thesapphiredragon13 · 3 years
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Here’s my secret Santa gift for @freshtriangle ! Bill and Dipper baking some Christmas cookies. Or they would be, if Bill can stop snatching snuggles from his sweet-toothed boyfriend. 🎄✨✨💕
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roboticspacecase · 3 years
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Here’s my Billdip Secret Santa gift for @aphandgflover ! Hope you like it! :D
Early morning Christmas breakfast was meant to be quick and easy and they were supposed to get dinner started as well so that it would be done in time for the family coming over. But newly mated couples keeping their hands off of each other for more than a few mintues at a time is considered impossible, and Dipper and Bill were no exception to that.
“Don’t you think we should actually watch the eggs and potatoes? The eggs might burn if we don’t-”
“We can always make more if we burn these ones,” Bill hushed. “Besides, you’re really going to deprive your sweet, caring, big, strong, handsome, amazing alpha from kisses?” Bill grabbed Dipper by the hips and brought him closer, ignoring the growing plume of smoke and steam over the stove. “Give me like, three or four more kisses then we can worry about food.”
Dipper gave a playful smack to the alpha’s arm. “You’re such a pain. You’re lucky you’re so handsome and treat me well.” Dipper gave Bill a few quick kisses then looked over at the stove. “We’re going to need to clean up more now.”
Bill snorted and pulled Dipper back against him, stealing another kiss. “That’s fine. It just means more time I get to spend with you before your family comes over and steals your attention away from me.”
“Needy ass alpha,” Dipper laughed. Still, he didn’t deny Bill a few more kisses because he, too, was feeling the pull of their new bond. It would eventually dampen over time, and they’d be able to be apart without anxiety eating away at them, but for the time being he was alright with all the affection.
“I love you,” he hummed, laying his head on the alpha’s chest.
“I love you, too, Dipper.” Bill kissed the top of his head and the two of them continued to ignore the food. It could wait another minute.
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freshtriangle · 3 years
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BILLDIP SECRET SANTA FOR @ambitiouscreator
Hope you will like it ❤️
They wanted Cervitaur Dipper and human Bill as kids playing/lying in a patch of flowers 🥰 made a spring and winter version, love both tbh.
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aphandgflover · 3 years
Billdip Secret Santa for @callmebill
The request was: High school Billdip; enemies to lovers with conspiracy-obsessed Dipper and class clown Bill, who always tries making Dipper the butt of every joke because he's crushing like crazy.
Full disclaimer, I’m not happy with what I did, and I will most probably write a second part (extra present! Just a little late, sorry!) because I didn’t have the time and energy to get to the place I wanted to stop. But I did write this first part, and it has a lot of Bill and Dipper being stupid about each other’s feelings. I figured it’s better than nothing ^^’
“Hey, what’cha reading?” was the only warning before Dipper’s magazine was yoinked right out of his hands.
“Wh- Hey!” Dipper went, jumping onto his feet and reaching up for his stolen paper.
Bill just laughed, holding it higher so his shorter classmate couldn’t reach it, despite bouncing as high as he could. “How’s the weather down there?” he joked, standing up on a chair to make himself even taller than he already was.
That, of course, caught everyone’s attention, and all the students stopped their conversations in favor of laughing at the two. Bill’s group of friends, who were never very far from their leader, laughed and taunted Dipper. Especially when he tried to push Bill’s chair out from under him, and Bill retaliated by simply stepping onto a table. Dipper tripped badly when one of Bill’s friends, some short buff dude with the largest teeth he’d ever seen, pushed him forward and he had to catch himself with the back of the chair as Bill looked through the article he was reading.
“Okay, everyone!” he called. “Who wants to bet on what he’s reading today? Here’s a hint: ‘medium’, kind of like the little Pine Tree wishes his size was!”
“I am of average height, it’s not my fault you’re a freaking giraffe!” Dipper retorted.
Bill went ‘oooh’ at his remark and cackled, stepping back down on the floor but still holding the magazine just shy of Dipper’s reach, up and behind the back of his head, so the smaller boy had to stand on his tip-toes, very close to Bill’s chest, to even hope getting it back.
Bill smirked, sat back and opened his legs, letting Dipper into the trap. Too focused on his goal, which was to finish reading the article (he was at a good part too, damn it!), Dipper only realized how close he was to Bill when the taller boy finally let go of the magazine and he was able to grab it… Behind Bill’s neck.
Dipper groaned and tried to get away, but Bill just closed his legs around him and grabbed his wrists, moving his arms around like a puppeteer. “For fuck’s sake, Bill, leave me alone!” Dipper shouted.
The bell rung the end of recess in general indifference.
