#bh6 hardlight
spyrkle4 · 7 months
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Chapter 8 of Fallen From Power, Hardlight, is now out!
Read it on AO3:
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alioks-blog · 2 years
This fandom deserves more AMVs and Hardlight deserves more content, so we thought we should do something about it. [Original audio]
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lotusmuses · 1 year
the spot from spiderman reminds me of ian (hardlight) and mel from big hero 6 the series. love when villains are lame scientists
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Hey guys, what do you think Hardlight/Ian's surname would be? Feel free to suggest some stuff
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wrath-bob-aken · 1 year
I know I said top 3 wins but it seems two options won by a landslide and tied! + We're adding two more!
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photogore000 · 1 year
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Old sketch
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tadashitea · 2 years
This is kind of a stretch but it's not like there's much else going on. I was watching Ms. Marvel and in the second episode, she says-
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Referring to her powers, which may very well be a reference to-
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rocksandrobots · 1 year
Phantoms of the Past - Chapter 46: Mission Possible: Part 5
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Big Hero Six and their allies fought the horde of super powered clones tirelessly but it was no use. Combined with Hardlight's light monsters and Drakken's plant creatures, the heroes were losing ground and fast.
They were huddled together and forced into a corner.
Suddenly the sea of monsters parted and they saw Tadashi fighting Shego. He tried to hold her off, but despite all the practice he had received the past few months it was clear that he was out matched by the veteran supervillain.
With a kick to the chest Tadashi went flying and landed in front of his friends.
Varian and Gogo were there to help him back up as Kim and Ron rushed to take a defensive stand in front of them.
However, Shego didn't move to attack. In fact everyone and everything stopped.
"I think it's time to end this charade, don't you?" Dr. Drakken haughtily called out as he floated above the battle in his hovercraft. "You're outnumbered, outwitted, and out classed."
The heroes stared at him ruefully as he snapped his fingers and the light clones began to advance once more.
"Did you manage to damage the machine any?" Gogo hastily whispered as she and Varian dragged Tadashi away from the worst of the fighting.
Tadashi shook his head. "I wasn't trying to damage it. I was trying to reprogram it. I even managed to re-write the code, but it needs a system reboot to finish loading. I was in the middle of doing that when that Shego woman attacked me."
He rubbed the back of neck, then he caught sight of Hiro and Baymax being flung into one of the glass containers by Drakken's vines.
Varian and Gogo held him back, even as Wasabi was captured and shoved into a container of his own by several of the light clones.
"How do we reboot it?" Varian pressed.
"In the back, there's a reset button."
"So someone has to, ugh, has to make their way to the other side of the room to press it." Kim grunted as she punched away one of Hardlight's light bats.
The heroes that were left were being pushed even further back into the corner.
Then suddenly a purple pterodactyl swooped down and picked up Kim and flung her into one of the waiting glass tubes.
"Kim!" Ron cashed after her only to be captured himself by one of the clones.
Soon, one by one, each of the heroes were picked off and trapped in their own glass containers.
Drakken laughed victoriously as he landed his hovercraft and walked over to Kim's tube as robotic appendages started to fitt a nero-headband on her crown.
"Hahaha, ooooh it feels good to finally win! How does it feel Kim Possible? Hmm? How does it feel to be the loser for once?
Kim gritted her teeth and was going to snap back, when a buzzing noise sounded in her ears and a bright light obscured her sight.
"At last!" Drakken crowed as he watched as his rival's mind was uploaded to the machine. "Now we can proceed to phase two of my plan for world conquest!"
"Which is?" Hardlight asked.
"We build projectors, at key locations around the globe. With your hard light constructs and my neurospace-combulator, we'll create an army of super powered light clones to attack all at once. Earth's forces will be overwhelmed."
"Until they knock out the projectors." Hardlight pointed out, and Drakken's face fell.
"Well, I'm glad you're thinking ahead," He sneered. "Fortunately, so am I. I'll have shields built to protect the needed projectors, and of course once we've secured new areas we'll build more neurospace containers to add to our army. See? It's all very simple."
"Hmm-mmm... and what's in it for me?"
"Well, that's gratitude for you." Drakken rolled his eyes. "Of course there'll be nice promotions in store for my most loyal followers. Shego's already claimed Iceland, but you can have your pick of the rest."
