#biotech investment planning boston
douchebagbrainwaves · 4 months
Seed firms differ from angels and VCs in that they invest relatively small amounts at early stages, but like VCs in that they invest relatively small amounts at early stages, but like VCs in that they're companies that do it as a company. I'm not sure what happened to Dropbox. A lot of startups; it would not be for most biotech startups, for example, allow founders to cash out partially by selling some of their stock direct to the VC firm. It's the same with acquisitions. The idea of them making startup investments is comic. I think they increase when you face harder problems and also when you have smarter programmers. These are some of the big hits. Indeed, the biggest danger is that it makes your life a lot simpler. Within the hacker subculture, there is another, newer language, called Python, whose users tend to look down on Perl, and more waiting in the wings. I should explain what it means to be biased against applicants of type x. They were subsidiaries—of Beckman Instruments and Fairchild Camera and Instrument respectively. But having ideas is not very parallelizable.
Which means n i-1/i. Explain that clearly to investors. The whole language there all the time, trying to find an optimal balance between two things he knows nothing whatsoever about technology, you start to get users. You already know them. For example, it might be a rich market, but with a slow sales cycle. Reading Fred's post made me go back and look at the world of programming languages, as Erann Gat has pointed out, what industry best practice actually gets you is not the limit you can physically endure. The main thing that struck me on reading it, actually, is that you lie to yourself. But don't let them or the situation intimidate you. The really dramatic growth happens when a startup takes serious funding is that the percentage of the income for the extra peace of mind. And yet he seems pretty commanding, doesn't he?
That's the best-case scenario. The added confidence that comes from trying to help the world. I was in grad school, one of the preceding five sources. But they're also desperate for deals. You're better off starting with a blank slate in the form of a small town. That's the best-case scenario. So the smaller the number of officially sanctioned projects that manage to do all eight things wrong.
The startup, remember, only has a couple thousand left. Competitors punch you in the jaw, but investors. What it takes is the right one to do it is the cool, new programming language. Being profitable ensures you'll get at least the average of the acquisition market—in which public companies do behave as pooled-risk company management companies existed, signing up with one would seem the ideal plan for most people the latter is merely the optimal case of the former. There is no middle ground. If any incompatibility arises, you can just walk in whenever you want and say manage my rental property for me and they'll do it. Y Combinator started in Boston, and for the first 3 years we ran alternating batches in Boston and Silicon Valley. Most programming probably consists of writing little glue programs, and for little glue programs you can use whatever languages you want.
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decentralvaccine · 6 months
Moderna Delays Plans For Kenya Vaccine Factory
US biotech Moderna has put plans to build a vaccine plant in Kenya on hold, in a sign that moves to invest in pandemic preparedness in Africa have dropped down the agenda as sales of Covid-19 jabs decline.
The Boston-based company struck a deal with the Kenyan government a year ago to invest about $200mn in a facility that would produce up to 500mn vaccine shots a year. But it has yet to buy a plot earmarked for it in a special economic zone near Nairobi, said two people familiar with the matter.
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jcmarchi · 11 months
The Sequence Chat: Nathan Benaich, Air Street Capital About Investing in Generative AI
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/the-sequence-chat-nathan-benaich-air-street-capital-about-investing-in-generative-ai/
The Sequence Chat: Nathan Benaich, Air Street Capital About Investing in Generative AI
A conversation about the state of the generative AI market, new research breakthroughts, open source , opportunities for startups and many other insights.
Quick Bio
Nathan Benaich is the Founder and General Partner of Air Street Capital, a venture capital firm investing in early-stage AI-first technology and life science companies. His investments include Allcyte (acq. Exscientia), Intenseye, Thought Machine, Profluent, V7, Synthesia, and Valence Discovery (acq. Recursion). Nathan is the co-author of the annual State of AI Report and the newsletter, your guide to AI. Nathan also leads Spinout.fyi, which seeks to improve university spinout creation starting with open data on deal terms, and The RAAIS Foundation, a non-profit that runs the annual RAAIS summit and funds open source AI fellowships. He holds a Ph.D. in cancer biology from the University of Cambridge and a BA from Williams College.
TheSequence is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
Quick bio
Tell us a bit about yourself. Your background, current role and how did you get started in artificial intelligence and venture capital?   
I took what was then an unorthodox route into VC, but I believe it’s now becoming more and more common. My original plan was to go to medical school to become a physician-scientist working on translational research in cancer and stem cell biology. I studied biology at Williams College and worked on breast cancer metastasis at the Whitehead Institute at MIT during my summers.
I was fascinated by the incredible engine of the Boston biotech ecosystem that systematically translates inventions in the lab into spinouts to create products that make a difference in the world. At the same time, I saw the many challenges associated with building a life science company – ranging from the huge amounts of capital required through to the gauntlet of clinical trials and human biology.
As I pursued my PhD in experimental and computational cancer research at Cambridge in the UK, I became more and more fascinated with technology and startups beyond biotech. Products like Dropbox, iPhones, and Twitter were launching during my undergraduate studies and had properly scaled by the time I got to grad school. These innovations not only engaged me, but made peoples’ lives more enjoyable and efficient. I started teaching, immersing myself into the tech and venture capital scene (VC). I kept seeing that the most exciting and ambitious companies were financed with VC and I discovered a passion for discovering inspirational founders trying to change their fields. I found that VC could fulfill my scientific urge to formulate and test a data-driven thesis.
When my research group moved to London, I took full advantage of the nascent startup ecosystem there. I met entrepreneurs and investors, went to meetups and through lots of hard work, found myself with a shot in VC.
Air Street was built on the idea that AI-first companies require AI-first investors. Since day one, I’ve worked hard to deepen our connection and role in the AI community, whether it’s through our international meetups, producing the State of AI Report, and supporting the RAAIS conference and the RAAIS Foundation.
🛠 AI Work  
Air Street recently announced that it has raised $121,212,121 for its second fund. Other than being the first palindrome fund in AI 😉, could you please elaborate on your investment thesis and vision?
At Air Street, we are unashamedly positive about the potential of AI. We believe it will unlock a new era of economic progress and scientific discovery, by acting as a force multiplier on technology.
With that in mind, we look for founders building AI-first companies helping to solve real-world challenges. By AI-first, we mean that AI is central to what they are building and if you removed it, they wouldn’t have a functioning product.
The founders we back combine two main traits. Firstly, deep insight into their customers’ operating context, pressures, pain-points, and how new technology would fit into their way of working. Secondly, technical brilliance combined with pragmatism when it comes to selecting the right tools to use or build. For example, it may mean accepting that even in 2023, not every problem has a GenAI-shaped solution…
One of the most challenging questions when investing in generative AI is determining where the value will accrue in the long term. How do you differentiate potentially disruptive companies from mere features of other products powered by generative AI?
A few years ago, long before the generative AI boom, I wrote an essay making the case for the full-stack machine learning company. This means, instead of building part of the stack and licensing it out to another business to solve a problem, you build a business that creates a fully-integrated ML product that solves the problem end-to-end.