“Hey, Bill, let’s draw on his face!” one of the kids said, a beanstalk with rainbow hair and earrings.
“Ooh, good idea Morph!” Bill replied. “How about a makeover, Pine Tree?”
“Hell no!” Dipper cried.
“Okay, boys, settle down now,” the math teacher said as he entered the classroom, giving Dipper nothing but a tired glance. “Cipher, Pines, recess is over, back to your seats now.”
“Sure thing, teach’,” Bill replied, letting go of Dipper and walking to the back of the classroom with all his goons. The rest of the seats were quickly taken by the other students and Dipper, clutching his magazine, sat back down, regretting not having been able to finish reading his article.
It was no big surprise though, this was how it had been ever since he moved to Gravity Falls with his sister. And even before that, he had always been the weird kid, the one people picked on and mocked for his interest in everything conspiracy and supernatural. It was okay, he was used to not having any friends but his sister in school. That was what the internet was for.
But Bill and his clique had done something he could never do. They were probably the weirdest kids around, what with their unique styles and personalities, yet they were never picked on, never even teased by other students. It was easy to spot them in the crowd, with their colorful hair, piercings and strange clothes, looking like a bunch of anime characters.
They should have been like Dipper, yet they were confident, obnoxiously so. They had made a name for themselves by embracing their own weirdness. They were not exactly popular, but they were safe in their group, united by their leader.
And for some reason, it seemed Bill had taken a dislike to Dipper that the younger boy couldn’t understand.
Bill wasn’t even the weirdest of them. He was actually pretty handsome, despite his quirks. He was tall, obviously, taller than all the teachers, so much that he could reach the video projector on the ceiling of the classroom without having to stand on a table, which he liked to do anyway. He had thick bleached golden hair that clashed beautifully with his black skin, and there was always something in his outfit that called back to that color. The inner lining of his knee-length coat, the buttons of his shirt, his belt, sweater, vest, shoes, earrings. Even his eyes were kind of golden, although the correct term was supposedly “amber”.
He was a class-clown and a prankster, which Dipper would have been completely fine with if he wasn’t always the victim of the pranks and the butt of the jokes. It felt like, the first time they met, at the beginning of the school year, Bill had been looking for a scapegoat, and unfortunately Dipper was the new kid in school, perfect for poking fun at.
Thankfully, the guy had two weaknesses: deals and games. He loved to play, and loved even more when something was at stake. And Dipper had learned to use it to his advantage.
A sheet of paper with a big bright red A fell onto his desk and Dipper smiled. He had worked hard for that grade. He waited for all the tests to be handed back. As the teacher went back to the white board and started explaining the correct answers, Dipper discretely placed his phone in his open pencil case and tapped on the Discord app. The class server appeared. A few kids were gossiping, others were complaining. Bill was commenting on the questions and being funny, as usual.
  [10:16] Your Lord and Master for all of eternity: Ladies and gentlemen, the judge-fest is about to begin! 3# might surprise you!
[10:16] BirchT: lol I so failed that one
[10:16] LilSparrow: Oh god…
[10:16] Pine Tree: Hey
[10:17] Your Lord and Master for all of eternity: @Pine Tree! What do you want to bet?
[10:17] Pine Tree: Three weeks
 Three weeks of peace, without any pranks from Bill. That would leave him until Christmas break. It was a lot more than Dipper usually bet, but he felt really confident about this one. Bill had been one of the last to finish during that test, and Dipper had an A after all.
  [10:17] Kryptos: Oooh, this better be good!
[10:18] Lava Lamp: Fuck him up!
[10:18] Your Lord and Master for all eternity: Ooh, feeling dangerous. Okay, well if I win, I want your laptop and phone.
[10:18] Pine Tree: FUCK NO!
[10:18] Your Lord and Master for all eternity: Sheesh, relax, I’ll only be borrowing them!
[10:18] 8Ball: ???
[10:19] Your Lord and Master for all eternity: Where’s your taste for risk, Pine Tree?
[10:19] Your Lord and Master for all eternity: Not confident in your grade?
[10:19] Your Lord and Master for all eternity: Afraid I might mess up your social media?
 Dipper frowned. That was unusual. Usually, Bill asked Dipper to do something silly or humiliating when he lost, so the entire class could enjoy his failure. Which often wasn’t one, Dipper had fairly good grades. Bill just sometimes managed to have even better ones, despite just barely studying ever.
Dipper was the one who had started this little arrangement. Whenever they got their tests back, they would bet on who had the best grades, and whoever lost had to do what the other asked. Dipper would always ask for a certain period of time without being pranked, and depending on how long the period was, Bill would find something equally compromising for him to do.