He wrapped a friendly arm around Hardlight's shoulder. "How about someplace tropical... like Costa Rica, perhaps. Hmmm?"
Hardlight's electronic face display on his mask, raised an artificial eyebrow. "Iceland?"
Drakken shrugged. "Don't ask me. She's the one that has her heart set on it for years now. Haven't you dear?"
Shego however wasn't paying any attention to their conversation. She was counting the nero-containers. "twelve... thirteen... fourtee-... Someone's missing."
This announcement put the other villians on alert, as they counted the glass tubes themselves.
"I see all the heroes here..." Hardlight said, bewildered.
"Wait... where's the naked mole rat?" Shego asked, suddenly realizing who was missing.
"The naked mole rat?" Hardlight slowly echoed.
"Arrrgh! That accursed rodent has destroyed my glorious plans time and time again!" Drakken growled. "Quick we must find the pest!"
The villains scurried around the room hunting the creature. Then Hardlight spotted it.
It was pink and hairless with bucked teeth, and it 'waved' at him!
The pet happily chirped before hopping around on the main control board, randomly pressing buttons and setting off various alarms.
The villains scrambled to stop this nuisance, but they only stumbled over each other, accidently pressing more unwanted buttons and switches, as the mole rat evaded capture.
It would bounce on their heads and run underneath their feet knocking them off balance.
"Gottcha!" Hardlight yelled in triumph as he encased the rodent within a bubble of light.  
His euphoria was short lived though when a furry raccoon popped it's head out from behind the computer.
All the three villains collectively gasped in horror.
The raccoon ducked back down behind the controls and both Shego and Drakken rushed to stop this newest menace.
They were too late.
With a mischievous grin, the raccoon hit the reboot button with its little paw.
Everything then happened at once.
First the alarms blared even louder as warning lights flickered on and off all around the machine.
Then the glass tubes opened up with a rush of steam as sparks randomly lit all around the complex.
Finally, as the superheroes woke up, Ruddiger ran over to Hardlight and before the villain knew what was happening crawled up his pants leg.
Ian tried to shake the creature off him, but Ruddiger pulled himself up onto Hardlight's gauntlet and ripped the exposed wire with his teeth.
"Ah!" Hardlight stumbled back as his gauntlet sparked and smoked.
The light shield around Ruffus faded away, and he and Ruddiger greeted each other with a fist bump as they watched the chaos unfold.
"No! All my glorious plans!" Drakken moaned as the supers woke up and slowly stumbled out of their glass cages in a stupor.
More sparks flared, and the machine rumbled. A bit of the roof fell in and light streamed in from the outside.
"Well I'm out." Hardlight announced as he hopped on to his hover disk.
"Wait! You can't go now. We- We just- nee-"
"Face it. Your plan is a bust." Hardlight pulled out the spy microchip from his glove. "But thanks anyways for the new tech. I'm sure I can put it to good use."
The villain's display on his helmet lit up into a sly smile.
"Yooooou! You planted the disc into the system and stole my schematics!"
"Of course! Haha! That was the idea all along. See ya in the funny papers, Drakken!"
He cheekily waved as he flew away through the hole in the roof.
'B-but what about... Ohhh! You're fired from your internship!" He called back to the empty space where the other villain had been, before spreading his arms wide and wailing, "Is there no honor among thieves anymore!?"
Shego ignored his pity party as she grabbed him by his shirt collar and dragged him to their hovercraft. "Time to go Doc!"
As he recovered from being thrown like a sack of potatoes into the back of the escape vehicle, Drakken noticed the heroes coming too, and they did not look happy.
Kim was the quickest to recover. She jumped across the machine even as it started to smoke and flame, hopping from pipe to tube before grabbing hold of the rim of the craft as it began to fly away.
Shego however, kicked her off, even as the supervillainess struggled at the controls.
Fortunately, Baymax was quick to catch her when she fell.
"Ha! You think you're all that, Kim Possible! But You're NOT!"
Drakken's taunt was a bit premature as, a weakened, but very much aware, Fearless Ferret launched a miniature grenade he pulled out of his utility belt using his grappling hook.
