biomechttrpg · 27 days
Mech pilots who are a meatsack filled with drugs and dysphoria > Mech pilots who are normal at the function
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jetmanjay · 1 year
Oops, I’ve been having to do math. I want character and BIOMECH creation to be an involved process in this TTRPG, and with that comes math, my mortal enemy (I’m sure I’ll hate it more when balancing things further). I figured we could look at The Manufacturers again and see how some of the math adds up so you can see some of the ideas I’m having.
BIOMECH is going to be a d100 system, with a few things I’m gonna keep in my pocket for now. You may have noticed there are only 3 of the 6 manufacturers in this post, that’s cause the other 3 have some special things that I have decided to not reveal yet. They get more complicated or have special alterations.
Anyway, behold:
BIOUNION ltd.: One of the older BIOMECH companies, BIOUNION runs on old money, and even older alliances with factions. BIOUNION is known for heavily armored and slower BIOMECHS compared to the competition. Rather than relying on cutting edge tech, they tend to use older and more reliable parts.
Base Stats: Might: 70 +1/4 Pilot stat
Agility: 50 +1/4 Pilot stat Resolve: 40 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Wit: Same as Pilot
Speech: Same as Pilot Blood: 18 +1/4 of Pilot’s Blood
System: 10 +1/4 of Pilot’s System
Dodge: 5 +1/2 Pilot’s Dodge
X-37 Armory: A BIOMECH company that specializes in heavy weaponry. X-37 relies on larger kinetic weapons, with energy weapons being a secondary in most cases. Though they can be easily modified to use most weapon systems and are known for being highly adaptable on that front.
Base Stats: Might: 50 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Agility: 70 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Resolve: 40 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Wit: Same as Pilot
Speech: Same as Pilot Blood: 13 +1/4 of Pilot’s Blood
System: 10 +1/4 of Pilot’s System Dodge: 7 +1/2 Pilot’s Dodge
Corvus Assembly: Known for their hi-tech systems, Corvus’ BIOMECHS are more expensive as they have less flesh and blood than the ordinary BIOMECH, and have a more unusual construction. Most are outfitted with cutting edge tech, but tend to be lighter and rely on preventing taking a hit rather than being able to stand up to one. Base Stats: Might: 30 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Agility: 60 +1/4 Pilot stat Resolve: 70 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Wit: Same as Pilot
Speech: Same as Pilot Blood: 8 +1/4 of Pilot’s Blood
System: 18 +1/4 of Pilot’s System Dodge: 6 +1/2 Pilot’s Dodge
But Jay, how do I roll stats? I worked on that too, reader. Don’t you worry
 Rolling stats goes as follows:
For each base stat: roll 4d6, remove the lowest die from the roll, and then multiply the remaining value by 5. Do this a total of 5 times (one for each base stat). Example: PLAYER rolls 1, 4, 5, 5. Remove the 1 from the pool, the current total is 14. Multiply this by 5, it equals 70. You can now assign this number to one of your stats (might, agility, resolve, wit, or speech).
Blood: Your Species’ base Blood stat, add 1/5 of your Might stat to your total Blood pool for your pilot.
System: Your Species' base System stat, add 1/5 of your Resolve stat to your total System pool for your pilot.
HEAT: At time of writing, each BIOMECH has a HEAT meter that goes from 0-9. There is no variance on this stat. 
Dodge: 1/10 of Agility stat. Subtract this from attack rolls targeting the user. This does not apply if the targeted user is prone, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to move.
And that’s only part of the rough draft math I’ve done, I don’t want to give it all out before I finish. My queer ass can only handle trying to balance so much math at once, so I’m going to attempt to have combat be more straightforward and less complex than character creation (and I’m not 100% done with character creation either). Please remember that this is all a rough draft and subject to change as I continue. This could look completely different by the time I roll out the final result, or even a more public test (if that happens).
I’m doing a post with less math next time. Happy Pride.
