'd probably adopt it like a pet.
I'd love to make Dennis a siren, just for the drama of it, but I don't know what's going on there anymore. The potential of it though...
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