jellogram · 4 months
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if you told me a boomer queen named Getta Biggerdick said this shit while guest judging ru pauls drag race I would believe you
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beedrill has the biggest d
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sublimediscord · 4 years
Hi! I love your fics! The BECKETS older, wiser, biggerdick sounds interesting. Thanks!
Ha! So the truth behind that WIP is that it has very little work. Just some vague outlining. It's based on a tumblr post that was one of those text message memes of Yancy saying "I'm always right because I'm older, wiser, and have a bigger penis" and then a picture of Raleigh glaring (from the mess hall scene with the Hansens). And my two ideas were either going to be five times Yancy tries to defend his (wrong) position with the fact that he's older, wiser, and has a bigger dick and then the one time he IS right; or I was just going to do a crack one shot where that's basically the punchline. OR where it doesn't quite end there and everyone just stares at Yancy and Raleigh is like "ALRIGHT WE ARE TAKING THIS ELSEWHERE" and proceeds to show Yancy that having a bigger dick is less impressive than being able to take a bigger dick so shut up Raleigh is right, Yancy.
Sigh. Yeah that's about as far as that one got was the planning stage. I may poke it more in the future.
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daemominus · 7 years
enshrxned replied to your post:
insensitive prick
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onlinetradeweb · 4 years
Extra Hard Herbal Oil_03043280033 - #Biggerpenis #Harddick
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Male enhancement - Increase Penis Size Naturally
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I promised to make a post about my pokemon team and their names so here it is (it’s a longish list so I tried to save space)
Carnivine: AssBlaster | Sandslash: Spanky | Beedrill: BIGGERDICK | Sandshrew: Al (after my furry friend uwu) | Oddish: Haarry | Machop: Gnyorn | Doduo: Steve | Rhyhorn: Bobburger | Spinarak: BIGDIK | Mareep: Alfonz | Hoppip: Booper | Elekid: EleDICK | Pupitar: Baller | Lotad: Spunky | Mawile: dickhead | Plusle: Goob | Minun: Koop | Lileep: ed | Anorith: Shittiedik | Starly: EEEEEEEE | Burmy: miniShrek | Combee: big | Shellos: PEEBIS
they’re the Twinksquad led by hero Mudkip (Terry) and partner Shinx (Riley)
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inyudeeper · 9 years
Fixing a bent penis is nowhere near as hard as these so called medical professionals claim for it to be. Generally they diagnose you and claim you only have a couple of options so that they can sell you on whatever will make them the most money, whether it be pills or some kind of surgery, which will probably have more bad effects than good. Anyways, here’s a great way to straighten a curved penis!
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hexxboy99 · 10 years
#foamy #illwillpress #blackmagic #biggerdick
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