#big shrimp boys talking shit on their way home from their respective jobs
dominonary · 2 years
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yugioctober day 12 - 10 years later
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mischiefandspirits · 5 years
Iron Legion (7/?)
Never let it be said that Tony Stark ever does things by half. He might have grown up with little family, but he wasn’t about to keep it that way.
Tony Stark was seventeen when his first child was born, and that was just the beginning.
For Masterpost, AO3, and Fanfiction
Daddy's Home
Tony Stark was thirty-four when Iron Man was born.
Tony smiled as a chorus of voices answered his call. “Hey, kids, you all having fun in the country music state?”
“Have you been having fun?” Nebula asks with a knowing voice and Tony hates how much her and J.A.R.V.I.S. gossip. None of his kids needed to know what he does in his bedroom when they’re not home. Or who he does.
“Daddy! Daddy look! I had Harley and Valeria cut my hair!” Teresa said, stealing the phone away for herself so she could show him her new look. “I look just like you now!”
“Yeah, Tori sent me pictures, Resa,” Tony chuckled, remembering the panic-filled text that had come with them. Honestly, the kid was eight. If she wanted her siblings to shear off her hair, who was he to care.
“I’m taking her to a barbershop tomorrow to have them clean it up,” Nebula said, grabbing the phone from her sister.
“Nebs said they’ll make me look even more like you!” Teresa shouted and he could see her hand grabbing at the phone.
“I’ll have to show you how to style it right when I get back,” Tony said, leaning back.
“Is Uncle Rhodey there?” Harley asked, jumping onto Nebula’s back.
“Get off me shrimp!” the teen huffed, shoving him off, but not before losing the phone to her brother.
“Hey, I’m taller than Teresa!”
“Am not!” came Teresa’s argument.
Harley’s face appeared, far too close to the screen. “Is Uncle Rhodey there?”
“Well don’t I feel loved,” Tony pouted. “I call to talk and all I get are questions about Rhodey?”
“You spend too much time with your mother. No respect.”
“Dad,” Harley whined, elongating the a.
“Nope. You can talk to him when we get back.”
That made the boy perk up. “You’ll be back in time for my birthday, right?”
“Of course! As soon as Rhodey and Dad are done playing with the new toys Rhodey’s friends are buying then we’ll be straight there.”
“Speaking of birthdays, what did you get Aunt Pepper for hers?” Nebula asked, shoving Harley’s face away and giving her father a knowing look.
“No idea, but I hear it was nice.”
“Daddy forgot again,” Teresa giggled and then all three of them were laughing at him.
“This is why Jay’s my favorite.”
“Thank you, Sir.”
“What are you all doing up? ” came Tori’s voice.
“Uh oh, someone’s in trouble,” Tony said.
“Yeah, you.” She took the phone and gave him a glare. “Do you know what time it is here?”
“Late?” Tony offered.
“Very. Kids, say goodbye to your father.”
“Bye, Daddy! Love you!” Teresa yelled while her brother shouted, “Bye, Dad. Tell Uncle Rhodey I said you guys need to hurry back!”
“I don’t have a bedtime,” Nebula pointed out.
“You do here,” Tori said, handing her the phone.
“I’m not a child,” Nebula huffed before turning to Tony. “Goodnight, Father.”
“Night, Nebula. Try not to drive Tornado too insane with your teenage angst schtick. That’s my job.”
Nebula snorted and shook her head. “Be safe.”
“Don’t worry. We’re just showing off the Jerico to the brass.”
“Looks like we’re landing. I’ll call you when we’re headed home. Love you!”
“Love you too.”
“Got a family?”
“Yes, and I will see them when I leave here. And you, Stark?”
A man with a heart of gold that had somehow managed to put up with Tony’s nonsense since they were teenagers. A bodyguard who put up a grumpy act, despite being rather soft. A woman that embodied the term mother bear. A fiery redhead that happily put him in his place. An alien who had recently taken to wearing a silvery-blue pixie cut wig and had hacked her mask so she could add dark makeup to the disguise. A pair of bots that were always in the way and never listened. A snippy UI that refuses to call him anything but Sir. A little girl that left LEGOs all across the house and wanted to be just like her daddy. A boy who was just as contrary as his mother. A little girl who wasn’t his, but that only meant he got to be the fun uncle instead of a responsible parent for once.
