at7artblog · 1 year
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alsmp art that I managed to finish (2/2)
Vex Lauren, Forestborn Oli, Birb, Thornling, and Fox Scott, and finally Wyverian Shubble
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mcyt-hoes · 11 months
hi hello everybody im grian and welcome to our new blog!!!! main is @chara--system and we have many other blogs including but not limited to @homostuckfuckers and @shittilydrawnnepeta!
ill try to include all of us here bit keep in mind theres a ton of us here!
Etho (He/Him), Ethoes (He/She), Ezekiel (He/Him), Joshua (He/Him), and Leo (He/Him) are all Etho introjects. Etho is from a fanfiction, Ethoes is from the hermitstuck au, Ezekiel is from double life, and idk Joshua and Leo exist ig, they're both Ethos but no idea from what.
Gem (She/They), Gemini (She/Her), Taylor (She/Her), Lia (She/Her), and Nadia (She/Her) are all different Geminitay fictives. Gem is her arachnid origin from afterlife, Gemini is her esmp1 character, Taylor is her blaze origin in new life, Nadia is from secret life, and Lia is from hermitcraft 10.
There's me (He/Him) and Twilight (Any Pronouns), we are both multisourced Grain introjects. My sources are cc!Grian and his hc9 persona, while Twilight's are hc in general and evo. There's also Shadi (He/Him) and Zach (She/Him). Shadi is from hc10 and Zach is from the ddvau.
Charlie (He/They) and Gegg (Any Pronouns) are both Slimecicle fictives. Charlie is his qsmp character and Gegg is his qsmp characters egg character.
Colin (They/Ice), Marty (He/Him), Martyn (He/Him), and Matthew (He/Him) are all InTheLittleWood fictives. Colin is his chillager origin from new life, Marty is his piratessmp character, Martyn is his 3rd life character, and Matthew is his limited life character.
Jimmy (He/Him) and Jim (He/Him) are both Solidarity fictives. Jimmy is his esmp1 character and Jim is his esmp2 character.
Cat (It/Paw/She), Grace (She/They), Shelby (Any Pronouns), Shrub (She/They), Shub (She/Birb), and Shubble (She/They) are all Shubble fictives! Cat, Shelby and Shub are all different afterlife origins. Grace and Shrub are the two different empire seasons, and Shubble is her originssmp character.
Flor (He/Him), Major (He/Ice), and Scott (He/Him) are all Smajor fictives. Flor is esmp2, Major is esmp1, and Scott is his mothling origin from afterlife.
Bug (He/Him), Keki (They/He), Myth (He/Him), Sal (He/Him), and Sausage (He/Him) are all mythicalsausage fictives. Everyone except Sausage is a different afterlife origin and Sausage is his esmp2 character.
Tango (He/Him) and Damien (He/Him) are both TangoTek introjects. Tango is both life series and hermitcraft and Damien is hc9.
Joel (Amy Pronouns), Luke (He/Him), and Maddix (He/Him) are all Smallishbeans fictives. Joel is from esmp1, Luke is from hc10, and Maddix is from double life.
Pearl (She/They) and Zaina (She/Her) are both PearlecentMoon fictives. Pearl is from double life and Zaina is from hc10.
Everyone else we only have 1 of.
Eret (Any Pronouns) is cc!Eret, Tommy (He/Him) is cc!Tommyinnit, and Tubbo (Bee/Buzz) is cc!Tubbo.
Oliver (He/End) is cc!TheOrionSound and his enderian origin from afterlife, Doc (He/Him) is cc!Docm77 and his hermitcraft persona, and Scar (He/Him) is cc!Goodtimeswithscar and his hermitcraft persona.
False (She/They) is FalseSymmetry's esmp character, Bdubs (He/Him) is from doublelife, Owen (He/They) is Owengejuicetv's piratessmp character, Boosfer (He/Him) is just Boosfer from his videos, Ren (He/Him) is from 3rd life, Mumbo (He/They) is from hermitcraft, Jaunaflippa (She/Her) is Charlie's and Mariana's egg child from qsmp, Lizzie (She/Her) is from esmp1, Cub (He/Him) is from Hermitcraft, Iskall (He/Him is from hermitcraft, Joe (Amy Pronouns) is from hermitcraft, Impulse (He/Him) is from double life, Ren (He/Him) is from 3rd life, Sparrow (Any Pronouns) is from new life, Wels (He/Him) is from hermitcraft, Xb (He/Him) is from hermitcraft, Xisuma (He/Void) is from hermitcraft, and Zedaph (She/Her) is from hermitcraft.
