film-book · 1 year
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Film Review: EMANCIPATION (2022): Antoine Fuqua's Film Showcases Will Smith in Another Finely Rendered Performance https://film-book.com/film-review-emancipation-2022-antoine-fuquas-film-showcases-will-smith-in-another-finely-rendered-performance/?feed_id=117879&_unique_id=638bf40927488
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twotrey23 · 1 year
EMANCIPATION star/producer Will Smith, director/executive producer Antoine Fuqua, stars Charmaine Bingwa and Ben Foster, and writer William N. Collage discuss the film at a screening at the Ham Yard Hotel in London on Saturday, December 3, 2022. Edited by TheMovieReport.com #WillSmith #Emancipation #AntoineFuqua #CharmaineBingwa #BenFoster #WilliamCollage #BillCollage #EmancipationMovie #EmancipationFilm https://bit.ly/11nvHED https://bit.ly/1edyvbz Follow me on Instagram: https://bit.ly/XoHfFC Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/twotrey23 Follow me on Tumblr: https://bit.ly/2BnV19g by TheMovieReport.com
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helen1963universe · 3 years
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Assassin's Creed (2016) most critically acclaimed film directed by Justin Kurzel @justinkurzel , produced by Michael Fassbender @michaelfassbenderr But,I love historical films:about the Templar Order, their strut for power of the church. For me, these are especially unique types of movies. And after the failure,production decided to immediately make the film as franchise and create a series of the films on this topic. The correct marketing approach! And let's talk you a little about this plot. In 1492, Andalusia,during Granada War,the warriors of the church, Templar Order are looking for the Apple of the Eden in order to reach the most mysterious symbol of freedom, capture it and take possession of it. They are opposed warriors of the light,the Assassin's Creed. Увлекаюсь историческими фильмами. Взахлёб смотрела этот. И хоть его история зигзаги падений и взлетов,авторами донесена история.А я постараюсь цитата и из фильма увлечь Вам к его просмотру: 🌟Яблоко Эдема,в котором спрятан ген свободы,кто завладеет им,навсегда уничтожит свободу. 🌟Ассасин от арабского ,, крепкие убийцы,, и ими восхищались бедуины 🌟Закон Ассасинов,антагонистов Темплиеров-действовать ,оставаясь всегда в тени... действовать во имя света. 🌟Пока другие слепо следуют за истиной,помни- ничто не истинно Пока другие ограничены моралью и законом,помни - все дозволено. 🌟Мы Ассасины,мы действуем во тьме,чтобы служить свету.. 🌟 Людей от насилия не излечить. P.S.они умели летать Пишите комментарии,мне интерес��о ваши мнения #assassinscreed#ubisoft#justinkurzel#michaellesslie#adamcooper#billcollage#adamarkapaw#christophertellefsen#jedkurzel#andynicholson#fiction#action#dystopian#science#ленчикзнает#кредоубийцы#кредо_убийцы#фантастика#боевик#приключения#яблокоэдема#воинысвета#ассасин# (at CINEMA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUVBOpWItHu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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assassinscreedmac · 3 years
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Assassins creed 2016 movie location of the abstergo facility. . Hey there are more post coming about on "Did you know " so don't miss any of that by turning on the post notifications on. . Follow 👉 @assassinscreed_mac ✔️ FOLLOW for more information about assassins creed franchise and other hot topic and lore guide and many more!! ⁣ 💡 Turn "ON" Post and Story Notification, we share valuable content daily.⁣⁣ 🔥 Don't miss the HIGHLIGHTS⁣⁣ 🙋‍♂️Any queries? Don't hesitate to DM.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ❤️ LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SAVE the post⁣⁣ #assassinscreed #videogame #videogamemovie #videogamefilm #movie #film #moviereview #filmreview #filmreviews #justinkurzel #michaelfassbender #marioncotillard #jeremyirons #brendongleeson #michaellesslie #adamcooper #billcollage #adamarkapaw #andynicholson #moviereviews #assassinscreedmac #assassinscreedmovie #action #adventure #actionfilm #actionmovie #adventuremovie #adventurefilm #mentorchooses #kellscreed (The post design is inspired by gaming details and my design is different than that , also this my design has different asset in it .) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMc8FALj4jI/?igshid=14vkvvaf8bof4
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sumitpawar · 4 years
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film-book · 2 years
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EMANCIPATION (2022) Teaser Trailer: Will Smith tries to Escape from Slavery in Antoine Fuqua's Film https://film-book.com/emancipation-2022-teaser-trailer-will-smith-tries-to-escape-from-slavery-in-antoine-fuquas-film/?feed_id=103598&_unique_id=633cc8c9d13a0
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film-book · 2 years
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SLEEPING DOGS: Russell Crowe Cast in Police Thriller https://film-book.com/sleeping-dogs-russell-crowe-cast-in-police-thriller/?feed_id=95493&_unique_id=6311443292c8b
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