It worked okay. Dipper had lost a few times, but he was happy with how many times he won. Plus, depending on the grade he got, he could bet more or less, and he made sure never to agree to something too bad.
  [10:20] Pine Tree: How long?
[10:20] Your Lord and Master for all eternity: One hour
[10:21] Pine Tree: Ten minutes
[10:21] Your Lord and Master for all eternity: Forty
[10:21] Pine Tree: Fifteen
[10:22] Your Lord and Master for all eternity: Thirty and you get to watch me
[10:23] Pine Tree: Twenty and I get to watch
[10:23] Your Lord and Master for all eternity: Deal
[10:23] The Being Whose Name Must Never Be Said: That was quick???
[10:24] Pyronica: Shut up!
 Dipper couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right. The negotiation had been a little too easy, for three week’s worth of chaos. Of course, he could tell Bill just wanted to ruin something for him by using his computer, probably write stupid jokes on social media or maybe access his contact info, or maybe even make fun of his conspiracy essays and research. Whatever it was could be done in twenty minutes, but he couldn’t think of anything he couldn’t prevent or undo. All in all, it was a good deal.
So why did he have a bad feeling?
Plus, it wasn’t like he was going to lose, for that Bill would have had to get an…
  [10:26] Your Lord and Master for all eternity: A+
The letter had a picture attached, of said bright red A+ right next to Bill’s name on the paper.
  [10:27] Pine Tree: … A.
[10:27] Your Lord and Master for all eternity: XD HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[10:27] Pyronica: Woohoo!
[10:27] Hectorgone: lol
[10:27] Keyhole: XD
[10:28] Your Lord and Master for all eternity: You got it with you?
[10:28] Pine Tree: … yes.
[10:28] Your Lord and Master for all eternity: Perfect!
[10:29] Your Lord and Master for all eternity: School library at lunch break
 When lunch break came around, Dipper came to the library prepared. He had deleted his internet history and logged off all his social media. All his files were saved on a drive. His laptop under his arm and phone in his pocket, he wasn’t expecting to find Bill’s friends waiting just outside the library doors.
They watched him, snickering quietly, as he walked among them into the meeting place, but they didn’t enter.
Inside, Bill was waiting at a table facing the entrance, slumped back in his chair like he owned the place. There wasn’t anybody else, except for the tired librarian eating her sandwich at her desk. Bill waved Dipper to his table and showed him a seat next to him, a large smile on his face.
“Gimme, gimme!” he said, making grabby hands at Dipper’s laptop.
Dipper reluctantly sat the computer in front of Bill, turned on a timer on his phone for twenty minutes and gave that to Bill as well, then pulled out his lunch bag from his schoolbag so he could eat while watching his classmate.
Bill looked up at him curiously and seemed to notice something on the sandwich Dipper had just bitten into. “What’s that?”
“Your sandwich. Let me see.”
Bill reached out for Dipper’s wrist and pulled the hand holding the sandwich closer so he could look at it. “Aaah,” he went…
… And took a big bite out of it.
“Wh- Hey!!” Dipper went, pulling his lunch closer, but it was too late. Bill looked at him, looking very satisfied with his mouthful. “Leave my food alone! I’m not giving you more time than you already have.”
Bill didn’t seem in much of a hurry. Still munching, he simply pulled out a USB key from his pocket and inserted it into the computer. Dipper half-expected the screen to go black or blue or something disturbing to appear, but instead, it just showed an almost empty file. Bill hummed happily to himself as he started by taking the one picture the key contained and setting it as Dipper’s wallpaper. Then, he started digging through Dipper’s files.
Bill started with what Dipper had expected: trying to log onto his Facebook and searching through his internet history. He laughed when he noticed it had been deleted. “Nice try, Pine Tree,” he said.
A couple minutes later, Bill was cackling, having searched through the computer and found the “deleted history” save files. Dipper tried to take back the laptop, but Bill grabbed the computer and pulled it away from him, his smile three times larger than his face. “You can’t cheat Pine Tree. You get to watch, but this is mine for fifteen more minutes!”
So Dipper had to watch as Bill quickly looked through his internet history. It was mostly conspiracy theory and cryptid research, but there was also what Dipper had pleasured himself to, the past few nights, and Bill wasted no time targeting that.
“AHAH!” he went loudly, attracting a disapproving glare from the librarian. “You’re gay!”
Dipper didn’t even dare look at the page he had found. He just spotted something drawn in black and white. “Just because I read this doesn’t mean I’m gay,” he protested.
“Uhuh,” Bill said, opening another page. Than another. All while giving Dipper a pointed look. Dipper just looked away, deeply embarrassed.
