hypemanminami-blog · 7 years
It was Guanghong’s first birthday in Japan, this was huge, or… at least to Minami it was, Minami figured every birthday of his was massive though, it was the day he was born, the day Guanghong graced the world with his beautiful presence! Celebrations would be made if Minami had his way.
But he knew Guanghong liked subtle. Having big grand gestures of love was fun yes, and right up Minami’s alley way, but it wasn’t quite Guanghong’s style, he liked them occasionally but from what Minami had experienced, often it was just a smidge too much. He dialled it down this time. This time instead of a restaurant, Minami picked their own little dining room, instead of a big batch of presents, Minami settled for two, one sat on the couch that’d greet him upon his return home from practice and the other nestled in a box atop the table where he’d set Guanghong’s place setting for dinner.
Baozi and Mocha had been taken to his parents’ home for the evening to be recovered in the morning, since as lovely as they both were, Mocha had a tendency to lurk just out of sight until you’re really not expecting to see her then boom there she is, and Baozi just wanted to play at all times but he was still just a puppy, a very large puppy but still just a puppy it could barely be helped even with the obedience training they diligently took him to once a week.
He’d been in constant back and forth with Guanghong’s aunt and uncle for the past month, diligently working with them to learn how to make a few of Guanghong’s favourite foods from home so he had a few options to play with, they’d been… hesitant to share the recipes with him of course, given these were family recipes, but… they’d given in eventually, Minami called it a win, they’d all but given him the acceptance into the family with that one.
Hell yeah.
This wasn’t some big thing, he’d not blown a ridiculous amount of money renting out an entire restaurant for the night which was his first thought, big and bold was his usual go to, subtle and romantic was the endgame. He’d taken the first idea of dinner but… made it subtle… intimate, complete with strawberry scented candles and a bottle of wine.
Now with a quiet furbabyless home, alight with candle light from the candles littered around creating such a warm, cosy atmosphere… Minami waited for Guanghong to come home from practice, he’d timed it perfectly, dinner wouldn’t be ready for an hour or so, so… he’d set up a second part to this little dinner, something to keep Guanghong busy while he set the rest up.
A bath, simple… perfect after practice to really get the kinks and knots out of his muscles after a long work out, filled with his bath salts and topped with extra bubbles because they were both still 5-year-olds at heart and loved a good bubble beard, warm and inviting all Guanghong had to do was show up on time because Minami intended to fully whisk him off his feet the moment he did.
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stoicskater · 7 years
( @bingtiaowu ♡’d this for a film dialogue starter )
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“Look — we’re still in business. We’ve got two bucks left.”
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etiamviviens-blog · 7 years
“Whatever; I’m not jealous.”
Was this from a meme?? Who knows it’s been 84 years. 
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It was a surprise, to see his boyfriend actually, genuinely jealous.. and it made him wonder truly why. It was strange, he couldn’t understand why Guang-Hong felt jealous in that moment, but he knew if the situation was the other way around, he would feel jealous over the other. A conundrum for the ages. 
             “American fans can be really overwhelming, huh? They hug for too long, they get a little too affectionate at times. I shouldn’t just deal with it.” 
It’d always seemed easier that way, and he got used to it. He always knew they meant well, and even if they did have their eyes set on him romantically or sexually for whatever reason, he was always quick to brush that off and take it with a grain of salt. Even more so now that he was dating Guang-Hong. But to see it, to see the one you love with people hanging over you and offering you gifts and showering you in compliments, it wasn’t fun. 
And in an effort to help Guang-Hong feel better, Leo places his hands on the others waist. It was off to the side of the rink, but no less visible to anyone walking by. PDA was never much his thing, but he hoped this would set the other’s heart at ease. Leaning in, a soft, warm kiss is placed to Guang-Hong’s cheek. 
              “Next time, I’ll be more firm. I shouldn’t have let them do that to begin with, it only lets them think it’s appropriate and there’s a line that can be crossed too easily. I’m sorry, mi amor.” 
Further pressing in, he hugs the other properly, pulling Guang-Hong against himself, letting him feel that familiar warmth of his always way-too-hot body temperature. 
              “How about we take a picture for Instagram together? Remind everyone where my heart is.” 