A whole group of people he would do anything to protect.
“How are the kids?” Tony asked as soon as they’d left the base.
“They’re thrilled to know you’re back. None of them really handled your disappearance well. We kept them at Tori’s since Obidiah’s come sniffing around your house a few times. I kept him out since you hadn’t been declared dead, but we didn’t want to risk him finding them alone. Teresa and Nebula will be here tomorrow. It would have been sooner, but as I thought you would be in the hospital, I figured it would be better to wait,” Pepper said, her voice sharp at the end.
“I wanna talk to them.”
This, at least, Pepper didn’t argue.
“Keener residence,” a male voice answered.
“Hey, Richards. Where’s your cousin?”
“Shit, Stark, you really are still alive?”
“Nice to hear from you too.”
“Who is it?” Tori asked, voice distant.
“What the- Give me that!” There was a shuffling sound then Tori’s voice came through clearer. “Tony, thank God you’re alright! How are you? I thought Pepper said they were taking you to the hospital.”
“She lied. I’m fine. I want to talk to the kids.”
“Of course. Harley’s at school right now, but the others are here. Frank, get the kids, please.”
“Cousin cowboy come over to complain about me again?” Tony asked, tucking the phone between his shoulder and cheek so he could adjust his arm into a more comfortable position in the sling.
“Oh shut up. You know Frank likes you, he just…”
“Thinks I should have married you instead of that trash you won’t let me track down.”
“You both need to let that go. I just want to forget about him.”
“But if we do that then Franky and I won’t have anything in common. It’s the only thing we agree on.”
“Why Mr. Stark, was that a proposal?” Tori sighed, exaggerating her accent.
Tony held the phone out to Pepper. “Give that back to me when the kids get on the line. I shouldn’t be dealing with this kind of emotional trauma after what I just went through!”
She ignored him, continuing to work on her phone to set up the requested press conference.
He put the phone back to his ear. “I thought I asked for my kids.”
“They’re coming. Frank had to go fetch them from the barn. Harley and Teresa have turned it into their personal workshop so Nebula and her have been using it for school time. It’s got the best internet speeds on the property. Hell, probably the best in the county.”
“I’m so proud,” Tony said, and he definitely wasn’t tearing up.
A loud crash sounded from over the phone, accompanied by, “DADDY!”
“Teresa, hold on and -” Tori cut off with a yelp.
“Daddy!” Teresa yelled right in his ear before continuing in a softer voice littered with sobs. “Daddy! Are you okay? Aunt Pepper said the bad guys took you and the news kept saying you were probably dead, but Aunt Tori said you were too stubborn to die and Nebs and Jay couldn’t find anything even when they hacked into Uncle Rhodey’s work computers and -”
“Woah, hey, Resa, it’s okay, baby girl. I’m alright. I’m here,” he said calmly, putting aside the fact that his daughter and AI apparently hacked into likely classified military files for the moment. “I’m okay. I’m with Aunt Pepper and Uncle Happy right now. We’re going to go talk to those mean news people right now.”
“I thought Aunt Pepper said you were going to the hospital,” Nebula said with an annoyed growl.
“Stark, you better be on the way to a hospital right now!” Tori snapped.
“Resa, did you turn daddy on speakerphone?” he groaned, letting his head fall back.
“I thought you would want to talk to Nebs too, sorry.”
“Stark, if I call Pepper, she better tell me that you are either in perfect health or headed to the hospital.”
“I don’t need a hospital,” Tony said and Pepper looked up at him to give him a look before turning back to her work.
“J.A.R.V.I.S. and I saw your medical files,” Nebula cut in.
“Good, then you know the Air Force guys already fussed over me. Also, you two need to stop hacking the government.”
“Like you’re one to talk,” Tori snorted. “Who do you think taught them behavior like that?”
“Go to the hospital, Father. You are -”
“I’m fine. All I need is a cheeseburger.”