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biomechttrpg · 29 days
Little BIOMECH update (:
BIOMECH is very soon leaving pre-alpha, and I am working on some closed alpha test groups! Once I get a beta, I plan on doing something more open. we'll see how that rolls out. In the meantime while I hear back from some test readers, I wanna talk about some inspirations, and some fun things I have come across and been pointed to. I won't count the weird nightmare I had that caused me to start writing this, but it certainly is a thing that inspired the whole project. - First: Alien. I watched the move at an age that was probably too young, but it left such an impression on me and has remained my favorite horror movie for a long, long time (still is). I think my fascination for body horror stems from my exposure to this movie. - Gurren Lagann: It took my friends 3-4 years to finally get me to watch it? I almost bounced off due to the high amount of Weeb Shit (put a shirt on, kid) but it ended up becoming one of my favorites. There are a couple things that are inspired by a fighting spirit and never giving up; BIOMECH may be horror, but it isn't hopeless.
- Metal Gear Solid: While things *are* in an endless war, I do like to think the message in the base writing is anti-war. I could be here for 4 hours talking about MGS; so I will spare you and say that while it is an inspiration, I'm not looking to do a bunch of Kojima level writing. - Star Wars: I grew up watching the tapes my mom and dad had, i can't help loving it, and I bet there are notes of star war in this thing. It is an inescapable pit in my brain. - Bladerunner: This one is not nearly as surface level, and may only really appear in writing about the system/in a game module I want to write. But I really like how the movies explore humanity, a sense of self, and more. I won't go into a ton of detail here yet. Maybe once I showcase a game module for people to run.
Some other mentions!
Warframe! I started playing it again in the past few months, and some ideas run somewhat parallel to things I had planned for BIOMECH. It's been real fun to play it after barely ever touching it.
Anti-capitalism. Capitalism is the bad guy in the writing. Granted, a GM can use the system to make any story they want, but capitalism fuels war in this story. War is a never-ending evil that fills the pockets of the rich and keeps the rest suppressed and fighting each other for their "all-powerful" leaders.
Multiple game systems, but FFG Star Wars and Call of Cthulhu are the most influential on the system I am making. In the end, I am making something I find fun and interesting and following the path I want. But these games have deeply influenced how I formed some of the base designs.
Pacific Rim/Armored Core/Other Big Mech Stuff: I just like big robot, ok?
And more! I'm gonna let people try and pick some out though (: Now, the one I haven't seen. And some alpha readers, friends, and viewers have asked if i was influenced. I have never seen Neon Genesis Evangelion. I now will not be watching it until I am done with the beta, I feel that would be against my interests at this point when it comes to making something that is authentically mine. Anyway, hope this was somewhat interesting to read. More to come!
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jetmanjay · 8 months
This year is gonna see a lot more work on BIOMECH; I've carved more time out for my projects.
Today I start making weapon tables and fleshing out how dealing and taking damage works. Next week I start producing the first video devlog.
We're back in development, baby
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jetmanjay · 1 year
A piece of BIOMECH's setting
The galaxy is stuck in a never-ending war. After the advent of Faster Than Light travel, and trade between galaxies was set, after contact wars had been fought and peace was found, after the exploration of the universe; it all went to hell. Millennia ago, FTL travel to and from the Andromeda Galaxy ceased. Those who tried were met with indescribable horrors living in the folds of space and time at the edges of the galaxy. 
Panic and greed set in first, with war following soon after. Unfortunately, war never ceased and resources were being burned up in the conflicts. Governments shattered and factions rose, continuing the fight under different banners. Metals for the war were rapidly being depleted, weapons had stagnated and every side was searching for the next thing to turn the tide of The Endless War in their favor. The first BIOMECH was created 1907 years after the galaxy was closed off from the rest of the universe (1907 AC (After Closure)). War profiteers began making BIOMECHS and selling them as fast as they could, becoming massive corporations dedicated to creating BIOMECHS for fighting factions. Larger corporations absorbed or stamped out smaller ones, locking away secrets in labs and hiding the process as it grew. Eventually, The Manufacturers were made; an alliance between six of the largest BIOMECH manufacturers. They systematically killed, absorbed, or generally wiped out any remaining competition within 13 years; this event would later be called The Takeover (1923 - 1936 AC).
