#beware the ooga boogas
scottapez · 1 year
How do u become friends with u??? Ur so cool
:'D AWW FOR REAL ?? id say just look at my description for my discord but i . forgot to update it lol. its scottapez. aka scottape@scottapez . if u dont have a discord i also sumtimes message here in dms :3? but discord is like My Main App for talking w/ friends so srry when im less active here (μ_μ )
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she-ra · 1 year
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This is my side blog for She-Ra and other LGBTQ+ content! I'll mostly share sapphic things here but not exclusively.
I maaayy or may not switch this url to my main blog's at any given moment though... Very tempted but indecisive about it.
Antis, bigots, and bullies will be blocked on sight, teehee ✌️
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Anyways, If you haven't watched She-Ra yet...
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To my moots and followers:
This blog is mostly SFW but not 100%.
If you'd like me to add any TWs, please feel free to let me know and I'll tag them for you!
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dragonlover56 · 2 years
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I posted 1,261 times in 2022
That's 1,039 more posts than 2021!
18 posts created (1%)
1,243 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,256 of my posts in 2022
#not my art - 247 posts
#aesthetic - 116 posts
#art prompt - 84 posts
#warrior cats - 80 posts
#cats - 52 posts
#nature - 38 posts
#me - 36 posts
#blood/// - 26 posts
#pokémon - 26 posts
#religion/// - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#they even agreed not to tell priya’s family bc it might set them off (i think she’s hindi so that adds another layer bc stereotypically the
My Top Posts in 2022:
If I had a nickel for every person I know who has a cat named after the serial killer Dexter, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice.
The fact that they know each other has to be worth at least two more.
1 note - Posted August 31, 2022
Body horror ahead beware
I got my wisdom teeth out Friday and it’s healed to the point I can actually feel the meaty holes in the back of my mouth and I absolutely hate them
The worst part is I’m incredibly paranoid about getting stuff in the holes, especially now that I can feel them, but the back of the mouth is where humans are supposed to chew most foods so I can barely eat anything, which as you can imagine is doing wonders for my digestive tract (/s), which means I’m super nauseous, especially because I can feel the awful texture of the big meaty holes in the back of my mouth
Long story short, I hate it here
1 note - Posted July 13, 2022
I haven’t changed my bio since 2016 and don’t plan too anytime soon or in the future so
Dead/Frog /// They/He/She /// 20
If you’re looking for the FR stuff that’s at @dhm-rising
My trigger tags are formatted as #subject/// but sometimes I forget
I also don’t tag death mentions unless it’s a spoiler but I do tag dead things
Please don’t look for discourse here it is never the day and I am never the one unless I ask
5 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
Honestly, as much as I liked Velma x Shaggy when I was a kid, I am absolutely over the m o o n that we finally got confirmation that Velma is canonically gay
I could’ve used that kind of representation as a kid, (even if my parents probably would’ve banned the show in our house bc ooga booga gay people bad) but that wouldn’t have made it any less important just by it’s existence
I do kind of wish it could’ve been a more permanent character (maybe even bring back Marcie bc I adore Marcie), but we don’t know if Coco will be reoccurring just yet (unless she was actually the villain, but I haven’t watched the movie yet so I digress), but that’s honestly probably an entire other bridge to cross in probably not the near future just because it’s taken us t h i s long to get confirmation of what I think we all know
Also bonus note: I had no idea that Haley Kiyoko was Velma in the 2009 film series until just before writing this post, but my gods talk about dramatic irony lmao
13 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I call this “Smokey Ponders The Orb”
13 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fanatichistory · 2 years
Was trolling around and came across this beautiful meme and thought...well hey...idea
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The idea turned more into a story the more I wrote, my apologies 😅, and said story starts off with Aaron ( Caretaker) and Devana (Whumpee).
Scene Prompt 16!
Cw: at the end its made like a character dies but the mushroom is magical, be that as it may it is still a character death mention until effects kicks in just in case that affects anyone
*I have edited best I could, it is really lengthy teehee 
Part 2   Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
"You ready to go on an adventure?"
Devana turned to the voice of her best friend, Aaron, entering the kitchen while she finished tying off her hiking boots.
"You bet. Say, are you Sam or Frodo in this analogy?"
"Definitely Sam."
"So, mushrooms...where does one find the mooshy wittle mushrooms." Aaron spared a gleeful side-eye as they both exited her house and made for the woods out back.