“I’m calling Pepper.”
Tony rolled his eyes and turned on the speakerphone. “Pepper, Tor-Tor wants to talk to you.”
“I tried,” she said before Tori could speak. “He refuses to do anything before getting a cheeseburger and holding a press conference.”
“Take him to the hospital after.”
“I’m fine! Can any of you hear me or am I talking to myself?”
“I can hear you, daddy!”
“Thanks, Resa. You’re the best!” Tony looked over to see them approaching Burger King. “Oh look, the cheeseburgers await. Nebula, Resa, I'll see you tomorrow! Give your brother my love! Love you, girls! Bye!”
“Bye, daddy! See you tomorrow! You better be there!”
“Father -”
Tony hung up the phone and handed it back to Happy.
A few minutes later Pepper smiled and showed him a text she had received.
⭐️Nebula⭐️:  J.A.R.V.I.S is calling up the doc. If he wants to act like a child, we’ll get him a pediatrician.
“So this is what you call fine?” Georgia sighed, staring at the thing embedded into Dr. Stark’s chest.
“No, this is what I call an antique.” He held up a device that looked the same. “This is an upgrade. I need some help putting it in. Since you’re here anyways…”
She crossed her arms. “You know that’s not why I’m here. I read the files Nebula sent me -”
“Yeah, yeah, send me the diet plan or have Pepper pick up the meds or whatever you all seem to think I need despite the fact I’ve said I’m fine over a hundred times. Now, can we do this? The kids will be here in an hour and I’d rather not have an empty hole in my chest when they get here.”
“I’m not that type of doctor.”
“Well, my hands are too big and I think Pepper might pass out if I ask her.”
“I might,” Pepper agreed, looking pale at the idea from where she was standing next to the door to the workshop.
“Mom says you’ve got a battery in your chest! Can I get one too?”
“Why hello Harls. Yes, I missed you too. Sorry for missing your birthday. I love you so much.”
“Mom said you were fine. And if you’re really sorry, you’d put a battery in my chest.”
“I was kidnapped,” Tony said, and yeah that was probably not something to tell an eight-year-old, but Harley was tough and it wasn’t like he was going to bring up the torture. “Why do you even want a battery in your chest?”
“To charge things.”
“Yeah, ask your mother.”
“That’s what you say when the answer’s no, but you don’t want to be the one to tell me.”
“But if you know that, then that means I am telling you no.”
“Come on, isn’t it your job as an absentee father to spoil me?”
“Key word is absentee, meaning not there, which means no, an absentee father’s job is to not be in their child’s life at all. I’m in your life, so not an absentee father.”
“You know what I meant!”
“And you know what I meant when I told you to ask your mother. So how’s school going?”
“How’s the business going?”
“Fair enough. Want to play that online racing game you like?”
“You’re on!”
Tony groaned and brushed fire retardant off his face so he could look up at his daughter. “Hey, sweetheart, what are you doing in here? You know to stay behind the glass when I’m testing things.”
“You hit a wall,” she said blankly. She reached her hand over and started feeling around his head. “I have to check for bumps.”
“I’m fine,” he sighed, but didn’t fight it. He knew if he did then she’d hold it against him the next time his clumsy girl fell and he needed to check her over.
Once she was done, she stepped back and tilted her head. “Why did Dum-E spray you with the foam? Did you catch fire again?”
“No, Dum-E is being silly.”
She crossed her arms and turned to Dum-E. “Don’t waste the extinguisher,” she reprimanded, slowly pronouncing the word extinguisher.
The bot’s arm fell as he gave a sad beep.
U rolled up, showing the camera they were still holding to their favorite sibling.
She smiled and patted their claw. “Good job, U.”
Smiling at his kids’ antics, he stood up and started wiping off the rest of the foam. “Alright, next time we need to start at a lower power. And stabilizers. Those would help.”
“What are you making?” Teresa asked, leaning over to look at the boots.
“Special secret project. Don’t tell Pepper.”
She nodded without question.
Why couldn’t all his children be so well behaved?
“Can I help?” she asked, bouncing.