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leviaraelle-moved · 7 years
levi/guanghong for the ship meme :**
↪ send me a ship & i’ll tell you…. / guanghong & leviara
Who asks the other on dates: theyre giant nerds do u really expect them to be asking each other on dates ??? it only happens when their idol friends are playing tod with them tbhWho is the bigger cuddler: lEVI LOVES CUDDLING HER CUTE BAOBEIWho initiates holding hands more often: levi likes to hold his hand a lot when theyre in big, big big crowds Who remembers anniversaries: both of them remember their anniversary & they go to that gelato place each year !!!Who is more possessive: theyre not very possessive of each other bc they know that the other is safe within their reach most of the timeWho is more protective: guanghong the protective bean™Who is more likely to cheat: nONE OF THEM WOULD CHEAT ON EACH OTHER THEYRE PURE HAPPY SOULS LEAV E THEM ALONEWho initiates sexy times the most: alcohol is the initiator of sex jhjkfk they mostly cuddle Who dislikes PDA the most: pda is only a smol problem in the beginning but they definitely hold hands. a lot. they like pda !!!Who kills the spider: lETS BE REAL ITS PROBABLY LEVIWho asks the the other to marry them: yo just imagine a very nervous guanghong wanting the proposal to go pERFECTLYWho buys the other flowers or gifts: guanghong gives levi many gifts she starts thinking he’s her #1 fan ( as if he isnt already tho )Who would bring up possibly having kids: they pROBABLY GET SHY ABOUT EVEN TALKING ABT HAVING A KIDWho is more nervous to meet the parents: both … levi is nervous to meet guanghongs parents lET ALONE HIM BEING NERVOUS ABT LEVIS PARENTSWho sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: my headcanon is that theyre too sweet to make each other angry , so they dont have to sleep on the couchWho tries to make up first after arguments: bOTH OF THEMWho tells the other they love them more often: levi !!!! after learning her chinese she says it a lot in chinese to him !!!!!
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katsudown-blog · 7 years
💊 go hard or go home
nsfw starters ;) || accepting lmao || @bingtiaowu​
💊 - See my muse chug 3 5-hour energy drinks at 4 pm
Finals week wasn’t easy on anyone, and as a Junior, Yuuri figured he’d seen it all. Just that morning, Phichit had brewed coffee with monster in their keurig- after finals week they’d cleanse it with a few runs of hot water. 
This however, this was new. Guang Hong Ji was a freshman in Yuuri’s math class- they’d made quick friends, helping each other study and stay awake throughout the semester. He was a sweet boy (though there was something rather vicious below the surface). He watched in horror as he chugged on- two- and finally three small bottles, quietly tucking them in an outer pocket of his backpack, presumably to be thrown away later. 
Yuuri felt the blood drain from his face at the sight. 
“Um- Guang Hong? It’s... It’s the afternoon. It’s kind of... late...” His voice felt weak- it’s not like there was much to do- the deed was already done. Their final was tomorrow at 8am, so they’d met up in the library to study. Yuuri could only assume the boy was pulling an all nighter, or at least attempting to kill himself before the test even started. “Why did you- You’re gonna die.” 
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etiamviviens-blog · 7 years
Symbol Scenarios. *Accepting!
[ ⌚ ] my muse recalls their favorite memory with your muse.
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His favorite memory.. it’s such a toss up with all of the memories they’ve had together. But one that would always stand out was their beginning: the fateful trip to New York City. 
It’d been a trip just to have fun, to show his best friend the sights and foods of New York, indulge in the other’s love of western culture. What better way to do that than to see a western cultural location like New York? But spending time with him there, alone and at the whim of the city, it’d made him realize just how he felt about Guang-Hong. The feelings rushed forward, friendship turned into romantic relationship. And their kiss.. had been magical. Cliche as that may sound, there was no other word he could think of. 
It’d been an amazing day, they’d had good food, walked around the city and visited any and all shops that caught their eye, and once evening rolled around, it was time for the rink. The public rink, right near the giant Christmas tree, had been busy and definitely overcrowded but not so much so that they couldn’t still skate. They’d had to stick close together, jostled against each other a few times, but not for a moment did Leo’s smile fall. There was something nice about a casual skate day in a busy rink, so different from their intense training regimens and being alone on the ice, in the spotlight. 
Getting off the ice had been nice too, to get away from the crowd and back on their feet. Leo’s stomach had started to rumble, a tell tale sign of needing to give it a break and grab dinner. But how could they just walk off without taking a picture by the big Christmas tree? 
It was there that it happened, as they snuggled in close together, camera up to get a good angle, Leo’s arm wrapping around Guanghong’s slim shoulders.. he looked down, noticing every detail of Guanghong’s face. The soft hair collecting a few falling snowflakes, rosy cheeks, beautiful eyes that focused on his own.. he’d always known Guanghong was his best friend, was one of the most amazing people he’s ever known, and maybe those feelings were always there. If nothing else, he’d always had a special place in his heart, and despite his heart fluttering and hand shaking (unable to hold up his phone anymore,) he didn’t think twice. 
Head leaned down, holding Guanghong gently against his body, it all felt so natural he could feel warmth emanating from his stomach, radiating through the rest of his body. Leo hovered for only a moment, eyes half lidded as he gave Guanghong the chance to pull away. To say no, to stop it, to prevent something he just didn’t want. But when he saw the way the other’s eyes closed, the way he leaned in, it was all Leo needed. All he needed to bring down his lips and connect with Guanghong’s own. Cold lips quickly warmed as he pressed in gently, both arms coming to wrap around the smaller male, corners of his lips upturning into a smile before their kiss had even ended. If he could have had it his way.. he never would have pulled apart, never would have broke contact with those soft lips that’d only ever spoken sweet and funny words to him. The lips of a man he knew he never wanted out of his life, in any way shape or form. One of the most important people in his life. 