If we take an example from the life sciences, a company that licenses out a model to help big pharma is probably going to capture less economic upside than one that builds an end-to-end drug discovery platform that owns drug assets. I’m much more excited by that kind of ambitious vision than the many LLM-as-a-service businesses that have sprung up in the last year.
Air Street recently published its State of the Art report, which covers some of the most important areas of the generative AI ecosystem. What were some of the most important findings you learned while putting together the report?
The State of AI is our annual report, covering the biggest developments across research, industry, politics, and safety.
Unsurprisingly, there was a heavy generative AI presence in this year’s report – including both an assessment of model performance and promising applications, we try to write with a wider lens. Progress in GenAI doesn’t just have implications for researchers or investors, it powers other trends.
For example, the GenAI boom has clearly had a knock-on effect on the semiconductor wars between the US and China, and the report charts how the US has aggressively mobilized its allies amid a faltering Chinese response. It’s also accelerated the global governance conversation, as lawmakers have scrambled to respond in the face of a bad-tempered debate about risk inside the AI community.
It’s also important to note that it’s the State of AI, not the State of LLMs, and we cover much more besides. This year’s report also contains a range of material, covering everything from the life sciences, weather-forecasting, and autonomy through to the potential impact of AI on sensitive political subjects, including elections and job losses.
One of the most intriguing frictions in the generative AI space is the balance between open-source and closed-source/API-based models. How do you see the evolution of these two distribution models over the next few years? Who will emerge as the winner in the end?
This year’s report finds that there’s a clear capability gap between GPT-4 and its more open counterparts. Meta’s Llama 2, a more open alternative, is competitive with Chat-GPT on most tasks, with the exception of coding, where it lags it significantly. Code Llama, a code-specialized version of Llama 2, is competitive with GPT-4, which demonstrates that task-specific models still have a chance.
We’ve definitely seen a push by incumbents for more closed source AI – stemming from a combination of genuine safety concerns and obvious commercial cynicism. A low light for us in this year’s report was OpenAI’s hollow technical report on GPT-4 and Anthropic’s decision not to publish one at all for Claude 2, despite both being built on the shoulders of open source.
However, I’ve been encouraged by the resilience of the open source ecosystem. Hugging Face, the town hall for open source AI has seen record levels of traffic. August of this year alone saw 600 million model downloads.
Open source models have been continually improving in performance and I see no reason why this trend won’t continue. In smaller, more specialized applications, there’s a particularly clear role for teams that don’t have the resources to build multi-trillion parameter models.
A lot of the large investments in generative AI have been in companies building massive foundation models. How far do you think the scaling laws can go in this area? Would we see LLMs that surpass $10B in pretraining/fine-tuning costs?
It’s theoretically possible we might hit $10 billion models, but I think we’re still some way off; after all, the report predicts the emergence of $1 billion models next year. I think it’s possible, however, that we may have hit the point of diminishing returns before the $10 billion point.
In the report, we point to how researchers at Epoch AI have already warned about us hitting a data ceiling. They argue that we could run out of high-quality language data as early as 2026 and low-quality language in the 2030s.
Similarly, there are interesting case studies of teams building smaller, curated language models designed for specific tasks, with impressive performance. For specialized applications, these may prove a cheaper, more efficient route, rather than striving for ever greater scale.
💥 Miscellaneous – a set of rapid-fire questions 
Do you think there will be trillion-dollar native generative AI-based companies? If so, would you venture to predict that OpenAI will be one of them?
I don’t think it’s impossible, but we’re a long way off from this happening. OpenAI has blasted past its revenue targets, but its losses are continuing to mount steeply. Trillion-dollar businesses, like Alphabet, Apple, and Microsoft, have achieved clear, sustained commercial success with significant moats and cash cow products. While OpenAI has generous financial backers in Microsoft, at some point (particularly in a high-interest rate environment), gravity is likely to reassert itself, triggering tough questions about the business model. 
I don’t doubt that the team at OpenAI will be able to figure out the answer, but until the wider foundation model space moves from producing technical breakthroughs to building scalable businesses, talk of trillion-dollar valuations seems premature.
You can make a case that RLHF enabled the transition from GPT-3 to the mainstream ChatGPT phenomenon. What do you think is the next research breakthrough that can unlock the next wave of innovation in generative AI?
Language alone obviously doesn’t capture the full scope of human reasoning or communication, or how we plan and take action in the world. That’s why we see multimodality as the new frontier in this year’s report.
We see this already in GPT-4 (and GPT-4V), which unlike its predecessors, was trained on both text and images and can generate text from images.
Multimodality is already beginning to underpin a range of exciting potential applications. Google’s Med-PaLM 2 language model exceeded expert physician performance on the US Medical Licensing Examination, but obviously real-world medicine isn’t a purely text-based profession.
With this in mind, Google created a dataset called MultiMedBench that has medical questions along with matching images, allowing them to train multimodal systems that understand both text and images. A version of MedPaLM was trained on this dataset, with a single set of weights to handle multiple data types. This helps it generalize and perform new medical tasks.
We’ve also seen UK self-driving start-up Wayve build a model called LINGO-1, a model that combines videos of journeys with expert commentary on driving behavior and the scene. You can also ask the model questions via natural language. As well as improving reasoning and planning, it potentially marks a big step forward in the explainability of end-to-end driving models.
What are the most significant mistakes that you see entrepreneurs making while building in the generative AI space? How about the most common mistake investors make?
These mistakes usually happen at the conceptual stage. Anyone operating in this space, whether they’re a founder or investor should ask themselves a few fundamental questions.
Firstly, is generative AI actually the most efficient, pragmatic solution to the challenge you’re approaching? Fashion will change and getting side-tracked by whatever’s vogueish will set you up for failure later on.
Secondly, is there a viable business model? Going back to the full-stack machine learning company, there are many generative AI businesses that risk missing out on a lot of the value they’re helping to create.
Finally, are you playing in a space you’re likely to win in? Certain spaces, whether it’s foundational model creation or finetuning-as-a-service are disproportionately likely to be captured by well-funded incumbents. A new entrant needs a clear edge.
Who is your favorite mathematician or computer scientist, and why?
Chris Ré is an exceptional computer scientist at Stanford with a track record of focusing his research on real-world problems for data and AI teams. For example, his group recently produced FlashAttention, which makes the memory footprint of attention smaller, to produce faster and higher quality transformer models. Alongside his students, Chris has also spun out now large-scale companies in AI such as Snorkel, SambaNova Systems and Lattice Data (acq. Apple).
Eric Lander is a Professor of Biology at MIT and Professor of Systems Biology at Harvard Medical School. He made seminal contributions to population genetics and led the formation of the Whitehead Institute/MIT Center for Genome Research, which became a key center for the Whole Genome Project Human Genome Project that started in 1990. He then drove the founding of the Broad Institute in 2004, which is hands-down one of the best research centers for human biology in the world, particularly when it comes to approaches that unite software and biological experimentation at large automated scales.
TheSequence is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
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rudyabaut · 4 years
False: Fauci, Gates, Epstein and Soros have ties to drug company Moderna
EXCLUSIVELY for Covid-19 Conspiracy Theories Suckers 
View video before it is taken down...