“Okay, fine, I’m bi, geez.”
“Cool. I’m pan,” Bill replied as easily as he would have if they had been talking about their favorite foods.
“I know, you mentioned it on Discord.”
More like he made puns and jokes about it. And so did most of his friends. They did not hide these kinds of things at all. Dipper, on the other hand, wasn’t exactly in the closet, but he wasn’t very open about his sexuality either. For that to happen, he would have to enjoy sharing about himself. Which… No. Not when he was being made fun of for everything he liked.
Bill gave Dipper a pleasantly surprised look, which Dipper didn’t really understand. Everybody in class read the messages on Discord, why would he be any different?
Bill hummed as he kept looking through his history, commenting and teasing so much Dipper gave up and pretended to need to use the bathroom.
He listened as Bill kept cackling to himself, probably still looking through his history since that was the only thing he had seemed interested in. Dipper felt somewhat relieved that he hadn’t tried to do anything worse. He sat on the toilet, breathing, until he heard the ringing of his phone through the bathroom door and walked out.
As soon as he did, he started regretting leaving Bill alone. He was smiling widely, pleased, as he pulled the USB key out of the computer. He spotted Dipper and winked at him, giving the small key a kiss. “Always a pleasure to make deals with you, Pine Tree.”
“What did you do?”
“Oh, you’ll see.”
Bill waved at him and left the library, greeted by the cheers of his friends. Dipper immediately lunged for his laptop to check what he could have done.
A few more internet pages were opened, which he closed immediately as they were anything but appropriate for a school environment. Then he noticed a few files opened as well and felt his blood run cold.
Some of his research was open with little comments in the margins. That was already bad enough as he did not like for anyone to temper with his research. But there were also more private files which were opened. Ones he had hidden at the bottom of his school documents. Stories and ideas he wrote. He didn’t know how Bill had had the idea of looking there, but he had.
One in particular was his private journal, a document where he wrote his thoughts, away from prying eyes. And here it was, out in the open, and with a note at the bottom in large black letters:
And that’s when Dipper realized this was what Bill had wanted all along. Blackmail material. That USB key was probably what he had used to collect this info. And now, he could show his most private thoughts to anyone, anytime…
Dipper closed the file, and felt his face redden with shame and anger when he saw his new wallpaper. It was a picture of Bill, wearing a shirt, bowtie and top hat, and winking at the camera. His fingers, forming a triangle, surrounded his open eye. Dipper bit his lip and pointed his middle finger at the picture.
Dipper made a point to ignore Bill completely when he arrived in the classroom for the next class. He walked straight to his desk, sat down, crossed his arms, laid his head on them, and stared at the white board, waiting for the teacher to appear.
Of course, that didn’t do it for Bill.
“Hey there, Pine Tree!”
Dipper didn’t look away from his spot. And when Bill moved in front of him, with that irritating smile of his, he just closed his eyes, ready to pretend he didn’t exist.
Bill laughed at him. “Hey, come sit with me, today.”
That made Dipper open his eyes. “Huh? Why?”
“Cause you have to,” Bill said slowly, and pulled from his pocket the incriminating key.
Dipper’s hand shot out for it, but Bill just quickly put it back where it came from and pointed his chin at the back on the classroom. Dipper pouted, but grabbed his stuff and grumpily stomped after Bill as the clique cheered and laughed. He tried not to look anyone in the eye, and thanked his lucky star when the teacher arrived shortly after he sat down, quieting the rumors and more or less catching everyone’s attention.
It was impossible to focus. Bill teased him the whole lesson, rubbing his new servitude in his face. He didn’t mention it on the class Discord, thankfully, but his close friends, sitting around them, kept giggling and whispering. Dipper would have loved to be able to ignore his surroundings and focus on the teacher, and with anyone else he maybe could have, but Bill had a way of pushing his buttons. Dipper ended up shout-whispering at him for the entire period.
This went on for a few days. In each classroom, Bill forced Dipper to sit with him, even at the cafeteria. And the teasing and jokes would be constant. School was hell and Dipper tried to escape it as quickly as he could each day. Back at the Mystery Shack, where he lived with his sister and great-uncles, he didn’t mention any of the problems he had at school. He knew that if he did, all three of them would immediately go into either ‘protection’ or ‘mockery’ mode, and he had no idea which of the two they were more likely to. Plus, he had his pride, and didn’t want to report something he still hoped he could deal with himself. He just barely mentioned his annoyance at Bill to Mabel.
On Friday, as soon as the bell rung three PM, he grabbed his stuff and hurried out, not listening to Bill’s “hey, wait up!” Down in front of the school gates, Mabel was talking with Candy, Grenda and a few more friends from her class.