Strain on the use of metals was lifted, as BIOMECHS are largely made of organic material. Flesh, blood, bone, chitin; whatever could be grown and shaped into a war machine. BIOMECHS are technically living beings, heavily augmented with electronic suites, weapons, armor, etc. BIOMECHS must be driven by a pilot, however. The Pilot in a way, is the brain for the BIOMECH. Pilots undergo physical, mental, and skill based training. Once they pass the standards of one of The Manufacturers, a BIOMECH is made for them, so long as they have payment or are sponsored by a source with payment. A pilot is outfitted with one of a few ways to connect directly with their BIOMECH. If a species has a spinal cord, they typically have a receiver installed into their spinal cord. The opening is at the base of the neck, and goes down into the spine for about 12-18 inches. A large needle fit to the receiver on the Pilot will be present in the BIOMECH. It varies for different species on how exactly the pilot merges with the BIOMECH, but all species have a central chamber which is filled with an embryonic fluid coded to the pilot’s genes when active. This fluid is generally toxic to anyone who is not the pilot, but acts as a way to keep the pilot from experiencing too much shock during combat. The Pilot is the brain of THE BIOMECH during use. The pilot and BIOMECH become one being with the pilot seeing, feeling, hearing, and doing all functions as the BIOMECH itself. BIOMECHS come in many different shapes, sizes, and configurations, many non-human. Pilots undergo rigorous psychotherapy to keep themselves sane. If someone were to pilot a BIOMECH unprepared, they may hallucinate wildly thinking they have extra limbs, a different body, or other phenomena. Some hallucinations become violent, or are enough to drive the unprepared to suicide. It is rare for two BIOMECHS to look the same. BIOMECHS are as diverse as a living species gets, as growing them to an exact look and specification is an unknown science. This causes BIOMECHS to look like flesh and bone clinging to metal, rather than BIOMECHS having a clean and machined look. Large bone spurs are a common occurrence, for example; they tend to be sharpened and used as a weapon, though. General traits are something that can be controlled, however, and each manufacturer tends to have a general feel to their style of BIOMECH. 
BIOMECHS can be altered after initial construction, however this involves major surgery and can create a mildly toxic environment for the pilot directly after the modification. It takes 7 days to acclimate for most pilots after a major modification to where there are no negative side effects to deal with during combat.
Player Characters in BIOMECH are going to be pilots, and are either sponsored or have other financial means to acquire a custom BIOMECH as decided by background. It is encouraged to come up with a physical description for your BIOMECH, as there is a lot of creative freedom. More details about the limits of BIOMECHS and their designs will be released later, likely after rules of engagement and combat are made.
This is a rough draft and is subject to change as more is written. I would expect less and less to be released about this as time goes on, especially when I'm making the rules. Once I have a complete draft though, I may open this to wider testing? No clue. Expect more snippets and bits of lore rather than breakdowns and hard rules is all I'm saying (:
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jetmanjay · 10 months
Been working on compiling what I have for BIOMECH into an alpha I can try on a few pre-selected test groups. We're working our way back from burnout, baby.
Hopefully I can pull through the holidays without slipping back into burnout and get a few tests done , do the rework needed, and try a more open beta
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jetmanjay · 1 year
Important Question: Will there be biting biomechs (please)
I mean, there is a potential. I want to start working on how the game runs this week and get some basic combat rules down. A biting weapon isn't off the table at all though, considering pilots are floated in a chamber inside the core of the mech (I'll get into that later, with a tag for body horror)
Tl;dr, I promise nothing, but that is cool and would likely be a bioweapon as well (:
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biomechttrpg · 16 days
Working on test characters, and having fun with some special ability ideas. Here's one of em.