...There's also Jalastor (Any Pronouns), uh Joe Hills and Alastor from hazbin hotel combined into one person.
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fantasticalbiology · 1 year
The undying swarm
Ok so hear this is a modified headcannon and the context for which lies in Shubble and the Shadow Crawler origin. For you see despite the fact that the shadow crawler origin was one of the more weaker origins in the origins mod and afterlife, I headcannoned that when ever the Shadow Crawler dies they don’t actually die they just morph into the next origin or something kept building up abilities for, example Shubble had the feline and birb origins so when she needed to she could morph her hand into claws, have talon feet or grow wings. For  something more extreme she had the wyverian and truffle origin- she was actually Shrub from empire season 1 -the wyverian can spit poison and the truffle is mushroom meaning she can do something with spores which equated to spiting concoction of poison, spores and whatever. 
This is what I headcannoned the swarm origin to be when Gem dies whatever constitute the brain of the swarm conglomerates into a new origin. One example is the blazeborn in which she becomes fire bees or in the unlikely chance of copper golem the bees have found a dead copper golem are using as a mech suit of sorts
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sm0lcatfish · 2 years
i might draw some more shubbles later (including rat, maybe wyverian/cat/birb?)
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koistar · 2 years
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Birb!Shubble! I really liked drawing the boots and capelet (also click the pic for higher quality because I drew this way too small)
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lunarsands · 2 years
ALSMP Fanfic: In Light and In Darkness Ch4
Characters: Shadowcrawler!Shubble, Half-Wither!Sausage, Birb!Shubble, Gravital!Sausage
Chapter warnings: Character Death (the inevitable, again)
Chapter Summary: Sausage and Shubble learn that second, and even third or more, chances are possible.
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3]
(Also available on Ao3! )
Chapter Four
Sunrise found Shubble safely ensconced in the dark upstairs room behind shuttered and boarded up windows, a feature turned useful instead of discouraging. Sausage thought it best to let her stay through the day instead of attempting to travel back to her own home. He himself had a nap on a sleeping bag in a spare room downstairs.
He considered going to confront Scott about his wings then thought better of it. It might not serve any purpose – he doubted the vampire would have misgivings about it, and certainly wasn’t likely to apologize. He also doubted the wings would even work anymore.
During the afternoon he took some time to sit by a window and just look up at the sky, remembering what it was like to fly among the clouds and allowing himself time to accept that those days were over. He was still sitting there, now just absently gazing out at the courtyard with his head propped on one hand, when Shubble came down the stairs. She yawned to announce her presence. “I feel like that was the best sleep I’ve gotten in a while! Your house is really nice, I should have thought about building something like this instead of a greenhouse.” She laughed humorlessly. “It’s kind of silly, when all the plants keep dying anyway. I guess I’ve just blocked out too much of the sun for them, when really I was trying to give myself a way to see during the daytime.”
“I could try to help you fix it,” Sausage offered. “I mean, the plants will just die again if I get near them, but maybe after we change some things you could get new ones and they’ll be okay.”
“I suppose we could try. Okay, yeah, let’s go.”
“Oh, but wait a minute.” Sausage went to find the few surviving plants he had left and came back to present her with a small, tangled bramble vine. “It doesn’t look like much, but it used to have some pretty purple flowers. Maybe you can get them to come back.” He carefully placed it in a backpack and then they headed out.
With her vision being keener at night, Shubble watched their path for hostile mobs and Sausage dealt with any trouble by throwing a skull. Soon they fell into a rhythm and casually chatted in between explosions. When they reached her home, she kept a lookout while Sausage did the planning and building of a second, smaller greenhouse that had regular glass instead of the tinted glass of her original build, in the hopes that less heavily filtered sunlight would help. Then, together they set up new tables and prepared plant pots, and although as much as he wanted to, he had to leave it to her to collect new flowers later. She placed the bramble vine he had given her at the front.
With that finished, he helped her redecorate the inside of her house. In turn, it helped him feel a little like his old self. He talked about some things he had thought about building around his new manor even if a garden was off the plate. She said she would be happy to visit again to see it all when he was done.
Before he left for the night, he gave her a list of different plants he had found during his explorations and the best way to get to them for someone who couldn’t fly. She promised she would let him know when she got them and invited him to come back to look at them – if not from a distance – if she was able to get them to thrive in the new greenhouse, which she would tend during nighttime.