Aaron knew a lot about plants, trees and yes, mushrooms, as well as how to make all sorts of things from them.
Devana figured it was a requirement of being a witch and part of living and learning the natural world.
Ever since learning the secret of all things that go bump in the night and that her best friend had learned a trick or two, not quite harry potter style but no less awesome, suggesting she tag along with him on these foraging excursions was a way she could learn more about his world.
Not just for curiosity's sake, though she had an academic urge to learn and sponge as much as he offered to share, but it was because they've been besties since elementary school and she couldn't fathom a part her life, or his, where they didn't share or take part in the other's.
"So, I've lost you to the zone have I?" Aaron chuckled as he led her down the familiar forest path they took as kids to the creek.
"Yeah. Didn't think we were heading for the creek today..." The sun shrine through the canopy of the trees as the wind picked up and gently rustled the leaves. She loved being out in the woods.
"Well you brought up mushrooms and I am looking for a particular kind..." Aaron paused and turned back to look at her as if silently questioning. But she knew what it meant and burst out giggling and doubled over.
"No way! You're looking for actual magic mushrooms?"
"How astute of you to deduce this."
Devana laughed even harder while he rolled his eyes at her and dug in his pack for a few seconds before pulling out a small book and tossing it over to her.
"Page 34, that's the mushroom. I'm making, or attempting rather, an invisibility potion." He explained while running a nervous hand through his ashen blonde hair.
Devana had turned to the page and skimming the paragraphs, noting the illustrations of the mushroom he wanted as well as his nerves.
"Yes, my young Palawan learner?" He tried to tease with a half upturned smile.
"Why you nervous and in need of an invisibility potion?" She closed the book and walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder so he was turned to face her.
"Are you in trouble with the ooga boogas?"
He gave her a wan smile and turned fully to face her as he placed both hands on her shoulders.
" I'm fine Dev, I swear. The potion isn't for me it's to help a friend of mine. One who haven't met yet cuz he's...well, a bit dangerous right now. He's in deep shit and I wanna have this potion on standby. Among other things..."
"So he's the one surrounded by the ooga boogas. Hence the deep shit?"
Aaron let go and resumed walked leaving her to follow before he finally answered.
"He's the king of the ooga boogas, Dev."
She let out a whistle and opened the book back up to page 34 and looked over information again.
There was also no way he'd elaborate further. She knew she could only ask questions about plants and fungi and animals. Oh and weather stuff and how he was able to manipulate it. But that was it.
"What happened to you just hugging trees and petting rocks?"
Aaron whipped around at her but she jumped out of the way laughing as they rough-housed for a bit before resuming their magic mushroom search.
"According to your book, it's blue and it likes water...probably why it's blue if I remember your lessons on color associations and symbolisms in the natural world."
Aaron smirked and feigned surprised at her as they finally arrived at her family's creek.
"You have been paying attention!"
"I wasn't just being curious for the sake of discovering your witchy secret. I'm you're best friend, family, I want to be a part of your world and help you any way I can Aaron."
Devana started scoping the banks of the creek for the elusive mushroom while he processed this but she continued anyway.
"I know you keep me out of it, and living out here in the middle of the woods on the family homestead makes it easy to do. But I only call the scary things 'ooga boogas' because you keep me too ignorant to call them by anything else."
"Dev... I'm trying to keep you alive. Keep you human at least." Aaron wasn't doing much looking, focused more so on his best friend with her back turned to him who was more hurt than he realized.
"Ignorance isn't protection. It's not bliss." She was only half looking at the moment, walking down the side of the creek while keeping her back to him. Devana didn't want him to see how mad she was. No, not mad, hurt.
"You're right, it's not. But there are rules, laws.. you're not even supposed to know the amount of information that you do! It's enough to sentence you to death!"
Devana looked up then at him as realization registered on her features.
"But I don't know anyone else, I only know you..."
"And by law that's enough. There's so much you don't know Dev, please understand I'm doing this for your protection. Not out of spite or anything. "
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes before placing her hands on her hips while he went "uh oh" and braced himself.
"I'm not going to pretend to understand. I'm going to continue to be your bestie, we are gonna find this mooshy mushroom cause I'm starting to feel frustrated that we haven't yet and I also want to go finish my chores for the day. Crack open a book, eat a burger or something...I don't know...." She trailed off, her eyes wandering back to the creek.
