#bioshock little sister gif
amethystsoda · 7 months
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pics-pizza-peace · 9 months
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Jack Wynand & Atlas Finney
or 'Sailor Guest' & 'Undertow'
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elliebean714 · 2 years
Hi! I'm new to ypur blog, but I noticed that you write for certain Bioshock characters- Would it be alright if I asked for some random Atlas fluff, or a cute fluff request with subject delta where he mistakes a female citizen in rapture as a little sister bc of her height and is all 'MUST PROTECT MY BABY' around her?
Thanks so much! Feel free to dm me/send a request to my inbox.
UGGGHHHH I WISH BOTH WERE AN OPTION??? THANK YOU SM FOR REQUESTING BIOSHOCK??? I LOVE YOU FOR THAT???💖💕💘💞💗💘💓 went with delta tho cus bioshock 2 is my favourite of the three+delta is my favourite protagonist, not that the competition was sparse yk? Faceless white guy, awful white guy or father of the decade? Yeah easy choice. Luv em all tho xx kinda diverged from the request a bit hope that's kay♡
I'm Just Short
Subject Delta X Short!F!Reader
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Fire crackled in red barrels and water leaked from the ceilings, occasionally Dr Lambs creepy voice would boom over the screechy intercom.
You were running, being chased by Lambs splicers for rescuing a little sister, almost out of bullets.
Heart pounding in your chest, feeling the ice of the rapture floor against your cut, sore, almost bare feet from how torn and old your shoes were. You ducked behind some cover as more splicers began searching for you. They had you pinned down.
After a few moments of contemplating your options, you hear something heavy thumping around, gunshots, fire, and a Big Daddy's groan.
Oh shit.
Adding a Big Daddy to your list of problems, her options dwindled down significantly. You were not going to even think about trying to kill that thing, you were far too low on ammo and supplies. Not to mention how weak you were, even just against one splicer.
You had to run. He had distracted the splicers chasing you, no-one would notice you disappear. Taking a quick look up you saw the amount of splicers was already down to two or three. You looked for a good, fast path out of there.
Once you found an easily accessible route, you sprinted for it as fast as your legs could carry you. Then you heard the thumping behind you, like the big daddy was running after you.
Panicking, you ran into a room and began barricading the door with anything heavy you could move and searching every nook and cranny as fast as you could for supplies, you were lucky enough to find a first aid kit and a couple of shotgun shells, but nowhere near enough to help with fighting a Big Daddy.
The footsteps get louder and louder as you duck into a corner, hoping the lack of light in the room would make you harder to detect if he managed to get in.
And he did. After a quick push, he easily entered the room and, to your horror, made a beeline right for you. You prepared yourself for the worst, shocked to see him only leave his hand out for you to take.
Unsure of what was happening but with no other options you shakily took his hand. Surprised by his gentle nature when all he did was help you stand. After ensuring you were not injured he picked you up and placed you on his back, like you were a Little Sister.
Before you could protest he was on the move, after a few minutes he dropped you off at a corpse and began laying traps down like he was preparing for something. Confused, you just looted the corpse and stared up at him once you were done. He look down at you like he was waiting for something.
"What? You want me to get Adam from it? I'm not a Little Sister, and I don't have a needle so I couldn't even if I wanted to." You told him, becoming increasingly agitated by his confusion.
When he saw that you weren't harvesting any Adam, he just lifed you up and put you on his back again. This time carrying you towards a Little Sister vent.
Before setting you down he lays his hand over your forehead, like he's rescuing a Little Sister. Once he's done he sets you down safely beside it then stands back like he's waiting for you to climb inside.
"I can't fit, you idiot. I'm not a kid. I'm just short." You tell him.
But he only stares at you patiently. You just sigh and mumble something about him being an idiot then try to fit into the vent. Although you shockingly actually fit through the vent.
"Uggh. What the hell." You grumble before deciding to climb the rest of the way through.
What I Write~
Requests Always Open 🌊
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chthonic-kids · 11 months
when the penultimate mission of bioshock 1 is to escort a little sister through the proving grounds and splicers are trying to kill my new daughter:
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kayrockerqog · 1 year
I saw someone else (@cohens-songbird) do a sort-of favourites thing for a fandom introduction, and I like the idea so I'm doing one too! :)c
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Favourite Character(s)
Out of the "main" casts for all of the games, and if I had a gun to my head to pick only one, I'd have to choose Dr. Tenenbaum. She's such an intriguing woman in every iteration she's had in the series, and I find her voice very soothing for some odd reason. Sander Cohen and Augustus Sinclair are tied with her for the spot, of course, since charming men with multiple quirks and expanded caricature personalities are my weakness-
But, and this may be cheating a little, Bill McDonough is an underrated fave of mine. Man built most of Rapture and has such a presence throughout the first game that you only notice it upon replaying! Plus, I'm a big fan of the prequel novel,,
Favourite Secondary Character(s)
When I tell ya'll I would straight up kill a man for Jasmine Jolene, I am not kidding. That woman deserved so much better, and I want to give her that life, I swear to GOD!! The same sentiment goes for Mark Meltzer, that poor man :c
Favourite Level(s)
It would be a crime not to say Fort Frolic since I adore the hell out of it design-wise and gameplay-wise, but I'm also kinda into the entire vibe of the second episode of Burial at Sea, specifically the Ryan the Lion Academy. Something about the environment and how this caricature of Andrew Ryan as a children's propaganda mascot intrigues me.