He shrugged. “Sure. You and Jay can run some numbers while I work on the next piece.” Most of the equations would be over her head, but J.A.R.V.I.S. would give her a few that were her level and a few above for practice. The workshop was the best place to learn, in his opinion.
“Careful, careful, and touchdown,” Tony cheered as he landed in the workshop.
“Very good, Sir.”
“Can I get one?”
He turned to see his daughters, the younger sitting on the back of the couch while the older was leaning against it. Teresa waved, her legs swinging, and Nebula studied him, her head tilted in that way it did when she was talking to J.A.R.V.I.S.
He lifted the faceplate and frowned at them. “What are you two doing in here? You know you’re not allowed in the workshop while I’m not here. Do the rules not mean anything anymore? Did Jay let you in?”
Nebula pointed a blue thumb at the missing glass wall.
“Daddy!” Teresa chirped, hoping down and running up to him. “You look so cool!”
“Thanks, Sunray. Now step back so daddy can change.”
She eagerly did so, gasping when the arms rose up to remove the suit.
Nebula walked around to face him, crossing her arms. “I thought Stark Industries was out of the military business.”
“We are. I was just… doing a bit of cleaning up.”
She hummed, but didn’t say anything and he caught her staring at the blast-mark on the faceplate.
“Nebula -”
“I want one of those,” she said, pointing at the repulsor on one of his gauntlets.
“Why not?”
The two stared each other down before Tony sighed. “We’ll see.”
One of the arms tugged a little too roughly on his leg.
“Hey! Ow!” Tony said, giving a yelp.
“Ooh. It is a tight fit, Sir.”
He let out a hiss, pulling away from the one yanking on his arm. He saw Teresa take a step towards him, but Nebula stopped her.
“Sir, the more you struggle, the more this is going to hurt.”
Tony considered making a joke, but thought better of it when he remembered Teresa.
“I designed this to come off, so- Ow! Hey!”
“Please, try not to move, Sir.”
“What's going on here?”
The three turned to see Pepper standing just inside the workshop.
Nebula frowned when her music suddenly cut off. She tapped her head with a frown. “J.A.R.V.I.S., what’s going on?”
There was no response.
She tried to reach out to the intranet, but only received static. She narrowed her eyes and quietly slipped off her bed. The only reason the intranet would be down is if someone was using something to disrupt the signal.
She slipped her mask on and activated it so she could see, but didn’t bring up the disguise. She snuck out of her room and to Teresa’s door. When she opened it, her sister was curled up, half asleep.
“Nebs?” she yawned. “I’m s’eeping.”
“J.A.R.V.I.S. isn’t responding. Go into your closet and seal the door. Take your phone.”
Her eyes widened and she stumbled out of bed. “Daddy?”
“I’ll find him. Just go.”
She bit her lip, but nodded and grabbed her phone off her nightstand. Nebula waited until she heard the locks in the closet door engage before continuing down the hall. Her father’s room was empty so she headed into the living room.
“I wish you could've seen my prototype.”
Nebula frowned at the voice that was both familiar and not. She knew of Obidiah Stane, but they’d never met and she had never planned to do so. She wasn’t fond of how he tried to control Father’s life, to say the least, and she certainly understood Father's reasoning to keep her and her siblings a secret from the man.
“It's not as, uh — Well, not as conservative as yours.”
She peeked around the corner and her fists clenched.
Stane sat on the couch next to her father, one man with a briefcase on his lap and the other with a whole in his chest.
She had never wanted to put her assassin training to use on Terra before.
This man changed that, with his next words only increasing that urge.
“Too bad you had to involve Pepper in this. I would have preferred that she lived.”
Her arm let out a series of clicks as it shifted to reveal the repulsor Father had placed inside it “for emergencies only.”
She stepped out as the man walked away from Father and took a shot. Unfortunately, she wasn’t expecting the recoil and the shot flew high, just missing the man’s head.
“That was a warning shot,” she bluffed, taking aim again. “On your knees and I might not tear you to pieces.”
Stane stared at her with shook. “Well now, Tony. It seems you’ve been hiding more than I thought. And what does he call you? You’re certainly a step up from those rust buckets he insists on keeping downstairs.”