“Oh, hey, Dipper!” she called when she spotted him. “Grenda was just telling me about…”
“No time to explain, let’s go!” Dipper interrupted, grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the street.
“Wha- Hey, what’s happening?”
“Pine Tree, I said wait up!”
“Dipper,” Mabel said, holding Dipper back, “I think someone’s calling you.”
Dipper stopped, resisting his frown the best he could. He gave his sister a tense smile. “Yup, that’s Bill, thank you Mabel…”
Mabel’s expression could only be described as “oops”. She stayed quiet as Dipper turned around. Bill walked up to him, with his eternal smile, his friends staying back near the school entrance. “Hey, leaving so soon? The maniacs and I were going to hang out, come with us.”
“Bill, I need to go home.”
“Aw, come on, Pine Tree…”
“Bill,” Dipper snapped, “you may blackmail me at school, but out there, I’m free from your constant bullying and that’s how I like it.”
“I’m not bullying you…”
“Wait,” Mabel interrupted, “Dipper, he’s blackmailing you? You’re blackmailing my brother?!” she interrogated Bill angrily.
“Don’t worry about it, Shooting Star,” Bill told her.
“Shooting Star, huh? Why Shooting Star?” she questioned, slightly flattered, before stopping immediately. “No, wait, not the problem. What’s going on?”
“It’s okay,” Dipper sighed. “I’ll explain everything at home.”
“Okay, how about this,” Bill went, opening his arm and shrugging. “Let’s talk. Just talk, Pine Tree, no ‘bullying’,” he added, making huge air quotes with his fingers.
“Fine, what do you need to say?”
“Tell me what’s bothering you.”
“What’s bothering me?” Dipper repeated, astonished. “Oh, I don’t know, maybe the fact that you keep making fun of me every day, and that because of you everyone in the class thinks I’m a fucking joke! Not to mention the fact that I can’t do shit against you because you are blackmailing me!”
“Wooh, calm down,” Bill said, and behind all his anger, Dipper kind of noticed that Bill looked sincerely embarrassed. That was something he had never seen, Bill was never embarrassed about anything. “You really hate it that much?”
“What? Being bullied or being blackmailed?” Dipper said ironically.
“… Both, I guess,” Bill went, repressing a nervous smirk.
Dipper rolled his eyes. “Come on, Mabel, let’s go…” he told his sister.
And so the twins went home, leaving Bill alone with his friends. That weekend, although Mabel tried her best to cheer up her brother and keep his mind off school, he kept wondering why Bill would act so weird with him. Asking questions about his feelings and all… Did he not realize he was bullying Dipper all this time? Was everything he did normal to him? Though to be honest, none of this was that important. It didn’t change the fact that what Bill was doing was not okay at all.
Then came Monday, and Dipper expected the day to go exactly the same way as the previous week. And indeed, it was just as difficult to focus on the lesson that day. But, somehow, it felt… different.
Bill kept making jokes, and everyone kept giggling and snickering. There was a lot of commenting the class and criticizing the History program, which stirred up the classroom to the point that even the teacher admitted what he was telling was pretty much indoctrination bullshit but could they please quiet down so they could all finish pretending? That got to even Dipper who caught himself laughing along to Bill’s jokes. He didn’t immediately realize what was different today.
Then it hit him: since the beginning of class, Bill had yet to make fun of him. Dipper expected it to happen in the next period, then the next, but Bill still didn’t mock him. And neither did any of his friends.
It was kind of nice? He felt almost protected, sitting in the middle of their pack without any bad attention being directed at him. Bill kept glancing at him, but otherwise didn’t say much directly to him.
That evening, in bed, Dipper typed this observation, curious about what could be the tall class-clown’s goal. Why would he stop bullying him now that he had the power to make him do whatever he wanted?
A few days later, after class, Bill asked for Dipper’s phone number.
It was so sudden. Bill had been a lot quieter than the previous days and the class had almost been peaceful. Then, after the bell rang and when most kids were already out of the room, he asked. “Can I have your phone number?”
Dipper almost dropped his math book. He was putting his stuff away, slower than he had before as he didn’t feel like every minute spent with the maniacs was harming his dignity anymore. “Why?”
“Uh, so I can call you, dummy?”
Dipper raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. “And why do you want to do that? So you can prank me outside of school?”
Bill rolled his eyes. Dipper realized all his friends were a short distance away, watching them silently. He suddenly felt self-conscious. “Look,” Bill said. “It’s already not easy to ask you this, so could you please just give it to me?”
“Come on, Pine Tree, please? No pranks, I promise.”