He gave her a smile and went on his way.
A few days passed. Sausage worked on his building projects, looking forward to having Shubble see them. One thought continued to plague him, however, and he would still end up looking toward Heaven’s Reach, aching to go to the church to talk to Pearlescent. Finally, out of frustration, he gathered an assortment of stones, a bucket of water, and an iron sword, then picked a patch of dirt behind the stables. There he laid out an approximation of a miniature crop field, with the stones as the walls and using the sword tip to draw lines where the crops would be planted. He made a small trench and poured the water into it, then pressed some cracked, unusable wheat seeds into the lines. Lastly, he stuck the sword into the ground in the very middle.
He sat back to look at his work and thought it to be rather pathetic. Maybe he should at least have gotten some sunflower seeds, but he couldn’t bear the thought of destroying one of them with his touch.  He clasped his hands, sighed, and bowed his head. He knew better than to expect an answer but he felt a small measure of peace from the gesture. It was better than staring with longing at the church he couldn’t enter.
Yet that peace was broken by a sudden feeling that something was terribly wrong. A vision of shadows and swaying trees came to him. He rushed to his feet and looked around. It felt like something had been there and now was gone. He couldn’t name it, but…he needed to check. Shadow and trees…
He needed to see Shubble.
Quick as he could he mounted one of the horses and rode off, crossing the plains and heading into the forest. An ever-growing sense of dread rose within him. The soul lanterns dotting the trees near Shubble’s home came into view. He urged the horse on faster until the roof of the greenhouse appeared. He leapt down and began searching—
He didn’t need to go far. Only a short way from the front door Shubble lay half-phased into the ground, a small, incongruous crater nearby. He knelt and tried to fool himself into holding out hope that she was merely unconscious, but a closer look told him it wasn’t so. He was able to push his hands into the dirt and get a hold on her, pulling her out despite her semi-solid state.
He obviously couldn’t see what her injuries were, but one thought made him feel along her neck for bite marks in case Scott had fancied himself a taste of shadow blood. He was relieved to not find any, and that left the question of the crater. He could only assume a Creeper had snuck up on her in the woefully underlit surroundings. He cradled her body in his arms, her head tucked under his chin. “I’m sorry, my friend,” he whispered softly.
He gently set her down, keeping an eye out in case she started sinking through again as he removed his cloak, planning to wrap her up so he could bring her to Heaven’s Reach and put her to rest in the cemetery where she could stay protected in the light. Yet before he laid the cloak on the ground, he realized something.
Maybe, like he and Scott, she would come back, too. There was no guarantee what she would come back as, so he quickly decided he would build a small crypt where she could safely rest until then. He worried, though. How long did the process take? She had to have been there long enough already, right? But then again, he himself could have been laying out there for an entire day without knowing, before he changed.
Sausage checked inside the new greenhouse and was disheartened to see that all of the new plants had already died, save for the one bramble vine. He made short work of converting the greenhouse into a covered crypt, replacing the glass with stone and dirt, partially camouflaging it against intruders but leaving the door accessible should Shubble awaken. He draped his cloak over the table he had cleared, then carried her inside, placing her upon it.
Reluctant to leave, he sat beside the table for a little while, wondering. If a moth became a vampire, and an angel became part wither, what would a shadowcrawler become? Was there a chance her misfortune would be reversed? Was there any way to influence it? There was no way to know for sure, but an idea made him go outside and start searching around the woods. Somewhere nearby there had to be…
He spotted a cluster of tiny white flowers with long, curved stems and picked one, then ran as fast as he could back to the improvised crypt. The flowers had already begun to wilt by the time he tucked the stem into Shubble’s hair, but at least he had made it before it completely died. He then withdrew to the door, giving her one last parting look. “Rest well. I hope to see you soon.”
 He had no way of predicting the circumstances under which they would meet again.
Sausage scrunched up his face as bright light made itself known. Was it morning? Had he been sleeping? The ground at his back felt like stone. A bird chirped nearby. He was outside—
The last thing he remembered was falling.
Well, falling again. The back of his head hurt a little and one of his legs ached, but otherwise he seemed okay. The sun felt rather warm.
The bird chirped again, and then it sounded like a voice. “Sausage!”
The sun felt warm.
“Hey, Sausage! Are you okay? Did you trip or something?”