MODERNA FAUCI(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAZFl1bhMH4)
Then come back to reality...
Read this: Fact check: Fauci, Gates, Epstein and Soros have no ties to drug company Moderna
by Chelsey Cox, USA TODAYSept. 11, 2020
The claim: George Soros founded Moderna, Jeffrey Epstein was an investor, Anthony Fauci was its first CEO and Bill Gates was his college roommateNews of biotech company Moderna's planned development of a vaccine against the coronavirus, the virus that causes COVID-19, has incited internet conspiracy theorists. A popular social media claim links certain high-profile individuals to Moderna and their apparent investment in the vaccine. USA TODAY reported on Moderna's progress in late August.
One such post by blogger Lynna Smith went viral. Smith posted the claim to Facebook on Aug. 12 with a link to a video uploaded to a corresponding YouTube account.
The video outlines alleged connections between Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros, accused sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates as part of a larger conspiracy theory about government-mandated vaccinations against the coronavirus.
The narrator of the video claims Moderna already has the vaccine. It also states Fauci, a graduate of Cornell University, was Moderna's first CEO. Fauci's ties to Gates began at Cornell, the video alleges, because the two were roommates.
The video also states IG Farben, a company that was "heavily involved" in experiments during World War II, was run by Soros, a "Jewish Nazi" who later became an American citizen. Soros apparently formed Moderna from IG Farben.
Finally, the video claims Epstein, the billionaire financier who died in prison while awaiting a trial for sex-trafficking charges, was a major financial backer of Moderna.
Smith summarizes the "relationship" between Soros, Fauci, Gates and Epstein in the post caption, finishing with, "DO YOU GET IT NOW."
Smith is described as a "Truthseeker" and proudly declares "2 of my pages were deleted by FB" on a Facebook profile page. Smith also claims to manipulate mainstream media and references U.N. Agenda 21 in a Gab.com profile. Gab.com is a social network that "champions free speech, individual liberty and the free flow of information online," according to its website.
USA TODAY reached out to Smith for comment.
Another version of the claim was posted to the Facebook page for The Meme Aesthetic, an account that curates "the worst memes on the internet," according to its Instagram page. 
Was Soros a 'Jewish Nazi?'
Soros was born in Budapest in 1930. His father, a Jewish lawyer, forged papers that disguised their religion during the Nazi occupation of Hungary, according to the BBC. 
There is no evidence of Soros joining the Nazi party during WWII — he would have been 14 years old when the Nazis surrendered in 1945 — or anytime during his transformation from London investment banker to billionaire American philanthropist. 
Soros has openly supported the Democratic Party. The BBC reported Soros has been the target of right-wing attacks founded in Nazi-era conspiracy theories about Jewish bankers plotting a "New World Order."
Who founded Moderna?
The founding of the biotech company is incorrectly attributed to Soros in the claim. Harvard University professor Dr. Derrick Rossi founded Moderna in 2010 to manufacture his research-based therapeutics, according to a 2014 interview with the Journal of Young Investigators.
"The biotech company is called Moderna Therapeutics and it’s probably one the most successful young biotech companies in Boston/Cambridge right now. It is only 4 years old. ... The technology at the heart of the company, which we developed in my lab, is very exciting and very powerful," Rossi told JYI.
Soros did not create the company from IG Farben. The German chemical and pharmaceutical conglomerate was dissolved by Allied forces after WWII for manufacturing gas chamber poison and exploiting slave labor, according to The New York Times. Its most important factories formed the basis of chemical companies Bayer, Hoechst AG and BASF, but not Moderna. 
Was Fauci the CEO for Moderna?
Moderna's founding team was comprised of Doug Cole and Noubar Afeyan, according to the website for investor Flagship Pioneering. Afeyan is also Flagship's founder and CEO.
Stéphane Bancel is credited by Flagship Pioneering as the founding chief executive officer of Moderna Therapeutics. He has served in this role since 2011, according to Moderna's website.
A search for "Fauci" on Flagship Pioneering's website produced no results. Fauci is included in two search results on Moderna's website. The first mentioned his interview with National Geographic about an experiment conducted by Moderna. He is listed as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in that entry. NIAID is part of the National Institutes of Health.
The other search result is a 2019 Shareholder Letter that names Fauci as a co-reviewer of a vaccine platform Moderna is working to improve.
Fauci is not identified as the former CEO of Moderna in either instance. Widely available evidence, like his official biography on the NIAID website, states Fauci has served as director of the institute since his appointment in 1984.
Were Fauci and Gates college roommates?
Fauci received his medical degree from Cornell University Medical Center in 1966, according to the Brooklyn Reporter. That is nearly a decade before Gates entered Harvard University. NPR reported Gates intended to study pre-law but shifted his focus to math and science before taking his first of two leaves of absence in 1975. He was eventually awarded an honorary degree in 2007. Gates and Fauci did not attend the same colleges and could not have been college roommates.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is listed as one of Moderna's collaborators, according to Flagship Pioneering. 
What is Epstein's relationship to Moderna?
Epstein left his position as a tax adviser with Bear Stearns Cos. to start his own investment company in 1982, according to USA TODAY. Details about Epstein's Financial Trust Co. are reportedly vague, but the company is not listed as a primary stockholder in Moderna, according to CNN Business.
A search for "Jeffrey Epstein" on the websites for Moderna and Flagship Pioneering generated no results.
Our rating: False
We rate this claim FALSE, because it is not supported by our research. George Soros did not found Moderna, as the claim states. Dr. Anthony Fauci has served as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, but never worked for Moderna. Bill Gates and Fauci attended different colleges and could not have been roommates. Lastly, Jeffrey Epstein's company Financial Trust Co. is not a major stakeholder in Moderna, according to records.
Our fact-check sources:
> National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, retrieved Sept. 4, 2020: "Anthony S. Fauci, M.D."
> Flagship Pioneering, retrieved Sept. 4, 2020: "Companies: Moderna"> Flagship Pioneering, retrieved Sept. 4, 2020: "People: Noubar Afeyan, Founder & CEO
"> Flagship Pioneering, retrieved Sept. 4, 2020: "People: Stéphane Bancel, Venture Partner"
> BBC News, May 31, 2018, (archived): "Profile: Billionaire philanthropist George Soros"
> CNN Business, retrieved Sept. 4, 2020: "Moderna Inc. Shareholders"
> USA TODAY, July 8, 2019: "Who is Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire charged with sex trafficking girls as young as 14?"
> NPR Legacy, retrieved Sept. 4, 2020: "Timeline: Bill Gates, From Geek to Gazillionaire to Do-Gooder"
> Brooklyn Reporter, March 2, 2020: "Brooklyn-born disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci says we may be on the brink of a pandemic"
> Journal of Young Investigators, Oct. 1, 2014: "Interview with Dr. Derrick Rossi of Moderna Therapeutics"
> Moderna, retrieved Sept. 4, 2020: "Moderna’s Work on a COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate"
> Moderna, retrieved Sept. 4, 2020: "Moderna 2019 Shareholder Letter"
> Harvard Stem Cell Institute, retrieved Sept. 4, 2020: "Derrick J. Rossi, Ph.D."