Dipper started chewing on his lip as he thought. Bill hadn’t done anything bad lately, but did that mean he was actually trying to make amends, or was he preparing something big? In the worst case, Dipper supposed he could just block him. “Ok, fine. But no tricks, okay?”
“No tricks!” Bill smiled, handing Dipper his own phone.
There was already a contact profile prepared under “Pine Tree <3”, with a photo of Dipper taken in class, when he was reading with an excited smile on his face. “You took a picture of me?”
“Yeah. Oh. Was I not supposed to?” Bill asked.
“Not really,” Dipper said, as he input his phone number.
“Do I have to delete it, though? That one’s super cute!”
Dipper looked up, taken aback. Bill suddenly looked very embarrassed, but didn’t try to deny or take back what he’d just said. He just looked to the side, avoiding Dipper’s gaze. And, oddly enough, Dipper had the thought that he was… kinda cute too.
In a flash, Dipper had taken his own picture for his contact profile of Bill. The taller boy just blinked in surprise, as Dipper handed him back his phone with a little smile.
“You don’t have to delete it,” he replied kindly.
Bill’s lips stretched into a wide grin as he looked down at the completed contact info. “And here I thought you were going to ask for the drive in exchange.”
“Oh no,” Dipper went, his eyes widening. “Arg, I should have!”
Bill cackled, putting his phone away. “No take backs!”
He then offered Dipper to hang out with the maniacs again, but Dipper refused, preferring to go home.
That didn’t keep Bill from texting him as soon as he was out of his sight.
At first, it was just a few, almost tentative messages, but as Dipper started replying, Bill seemed to grow more confident and the messages got longer. Dipper found himself enjoying those chats. Bill was still kind of a jerk but his teasing was somewhat more bearable. Maybe he had toned it down, or maybe it was because he was doing it in private.
And then there was all the interesting questions he would ask Dipper, like “How would it feel to be possessed by a demon?”, “If a ghost and a zombie came from the same body, which one would be the original person?”, “If a fairy had diabetes, what would they eat?”. Dipper felt like he was half-teasing him with those questions having to do with his passion, but as he gave long, detailed answers, there was no name-calling from Bill, just funny additions and silly puns and always, always that grain of salt that made Bill so unique.
It went on over the weekend, and when Dipper arrived in school the next Monday, he immediately sat in the back, with Bill and the maniacs. He felt a little shy but the desire to continue the fascinating discussion he’d had with Bill was stronger and so he quietly mention to Bill that he had thought it over and that they should take their theory of a memory-erasing secret society in a different direction.
Bill’s face lit up so bright Dipper felt almost dazed for a moment. “Well, Pine Tree, don’t leave me hanging, tell me what you think!”
So Dipper started talking, and as he talked, he was listened to by Bill and his friends, not with amusement or embarrassment, but with varying levels of interest, like what he was telling was perfectly normal.
That was the moment Dipper realized he had only got teased so much by all of them because they wanted to know about his interests. They hadn’t gone the right way about it, but now that Dipper felt able to be open, he fit right in.
So as the week slowly progressed towards the holidays, Dipper allowed himself to let his guard down and actually enjoy Bill’s company.
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shadeyrain-today · 3 years
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“You know, Mistletoe is actually partially parasitic,” Dipper said, trying to wrestle away from Bill’s grip. They both wore smiles, though Bill’s was more of a grin and Dipper looked slightly ashamed. They had gone round and round all day, this little game. Between drinks, games and feasts, Bill spent all Christmas Eve chasing his human around trying to get a kiss. Dipper knew Bill was only playing with him; every excuse he gave to get out of this tradition was a bad one. If Bill really wanted to win his kiss with Mistletoe, he could just use his powers. But Bill was being cute, for once. He wanted to earn it the human way. And trying to court Dipper like they were in a Hallmark movie was kind of sweet. Now the house was quiet. They were alone in the glow of the colorful tree. And Bill was done playing.
“Whatever are you talking about?” Bill drew Dipper in closer by his wrist, feeling the human’s resistance dwindle. From behind his back Bill drew the green sprig of leaves, twirling it around as he brought it to rest above Dipper’s hat. Dipper rolled his eyes at the stupid, smug look on Bill’s face.
“Mistletoe is a parasite...” Dipper said again, chuffing a little bit when Bill leaned closer. Their lips met in a chaste peck, but Dipper couldn’t help leaning away for a moment to finish his thought, “Just like you are.” Bill laughed against him as he dropped the plant and embraced Dipper for another kiss.
@roboticspacecase Here’s my Bildip Secret Santa gift, I am so sorry this is late!! I misremembered the deadline, but I hope you still enjoy it anyway. 
