#bf (kari)
zayu-chan · 2 months
What otome games do you recommend? And if it's okay, can you also give few games like enstars or bf kira? Advance thank you!!
This is an old question, but gonna answer anyway. You can try Uta no Prince-sama, I-chu (was my personal favorite) and Idolish7. (Not sure if they still exist)
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I remember like Yumeiro Cast, Dream Festival and Aichu a lot back then, I don't really open my Idolish7 that much xD
I guess I personally love I-chu because Murishow is there. And I love him dearly.
So yea, these are the games that are similar to BF Kari and Ensemble Stars.
I can recommend a few that is like Ensemble stars not sure if they are still alive namely:
Idolm@ster Side M
Tsukino Park
100 Sleeping Princes
You can see my old blog here for more info: https://aminoapps.com/c/otome/page/blog/zys-unconventional-otoge-escapades-1-rhythm/mdoV_GXikuemrzK6K5YowpE84vZmrKnWWv
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toxooz · 11 months
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been sick as a mf dawg but i managed to draw the ol Ollie n Kari halloween costumes for this year🤘
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nicklightbunny · 6 days
just imagined seeing batman 2 with snookie and nearly exploded
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slaasherslut · 1 year
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Kari Belmont OC picrew link
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toothlesshat · 2 years
idk maybe it’s because my parents have drilled into me just how much college costs which is why i shouldn’t blow it on going out and partying and getting drunk or whatever but i just cannot understand the thought process behind spending ALL that money just to go to parties and let your education go to shit . it’s so strange that there are people who will genuinely get angry at you for going to college to learn and earn your degree
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Ahhh takes me back to when I was in my first semester, noticeably and horribly struggling in my sign language class, and this guy who was attending on the military’s money was trying to take me out…. like my guy I was paying to be there and it was my first semester WHY WOULD I BE TRYING TO DATE ANYONE??
Like I get it, you lose virtually nothing if someone else is paying for you, and college has all this romanticized expectations surrounding it, and my example isn’t even that egregious (you just reminded me of it), but I feel like nobody should go to college assuming everyone is there for fun…. Like I will not step foot on that campus unless I have to, and I dropped out so..
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okay where's the weirdest place Kari and Ollie have had ~spicy time~ ? :O
UUUU idk they tend to Do Things in all kinds of weird places (mainly abandoned) due to late night skate dates so ig like an abandoned hospital basement probably???
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froggie-bolt · 4 months
Alright so,,,
At this card store with the BF and I ask if they got any Digimon, and the guy says the only have some old ones, and he’s not really sure what they have, but he gives me the box to look through anyway.
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We find this Kari foil card (before he put it in the sleeve) and I’m like “ah hey I’d like to pick this up” thinking it’d be cheap.
Dude hadn’t even priced the card yet. He had no idea what he even had.
At least until we asked. And as soon as he went to look online, I knew we were cooked 🫡
English mint version of this card is $100+ and he offered it for $50. Had no idea it would be that expensive, so of course we didn’t get it. But DAMN.
Hopefully they go through that stack of digimon cards and price out some of it cause he had no idea before we even asked.
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Also found this and didn’t even bother asking. Didn’t wanna know how expensive but damnnnn
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n4azz · 2 months
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Jular, Dubstep, & Kari lol
They’re all brothers <3
Jular is Eplo’s bf!!!!!!!
Dubstep is bestfriends with Puter and they make music together!! And he’s mute :3
And Kari’s dead!! I’ll let you figure out who did it
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1944 07 Bf 109 G-6 MT-426 Juutilainen - Kari Vertanen
Sergeant Major Ilmari Juutilainen's Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6 MT-426 of No.34 Fighter Squadron during the Karelian offensive in summer 1944. Juutilainen WAS a recipient of two Mannerheim Crosses.
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heyharoldsboo · 2 years
Ok im having a hard time with karis. This girl seems so to be ok, like she has a well setteled life, she has a boyfriend, saw her insta story tonight, she seems to lead a happy life.
so why wouod she lie about any of this, what does she have to gain? I wonder what her bf has to say about all of this?
i dont know why but seeing her and what shes up to in her life makes me wonder why? Why would she lie?
Yeah, she is one that confused me too. She seems like she lives a nice life.
She seemed very bitter about being led on by him. It's the thing that she kept returning to, and she was perhaps the first one to shut up. I don't really know, I think that perhaps she got scared by how everything was turning out to be.
But I have no idea why she would do this, other than to make him suffer as she did. Only it got so so much out of proportion.