“On your knees.”
“I don’t think so.” He pulled a gun out from behind him and she froze as he pointed it at her father. “You lot have one thing in common, you won’t let any harm come to your creator. That bit of his neediness always comes through. It’s pathetic.”
Her fingers twitched to wrap around the man’s neck, but she let the repulsor tuck away and dropped her arm. “You will die for this,” she growled. “Enjoy what little life you have left.”
“I think you should be more worried about what little life he has left.” Stane slowly made his way out of the room, keeping the gun pointed at Father the whole way.
When he slipped out the door, she ached to take chase. She resisted though, rushing to her father’s side. Her hands hovered over the place the arch reactor was meant to be uncertainly. “What do I do? How do I help you? I don’t…” She looked around for the reactor before realizing Stane must have taken it with him. She reached for her arm. “Will the mini reactor work?”
“Nnn,” he slurred. “D’ns’s.”
“What did he do to you?” she hissed. He shouldn’t be this out of it this quickly just from having the reactor removed.
Carefully she picked him up and carried him down to the workshop. Immediately U and Dum-E were at her side, beeping frantically. With the intranet still disabled, though, she couldn’t understand them.
“Stane attacked Father. He removed the reactor. We need to figure out how to help him.”
U went to a bench to clean it off for her, but Dum-E went crazy, spinning around and chirping before darting away. Ignoring her brother, she went to the bench and gently set him down.
Suddenly Dum-E was at her side, shoving a glass case in her face.
“Stop it, you -” She cut off as she realized what was in the case: her father’s original reactor that Dr. Jenkins had removed with the words Proof Tony Stark has a heart carved around the rim. She laughed and pressed her forehead to her brother’s claw before smashing the glass between her hands.
“I’m coming with you!”
“No, you’re not.”
“He attacked you!”
“Which is why you’re staying here. Protect your siblings.”
“But -”
“Take care of Teresa. Rhodey, keep the skies clear.”
“The truth is… I am Iron Man.”
Teresa didn’t hear Nebula groan on the other couch or Harley start yelling on the phone. As the reporters on the tv started shouting, all he could do was stare wide-eyed at his father with pride.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Royals (A The Selection AU Fanfic) Chapter Seven - TheQuartzMermaid
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A/N: Hey Selected Ladies (and gentlemen), I know I promised the chapter for yesterday, but I got some birthday stuff going on so I totally forgot. Take this as a belated birthday gift from me to you.
Sadly Chapter Seven doesn’t mean Royals is back from war. I’m still struggling with college, but I decided to drop this chapter here as a birthday gift. Enjoy, because I don’t know when Chapter Eight is coming!
Oh, this chapter features Superstar, but since it’s an AU, Ru is not the responsible for this song. Can’t say much ‘cause SPOILERS.
Again, if you’re not familiar with The Selection, I highly recommend you to read the prologue for this fanfic. If you like it enough, you can read the original books by Kiera Cass, they’re amazing.
Now let’s go to the chapter you’ve been waiting for… (or not)
Royals - Chapter Seven (or The one before the royal version of The Bachelor starts)
Dinner was… weird. After the Capital Report was ended, Bianca led the girls to the Dining Hall, commenting how their lives would change after the show they just watched. Next week, they would appear live. LIVE. Even though everyone responded well to the past week, it was still terrifying. Adore wondered if she could stick that silver fork in her hand instead of in the food.
And about the food… Oh, it was glorious. Last time Adore had such a delicious meal was six years ago, when Charlie sacrificed two months of work to buy them some good meat. It was Adore’s tenth birthday and her mom wanted a special celebration, with all the works… Well, at least all the works a Five single mother can afford.
After the delightful pasta with broccoli they had for dinner, waiters came from all the corners of the Dining Hall to serve the desert. It was a rich chocolate cake with cream topping and some fruits. All vegan, according to Bianca.
“The menu of The Selection has been fully thought out to suit everyone’s diet preferences.” Bianca answered Courtney, who seemed to be trying too hard to avoid eating the cake right away. “The chefs have been told who is allergic, who is vegan and who is vegetarian. Don’t worry about it.”