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ssuppositiouss · 3 years
Title: inevitable
Summary: Dipper has been working diligently with his family to take down the Gravity Falls dictator Cipher, distracted only by the sudden appearance of his soulmate. If only that guaranteed everything would be easy, afterward.
Tags: Bill Cipher/Dipper Pines, Bill Cipher, Dipper Pines, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Weirdmageddon, Blood and Injury, Angst, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Enemies to Lovers, Billdip Secret Santa
Notes: Secret Santa gift for @detective-rowan <3 for the @billdip-paradise-blog 2021 secret santa event
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gaypinebabe · 3 years
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Very late merry Christmas for @congliz :3 now it's more a happy new year too ^^
I was your secret Santa aaand it took me a hole free day (9 hours) to draw this that's why I'm so late ^^; I hope you like it!!! It's a cuddly morning und Bill is showing Dipper some planets
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detective-rowan · 3 years
This is my Billdip Secret Santa piece for @oncelers-panties
Word count: 3831
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carrotsblog · 3 years
Merry late Christmas to @shadeyrain-today. I was your secret Santa for this year's BillDip secret Santa hosted by @billdip-paradise-blog. I hope you like it!
The thunder rang loud in Dippers ears. Normally, the rain was one of his favorite things but now he sat with head resting against the window as the rain came pouring for the third day in a row. Rain hardly ever stopped him but even he was sick of it after the third day. He was pulled from his thoughts when a blanket was placed over him and his boyfriends reflection was seen in the window.
"The rain just doesn't seem to want to let up." Bill said as he looked out the window and handed Dipper a cup of hot chocolate.
"No, it really doesn't." Dipper said. "When it first started it was fun, now this is just annoying and ridiculous." He complained.
"We could go play in the rain again." Bill offered. "You did look adorable running in the rain."
"And nearly sprained my ankle when I slipped in mud." Dipper said.
"Adorable." Bill said, playing pinching Dippers cheek before kissing his lips. Dipper smiled and blushed a bit, gently pressing his forehead against Bill's forehead.
"And you were very handsome when you picked me and that proceeded to fall." Dipper teased while smiling. Bill rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at Dipper.
"How about this, you give me an hour and I'll have the rest of the day planned out for us?" Bill suggested while smiling. Dipper was hesitant for a moment, knowing Bills ideas could sometimes be wild and insane. Case in point, the multiple cases of arson this month alone from Bill's boredom or attempted fancy dinner dates. Then again, at least he'd have something to busy himself with.
"Alright, but don't do anything above your normal level of crazy." Dipper said before quickly correcting. "Maybe a few notches below your normal crazy actually." Bill chuckled and kissed Dippers cheek.
"I promise, this will be as normal as I can create." Bill said.
"Your normal or my normal?" Dipper joked, smiling a bit.
"Haha you're oh so funny." Bill teased. "Now go up to our room. You're not allowed to see what I'm planning."
"Wow, kicking me out of my own living room. So evil." Dipper teased as he stood up. "So evil and mean." He teased, walking upstairs.
"Oh cry me a river next time!" Bill joked while smiling.
It seemed to take all day, to the point Dipper was debating ordering a pizza for them since Bill seemed to have forgotten. To pass the time Dipper had managed to get through two new books but still, he felt like he was crazy just waiting. Finally, he heard Bill's voice say his name.
He made his way downstairs and was greeted to the smell of popcorn and the living completely dark, with sheets on the window to help. His favorite movie was pulled up on Netflix on the tv. The coffee table was filled with different candy's and sodas. The dining room table had Dippers favorite meal on it and the room was candle lit. Bill smiled at Dipper as he walked towards him and held out an arm for him.
"Good evening sir, shall I lead you to your table?" Bill asked.
"How did you do all this?" Dipper asked as he took Bill's arm and leaned into him slightly.
"Don't worry about that." Bill said, leading Dipper to the table and pulling out the chair for him. "Just enjoy it."
Dipper smiled and nodded as he took his seat. He let Bill serve him and happily began to eat. It felt strange. He was enjoying it though.
"This is really nice." He said after the two had sat in silence for a while. "We should do this more often."
"I'm glad you're enjoying it." Bill said. "The night has only just begun though!" He proclaimed happily. "I'm sure you'll absolutely enjoy it."
"And what's got you so sure of that?" Dipper asked.
"Because I know you well enough to know exactly what to do to keep you happy." Bill said. "Because I love you." He said which got Dipper to blush.
"You are a major...jerk." Dipper said, looking away while smiling. Bill chuckled and leaned closer to him, kissing his cheek.