The little disk attached itself to the rear stabilizer of the hovercraft right as it made it through the roof. A small explosion ripped apart one of the back thrusters and the escape pod tilted widely to the right.
Both villains had to fight with the controls to keep the craft in the air as they flew away in an erratic pattern.
"Uhhh... shouldn't we go after them?" Wasabi asked.
His answer was in the form of a small earthquake, as explosions ruptured all over the machine and more of the roof came down, blocking off the side of the room where the hole had been.
"I think we'd better get out of here instead." Hiro said as the room shook a second time. "This whole place is about to blow."
Varian whistled for Ruddiger as the rest of the heroes ran out of the room; the younger ones helping the elder supers out, who still hadn't fully recovered yet. The raccoon scurried over the rocks with Rufus on his back. Varian scooped both pets up and was the last to dash out of the door as the rest of the control room burst into flames behind him.
"Shego?" Drakken whined as he he hugged her legs tighter. "That shark is eying me awfully suspiciously again."
"For the last time, grr, sharks don't eat people." Shego rolled her eyes as she fought against the waves.
Fortunately the hovercraft could double as a boat, but with one of the motors now missing she was stuck at the wheel, constantly forcing the craft back on course.
Drakken meanwhile was less than useless during the whole ordeal and it was up to her to save both their necks yet once again.
Why did she put up with him again? What was it Hardlight had said? 'Why play second fiddle?'
"I know they don't." Drakken whimpered again, breaking through her thoughts. "b-but what if the  shark  doesn't know that? You'll fight him off, oh won't you? For me? Please?"
She looked down to see him looking up at her with pleading eyes. She'd never admit it, not even to herself, but he did look cute when he was being so pathetic.
"And do I get raise for fighting off the big bad fish?" She sarcastically asked.
"A Raise!?'---Ahh! He nibbled me! Did you see it?... Finefinefine. Yes you'll get a raise."
"Alight. I'll protect you from the shark." She grunted again, she fought with the steering wheel. "assuming we don't capsize first."
Drakken hugged her legs even tighter. "Oh thank you Shego. Thank you. You're the strongest, bravest, most wonderf-"
"Okay... I get it!" She yelled back to shut up his groveling... but she couldn't fully hide her smile as she steered them towards land, far away from the city's outskirts.
Hiro, Baymax, and Captain Fancy flew down to meet the rest of the heroes in the park under a large elm tree.
"Emergency vehicles showed up and are already putting out the fire. Looks like they got it contained." Fancy said as he landed.
"And more importantly, there were no injuries." Baymax added.
"But it looks like the villains have gotten away again." Hiro sighed. "Baymax and I couldn't find any trace of them."
"That's okay." Kim reassured him. "It'll take awhile for Drakken and Shego to get back on their feet again."
"Though who knows what that Hardlight will be up too." Ron cautioned.
"Don't worry, We can take care of him if he shows up again." Wasabi said.
"Yeah, and Ruddiger messed up his gauntlets so he'll have to fix his tech anyways." Varian added as his faithful pet nuzzled his face.
The raccoon then hopped off his arm and ran to Rufus, where they shared a pawshake.
"Ooohhhh!" Honey Lemon squealed. "And hurray for Ruddiger and Rufus for saving the day!" She scooped the two animals in to a tight hug. "You're both heroes and sooo adorable. Yes you are."
"Yeah!" Ron agreed, "Three cheers for Ruddiger and Rufus!"
Pets beamed at the attention as the supers cheered.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm very happy we're all alive, but can I get back to my vacation now?" Tadashi said, interrupting the moment. "I gotta get back with the milk before Grandma starts wondering where I am."
Varian and Hiro shared an eye roll before Varian, having received his tech from Tadashi earlier, created a new portal, right in front of a Tokyo convenience store.
"See ya Monday!" Tadashi called back to them and hopped through the portal.
Everyone waved back until the portal faded away.
Varian reached down and picked up one of the fallen portal magnets. "Well that's it for the portals for today. I need to recharge these babies back HQ."
"Oh! That reminds me." Ron exclaimed as he looked back at his phone."Arghh! We missed our flight back to Middleton! I guess there's not enough juice to send us across the country, huh?"
"Sorry." Varian apologized.
