#billy has beef with grown adults twice his size
cerealboxlore · 1 year
Billy Batson Being A Silly Little Billy
Something tells me that Billy Batson is the type of kid who makes "potions" during Recess, except by the time he's 10 he's already Captain Marvel and a wizard in training, so when his teacher sees him smiling and making his potions, she doesn't realize that Billy is making a high tier polymorph potion to turn Guy Gardner into a worm
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cerealboxlore · 1 year
Late Night Pride Post (T4T Billy and Cissie Edition)
Yo what up, I have overdue assignments and overdue fanfictions to post, but hear me out:
Captain Marvel is found out to be Billy Batson, twelve year old orphan kid from Fawcett city, AKA, the Champion of Magic, AKA, the kid who hid his age and identity from the JL for over four years. :D fun
Yeah the JL didn't like that. However, due to his position as one of the heaviest hitters on the League, and his good reputation, Billy was not kicked out from the JL, instead being put on a probationary/suspension period, where he would be observed by a JL member to oversee his ability to be a hero.
Who is it overseeing Billy's JL suspension, Y'all ask? Well, y'all gonna find out~
Now, cut to a week later
Cissie and Billy going out on a cute little date and having a nice time together.
Going on a picnic in the park, taking a lovely stroll through the city gardens to appreciate Cissie's flora knowledge, touring the museum district together to hear Billy go wild about the exhibits~ They're just two youngsters in love who are having a very nice first date <3
Nothing can go wrong~
Except it's the Batson luck to always have something go wrong.
Just as Cissie and Billy are touring through the museum district and enjoying a rest for a root beer float to share, a loud and whailing screech booms from down the street. The Shockwave sent rubble and debris flying through the air, sending Fawcett citizens running for their lives at this new attack on their city.
Wanting to check out the scene but also needing to protect Cissie, Billy grabbed hold of her hand with a blushing face and ran outside, needing to see just a glimpse of what he was going to be up against soon before he sent Cissie to safety.
It was just a second.
A split second before his stomach sank to hell and dread filled his heart.
Down the street he could see it....
The green glow of a power ring and the ginger hair of the one superhero he hated the most; Guy Gardner.
And oh yeah there was an alien monster there, too 😒
Of all days, of all the superheroes to bring a fight down into HIS city, it had to have been Guy Gardner during his first date with Cissie. Oh that was just fantastic! Billy just had a hunch that Guy steered the fight into Fawcett on purpose.
Unable to transform into Captain Marvel due to the crowd around him, Billy had to let Guy Gardner handle this fight with a grunt.
When the dust settled and the crowd cheered for the the Green Lantern, Billy tried to escape with Cissie to leave Guy behind, but as luck would have it, Billy ended up getting followed by the annoying man.
Now, Billy wasn't only getting irritating advice from the man about being a hero when he was Captain Marvel, no, NOW he was carrying a third wheel on his date 🙄 who was constantly trying to give Billy not so subtle dating advice (child version advice, but still embarrassing coming from an adult regardless).
Guy Gardner: Hey, kid! A foot apart from the girl. Don't get any funny ideas about holding hands on the first date, hahaha!
Billy: (*`Д´)ノ!!!
Cissie thought it was funny.
Billy just wanted to punch Guy to the moon.
TLDR: Billy's first date with Cissie ends up interrupted by a hideous creature that came from space, and an alien, too.
Don't worry, in the end, Guy makes it up to Billy for embarrassing him on his first date and helps to impress Cissie with a little fly through the air for them both.
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