roughridingrednecks · 11 months
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leathergoods12 · 1 month
Windproof Motorcycle Hoodie Leather Jacket With Removable Hood For Men
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kermits-cup-of-tea · 2 years
they're threatening to drop the bombs
and send the world into dust
and a boy is teaching his little brother to ride a bike
training wheels still on
because today the sun is warm
today there are no clouds yet
and my friend tells me that
if it all goes up in smoke
she's glad to have met me
and she hopes we meet again
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cowboysmp3 · 5 months
i got my bike all fixed up and usable now and i’m so in love with her i love having bike 🫶🫶🫶 me and my beautiful bike against the world
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mylifeinthechi · 2 years
Exploring Cal-Sag Trail in Palos Heights
Exploring Cal-Sag Trail in Palos Heights
Location: Alsip, Blue Island, Calumet City, Dolton, Lemont, Palos Heights, & Riverdale The Cal-Sag Trail will eventually stretch 26 miles from Sag Quarries in Lemont to the Burnham Greenway near the Indiana border. The first 13 miles opened in June 2015. Paved, Estimated Total Length 26.8 miles Hiking & Walking, BicyclingDogs(on-leash only)Cross-Country Skiing
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theceolacanther · 20 days
bikr has a flat tire hashtag transhumanism hashtag barefoot
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sahari-1307 · 1 year
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Olld bikre art I did on shitty school computrer:3
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saltyspitoonz · 1 year
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Full doodle bikr
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shinyshade8026 · 3 months
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fabioquartararhoe · 2 years
yamaha is slow even my grandma bikr is faster
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roughridingrednecks · 11 months
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Leadbelly from Ireland
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zaenight · 1 year
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Continues from last chapter
Ep 1 Perro/oc pt2
Saw the new eps and lets just whew.
"ambos hombros, uno dislocado y otro baleado."
Angel said as Sage passed the elder man a flashlight.
(both his shoulders , one dislocated and another shot.)
"va a ser un tiempo está en su músculo." The doctor said as Sage checked over the wound nodding.
(its gonna be awhile it's in his muscle)
"What's he saying,Tell him I'm an La mexican." Creeper said.
"Don't worry I don't know what their saying either." Jess said patting his knee.
The boys Joked around Saying creeper wanted a sex change.
The La mexican was very confused , Sage even let out a few chuckles.
Jess had no Idea what was being said , so she sat with Creeper,who was asking what the hell they were saying as he grunted in pain , Sage telling him not to move.
The guys Laughed as it was time to go , The girls having to go with them , saying their goodbye's to the doctor , and a very confused and concerned Creeper.
"When you guys comin' back ? , Angel , Guys." Creeper questioned as they walked out laughing.
Onto the busy streets , stopping at a place , The girls hanging outside with Ez.
An older man started yelling at a little boy who stole some corn , catching the trio's attention.
"dejalo, el esta conmigo." Ez said as Jess helped the boy up asking if was okay.
(leave him , he's with me)
"solo tenia hambre señor." Sage stated with a glare as the boy's hand held onto Jessie's arm
(He was just hungry sir )
The man said he didn't pay him as Ez pulled out a dollar.
"Estás bien?" Ez questioned as the boy stayed silent.
(You okay)
A woman came up to them , the girls knew who she was , Sage and her communicated with their eyes , not that the other two noticed.
"Gracias." She said as they walked away , two of the  girls with her looked like they wanted to go to Sage , As Ez looked away for a second , she signed she'll see them soon.
As they walked away they heard her telling him he had to be faster than that.
"De nada." Ez said as they walked away , He noticed them go into the same building as his brother.
"Well that was somthing , whatcha reading Ez peazy ? , get it , Ez Peazy." Jess rambled as Sage let out a breath.
"Just a book." Ez stated as they were startled by A police siren.
As they got up they noticed them around a dead man , how they didn't notice , who knows.
They looked at the words on one of the walls saying , "Mata Al Diablo Resuctia Mexico."
(Kill the Devil Resuctia Mexico)
"Damn." Jess said as Angel,Gilly, and Coco came out.
"Hey! Ready to go home boy scout?" Angel said to Ez.
"Actually I need him to help me with somthing ,  can you take Jess to the Clubhouse , Please ?" Sage stated.
"Yeah sure bone lady." Angel said.
"Don't call me bones , and don't flirt with Jess." Sage stated as the reached the bikes ,with Jess getting on the back of Gilly's Bike,however what the youngest trager,or really nobody noticed as Coco slighty clenched his jaw and jealous stare.
"I'll give you directions." Sage said as she got on the back of Ez's bikr and then rode off from the others.
"Here we are." She said telling Ez she needed help Fixing the Sinks and outside lights , you would think they would've been fixed already.
"You sweat alot , here drink." Sage said as Ez , who was now in a  tank top , sweaty , said thanks.