"Oh, but my finals presentation! How do we get back in time now?" Kim asked, a hit of fear in her voice. "We'll never get new tickets, before then. Everything was booked solid for next three weeks cause of the holidays coming up."
"I think I might know a way." A voice sounded out.
Kim pulled out her communicator, but it was blank. "Wade?"
"Up here!" the voice called out again.
Everyone looked up to see Wade driving a flying convertible!
"YOU HAVE A FLYING CAR!!!???" Fred practically screamed with joy.
"He's so cool." Wasabi whispered in awe, beside him.  
"I figured you guys might need a lift." Wade called down towards them.
"And a helping hand." Mole's voice said beside him.
The short pre-teen hopped up from the backseat and stood upon the rim of the door wearing his dinosaur themed super suit.
"Evil villains beware! It's Flamejumper to the rescue!"
He jumped out of the car and landed on the ground safely with a bounce from the hidden armatures inside the suit's legs.
"NO way! Mole got to ride in the flying car before me!" Fred whined.
"Hahaha! Suck it, Ferdricson!" Mole gloated, "Now where are the bad guys?"
"Sorry Mole." Hiro said, "But we already took care of them."
'Aw man."
"Also what did we tell you about the super suit. " Gogo reprimanded him.
"B-but how am I supposed to learn how to use it without hands on experience?"
"You're not." Fred snapped. "You're not joining the team. N-O. No way. Nun-uh. Besides, why would we need another novice when we got the legendary trio themselves to join the team? Right Fearless Ferret?"
Fred laid an arm on the Fearless Ferret's shoulders.
The Ferret shared an awkward glance with his older colleagues, and then removed his mask with a sigh.
"I think... I'll be going back to retirement actually, and you can just call me Mr. North from now on, Frederic."
Fancy joined his friend's side. "Tim's right. I think, if today's little adventure has taught us anything is we should be trusting the future generation of superheroes to carry on our legacies and maintain the good fight."
"Future generations, like potential in-training supers?" Mole hopefully questioned.
Hiro sighed as he tilted his head back. "Fine... I'll set up a training regime in the holoroom at HQ. But you aren't allowed to wear the suit anywhere else."
"You'll mean you'll teach me to be a superhero!? Yes! Hahaha! You lose, Fred!"
"And Fred will be your teacher." Hiro added. "He'll decide when you're ready or not to join us."
Both Fred and Mole called out simultaneously.
"Well it looks like a happy ending for all." Ron joked. "Come on Rufus. Next stop home."
"And  home work." Kim echoed fearfully as she followed Ron and Rufus to the flying car hovered just above the ground. "Finals, thesis papers, presentation speeches..."
"And you'll ace them all." Ron said with a smile, grabbing her hands into his own.
Kim sighed. "How can you always be so sure?"
"Because, we've tackled supervillains, evil robots, giant bugs, alien invasions, and even rabid ninja monkeys…" he visibly shuttered at that last revelation.
"Aliens?" Honey Lemon whispered to Wasabi who could only shrug, equally confused.
"And no matter what," Ron continued, not hearing them, "no matter how bad things got, we got through it together. You can do anything, Kim Possible, because I got your back. Worse case scenario, you retake the final. No big. Not like you won't pass the first time with flying colors anyways. Am I right, Rufus?"
The mole rat on his shoulder nodded enthusiastically.
"Oh, Ron." Kim exclaimed as she gave him the biggest hug. "You're the best."
"I know it." Ron smiled as he returned the hug, then he looked back to the waiting heroes. "Do you need a lift home, Mr. North?"
"Ah, thank you for the offer, but I think Hank and I had other plans."
Captain Fancy, smiled wide and nonchalantly said, "Oh I thought maybe a fishing trip, or a nice getaway to mountains. Do some skiing. Gotta spend retirement someway right?"
"Speak for yourself." Lima said beside him. She leaned against her staff, fully unamused, as she stared at her phone. "The Mongoose just texted me about Cobra breaking out of jail again. I'm heading to Singapore to investigate."
Mr. North shook his head in bemused resignation. "You don't ever stop, do you?"
"Nope. But I'll give you a lift to the lake in my chopper."
"Chopper?" Varian asked.
