bf-kari · 8 years
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We are hiring Admins for the BF (Kari) Side Blog!
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Best of Luck! (^o^)/
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taka-chii · 10 years
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Here I am staring at my game interface. Shuu-sama <3
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crazy-moko · 4 years
Boyfriend (Beta): Sagisaka Shu (SSR) - Planetary Chocolate
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CV: Sakurai Takahiro
Proofreaders: ~ Mizu 水野はな ~
Heroine name: Takamiya Akane
IMPORTANT: Under a friend’s suggestion, I will be reposting my old translation of Boyfriend (Beta) from my blogspot on this tumblr as well. Only the ones I have posted of course. But I will change a few things here and there. Looking at my blogspot again, I see everything was terribly made and some things were hard to read. I did this translation years ago so the quality might be bad. I didn’t change much either.
Like a Couple’s Relationship
Chapter 1
Takamiya Akane: (Hmm, where’s the next lesson’s notes…… found it)
Sagisaka Shu: --Akane. Can we talk?
Takamiya Akane: Ah, Sagisaka-kun. It’s rare for you to visit my class. What’s wrong?
Sagisaka Shu: Do you have any plans next Thursday after school?
Takamiya Akane: If you’re talking about next Thursday…… it’s the 14th. No, I have nothing planned.
Sagisaka Shu: If you’d like, do you want to go together to this?
Takamiya Akane: This is the Valentine’s day Illumination Event flyer……?
Sagisaka Shu: Yup. It seems like it will be held at the central park for a few days. The guy from the editorial department from my previous job had work so he gave me his couple’s ticket to the event.
Takamiya Akane: I see. Wow, there’s a mini live concert on the 14th, and a workshop too. It looks fun…… Ah, but―― This is a Valentine’s event right? Are you fine going to the event with me? It’s a special day after all, isn’t it better if you spend it with your precious person……?
Sagisaka Shu: To me, you are a precious person. That’s why I want to go with you.
Takamiya Akane: (Eh, does he mean…… Ah, I see. He meant it as a precious friend) Thank you for inviting me. If you’re fine with it, please let me go with you.
Sagisaka Shu: That’s great. Since the event starts in the evening, on the 14th, shall we go home from school temporarily and meet up again after that?
Takamiya Akane: I agree. That way, we’ll be able to leave our stuff. *Giggles* I really look forward to it. (Ah, I should bring along chocolates later to thank him for the ticket)
Chapter 2
Sagisaka Shu: It’s as the weather forecast predicted, it’s great that the sky is clear.
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles* I feel the same way. ――Ah, which reminds me, thank you for today. Even though it’s cold, you went out of your way to meet me at my house…….
Sagisaka Shu: We met up late because of me so please don’t worry about it.
Takamiya Akane: If I remember correctly, you said you were at the astronomy club’s meeting.
Sagisaka Shu: Yes. It was suddenly decided this morning. Since it was an important meeting, the club president told me that I should definitely attend, I couldn’t refuse……. After the meeting ended, I went home to get the tickets, but it was already late. Actually, I wanted to reach the meeting place earlier and take a look around but……
Takamiya Akane: It couldn't be helped since you had club activities. You need to change into warmer clothes as well, and since the event had just started, I believe that there is still so much more for us to enjoy.
Sagisaka Shu: Yeah, you’re right……. But Akane, I always thought of spending more time together with you even for a little while longer.
Takamiya Akane: Sagisaka-kun……. (That means, he has fun whenever I’m with him, right? I’m really happy that that he thought about it that way)
Takamiya Akane: Ah, I see it. ――Wow, it’s beautiful……!
Sagisaka Shu: It is really is……. I’ve come to this park many times but somehow, it looks like a completely different place today. I’m so glad that I came to see this with you.
Chapter 3
Takamiya Akane: ――Weird? Those people over there, are they perhaps TV station crew……?
Sagisaka Shu: Since they’re holding cameras and microphones, they probably are. This event is even featured in the magazines so they are probably here to collect data.
Takamiya Akane: (Wa-, my eyes met the female reporter’s eyes)
Reporter: I immediately found a lovely couple. Let’s hear what they have to say!
Takamiya Akane: (Eh, co-, couple!? Is she referring to us……!?)
Reporter: Good evening! Please let us know your thoughts on the illumination.
Sagisaka Shu: Eh? Well…… I think it’s beautiful. Besides, I’m really enjoying myself. It’s probably because I’m watching it with my special person.
Reporter: Special person is it……?! Both of you are really lovey-dovey aren’t you!
Takamiya Akane: Tha-, that’s not it, our relationship is noth-……!
Reporter: Mr. Boyfriend, which part of your girlfriend do you think is the most charming?
Sagisaka Shu: Well…… I like her cuteness and her kindness――plus, the part where she always smiles as she listens to me speak, I think that it’s great.
Takamiya Akane: (Be-, being praised in such a straightforward way is kind of embarrassing…... The interview somehow ended but…...) I-, in the end she thought of us as a couple throughout the interview.
Sagisaka Shu: Yeah…… Now that I think about it, she mentioned the word “couple” when she called out to us. I don’t particularly mind and I don’t mind being mistaken as a couple if it’s with you.
Takamiya Akane: (Sa-, Sagisaka-kun sometimes say amazing things without realising it)
Chapter 4
Takamiya Akane: The mini live concert was amazing.
Sagisaka Shu: Yeah. Where shall we go nex――, ah, it’s already this late…….
Takamiya Akane: Ah, it really is. Somehow it felt like time just flew by. But, I had a lot of fun――…….*sneezes*!
Sagisaka Shu: Akane, perhaps you’re cold?
Takamiya Akane: Yup. We’re always staying outside after all and my fingers feel really cold……. I should’ve brought out my gloves. Ah……. (Sagisaka-kun is wrapping my hands with his…...)
Sagisaka Shu: It really is cold……. Your hands feel like ice. I would lend you my gloves but I didn’t wear them today as well…… I know. If we do it this, it will warm you up a little.
Takamiya Akane: (Omg, Sagisaka-kun stuffed my hands into his pockets……!?)
Sagisaka Shu: ――Your hands, are really small. Somehow, they make me want to protect them.
Takamiya Akane: (*Whimpers*, in this situation, we look like an actual couple…...)
Sagisaka Shu: It looks like it’s almost closing time. It’s late as well so I’ll send you home.
Takamiya Akane: Eh, but for you to go that far, I’d feel bad.
Sagisaka Shu: I’m sending you home because I’m worried. Can't I ……?
Takamiya Akane: Sagisaka-kun…… thank you. In that case, I’ll have you send me home. (It gets really dark in the neighbourhood around this time too…... As I thought, it’s better if I don’t return home alone)
Chapter 5
Takamiya Akane: Thank you for today, Sagisaka-kun. I’ll be fine around he――*scream*! (A bicycle rushed out from the corner of the street……!?)
Sagisaka Shu: Akane......!
Takamiya Akane: (Owww…… I fell down as I was trying to avoid the bicycle)
Sagisaka Shu: Are you okay? Sorry, I was about to catch you as you fall but I didn’t make it…… 
Takamiya Akane: Please don’t worry about it. I’m totally fine….. Leaving that aside, I’m sorry. I can’t involve you in something like th―― wait, Sagisaka-kun, your hand……! 
Sagisaka Shu: Hmm? Ah…… Seems like I got cut a little as I fall. But, it’s just a graze so I think it’ll heal on it’s own if I just ignore it.
Takamiya Akane: Bu-, but, if the bacteria gets in, it’d be terrible. We have to disinfect it quickly……! I know. My house is just up ahead and I’ll treat you inside. Shall we go?
Takamiya Akane: Errm, we should wash the wound first then apply the antiseptic. ――Does it sting?
Sagisaka Shu: No, I’m fine.
Takamiya Akane: I’m relieved that it’s a shallow wound. Ah, I’ll stick on a band-aid just in case.
Sagisaka Shu: Ah, thanks. …...Hmm? Come to think of it, your house, it’s really quiet. Is there no one else except us?
Takamiya Akane: Yup. Dad and mom are staying outside to attend a relative’s memorial service…... (No-,now that I think about it, I’m alone together with Sagisaka-kun)
Sagisaka Shu: Akane......? Your face is red, what’s wrong?