Aaron offered a small reassuring smile and handed her some of the trail mix he packed in the bag.
"I'm sorry Dev."
"Don't be." She gave him a smile back and resumed the search as he waded through the creek to reach the other side. "Besides, you're hands are pretty much tied I guess. Can't fault you there really."
"You're being awfully nice, all things considered. Thought you might make me beg for awhile yet?" He questioned her cautiously as he was bent over in the dirt, digging into the embankment.
Devana, herself was bent over the embankment on her side of the creek searching for the mushroom, as she chuckled to herself.
" I would but the realization that you're treating and managing me like my parents when you promised not to is payback enough."
She chuckled harder when he audibly groaned as the truth sunk in.
"The creek, Dev! I'm so sorry... I wasn't thinking..." She heard him wading back over as she spied the bright blue top of the star of the day and sidestepped him to go collect it instead. "I was so consumed by my needs I forgot about yours. You say you're fine all the time but I should know better-"
Aaron was cut off by a voice a weight sunk his chest.
"-Well look who's out in the woods all alone and without the protection of his king..."
They both turned to the new voice entering the conversation as a well dressed man in a suit, looking more like a cross between an account and a bodyguard, continued to speak.
"...time for you to die now, witch."
"Aaron run!" Devana grabbed his arm and tried to pull him in a direction to run. Any direction.
"It won't matter and I'm not leaving you Dev so don't tell me to do that again." He yanked his arm free and stepped between the beefcake accountant and his best friend.
"Cute, but I have a job to do and it is completed upon you're death" With that the beefcake accountant rushed forward in a blur of speed that neither of them could keep pace with and grabbed Devana by the neck and tore into her with his teeth, a feral like sound escaping him while a shrill scream escaped her.
Aaron whipped around as lightening sparked from his fingers and spread up his arms as his hair raised with the electricity.
Sensing this, and the rising magic and anger in the witch, the vampire beefcake accountant tossed Devana behind him and further dismissed her as he rushed the young witch to do battle.
Devana had landed on the embankment with the mushroom within reach. It's bright, almost clear blue color almost glowing. As the sounds of fighting reached her and the throbbing in her neck reminding her she was alive, she would have chalked the glowing of the mushroom up to blood loss.
Until she heard the whispers.
With Aaron out of her peripheral vision she had no idea if he was using his harry potter magic juju stuff or if he was getting his throat ripped out like just she did.
But the whispers assured her he was okay. That they could save her, heal her....
Aaron dispatched of the vampire beefcake accountant, leaving his limbs strewn about the forest floor in his anger before finally coming to his senses and looking around for his friend. "Devana? Dev?Dev?!"
He spied her body sprawled across the embankment and ran over to her. Just in time to see her eat the blue mushroom.
"Devana! No, what are you doing?" He fell to her side and saw the blood pooled around her, the gaping twin holes her neck were jagged and fresh blood still flowed from the wound.
Quickly applying pressure as she weakly blinked up at him, she placed a hand on his reassuringly as tried to stem the flow of blood.
"It's okay, the mooshy said so...I couldn't leave you...when you...were in-in danger.."
"You ate it, Dev, that potion is poured onto objects or persons to render them invisible. It's not to be ingested. The mushroom is poison! Do you understand me? Supernaturally poisonous"
"Or blue raspberry flavored...which it was..by the way.."
"The mooshy...mushroom...tastes like...blue raspberry...slushies...from the movies..."
"Dev? Stay with me okay, you can't go. You have to stay with me." Aaron kept one hand on her neck wound to keep the pressure on as the blood continue to drain from her body.
His other hand pulled out his phone as the voice of his friend's secretary answered the call. Mentally cursing to himself for dialing the work number and not his private number, he forced himself to keep composure.
"Please inform the king that it is Aaron calling from his mobile, I would like to discuss the terms of our agreement for the upcoming event. Also, tell him to pack an umbrella. It's raining."
Hanging up the phone he looked down at Devana's face, who looked as if she had fallen asleep, but he knew better.
He could no longer feel her life force and he had no idea if she died from the wounds caused by the vampire attack or by the magic mushroom that let her relive her favorite childhood memory with her parents at the movies.
And as the tears fell down from his face onto hers it was indeed raining.
