#big sister status and oh boy did little Cassie hate it
caitlynmeow · 1 year
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Modern au
I believe that Alcina did give birth to all of her daughters. She never married or even got close to a man, partners come and go and nothing was solid for a while. Alcina’s maternal instincts kicked in and she decided to take matters into her own hands.
Money is never an issue for her. She is a successful businesswoman and her wine import is flourishing. Unfortunately, this meant that she will always be busy and it might hinder what she is trying to do. Because, despite her being busy, that itch to have a child never really left. And she knows she will not settle for only one child. Two or three children is an ideal number. She doesn’t want more than three, and having only one child would still be lacking.
After a lot of mulling and thinking things through, she decided to conceive her own child. Going to state of the art fertility clinic where there are many sperm donors, and paying a lot of money to have some control on some aspects of her pregnancy (she wants a daughter, not a son), and it worked.
She had Bela, a tiny heathy baby that filled her days with joy. A couple of years later, when her daughter is already walking and talking, she started feeling that same old itch again.
And once again, she went to the same clinic. Once more, she wanted to have another daughter.
After having Cassandra, Alcina got her hands full. Whereas Bela is mild mannered and did things meticulously, Cassandra was a force of nature. Her second daughter is wild and assertive, never pausing to think twice about getting herself in all sorts of trouble.
It was a few months of Cassandra starting preschool that Alcina felt that void again. Her wildcard of a daughter is getting tamed somewhat— school is helping her adjust and follow rules. Somehow, Cassandra’s very capable teacher is making big progress directing her daughter’s destructive energy into more productive things, like art and dance.
She knew that she shouldn’t, having two daughters is already all that Alcina has wished for, but a voice kept nagging at her to go for it one more time. Again, she didn’t feel like having a son. Having daughters is very rewarding and she enjoys every moment she spends with her two daughters.
One more isn’t going to hurt. (Only Cassandra’s pride would take a hit as she won’t be the baby of the family anymore) but it isn’t something that she will get over in due time.
And that’s how Alcina got pregnant for the third time. She knew deep down that this is the last time she tries it. Her every cell knew that having three daughters is what she’s meant to do.
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