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Sick Boyfriend get attacked: Part 3.5
At the workplace...
Drugfriend: *sigh* Man, it’s so boring, there’s nothing to do but wait for a customer to come.
*ring ring*
Drugfriend: Huh? My phone’s ringing?
*ring ring*
Drugfriend: I can’t call here, Hey Nick mind covering for me, I got a phone call!
Nick files: I got it.
Drugfriend: Thanks, dude.
Drugfriend went back into his office to pick up the call.
Drugfriend: Hello?
???: Hi, is this Daniel Handles I’m speaking to?
Drugfriend: Uh yes that’s me, who’s this?
???: I’m Doctor Kari, Is Sick Boyfriend your husband?
Drugfriend was starting to get worried when the doctor asked him that question.
Drugfriend: Yes, He’s my husband, What’s going on?
Dr. Kari: I have called to tell you that your husband has been attacked and is being hospitalized
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Dr. Kari: Sir please calm down-
Dr. Kari: We know this is hard for you, but please calm down.
Drugfriend: Is he ok?!
Dr. Kari: He’s fine, He just resting right now but I will tell you the rest once you get there.
*Hang up call*
Drugfriend: *mind* Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, this has to be a nightmare, this can’t be happening!
*Drugfriend's phone rang again*
Drugfriend: Huh? It's Boyfriend, I have to ask him if what the doctor told me was true!
*picks up call*
BF(Vincent): Hello?
Drugfriend: Boyfriend, I just got a call from the hospital that Sick Boyfriend being hospitalized from getting attacked, please tell me that it isn't true, right?!
BF(Vincent): *mind* Dang it, he found out....
Drugfriend: Boyfriend....please tell it isn't true....
Boyfriend couldn't say a word because he knew it would upset him but he had no choice, he has to tell him.
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BF(Vincent): *sigh* Yes, it's true...sorry buddy...
Drugfriend:....*drops his phone*
BF(Vincent): Hello?Drugfriend? Buddy?!
Drugfriend got back into reality and picked up his phone.
Drugfriend: Sorry, I blacked out a bit.....
BF(Vincent): It's fine, Sick Boyfriend is being treated right now...
Drugfriend: Oh ok, I-I'll see you there....
*hangs up call*
Drugfriend: *tears up and then burst into tears* WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE ME, WHY NOT SOMEONE ELSE, DANG IT!!!!!
Freund.XML: Mr. Drugfriend, what's wrong why are you crying?
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Drugfriend:*crying* Boyfriend called and told me that Sick Boyfriend is getting treated at the hospital because somebody attacked him at the park!
Freund.XML: Oh my god, that's terrible, is Mr. Sick Boyfriend okay?!
Drugfriend: *crying* He's Being treated right now!, Oh god!!!!
Freund.XML: There there Mr. Drugfriend, Sick Boyfriend is gonna be fine.
Drugfriend: *crying*
Freund.XML: *mind* Oh brother, who could've attacked Sick Boyfriend?
Freund.XML: You want me to drive you to the hospital to see him?
Drugfriend: *sniff* Yes! I need to know if he's okay!!!
Freund.XML: Ok, Let's go.
Part 4 tomorrow
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calibabii21 · 1 year
💡📒 :)
this is lowk spoiling a lot but I don't want to hide it anymoorreee
💡: what inspires your fic ideas?
tbh as of late, mainly conversations with Andy lmao. I have lots of thoughts and daydreams that run through my head so I talk to her and Kari about it and boom a fic is created. OH- also reels on IG. the amount of random couple and family reels I have on my feed is actually..I'm trying to gauge instagram's motives lol.
📒: any fics planned?
I absoluuuutely have fics planned.
