muxas-world · 18 days
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I mean what else luca has apart from desolusion, a rosario and the holy spirit;)
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barnbridges · 2 months
frankly reading that bret ellis considers himself friends with kanye west and he approved of him belittling and bullying taylor swift at the grammy's tracks the most about him i will be very real.
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shakira-fan-page · 11 months
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sunshineandlyrics · 2 years
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Sunjay Kohli (BMG UK Digital) posted billboards of Faith in the Future on his IG story (18 November 2022).
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squiddreamz · 1 year
EDIT: Pretty sure this has been DEBUNKED (check newer post I made) my bad
I don’t know it this has been mentioned, but…
Some of the LCD billbords in splatsville are deteriorating.
This screen shot is from the most recent big run so far (umami ruins)
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You can see dead pixels in bottom left corner.(also the BigRun Alert is taking up less space than before, to the point it even gets cut off for the sake of the advertisement)
This next screen shot is from the current splatfest who would make best Deepcut leader)
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Same dead pixels plus new ones in the top right corner.(please note that some of the dark looking bars in the bottom right are from the palanquin Shiver is riding on.
Maybe whoever wins this splatfest will have to decide where Splatsvilles priorities and resources will head towards going forward.
Has anyone else noticed any other deterioration around Splatsville?
Edit: for clarification, this is the screen above the Shoal (local multiplayer lobby). That place seems run down. Maybe it’s meant to represent that?
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joosbasschick · 2 months
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vamptits · 7 months
Max how did u make thag gearad billbord gif
https://makesweet.com/my/billboard-cityscape THIS site has all the gifs... it has candles and everything
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eastcoastboyos · 2 months
Assembing in the kitchen of our airBnB, the boyos scarfed down leftovers and cereal. Blake tackled last night's taco meat like a champ despite waking up with the snifffles. The disease has spread.
Zipping over to Kennedy Space Center, the boys hustled to the bus tour line having learned the night before that it is a must do according to Reddt. The tour takes you around the massive shuttle assembly building via roads lined with canals (where I saw my first gator!) and deposits you at the Saturn V rocket building.
Not really knowing what the Saturn V was, the boys and I went through an introductionary video and mock control room, which simulated the first launch of USA into space. Absolutely incredible. The windows chattering with the rocket launch, the lights flickering on the actual control panels as operator voices echoed simultaneously, you really did feel like you were there in the launch room on such of a historic moment.
Exiting this room with a horde of blind folk, the boys were gob smacked, rounding a corner and coming right up to the massive rear engine boosters of an actual Saturn V rocket above our heads. Jaws dropped as we marveled at the scale and complexity of the machine.
Exploring the area, we encountered another phenomenal theater simulating the moon landing and marveled at the moon rocks, space suits, and lunar buggys around us. Blake and I joked about the Apollo 11 error code 1202 with our own error codes: 8008 for boob and 9009 for making a poop.
Finishing our exploration of Saturn V, the boys bussed back to the main compound and headed into the Atlantis Space Shuttle Building. Representing the next phase of NASA spacecraft, we were treated to another informative video on the origin of the vessel and an appreciation for the decade of engineering to design the shuttle. To our awe once again, after the imerisve shuttle launch video finished, the video screens rolled up to reveal the actual Atlantis space shuttle behind. 🤯
If our brain chunks weren't already sxattered enough, beside the large space shuttle Atlantis was a small glass box containing the actual wood and paper concept model for the shuttle built ten years prior of the first shuttle launch. Having this massive machine and simple model side by side was such an incredible symbol of engineering design to creation. We all agreed how inspirational everything was.
Goofing around, the boys played with space toilets, I reviewed some employment contract details, and we discussed favourite roller coasters while in line for the cockpit launch simulator, another winner. Some somber moments were had looking at the Challenger and Discovery debris and Joel remarked how KSC had you like "Shittttttt" and then the next moment, a quiet and reflective "shit....".
