#bf who grew up as the youngest / only child but is the oldest in the relationship
soov · 1 year
js thought ab a weirdly specific trope and now im trying to develop something Scratches head
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
Role reversal AU: Phoebe as the oldest, rebellious and wild bc she resents Grams for parentifying her and making her so responsible for her younger sisters. Prue, the second-born who went a complete 180 from her older sister, responsible and unyielding. Piper, youngest, quiet and reserved in the face of the sheer chaotic energy coming from both her sisters. Phoebe, telekinetic, having to learn to control herself to control her power. Prue, freezing giving her time to breathe when she (1/2)
doesn't ever slow down. Piper, premonitions giving her glimpses into other people and the courage to open up and be bolder. Phoebe, finding steadiness with her ex-bf from high school, Andy. Prue, the kind of sweet romance with Leo that she never let herself have before. Piper, meeting Cole and being enchanted by the danger and excitement. Just, role reversals where they're their same essential selves in someone else's life. (but I have no idea who Paige would be here)
paige as the half sister but the eldest, who grew up believing she was an only child only to find she has two (technically three older sisters). she doesn’t know what phoebe was like, but there was definitely no way she was as much of an irresponsible mess that paige was in her youth (jokes on paige: she totally was!) and now phoebe’s become a martyr in death the eldest sister who died protecting her family and how is paige possible supposed to fill those shoes? and she feels embarrassed as her sisters teach her the craft because she’s the eldest she’s supposed to have the wisdom to guide them so she quits her job at social services and focuses on being superwitch. and then when piper joins cole and takes her throne in hell paige can’t help but feel like this is somehow her fault like if phoebe were still alive she wouldn’t have let this happen that she would have been the proper older sister and saved the youngest from ruining her life. and she and prue have a heart to heart where prue tells her she’s more like phoebe than she’ll ever know, and that she’s doing the best job she can at being the oldest, and that no matter what, she should remember that her and piper love her. blah blah blah they save piper from cole prue has her baby are darling twice-blessed daughter named melinda a blond comes from the future to save the world from collapsing into darkness because he was taught to always look for the good in the world and that while everything happens for a reason, not everything is set in stone. they save the world but they can’t save wyatt, he dies in leo’s arms only to be born again the same day. after being scarred by that moment leo joins the avatars, and piper can’t help but fall for the mysterious fbi guy who’s hot on their tail. and paige can’t help but feel that she’s been let down by love, that she’s missed her chance. she always threw herself too strongly into her work, whether that was magic or a career, that she never found love, and maybe she’s just not meant to. good thing this cupid just showed up to prove love is real. oh and now paige has a new charge it’s this firestarter with severe anxiety who managed to escape from demons when she was young, and she’s on a mission to find her younger sister. something something something piper meets this guy named henry god he’s annoying no i definitely don’t like him shut up. prue freezes leo, christy finds billie, piper henry wedding, paige travels through time with coop in forever charmed, a guest appearance from melinda and wyatt, we get leo back, a paige coop wedding, and everyone lives happily ever after <3
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prorevenge · 6 years
25 year reign of terror, a cane, and me sweet sweet revenge
We human will learn many lessons, in our lifetimes. Look both ways when you cross the street. Hot things will burn you. Don't pass out with your shoes on. But of all the things we learn, in our lifetimes, one stands out to me the most; it's the one's closest to you that will most likely stab you in the back.
This is something that I had to learn to hard way.
I've been in therapy for almost three years because of this horse shit, it really fucked me up. This is going to be a long and sad one, just be warned.
Some background
I grew up in a house with my mom, grandmother (GM), and my great-aunt G (AG); near the North Carolina/Virginia borader. My gm is the youngest of three sisters. AG is the middle child and great-aunt E (AE) is the oldest. I love both of my great-aunts, but my grandma is the scum of the earth.
I was her own personal punching bag from the age of 8 till 13. It only stopped because words like CPS and jail were being thrown around, by my doctor. No 13 year old should have the blood pressure of a 40 year old.
Now, you maybe thinking, why didn't my mom and great-aunt put a stop to the abuse. Mom was under Grandma's full control. She had some kind of dirt on my great-aunt. Enough to keep her quiet.
