#beware for trans pearlie
justalilpearlie · 8 months
You've got to be kidding! (Secret Life)
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reminiscingdreamer · 7 years
Dual Destinies semi-stream-of-consciousness thoughts
So I finished Dual Destinies for some time now and I decided to write my stream-of-consciousness-esque (even though it was written after I finished the game, haha) thing. Beware of freaking out and spoilers!
I knew the jacket Apollo wore at the beginning couldn’t have been his but gawd, did it really have to hurt so much to find out it really wasn’t?
When Athena flipped that police officer right into Apollo! Whoo!
I like when Blackquill talks about the different prison inmates. I keep thinking at least some could be references to previous AA villains, but it’s been so long that I don’t remember a lot of them.  
Aaaaaaaah! Apollo is so cute! Especially his abashed sprite.
I cannot express how much I love Apollo’s “I’m unamused” face. It is the stuff of stories.
There’s… a distressing amount of typos, which is bad because it’s not as though it’s a bootleg or anything. Heck, there was even a whole segment of conversation with Jinxie which didn’t register in the dialogue log. I remember there was only like 1 typo in all the previous 4 games put together. What happened?
The whole division of Themis Legal Academy kind of confuses me. They have a division for lawyers, prosecutors, and judges, but… prosecutors are lawyers. I suppose it’s to draw a distinction between prosecutors and every other lawyer (defense attorneys aren’t the only lawyers to exist, despite what impression the game tries to give, after all. There are accident lawyers, civil rights lawyers, etc.) I guess it’s because prosecutors are government so it’s different and therefore needs a line to be drawn between? I don’t know.
So you’re telling me this entire school has only two faculty members? Really?
Aristotle Means’s grin is creepy but you don’t need me to tell you that.
Speaking of Aristotle, the whole reason he was caught was because his staff was lodged into Courte’s body to make it appear like Phoenix’s arm but he was carrying that staff when everyone met him at the lecture hall before the mock trial? So… how’s that possible? Did he have a spare staff?
Also, how did Means get the body to stay upright?
I got kind of excited when Robin could’ve possibly been a trans character. She did sort of turn out to be one in a way, I guess, just not in a way I expected :/
My favorite minor characters are probably Hugh and Starbuck (Clay doesn’t count because I don’t actually know all that much about him and I probably only like him that much because of his relation to Apollo and his character design.) I felt sympathy when Hugh revealed he wasn’t a genius and his true age. And Starbuck really did have what it took to go into space despite his fears.
I liked how Phoenix got angry at Ted for attacking Apollo when they were at the Detention Center. Phoenix, your papa bear is showing, haha. I liked it because it shows how Phoenix sees not only Trucy as family, but Apollo and possibly Athena too, so he got mad when someone attacked one of them.
I really disliked the dub in the main storyline (the dub in the DLC case was okay). Every time an animated cutscene played, I’d cringe because the dub sounds like the voice actors were reading off a script. The only dub I liked was Starbuck’s.
I literally screamed when Edgeworth appeared.
I hate his dub the most though.
Grown-up Pearly aaaaaaaaah!
So… I guess we’re not going to be learning about the secret Kristoph Gavin was unconsciously holding? I was kind of hoping to know what it was :/ I hope it’ll be addressed in a future game as part of a larger overarching thing and that they haven’t forgotten it. It’s good to at least have some information on what the black lock was at least.
They kept calling the bandages around Apollo’s eye an eyepatch, but it’s a bandage. Also it didn’t have to be that that long. Someone has a flair for the dramatic = 3=
I get that Apollo shucking his jacket is a symbol of shucking away his doubt and burdens but… that jacket’s still Clay’s! You don’t have to wear it but at least bring it with you!
Best lines of the game: “But what is faith without doubt? That’s why… I need to question her guilt!” There’s just so much in there.
Not gonna lie, when the spy first revealed his Starbuck mask, I was throwing my hands in the air and rolling my eyes and going, of course. But thank gawd the spy wasn’t actually Starbuck.
So the real Fulbright died a year ago and was unidentified ever since. I’m just wondering how it could’ve taken a year to get his fingerprints to identify him.
The real Fulbright’s death also makes me sad because the spy’s impersonation is 100% accurate, which means that this would’ve been what the real Fulbright would’ve been like had he not been killed; a good guy who loves justice and would do anything to help people. The AA universe just lost a good man.
It was really freaky when the spy wore the mask of Phoenix.