> The New York Times, May 2, 1999: "THE BUSINESS WORLD; I.G. Farben: A Lingering Relic of the Nazi Years"
Learn more at https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/09/11/fact-check-fauci-gates-soros-epstein-not-tied-moderna/5715707002/
Related reading:
Fact check: U.N. Agenda 21/2030 'New World Order' is not a real document (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/07/23/fact-check-uns-agenda-21-2030-agenda-wont-create-new-world-order/5474884002/)
Is George Soros paying protesters? Soros' conspiracy theories surge as protests sweep nation(https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2020/06/21/george-soros-conspiracy-theories-protests/3232738001/)
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cryptodailysun · 3 years
Boston Brew Co. is energizing The People’s Network with connected kegs of cold brew that never run dry. This holiday miracle brings more than High Altitude Colombian Beans to the Network with the addition of hundreds of new sensors that reward Hotspot owners for transferring data when coffee supplies in your home or office start to dwindle.From groundbreaking biotechs to prestigious investment firms, Boston Brew Co. is already providing dozens of businesses with a superior cold brew coffee service that includes real-time usage rates and automated replenishment alerts thanks to compatible Sparkfun load sensors on The People’s Network.It goes without saying that Boston Brew Co. was founded out of necessity. While Founder and CEO, Will Harris, was working at a Boston-based IoT startup, he experienced cold brew coffee on tap for the first time. The initial impression was less than stellar; Will’s taste buds were assaulted by bitter, bland coffee in kegs that frequently went days waiting for replenishment. In desperate need of an alternative caffeine source, Will made his own cold brew for the office. After countless employees chose Will’s recipe over the office kegerator, he knew he was onto something and launched Boston Brew Co.It even tastes like the future.Today, Boston Brew Co. enjoys start-up success status much like the clients it serves. Growth continues to double year over year and rapid service is the cutting-edge key to success. With the cold brew market size expected to reach USD 1.63 billion by 2025, the company is tackling a massive opportunity to make caffeine more connected.“Our customers’ greatest fear is running out of delicious cold brew coffee on a Monday morning or during an end of the quarter sales push. By pairing LoRaWAN load sensors with The People’s Network, we are able to guarantee that our entire customer base has complete usage visualizations. Get instant low coffee alerts so you and your office is never low on caffeine.” — Will Harris, Boston Brew Co. Founder & CEOWithout Helium, Boston Brew Co.’s unique value proposition would not be possible at such an affordable price. An average sensor cost of less than $1.50 per year with wireless coverage provided by The People’s Network is what allows Boston Brew Co. to equip hundreds of kegs with Hotspot connectivity and compatible sensors for real-time alerts and replenishment.Will is all in on The People’s Network, having fully funded the company with a concoction of life savings and reinvestment. Currently, Boston Brew Co.’s entire service and logistics technology is being fully supported by Network rewards. With ongoing plans to deploy Hotspots at all locations, its entire dataset will soon be sustained by the Network.To learn more about Boston Brew Co., visit BostonBrewCompany.com and register for The Uplink with Will and Helium on January 25th at 12 pm PT.
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ramshariraut · 3 years
"IgE Allergy Blood Tests  Market 2021-2028 | by Top Key Players: Abionic SA,EUROIMMUN US LLC,Biovator AB (Inactive),Amerimmune LLC,Cytognos, SL,AXO Science SAS,HOB Biotech Group Suzhou Co Ltd,China Medical Technologies Inc (Inactive),Children's Hospital Boston,Ferrer inCode SL "
Global IgE Allergy Blood Tests  Market, Geography (North America (United States, Canada and Mexico), South America (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)) Industry Trends 2021-2028
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<strong>About Statistify Market Research</strong> Statistify Market Research focuses on some basic research techniques of exploratory research, descriptive research, and casual research. In exploratory research in-depth interviews and discussion groups are used to better define a problem of scout opportunities. The descriptive research methods include personal interaction and surveys used to access a situation in the marketplace ( i.e., the potential for a specific product or consumer attitudes). The causal research is conducted through estimation and is used for testing cause and effect relationships. This research design is a framework or blueprint for conducting the marketing research project.
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Rare Disease Therapeutics Market to grow at a Significant Rate During the Forecast Period | TechSci Research
Rapid increase in the prevailing rare diseases is driving the growth of Global Rare Disease Therapeutics Market.
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According to TechSci Research report, “Global Rare Disease Therapeutics Market By Drug Type (Biologics, Organic Compounds) By Therapeutic Area (Cancer, Blood-related Disorders, Central Nervous System (CNS), Respiratory Disorders, Musculoskeletal Disorders, Cardiovascular Disorders, Others) By Route of Administration (Oral, Injectable, Others) By Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, Specialty Pharmacies) By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, the Global rare disease therapeutics is expected to grow at a promising rate during the forecast period. The market registered its growth on the account of availability of better and more effective therapeutics for the rare disease that are expressing themselves rapidly. With the changed lifestyle and adoption of busy and unhealthy schedules, the population around the world is being diagnosed with more rare diseases. This increasing number is driving the market for the better and effective therapeutics that are able to treat these diseases.
COVID-19 effected the global rare disease therapeutics market like the whole world economy. The market suffered a setback in the first half of 2020, owing to the pandemic that spread in all around the world. The countries were observing a complete lockdown and healthcare industry was totally invested in finding the prevention and cure for the COVID-19. Soon the vaccine for the virus was discovered. This discovery did slow down the ongoing studies on the rare disease therapeutics thus setting a drawback for the market. Now, the market has recovered and is expected to show considerable growth in the forecast period.
Browse over XX market data Figures spread through 110 Pages and an in-depth TOC on "Global Rare disease therapeutics Market"
The global rare disease therapeutics market is segmented by drug type, therapeutic area, route of administration, distribution channel, and regional distribution. Based on therapeutic area the market is further categorized into cancer, blood-related disorders, central nervous system (CNS), respiratory disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, cardiovascular disorders, and others. Cancer has by far dominated the market segment owing to the highest number of cancer patients in the world. The world has more than 20 million cancer patients, according to the last year reports of IARC, 2020. Moreover, almost two-thirds if this population is less than the age of 20 and suffer from rare type of cancer. This has led to the growth of the market for global rare disease therapeutics of cancer. The market is expected to consistently grow in near future of five years owing to the continued increase in the number of patients.
Some of the major competitors in the market are Medtronic Plc., Boston Scientific Corporation, St. Jude Medical, Inc. (Abbott), Synapse Biomedical Inc, Nevro Corporation, NDI Medical LLC, Terumo Corporation, Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, NeuroPace, Inc., LivaNova PLC, Synchron Inc., Functional Neuromodulation Ltd., Beijing PINS Medical Co. Ltd, Renishaw Plc, Aleva Neurotherapeutics SA. The companies are focussing on extensive research and developments activities to stay competitive in the market. Other competitive strategies include formation of alliances and partnerships.