Too make things worse, I was bullied in school from 4th grade till my freshman year. By then I was tired of it all and tried to put a end to all of it. I failed seeing that you are reading this story, but sometimes I wish I didn't. (Story for another day)
Now on to the story.
Junior year meant thinking about your future, Junior prom, and all that BS. For me it meant that I was one year closer to blowing that popsicle stand. The one good memory I have my class rings.
I was told by my great-aunts, that I could order any kind if ring I wanted and they would pay for it. The ring I wanted was pretty standard, with one exception; I wanted my birthstone, a sapphire. As promised, I got what I wanted and it cost a pretty penny. The thing was my grandma wanted it. In her mind I didn't deserve something so nice. Trust me, she tried everything to get it and failed.
Graduation comes along and as soon as it's done, I high tail it to Virginia. I got a job and worked towards my personal goal, backpacking through Europe. (More on this later)
Two years later, my best friends younger sister was graduating high school and I was invited. After the ugliness of my freshman year, they became my second family. I worked in the families cafe and attended the oldest sister and my best friends graduations.
For the sake of the story os is older sister, bf is best friend, and ys is youngest sister.
The offer to stay with them was put forward to me, but I declined as I wanted to spend sometime with my little brother. "This was a big mistake." I was about to head out to ys's graduation party, when I have this conversation with my grandma.
GM: where do you think your going?
Me: I'm going to ys's graduation party. (By this time I had started wearing my class ring on a chain around my neck.)
GM: you aren't going anywhere with that.(pointing to my ring) We paid to much money for it, so you can lost it.
Me: YOU didn't pay anything for this ring. AG and AE paid for this ring.
GM: you aren't leaving this house till you give it here. (Head extended)
Me: oh yeah, you and what army? (As I turn to the door, I see mom blocking my way out.
Mom: hand it over and you can go.
Now the yelling and screaming starts. AG was also on the way out to do something, I don't remember what, but she puts a end to the fight quickly.
AG: ALL OF YOU SHUT UP! Give me the ring and I'll put it somewhere safe, if it means we can go about our business.
Smiling, I hand her my ring and wait for to put it up; so we can leave. Grandma following and yelling at her, all the way to her room. All is said and done; we head to our cars and go on our marry ways. I don't come back except to take my brother to lunch a few days later.
On the day I was to head back to Virginia, AG discovers my ring is missing. she thinks she may have moved it, but isn't completely sure. She tells me "when I find it I'll send it by CJ (her son my cousin). I agree to the terms and head back to Virginia.
A month has passed and still no ring. AG is extremely upset and I tell her, "don't worry, it'll turn up". It turned up, alright. A friend had ran into my mom in a pawn shop, with the ring. He calls me and here is the convo, as best as I can remember.
Friend: hey
Me: hey, it's been a while. How are you doing?
Friend: I'm good. By some chance, did you ask your mom to pawn your class ring.
Friend: I'll take that as a no. Saw her at ABC pawn on main, yesterday. Just thought I'd ask.
Me: That bitch is so Dead! Thanks for the info. I owe you big.
After hanging up, with my friend. I was on the phone with AG and AE. I was told that they will handle Mom and Grandma. They were going to order me another ring, but I didn't want one. I wanted payback, but was told not to do anything I would regret and let it go. AE put some money in my account and I dropped it, for now
Flash forward a year.
The bullshit of my ring has passed and I'm about to apply for my passport. Now, I hope you remember me mentioning my bank account. My mom set it up for me, when I was young. Saving money for a rainy day and child support payments. I continued to use it after I moved away. Her name was still on the account, but it was never a issue.
On one of my phone calls to my brother,. I mentioned my Europe trip. He told Mom, not knowing any better. Which brought on the next round of horse shit. It was this round that literally broke me emotionally and mentally broke me.
I had recently opened a new bank account for the trip. I was going to withdraw the money and transfer it to my new account. I hope that you can see were I'm going with this. When I go to do this, i find out that it's all gone. Close to $25,000 gone and I flip my shit.
I call the bank to find out what the fuck is going on. They tell me that I withdrew it.
CS: Sir you withdraw the money a week ago.
Me: No I didn't. I have withdrawn from my account in months.
CS: It says here you withdrew the money from 123 Adams St bfe, North Carolina.