Unknown to Aaron was that the magic in the mushroom did more than conceal objects and people and allow them to relive fond memories...
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heartbreak-sisters · 3 years
Who do you ship your ocs with?
oh boy get ready for a list because there's a lot
we'll divide this between parts because again i have Many OCs To Talk About (tm). beware this is gonna be LONG.
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for Part 1 i only have Arte who i ship with Dio. i know, what a shocker but i'm a slut for some bratty vampires hate fucking at 3am
for Part 2 the only one i have a ship with is Kitty and i ship her with Caesar, why is Joseph the only one who gets a cute maid wife, even if Caesar does die let him experience the joy of maid gf at least once 😔✊. Kaiya i don't exactly have a ship for because i just can't see her in a relationship during battle tendency, she's a woman with two kids, one who's missing and her whole point of BEING in italy is on the off chance she found her infant daughter there, she's not exactly in a position to be dating anyone during that time. Cambera is another i don't have a ship for, maybe with Arte herself because honestly who doesn't love gals being gals :) but something i like mulling over outside of the story ideas I have is Cambera and Kars because i'm a predictable slut for pretty men
for Part 3 of course i have Suzume and Kozakura, Suzume is sorta my flagship oc and i ship her with Jotaro. not a big surprise there but Jotaro and Suzume's relationship is sort of rocky, they're classmates who sort of annoy each other and end up becoming closer due to being forced to work on a school project together. after stumbling upon Jotaro's mom when she tried to visit the Kujos to work on the project with Jotaro she exposes herself as a Stand User while using her stand's ability to calm down Holly. After that she sticks around with the Crusaders whether Jotaro wanted her around or not and the two grow gradually closer over the course of the trip, after the fight with DIO and their return to Japan the two are unsure of what they are and before they could have a chance to figure it out, Suzume's parents freak out about what happened and they move away to Morioh, never to see each other again. (until DIU that is ;) ). Kozakura on the other hand I ship with Kakyoin because i'm dumbass and i think he deserves a cherry themed GF. Hanako of course is a married woman so she doesn't have anything but Mariko i have this joke ship with my bf where Polnareff keeps pining after her until he realizes she's like a 50 yr old woman and the only reason she looks so young is because of hamon.
for Part 4 Joshiko and Tsukiko i currently don't have a ship with (messing around with the idea of Tsukiko x Okuyasu but idk) but Kiyomi i'm also debating on whether to ship her with Josuke or Okuyasu depending on how Suzume and Jotaro go. or i can give Okuyasu two girlfriends.
for Part 5 i ship Etsuko with Bruno because honestly i love bruno so much 🥺. Ciambella however i ship with Abbacchio because i also love him sm. again a lot of these is just my ooga booga brain loving hot anime boys so idk how i'm gonna justify these but I Will(tm)
don't got another for part 6 yet but i have an oc who i'm cooking up an idea of shipping with either ermes or weather report.
for Part 7 i have Murasaki and Stray A, Murasaki i like the idea of her and Gyro but tbh idk how i would make that work. Stray A i ship with Diego because my Brando thirst is insatiable.
lastly for Part 8 i have Sugako and Daoko, both of which i actually don't have ships for, they're just a couple JJL ocs i have and i didn't really go in with ship ideas. Sugako and Gappy would be interesting but my lack of knowledge for JJL is the main reason i don't have anything for them lmao, i know i'm kinda cringe and a fraud but i just like making ocs and hyper-imposing myself onto them.
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teamxdark · 4 years
I hung out with my brother's friends for the first time today, and something we did... It just strongly resonates as an "extremely drunk Geraint, Lamorok and Gareth moment". We're sneaking up on someone. We pick up a long ass stick, and start marching it towards them in silence. I quietly say "ooga booga stick". They repeat "ooga booga" in a deep mumble. More silence. Suddenly the one in front of me starts jumping and making ape noises. We both join in. In the silence of the night, ooga booga.
I guess when none of you are the designated driver you gotta find a big stick and make sure no one approaches.
Also that is an incredible trio. That is a very specific squad right there and I want to name it.
In the silence of the night, beware.
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lucifersugar · 6 years
Am I chattin?
I need to feel better. I can’t having these delusions. Idk if they are but I’m making deals with the devil here. Not exactly but descendants. Kids, beware ooga booga it’s only called karma. Too much knowledge of the connections allows ability to shift energy.
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