Takamiya Akane: Eh? We-,Well, it’s nothing. I’m going to prepare some tea!
Chapter 6
Takamiya Akane: Here, black tea. It’s hot so be careful. And here, if you’d like…… I prepared some chocolate as a thank you for inviting me out today and for just now.
Sagisaka Shu: Is that so…… thank you. I’m happy. Can I open it?
Takamiya Akane: Yes, of course. Please.
Sagisaka Shu: Ah…… This is that planetary chocolate, right? The orange one is…… Venus. This white one looks like Neptune. Every one of them is beautiful. Somehow, it’s a shame to eat it.
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles* I’m glad you like it. But it’s still chocolate so why not have a taste?
Sagisaka Shu: Ah, that’s true. …… Hmm, it’s really delicious. Moreover, it seems like each planet has a different taste. Would you like to have a taste?
Takamiya Akane: Eh, but it’s the chocolate I prepared for you…...
Sagisaka Shu: It’ll definitely be more fun if two people ate something delicious together.
Takamiya Akane: Re-, really? If that’s the case, I’ll try just one. Wow, there’s a slight coffee taste. It’s delicious…….
Sagisaka Shu: Ah……. Akane, there’s some chocolate near your lips. 
Takamiya Akane: Eh, no way, where? I better wipe it o――
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Sagisaka Shu: Here. …… It really is good. The coffee tastes delicious as well.
Takamiya Akane: (! Sa-, Sagisaka-kun is licking the chocolate off my lips――!?)
Sagisaka Shu: You’re cute as well when you turn red like that. From now on too, I want to be by your side and observe your various facial expressions.
Note: How is it that I don’t remember a single thing from this story.
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crazy-moko · 3 years
Boyfriend (Beta): Kitagawa Shouta (SSR) - The Lights on the Rooftop
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Proofreaders: R A N 水嶋ラン & Jin
Heroine name: Takamiya Akane **This is a name I gave for all the MC that’s not in Shouta’s story so I will be applying this to all of them from here on out.
IMPORTANT: Under a friend’s suggestion, I will be reposting my old translation of Boyfriend (Beta) from my blogspot on this tumblr as well. Only the ones I have posted of course. But I will change a few things here and there. Looking at my blogspot again, I see everything was terribly made and some things were hard to read. I did this translation years ago so the quality might be bad. I didn’t change much either.
The Candles’ Miracle
Chapter 1
Takamiya Akane: (Hmm, that person moving towards this direction is……)
Child 1: Shouta-nii-chan, you’re slow~! Come on, hurry upー!
Kitagawa Shouta: Hahaha, you don’t have to be impatient. The candles won’t run away~. Hmm, it’s Akane! What a coincidence to meet you here! 
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles*, it sure is. That’s quite the large baggage there, what’re they for?
Kitagawa Shouta: We~ll, actually, the people at orphanage were talking about making homemade candles, then all the children got interested and then it was decided that they want to make them. They said they can make it Christmas-y and were in high spirits~!
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles*, I see. All of you get along well as usual. (Handmade candles…… that sounds fun)
Kitagawa Shouta: If you’re interested, do you want to make them together?
Takamiya Akane: Eh. I’m happy but is it okay for me to join in?
Kitagawa Shouta: Of course! If it’s you, you’ll be gladly welcomed! Right, guys?
Child 2: Yup, of course! Big sister should make candles with us!
Child 1: Yup, the more the merrier!
Takamiya Akane: Really? If everyone says so then I’ll take up the offer.
Takamiya Akane: Sorry that you had to send me all the way home.
Kitagawa Shouta: It’s fine, it’s fine~. I can’t let a lady walk home on her own either~.
Takamiya Akane: Thank you for today. Candle making was fun.
Kitagawa Shouta: I see! I’m glad you had fun!
Chapter 2
Kitagawa Shouta: The candle you made was super cute!
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles*, thank you. Your candle is beautiful too.
Kitagawa Shouta: Seriously!? While we’re at it, I want to show them to various people~. Look, the candle’s light is warm right? I wish to share this warmth with various people!
Takamiya Akane: Ah, I think I somehow know how that feels.
Kitagawa Shouta: Right~? ……Ah, that’s it! I just thought of something great! About the upcoming Christmas Party, did you know that we had plans to decorate the venue’s rooftop?
Takamiya Akane: Yup, I know. That’s the party’s one and only centerpiece right?
Kitagawa Shouta: Let’s decorate it using our candles too!
Takamiya Akane: Eh!? Wi-, will they even allow us to do so?
Kitagawa Shouta: It’s not like we’re putting unrelated things and it’s better than not asking at all right~? 
Takamiya Akane: ……you’re right. It sounds interesting as well so let’s try asking!
Kitagawa Shouta: Haha, as expected of Akane! Now you’re talking~! I’m going to ask tomorrow and I’ll let you know the results right after!
Takamiya Akane: Thank you, Kitagawa-kun. I’ll be looking forward to the news.
Kitagawa Shouta: ……Ah, there you are! He~y, Akane~!
Takamiya Akane: Ah, Kitagawa-kun. It’s good that we found each other quickly.
Chapter 3
Kitagawa Shouta: Well~, I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t find yo-…….
Takamiya Akane: ……Kitagawa-kun? What’s wrong? You went silent all of a sudden.
Kitagawa Shouta: Eh!? Ah, m-, my bad! Unconsciously, I got mesmerised……! Because you look different than usual and really cute, you unintentionally snatched my attention…… I was really surprised~!
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles*, thank you. You too gave a different impression from usual when you’re in a suit and you look really cool. 
Kitagawa Shouta: Re-, really? Hahaha, if you praise me like that, I’ll get happier~. Thanks Akane! Erm, di-, did you properly bring the candle?
Takamiya Akane: Of course. I put it in a bag so that it won’t get smashed. It’s great that they gave us permission much more easily than I thought.
Kitagawa Shouta: Haha, I was also a little surprised. But it was worth asking. Al~right! Well, let’s leave it at the rooftop immediately~!
Takamiya Akane: Sure! Actually I thought of enjoying the party a bit before leaving the candle at the rooftop so I haven’t gone up yet. *Giggles* this is making me excited~.
Takamiya Akane: Wow……! This is amazing, it’s like the rooftop itself is glowing!
Kitagawa Shouta: It’s a really spectacular view, isn’t it~!? Akane, this is amazing! From here onwards, our candle will also be joining in as well, you know~!?
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles*. When you think about it that way, it makes my heart race. 
Chapter 4
Kitagawa Shouta: Al~right! Might as well choose a great place with the best charm to decorate! Akane, let’s look at the inner part first~! Come on!
Takamiya Akane: (Eh, Erm, is he perhaps……holding my hand? Maybe he’s being careful so I won’t trip. It’s a little awkward…… Maybe I’ll spoil him a little)
Kitagawa Shouta: Hehe. It’s a little dangerous so be careful not to step on anything~. This place is easily noticeable and stands out quite a bit!
Takamiya Akane: Yes. …… As the wind blows and flickers the flame, it feels magical yet beautiful, right? Do you think our candles will be seen by the others?
Kitagawa Shouta: Isn’t that obvious~!? I bet everyone will definitely say 『It’s really beautiful』 as they are fascinated by them!
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles*, that’d be great. Thank you, Kitagawa-kun. ……Somehow, it’s so beautiful that I don’t want to part from it. If possible, I would like to stay beside it and watch over it…….
Kitagawa Shouta: Hahaha, if I’m with you then that doesn’t sound so bad~.
Takamiya Akane: Really? Then, let’s stay here a little longe-……*sneezes*!
Kitagawa Shouta: Ah, as expected it’s getting chilly~. I don’t want to say this but I would hate it if you catch a cold. We should go back inside soon and slowly warm ourselves up, shall we?
Takamiya Akane: ……You’re right. I’m reluctant to go but let’s go back inside.
Chapter 5
Takamiya Akane: (*Giggles*. The present exchange is heating up)
Kitagawa Shouta: He~y, Akane! What did you get?
Takamiya Akane: Ah, Kitagawa-kun. Actually I haven’t opened it…….