Me: Wait what, I haven't been to bfe in nearly a year. Son of a bitch. (Hang up on customer service and called home.)
AG: hey sweetie, how are you.
AG: what's wrong, sweetie?
She puts down the phone and in the background i can, just barely her "I'm not letting him blow my hard earned money on some foolish trip." (I should add that my paychecks had been going into this account for years. Entitled bitch) By the time AG comes back to the phone I'm in tears and in no state to talk.
After I got off the phone, I was a complete mess. My roommate comes home to find me curled into a ball, crying. I must have worried her, cause she was trying to console me. The why me? I wish I was never born and I wished I was dead; started.
It was finally official, those cold hearted bitches finally broke me. The crying didn't stop and I was worrying my friends and colleagues. Then I stopped eating. Three later my best friend was there and their was no knocking me out of it. It was off to the hospital I go.
A month later Im released and my best friend is staying with me, for a bit. I was over crying, past pissed, and my rage was coming forth. I was long past getting even. I wanted my due revenge. Didn't care how long it would take, someone was going to pay.
I eventually return to work, a changed man. I was starting over when it came to my trip. Lawyers were suggested, but the law was not going to do. I wanted 10lbs of flesh.
Two years had to pass, before I saw my chance. I hadn't talked to those two people, in two years at that point. Things had gotten worse, back home for AG.
Grandma was acting like her shit didn't stink, literally. She was now sitting in the living room pissing and shitting, where ever she sat. The house reaked of shit and piss. She was being a bitch to AG and AG's friends stopped coming by. By this point, even Mom had enough of her and something had to be done.
I come home from work one night and who do I see sitting in my living room; my roommate, CJ, AG, my girlfriend, and mom. Soon as I see mom, "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" and walked out.
My girlfriend,at the time(let call her R) follows.
R: honey, I think you should hear them out.
Me: AG and CJ yes but that bitch gotta go.
R: my name
Me: NO
R: they are going to put your grandmother in a home.
Me: She belongs at the bottom of a six foot hole.
She seemed quite shocked I would say such a thing.
R: hear them out for me, please.
I agree and I'm told of what was going on. A agreement is reached and I will help move the old witch.
Two weeks later R and myself are driving down I95 to bfe. We take our time, as I feel a disturbance in the force. A shitstorm is brewing. After stopping for lunch, we arrive around 2pm. We just arrived in the eyes of the storm.
They had dropped the bomb on grandma and she isn't happy. We can hear her in the car. That's how loud the was screaming. It is then that my sweet revenge, comes to me.
I grab my phone and call non emergency. I informed them of the situation and say I'm worried about my grandmas health and safety, a car is on the way.
Here is the thing about the town we lived in. If the police are called; it's either going to be the county sheriff or the highway patrol that comes, depends on who is closest.
I knew I had very little time, so I tell R to stay outside and wait for the police. I walk in and see the witch; keeping everyone at a distance by swinging her cane.
I'm laughing at this point. She's got everyone scared of her. Guess what, I'm not scared. I noticed that highway patrol has arrived. (Gotta do this quick) I walk up to her and tell her like it is.
Me: Look, you waste of space. The way I see it, you have two choices. You can go to the home peacefully or I can drag your ass out back and put you down like old yeller.
She chooses option three. Highway patrol and R walk in as the handle of the cane pops me below my left eye. I take the hit and feel the blood running down my face.
It's on bitch. Grab the cane and say "your turn bitch", but before I can swing; someone grabs hold of the cane. Trooper sternly looks me in the eyes and says "Go outside before you are in cuffs too"
I turn to go,but not before I get the last word.
Me: Krama's a bitch and it looks like she finally caught up to you. Enjoy your time in jail, I Know I will.
She had hit me for the last time and I got to watch her ride away in the back of a squad car. I had finally gotten my revenge and all it took was taking a cane to the face, in front of a cop.
I had to get stitches. She got me good, one last time. Left a scar, as well. I dropped the charges on the condition that she get some mental help, go to the nursing home and never speak to me again.
Mom and I are back on non speaking terms. Bitch brought a new fucking car with my money, so I put a cider block through her windshield after I found out. She wanted me to replace the windshield.
Me: why don't you just use the money that you stole from me, to replace it.