"What made you two move out here?" Ez questioned.
"What made you start prospecting , did my research , You did eight years for killing a cop , accidently , got the rest shaved off , why waste it here?" Sage asked non chalant as the man tensed.
"You don't beat around the bush do you?" He said his gaze soft as he looked at.
"I don't know what that means." She said as she grabbed his bicep , looking at his tattoo.
Her fingers traced the line work , Ez stared at her face , her eyes stuck on the artwork.
"You know if you keep looking at me like that , I might think you want to sleep with me." She said to him.
"Maybe , maybe I just wanna get too know you , take it from there." Ez said raising a brow with a small smile , she wasn't like anyone he's ever met.
"I can do that , occasional flings , but if you want somthing more , that will be turned into a patch , and then we'll go from there , last relationship with a mayan didn't end well." She said tracing his Jawline , and Pointing at his Prospect badge.
"Heard you were related to a Son , how does that work?." He questioned.
"I don't know we were inlove , then he was gone , we were young , eight years ago , when I turned 20 , me and Jess moved out of our uncles , tried to stay away from club shit." She said helping him up , taking off his sweaty tank top.
😃*Small smut warning*😃
"But Enough of that , Show me what you've got Prospect , Are you a little bitch , or are you a beast trying to escape his cage." Sage said Grabbing his belt.
Ez lifted Sage's shirt as she unbuckled his belt , his eyes noticied two scars , one looked to be created by a jagged knife , the other right below her belly button , however that was a gun shot.
Sage noticed the small storm brewing in his eyes , rage and lust mixed together as he traced the scars.
Sage grabbed his hand as she stared into his eyes , she's had flings before , but this , this was diffrent , like when she was with Esai.
"It happened a long time ago, all my wounds have stories that would take ages to tell." Sage stated as the fell back onto the bed.
Ez traced them once again  before kissing the wounds.
"One day I would like to know all about them , no matter how long it takes." Ez said as Sage pulled him into a kiss.
Soon all their clothing was gone , as moans and grunts filled the room.
As the two reached their finishing points , they laid silently on the bed , Ez had a nack for noticing and remembering many things , the small tattoo on her right shoulder blade , worn by the old ladies of the mayans mc , was etched into her skin , along with a name , esai.
Sage leaned her head back , resting it against his chest,she could feel his stare on the tattoo , she turned around and rested her hand against his cheek .
"That story is an even longer one,with a bad memory." Sage said as Ez looked at her with a understanding gaze.
"For having no female contact and sex in 8 years , you sure know how to pleasure a woman ,and it's somthing i would like to do again somtime, but right now we should get to the clubhouse ." Sage said tracing shapes on his arm around her waist.
"I would like that,and you don't beat around the bush do you." Ez said kissing her neck ,as she laughed.
"I still don't know what that means,but we should get going." She said as he chuckled.
Then the two headed off to the clubhouse where a very hyped up Jess was beating Angel at pool.
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prtybttm79 · 3 months
the end of a long run
Bern running firnovern14 minths now. Here in pueblo at the claruin it seams to be coming to a ckimax. I have listed these guys on reddit as shit demons. Aleins or something in-between. They have been waiting to drop me.for a while now. Few months probably i guess. But they finally havethere chance. It seams the owner and management work hand in hand with 13 Latino gang. And a bikr gang as well either the sons or banditos thats all I knoe. But im not the first victim they have had others. Thdre should be some sirt of record. There may evem be some.medicade fraud here as welpleazse check into this shot.
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todatuya725 · 6 months
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
We're going ahead and we are going to put together this motorcycle that has the bolt-up frame and it's RTA and it's very inexpensive as you can see a lot of these motorcycles are very inexpensive $450 for a base dirt bike is extremely inexpensive and you can make it go 120 miles an hour and we're going to build ours to go that fast on the outset with a more powerful motor it'll go faster with heavier people and it's going to be somewhat like his design for the interchangeable bike and we'll probably make it interchangeable the bolts for the frame will work on the car and the shocks will work in the car no but they'll work on other bikes practice everything is going to be the same hardware and all the same lights and vehicles used to be like that and it was a lot easier and we're going to make it from totally recycled materials even a steel and we're going to start and we're going to use the lawn mower engines and gears I'm going to start selling it without the motor and with the mounting system it'll be slotted and you put it in the slot you find out where it goes and you bolt it tight and you drill holes and your bolted into the holes so it's fixed and it won't move if you make a mistake it's you have to deal with it but that's how you do it and we're going to make these bikrs asap.