currently have about 8 wips:
3 Doyoung (which consist of sugar daddy!Doie, homewrecker!Doie, and a poly relationship hubby!Doie, bf!Johnny, and bf!Mark)
1 Haechan (sub!hyuck for subby september that will obv be posted late..may as well make it apart of kinktober)
1 Jaemin (a collab fic with @neoculturecollectives)
1 Jisung (part of my NCT Dream Awakened series)
1 Anton (riize)
1 Feitan (hxh) (enemies to lovers)
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toxooz · 2 years
What are some of your characters negative traits? Idk if you’d want to answer that, but I think it adds so much depth to the characters and makes them more fleshed out
ooOOO YES INTRIGUING so I'll just do a few of the more notable/ harder to catch ones bc yall already know mfs like Zortzi are nothing but negative traits lmfao and also a majority of these are worked on/ addressed as the comic will go on so:
Ollie is a lot harsher on Remy than the rest of the squad, mainly because he raised him a good bit, they're related, and Ollie always had to be Remy's keeper but as they get older it gets a little more complex and low key genuinely affects Remy at times and is a contributor to What Eventually Happens in the comic. It's a mixture between Ollie's "you were raised better than that and know better" mindset and his set expectations on Remy that he subconsciously harbors so he can get a little ruthless when it comes to Remy. Ollie also dealt with expectation issues when it came to Ponti first joining the squad. Ollie would deliberately keep him at arms length in expectation that he would turn on them so he kept a guard up that blinded him of any genuine effort Ponti made to be a better person because it wasn't good enough for Ollie. Despite Ponti actually making an effort to change for the better, Ollie never acknowledged the efforts or dismissed them in the name of "he's just pretending to be good so he can turn on us" and also just his relentless push of "that's not a good enough deed to make up for what you've done". Perhaps he deliberately held such impossible expectations for Ponti out of bitterness and spite because he knew Ponti wouldn't be able to meet them and fail so Ollie could have a sense of I Knew It whenever he did fail and to have a good reason to kick him out -to make Ponti become frustrated and to feel defeated as a way to take his anger and resentment out on him and to “ pay” for what he did. It was only when Ollie realized his mindsets he had for Ponti were setting both of them up for failure and decided that Ponti’s own personal redemption wasn’t based on his own expectations. They were finally able to open up to each other and connect when Ollie was like “ It is not up to me to measure you’re own personal growth, that is for only you to decide. I can only be there for you and try to help you throughout your change”. When Ollie saw Ponti in a different light of someone who is genuinely trying to right his wrongs in any way possible rather than a rat who still had evil intentions, he was able to be sympathetic and softer towards him. Which surprise! Was actually very fruitful for both of them. Ollie is (mainly subconsciously) resentful toward his mother for how he had to leave their tribe and how she couldn’t come with them and Ollie ending up living with Remy’s mom which caused a bunch of problems but yeah he never really addresses it to himself or even realizes but boi it’s there now imma stop on him cause i gotta talk abt other OCs but lORD hes got a lot 
Remy is very judgmental and tends to be a hypocrite in most cases. It’s dangerously easy for him to catch onto something he doesn’t like about someone and to let it fester in him until he full on dislikes said person hence why he can be so snarky with literally everyone. He can shut down easily and it’s difficult to get him out of his sulky funk which can make him tedious to hang out with sometimes (at least he thinks so, and referring to Ollie’s section im sure Ollie has gotten fed up with it and said some things he didn’t mean sometimes) He’s also deliberately mean and keeps people at a distance as a defense mechanism to prevent anyone from getting too close to him since he’s cripplingly terrified of vulnerability and getting attached to anyone and anything due to his childhood. From never really being included in the tribe in the first place and spending most of his days in a chicken coop ( when Ollie wasn’t dragging him out to explore or hunt) to the way they had to abruptly leave everyone and everything behind, he is left with a mentality that he is better off alone to keep from ‘feeling too much’ so in his mind if he’s mean to everyone they wont want to get to know him therefore ensuring his emotional safety. luckily Oscar is too stupid to get it :’) Im sure when Ollie got Remy his chicken for his bday Remy instinctively got mad at him bc he Really didn’t want to get attached to Caramel but spoiler alert he’s obsessed with them chickens now 
Kari is very socially skittish as in she needs a lot of reassurance if she’s invited anywhere. If she so much as picks up on any subtle body language or tone that someone might potentially not want her to come with she will not go at all and if she’s at an event and she gets the slightest impression that nobody really wants her there she will up and leave as well. Even if there is no actual indication that somebody doesn’t want her there and everyone is really just vibing she’ll still leave over the assumption. With the squad she’s mostly gotten over that habit but even then there may be some times where someone in the squad doesn’t sound as enthusiastic as they normally do and she will instantly jump to “o they’d rather me jump in the ocean with 1 ton of weights than hang out with me another second :’3c”  she is also terrified of confrontation so you’ll never really know when she’s gone or not. I’m sure she unknowingly stood Ollie up a couple times when they first started hanging out bc he’s so naturally monotone she probably assumed he thought she was annoying as hell sOOO many times 😭 but in reality Ollie would be big sad and alone waitin for her. Now if they were to meet up he will go to her house(or his house since she p much lives there mostly)  and be with her a lil bit while she gets ready so she doesn’t have to deal with the anxiety of meeting up but it’s still difficult to keep her around at events and hangouts due to her Backstory™  