Tumblr media
Closed alpha testing should start somewhat soon, just gotta wrap test characters and test. After a little polish, there will be an open alpha release with the premade characters for anyone to try!
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jetmanjay · 29 days
Things are still moving. these are for further updates and whatnot. Updates will also be posted here and probably more frequent here. these'll announce devlogs and are more for getting the word out when I have more to announce
I'll get posts moved over soonish. More announcements soon
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biomechttrpg · 29 days
This is empty and has a placeholder pfp (for now) Updates on BIOMECH will be posted here, and on other socials as they come If you're here from @jetmanjay, normal human* posting will be over there. This is for organization and updates on the BIOMECH TTRPG system over anything else.
Socials: https://bsky.app/profile/biomech-ttrpg.bsky.social
and this tumblr. Any other platforms are not me
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jetmanjay · 1 month
What do you mean i have to organize my projects so they can be worked on properly?UGH.
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jetmanjay · 5 months
Oh yeah, I got an ask a while back about adding a bite attack to BIOMECH. There is now a weapon that lets you do that. The Alpha is coming along real slow, slower than I'd like, but it is being made
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jetmanjay · 1 year
BIOMECH isn't dead
life just got a bit crazy, but I had some thoughts. What's in this?
-Expanded info on manufacturer BIOMECHS (base builds) -introduction of Armor, Weapon, and Core expansions -Renaming of some manufacturers (I legit forgot about the TAU in WH40K, oops) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Manufacturers are a series of companies that provide BIOMECHS for The Universal War. There are six that have survived the war thus far, and they have since made agreements to divide up the universe and “sponsor” factions, while letting the others take business elsewhere. They are an undeniable force, and will protect each other to keep their de facto rule over the universe. The wealth they make is obscene and they intend to keep it that way, sealing BIOMECH technology in their labs away from prying eyes. Those caught reverse engineering BIOMECHS haven’t lived far into their projects. NOTES: Arm slot VS Melee Arm Slot: Arm slots give a +5 bonus to ranged weapons, Melee arm slots give a +5 to melee weapons. There is no detriment to using ranged weapons in melee arms, or melee weapons in normal arms other than missing out on the bonus. Base Build: This is how a BIOMECH would come stock from a manufacturer. They can later be altered and changed to some degree by a pilot. This will be expanded on in BIOMECH alteration (to be written) BIOUNION ltd.: One of the older BIOMECH companies, BIOUNION runs on old money, and even older alliances with factions. BIOUNION is known for heavily armored and slower BIOMECHS compared to the competition. Rather than relying on cutting edge tech, they tend to use older and more reliable parts. Base Stats: Might: 70 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Agility: 50 +1/4 Pilot stat Resolve: 40 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Wit: Same as Pilot
Speech: Same as Pilot Blood: 18 +1/4 of Pilot’s Blood
System: 10 +1/4 of Pilot’s System
Dodge: 5 +1/2 Pilot’s Dodge Base Build: 1 melee arm slot 1 arm slot 2 shoulder mounts 2 Armor expansions
1 Core expansion
Khlek Armory: A BIOMECH company that specializes in heavy weaponry. Khlek relies on larger kinetic weapons, with energy weapons being a secondary in most cases. Though they can be easily modified to use most weapon systems and are known for being highly adaptable on that front.