That is how I put a end to a 25 year reign of terror. Hope that you enjoyed my little tale of revenge. Like mentioned in the beginning grammar isn't my strong suit, please be kind. Oh and I will post some pics of Grandma's handly work.
Peace, love, and rock and roll.
(source) story by (/u/prettyfly4adazedguy)
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freigaeist · 8 years
also a random question but - favourite ship, if you have one?
VMON ; the fashionistas, the earth signs, the teacher and his student, the refreshingly buzz of wild thoughts swirling through the organized mind whAT IS NOT TO LOVE ABOUT VMON!!! i can’t even say what is the most adorable abt those two but i think i’m drawn to how surprisingly similar they are but also how utterly different? whilst they’re both care-taker namjoon is the mental support, he’s incredibly good with words and verbal reassurance whereas taehyung can make anybody feel at ease with just a smile or a hand on the shoulder. whilst the older is gifted with just the right words in any situation the younger has that feeling to him that puts others at ease immediately; like a puppy you pet and feel better though it’s a small creature that needs you to take care of them and guide them you feel oddly accepted, protected, loved and taken care of by a huge grin, lots of spit and scratch marks on your hands and the feeling of their fur underneath your trembling fingers and that is taehyung. namjoon on the other hand is the words of an elder, a friend, a mother that do more than every physical support could do for you at that very moment. namjoon is the voice reading you a bedtime story that lulls you to sleep from very far away while taehyung is the bass soothingly vibrating beneath your head whilst being pressed close to his warm body. i imagine namjoons fingers are always kinda cold and at their best luke warm or hot and sweaty and taehyung seem to be always very warm and dry. namjoon get headaches from worrying too much and nibbling on his inner cheek in thoughts, taehyung has already moved from the foggy slumber of the past, got rid of the muddy finger prints on his white vest and is with one foot already in the newly fallen snow of the future, in his chest already bubbling excitement and aticipitation. vmon are the lecturing but kind words of an older person guiding and the younger reaching out and holding them in their steady embrace for a while knowing that even the wisest and oldest need nothing but a hug and a thankful smile from time to time.
so vmon is like the Ship of the Month but c’mon we all know bea HAS to have sidehoes (Me, A triple-biased Ship Wreck, ) so i’ll go in detail abt the others too fuck it why not:
JinMin ; ah yes sag+libra, they’re the kinds of sweets that look innocent and taste sweet and nice on first bite before some nasty kind of lemon STINGS into your tongue and you reconsider ever eating candy again bc how dare the sugar&sweets industry foaling you like this??? jinmin is this; effing libra park jimin being the cutest but also the most cunning out there, he KNOWS how to act and how to behave to have people liking him - but that doesn’t work when the person he’s trying to lull in acts like an actual 5y/o that just. isn’t having it. nopedy nop nope. this bangtan bomb is still everything to me bc i think their individual relationship comes out wonderfully as well as this vlive - truth be told both are reasons why my life improved 10% overall am not kidding. seokjin is the bigger brother chim never had and jimin the younger jin never had i think their sense of humour is rly similar (name one time when jimin pressured himself NOT to laugh at jins antics!), they’re the Gossip Girls out of these bunch of boyscouts and i love them for that! whenever one of them is whispering into the others ear it looks extra shady if you ask me &I LOVE IT! jimin sometimes looks so extra Done with Jin and he just continues going on his nerves like it’s a water slide &I LVOE IT! i also love how seokjin is older but let’s jimin (and everybody else) just have their ways from time to time, he isn’t too serious when he doesn’t needs to be and i think that puts the others at ease. they’re also Team Touchy though i’d say jimin is more of the physical support than jin bc jimin isn’t one to be all sappy with words but rather shows his concern and that he senses someone’s upset with simple, reassuring gestrues. he doesn’t play around like jin does when he’s bored or is all clingy and is glued to people like taehyung but he got his ways in immediately being close and having a hand on ones shoulder when they’re worried and i actually think jin learned a bit from chim when it comes to this? i mean yes he’s The (so claimed) Mom but he isn’t overly touchy but with the youngsters he is and i find that rly cute! they’re on one wave and the wave’s wild and high enough to happily sail on it :’^) i also read this lovely yet absolute heart-breaking (in the possibly best way) masterpiece and fell in love instantely
others i’m all HEART EYES for
Sope ; who isn’t in love with yoonseok. honestly. the pisces boy and his water bearer. when yoongi’s the deep dark water growing heavy and deadly hoseok is lightning buzzing through the halfway frozen surface, cracking ice and bringing light into the darkness which the water reflects in every direction to light it up. when hobi is all twitching nerves and fluid anxiety (and he’s all nerves to me; even when he’s talking in a quiet/low voice to calm ppl he’s talking incredibly FAST and his voice literally dances up&down he is just. A BUNDLE OF NERVES HE’S SUCH AN AQUARIAN) yoongi is reassuring deepness and calm and when yoongi’s depressed and without any motivation and everything and everyone is choking him to death and he feels like drowing hoseok is his light, oxygen and soul food. they’ve that super healthy relationship where they magically balance their downsides out smh?? that’s how i see them. they’re offering what the other is lacking and by that make a very strong unit. plus yoongi is really straight-forward and honest but he’s not one who’s all lovey dovey and shows how much he cares too obvious BUT WITH HOB HE IS EXACTLY THAT!!! i just rly love them but then again, who doesn’t?