"She means her invisible helicopter." Hank explained.
"Hey we can't all fly." Lima defended, as pressed a button on her keychain.
A loud whirling sound soon was heard over head and the wind picked up as the apparent helicopter arrived. Not that anyone could see it.
"Baymax, can you get a read on the chopper?" Hiro asked over the den.
"I can not." The robot replied.
Then the wind died down as the aircraft apparently landed.
"You like?" Lima proudly said as she gestured to what looked like nothing.
"An invisible helicopter!? That is so cool!" Fred exclaimed. "Or, you know, it would be if I could actually see it."
"Eh…" Mole shrugged, "it's not cooler than the flying car."
Lima put her hands on her hips. "Everybody's a critic."
"I think it's pretty neat." Wade said as Ron and Kim finished boarding the car. He gave it a crank and the vehicle hovered off the ground again. "The cloaking tech is a little dated, especially with all the recent progress with nanite technology, but it's a cool vintage piece."
"Vintage!?" Lima fumed, but the car was already flying away.
"Nice meeting you!"
"If you're ever in Middleton look us up!"
Everyone waved goodbye as they flew away.
"Vintage." Lima huffed again. "Of all the arrogância!"
"Uh-oh, she's cursing in Portuguese again." Hank commented. "We better get going before she breaks out into a full rant."
"Agreed." Mr.  North laughed.
"Just one question before you leave." Wasabi interrupted. "I get that Mr. North here invented a bunch of gadgets like us, but where did you two get actual literal super powers. Like how is that even possible?"
"Oh that? Well I used to work as a janitor at a high clearance experimental government facility." Hank explained. "They specialized in nuclear energy and well, heh, OSHA didn't exist back then."
"Wait! That's not what happened in the comics!" Mole snapped.
"Oh the whole alien from space bit a cover up from the government. They didn't want me to sue… and I didn't want to be dissected in a lab. So I agreed."
"So you're really a mutant? Awesome!" Fred said.
"I can't believe the government would just threaten you like that." Honey Lemon bemoaned.
"Oh the US government is covering up things like that all the time." Mr. North shrugged. "Like that alien invasion that happened about eight years ago, remember that, guys?"
"Wait, what?" Honey Lemon blinked as the elder supers nodded in remembrance.
"Oh yeah, they had the test screen cycling for days hypnotizing everyone to forget it." Hank laughed, as he and Tim entered the invisible chopper and disappeared.
"What?" Honey Lemon echoed again as they left.
"I knew it." Mole whispered beside her.
As everyone remained mystified by this latest revelation, Gogo continued the questioning.
"And you? How did you get super strength? The gym?"
"Magic." Lima said, simply.
Hiro rolled his eyes, this being a bridge too far for his sensibilities. "Okay, no. Magic doesn't exist…. Not in this world anyways."
"You think so, mano?" Lima smiled as she walked closer to them, using her staff as a walking cane. The pointed tip began to glow blue. "The world is a much bigger place than you could ever imagine."
She leaned in close as she whispered this, and suddenly Varian's hairstripe began to glow as well.
He clamped his hand down on top of his forehead quickly to try and hide it.  Everyone saw anyway.
"Waaaaiit… th-that rock, your spear is made out of," Hiro stuttered. "Wh-where did you get it!?"
Lima either didn't hear him or ignored him as she had already turned away and was walking towards her aircraft.
Hiro ran after her.
"No, please… you don't understand…"
He heard the chopper turn on again and a heavy wind began to blow.
"I need to study-"
"Adeus meus amigos!" Lima called out as she leaned out of the door of the helicopter. She was seemingly hovering several feet off the ground now, and half her body had disappeared from view. "Till we meet again!"
She waved and then ducked back inside, disappearing completely now.
"Wait! L-lima… your spear…. Aaaaand she's gone now."
Hiro said as the wind died back down as the helicopter flew away.
Everyone turned to look at Varian, still standing there with his hand on his head. Varian gulped.
Ian finished loading the files onto his computer from the stolen spy chip, and sat down to begin decrypting.
"Now let's see what we can do with you?" He said out loud as he waggled his fingers over the keyboard insides his darkened office.
The light of the computer threw up irregular shadows upon his face as he read through the code.