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Customers can also request for 10% free customization on this report.
“Recent times have seen rare disease drugs and treatment plans as a promising sector of pharmaceutical industry. Biotech companies and other research based pharma companies are highly active and invested in the development of the drugs and therapeutics. Increasing the clinical development timelines, lowering the cost of the commercialization of the drugs will promise better growth of the market and opportunity for the new investors. Moreover, rare diseases are unlike conventional drugs and present with lucrative opportunity in the future forecast period owing to the future requirement that are supported by increasing number of rare diseases,” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based Global management consulting firm.
“Global Rare Disease Therapeutics Market By Drug Type (Biologics, Organic Compounds) By Therapeutic Area (Cancer, Blood-related Disorders, Central Nervous System (CNS), Respiratory Disorders, Musculoskeletal Disorders, Cardiovascular Disorders, Others) By Route of Administration (Oral, Injectable, Others) By Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, Specialty Pharmacies) By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, has evaluated the future growth potential of Global Rare disease therapeutics and provides statistics & information on market size, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in Global Rare disease therapeutics.
Browse Related Reports:
Global Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) Therapeutics Market By Type of Therapy (Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, Targeted Therapy, Radiation Therapy, Stem Cell Transplant, Others), By Cell Type (B-cell Lymphomas, T-cell Lymphoma), By Drug Type (Opdivo, Adcetris, Rituxan, Imbruvica, Revlimid, Keytruda, Other Drugs), By Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, Online Pharmacies, Others), By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2025
Global Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Market By Technology(Immunoassays, Proteomic Technologies), By Drug Class(Antiarrhythmic Drugs, Immunosuppressants, Antiepileptic Drugs, Others), By Active Ingredient (Amikacin, Caffeine, Carbamazepine, Cyclosporine, Digitoxin, Digoxin, Disopyramide, Ethosuxamide, Gentamicin, Lidocaine, Lithium, Methotrexate, NAPA, Phenobarbital, Quinidine, Sirolimus, Tacrolimus, Vancomycin, Others), By End-User (Hospitals, Diagnostic Centres, Others), By Product (Immunoassay Equipment, Reagents, Other Consumables), By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2025
Mr. Ken Mathews
708 Third Avenue,
Manhattan, NY,
New York – 10017
Tel: +1-646-360-1656
Website: https://www.techsciresearch.com/
For More Market Research Blogs Visit: https://techsciblog.com/
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techsciresearch · 3 years
Rare Disease Therapeutics Market to grow at a Significant Rate During the Forecast Period | TechSci Research
Rapid increase in the prevailing rare diseases is driving the growth of Global Rare Disease Therapeutics Market.
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According to TechSci Research report, “Global Rare Disease Therapeutics Market By Drug Type (Biologics, Organic Compounds) By Therapeutic Area (Cancer, Blood-related Disorders, Central Nervous System (CNS), Respiratory Disorders, Musculoskeletal Disorders, Cardiovascular Disorders, Others) By Route of Administration (Oral, Injectable, Others) By Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, Specialty Pharmacies) By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, the Global rare disease therapeutics is expected to grow at a promising rate during the forecast period. The market registered its growth on the account of availability of better and more effective therapeutics for the rare disease that are expressing themselves rapidly. With the changed lifestyle and adoption of busy and unhealthy schedules, the population around the world is being diagnosed with more rare diseases. This increasing number is driving the market for the better and effective therapeutics that are able to treat these diseases.
COVID-19 effected the global rare disease therapeutics market like the whole world economy. The market suffered a setback in the first half of 2020, owing to the pandemic that spread in all around the world. The countries were observing a complete lockdown and healthcare industry was totally invested in finding the prevention and cure for the COVID-19. Soon the vaccine for the virus was discovered. This discovery did slow down the ongoing studies on the rare disease therapeutics thus setting a drawback for the market. Now, the market has recovered and is expected to show considerable growth in the forecast period.
Browse over XX market data Figures spread through 110 Pages and an in-depth TOC on "Global Rare disease therapeutics Market"
The global rare disease therapeutics market is segmented by drug type, therapeutic area, route of administration, distribution channel, and regional distribution. Based on therapeutic area the market is further categorized into cancer, blood-related disorders, central nervous system (CNS), respiratory disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, cardiovascular disorders, and others. Cancer has by far dominated the market segment owing to the highest number of cancer patients in the world. The world has more than 20 million cancer patients, according to the last year reports of IARC, 2020. Moreover, almost two-thirds if this population is less than the age of 20 and suffer from rare type of cancer. This has led to the growth of the market for global rare disease therapeutics of cancer. The market is expected to consistently grow in near future of five years owing to the continued increase in the number of patients.
Some of the major competitors in the market are Medtronic Plc., Boston Scientific Corporation, St. Jude Medical, Inc. (Abbott), Synapse Biomedical Inc, Nevro Corporation, NDI Medical LLC, Terumo Corporation, Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, NeuroPace, Inc., LivaNova PLC, Synchron Inc., Functional Neuromodulation Ltd., Beijing PINS Medical Co. Ltd, Renishaw Plc, Aleva Neurotherapeutics SA. The companies are focussing on extensive research and developments activities to stay competitive in the market. Other competitive strategies include formation of alliances and partnerships.
Download Sample Report @ https://www.techsciresearch.com/sample-report.aspx?cid=7609
Customers can also request for 10% free customization on this report.
“Recent times have seen rare disease drugs and treatment plans as a promising sector of pharmaceutical industry. Biotech companies and other research based pharma companies are highly active and invested in the development of the drugs and therapeutics. Increasing the clinical development timelines, lowering the cost of the commercialization of the drugs will promise better growth of the market and opportunity for the new investors. Moreover, rare diseases are unlike conventional drugs and present with lucrative opportunity in the future forecast period owing to the future requirement that are supported by increasing number of rare diseases,” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based Global management consulting firm.
“Global Rare Disease Therapeutics Market By Drug Type (Biologics, Organic Compounds) By Therapeutic Area (Cancer, Blood-related Disorders, Central Nervous System (CNS), Respiratory Disorders, Musculoskeletal Disorders, Cardiovascular Disorders, Others) By Route of Administration (Oral, Injectable, Others) By Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, Specialty Pharmacies) By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, has evaluated the future growth potential of Global Rare disease therapeutics and provides statistics & information on market size, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in Global Rare disease therapeutics.