Abio likes to know just about everything for knowledge sake but that also drives to him to be nosey at times and can stunt himself from overthinking in most cases. He may go down some rabbit holes bc he Has To Know for instance when he and Ponti were first getting acquainted, Abio could not understand why Ponti behaved the way he did and low key wanted to know more about his backstory. He wasn’t going to outright ask about it of course but it was a nagging thought and when Wig inevitably was introduced to Abby, having the utmost knowledge about Ponti’s life, Abby’s curiosity got the best of him and he found out Way Too Much about Ponti than he was ready to handle which caused them to have a little distant era since Abby was terrified of Ponti for a good while after that. That being said Abby intruded on Ponti’s life against his knowing which resulted in Ponti having to bring up parts of his life that he definitely was not ready to tell Abby yet. Also the whole thing with Abby trying to write down eeeverything he learns about skateboarding so much so that he ends up getting stuck and freezes up when he’s actually trying to skateboard bc he’s trying to remember everything he’s written down plUS with his eye powers and his ability to get into someones head, he has gone down some mental roads that he definitely should not have solely because he wants to know more. It’s like trying to play minecraft “for 10 minutes” and accidentally playing for 3 hours bc of all the rabbit trails that’s how it is for Abby when he’s in someones brain like im sure he’s Literally traumatized from the memories that he accidentally saw while in Ponti’s head so it took him a great amount of self control to be able to get in someones head and not wander 
AIGHT  thats all the ones ill do to keep it from getting too long idk if theres any specific character lemme know 😭
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nicklightbunny · 2 years
Luckily my theater was normal except for the guys next to me who were “sneakily” vaping the whole time… didn’t ruin anything but I was definitely side eyeing them
im glad u had a good time !! i joke about how bad anime movie experiences are but the worst theater i was ever in was for the batman so i guess i should change my perceptions
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slaasherslut · 1 year
Hmmmmm what aboutttt
Calder x Kari (I think that could be interesting!)
Oli x Ava!
Me x Milo
AAHHHHHH BESTIE!! Yes yes let me rant at you about our babies
Cal x Kari oh my god These two would be nothing but pure softness. They both have the golden retriever bf/gf energy and its so adorable. Im not sure how much of a deal breaker lycanthropy is for Cal but Kari would love to have a normal person who knows about her affliction and still love her without wanting to put a silver bullet in her chest.
Oh my god Cal x Kari are the golden retriever duo and Oli x Ava are the black cat duo. Also I LOVE THE IDEA OF THEM TOGETHER OMG?? Its a win win for them. Oli gets to have someone who likes the night life as much as he does and Ava gets to live out her vampire fantasies AND THEY BOTH LOOK HOT TOGETHER just two broody looking hot babes i love it.
Okay i think we all know how i feel about Teethy x Milo and I SHIP IT SO HARD ARE YOU KIDDING THEYRE MY NUMBER 1 BABIES!! The sheer amount of fics and moodboards ive made for these two is incredible. 20/10
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asknarashikari · 1 year
Vice: Have you guys seen Kari-chan's views and likes on his ByTube? His new videos are shooting up.
Daiji: We could care less about his vids...
Vice: And you should see the comments...
Sakura: Let me that... *snatches Vice's phone*
The Video-
George: Hey everyone! I would like you to meet my new co-host and bf, Igarashi Ikki! *kisses*
Ikki: *stuttering*I'm Igarashi Ikki! And I'm George's boyfriend and we are going to get married or at least practice one.
George: That's right, everyone. We both are going to do a mock wedding so check it out!
Hikaru: You should see ours... we make them fujou's and fudan's go crazy.
Vice: It's just you and Tamaki doing mostly lewd innuendos and some blog videos.
ReviceCast reactions?
Daiji and Sakura's jaws drop when they see their dear older brother becoming internet famous for having a fake wedding with his boyfriend... that they're not apparently invited to??
Mama-san is going to blow a gasket... bad enough that George married one of her sons off without anyone knowing, now this? He's dead meat. And you can bet Papa-san's ready to throw down too
Hiromi rushes out to make sure that George hasn't filed the paperwork without Ikki knowing. Sure enough, he made it just in time before the city was about to process the license :P
Meanwhile, Hana gives Go and Hikaru a rather lengthy lecture on what one shouldn't post on the internet when they're a member of a paramilitary organization that's only starting to rebuild its reputation
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