Favourite Fight(s)
Atlas, hands down. I just kicked his ass on Survivor Mode the other day, and it was SO satisfying!! I never tire of destroying him or the cutscene where the Little Sisters stab him to death.
Favourite of the Games
I'm such a sucker for the series' primary narrative trait of "father-daughter adventure time" in other media (see Detroit Become Human and TTWDG). Still, Bioshock 2 hit me on a whole other level. I am so enamoured by Delta's relationship with Eleanor, and it's so far the game I've played through the most.
I would obliterate entire armies for Eleanor.
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Favourite DLC
It's a tie between Minerva's Den and Burial at Sea II. Both struck me in very different parts of my writer-monkey brain, and I was so pleased with them story-wise. Plus, I love any reference to Athena in anything ever, so I am a bit biased-
(and because I have more to say, FPS aspect bonus round!)
Favourite Weapon(s)
Shotgun/Machine Gun gang, baby!!! Trap bolts and mini-turrets are also very fun; I like to be elaborate with my beat-em-ups :)c
Favourite Plasmid/Vigor
INSECT SWARM!!! I am an Insect Swarm stan, and I will not debate it. Incinerate and Murder of Crows are also very fun, and I would like to consider Peeping Tom to be SEVERELY underrated.
Favourite Tonic(s)
I actively go out of my way to get Human Inferno II and Vending Expert II. they bring me peace in the game.
Do I Like Hacking?
No, absolutely not. The minigame stresses me out, so I spend SO much on auto hacks.
Favourite Enemy Type
Big Daddies intrigue me the most design-wise, but I like the Houdini and Spider splicers best. Maybe because watching them get burnt and stung to all hell is super satisfying. I like my bees and fire; what can I say?
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lulusoblue · 2 years
I mean I don’t think the book is the most accurate source of information on ages since it did manage to somehow put Jack’s birth two years after it happened in canon
While leaving in a hint to jasmine being pregnant during the correct date. Was she pregnant for two years, Bioshock book, what’s going on
So I’d personally go with the in-game information in regards to character age, lol
Oh the book isn't 100%, I absolutely agree, but I don't think that discredits it for what it gives us in terms of background story and lore. I (and I think most other people) take it as canon-adjacent, so game lore and canon takes precedence but anything in the novel that doesn't conflict with game lore can be considered as part of canon, e.g. Jack's "birth" is pushed forward in the timeline by 2 years in the novel which conflicts with the game's timeline, but the "electroshock" therapy Suchong used to program baby Jack in the novel can otherwise be taken as canon as it's information we never got in the game.
The thing with going by the in-game information alone for Eleanor's age is that there really isn't any to go with. Best we have is Eleanor's height chart in Grace's room, which tells us she was 7 when she was abducted by Stanley Poole. From that we can presume she was at least 7 in 1958, ergo she would be born before the end of 1951.
Before, I'd used events in the novel to establish a timeline and figure out Eleanor's age and it lined up with what we know in-game:
Eleanor is 3 years old at some point in 1954, during a scene in Dionysus Park where she claims her first victim (Mr Diary).
Eleanor is taken into Grace's care when her mother is arrested in 1955, and her height chart in Grace's apartment shows ages 5 to 7 so that lines up.
Eleanor is abducted while in Grace's care, so would at least have to be 7 years old when she ended up in the Little Sister Orphanage and was submitted for conditioning under Fontaine's business and then Ryan's.
However, I had overlooked the event when Sofia Lamb takes control over Persephone, as it's easy to forget that it's not the same as when she broke out of Persephone. Sofia takes over in 1957, motivated by her circumstances conditioning prisoners for Sinclair, but she's pushed to finally launch her plan with the knowledge that Eleanor was "the subject of experiments somewhere in Rapture". If we take it as a fact that Eleanor is abducted for the Little Sister Programme at age 7 based on her height chart, then it's not possible for her to be 7 in 1957 and have been born in 1951; she would have to be born in 1950.
This event doesn't conflict with existing lore or timelines as far as I can tell, and actually paces things out in a way that can make sense;
Eleanor would have been abducted in 1957, and that would put her in the hands of Fontaine/Ryan from then up to New Year's 1958.
Eleanor had to have spent some time in confinement for her to recreate her height chart in her corner in the orphanage. It indicates a need for sentiment as well as that rebellious spirit we know her for. (Yes I know it's just a reused asset but I can GIVE it meaning)
Eleanor's mental conditioning would have taken time like other Little Sisters in confinement, leading up to when she would be used by Gil Alexander for the Alpha Series pairbond phase, likely unable to identify herself. Little Sisters would also be kept for years up to this point as Fontaine, Suchong and Tenenbaum would have been using them to mass produce ADAM for Fontaine's business.