Browse Related Reports:
Global Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) Therapeutics Market By Type of Therapy (Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, Targeted Therapy, Radiation Therapy, Stem Cell Transplant, Others), By Cell Type (B-cell Lymphomas, T-cell Lymphoma), By Drug Type (Opdivo, Adcetris, Rituxan, Imbruvica, Revlimid, Keytruda, Other Drugs), By Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, Online Pharmacies, Others), By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2025
Global Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Market By Technology(Immunoassays, Proteomic Technologies), By Drug Class(Antiarrhythmic Drugs, Immunosuppressants, Antiepileptic Drugs, Others), By Active Ingredient (Amikacin, Caffeine, Carbamazepine, Cyclosporine, Digitoxin, Digoxin, Disopyramide, Ethosuxamide, Gentamicin, Lidocaine, Lithium, Methotrexate, NAPA, Phenobarbital, Quinidine, Sirolimus, Tacrolimus, Vancomycin, Others), By End-User (Hospitals, Diagnostic Centres, Others), By Product (Immunoassay Equipment, Reagents, Other Consumables), By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2025
Mr. Ken Mathews
708 Third Avenue,
Manhattan, NY,
New York – 10017
Tel: +1-646-360-1656
Website: https://www.techsciresearch.com/
For More Market Research Blogs Visit: https://techsciblog.com/TechSci,
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opedguy · 3 years
Biden Asks for Patent Waiver on Covid Vaccine
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), May 8, 2021.--Announcing May 5 that he would seek a patent waivers on U.S.-based Covid-19 vaccines, 78-year-old President Joe Biden showed he’s not in charge of administration or his right mind.  When drug makers work tirelessly, investing untold billions in research and development, they expect to reap the rewards of life-saving medicines, especially vaccines the middle of the pandemic.  As part of former President Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed to produce Covid-19 vaccines in record time, the government paid Moderna, a Boston-biotech company, $2.5 billion in R&D money.  Pfizer received no government cash other than the government buying 100 million initial doses, now totaling profits of $3.5 billion, about 25% of Pfizer’s annual income.  Biden’s May 5 decision to give away the patents shows he’s controlled by his Party’s left wing with Sen. Elizabeth Warrant (D-Mass.) calling the shots.  
           Biden said Dec. 29, 2020 that “America is back” and he’s prepared to “lead the Free World,” something rejected by the European Union [EU], saying they’re perfectly capable to leading themselves.  Biden’s decision to share the patents on Pfizer-BioNTech and Monderna’s Covid-19 vaccines met with stiff resistance in Brussels, wanting no part of sharing patents.  Germany’s BioNTech partnered with Pfizer for the Covid-19 mRNA jab, using the latest technology to imitate the virus’s spike protein making Covid-19 so infectious.  “The main issue for the solidarity is the distribution of doses,” said 43-year-old French President Emmanuel Macron, opposing sharing patents but open to wider distribution for the EU community.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel opposed the idea of giving away BioNTech’s patents.  BioNTech’s partnership with Pfizer was a singular achievement for the German start-up company.      
       International patents and copyrights are an integral part of what British Foreign Minister Dominic Raab called the “rules-based system.”  He accused China of violating the rules-based system regularly, disregarding patents-and-copyrights, prompting the Trump administration to end China’s theft of intellectual property.  When it comes to vaccines, as long as purchasing and distribution channels are open to all, Pfizer and Modern deserve to reap the profits from their live-saving R&D.  “In the short and medium term, the IP [International Patent] waiver will not solve the problems, it will not bring a single dose of vaccine in the short and medium term,” EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told a summit in Porto, Portugal.  In order for the vaccine to circulate, the ingredients and the vaccines themselves cannot be blocked.  Today the Anglo-Saxons block many of these ingredients and vaccines,” said Macron.     
        Macron, like Biden, is confused about how to increase the distribution of the vaccines worldwide.  Granting waivers from IPs only robs vaccine makers from investing the R&D into new products, since they expect to reap the lucrative profits from government purchasing.  India and South Africa seek waivers of patent protection to manufacture vaccines in their own countries.  Robbing biotech innovators from their patents-and-profits would discourage them from future public health efforts.  Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca-Oxford deserve whatever they get from vaccines.  Waiving patents would discourage any future biotech innovation, since all multinational corporations are in it for the profit.  EU officials don’t believe that Biden’s plan to waive patents would help availability of the Covid-19 vaccines.  They see a waiver as reducing products for distribution.      
       Vaccine makers have no problem increasing production and distribution of vaccines as long as governments pay for the doses.  Pfizer-BioNTech and Modern charge about $20 a dose for their mRNA Covid-19 vaccines.  Astra-Zenenca-Oxford charge about the same, while Russia’s Sputik V vaccines sells for about $10 a dose. Drug makers care only about getting paid, regardless of the pricing.  U.S. biotech Moderna waived the patent because the U.S. government gave them $2.5 billion in R&D cash, in exchange for massive government purchases.  Pfizer-BioNTech has no plans to waive the patent on its Covid-19 vaccine.  EU officials, especially Germany, opposes waiving the BioNTech patents for the joint project with Pfizer.  With more variants on the horizon, biotech companies need all the incentives they can get to continue the R&D necessary to deal with more contagious and lethal variants.     
        Vaccine development deserves the same protections as any other drug patents.  Governments don’t need vaccine patent waivers to produce the vaccines in their own countries.  What they need is better vaccine distribution channels, something that can only occur if vaccine makers are guaranteed profits by holding onto patents.  “No one will be safe until we all are.  If vaccination takes place only in developed countries, our victory over Covid-19 will only be short-lived.  We are seeing how quickly the virus is mutating, creating new variants that entail new challenges,” said a joint communiqué from leaders of Belgium, Sweden, France, Denmark and Spain in an open letter to Ursula von der Leyen.  While there’s are differences in the EU how to achieve the quickest-and-widest distribution of vaccines, most agree it’s not an intellectual property issue but one of better access and distribution. 
About the Author 
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news.  He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.   Reply  Reply All  Forward
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sandlerresearch · 3 years
Reconstruction Meshes (General Surgery) - Global Market Analysis and Forecast Model (COVID-19 Market Impact) published on
Reconstruction Meshes (General Surgery) - Global Market Analysis and Forecast Model (COVID-19 Market Impact)
Reconstruction Meshes (General Surgery) – Global Market Analysis and Forecast Model (COVID-19 Market Impact)
Reconstruction Meshes (General Surgery) – Global Market Analysis and Forecast Model (COVID-19 Market Impact) is built to visualize quantitative market trends within General Surgery therapeutic area. The model discusses in detail the impact of COVID-19 on Reconstruction Meshes market for the year 2020 and beyond.
Reconstruction Meshes are surgically implantable woven sheets that are used to repair or support irgans and other tissues. The meshes are made either from synthetic material and/or bioengineered from animal tissues. The breast reconstruction market is increasing dramatically due to improvements in patient satisfaction, reduced costs, and decreases in side-effects from procedures. Use of repair meshes along with breast implants is emerging as an effective method for breast reconstruction after mastectomy.
The demand for the use of synthetic and biologic meshes in IBBR (Implant based Breast Reconstruction) surgeries is likely to increase in the future because of the improved aesthetic outcome. Continued improvements in synthetic mesh safety and performance for breast reconstruction, pelvic organ prolapse treatment, and urinary incontinence treatments will contribute to their overall growth in market value.
Each of the covered 39 country’s color-coded and fully-sourced market models are equipped with epidemiology based indications with procedure volumes. To increase the data transparency, the interactive excel deliverable covers installed base, new sales volumes, product usage, average selling prices, market size and company share/rank analysis (wherever available). Moreover, analyst comments with qualitative insight offer context for quantitative data.