Taking a quiet snooze in the car, some of the boys recuperated as we made the final stretch to Miami Beach: 2200km in total. Discussing the long term debt cycle, toll road uncertainty, the abundance palm trees and canals, and the worst traffic and drivers we've seen thus far, the boys made it to Miami as the sun was setting. Dylan remarked at the endless lawyer billbords such as "I heart my attorney, 300k" and noted: " Half this country's entire economy is lawyers sueing everone".
Our airBnB is in a cool Latin area, and after obtaining some missing sheets, the boys downed some Corona's, slapped each of with tortillas, placed Georgie on the mantel, and head out on the town. Miami Beach is saturated with art Deco and our heads swiveled as we looked at them lit up in the night with color. Miami Beach is bumping.
Sports cars, fancy outfits, mango strip clubs, gangs on ATVs and motor bikes, the place's energy seem to match New York. Things seem full circle. After resting on the grass for a moment to process everything, (#fiveIntroverts) the boys grabbed margaritas and nachos at Oh Mexico. Letting the night fall late to the sound sof Latin musc, we savored reminiscing about the trip while periodically singing Happy birthday in Spanish.
We miss you Ben.
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aintmyjewelry · 1 year
trying to convince people that country music is actually great and the billbord top 100 songs don't represent the genre as a whole
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
I really get so annoyed when people are nasty about 1D except for harry. Like i get it, majors got you and capitalism won with you but it’s not a flex? If you have to be nasty about Louis or Liam, just go back to jerk off on billbord 100 new friday charts and don’t piss me off lol
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schizopositivity · 2 years
I've seen some poster for a schizophrenia destigmatization campaign on a billbord in the central station in Duisburg, Germany :o
thats so cool! i wish they had stuff like that here in the usa
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the-firebird69 · 9 days
These people do not know the code
Thor Freya
they are afraid of the money code. hold my money. and dont do a thing. sit on their hands. nope. now they are a living billbord not the money, and the money is dangerous this is more dangerous and indicates if macs are in control or not and forces them to move you and to introduce you and present situtions. dedly consequences an for us if we dont see it. they are all over doing this and to powerful people.
tyreek hill. ok. and it means bladeruner. and it has two mjor menings. one is to eliminate ll the dark mac morlock tyree the other find my clan and seek out thier stuff in the hills. meaning tombs and other below. and of course means us to a degree. but yeh you people suck. and same crew that removed lincoln. and will again and helped to get him sot thinking the orchestrate it. they being morlock it is not they orchestrating it.
Zues Hera
good job i hear it too n o no this one is mine and i se why she too jumped and goo.d but we say this is about us too and due to the aliens movie trailers and clips and mmovie and the synth and it is the macs ointing it out. and they wnt it in. it is not wite blood no. and they feel it is a synthetic lifeform and you say hoses and a machine and a human brain. and they balk and then ok the fluid feeds it a nd in andout filters and tey agree. but need the tech. sow esay you need it or hide it. blame those that are in the flick like this footbll plyer is a crew member comes out of it but is killed not too bad. and they say it k that is why and we see
Thor Freya we help now here good job you two
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l-in-c-future · 2 months
How AI big data policing can reinforce and amplies bias and prejudice?
In the book Partial Truth: How fractions distort our thinking, Zimring explained how the rise of big data policing could amplify and reinforce bias and prejudices, even in a democractic country. Zimring's arguments were referenced from Andrew Gutherie Ferguson's The Rise of Big Data Policing: Surveillance, Race and the Future of Law Enforcement (NY University Press, 2017); Carlifornia State Auditor's report on the GalGang Criminal Intelligence System Report in August 2016, Chabria, et al. "California Bar Police from using LAPD Records in Gang Databasem Critics Want It Axed, Los Angeles Times, 14 July 2020 and the Editorial Board, "Who will kill or be killed in violence-plagued Chicago? The Alogrithm knows," Chicago Tribune, May 10, 2016.
What are the biases and prejudices AI big data can amplify that endanger enforcement discrimination that can endanger democracy? 1. Big data is NOT as those who advocate it as reducing human bias and prejudice because the data population where the data was compiled could be contaminated at multiple sources. Sources contamination and distortion would lead to bias alogrithimic results.
