rostamic · 4 years
@bforblizzard from here
Hook, line, now time to reel in the sinker. Or however that phrase went. French chicks liked wine and cheese, right? And he’d gotten a generous gift basket from an old client he was desperate to share with company. Well-endowed, smartly dressed company.
Rostam paced from kitchen cabinet to kitchen cabinet, running his fingers along the countertop. His free hand reached out to inspect the label of the wine bottle poking out of its wicker home. 
"Dunno. They both look pretty old. I’ll need an expert opinion.”
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magnificentmuses · 5 years
bforblizzard replied to your post “I Fell down the stairs thanks to my cat occupying the step I tried to...”
//pls ice your foot dear
Oh trust me I’m taking care of it, haha.
Took the day off work, have it elevated, took pain meds, have crutches to use, iced it a fair bit (though it isn’t swelling all that much). Doing all I can to take carer of it. ^^
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ofsteelandstardust · 5 years
@bforblizzard // CONT. FROM X
Stopping midstep, he slowly turns to face her. “Sick of playing defense? No, it’s more complicated than that. I’m sick of feeling defenseless. I’m not sure or how, but someone leaked my information and now all of the worse people know who I am. Or should I say people in general know who I am now. There’s no point in wearing a mask now.”
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“The villain association is after me. They invited me to join them and when I rejected all hell broke loose. Now is the only sort of break I’ve had from attacks all damn day. The bastards are being sneaky about it, though. Their attacks seem to be centered around the idea of kidnapping me. And before you ask ‘why didn’t you immediately contact the hero association?’ One of the bad guys told me they have multiple spies in the association. And I don’t know who said spies are yet.”
Despite his battered and tattered appearance, he manages to raise his arms in a defensive position and send her a rather suspicious look. “I want to trust you but I’ve been attacked relentlessly all day. How do I know I can trust you?”
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youngesper-a · 5 years
“I’m not perfect, but I’m trying my hardest to do everything to keep you safe.”
 |  Protective Sentences
     ❝ — Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. ❞ His voice is soft, almost melancholic, and he doesn’t look at her despite the fact he knows its rude. He mulls over his thoughts for a moment, watching dust settle. When he continues, his voice is firmer this time and he looks up to meet her eyes. 
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     ❝ I only meant I’m here too. I’m not as good as you, but you don’t have to shoulder the burden by yourself. ❞
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johnny-writes · 5 years
| Continued from here with @bforblizzard
A small smile formed on his face. Although he had defeated Saitama many times, he hadn't played against Fubuki ever since the showdown against the Fubuki Group some time ago.
It would be an understatement to say he had confidence in his abilities, though as a gamer he was no man to refuse a challenge, not mattering the level of ability of his opponent.
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"That's what I wanted to hear. Your call."
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trainedhard · 5 years
how has tumblr rp changed since you started? + thoughts on the fandom you’re currently rping in?
@sonikkudo​​ || ⨳ — MUNDAY
(( Oh man.. well, used to, people were a LOT more highly selective when i first started a year ago. It was also more active; but this is probably because it was before the nsfw ban. It’s not much different, but... if you mean since I started roleplaying saitama?? well when i started the community was thriving and there was tons of other saitamas & other blogs. I come back after a two month hiatus and everyone was deleted, inactive, or otherwise, there was some drama from what I heard (but im staying far out of that, so I don’t care) ; I deadass felt like this coming back to the community. ))
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(( As for the fandom as a whole, opm is pretty funny and nice for a fandom, if a bit too thirsty for CERTAIN characters... I just wish they weren’t so fuckin thirsty for saigenos smut. But as for the rpc, well. I hardly know many people in the opm rpc, but what little i’ve met are all so kind! You included! I love all your guys’ writing and muse portrayals. @incineratos , @humanmcnster , @johnny-writes and of course you, sonikkudo, you guys are all so amazing!! I consider myself lucky to know you and thread with you and your portayals are SO good. I haven’t gotten a chance to rp with bforblizzard yet, but i think your fubuki looks amazing too!! I hope you guys know how much i love and admire your portrayals now sjncdndvfjfn. You all deserve the world!! ))
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magnificentmuses · 5 years
👻 for Tatsumaki (if she's still an active muse)
Ask my muse how they feel about these common fears!
👻- Ghosts
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“There are no such thing as ghosts, thus, I have nothing to fear about them.” it was a complete and utter lie. While she didn’t think ghosts existed, she was terrified about the possibility that they did. Not only had she slain many, many people who wouldn’t mind getting back at her for what she did, thus bearing a grudge and probably becoming ghosts...well.
One also couldn’t fight ghosts. Not with fists, and not even with psychic powers. The idea of ghosts actually existing did terrify her, by quite a lot, but she wasn’t going to admit that unless forced.
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ofsteelandstardust · 5 years
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Send “WATCH OUT!” to pull my muse out of DANGER
“Watch out for what?” he questions, head now on a swivel as he steps forward. As soon as he leans into the step, he realizes his mistake. He shouldn’t have stepped forward. The misleading appearance of the ground before him, what appeared to be pavement was actually quicksand. Well, Quicksand with a capital Q. An annoying villain that was capable of powerful illusions and drowning people in sand. 