Kitagawa Shouta: Oh~, let’s see what you got…… wha-, wait, it’s the present I prepared!
Takamiya Akane: Eh, really? There were even so many to choose from. Such a coincidence.
Kitagawa Shouta: I have no doubt that this is the wrapping. It would be more interesting if the present I got was prepared by you~.
Takamiya Akane: ……Erm…… That box, is the present I prepared you know?
Kitagawa Shouta: Eh…… Se-, seriously!? Haha, can something like this even happen~!?
Takamiya Akane: I was also surprised. *Giggles*, such an amazing coincidence.
Kitagawa Shouta: No way, maybe it’s not just some kind of coincidence~? Maybe we’re tied together by the red string of fate…… just kidding!
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles*. Maybe it really is true.
Kitagawa Shouta: Eh!? Do-, does that mean……!
Takamiya Akane: ……Kitagawa-kun? Why did you suddenly stiffen up?
Kitagawa Shouta: ……Ah. Oh…… it’s just a joke huh~…… I’m feeling a little disappointed.
Takamiya Akane: Eh? Kitagawa-kun, what did you just say?
Kitagawa Shouta: Nothing, I was just talking to myself so don’t worry about it! By the way, since I’m here, can I open the present?
Takamiya Akane: Sure! I don’t mind so let’s open them together.
Chapter 6
Takamiya Akane: This is, a LED candle and a glass candle holder?
Kitagawa Shouta: My present is an aroma candle set huh. To think that both of us would both prepare candle-related presents~. Haha, this is awesome! We’re really two peas in a pod~!
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles*, we really are. Since we’ve come this far, we can only call it a miracle. But, why is the candle holder’s grip a four leaf clover?
Kitagawa Shouta: That’s of course because I want the receiver to receive good luck!
Takamiya Akane: (I see…… *Giggles*, as I thought, Kitagawa-kun is kind) Ah, the holder looks more beautiful when the light passes throu-…… Ah! (The candle holder slipped out of my hands and it’s going to dro-……!)
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Kitagawa Shouta: ――Oops! That was dangerous~. I was just right on time!
Takamiya Akane: Tha-, thank you. You really saved me by helping me supporting it……! (Ah, he’s supporting both of my hands……! It-, it’s like we’re holding the candle holder together and it’s a little embarrassing……!) Even though it’s something I received from you, I’m sorry. Um, it’s fine already so…… (Eh……? Why is his grip getting tighter……?)
Kitagawa Shouta: Don’t worry about it dropping. It won’t break so it’s all safe! More importantly…… I’m super lucky that you were the one who received it~. That’s because, this is something I’m using to deliver good luck to the person I love, you know?
Note: My comment from a few years back when translating this was " What if Kai was the one who got it instead? XDDDD He will be the one that receives your love and good luck instead?” I had to do it since Kai x Shouta was my fav pairing that time.
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crazy-moko · 4 years
Boyfriend (Beta): Kitagawa Shouta (SR) - Delicious Throat Lozenges~
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Proofreaders: R A N 水嶋ラン
Heroine name: Takamiya Akane  **This is a name I gave for all the MC that’s not in Shouta’s story so I will be applying this to all of them from here on out.
IMPORTANT: Under a friend’s suggestion, I will be reposting my old translation of Boyfriend (Beta) from my blogspot on this tumblr as well. Only the ones I have posted of course. But I will change a few things here and there. Looking at my blogspot again, I see everything was terribly made and some things were hard to read. I did this translation years ago so the quality might be bad. I didn’t change much either.
An Effective Good Luck Charm?
Chapter 1
Takamiya Akane: Hello, Kitagawa-kun. Buying something?
Kitagawa Shouta: Yeah, there’s something I wanted! …… *Coughs*!
Takamiya Akane: Oh my, it seems you have a coughing fit?
Kitagawa Shouta: We~ll, I was practicing cheering then my throat started to hurt, you see~.
Takamiya Akane: Cheering……? Oh, for this time’s cheering battle’s practice?
Kitagawa Shouta: Yup, everyone in the same team is practicing when they are free! But, I put in too much strength during the practice until my throat hurts~. Today, I’m here to buy supplies of throat lozenges. But, it seems that they just ran out of stock~. Well, it can’t be helped! I know! If you’re free, would you like to come to see the practice as well? My 『Team Suzaku (Vermillion Bird)』 has Ryuunosuke-senpai and Saku-senpai~! It looks like an awesome combination, right? It’s interesting so it’s worth a look! Besides, there are other teammates too, but, today, the three of us, Ryuunosuke-senpai, Saku-senpai and I made plans to practice together! If you’re there, the seniors will be happy too, so come to us if you like~!
Chapter 2
Takamiya Akane: (From Kitagawa-kun’s invitation, I went to watch Team Suzaku’s practise but……)
Kitagawa Shouta: Oh, you’re here! We were waiting for you~!
???: Ya~y, it’s Akane-chan~!
Takamiya Akane: *Giggle*, I came! Please let me observe your practice!
Kitagawa Shouta: Al-right, Akane’s here too so let’s resume our practice!
Sena Ryuunosuke: Yup, let’s continue~! ……H, huh~!? Nono!? 
Shinonome Tatsumi: Ryuunosuke, you're on cleaning duty today right? Everyone was looking for you.
Sena Ryuunosuke: Ah!? Th-, that’s right~! Sorry, I’m going to go clean up!
Takamiya Akane: (Ryuu-chan-senpai left with Shinonome-senpai……)
Kitagawa Shouta: Oh damn……! I’m the only one left for the cheering practice~.
Takamiya Akane: But, Kagami-senpai will come right?
Kitagawa Shouta: Well, there’s an urgent matter regarding his band so it seems that he won’t be coming. I even said that it’ll be interesting and asked you to come and I’m the only one left, sorry!
Takamiya Akane: It’s nothing, I don’t mind. I’ll cheer for Kitagawa-kun’s cheering!
Kitagawa Shouta: Hehehe, thank you! In that case, I would like to request a love-filled cheer~!
Chapter 3
Kitagawa Shouta: In that case, I’ll show you my cool cheering form! …… But, it’ll just be boring if I raise my voice~. Since I’ve decided to do the cheering practice, I might as well cheer! For who am I cheering for……? Alright…… I’ve decided! Hooray! Hooray! Ki-sa-ra-gi! Hooray hooray, Kisaragi! Hooray hooray, Kisaragi! Ossu!
Takamiya Akane: (To-, Toma who’s in the middle of practice is astonished and looking in this direction……!) Toma is really making a 『What the hell?』 expression!
Kitagawa Shouta: Hahaha, it looks like he’s really shocked~!
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles*, Kitagawa-kun, did you do that on purpose?
Kitagawa Shouta: I was exposed~? As expected, I can’t hide anything from you! He had a troubled expression when he was dribbling, so I was thinking of calming him down~! 
Takamiya Akane: (Nevertheless, as expected, Kitagawa-kun’s throat seems a little painful……) Hey, Kitagawa-kun. Can you wait here for a little while?
Kitagawa Shouta: Sure, I understand! …… Well, where are you going?
Chapter 4
Takamiya Akane: Kitagawa-kun, sorry to keep you waiting!
Kitagawa Shouta: No problem, did you finish what you needed to do~?
Takamiya Akane: I was thinking about Kitagawa-kun and went to the infirmary to get this.
Kitagawa Shouta: Hmm~? That is…… throat lozenges!
Takamiya Akane: Which reminds me, Wakasa-sensei always has very effective throat lozenges!
Kitagawa Shouta: You went to get it just for me? That really saved me~!
Takamiya Akane: I have always wanted to taste it but I heard that it works really well. Here, have one!
Kitagawa Shouta: Well~, if I make this a good luck charm, would it work better?!
Takamiya Akane: Eh, a good luck charm?
Kitagawa Shouta: I want you feed me the candy and say 『Ah~n』!
Takamiya Akane: Eeh!? Th-, that’s embarrassing…….
Kitagawa Shouta: If you say the magic words, there will be immediate effects that make my throat better~! Quick, quick, A-----h♪
Takamiya Akane: I, I understand. …… Here……! I-, is this okay?