2. The ways how alogrithims are applied could be be biased. In another words, alogrithms methodologies could sustain bias and prejudices and even amplify them in subtle ways that the users of big data systems are not aware of the hidden biases.
3. It is a worry trend that innocent unrelated people can be falsely read flagged by the rise of big data big AI policing and surveillance. Galgang had wrongly flagged 42 babies as gang members because they happened to be RANDOMLY and UNCORRELATEDLY met two red flags criterion. Worse, people could be wrongly red flagged and wrongly ASSUMED to be related to gang members simply because they lived in areas where gang members HAPPENED to be living in the same area.
4. Big data policing can distort police's exercise of probable cause and reasonable suspicions in searching people's properties and making arrests because of the addresses they live.
5. The ways how the criminals/crimes 'fever billbord' generated by AI's alogrithm produced big data can influence numerous biases such as: distortion of the numerators and denominators of the data in the fractions in percentages; frequency; and proportional references to the data; attributable substitution; availability heuristic; confirmation biase and cherry-picking selective bias to reinforce existing assumptions. e.g. even two young men committed the same crime driven by different by different motives can receive different treatments by the police and the judicial system and whether the two people will leave a criminal record in the 'fever billboard' to become an automatic easily flagged person in the persons of interests billboard. SIMPLY because a person's address locates in a poor area WILL make him more likely to be stopped search by the police because that area is ALREADY red flagged by the big data as crime prone hotspots. (I experience similar traffic fare checks when I move suburbs. The frequency of the buses being stopped to check by a Traffic Officer is up to few times a week compared to the suburb I lived in the past and ALL other affluent suburbs I been to where I RARELY met ONCE even anybody check the fares every 10 yrs!) On the other hand, the same age young person lives at an affluent area has much lower chance being stopped search. So if the probabilities that BOTH of them actually commit crimes, in Ferguson's case cited as selling drugs to earn extra money driven by different motivations, the person living at poorer districts have MUCH higher chance to be stopped searched because the big data flagged his area as high risk where there will be more police presence. Under such situation, the person from poorer suburb will have higher chance to be caught for the same crime being committed as the other person who lives at an affluent area. Furtherdown even BOTH of them are caught, what lay before them can be different. The rich young person may be more accessible to better legal supports to defend against the crime, more ampathy from schools and the community. As a result, there is a higher chance that there will no criminal record left in the system. But the poor person won't have the same resources to defend himself. He only has one outcome whether he admit guilty or not-being convicted. The person will lost the job or evicted from school. ONCE he is convicted, he WILL leave behind a criminal record in the big data system. Even he is on bail or he has ANY on bail history, the alogrithm of choosing what are the 'high crime risks' criterion WILL put him back to the 'fever billboard'. And because he is reinforceably being red flagged by various flagging criterion, this person will have more chance to be stopped search. HOW ABOUT the reality is that a poor person who struggles to even earn enough to keep a living and therefore more prone to engage in criminal activities compare to affluent people who engage in criminal activities BECAUSE THEY WANT MORE MONEY to the ALREADY more money? How about the reality is that BOTH young people or adults from an affluent backgrond and a poor background have similar probabilities or chances to commit crimes? And even the crimes committed by people from affluent background are more severe than the crimes committed by those who come from poor background? The ways how the alogrithms or the designers of the big data's alogrithm's calculations can be overly generic or with hidden biase that are unbeknown to the users and designers of the big data. Worse, it is the designers DELIBERATELY put in bias and prejudice because of systematic injustice in enforcing the laws.
Big data policing can lead to enforcement injustice even in democracy, let alone in authoritarian and autocratic regimes, the big data policing under the state's BIG BROTHER SURVEILLANCE are common suppressive tools used to arrest and prosecute whoever the authorities want to silence and persecute.