Gil not realising who Eleanor was would line up with potentially 3 years of not seeing his cult leader's daughter. Stanley was using Dionysus for his own means and religious groups would be dangerous to host post-Sofia arrest, so she would have grown for 3 years without regular contact with any cult members.
Sofia having to wait over a year before retrieving her daughter would make sense; even with her control over Persephone, she was trapped inside it with Ryan holding control over the rest of Rapture, and getting to Eleanor through all the security between then would be suicide at the time. Her breakout proper on New Year's 1958 feels more intentional, getting her daughter on the busiest night of the year at a point where she knew her daughter would be out in public and not within a secured facility.
The only thing that may conflict would be Sofia's arrival in 1950, as it makes a tight window for Eleanor to be born in depending on Sofia's intent. It's possible for Sofia to have arrived very early in 1950, as in the novel only one event occurs before her introduction that year (Bill and Ryan discuss the state of Rapture). With the implication that she hired a surrogate for Eleanor in the game, Sofia could have decided to "have" Eleanor as soon as possible when moving to Rapture. (That itself could imply she'd already had some kind of plans for a prodigy child and the freedoms of the underwater city helped her realise those plans quickly.)
I don't think any of us can really know how old Eleanor is intended to be, but with the information presented to me and the fact that there aren't any contradictions or issues (that I'm aware of right now), then I'd say Eleanor would have been born in late-1950, meaning:
Eleanor can be a 3 year old murderer in 1954,
at least age 4 when her mother was arrested in 1955 and later starting the height chart with Grace at age 5,
age 7 when confined for Little Sister conditioning in 1957,
age 8 while pairbonded with Delta on New Year's Eve, 1958,
and age 18 when reviving Delta 10 years later in 1968
Like I know I was the one with the facts about Eleanor being 17, but that was before I actually focused on the year Sofia became girlboss of a prison, and honestly if I had actually noted that part in the novel I would have been saying Eleanor is 18 for like 4 years.
Yes, it's very tinfoil-hat, but with my hyperfocusing on special interests I take that part of myself as part of the joke. I'm just a woman, standing in front of a franchise's lore, asking its timeline to make sense, and it answered, "Eleanor is legally allowed to purchase alcohol in the UK. She can order herself a beer and chug it while flipping her mother off."
Now let's discuss the universe where Bayonetta is a fancy cheese wheel.
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glitchedoutstar · 2 years
hi :) okay this is gonna come as really really weird but my little wants a board of her and her dad, whos a giant red black dragon/demon/...thing... she loves him very much (in the not weird way i promise) you DO NOT have to do this if you do not want to /gen
if you do: her color pallet is swamp green and or oranges, and shes a froggy, and her favorite thing is to ride around on her dads back/head (bc he is roughly the size of texas) and or shes a pretty little princess (brat) . scales maybe? or smoke? she likes bombs and fire (sometimes, she can breathe it, and she is annotating me as i write this) she's also a little sister from bioshock!
thank you sooo much 🌸
o/ haiiii ^_^ wasnt too sure what 2 do w this so its a bit all over oops
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bioshock4k · 3 years
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little sister stimboard bcus i neeeeded to get it out of my head
💖 | 🧸 | 💝
🐳 | 💕 | 🐬
💗 | 🦑 | 💟
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sadsinclair · 4 years
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All the little sisters in bioshock
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cardboard-aliens · 3 years
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ℂ𝕒𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝕀 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖
𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕀 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕗𝕖𝕝𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝕠𝕗 𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖
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I can't get over how Rosies and Lancers give the Little Sister that they retrieve a small like, assuring or freshening-up sort of gesture.
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It's so cute and endearing on their part. Its precious. Such a small detail, but sticks out to me.
Then there's the Rumbler:
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Two extra boops. It's like he's making sure she looks presentable and comfortable on her first day of school when they're just heading off to drain blood from corpses. I love this game and I love these dads so much-
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Endless List Of Favorite Characters ➝ Little Sisters
"Who watches over sleeping angels? I do, I do."
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hannibalzero · 8 months
@xx-splic3r-xx asked me:
“Who is your favorite Bioshock character? Mine is delta!”
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I am torn between Jack or Delta. Jack mostly because I’ve headcanon him a whole lot lol.
Jack cursing under his breath, holding a little sister on his hip. “Hate this whole damn city, what a stupid ass idea. No god or kings what a load of-“
Jack looks at the little girl in his arms. “Umm right…no cursing. Sorry angel fish.”
“It’s okay to be grumpy, it’s been a bad day.” She wagged her finger at Jack.
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Glowing Eyes //  TWENTY ØNE PILØTS
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universal-kitty · 3 years
   ALRIGHT, I finally updated stuff on my blog! Huzzah! Rules updated, updated my platonics list (bc that’s been collecting cobwebs for a long while, oops...)... Someday I’ll update other things when I know what I wanna do w/ them?!?
   .......but anyways, so much Bioshock on my dashboard, and me... Thinking about how my favorite character is Songbird. (And the other Big Daddies + Little Sisters....and the Big Sisters. But specifically Songbird.)
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