Kitagawa Shouta: Hm~! The little candy filled with your feelings is delicious~!
Chapter 5
Kitagawa Shouta: Today is finally the cheering battle~! I’m pumped up~! Akane, please remember to cheer for Team Suzaku and me!
Takamiya Akane: Sure, please leave it to me! By the way, ever since then, how’s your throat?
Kitagawa Shouta: It’s~ perfect! It’s thanks to you for feeding it to me! …… Weird? Leaving that aside, Akane……――
Kagami Saku: Kitagawa, the opening ceremony is going to start soon. Hurry up and return to Suzaku’s line.
Kitagawa Shouta: Oops, sorry! Well, see you later!
Takamiya Akane: Sure, good luck! (Kitagawa-kun, what was he about to say……? Ever since the cheering battle started, the enthusiasm at the grounds is amazing……! Next is Team Suzaku, which is using their original rooters’ song!)
Kitagawa Shouta: To burn~ with zeal~♪ To compete~ in youth-- Go for~ it, Fujishiro♪ Don’t~ lose, Fujishiro
Takamiya Akane: (*Giggle*, they are singing the rooters’ song cheerfully with a loud voice. It seems that Kitagawa-kun’s throat has recovered which is a relief!)
Chapter 6
Kitagawa Shouta: Akane~! How was our cheering?
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles*, it was really cool! You worked hard!
Kitagawa Shouta: Alright, I got a compliment from Akane~! I’m really happy! Ah, by the way~ …… I wanted to say this just now but did you catch a cold? Your voice sounds a bit different from usual.
Takamiya Akane: Eh, you noticed! Actually, I got a little cold. But, I got the usual throat lozenges from Wakasa-sensei so I’m fine. Look, here! If I just taste it──……
Kitagawa Shouta: Wo~w, stop right there! Didn’t you forget the effective good luck charm? Just like how you gave it to me, this time I’ll feed it to you!
Takamiya Akane: Eh!? That’s embarrassing……!
Kitagawa Shouta: Don’t be embarrassed~! Come on, it’s fine and just try to open your mouth?
Takamiya Akane: Li-, like this……? A~h…….
Kitagawa Shouta: Here, a~h……! How was it, it’s delicious right~?! I put a lot of my feelings into it! This way, you’ll get better in no time~!
Note: rereading this made me melt
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crazy-moko · 4 years
Boyfriend (Beta): Shinkai Rinto (SSR) - The Bridegroom’s Tears of Gratitude
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CV: Ono Yuuki
Raws: *confidential*
Proofreaders: Jessi & 山崎ルカ
Heroine name: Takamiya Akane  **The raws were provided by someone else but since this is a repost, I will be using this name as well
IMPORTANT: Under a friend’s suggestion, I will be reposting my old translation of Boyfriend (Beta) from my blogspot on this tumblr as well. Only the ones I have posted of course. But I will change a few things here and there. Looking at my blogspot again, I see everything was terribly made and some things were hard to read. I did this translation years ago so the quality might be bad. I didn’t change much either.
To Be Happier Together
Chapter 1
Stylist: ──Here, I’m done~. You look stunning. 
Takamiya Akane: …………Eh?
Stylist: Well then, if you could move over here…….
Takamiya Akane: (Wha-, what’s going on? Why am I putting on a dress──)
???: ……It’s me. I’m finished with the preparations. I’m coming in.
Takamiya Akane: Eh-……coming in!? Pl-, please wait a minute!
Shinkai Rinto: I’m not going to wait. Exactly how long do you plan to make me wait until you’re satisfied. Wh── …………*shock*!
Takamiya Akane: ……Shi-, Shinkai-kun!? ……Those clothes……!? (I’m also in these kind of clothes, what exactly is going o──……)
Shinkai Rinto: ……What’s this. It suits you nicely.
Takamiya Akane: ……Eh?
Shinkai Rinto: Like I said, the dress suits you. ……Really, what’s with that expression. Even if you say “I want to quit after all”, I definitely won’t listen to you. Or rather, don’t even try to run away, you hear?
Takamiya Akane: Eh? O-, Okay. But I won’t do something like that……. (Ah, I see. Today is our wedding day……)Today, Shinkai-kun and I……will become spouses.
Shinkai Rinto: ……! Th-, That’s right! What's with you all of a sudden……. I mean, why are you saying my name so formally, today?
Chapter 2
Takamiya Akane: Ah, Y-, you’re right. Well……Rinto, -kun?
Shinkai Rinto: That’s better …… Today you might be nervous, but, I’ll try to follow up, so don’t get too excited.
Takamiya Akane: Ye-, yeah…… Thank you.
Shinkai Rinto: I’m pretty much finished with the greetings. The only thing that’s left is, with you….., wha-, what? Why are you staring at my face like that?
Takamiya Akane: …… It’s just that today’s Rinto-kun seemed very reliable. 
Shinkai Rinto: Huh? You. Are you making fun of me? Besides, this much is normal. It’s an important day after all…….
Takamiya Akane: …… An important day…… Yeah, I see. You’re right…….
Shinkai Rinto: Gah! Look, don’t make the atmosphere weird! Listen, we’re gonna quickly finish up the greetings……!
Takamiya Akane: Ah…… Wa-, wait a minute, Rinto-kun……! 
Takamiya Akane: (We finished the greetings safely and the previous meeting is also a success!) It’s great that all of our acquaintances from Fujishiro came. Moreover, to think that Kagami-senpai would be the one giving the speech…….
Shinkai Rinto: ……Tch. Can that guy even give a proper speech?
Takamiya Akane: (Putting it that way…… He’s really not honest)
Shinkai Rinto: What’s with those eyes? They’re implying that you have something to say. ……., it’s almost time, this is bad. I’m going. Until later then.
Chapter 3
Takamiya Akane: (It’s finally starting but…… as expected I’m feeling nervous)
Priest: Mr. Shinkai Rinto. ……Do you, in sickness and in health swear to devote yourself to ──?
Shinkai Rinto: Yes…… I do.
Takamiya Akane: (I’m glad that I got to do something like this with Rinto-kun……)
Priest: ──do you swear?
Takamiya Akane: ……Yes, I do.
Shinkai Rinto: Why do you look like you’re about to cry? The ceremony had only just finished you know. In that case, I don’t have to worry about the wedding reception after this.
Takamiya Akane: I’m sorry…… Somehow I recalled our memories together all at once……. ……But, I’ll do my best not to look gloomy…….
Shinkai Rinto: It’s nothing, I don’t really mind…… didn’t I just say so, I’ll cover for you as much as possible. ……Don’t make me say it so many times.
Takamiya Akane: Shinkai-kun……. You’re right, thank you very much. 
Shinkai Rinto: Di-, didn’t I say not to thank me for something like this……. Besides, even if I managed to cover for you, don’t let a weird face get taken during the photoshoot ‘cause I won’t be taking responsibility for that. That’s why smile with all you’ve got.
Takamiya Akane: Eeh, I, I really don’t like the sound of that…….
Shinkai Rinto: I’m joking. I think that you’ll look beautiful no matter how it’s taken……. Wait, don’t misunderstand. It’s because today is a meaningful day!
Chapter 4
Takamiya Akane : (I can see everyone’s faces from the reception desk and they all seem pretty calm……)
Shinkai Rinto: Stop spacing out. We’re cutting the cake now.
Takamiya Akane: Ah! Y-, yeah……!
Shinkai Rinto: You put both of your hands here, like this. Then I support your hands with mine.
Photographer: I’m taking the picture. Can both you move closer?
Shinkai Rinto: Huh? Sure…… Here, you should come closer.
Takamiya Akane: Eh……closer…… I-, is this, okay?
Shinkai Rinto: Arghー, seriously, what’s with that. It didn’t change at all. …… Tch. This is because you’re so slow.
Takamiya Akane: (Wah, Rinto-kun is holding my shoulders ……!)
Shinkai Rinto: We’re taking a picture right? Don’t make a stupid face, okay?
Takamiya Akane: Stu-, stupid face…… I’m sorry.
Shinkai Rinto: Don’t apologize. …… Look, let’s show everyone here. Your most beautiful “blissful” expression.