Basing on the GalGang's 'red flag' criterion, I can elaborate how the Big Data Policing had caused police terror in HK during the 2019-2020 protests and after the PRC's National Security Law and Article 23 were introduced in HK. From what the police there had enforced how the searched, arrested, detained people, it is not difficult to deduce what are the big data policing flagging criterion used against people who the authority THINKS AND ASSUMES they are 'pro-democratic' "dissidents.
Those who admit to be members or leaders of any pro-democratic political parties or civil groups.
Those who are found or ASSUMED to be related or connected to pro-democratic public figures.
Those who are known to be members or leaders of any pro-democratic political parties or civil groups.
Those who are ACCUSED by China, the HK authority as 'dissidents';
Those who are SEEN 'frequently' appearring in protests risk places at critical political dates such as 8964 or 1st July namely Causeway Bay and Victoria Park of Causeway Bay. Police deployed heavy presence ANNUALLY. They surveilled NORMAL ORDINARY people who turn up there and are ready to arrest.
Being SEEN as wearing clothes or holding items that labelling themselves as pro-democratic or 'dissidents' who meet criteria above 5. i.e. Whever the police SEES somebody wearing a black shirt, a yellow shirt holding a candle, a bunch of flowers, ANYTHING showing 8964 at Causeway Bay WILL BE SURELY arrested.
Detention, categorization and interrogations according to whatever 'national security' crimes imposed by the laws imposed by China to HK.
Being SEEN as showing symbols, signals or hand gestures that let the authority THINKS that the individual is associated with advocacy of democracy or 8964 or ANYTHING China doesn't like to see or hear. This is one of the most common reason why an individual is arrested.
According to reliable sources of reporting or sources of reporting against a person being accused as 'pro-democracy' and THEREFORE AUTOMATICALLY treated as 'dissident' by the authority.
From UNVERIFIED and UNSUBSTANTIATED sources of allegations that a person or entity is 'pro-democratic', 'seditious', 'opposing' the authority or 'criticising' the authority. This is the MOST WIDELY AND VAGUELY source how a person is flagged in the big data BIG BROTHER's policing system through which how any person and entity is persecuted, arrested and prosecuted. Underlying the big data BIG BROTHER survelliance AI is the political ideologies and the VAGUE extensions of interpretations of the ideologies DELIBERATELY built in by the police system and the entire political system.
As a result, in a democracy, the prosecutors and jurors can fall into the trap of the prosecutor's fallacy like in the case of People Vs Collins. But in an authoritarian system where political crimes are trialed WITHOUT jurors and judicial independence judges, the trials will be conducted ALL in accordance with both the police and the prosecutors' fallacies. The verdicts had been long nailed before even the trials were conducted because the 'crimes' were already decided from the MOMENT a person is flagged in the big data policing system SOON AS they are politically labelled by China as 'problematic'.
Zimrang pointed out one IMPORTANT thing: big data is NOT the antidote of human's own prejudices and biases. The ways how people design and use big data alogrithms can worsen and amplify PRE-EXISTING prejudices and biases. Such biases don't even require human beings to cautiously and cognitively aware of, it only requires specific ways to code and programming the formulae in applications. And as long as whatever coded formulae are built into the alogrithms of the AIs, any silicon based computer processors will be equipped with such biases. Unfortunately, this is EXACTLY the current situations. So what is the implication to avoid big data to worsen and amplify prejudices and biases? I think the following are minimum essentials:
ALL sources information and data from which the machine learning alogrithms used as bases for deepn learnings MUST be made open to be counter examined and scruntinised by both the public.
2. Big data generated by AI, especially those produced by generative AIs, has to be flagged as AI generated contents.
3. The alogrithms and how they are built including the formulae how the alogrithms work have to be transparent and independently auditable, questionable and challengeable, especially in areas of applications that have significant public interests attached, such as enforcement, judicial uses, public health, public transports, critical infrastructures, etc....