And we are going to sell them through different distributors and people will probably copy them but we are going to do it small at first
Thor Freya
I think we ought to do my husband's idea on a lot of stuff I'm going to make a list. A lot of the stuff is going nowhere cuz there's a bunch of assholes and I like his idea about the go-kart and there's no reason not to do it and he's got a few more that are doozies so I'm going to put a list up and I want people to volunteer for the duty
**number one is this motorcycle and it will be the recycled motors company but we're going to change the name for now but it's going to be an alias and they will want it out there to try and find it . We're going to start with TS or tube steel which is a square steel it's not cylindrical and we're going to have inserts to go in it and we're going to have up a lot of these parts in small Fab shops and garages and people's garages I'm going to make these bikes like Harley Davidson just from scratch and from pieces we can get parts and light hits from China and lawn mower engines new ones and there's going to be a bunch and we're going to put them together and we're going to build them professionally but yeah we're going to build them out of small shops all over the place and we're looking for tons of people
**another company is going to be we're going to retrofit regular motorcycles to electric I'm going to start doing that in our areas and we will advertise the service and we will put down the horsepower torque 0 to 60 quarter mile top speed of each configuration so a ninja 750 we would provide three configurations one of them would be fully automatic and two would be with gears but different sized electric motors and batteries and you'll be surprised and there's a huge difference the automatics go extremely fast but with with the gears they go a lot faster. We also have a noise kit and we're going to offer that it works when you rub it and rev it and when you pull the clutch in it turns on the fan no you turn the clutch you pull the clutch in and it opens the air channel and it shuts it off to the automated one that's how it works and we have it already and it's going to use the existing pipe so we leave the piping when we retrofit and we make a engine compartment with a cowl and you can't tell what it is usually the stock cow covers it that's another one. These are retrofit companies and my husband says these are one of the most valuable companies on Earth this type of facility if we have 5,000 in LA today it wouldn't even be noticed and you can convert a lot of these little attract attention and that's the idea at first it would be hard to detect but really it's going to push for the electric gas station kind of thing it's only for electric vehicles and it's going to also revolutionize the electric motorcycle industry and that you don't have to change the motorcycle everyone makes these dumb things on it when what you have there is adequate if not a lot better and you need the performance and you needed to be faster and you need the sound a lot of people just crank their radio and their battery runs down our system is great and I help design the final design and it really is nice and it's a musical instrument more or less and he wants you guys to get off your ass do something stupid and valuable that Billy Hicks would there's some others too he's another Nimrod who would probably have his own band and he wants you to come up with some of the songs the rock and roll and use this as one of the instruments and simply use the turbine as a fan as the instrument and he wants to experiment too with a small alternator with BG and inside the compartment and we can do that too to create small amounts of electricity and charge like a small capacitor which can charge the battery with if there's two batteries is very interested and he sees what you're saying it doesn't take much to turn it it doesn't take much to spin it and you can be charging it the whole time and the brake stuff is not worth it and really you have fans in these damn cars to cool the engine and it doesn't really work to do that but you can funnel it a little but really it's a good idea but these are going to be in the garage everywhere he wants to retro fit and he wants us to start by having our neighbors come over and developing a kit usually some of you go ahead and packs with the same bike and he wants us to convert ones we think we should so we're going to start doing that and then charge to convert and we'll come up with like a dossier and we'll open some shops we have shops and he wants hours to volunteer for the duty I'm going to post it like we were and Thor and Freya would like to have a word about this bike though they want us to print now
**another company is the drop on kits you take your chassis and you pull off the body and it tells you to what point depending on which kit you bought mostly we want to ship the whole thing and the seats and floor gear shifter connections and everything will be provided your existing vehicle and tells you how to do it I'm part of it is disassembled so you can connect it and then put it back together and we're going to do this in garages all over the world and we want ours to volunteer in certain areas and we're going to start doing it for our people and we're going to take the heat and use it
**there's a serious company that we want to take over it and it is Humvee it is big and it makes sense and we are going to make the H4 but as a drop on out of metal and it goes on certain chassis but this is a special duty vehicle and it requires a certain caliber someone in the military with ranger training special forces seals and anything above it like the Mexican secret police or the KGB and things like that but the bare minimum would be special forces training
**another company is his fully electric car no we're not even doing that have to wait for you slowpokes. It takes you forever it is the Day tripper and those have begun to be built now there's 21 manufacturers and one is about to drop off the others will gobble it up and production will increase because it'll be pressured it's making all of them are making about 200 trillion a week and it's going a little slower than the minis and my husband warns it's because the demand is greater but the opposition is greater the opposition is greater because the demand is greater and the people like the Max and the clones don't want it it's absolutely true it's about their plan and the trumps are in the way because they're stupid try to stay away from them and push them down and take their stuff and money if you really have to
**we have a boat company we're taking over today
Thor Freya
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jcoldsl · 10 months
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𝚃𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚒𝚝, 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚍.
Seul - Chroma Bikr Crop - LTX by Seul
-Pixicat- Moa Top - Latex by Pixicat
ISON - anika patent leather pants V2 by ISON
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