"Yeah but I'm your jerk!" Bill said happily.
"Sometimes I wonder why." Dipper joked while smiling.
The rest of the night the two spent together, enjoying the lovely dinner before cuddling together on the couch with a movie marathon. To Dipper, it was the best way to cure his boredom and it was nice to see his boyfriend act so domestic. Strange, but in a good way.
The two eventually fell asleep on the couch together, wrapped up in a blanket. The two held each other close and they adored it.
The next morning, Dipper awoke to Bill gone. He frowned and stood up than noticed the blankets that had been pinned to the windows were taken down and the sun was shining in. Dipper smiled a bit than noticed Bill standing out. He walked outside to find Bill with two cups of coffee and a large smile on his face.
"Good morning Pinetree." Bill said, handing Dipper one of the cups of coffee. "Did you enjoy last night?" He asked.
"Very much." Dipper said while smiling. "Though I do have to wonder, how much of it was planned?" He asked which got a laugh from Bill.
"Wouldn't you like to know." Bill said while smiling.
Dipper chuckled and wrapped an arm around Bill's waist as he took a sip of coffee. He leaned into Bill's hold as the two watched the nature that surrounded their home. It was peaceful and beautiful, they needed for a wonderful morning together.
"You did make it rain for three solid days though, didn't you?" Dipper asked.
"Yes very much. I was bored." Bill said happily.
"You are such a jerk." Dipper said, shoving Bill and causing Bill to fall off the porch and on to the muddy ground. Bill wiped some of the mud off himself than looked at Dipper.
"You really wanna play that game?" He asked.
"Try it and see just how far that gets you." Dipper warned.
"I'll test my luck." Bill said, grabbed Dippers hand and yanking Dipper into the mug, causing the human to drop his mug of coffee.
The two glared at each other for a few seconds before bursting into laughter and hugging each other.
"I love you." Dipper said softly while smiling.
"I love you too." Bill said, holding Dipper close.
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Gifts Received (important read)
9/15 Gifts have been received.
Today is the last day to post your gifts.
If you do not post your gifts by the end of the day CST you will be given a warning. If you get 3 warnings in any gift giving event hosted by this blog you will be banned from participating in all gift giving events due to unreliability. It's not fair for the person you're suppose to be gifting to to not receive one from you.
If you do not communicate with me about an extension or not being able to gift give any longer, that is on you.
If I have spoken to you personally about a few days extension, you are dismissed from getting a warning until January 8th.
-Admin A
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congliz-s-art-dump · 3 years
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Do you think they ever explored each others’ bodies...? As scientific research, of course ;)
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA my gift for @thesapphiredragon13 is done! I’ve been working on this for the past three days straight, so I hope this news years gift is worth it!!!!
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BillDip Secret Santa 2021
I meant to post this way sooner but got caught up with life. I've decided there will be a BillDip Halloween week which will be posted by October.
Just as last year I will message you when I see your entry so you know Tumblr did not eat your message.
(Info under "Keep reading line")
1. Do not reveal who you are assigned to until the day the gifts are revealed. 2. Do not post your gift until the assigned days 3. You must complete your gift. If for some reason you are unable to, contact me ASAP either through this blog or my main @ayrivynne​ so I can get a backup gifter. If you need an extension, please contact me ASAP 4. If you know you won’t be able to post your gift at all inform me ASAP, I don’t enjoy having people wait forever for their gifts due to previous events. 5. To ensure everyone has a partner and feels comfortable, there WILL NOT be any NSFW content allowed since I know not everyone is able to create NSFW content 6. The hashtag will be #billdipSS21
1. Please create a wishlist of 3-5 ideas for your gifter. It’s hard for someone to gift you something with no idea of what to create. I will not take anyone that does not send a wishlist, you will not be added.
2. Send your wishlist to the blog either through an ask or submission. Be sure to not be anonymous. I won’t be able to assign you to anyone without knowing who you are.
3. Tell me what you are able to give (art only, writing only, both). Please list what you can draw/write and what you will not draw/write so you can be assigned to a person properly.
4. Are you able to be a back up gifter? Back up gifters will be informed ASAP and given an extra month to complete the gift. This is not an obligation though.
Last Day to join: November 1st Assignments given: November 2nd-3rd Gift Reveal: December 25th- January 1st
How you will get your assigned person:
I will sort all of you into categories of art only, writing only, or both. This makes step 3 really important. I will individually message you all with your person’s wishlist. (I will be messaging you through my main acc and not through the blog since I am unable to do so through a co-owned blog)
If you have any other questions, please don’t be afraid to ask. I will update this with any other information if needed.
-Mod A
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