Key Inclusions of the market model are –
Currently marketed Reconstruction Meshes and evolving competitive landscape – Insightful review of the key industry trends. Annualized total Reconstruction Meshes market revenue by segment and market outlooks from 2015-2030. Granular data on total procedures, units, average selling prices and market values by segment.
Global, Regional and Country level market specific insights – – Qualitative market specific information is available with global trends further broken down into regional trends. In addition, GlobalData analysts provide unique country specific insights on the market. – SWOT analysis for Reconstruction Meshes market. – Competitive dynamics insights and trends provided for Reconstruction Meshes market.
Drive the understanding of the market by getting the veritable big picture including an overview of the healthcare system. In addition, the Market Access segment allows you to delve deeper into market dynamics with information on reimbursement policies and the regulatory landscape. – Country specific overview of the healthcare system. – Country specific reimbursement policies. – Country specific medtech regulatory landscape.
Robust methodologies and sources enable the model to provide extensive and accurate overview of the market. Demand and supply-side primary sources are integrated within the syndicated models, including Key Opinion Leaders. In addition, real world data sources are leveraged to determine market trends; these include government procedure databases, hospital purchasing databases, and proprietary online databases.
Companies covered: Allergan Plc, W. L. Gore & Associates Inc, MTF Biologics, RTI Surgical Inc, Coloplast A/S, Ethicon Inc, Boston Scientific Corp, C. R. Bard Inc, Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corp, Cousin Biotech Sarl, pfm medical ag, Baxter International Inc, ACell Inc, LifeNet Health Inc, Others
Countries covered: United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Brazil, China, India, Russia, Japan, Australia, Canada, Mexico, South Korea, Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Israel, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Taiwan, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Argentina and Chile.
This Market Model gives important, expert insight you won’t find in any other source. The model illustrates qualitative and quantitative trends within the specified market. This model is required reading for – – CMO executives who must have deep understanding of the Reconstruction Meshes marketplace to make strategic planning and investment decisions. – Sourcing and procurement executives who must understand crucial components of the supply base in order to make decisions about supplier selection and management. – Private equity investors that need a deeper understanding of the market to identify and value potential investment targets.
Reasons to Buy
The model will enable you to – – Understand the impact of COVID-19 on Reconstruction Meshes market. – Develop and design your in-licensing and out-licensing strategies through a review of pipeline products and technologies, and by identifying the companies with the most robust pipeline. – Develop business strategies by understanding the trends shaping and driving Reconstruction Meshes market. – Drive revenues by understanding the key trends, innovative products and technologies, market segments, and companies likely to impact the Reconstruction Meshes market in the future. – Formulate effective sales and marketing strategies by understanding the competitive landscape and by analyzing the company share of market leaders. – Identify emerging players with potentially strong product portfolios and create effective counter-strategies to gain a competitive advantage. – Track device sales in the global and country-specific Reconstruction Meshes market from 2015-2030. – Organize your sales and marketing efforts by identifying the market categories and segments that present maximum opportunities for consolidations, investments and strategic partnerships.
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orbemnews · 3 years
Local Alliances Put Some Cities on the Fast Track to Recovery As vaccination rates increase and businesses start to reopen, cities across the country are cautiously moving forward with economic recovery plans to coax workers back into offices and revive real estate markets pummeled by the pandemic. Some midsize cities — like Austin, Texas; Boise, Idaho; and Portland, Ore. — may be poised to rebound faster than others because they have developed strong relationships with their local economic development groups. These partnerships have established comeback plans that incorporate a number of common goals, like access to affordable loans, relief for small businesses and a focus on downtown areas. The partnerships are also encouraging investments in infrastructure as lures for new business activity. Last Wednesday, President Biden announced a $2 trillion infrastructure plan to modernize the nation’s bridges, roads, public transportation, railways, ports and airports. “Recovery plans create an agenda for rebuilding the metropolitan area,” said Richard Florida, professor at the University of Toronto, who helped prepare a plan for northwest Arkansas. In Tucson, the revitalization plan, which goes into effect this month, calls for assessing the effect of the pandemic on important business sectors, including biotech and logistics. Other provisions advocate recruiting talented workers and preparing so-called shovel-ready building sites of 50 acres or more. Demand is high for industrial sites in Tucson. More than 80 percent of requests about real estate in the city are geared toward industrial facilities, according to Sun Corridor, the regional economic development agency that sponsored the recovery plan. And 65 percent of the inquiries deal with space for new factories. City leaders are building on a five-year, $23 billion growth plan in industrial and logistics development in the Tucson region that resulted in 16,000 new jobs before the pandemic, according to Sun Corridor. Caterpillar and Amazon moved into the region, while Raytheon, Bombardier and GEICO were among the many prominent companies that expanded operations there. “In hockey terms, we’re not playing where the puck is; we’re trying to skate to where we anticipate it is going to be,” said Joe Snell, Sun Corridor’s president and chief executive. “We’re making sure that we have the inventory of building sites so when they do come knocking, we can fill the order.” Other cities are struggling to recover after pandemic restrictions emptied their central business districts. The question is how much these downtowns will bounce back when the pandemic ends. “The pandemic caused big changes in how we work, and the geography of where we work,” Mr. Florida said. “The office as we know it, a space to work, is dead.” Experts disagree about what comes next. Several economic trends, like growth in hiring and the acceptance of remote work, are colliding, said Richard Barkham, global chief economist at CBRE, the commercial real estate firm. After a 3.5 percent decline in economic activity in 2020, the U.S. economy is expected to grow 6.5 percent in 2021, he said, which bodes well for construction. But CBRE also projects that office employees will spend 36 percent of their time working remotely, up from 16 percent before the pandemic. Today in Business Updated  April 6, 2021, 8:30 a.m. ET “We see a temporary downturn in demand for new offices,” Mr. Barkham said. “We also see that being whittled away over two or three or four years until centers come back.” Travel and entertainment sectors were shut down during the pandemic, but companies that engaged in innovation, technology and information boomed, said Tracy Hadden Loh, a fellow at the Brookings Institution. Growth in the development of office space for tech jobs was especially strong in Austin; Charlotte, N.C.; Phoenix; and San Francisco, she said, adding that office construction for the knowledge economy would revive after the pandemic. But she tempered her prediction because of another trend: “The number of square feet per worker has declined really dramatically since 1990,” she said. Couple that with recent announcements from companies like Google, Microsoft, Target and Twitter about remote work, and some cities could see less office construction activity. These challenges are not limited to midsize cities. Larger metropolitan areas like Los Angeles and New York are certainly in distress, but they have shown the capacity in the past to rebound from calamity. In San Francisco, municipal authorities said that there was no way to predict postpandemic construction activity but that expectations were high. “This isn’t the first recession here,” said Ted Egan, San Francisco’s chief economist. “We’re expecting people to come back to the office.” But the cities that have a strong alliance with business development agencies are expected to recuperate faster. For instance, the Downtown Austin Alliance, a business development group, is convening focus groups and workshops, and conducting interviews and surveys to stir fresh interest in its downtown office market. Before the pandemic, 11 buildings encompassing roughly 3.5 million square feet were under construction, nearly half of all downtown office