Takamiya Akane: (I’m done changing my dress but it’s finally time for the speech. Oh, Kagami-senpai went on stage after being introduced by the chairperson……)
Kagami Saku: I’m Kagami who was introduced to take over.
Shinkai Rinto: ………….
Kagami Saku: I knew the bridegroom, Rinto-kun, since high school and up until now, as a member from the same band──.
Chapter 5
Takamiya Akane: (Rinto-kun, seem to be listening to the speech attentively……)
Kagami Saku: He, has a strong self-confidence and passion compared to others, and occasionally gets into intense fights but──.
Takamiya Akane: (……To think that Rinto-kun during high school worried about music―― When did he get into a lot of fights with his band members again? I want to at least be part of his strength and listen to him ……)
Kagami Saku: With his passion, I hope he and Akane-san, from here on will become a blissful family──.
Shinkai Rinto: ………….
Takamiya Akane: (………… Rinto-kun……?)
Kagami Saku: ──This is my congratulatory speech.
Shinkai Rinto: …………Damn…… that bastard Saku…….
Takamiya Akane: …… Rinto-kun…… are you okay? ……Do you need a handkerchief?
Shinkai Rinto: Huh!? I, I don’t need it…… Or rather, don’t look!
Takamiya Akane: ……I’ll leave it here, you can use it when you feel like it.
Shinkai Rinto: Like I said, I’m not using itー! The hell, I’m so lame…….
Takamiya Akane: ……You’re not lame. I know how much you treasure your fellow band members after all…….  Kagami-senpai’s speech also really touched me. ……I’m so glad that they asked Kagami-senpai to give a speech.
Shinkai Rinto: Well…… at least it wasn’t a failure…….
Chapter 6
Shinkai Rinto: *sighs*…… It’s over. Today was a long day……. I, I’ve been thinking during today’s ceremony…… how to put it, I am unexpectedly being looked after by the others……. Especially…… by you, I feel like I’ve been taken care of by you the most.
Takamiya Akane: ……M-, me……?
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Shinkai Rinto: When I listened to Saku’s speech, I remembered the times during high school. I was always doing band activities but you were always by my side. You also listened to all sorts of things that I say, remember? …… Now that I remembered, I think that I’ve been spoilt by you. From now on, I’ll be spoiling you instead. ……So that, both of us can be happier together.
Takamiya Akane: Rinto-kun………….
Shinkai Rinto: H-, hey, seriously? You didn’t have to cry from just that.
Takamiya Akane: You too, didn’t you look like you were about to cry just now……?
Shinkai Rinto: ……Shuddup, don’t say that!
Takamiya Akane: (……This is blissful. But we’ll become happier from now on)
Takamiya Akane: …………huh……eh? Perhaps, was that a dream!? ( It was because I was reading a magazine featuring weddings before I fell asleep ―― Maybe it’s because of that dream……? Because I don’t think I can face Shinkai-kun for awhile……!)
Note: This one had such terrible translations asdflkjga;lkjsdfkhjh, how did I have the courage to post this.
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crazy-moko · 3 years
Boyfriend (Beta): Kitagawa Shouta (HR) - Giving Back!
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Proofreaders: ?????? (*screams at myself again*)
Heroine name: Takamiya Akane **This is a name I gave for all the MC that’s not in Shouta’s story so I will be applying this to all of them from here on out.
IMPORTANT: Under a friend’s suggestion, I will be reposting my old translation of Boyfriend (Beta) from my blogspot on this tumblr as well. Only the ones I have posted of course. But I will change a few things here and there. Looking at my blogspot again, I see everything was terribly made and some things were hard to read. I did this translation years ago so the quality might be bad. I didn’t change much either.
Next Year Too; For the Both of Us
Chapter 1
Takamiya Akane: (Today is the day I’m going out with Kitagawa-kun but…… As I thought, I’ve reached too early. Maybe I should go do something suitable until the meeting time――)
Kitagawa Shouta: Hey, Takamiya -! Over here! Over hereー!
Takamiya Akane: Eh? Ah…… Kitagawa-kun! You’re early, since when have you been waiting?
Kitagawa Shouta: Hmm~, around 15 minutes ago. I was so excited that I just found myself coming early~!
Takamiya Akane: So that’s how it is, I’m sorry for making you wait. Weren’t you cold?
Kitagawa Shouta: I’m completely fine! I was waiting under the sun so I feel warm~! More like, thank you for coming today! Since I invited you out so suddenly, I thought that “It’s hopeless”. The thought of going out with you make me super happy~!
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles*, I’m also happy. Thank you for inviting me.
Kitagawa Shouta: Ou! ――Al~right, in that case, let’s go! There’s a lot of things that I want to try out, first, let’s go on a stroll at the park~!
Chapter 2
Kitagawa Shouta: ――Hey. The street performance just now was out of the house! Moreover――……, hey, Takamiya! That! Look at that! 
Takamiya Akane: Eh? That is…… Wow, a big doggy!
Kitagawa Shouta: Ah~, the tail is so fluffy, it’s super cute~! Maybe we can ask the owner to let us touch it, what do you think!?
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles*. You’re right! I’ll try asking.
Kitagawa Shouta: ――Ah~, this is bliss~! Cats are fine but dogs that put their all into playing like that is great too! I ran too much now I feel really thirsty~! 
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles*, In that case, it’s about time we head to the café to get some rest.
Kitagawa Shouta: Hmm? You’re right. But, in that case, it’d be a little troubled…… Today is relatively warmer and the weather is great so why don’t we head back to that bench over there?
Takamiya Akane: Sure, I don’t mind. But what did you mean by “trouble”……?
Kitagawa Shouta: Eh? Ahー, no, it’s nothing!  We-, tha-, that…… That’s right! I’ll go buy something to drink so go ahead and sit first!
Chapter 3
Kitagawa Shouta: Thanks for waiting~. Which one would you like, coffee or black tea?
Takamiya Akane: Thank you. In that case, I’ll take the black tea. 
Kitagawa Shouta: Sure, it’s hot so be careful~. Ah, one more thing…… If you’d like, will you accept this!
Takamiya Akane: This package is……? Is it okay for me to open it now?
Kitagawa Shouta: Go ahead! Ah, but, I’m a little nervous~…….
Takamiya Akane: (Hmm, the insides are…… cookies? Ah! This is……) Is this perhaps, my white day present……?
Kitagawa Shouta: You’re absolutely right~! It’s a little early but it's a return gift for the Valentine gift! As expected, if you opened it at the café, the staff might get angry.
Takamiya Akane: (I see, his “troubled” just now was referring to this……) Thank you……! How should I put it, this is handmade right? Did you make it?
Kitagawa Shouta: Yeah, you knew! I searched up the internet for recipes to make them! It shouldn’t taste bad so hurry up and taste it~!
Chapter 4
Takamiya Akane: Um. Well, in that case, I’ll help myself. …………
Kitagawa Shouta: …… So? Ho-, how is it……?
Takamiya Akane: It’s delicious…… This is not just a flattery, it’s really delicious.
Kitagawa Shouta: Re-, really!? I see…… Ah, I’m relieved~!
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles*. If you’d like, would you like to eat it together?
Kitagawa Shouta: No, I’ll pass. I’ve eaten a whole lot of the failed ones……. Above all, I made that for you so you should eat it.
Takamiya Akane: Kitagawa-kun…… Okay, I understand. In that case, I’ll slowly enjoy the rest at home. Thank you very much.
Kitagawa Shouta: You’re welcome! Or should I say, me too, thank you. I’m very happy when you make sweets for me to eat but I also feel very happy when you say the ones I made are delicious! Hahaha, seriously, when I’m with you I’m always filled with happiness~!
Takamiya Akane: (When you think about it that way…… I also feel very happy.) Me too, I feel happy receiving this lovely return gift.
Chapter 5
Kitagawa Shouta: ――Hey hey. Since we’ve walked around the whole park, if you have no where else you want to go, should we head into town? I’m quite interested in your favourite store so I thought that it’d be great if we go shopping together!
Takamiya Akane: Okay, sure. In that case, let’s go walk around the shop right now.