He sat up then glanced at his hands. The haunting shadows under his skin did not appear. In fact, his skin looked less pale than it had been before. He turned his hands over and checks his arms. Aside from a bruise on his left elbow, he looked much healthier.
Another chirp came from the bird, sounding like it was right next to him. He looked down and saw a small humanoid with winged arms, blue feathers, and an oddly familiar face. He had never seen her features in color before but he found he recognized her amber eyes. “Shubble? Is that you?” A hopeful grin broke out on his face.
“Yep! I woke up like this! Isn’t it cool? I’m a cute little birb now.” She chirped again and then tilted her head. “You look a little different, too. Did you die again?”
“I think I…did,” he marveled, looking around at himself and holding out his arms. “I was building way up there and then – Yeah. Yeah, I fell.” He gazed up at the platform high overhead, squinting against the bright sunlight to pick out the shape of accidentally blasted glass and broken scaffolding. He looked back down at her then held out a hand. She hopped up to perch on his finger. “I think this is what happens to people in this world – we become something new any time we die.”
“It looks like it!” She sounded elated. “I never thought that when I got out of the shadow realms that I hadn’t returned to my old world, and it had just changed while I was gone. But it looks like I came out somewhere completely different, and-and I have a second chance!”
Sausage smiled. “You are kind of small now, but… you look happy.”
“And people can see my face now! I don’t mind being smol at all! I can fly around and the light doesn’t hurt to look at! What about you? What are you now?”
He flexed the fingers of his other hand, already knowing he wouldn’t be able to summon a wither skull. There was some other type of energy there, however, slightly buzzing as it waited to be used. He would work on figuring it out later. “I’m not sure yet. I feel a little like my old self – livelier, I guess, but still not an angel anymore.”
“I guess we can’t really go back to who we were before.”
“But like you said, second chances.” He smiled warmly and raised his hand, giving her a higher vantage point to take off from as she spread her wings in agreement.
The next time he saw Shubble, she was a cat, which was kind of a funny thing to follow a bird. By then he had gotten a handle on his new ability to affect gravity, and they talked about becoming superheroes to protect others in the world.
Then it so happened that he had another accident and woke up as an ant of all things. He had a good laugh about it and had fun crawling around in spaces he could never imagine getting into before, although reaching storage chests became quite the challenge. He built himself an anthill, because, well, why not? It didn’t last long but it added to his experience. From time to time he wondered if Pearlescent was looking in on him. With the trial of being part wither behind him, he knew he could get through whatever else fate threw at him. He hoped she was enjoying the adventure along with him.
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alittlebirb · 2 years
Some stuff and nonsense from the MCC Pride 22 Yellow Yaks!
CPK and Oli hanging out in order to record the event
Shubble being unsure whether Grian is alive while they wait for him to show signs of presence
Scott reassuring his chat that Owenge is in fact a streamer too, and not a random man he pulled off the street to watch him play MCC!
Grian decreeing that they have the "world's strongest Build Mart team!"
Grian freaking out that he's "forgotten all of Pete's training already!" at the start of Grid Runners.
"Grian's just gonna ragdoll and see where he lands, it's like in Gangbeasts." -Scott
"Pete's gonna be so proud of me, figuring out strategy!" -Grian
The gang deciding on positioning and Gem calling herself "Basement Girl."
Gem then promoting herself to "Ground Floor Girl".
Scott making a clock and everyone around him throwing redstone at him, just in case
Grian falling behind and running towards the exit door and everyone cheering him on, semi sarcastically
"You're doing amazing sweetie!" -Scott
"C'mon, emotional support straight!" -Gem
The bakery being so depleted from all the players devouring the cake supply that now they're just asking for them to make cakes for them, please
None of the builders being able to figure out the redstone for the final room right away
Everyone being so conditioned from previous GRs that they have to reload their definition of "beasts" for the chicken room
New drinking game! Take a drink every time Grian mentions his favorite MCC buddy Pete! It's happened 3 times so far!
Grian watching the Simmers do the redstone room and just saying "redstone is hard..."
Everyone getting so invested in Blue that they start shouting at the screen
"Grian has like, PTSD from being one coin behind in a Pride MCC." -Scott
Gem disappointingly saying they didn't get cosmetics this time, just breakfast...
Grian relating how one time he went to a US restaurant and ordered a child-sized serving of pancakes, and he had "far too many left over!"
Gem waiting to see when Grian would see the rainbow chicken in the cosmetics section and holding a running bet with her chat
Grian admitting he doesn't watch the update videos, getting lambasted by Scott, and demanding "I didn't start my stream until 8 minutes after the event, you think I have my life together??"