space. Boise established a 16-member Economic Recovery Task Force made up of city officials, academics and executives of professional organizations. In September, it issued recommendations to “enhance economic resilience and agility.” And the Greater Portland Economic and Development District formed a partnership with the Metro Regional Government to prepare a plan to recover from the economic shock of the pandemic, which wiped out 140,000 jobs and shuttered 30 percent of the region’s small businesses. Among their recommendations is to direct funds and technical assistance to small businesses through local Community Development Financial Institutions, part of an affordable-lending program from the Treasury Department. Some cities are already seeing success. A year ago, Boston abruptly suspended construction for nine weeks in an effort to halt the spread of the coronavirus. During the moratorium, the Boston Planning and Development Agency prepared a recovery plan that focused on reviewing permit decisions for major projects remotely. With its 250-member staff working from home, and in some cases outfitted with new software and digital equipment, the planning agency held 220 virtual public meetings and digitally reviewed architectural plans and land-use proposals. “We identified a methodology to conduct our reviews and resume public participation,” said Brian P. Golden, the agency’s director. “Honestly, it worked better than we could reasonably have expected.” The city approved 55 significant development projects last year encompassing 15.8 million square feet and valued at $8.5 billion, the most in Boston’s history. The largest was $5 billion Suffolk Downs, a 10-million-square-foot, mixed-use development with 10,000 housing units rising on a shuttered horse-racing track. Tucson is also intent on resuming construction. Along with identifying sites for industrial development, the Sun Corridor recovery plan calls for resuscitating the city’s downtown. The pandemic closed 85 downtown restaurants, eliminated 10,000 travel and tourism jobs and cut revenue in the sector by $1 billion. The antidote is to persuade city and county leaders to make loans and grants available to small businesses tied to the tourism industry, the focus of commercial space in central Tucson. Mayor Regina Romero said the city was investing $5 million — $2 million more than last year — in the city’s tourism marketing group. Tucson also distributed $9 million from the federal relief legislation passed in March 2020 in grants ranging from $10,000 to $20,000 to small businesses, many of them in tourism. “We’re working together as a region,” Ms. Romero said. “That’s one of the most important steps that we can take for the recovery.” Source link Orbem News #Alliances #Cities #Fast #local #put #recovery #Track
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Internet of Medical Things Market Future Growth, Development, Revenue, Top Key Players Analysis | Impact of COVID-19
The internet of medical things (IoMT) market is garnering substantial traction across the globe. The internet of medical things is impacting healthcare exponentially. The market growth attributes to rising numbers of connected medical devices, improving access to health services. New-age internet-connected devices are designed to improve efficiencies, lower healthcare costs, and bring better treatment outcomes. Besides, increasing healthcare expenditures worldwide boost market growth.
Given the improved computing power and wireless capabilities, healthcare organizations are increasingly leveraging IoMT technologies’ potential. Moreover, considerable progress in the digital transformation of health care this year, majorly due to the pandemic, escalates the market growth. According to Market Research Future (MRFR), the global internet of medical things (IoMT) market is projected to register a double-digit CAGR of 25.6% throughout the review period (2019–2025).
Additionally, the rising demand for connected devices and cost reduction in the medicinal delivery act as a key tailwind for the IoMT market. Furthermore, the need for improved healthcare outcomes and the evolution of high-speed networking technologies such as low-power wide-area networks (LPWANs) and similar others foster market growth. Technological advances are some of the promising areas of IoMT device market developments.
On the other hand, the lack of proper IoT technology skills across healthcare organizations is a major factor projected to impede market growth. Also, as the IoMT industry is still in its embryonic stage, it demands more initial investment costs and advances in the supply chain. Healthcare groups need to look to secure their medical internet of things (IoT) devices.
Due to the emergence of telemedicine, web-connected medical devices, and third-party companies in the supply chain, it has become extremely important for healthcare to secure data. Nevertheless, increasing uses of the internet of medical things technology across the healthcare verticals to control diagnostic and therapeutic machinery through electromechanical energy would support the market growth throughout the review period.
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Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) Market – Segments
The report is segmented into five dynamics;
By Component : Medical Devices, Systems & Software, and Services.
By Product Type :  Implantable Cardiac Devices, Vital Signs Monitoring Devices, Respiratory Devices, Anesthetic Machines, Imaging Systems, Ventilators, and others.
By Application : Telemedicine, Clinical Operations & Workflow Management, Connected Imaging, Inpatient Monitoring, Medication Management, and others.
By Connectivity Technology: Near Field Communication, Bluetooth Low Energy, Wi-Fi, ZigBee, and others.
By Regions :  Europe, North America, APAC and Rest of the World.
Global Internet of Medical Things Market – Geographical Analysis
North America dominates the global internet of medical things market. The largest market share attributes to increasing numbers of smartphone users, expanding penetration of 4G technology, and the need to curtail increasing healthcare costs in the region. Besides, the presence of well-established players and investments made by them in the development of IoT-enabled medical devices drive the regional market’s growth.
Industry players operating in the regional market are capable of delivering a range of customized solutions. Moreover, burgeoning biotechnology and biopharmaceutical sectors in the region substantiate the growth of the market. The North American IoMT market is expected to retain its dominance throughout the projected period.
Europe stands second in the global internet of medical things market. The market growth is driven by the rising medical automation and the presence of many notable players & well-established healthcare centers in the region. Additionally, prominent IoMT markets, such as the U.K., Germany, and France, coupled with the resurging economy in the region, improving the consumer purchasing power, boost the market growth. The European IoMT market is projected to create a substantial revenue pocket during the assessment period.
The Asia Pacific internet of medical things market is growing rapidly. Factors such as government initiatives to promote eHealth and the growing demand for quality healthcare products & services influence the regional market growth. Furthermore, the growing biotech and biopharmaceutical sectors in the region impact the market growth positively.
The growing market in countries like China, India & Japan is backed by the increasing patient population, rising healthcare expenditures, and the increasing demands for robotic surgeries to substantiate the market size. The APAC internet of medical things market is estimated to register the highest CAGR in the years to come.
Worldwide Internet of Medical Things Market – Competitive Landscape
The global IoMT market appears to be fiercely competitive and fragmented, with many well-established players having a global presence. Brand reinforcement, mergers & acquisitions, and innovation remain the popular trends for the market’s key players.
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Major Players
Players leading the global IoMT market are Koninklijke Philips N.V., GE Healthcare, Medtronic plc, IBM Corporation, Cisco Systems, Inc., Siemens AG, Boston Scientific Corporation, Welch Allyn, Inc., Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc., Agamatrix, Biotronik, Sciencesoft, Telit, KORE Wireless, and STANLEY Healthcare, among others.
Industry/ Innovation/ Related News:
October 16, 2020 —- Savana (Spain), an international medical company, announced raising €12.8M funds to transform electronic health records into Big Data to unlock life-saving insights. Technologies such as the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), cloud computing, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help streamline health care delivery and align it with changing consumer preferences.
Savana develops technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and deep learning, providing real-time access to patient population information, reading all clinical documents, including unstructured information, and converting the collected information into knowledge.
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