Once they did pull away, Leo’s first reaction was to laugh, to grin and lean his forehead against Guanghong’s lovingly, squeezing his waist. 
          “That was unexpected, huh..” But he looks Guanghong in the eyes, his own grays showing nothing but admiration. “I don’t regret it. That was totally amazing..” 
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lebenfxrseis · 7 years
@bingtiaowu  ♡ –> X
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“We didn’t really talk much to each other, did we?” He couldn’t really remember that he did, beside a few shorter conversation, but nothing really. It wasn’t really a surprise that he met the other at the same ice rink, after all there was a competition coming up and it would be in this town. The Swiss had decided that he would show up a few days earlier to practise there and to see the town. It would be a shame if he wouldn’t take the chance to see the beautiful things in this town. 
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katsvdon-blog · 7 years
﹄♛﹃ breaking news: local asian man is a dad friend.
⦕   in which yuuri makes a dad joke. (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)  ⦖
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   He winked easily, his crop top riding up even    more as he stretched his arms above his head    for some relief. He had said yes to hanging out    with Guang-Hong because he needed to get to    know his fellow competitors more. He moved    forward on the table, continuing this show for    him to see.
          ❝ I know it’s cheesy, but I feel grate. ���
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etiamviviens-blog · 7 years
Symbol Scenarios. *Accepting!
[ ✠ ] it’s three in the morning and my muse unexpectedly arrives at your muse’s home.
Leo had been devastated knowing he’d be leaving Guanghong for a week and a half to go visit family in Mexico. Most of his family was there with him in America, but there were a few that remained across the border, and he and his family did take the occasional trip down there. While he would have loved for Guanghong to go with him, it would be a long time for both of them to be gone. Holly needed at least one of her dads, Leo didn’t have the heart to leave her with anyone else. And it’d be a bit wild, so much going on, and he didn’t want Guanghong to wind up overwhelmed by everything with it being a big family event. Guanghong is family too, but.. best to save him from certain family get togethers when he can. 
However, lucky for Leo (and Guanghong both,) Leo was coming home two days early. His brother Alex had gotten sick in Mexico, which admittedly wasn’t such a great event, but it meant Leo could volunteer to take his little brother back to California and thus, take himself home to his husband. With Alex taken care of back at the main de la Iglesia house, he excitedly makes his way home despite Alex suggesting he just wait until morning. Perhaps it’d have been a better idea, but.. the thought of seeing Guanghong after nearly a week and a half brought his patience down to zero. 
By the time he got home it had already reached 3 AM, and he had to wonder just how happy Guanghong was going to be at this point. Sure, he knows he’s loved and cherished, but it’s also three in the fucking morning and in the end it could backfire. Ah, well. 
Trying to come inside quietly, Leo takes his time turning the key in the door, slowly opening it up… and immediately. Betrayed. 
Holly comes sprinting out of the bedroom, unused to guests at this hour, already whining after having her sleep interrupted. But upon seeing dad number two, that attitude changed with a saunter over to his feet, rubbing against his shins, demanding to be picked up. Leaning down, cover blown or not he starts to laugh and picks up his fluffy little girl, scratching her head and looking over to the bedroom door she’d come out of, hearing the sound of bed creaks in the darkness. 
Coming into the doorway, to prevent Guanghong from having to sneak out into the hall to see who the intruder was, he turned on the hallway light and smiles toward their bed, sleepily leaning against the door frame. The excitement was still there, but being home, being near Guanghong.. it relaxed him. It was home for a reason.  
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Voice is soft, too early to speak loudly, too jarring. Always full of love. 
      “Good morning, cariño. I’m home.” 
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manypcths-archive · 7 years
[ @bingtiaowu  liked for a starter ]
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‘Ji Guanghong!’ She addresses his name in full as she approaches, sketchbook in tow, though she presumes she won’t have to stress much over it. What she desires most is to be able to relax with her client, discussing designs freely over coffee and tea. Gently she slides into the bistro-style seating, giving him a smile. ‘Ready to get started?’
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katsudown-blog · 7 years
my url mayhaps?? o 3o
My Opinion on;
Character in general: an underappreciated and underestimated bean. soft n edgy. How they play them: they bring him SO MUCH life, its really awesome to see someone bring so much and care so much about this boy even though he’s not in canon very longThe Mun: we haven’t spoken much but they seem like an absolute sweetheart and i’m really really really excited to write with them
Do I:
RP with them: we’ve done one (1) whole ask meme so farWant to RP with them:  yes yes yes yes yes yes.
What is my;
Overall: a sweet mun with a really dynamic and fleshed out characterization and delightful writing style :0
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