Kitagawa Shouta: Let’s go! If there’s anything that you would like to take a look at, don’t hold back and say it! ――Ah, I enjoyed shopping a lot~! Hmm, oh!? It’s already this dark outside! Since we’ve been inside the shop, I didn’t notice at all!
Takamiya Akane: That’s right. It’s not good to stay out this late as well, we should head back soon.
Kitagawa Shouta: Aww man……. The fun times ended in the blink of an eye……. 
Takamiya Akane: (Ah…… He looks really downhearted……)
Kitagawa Shouta: ……So-, sorry. I became gloomy. It’s not right of me to make you troubled. Tomorrow, we’ll still see each other anyway. Alright! In that case, let’s go home! If you don’t mind, I’ll walk you back till you’re close to home~!
Chapter 6
Kitagawa Shouta: ――Erm…… Your home is right ahead, right?
Takamiya Akane: Yup, it is.
Kitagawa Shouta: I see, in that case, this is it. Somehow, I feel very refreshed! Thanks!
Takamiya Akane: I should be the one to say thank you. I had fun today but…… I’m really happy about the cookies. I’ll eat it with great care.
Kitagawa Shouta: Ah! I’m really happy that you like it~! If you wish for it, I’ll make it again next year! Plus, I’ll make it even more delicious! I’ll really practice more. That’s why, next year too, I’ll be very happy if you’ll give me another Valentine’s Chocolate!
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles* I get it. From now on, I’ll practice a lot as well so I can give you a chocolate that’s just as delicious.
Kitagawa Shouta: Really? Your cooking is already the most delicious and I can’t imagine how it’ll taste anymore than that but I’m super excited! …… Oops, I unconsciously got really into the conversation. Well then, see you tomorrow!
Takamiya Akane: Sure, see you tomorrow! Thank you for sending me home and take care on your way back.
Note: To be honest, I don’t know why the scriptwriter decided to make Shouta say the heroine’s surname instead of her first name like all the old ones. I was confused as well. If you guys think it’s weird, then auto change the surname to first name in your heads.
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crazy-moko · 4 years
Boyfriend (Beta): Kitagawa Shouta (SR) - Other than Soba
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Proofreaders:  山崎ルカ
Heroine name: Takamiya Akane **This is a name I gave for all the MC that’s not in Shouta’s story so I will be applying this to all of them from here on out.
IMPORTANT: Under a friend’s suggestion, I will be reposting my old translation of Boyfriend (Beta) from my blogspot on this tumblr as well. Only the ones I have posted of course. But I will change a few things here and there. Looking at my blogspot again, I see everything was terribly made and some things were hard to read. I did this translation years ago so the quality might be bad. I didn’t change much either.
A Tasty New Year’s Eve
Chapter 1
Kitagawa Shouta: Akane, thanks for today! I’m happy I got to go on a date with you!
Takamiya Akane: I should be thanking you for inviting me. It was really fun. Moreover, I’m sorry you had to send me back home.
Kitagawa Shouta: It’s fine, it’s fine~. It’s normal for me to send you back after a date, right? Just kidding~, I wanted to try saying something cool but I actually wanted to be with you just a little longer! Ah, I know. Leaving that aside, it’s almost New Year’s Eve right? It’s a big event that sums up the year after all! Have you decided what you want to do to end the year?
Takamiya Akane: Well, I haven’t decided on anything specific yet. I was thinking of doing something different this coming New Year’s Eve. I was trying to think of something but nothing comes to mind.
Kitagawa Shouta: In that case, would you like to spend it with me? You wanted a different New Year’s Eve, right? Al~right, leave it to me! I’ll grant you wish!
Chapter 2
Takamiya Akane: (Today is 31st December, I’m going to spend the day with Kitagawa-kun but……) ……Ah, Kitagawa-kun! I’m sorry for making you wait!
Kitagawa Shouta: Akane, you’re here~! I’m glad to see you! Ah, that’s right. Have you properly told your parents about tonight?
Takamiya Akane: Yup, I told them I’m spending New Year’s Eve with you.
Kitagawa Shouta: I see, I see! In that case, I can take care of you with a peace of mind!
Takamiya Akane: By the way, where do you plan to bring me along today?
Kitagawa Shouta: Hu hu hu……! For that, please look forward to when we reach! The hint is, 『When speaking of New Year’s Eve』!
Takamiya Akane: (When speaking of New Year’s Eve……? Hmm, what exactly is it!?)
Kitagawa Shouta: Ta-dah, we’re here~! It’s a food theme park!
Takamiya Akane: Wow, it’s bustling and looks fun! But why here of all place?
Kitagawa Shouta: That’s because when speaking of 31st December, it’s the 『New Year’s Eve Soba』, right~!? Today, as special plan, we’re going to be eating New Year’s Eve Soba here!
Chapter 3
Kitagawa Shouta: Not only that, we can also eat the different soba from all over the country~! 
Takamiya Akane: Wow, that’s really interesting! This is a rare experience!
Kitagawa Shouta: Right~? The “different from the usual” will be eating New Year’s Eve Soba! 
Takamiya Akane: I’m also getting hungry about now.
Kitagawa Shouta: Me too, I’m super hungry~. In that case, we’re should dig right in at the soba!
Takamiya Akane: Yup, you’re right! *Giggles*, I’m really excited!
Kitagawa Shouta: Man~! There really is all sorts of soba gathered here! I don’t know which one to order first but is this one okay? Because the seaweed is kneaded thoroughly into noodles, it tastes really delicious~! Akane, have you decided on something?
Takamiya Akane: Mine is a walnut Soba. The slight sweetness gives a nice feeling.
Kitagawa Shouta: Oh, looks delicious~! Hey, hey, can I have a bite?
Takamiya Akane: Sure, you can. I also want a bite from yours, Kitagawa-kun.
Kitagawa Shouta: Of course it’s fine~. In that case, let’s trade!
Chapter 4
Takamiya Akane: It was fun trying out all the soba from various regions!
Kitagawa Shouta: Really, it is, this is the first time I’ve eaten all sorts of soba at one go!
Takamiya Akane: I’m glad that I get to eat something delicious before the year ends! Thanks to that, my stomach is all filled up!
Kitagawa Shouta: But we aren’t ending with just soba you know? Apparently, this New Year, there will New Year dessert going around!
Takamiya Akane: Eh, New Year Dessert? Maybe a mochi because it’s very New Year-ish?
Kitagawa Shouta: That’s the thing, even I don’t know what they’ll be releasing~. Well, you can call this something to look forward to as the new year comes.
Takamiya Akane: Maybe it’s a special dessert. I’m looking forward to what kind of dessert they’ll give us. *Giggles* I want to eat it already!
Kitagawa Shouta: Oh, didn’t you say that you were full just now~?
Takamiya Akane: That’s right but I always have room for desserts!
Kitagawa Shouta: Hahaha, an extra stomach for desserts I see! Something like that, it’s nice~! I re~ally like that energetic part of yours!
Chapter 5
Kitagawa Shouta: ……Oh? It seems that there’s suddenly some bustling music being played. Perhaps, it’s finally the time for the countdown event to start!?
Store Announcer: Attention to everyone coming or leaving for the park!  We’re only left with a few moments of this year! The countdown will start now! Are you all ready~?
Takamiya Akane: Wow, by the time I realised it’s already time!
Kitagawa Shouta: It’s finally the countdown right~!? O~h, I’m getting really exicited~!
Takamiya Akane: Ah, the countdown numbers is being reflected on that big crystal.
Kitagawa Shouta: Crap~! There’s really only a few moments left till a new year~!
Takamiya Akane: It’s gradually getting closer to 12am!
Kitagawa Shouta: It’s almost here, just a little more! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1……―― Yee~~~ah! Happy New Year~!
Takamiya Akane: Happy New Year! *Giggles*, the music and the clapping are getting rowdier!
Kitagawa Shouta: A countdown event should be this fired up after all! Hey hey, this year, please get along with lots as well~!
Takamiya Akane: Yup, of course. I’ll be in your care as well!
Chapter 6
Kitagawa Shouta: Which reminds me, they should be handing out New Year Desserts by now! Al~right, let’s quickly go eat this festive dessert!
Takamiya Akane: The New Year Dessert looks delicious! It was actually a red and white, vanilla and strawberry flavoured ice cream!