4. A healthy check and balance to AI big data is not just having abundant of people who know how to made AIs or designs AI system, more fundamentally, it is imperative for the public to have the abilities to question, scruntinise, challenge, query the big data and how they are compiled. A lot of these skills are back to ABC: do we know and how much do we understand human prejudices and biases embedded in our thinking? How much can we detect sources of data contamination in big data machine learning? The public must be given a choice of opt out without subjected to political, economic, and social discriminations as a result of the choices to opt out big data and AI. The last part is most fundamental principle of a democracy. Choices must be given to the affected people without them being subjected to the disadvantages of imbalance of powers between individuals and the public versus the enormous supreme powers of those VERY FEW big technologies companies that develop and design big data.
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fitimiljazirealestate · 4 months
📐OBJEKTI (Bodrum+Përdhesë+К1+К2 )(640+402+302+302=1546м2)
📐OBORRI 4000 m2
Për info shtesë mund të na kontaktoni në nr: 070588658 ose na vizitoni rr. Strushka nr.20A (afer gjyqit)
📐1.Објект (По+Пр+К1+К2 )(640+402+302+302=1546м2)
📐2.Дворно место.........4.000 м2
📐3.Градежна парцела..... 880м2
4.Бушотини за вода....2 бр.
5.Систем за наводнување
📐6. Бар-шанк.........2 бр.
📐7. Паркинг за 50 возила
📐8.Билборди......2 бр.
Za dopolnitelni informacii može da ne kontaktirate vo 070588658 ili vo naša lokacia Fitim Iljazi Real Estate ul.Struška nr.20A (Blizu Sud)
#realestate #patundshmeri #paluajtshmëri #top #broker #agent
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cosmicredvelvet · 7 months
twive got their first billbord no 1 😭🎊🎉
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uni-year-2 · 10 months
Term One Week 7: Photoshop Workshop
This workshop focused on brushing up on our Photoshop knowledge. We covered a wide range of techniques, such as colour correction, retouching, dodge, burn and blur, cut out, and skews.
Colour ajustment
First, we looked at basic Photoshop adjustments like curves, levels, and colour adjustments. These enable us to improve the images by adjusting the tonality, highlighting specific colours, and resolving exposure problems.
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you can see in the images above how these changes affect the image.
2. Retouching
Here, we played around with the various retouching effects, such as the spot-healing and healing brush tools. As demonstrated by the photos, we learned how to use it for both content-aware settings and manual sampling, both of which can yield incredibly successful results.
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The picture on the left is the original, the one on the right is a retouched version where i removed a few people from the forground and background.
I did this by using the spot healing brush tool.
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3. Dodge, Burn & Blur
The next tools we foucused on are the dodge and burn tools. If you want to alter the overall tone of an image, you can use these two tools to make adjustments. You can make areas darker or brighter by using the burn and dodge tools. I will display both the unedited and the altered image.
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Here, I've adjusted the skin tone in this picture using the burn and dodge tools. Dodge lightens and burn darkens the tone, which is helpful when adjusting on a smaller scale.
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Ive done the same with this image but just using the burn and blur tool.
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4. Cut out
Next We learned about the various methods for using all of the tools in Photoshop to crop out images and subjects. The Quick Selection Tool, Magic Wand Tool, and Select Tools are a few examples. The Select > Subject tool, which can automatically select the subject from the image, is one especially helpful example.
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5. Skew
Here is another Photoshop tool that is quite helpful. Using skews and warping, mockups can be made. If a ready-to-use mockup isn't available, you can use the skew tool to make one yourself. This gives you the ability to resize and reposition your object on the chosen image.
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The above images are an example of how i used the skew tools to add film posters to images of the london underground billbords.
Further Developments
I decided to do my own experimeents on photoshop. First i picked some of my own pictures that i had takenn earlier this year.
for some images i only adjusted the colour and exposure to make it look better subtully.
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With both the raw image and edited image side by side you can see the stark diffrence those simple adjustment make.
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i then chose this image to do some further development.
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i first wanted to use hue/saturation tool to edit the colours. while experimenting with that tool i managed to give the image a smoother effect making it look textured.
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i ended up picking these 3 veriations to domy experiments on.
I then layered all 3 images on the same documments and began to experiment. These are the results i ended up with:
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