Straining to reach her outstretched hand, he grabs ahold of her hand. Emitting a short relived sigh upon being pulled to safety. He scrambles to get back on his feet. “Thanks. I owe you one.”
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magnificentmuses · 5 years
Date, sis~
Send me “Date?” and i'll answer...
Who asks for it:
[ x ] Your muse asks mine
[ ] My muse asks yours
Type of date:
[ x ] Platonic Date
[ ] Romantic Date
[ x ] First Date
[ ] Double date with: ____ & ____
Location for the date:
[ x ] Movies  • [ ] Romantic Comedy  • [ ] Adventure Movie  • [ ] Animation (Pixar/Disney)  • [ x ] Horror  • [ ] Drama  • [ ] Buddy Movie  • [ ] ___ (other options)
[ x ] Restaurant  • [ x ] Expensive/High Class  • [ ] Small and familiar  • [ ] Fast Food
[ x ] Nature • [ ] Beach • [ x ] Park • [ ] Forest     • [ ] …and having a picnic
[ ] Visiting a Museum
[ ] Visiting an amusement park
[ x ] Visiting a haunted location
[ x ] Staying at home (after everything else) • [ ] Watching movies • [ x ] Playing Video Games (King has introduced Tatsumaki to them, and she wants to be better!) • [ ] Reading
[ ] ___ (other options)
The date might hopefully end with…
[ x ] …holding hands
[ ] …a kiss
[ ] …in bed
[ x ] …knowing each other better
[ x ] …sleepover between friends family
[ ] …a marriage proposal
[ ] ___ (other options)
Should you reblog this?:
[ ] Yes. I want to send you one.
[ ] Yes.
[ ] No.
0 notes
johnny-writes · 5 years
King~! The Blizzard Group is celebrating it's fifth anniversary tonight. As one of our newest members I hope to see you there. Uotami (the downtown location), anytime after 8. Hope to see all the New Blizzard Group there ^^
Newest member of the Blizzard Group? King looked at the message trying to understand what Fubuki meant by that, but the implications flied ove his head when his social anxiety started to kick in.
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Having to go to a party with a lot of people he didn’t know and, not only that, having the chances of accidentally slipping he’s a fraud made him nervous. Didn’t she have a mind-reader in her group? He didn’t remember very well, but it didn’t matter, he couldn’t risk with an event that didn’t have any sort of urgency or obligation.
He texted: Sorry, Fubuki, but I’m on a secret mission to scout a monster. Potential Dragon-level threat. Have fun!
He then picked a moe game to ease his mind off the issue.
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johnny-writes · 5 years
“A mall!? Are we going shopping!? I’m happy now!”
     Things I’ve said while playing Silent Hill 3, Part 1.
They were playing Revenant Mountains, a psychological horror game. No, it was Fubuki playing because the game was single player. They set up the atmosphere and the room had its lights turned off, save for a few small lights.
King didn’t like that kind of enviroment (due to being easily scared), but Fubuki seemed to be so much in the game. Her comment earned a small smile, but there was something wrong...
He had remembered the game was supposed to be inspired by cosmic horror books. He had completed it once, but this part always had something. Why was there a mall in the mountains?
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“Wait, Fubuki, that’s a mimic!” The mimic monster always caught first time players in that part, and was a source of jumpscares.
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ofsteelandstardust · 5 years
Hey folks! My summer classes are over so now I have a bit more free time now. But please be warned that 1) have a lot of catching up to do and 2) I’m working on getting more hours work so I will, sometime within the next few weeks be work 25-30 hours a week.
AKA: I’m starting to do replies and my activy now a bit more active, will still likely involve replies taking me 3 days-2 weeks because I have 3 blogs worth of replies to cycle through every day. BELOW ARE THE PEOPLE I KNOW THAT I OWE REPLIES TO. IF I OWE YOU A REPLY BUT YOU AREN’T LISTED, PLEASE DM. ALSO PLEASE DM ME OR REPLY WITH “NIKA NO THANKS” IF YOU WANT ME TO DROP OUR THREADS.
REPLIES FOR ofsteelandstardust
@coogarajasmine x1
@bforblizzard x1
@cherrykat96 x1
@eigenaces x2
@inanthesis x1
@silentpiilot x2
@thecrimsonpaladin x1
+ 5 asks
+ 3 DMS
REPLIES FOR starssurvivor
@ask-dex x1
@coogarajasmine x2
@candideangel x1
@rise-abxve x1
@tarnishedluminary x1
@inanthesis x1
@leaderchosen x1
+ 2 asks
+ 3 DMS
as of 6/25/19
REPLIES FOR 4ever-alvvways
all caught up as of 6/25/19
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ofsteelandstardust · 5 years
Just go to piccrew, go to this maker and make what the mun looks like!
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tagged by @bforblizzard
tagging: anyone who wants too!
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