He broke out into an evil gin.
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drama-glob · 2 years
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Just some more fun BH6 memes. ^_^
1. I’d probably go kitten, but it all depends on the animal’s demeanor. ;)
2. Hardlight just knows how to pull an outfit together. ;)
3. I can’t get the “Noodle Burger” song out of my head sometimes and I’d be up to try one. :)
4. In all honesty, “Legacies” certainly proved that Trina, a robot, has emotions because she could have been there in like 20 minutes, but she went through the streets so she could revel in the humans panic. O_O 
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lesbian-honey-lemon · 6 months
top ten smartest characters in BH6, my ranking:
1- Hiro Hamada. Of course he’s at the top, lol. Not only did he outsmart Obake, he also came up with everyone’s hero gear, coded Baymax’s other chips besides Tadashi’s, made a working energy amplifier (that didn’t immediately explode) in like two days with only Krei’s failed prototype to go off of, and HE IS IN SFIT AT 14. Of course he’s the smartest. Also he’s made other robots completely on his own like the microbots and Mini-Mac. He also comes up with most of the battle plans for BH6, and helped cure Liv Amara alongside Karmi.
2- Obake/ Bob Aken. First off, he was also in SFIT as a teen. My headcanon was that he started attending at 16, and Karmi’s like a week younger than him (so she’s technically still the 2nd youngest person to ever go to SFIT). Also!! He was the FIRST to make an energy amplifier, with absolutely nothing to go off of. His was the first, and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if Krei’s amplifier was based off of Obake’s amplifier. Yes the amplifier exploded immediately but he was still the first. And of course, as an adult, he made a shit ton of advanced tech. He made Trina, the most advanced AI in the whole BH6-verse (even better than Baymax because she’s basically indistinguishable from a human and can make her own decisions outside of her original purpose), he made an underwater base, a bunch of other robots, and was able to follow Shimamoto’s clues to rebuild the star machine. Also he managed to play Hiro and the rest of BH6 like a damn violin and would have succeeded if it wasn’t for Globby.
3- Honey Lemon. Honey Lemon is a goddamn genius and I will die on this hill. Her chem-purse has the INDIVIDUAL ELEMENTS. So in battle, she has to legitimately think up and type in a chemical formula to make the compound to use. So she’s gotta have some MAJOR chemistry skill, an excellent memory, and wicked fast reaction time. She also found a way to cure Globby. Also let’s not forget that time she made a literal amnesia serum in like two minutes for Hiro to give to Karmi when she thought that Karmi was onto them. Also, she did uncover Lenore Shimamoto’s secret life as a scientist alongside Wasabi, and Lenore hid that shit really well.
4- Tadashi. Honestly, Tadashi and Honey Lemon are almost tied for third, but Honey Lemon’s a little smarter. He probably got into SFIT early too, cause he couldn’t have been that old. He was probably in at like 17 and died at 20. Also, he made Baymax, one of the most advanced AIs to ever exist, plus the actual robot is rlly advanced too. So just for building Baymax, he can have this spot, because of how advanced Baymax is. Although running into a burning building was kind of a dumb move.
5- Karmi. Karmi’s actually pretty gifted and you all are unnecessarily hating on this poor girl. She’s 16 and at SFIT, and while my headcanon is that she only got in a week younger than the third youngest student, she’s still the second youngest to ever go to SFIT. She also was able to observe BH6 close enough to write moves that could actually work with their gear, which allowed them to escape Momakase and save Karmi herself. Also, she’s made some epic tech. She made the patches to subdue Oreo Knox, which Di Amara later used for her own evil work. She also did that project with the electric currents in the roses, which probably has some pretty interesting uses. She also got chosen to be Di’s intern, and although she got manipulated big time, I can’t say I blame her or say she’s any less smart for literally being mutated and tortured by a woman she thought was her friend and mentor. Also, Hiro would have never gotten the nanobots to work and cure Liv Amara without Karmi’s help and insight. She also made that glove in Season 3 to beat Hardlight. In short, Karmi is way smarter than the fandom gives her credit for.