“Mother, I’m dying of chocolate overdose again”, Katya tried to whisper, doing that creepy voice of hers. She realized her attempt failed when she heard the chuckles of the girl seated across her. “It is good, isn’t it?”
“This is the best shit I ate in years, God bless”, Adore replied with a full mouth. Katya couldn’t help but smile, not paying attention to Violet’s eye roll.
All the other ladies were looking at the girl from Sonage, clearly disgusted with the poor choice of words. Suddenly Adore looked small, as if she shrinks in size everytime she’s not feeling confident.
The rest of the evening was silent. After everyone finished desert, Bianca took the girls back to their rooms. She acted like a mother – a caring mother of 35 -, telling each one of the girls to go to sleep, so they could look their best next morning. They are meeting the prince tomorrow. Like earlier, Nicole, Joslyn, Adore, and Katya were last. The first two said their goodnights and entered their rooms. Adore was about to do the same when the blonde touched her shoulder.
“Hey, first of all I’d like to say I’m sorry, but I kind of heard your talk with Miss Bianca at the Women’s Room”, Katya let the confession go before she could regret it. “Well, if you want to talk to someone, just knock on my door. I’m right here, you know.”
“Oh, thanks”, Adore had a half-smile on her face, she didn’t know how to react. Yekaterina was also smiling, perfect white teeth framed by bright red lips. What a view.
“Eh, you’re welcome”, Katya squeezed Adore’s hand before heading to her door. “Good night, Adore. See you tomorrow.”
“Good night, Yekaterina.”
“Just call me Katya, darling.”
With these words, the blonde left the tall girl alone at the hallway. Adore suppressed a smile, finally knowing why she had the Russian’s eyes on her during the whole day. But the doubt still managed to pinch her: what if Katya was acting all friendly and sweet just to stab her in the back? In Sonage, the only girl who proved to be anything but a bitch at the end was Rosie, all the others were fake to Adore. And they weren’t even fighting for a prince.
Adore’s maids greeted her with bows. The girl giggled at the scene. Only one caste separated her from Mabel, Ashley and Lola, but the three girls acted like Adore was already the crowned princess or God herself.
“Is this really necessary?” Adore took her shoes off, still smirking. Mabel quickly grabbed them and turned to the closet.
“It’s to show respect, Lady Adore. We’re here to serve you”, Lola answered as she helped the Selected girl to take off the dress.
“Respect for what? We’re not that different, are we?” She hated to be treated like she was big deal. If she ever crossed paths with Rosie again, bitch would have her face slapped for being so dumb to break the law and becoming an Eight. “And you’re not here to serve me. I’m no better than any of you.”
“But, Lady Adore, we…” Ashley tried to protest. “I mean, you’re a Lady of the Selection. We’re just maids…”
“Ashley, how old are you?”
“I just turned 17, my lady.”
“See, we’re almost the same age!” Adore exclaimed. “I’m not any better than you. You don’t need to bow whenever I enter the room, it’s… It’s annoying!”
Three pairs of eyes stared at Adore with sheer surprise. The tall girl was trying to be nice to them, but… Well, things didn’t go that well.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry… It’s just… I’m not used to be the center of the world, you know?” She was being honest, what softened the looks of her maids. “I mean, I know I’m here, but I’m just a girl who got lucky over the misery of another. And I really appreciate you guys, it’s just your job. I’m so fucking sorry…”
She didn’t expect Ashley’s smile. “It’s OK, Lady Adore. We know you meant no harm.”
“You are so sweet! Even with that potty mouth of yours”, it was Mabel’s turn to talk. Just to be called out by her mates. “What? She curses a lot!”
Adore was giggling. “Okay, I promise I’ll be more like a princess when I talk. But you have to promise you’re not going to treat me as I’m any better than you. Deal?”
The three maids exchanged concerned looks. They were instructed to obey Adore’s every command, but what would their boss think about this deal? Would they be punished? Fired? Made Eights, maybe?
“Deal”, Ashley was the fearless one to break the silence, being followed by Lola and Mabel. The four women smiled at each other.