Kitagawa Shouta: This is definitely festive~. It’s certainly a New Year Dessert!
Takamiya Akane: We had delicious Soba at the end the year and we also had delicious ice-cream at the beginning of the year…… Somehow, it felt like both my stomach and my heart had been satisfied. I did say that I wanted a different New Year’s Eve than usual but I really thank you for granting my wish!
Kitagawa Shouta: Oh, no, I should be the one thanking you~. I’m really happy I got to spend New Year’s Eve with you! Thanks to you, I get premonition that this year will be the best year ever~! By the way, I think that it’ll also become a very awesome year for you too. That’s because, I decided that “I” will be the one that make you enjoy it the most!
Note: I got hungry reading this again and it’s 1am.
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crazy-moko · 4 years
Boyfriend (Beta): Kitagawa Shouta (SR) - Engrossing Taste
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Proofreaders: Jin
Heroine name: Takamiya Akane  **This is a name I gave for all the MC that’s not in Shouta’s story so I will be applying this to all of them from here on out.
IMPORTANT: Under a friend’s suggestion, I will be reposting my old translation of Boyfriend (Beta) from my blogspot on this tumblr as well. Only the ones I have posted of course. But I will change a few things here and there. Looking at my blogspot again, I see everything was terribly made and some things were hard to read. I did this translation years ago so the quality might be bad. I didn’t change much either.
I'm a Halloween Master!
Chapter 1
Takamiya Akane: (Today is Halloween! Everyone is all excited and dressed up in costumes!)
Kitagawa Shouta: Oh, isn’t it Akane? Are you 『Wizard of Oz』’s Dorothy? It suits you and you look cute~!
Takamiya Akane: Really? Thank you for the compliment!
Kitagawa Shouta: If you’re Dorothy, it would have been better if I’m the Lion~.
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles*, but then, we still won’t have everyone from 『Wizard of Oz』.
Kitagawa Shouta: Ah, in that case, maybe we can ask Natsuki to be 『Scarecrow』and Kengo to be 『Tin Woodman』.  Then we’ll have the perfect 『Wizard of Oz』 team!
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles*, the cast sounds interesting! 
Kitagawa Shouta: I have a pretty good sense for casting roles, right? Even so, you really are cute~! Even your hair is like the real Dorothy’s! ……ah, your hair ribbon came loose. I’ll tighten it for you! ……With this, it’s done! Yup, you’re definitely the cutest Dorothy!
Chapter 2
Takamiya Akane: You look great in that cat costume too! Is there a reason you chose a cat?
Kitagawa Shouta: Yeah, I wore this because I want to start over! I’ve been doing this Halloween thing since I became aware of my surroundings! Every year, I’ve been dressing up at the orphanage before I was adopted by my current parents but even after I was adopted, I go there all the time! So I’ve been trying on every possible costume up until now. This year, I couldn’t think of a costume to wear so I decided to wear the first costume I wore!
Takamiya Akane: That means your first costume was a cat, right?
Kitagawa Shouta: Hehe, that’s right!
Takamiya Akane: Participating in Halloween every year since you were young sounds fun. I don’t know Halloween very well either so I’m kind of envious.
Kitagawa Shouta: In that case, let this Halloween Master teach you various things. Let’s enjoy this Halloween day to the fullest together!
Chapter 3
Takamiya Akane: When talking about Halloween, of course the one thing we look forward to the most is the confectionery! 
Kitagawa Shouta: Well get some if say 『Trick or Treat』 to the teachers. Kazuki-sensei is over there so let’s go get some immediately! 
Kitagawa Shouta: Wo~w! Kazuki-sensei sure gave us a lot of baked sweets~! Isn’t this that super expensive one~?
Takamiya Akane: Yup, it’s a sweet from a famous pastry brand. I received them as a gift before but it was surprisingly delicious that I didn’t leave a scrap behind!
Kitagawa Shouta: Holy, are you serious~!? It just means that it’s just that delicious right? I’ve always wanted to try one of these once~! Al~right, I must try to eat this quickly~! ……Hmm? Hmmm!? …… It’s delicious! It’s too delicious! It’s overly delicious~……!
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles*, goodness, Kitagawa-kun. You have crumbs all over your face you know?
Kitagawa Shouta: Crap, I was too engrossed in eating! Erm, where is it?
Takamiya Akane: Here……there you go!
Kitagawa Shouta: Oh……! Yo-, you removed it for me? Hehe, thanks……!
Chapter 4
Kitagawa Shouta: There are game booths outside and it seems that there are various types too~!
Takamiya Akane: You’re right and they all look fun!
Kitagawa Shouta: When I was a kid, I often play 『Apple Bobbing』!
Takamiya Akane: Is that perhaps a traditional Halloween game?
Kitagawa Shouta: Yup! It’s a game where the apples are spread out in the bucket of water and only using your mouth, you scoop up the apples. It’s actually much harder than it looks~! When talking about Halloween, pumpkins normally have a stronger image but it seems that those abroad never forget to include the apples too!
Takamiya Akane: I see, I never knew……! You really know it well!
Kitagawa Shouta: Hehe, didn’t tell you? That I’m the Halloween Master!
Halloween Executive Committee: Hey there Takamiya-san, Kitagawa-kun. There’s an apple peel fortune telling over there, want to try it out?
Takamiya Akane: Eh, apple peel fortune telling……!?
Chapter 5
Kitagawa Shouta: Apple peel fortune telling is also one of Halloween’s traditional divinations!
Takamiya Akane: I see. But what kind of fortune telling is it?
Kitagawa Shouta: It’s a divination where you peel the apple without breaking the peel then throw it over your shoulder and the peel will show a shape. The peel seems to take the shape of the person’s future spouse’s initials. I’ve never really tried it before but the teacher at the orphanage taught me.
Takamiya Akane: Really? It sounds interesting. Since we’re here, let’s try it.
Halloween Executive Committee: In that case, peel this apple without breaking the peel.
Takamiya Akane: Okay, I understand! Without breaking it, without breaking it……――
Kitagawa Shouta: Oh, you’re skillful~! If I did it, the peel might break off into pieces halfway through~.
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles*, that’s because I’m doing it cautiously. ……With this, it’s done……!
Kitagawa Shouta: Oh, a perfect peel. In that case, throw it over your shoulder!
Takamiya Akane: Throw it to the back right? Here we, go!
Kitagawa Shouta: It dropped to the ground! Oh, isn’t this……!
Chapter 6
Takamiya Akane: It’s shaped in…… perhaps an 『S』?
Kitagawa Shouta: Ooh……! Yes~! It’s an 『S』ーー!
Takamiya Akane: Why are you so happy?
Kitagawa Shouta: Well, that’s because my name is 『Shouta』! Aren’t I a respectable 『S』? Doesn’t that make me a candidate for your future husband~!? Just the thought about it makes me want to jump with happiness!
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles*, it’s only a divination so we don’t know how the future will turn out, right?
Kitagawa Shouta: Even though you’re laughing like that, I think that it’s not uncommon to not be able to ridicule it when it happens. It’s said that fortunes told on Halloween are pretty accurate!
Takamiya Akane: Eh, really?
Kitagawa Shouta: That’s because Halloween Day is the day where magic is the strongest. It’s easier for divinations to be more accurate and it’s easier for wishes to come true.
Takamiya Akane: So that means the divination just now has a higher chance for success?
Kitagawa Shouta: That’s right! It's possible that we’ll get married in the future! Alright! Maybe I should make a wish that the divination is a success!
Note: There’s around 6 guys in BF series (including Kira) with names starting with “S”. Saku, Shouta, Seishirou, Shu, Senji, Shin (Not counting those surnames with “S”) ⅙ chance that it’ll hit Shouta…
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crazy-moko · 4 years
Boyfriend (Beta): Kitagawa Shouta (SSR) - Earth’s Embrace
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Proofreaders: Anzellious & ~ Mizu 水野はな ~ 
Heroine name: Takamiya Akane  **This is a name I gave for all the MC that’s not in Shouta’s story so I will be applying this to all of them from here on out.