6- Gogo. Gogo’s actually quite smart and she’s come up with some interesting things. Her maglev tech is really advanced and gives her an extra edge in battle. She also was the first to catch onto the fact that Karmi had a point with her fanfic and was the first to start using Karmi’s ideas to drive up the wall to chase Momakase. She also came up with that train thing we saw her with the model of in CtC pt 1, which I assume is her midterm project. The world can always use more high-speed rail so she’s quite smart in my book for that. She also of course worked with Hiro to make that awesome bike she chased Mr Sparkles with in S2. Plus she’s in SFIT, which is a really challenging environment on its own so she’d have to be really smart to get in.
7- Wasabi. Wasabi and Gogo are like, exactly tied for 6th. They’re both on the same level of smart, but I like Gogo more so she gets 6ths (no hate to Wasabi fans, I like him too). Wasabi, of course, has his plasma blades, which are literally second to nothing but graphene. He can cut through nearly anything with his tech. He also worked with Hiro to build that space junk disposal device in S1, and helped Honey Lemon uncover the very well-guarded secrets of Lenore Shimamoto’s life as a scientist.
8- Wendy Wower. Wendy, although a minor character, has shown herself to be pretty damn smart. She wrote the thesis that Trevor Trengrove stole, which was the basis for Tadashi’s work. Without Wendy’s thesis, Tadashi would have never made Baymax. So, though she never gained the recognition she deserved for her intelligence, she’s still hella smart. Plus, she did manage to make a name for herself as a beloved educator and inspiration for kids to get into science, and that’s kind of hard to do if you’re not already really smart when it comes to science.
9- Lenore Shimamoto. Lenore Shimamoto is really smart, although her invention failed. She built the star machine, which caused the Great Catastrophe. But, she intended it to be an infinite energy device. So, like a very early interpretation of the energy amplifier. She also built a secret lab and hid all evidence of the star machine so well that it took over a hundred years to find. And honestly, if the only person who could crack your secret was literally the second smartest person in the whole show (Obake), you hid that secret pretty well. She also built and ran a whole art institute, it takes smarts to run such a big university.
10- Professor Granville. Honestly I was stuck on who to put here, but I think she deserves this spot. She’s an accomplished professor, knowledgeable about her subjects, and was obviously smart enough to mentor Hiro, Karmi, and Obake. If she wasn’t smart, they wouldn’t have latched onto her as much as they did. She also fixed Baymax that one time in S2 and went to rescue their asses all on her own, built the robot spider SFIT security system, and has some pretty good deduction skills in order to find out where Momakase was going to steal from next.
You can also put Professor Callaghan here at 10th for similar reasons, being an accomplished professor, writing many papers on robotics and inspiring Hiro’s microbots, and coming up with the plan to kill Krei. But, his plan got foiled by Hiro, and Hiro was an inexperienced superhero at this time, so it’s not like with Obake where Hiro was a seasoned superhero who had a fair shot at stopping his plans. Hiro and Obake were evenly matched. So if Inexperienced Hiro could beat Callaghan, that means Callaghan’s not quite as smart.
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spitalofatalo · 2 years
For the first memory ask: I saw a post of either one of your BH6 edits, or a Hardlight post.
woe! hardlight be upon ye
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spyrkle4 · 10 months
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I did a villain hexagon for the villains and antagonists in Phase 3.
Since every season gets a villain hexagon, thought I'd do it for my own story since Phase 3 goes in a different direction than the canon Phase 3
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rubyeyes-32 · 3 years
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It’s random Hardlight doodlin’ time! 
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Me trying to write Mel x Ian right now
I like to think that even though they're technically villains and they're a scary duo to fight, their relationship is a healthy one, and they love and support each other deeply and they make a great team. I'm proud of what I have so far and I can't wait to share it!
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lotusmuses · 3 years
So I just got to the hardlight episode and i was like "ey i kind of like this new villain" so i googled him because i thought it was that one guy that worked with invisibility at krei tech and found out it's a different krei tech employee and i realized i just generally love the krei tech scientists: hardlight/ian, mel, and hiro
wAIT IDEA!!! hiro should've met them/been friends since they're co-workers like.. "hey wait weren't we just complaining about krei together like 2 hours ago? why are you trying to fight me bro?" i would've loved this (especially since ian and hiro both like video games)
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photogore000 · 1 year
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Even older sketch
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