"My content is so poor that my cat can't even stand it!" -Grian
Scott lamenting that he can't call people hitting him a hate crime this time around, because almost everyone is queer!
"How can I weaponize my sexuality now??" -Scott
The Pridebowl PKT map being inspired by a League of Legends piece of art in which the flags were incorporated throughout the background
"Gimme some 🌶 spicy 🌶 callouts!" -Gem about PKT
Gem carrying the second round against Lime!
Everyone being terrified of Jojo hunting them
"I was humbled by that other team because I couldn't catch them." -Shubble as hunter
Gem suddenly becoming British while complaining about PKT?
"I like being British!" -Gem
Scott saying that Vixella "appeared below me like a shark hunting her prey!"
Grian admiring how good Zeuz is
Grian getting mixed up with Shubble and Gem's names many many times
"One of the girls!" -Shubble
"There's no way I should be alive right now, just so you're aware!" -Scott, fighting for his life against TapL
Scott somehow winning against TapL, getting in his head, and everyone surviving that round??
"Just so everyone knows, I have physically peaked tonight! Whether I go home with a coin or not, I've won!" -Scott
Scott then ascending in the decision dome, and being forced to give his Love Bow to Shubble
"Someone in my chat said <he's becoming gay god>. That, contrasted with another saying <he's being abducted>" -Scott
Scott calling the SG remix Pokémon!
Gem and Shelby being on the same wavelength today, The Girls™
Yellow being sacrificed for the Greater Gays in SG
Shubble reassuring everyone to not let it get to them, and Grian responding "it's gotten to me already! It's sitting on my spine!"
Scott and Shubble cheering on The Girls, and Scott saying that Jojo can make it solo, she doesn't have "solos" in her name for no reason
Scott trying to spectate Kara and continuously getting doors shut in his face
"This is very rude." -Scott
Grian warning Shubble "if you're a runner in Build Mart, our friendship might be on the line."
"I am no longer sure." -Shubble
"During Build Mart, our friendship goes into a little box. Afterwards it comes back out." -Grian
Everyone gathering and ascending into the flamingo together
The BB map only half loading, and Scott calling it a trust fall experience
Everyone planning to ride Grian during Terra Swoop Force in TGTTOS
Shubble and Geminislay carrying in the first round of BB!
"I really need to learn how to pvp." -Grian (please, sir)
"I killed Jojo, so it's like the equivalent of killing Dream, right?" -Grian
"I lost my plot armor, Dream killed me." -Grian
"It's fine Grian, it's non canon! It's the equivalent of another universe in comics!" -Scott
"I hit a man!" -Gem
Scott going out against Pink in a kamikaze potion of harming
"You get style points for that one." -Grian
Scott getting an ace against Orange! He's a PVP god!
"Grian's like, I aged 13 years, just in these last few games." -Scott
Grian and Scott both getting 420 coins in BB! Ayyyyy!
Grian scheduling himself to go to Ghana, and getting a little nervous about meeting with Nana and the village, as he is "a socially anxious man who has spent his mid 20's behind a computer screen".
Grian rambling about editing and his videos during the break so long that he completely forgets to get his anticipated glass of water
Everyone responding "Aye aye Captain!" to Grian directing in BM
Y'all I'm actually just watching in awe with my jaw dropped while Yellow absolutely dominates BM. I'm so impressed. They didn't move from first place ONCE.
Scott talking about how he and Shubble always hold hands during SOT
"I smell. I didn't smell before this, but now I smell." -Grian
Gem deciding she'd going to punch and be a menace this TGTTOS, and everyone telling her it's fine, it's non canon, it won't hurt her vibe.
Wilbur joining the vc on Shubble's account and talking with Grian and Gem during AR, because he heard "it's Ace Race time."
"Scott sounds a little different." -Gem
Wilbur beginning his AR podcast in his "sensual voice" with Grian and Gem listening in shocked horror while he talks about "doing" her, how he's "a bit of a demon" with both AR and SOT, discusses the intimate workings of his complex relationship, and him and Grian agreeing to both put each other down for teams next MCC
Shubble giving her account to Wilbur for AR, and Scott giving his account to Owen, saying if Owen gets top 3 he'll donate 1000 pounds (he did)
Gem getting her best AR performance yet with Wilbur in her ear
"I just want Wilbur to know that my chat did not enjoy that. He was talking to Ace Race, but it was a little bit charged." -Grian
"When the wall says Gay, you shout Gay!" -Scott about HITW
Gem and Scott missing the yellow platforms this time around, while Shubble is glad to have the HITW she knows and loves back
"Yellow! That's...the color of the wall. I'm not speaking again." -Shubble
Everyone calling the Green wall "Grian, Grian, Grian."