IMPORTANT: Under a friend’s suggestion, I will be reposting my old translation of Boyfriend (Beta) from my blogspot on this tumblr as well. Only the ones I have posted of course. But I will change a few things here and there. Looking at my blogspot again, I see everything was terribly made and some things were hard to read. I did this translation years ago so the quality might be bad. I didn’t change much either.
Our Dream Journey
Chapter 1
Kitagawa Shouta: Man~, going on a day trip with you is like a dream~! Thanks so much for coming with me, Akane!
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles*, I should be the one thanking you for inviting me! I’m getting excited just travelling so far on a train like this.
Kitagawa Shouta: When you put it that way, then it makes me happy that I invited you~! It’s almost my birthday, so I thought I’d celebrate it by travelling alone, but it seems that I was right to invite you to come with me~! If I was alone, I wouldn’t be having so much fun!
Takamiya Akane: Yes, because you can share the memories if there’s another  person.
Kitagawa Shouta: Since today is my birthday eve celebration, it’s natural to liven things up!
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles*, I’ll certainly liven things up too. But we’ll also properly celebrate your birthday on the day itself.
Kitagawa Shouta: Eh, really~!? Your words alone moved me~……! Akane, you’re really kind~ Even your kindness pierces through my heart……! I’ll say it as many times as I want, I’m glad that you came with me! Up until now, I’ve been travelling there with my parents but…… This trip will be my most memorable one yet~! That’s because I’ll be going on a trip with you! There is no way I would have imagined a pleasant trip like this~! Let’s enjoy the whole day together!
Chapter 2
Kitagawa Shouta: Oh yeah, I bought station lunch boxes just now! Let’s eat them together~! This is said to be the prefecture’s famous specialty station lunch box!
Takamiya Akane: Wow, they look delicious. Then, I’ll help myself. Itadakimasu……! ……Hmm, it’s delicious! It’s my first time having such a delicious lunch!
Kitagawa Shouta: Yup yup, it’s really delicious right~!? I’m glad that you enjoyed it! ……hmm, ah!
Takamiya Akane: Kitagawa-kun……? What’s wrong?
Kitagawa Shouta: Don’t move.
Takamiya Akane: ? ……Eh!? (He suddenly got closer……! Mo-, more importantly, he touched my lips……!?)
Kitagawa Shouta: There, I removed it! You can move now~!
Takamiya Akane: Re-, removed? ……Was there, something on my mouth……?
Kitagawa Shouta: Yup, a grain of rice!
Takamiya Akane: Eh……! Oh, oh no, silly me……!
Kitagawa Shouta: Hahaha, don’t worry bout it~! It’s no big deal~.
Takamiya Akane: Bu-, but, to think that I had a grain of rice stuck to my face is embarrassing……!
Kitagawa Shouta: If it’s you, you’ll look cute no matter how much rice is stuck on you!
Takamiya Akane: St-, still, I don’t think that’s how it’s suppose to work…….
Kitagawa Shouta: Really~? You make my heart flutter no matter what though~!
Chapter 3
Takamiya Akane: I’m full……! The station lunch box was really good, right? And eating it while enjoying the beautiful scenery is the best.
Kitagawa Shouta: Since our stomachs are full, why not have some after meal juice~? It’s specially squeezed from this prefecture’s fruits!
Takamiya Akane: Wow, thank you! ……Yup! It’s delicious and refreshing!
Kitagawa Shouta: *exhale*……! Super, delicious! Eating delicious station lunches and drinking delicious juice…… Looking at beautiful scenery through the windows and a beautiful Akane beside me……! Really, it feels like the happiest point in my life~……!
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles*, oh you. We’re still a ways from our destination so don’t get too satisfied.
Kitagawa Shouta: Hahaha, you’re right~. But I feel super blessed~……! I wish this moment will always, al~ways continue on like this……. Because you’ll forever be by my side as it is……. …… Damn, I got into the mood of “not needing anything else”…….
Takamiya Akane: (……Weird? He’s making an unusually serious expression…… Wh-, when he gazes at me like that, it makes my heart beat really fast……)
Kitagawa Shouta: …… Akane……. I……――
Train crew: We’ll be checking the tickets.
Kitagawa Shouta: Wow!? Th-, that surprised me~! Here, the tickets!
Takamiya Akane: (Th-, that surprised me……! But what was he trying to say……)
Chapter 4
Kitagawa Shouta: *Exhales*~! We’re finally here~! Akane, well done on the long journey! Yay!
Takamiya Akane: Well, it was fun riding on the train. By the way, where are we?
Kitagawa Shouta: There’s a famous cape near here. The view from here is amazing, right?
Takamiya Akane: Yup, this place is really soothing……!
Kitagawa Shouta: Plus we’re the only tourists, so it’s nice and quiet! O~kay, since we’re here, let’s take a commemorative picture! Let’s take a two person picture, two person picture!
Takamiya Akane: Both of us will be in the picture but is there anyone around actually take it……?
Kitagawa Shouta: Don’t worry, don’t worry! After all, Digital cameras have self timers! I thought this would happen, so I brought a mini tripod!
Takamiya Akane: Wow……, *giggles*, you’re really prepared. As expected of Kitagawa-kun!
Kitagawa Shouta: We set the digital camera on the tripod like this~…… Then press the self timer, here……!
Takamiya Akane: Ah, the digital camera started blinking. Kitagawa-kun, hurry over here!
Kitagawa Shouta: All right, made it~! ……Here, say, Cheese!
Takamiya Akane: (! Kitagawa-kun ran over and touched our shoulders together……!)
Kitagawa Shouta: Alright, now let’s hurry and take a look our photo! Oh, it looks better than I imagined~! You too, you look cute! I’m happy that there’s a photo of both of us! This will become a great memory~!
Chapter 5
Kitagawa Shouta: Ma~n, nevertheless, this is a great place~……!
Takamiya Akane: The gentle breeze feels great!
Kitagawa Shouta: Some~how, it makes me feel like rolling around taking a nap! Well, let’s do it! ……Here we go!
Takamiya Akane: (Kitagawa-kun is lying down with his legs spread wide……!)
Kitagawa Shouta: Hmm, it’s su~per comfortable~! It feels like being wrapped by the blue sky! You try and look up too~, it’s super duper awesome!
Takamiya Akane: Really? *Giggles*, then I’ll do it too.
*lies down*
Takamiya Akane: ……Wow! ……It really is comfortable……! I’m really glad that I came to such a wonderful place……! 
*sits up*
Takamiya Akane: Come to think of it, why did you choose this town for this trip?
Kitagawa Shouta: We~ll, I’ve been coming here since I was kid you see~. Not to mention, this place is also the place that I was born!
Takamiya Akane: Eh, really……!?
Kitagawa Shouta: Yeah. ……When I was left at the orphanage, there was a paper beside me~. On it was my name, my birthday and my hometown! And since I knew that this is my hometown, I made up my mind to come here! It’s a perfect place to celebrate my birthday, right~? Plus, it’s my hometown after all!
Chapter 6
Takamiya Akane: This town is Kitagawa-kun’s hometown huh……. It seems that I came along on such an important trip. I’m sorry……
Kitagawa Shouta: What are you talking bout~, didn’t I say that. I was happy you came along! And I thought that if I have someone precious to me, I want to bring her here! Meaning…… Akane, you’re my precious person!
Takamiya Akane: What do you mean “precious”……?
Kitagawa Shouta: Well, you…… I think of you as a woman that I love. ……I, love you. ……I always wanted to say it.
Takamiya Akane: ……! Ki-, Kitagawa-kun, you mean…….
Kitagawa Shouta: Like I said, erm……. Would you let me do this……?
Takamiya Akane: Ah……――
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Takamiya Akane: (Ki-……Kitagawa-kun, is hugging me……!)
Kitagawa Shouta: You know, when I was a kid, there were times where I hated my parents. I thought, “If you’re going to throw me away then why give birth to me in the first place?”……. But I don’t have those thoughts anymore. I thank them from the bottom of my heart for giving birth to me……. It’s because I was born that I was able to meet you……. Now, everyday is overflowing with fun things because of you. Just having you in my life makes me really happy……! Meeting you and falling in love with you…… I feel like the happiest person right now.
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bf-kari · 9 years
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Taiga and his older sister.
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