Taejin ; Team Agegap - mhh both have a similar but different feeling to me but it’s all pure. they let jin be the child and are sUPER ANNOYED BY HIM sometimes when he wants to play around and they don’t want to! Seokjin is absolutely in love with taehyung (but then again who isn’t) and they can gET INCREDIBLY TOUCHY (possesive bf Tae at it everywhere, their mama stage??) with each another! plus the one and only thing i ever wrote is taejin lol for jinkook, i love that seokjin has that ability to lower himself. he’s the oldest and jeongguk the youngest yet i think they’re very close in the sense that jin is lowering himself and jeongguk likes to play the know-it-better& mess with his oldest hyung at times so they’re almost equal (plus team muscle pigs yay). these three are a bunch of pre-schoolers i wouldn’t want to take care of (am kidding pls pls let me play around with them!)
Double Wings ; Smol & Tol - namjin were the first that got me into reading bts fanfics (our sometimes tired, sometimes overly enthusiastic but 90% of the time emBARRASSING parents who gave the word Awkward its meaning (not bc they’re awkward with each other hell they’ve one of the best relationships you can have with someone who you’re not similar to in lots of ways), are absolutely, undeniably in el oh ve eh with each other), namjoon as the motivated, strict person that want and wants and wants and seokjin the actual fire sign telling the earth sign to CHILL for a second or two.. they just get me lots. minjoon is just. pure love. one of the least physical members and one of the touchiest, the smallest bundle that has his shell perfectly under control and the tallest that has everything but control over his long, slender limbs, don’t they make a nice meet&greet of opposites i love it!
and last but not least: Taeguk ! my sweet summer children, the youngest and most playful, partners in crime! they have your chest aching and heart longing for a soulmate you don’t know yet but want to have by your side already, they’re a refreshing summer breeze when you’re out in the midst of an autumn storm and they just give me that supper fuzzy, warm and very soft feeling inside where i either want to put them to bed and read them a bed time story of be out with them in the middle of a hot summer night, ripping out trees and yelling until it echoes to the moon and back. taehyung is warmth and steadiness when jeongguk is anxious and unsure, he’s an older brother that doesn’t mind playing the younger for a while and jeongguk is obviously the touchiest with taehyung (no surprise as taehyung IS the touchiest himself lol). i think the most fics i read (it’s not many but if i start one that i love i will read 20k in one go) is taeguk just bc it’s rly popular (which is understandable if you ask me?) and many talented ppl fell in love with them! 
shoutout to 2seok & jikook for being underrated in their brother-like, more quiet charms and sugamon for putting up with one another for such a long time so they practically grew on one another, sugakookie where an Intro Big shows an Intro Smol that it’ll be okay being like this in an extroverted idol world AND vmin & namseok for being the typical same age liners where one of the “twins” constantely states “i’m like 2minutes older rESPECT ME YOU LITTLE SHIT!”
bangtan is one family and i love all their friendships/dynamics but those are my faves :’^) in the end nobody stans bts as much as taehyung bts anyways, right? THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME WASTE MY TIME I LOVED THIS
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