#billie joe held my trans flag
cherrycolanpoprocks · 2 years
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In June i posted Billie Joe holding a trans flag. There was maybe 3 or 4 photos of that & then nobody ever talked about it after. However, that stuck with me & I’ll tell you why.
My experience coming out as trans in the Green Day community has been literal hell. Theres a mix of support & hate. More hate than support. That makes me sick to my stomach. Billie Joe has been a very strong advocate for trans people and trans rights & to see people being openly transphobic under the disguise of being a Green Day fan is disgusting. (Being transphobic in general is disgusting.)
When I came out as trans, i was met with hateful dms filled with slurs & people telling me to kill myself. That Billie didnt love me & he hated my “kind of people”. Talking to me as if I was diseased and the worst person to walk planet earth. So when I saw Billie with that trans flag in June, me & my friend made a promise that in Texas Billie would hold OUR trans flag.
I ordered a $7 flag off Amazon, worried that if i brought my own it would get lost or security would take it because thats been known to happen. I waited 9 hours in the 90°F heat after walking at least 2 miles. I trampled a security guard, pushed people out of my way, and bruised up my ribs to get to my spot on barricade. I pulled out my trans flag and waited patiently.
All night Billie would interact with me, glancing at my flag, pretending like he was going to take it & then not. I wasnt giving up hope though, I knew in my gut he’d take it. King For A Day started & ive never seen Billie march with such purpose down a cat walk.
Billie Joe picked up our trans flag, wrapped himself in it, waved it around & sang
“My daddy threw me in therapy, he thinks i’m not a real man. Who put the drag in the drag queen? Dont knock it till you’ve tried it.”
While looking directly at me and my friend. I was sobbing uncontrollably, shaking, etc. to the point my friend had to hold me up on the barricade because I couldnt believe a man i have idolized since I was 14, held my flag and acknowledged my community. Especially in Texas where they have the strongest anti-trans laws in the United States. He couldve ignored my flag. He couldve ignored me. He didnt though.
I hope that any other trans green day fans saw these photos & the others that i’m sure are circulating the internet & felt seen and heard. I hope they felt loved & understood. I hope they know that despite all the hate and transphobia that looms in the fandom, Billie Joe Armstrong loves them & supports them. Dont let anyone tell you any fucking different.
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