Despite having murdered Clay and Metis, I can’t bring myself to hate the spy. He’s just so pitiful.
The dedication Blackquill had towards Metis and Athena. I mean, I could even see that he goes easier on Athena during the Themis trial. Sure he doesn’t hold back but when compared to when he went up against Apollo, he’s less strict.
Gawddammit! It was so adorable how Athena couldn’t tell the difference between robots and humans. But when she had the same line of reasoning for why she put her mother on the operating table thinking she could fix her it quickly became an oh gawd no moment. My heart. Help.
I find myself wishing really badly that Clay hadn’t died. I mean, I knew next to nothing about him except for the few snippets Apollo shared, but his death had hurt Apollo so much and it hurt me to see him hurting that I can’t help but ache for something that can never be. Plus, he seemed like a swell guy. I’m not sure if it’s better that we never get to talk to him in the game or not. Don’t know which would hurt less.
Which makes the final animated segment where Starbuck blasts into space so much more emotional for me, cringey voice-acting and all.
As I’m incredulously selecting Orla as witness, really? We’re really doing this again? Yes. Yes we are. Just like that parrot… NO I WILL NOT LET THAT GO. I’LL PROBABLY NEVER LET THIS GO EITHER.
The whole cross-examination with Orla was funny though.
The ending made me feel sympathetic and soft. It’s great.
But then how’d the blood get on Orla? I mean, if Shipley fell to his death in the show stage pool, that’d explain how it got on the rock, but Orla was never even lowered into that pool so… how?
My favorite moment in the entire game: When Apollo, despite truly wanting to believe in Athena, refuses to look away from his doubts and the evidence and blindingly having faith, choosing instead to try to seek answers for himself and look for help in Phoenix. Apollo truly is my favorite character.
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justalilpearlie · 8 months
Oh my god this is Pearl/Scott at its finest
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Pearl and Scott. Thats it.
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justalilpearlie · 14 days
Trully disgusting how some people will try to excuse their blantant transphobia with "justice" or whatever
Like srsly if you will specifically hate on my take on majormoon and say "no bc pearl is a WOMAN" when you literally acknowledge in the same post how in this take he's bigender/transmasc... and call transmasc x cis gay man sexuality bending...
Im sorry to tell you honey but you're just transphobic. You're literally just saying a transmasc afab doesnt count as a real man cus they dont present masc enough to your liking.
It's giving LGB without the T..
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justalilpearlie · 8 months
Pspspspspsps new followers/mutuals, who wants to join the majormoon cult/church (joke) and open your eyes to The Vision?
Its free, easy and it helps out a ton /silly
Pls its a very noble cause... do it for the mcyt yaoi... for the trans ppl... the trannys and the fags... do it for them... for us...
A humble little wolf pearlie asks it so nicely of thee.. pwetty pweaaaase
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justalilpearlie · 6 months
Another MajorMoon meme (except more abt me spreading it than the ship itself)
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ehem so yeah if anyone wanna hmu to hear abt majormoon
i can show you a whole new wooooooorld
a new FANTASTIC point of view
and remember ! this is the majormoon we stand on this household:
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(so no one says its sexuality bending and/or homophobic. im literally a gay trans man/bigender who also uses the labels i assigned c!pearl, so respectfully shut <3)
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justalilpearlie · 7 months
How it looks like in the #majormoon tag
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justalilpearlie · 14 days
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i was lookin thru the majormoon tag and like there's ppl hating n shit and calling it sexuality bending like bigender ppl slash trans ppl dont count in gay relationships aswell like. Uhm okay.
But anyways also found some of my old posts and a bunch of silly mutuals/friends i made recently! Yay!
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justalilpearlie · 8 months
heheheheheh me
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justalilpearlie · 8 months
Life Series MajorMoon as cursed images
I sent these to a ship account in an ask, but I figured I should post it in my main aswell, enjoy <3 (Oh, and just as a reminder for anyone who sees this and may not be familiarised with what we do here. Gendervoid Verinix mlm He/She Pearl x Cis Gay man He/Him Scott. They're boyfriends)
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Aaaand that was all for today, folks! Here are the season themed scottpearl dividers:
Last Life MajorMoon -📀-🌙- -💚- -💛- -✨-🌄-
Double Life MajorMoon -🐺-🌙- -❤️- -💛- -✨-💥-
Limited Life MajorMoon -🐸-🌙- -💙- -🩵- -✨-🪸-
Secret Life MajorMoon -⛰️-🌙- -💚- -💙- -✨-🌸-
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