Adore was taken to her bathroom – her OWN bathroom – and bathed by the maids. They chose Adore a fine blue nightgown that fit her perfectly, making the girl from Sonage look like an older, taller version of Wendy Darling from Peter Pan. The clock on the wall marked 8 PM, their curfew. Lola insisted that one of the maids should stay in the room, but Adore said they could go rest, she would call them if she needed. Goodnights and goodbyes were said, soon Miss Delano was all by herself.
She walked to the tiny bag she brought from home, the belongings she couldn’t leave behind. Pictures of her family, that she put on her mirror so she could take a look at them whenever she was getting ready. A pair of purple dance shoes, to remember home. Some clothes, so she would have something to wear when she is eliminated. The sign her own father painted for her, with the words “mermaids don’t lose sleep over the opinion of shrimp”. This one she hung at the door. Her diary, where she wrote all her lyrics. And last, but not least, a letter from Charlie. Wait, a letter?
Adore opened the envelope carefully, inhaling the aroma of tea and comfort. There it was, Charlie Delano’s impeccable calligraphy filling a whole page. The girl enjoyed the faint light that came from the outside and started reading. Tears would come from her eyes every now and again as her mother described how much she loves her. She didn’t like to feel like a cry baby, but it was less than one day and she already missed Charlie a lot.
At the back of the sheet of paper, her mom left a small note followed by what looked like lyrics to a song. Realization hit her like a bullet in her brain: Charlie wrote her a song, like she always did whenever she wanted to celebrate or just make her daughter feel better. There was no hint of a melody, so the girl started singing it just the way it felt right.
Here’s where you belong
Planets align for this moment
Singing the sweetest song
A melody full of emotion
And everyone will see
What you were meant to be, oh…
All of the glamour and all of the fame
People are gonna remember your name
Now and forever, your dream’s coming true
They’re gonna love it whatever you do
Gonna love you, as you are
Gonna love you, you’re a superstar
Katya was already laying in bed when she heard the angelic voice coming from her window. It wasn’t Courtney, for sure – their rooms weren’t even close – and the only other girl she predicted that could sing is Adore, her neighbor.
She kept quiet, enjoying the song – beautiful lyrics she’s never heard before – and the voice that came along with it. Fuck, I guess her parents didn’t call her Adore for nothing.
“Still awake, Your Highness?” Bianca was standing still at the door frame of Prince Casey’s room, looking over the young man as if he was her own son. “Anxious, maybe? I can get you a tea to help you sleep…”
“Thanks, Bianca, but I’m fine” The prince looked at the friendly woman with a hint of a smile on his face. “Well, I guess I’m a little anxious… Who would be perfectly okay knowing they would meet the love of their life the next day?”
Bianca finally entered the room, sitting by Casey’s side. She was there since he was a little boy, being his tutor – and sometimes closer to him than the queen. Of course the prince was nervous: being only 19 and forced to find a wife out of 35 girls he’s never met before. She held one of his hands, shaking it faintly. He grinned thankfully, she grinned back, trying to encourage the prince.
“I can assure you every lady downstairs is as nervous as you are. In the end of this thing, you’ll still be a member of the royal family, now with a lovely girl by your side. 34 of them will just be lucky women that got to meet the prince” Bianca said softly, trying to get Casey calm.
“Thanks, Lady Bianca.” The prince pulled the woman for a hug, but abruptly let go of her, heading to the balcony. Bianca stared at him again, appreciating his expression of focus. “Who is singing?”
“Oh God, they are already disrespecting the curfew?” Bianca got up, suddenly looking mad. “That must be Adore Delano, her room is right under yours. I’ll talk to her…”
“No, don’t!” Casey’s urgent tone stopped Bianca right away. She was by the door frame again, just turned 180º degrees back to the room and saw the biggest smile she’s ever seen Casey flash since he got a pony for Christmas. “That’s the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard. Don’t make her stop, please.”
Bianca was baffled. Casey was never into music before – that was his sister’s thing. His thing was reading as many books as he could and spending way more time than he should with the guards. Now he falls in love with a girl just because of her beautiful voice?
This Selection thing will be easier than I thought.
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