fandom--desires · 6 years
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Fandom: The Hobbit
Rating: K+ Character(s): Bilbo Baggins Word Count: 1,132
It had been a strange year. The respectable Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit of many household comforts, had upped and left on an adventure without a moment’s notice. There had been uproar in the Shire. Was he dead? Kidnapped? Lost? Eventually the speculation had subsided and people started grumbling about the rude hobbit who just vanished one day.
The knowledge that Bilbo had just vanished on an adventure hurt in your heart. You and he had been good friends, and you had hoped that maybe you could have been more.
A year to the day after Bilbo had vanished he was declared dead and his possessions were auctioned off. Hobbits could be truly greedy sometimes and you watched from afar with distaste as your family joined the throngs of halflings trying to help themself to the Baggins fortune. You had almost fallen off your fencepost when, seemingly out of nowhere, Bilbo Baggins himself appeared and proved himself to be very much alive. Had shock not overcome you, you may have run to his front door and thrown yourself at him after berating him for leaving in the first place. But by the time you had recovered from your shock his front door had been slammed closed and your parents had dragged you inside, loudly complaining about Hobbits who thought they could do as they pleased without any consequences.
Your parent’s continue to complain through the night and into the morning. They’re still moaning when there is a heavy, almost frantic, knock on the door to the family home. Still muttering under his breath your father goes to answer it and there’s a moment of silence.
“Master Baggins!” you hear him exclaim. “What an unexpected surprise!” You mother has the decency to look horrified, no doubt wondering if she had been heard whining. That would do nothing for her respectable image. “Of course, of course!” your father nervously laughs in the hallway before calling to you. “Can you come here a moment?”
Ignoring the quizzical looks from your mother and your siblings you abandon your breakfast and trot down the hall to the door.
Bilbo is waiting in the entrance hall, looking a little tired but otherwise showing no indication that he’s been away for the year. His clothes are fresh and bright and his hair, although longer, looks as soft as lamb wool. A fresh petunia sits in the lapel of his jacket and he holds a cloth bundle in one hand. He’s smiling from ear to ear but there seems to be something amis about it.
“Good morning, Master Bilbo.” you smile pleasantly. “What can I do for you this morning?”
“I was wondering if I could perhaps have a word?” he asks nervously, glancing at your father.
“Let’s go outside.” you suggest, sliding past your father. Once you’re outside you shut the door tightly behind you and lead the way up onto the mossy hill that forms the roof of your hobbit hole, so as not to be overheard by prying family members. “It’s so good to see you again!” you beam once you’re alone. “I’ve been quite worried about you this past year. Were you ok? It’s not like you to just vanish.”
“It’s been a strange year.” Bilbo admits. “A great many unsavoury things happened with a great deal of people that I’m not sure you’d believe even if you’d have been there!”
“You could try and tell me anyway?” you suggest, settling down in the grass. “I’ve missed you, Bilbo.” you admit.
“Well a group of dwarves showed up on my doorstep accompanied by a wizard and enlisted my help as a burglar to steal treasure from a dragon. We ran into some trolls that tried to kill us and orcs that tried to kill us, then a bunch of grumpy elves whilst running from the orcs. Then we ran from the elves and ended up running from goblins, at which point the orcs caught back up to us and we had to take shelter with a skin changer! After that it was a treacherous trek through an enchanted forest where we had to escape from more elves, but this time in barrels. Then we ended up in Laketown for a few days before finally breaking into a mountain to wake up a dragon. The dragon set fire to Laketown and was eventually killed. The dwarf king went crazy and locked us away in the mountain when an army of elves and humans showed up on the doorstep. Then more dwarves arrived and so did the orcs and a battle broke out over the mountain. I ended up in the middle of that battle and watched three of my good dwarf friends die for what they believe in and it made me realise just how short life can be.”
You stare at Bilbo in shock, struggling to comprehend his rapid speech. Dwarves? Elves? Wizards? And what on earth was an orc? You have a thousand questions and no idea where to start. “Are you okay?” You ask, your brain finally processing the part where Bilbo said his friends die.
“I will be.” Bilbo admits. “But the adventure made me realise that life is too short to be afraid anymore. You were my first thought in the morning and my last thought at night and every time I came face to face with death my only thought was how I never told you how I feel.”
“How do you feel?” you ask hesitantly, trying to fight the blush rising in your cheeks.
“I care for you deeply, and not just as a friend. I never had the courage to tell you before, but I’ve faced dragons and orcs and angry dwarves and you turning down an offer of courtship could never be as horrid as any of those things?”
“Why do you think I would turn down an offer of courtship?” you ask, your voice unusually steady whilst your heart beats triple time in your chest.
Bilbo blinks in surprise. “Well, I just assumed you would.”
“Bilbo Baggins,” you laugh, “are you asking me if I would like to court you?”
“I guess I am!” Bilbo chuckles, a blush covering his cheeks. “I brought you this as a gift, if you’ll take it.” Bilbo hands you the cloth packet and you unfurl it to reveal a simple stone with some strange runes engraved on it. “It’s a promise stone.” Bilbo explains. “One of the dwarves on the quest was given one by his mother and he showed me how to make it. It’s a promise to always love and protect you. If you’ll accept it that is.”
You drop the stone into your palm and turn it over a few times. It has a green shimmer to it and it is truly lovely. A little strange for a courting gift but it was handmade by Bilbo so that made it all the more special. A smile tugs itself across your face. “Of course I accept your offer Bilbo.”
Bilbo heaves a sigh of relief and holds his arms out for a hug, which you happily accept.
“Just one request,” you mumble into his shoulder, “you need to tell me about your adventure in detail.”
“I’m sure I can do that.” Bilbo says with a kiss to the top of your head.
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