Base Stats: Might: 50 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Agility: 70 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Resolve: 40 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Wit: Same as Pilot
Speech: Same as Pilot Blood: 13 +1/4 of Pilot’s Blood
System: 10 +1/4 of Pilot’s System Dodge: 7 +1/2 Pilot’s Dodge Base Build: 2 arm slots 2 shoulder mounts
2 Weapon expansions
1 Core expansion Corvus Assembly: Known for their hi-tech systems, Corvus’ BIOMECHS are more expensive as they have less flesh and blood than the ordinary BIOMECH, and have a more unusual construction. Most are outfitted with cutting edge tech, but tend to be lighter and rely on preventing taking a hit rather than being able to stand up to one. Base Stats: Might: 30 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Agility: 60 +1/4 Pilot stat Resolve: 70 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Wit: Same as Pilot
Speech: Same as Pilot Blood: 8 +1/4 of Pilot’s Blood
System: 18 +1/4 of Pilot’s System Dodge: 6 +1/2 Pilot’s Dodge Base Build: 2 arm slots 2 shoulder mounts
1 Weapon expansions
2 Core expansion
Xa’tarr Bio Systems: XBS’ BIOMECHS are known for their extreme melee prowess. While some BIOMECHS of theirs have smaller caliber sidearms, most who buy in lean on the melee aspect. These BIOMECHS rely on closing the distance and striking hard, meaning they have to be light and fast. XBS BIOMECHS are some of the fastest on the market at the cost of armor plating. Base Stats: Might: 70 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Agility: 70 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Resolve: 35 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Wit: Same as Pilot
Speech: Same as Pilot Blood: 18
System: 9 +1/4 of Pilot’s System Dodge: 7+ Pilot’s Dodge Base Build: 2 melee arm slots 1 arm slot (light weapons only) 1 shoulder mount 2 Weapon expansions
1 Core expansion
**XA’TARR BIOMECHS RECEIVE NO BLOOD BONUS LIKE OTHER BIOMECHS** Red River Corporation:  RRC’s BIOMECHS are praised amongst the luddites of the war. Few mechanical and electrical systems to make the BIOMECH function, and a whole lot of flesh and blood. RRC also specializes in bioweapons rather than traditional kinetic or energy weapons, which can have a wide variety of effects on other BIOMECHS rather than doing more direct damage. Some RRC BIOMECHS are outfitted with kinetic weapons, but you’ll almost never see an energy weapon attached. Base Stats: Might: 75 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Agility: 65 +1/4 Pilot stat Resolve: 35 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Wit: Same as Pilot
Speech: Same as Pilot Blood: 19 +1/4 of Pilot’s Blood
System: 9 Dodge: 7+1/2 Pilot’s Dodge Base Build: 1 melee arm slot 1 arm slot 2 shoulder mounts 2 Armor expansions
1 Weapon expansion
BIOMECHANICAL TECHNICIAN’S UNION: The BTU are known for having complex and high powered electrical systems in their BIOMECHS, usually with powerful reactors to boot rather than some of the biochemical processes used in other BIOMECHS. BTU BIOMECHS are expensive and experimental, especially with energy weapons. These BIOMECHS are meant for direct combat, but are far less efficient with non-energy weapons, relying heavily on integrated systems to use alongside their weapons. Base Stats: Might: 35 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Agility: 75 +1/4 Pilot stat Resolve: 65 +1/4 Pilot stat 
Wit: Same as Pilot
Speech: Same as Pilot Blood: 9 +1/4 of Pilot’s Blood
System: 17 +1/4 of Pilot’s System Dodge: 8+1/2 Pilot’s Dodge Base Build: 2 arm slots 2 shoulder mounts 1 Armor expansion
1 Weapon expansion
Expansions are special augmentations pilots can add to their BIOMECH to give it differing properties. For example, an Armor Expansion may simply give a BIOMECH a higher blood or dodge value, or cause damage to an attacking entity. They are varied, but there are multiple classifications. Different manufacturers allow different expansions. ARMOR- Modifies how the BIOMECH takes hits. Generally concerned with damage mitigation or alteration, these will mostly modify Blood, Strain, or Dodge; or even give an effect when being hit by an attack. 
WEAPON- Modifies how a BIOMECH’s weapon behaves. May add a new quality to a weapon, boost damage of certain weapon types, or make it easier to hit targets. 
CORE- Modifies the BIOMECH directly. This could be adding a new functional arm, adjusting base stats on the BIOMECH, or adding new abilities. 
Progress is slow, and that sucks. however, I'm planning on getting into mechanics this week and starting to get something people could roll dice with.
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