"Shelby it's Hole In The Wall, not Ace In The Wall, so you had your game." -Scott
Shelby tragically dying to a zombie and saying "that's it, I'm getting toxic with my eggs now."
"Noo there's so many mobs!" -Gem
"You're welcome!" -Scott
Grian winning the second round and SCREAMING into the mic!
"Grian is reaching octaves previously unknown to man!" -Scott
"Grian just picks a new game each MCC to pop off this time." -Scott after Grian gets in the top 5 players of HITW
"When the stars align, I'll pop off in every game!" -Grian
Scott introducing everyone to the Hard Button™ in Terra Swoop Force
The NPCs in TGTTOS being the straight MCC players
Scott and Shubble getting into a cycle of getting on top of each other
"Me and Shelby keep mounting each other!" -Scott
Owen and Scott reading out Gumi's message demanding which "BOOT LICKING BEAN SLURPING FELLAS" HIT HER in tandem
Owen encouraging Scott to be nice, and then watching him get hit and doing a heel turn straight into KILL THE MAN
Everyone continuously mourning that if they'd just gotten a normal Survival Games...
Geminislay carrying TGTTOS!
Scott and Gem getting wings, becoming " a gay butterfly" and "a pride fairy!"
Shubble and Scott calling for donations to them, two gays
"They say charity starts at home, and home is me!" -Scott
Shubble breathing heavily and murmuring "Let us in." about 20v20 DB
Grian asking "is this what is was like to watch me?" during Red's 1v3
Grian taking a moment to address this one guy Brady in the chat who has been consistently asking how Maui and Pearl are doing the entire tournament, and saying "they're doing great, they're my cats, they're all cute and snuggly!"
Gem just admiring her pride wings and comparing them to her Empires wings
Grian killing his one-sided arch nemesis, Zeuz, in the 20v20
"I ate it." -Grian after dying
"That one almost came for me, I felt it on my chin!" -Shubble
Shubble almost rounding out her MCC story by doing a Shubble once again in the 20v20, but losing to Jacksepticeye
"He's an ally, he's carrying a gay!" -Scott about Grian's gay chicken buddy
Yellow Yaks finished MCC Pride 22 in 4th place!
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24cardpickup · 2 years
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Fractals of identity
Inspired by this art: https://pin.it/5XBakml
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It’s something that she made fun of before, Lauren’s desire to protect and hatch the enderdragon egg
Now that she’s a bird herself, insticts fighting against her common sense, she doesn’t think it’s quite as funny anymore
Now it’s Lauren’s turn to make fun of her, after she finds Shelby perched on the egg that is bigger than herself
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appleeye07 · 2 years
And drawing wings
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weatheredcopper · 2 years
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very rough birb shubble design + original sketch under the cut :]
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ellieloves2read · 2 years
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some old alsmp sketches
(ID: image 1: a sketch of gravital!sausage and birb!shubble from alsmp. shubble is perched on sausage’s hand and is gesturing excitedly. sausage looks at her with a happy expression. end image 1.)
(image 2: a sketch of moth!scott from alsmp. he’s standing with his legs, wings, and all four arms spread wide. he has a big smile and his eyes are closed. end image 2. end ID.)
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at7artblog · 2 years
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Birb!Shubble from ALSMP.
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fantasticalbiology · 2 years
Afterlife Chronicler: Sunday status report 2
fWhip- Papa fWhip has died however given his last word he might not be leaving smurf village anytime soon
Joey Graceffa- Prince Inchie has passed, Its unknown what he will be next
Lauren- After killing the definitely human Ldshadowlady she was allowed to join the ranks of the villainous count Smajor in his evil organization
Ldshadowlady- Was definitely a human with a fascination for slime, but her time was cut short by Lauren
CPK- Joy to all as Count smajor “saved” CPK from the nether roof but died of starvation. He is however an evil intern for the count
Shubble- Now lives on as a birb and has rekindled a friendship with prince Inchie, you loved to see it
Smajor- Let it be known that the depravity of the count knows no bound as he trapped a fairy in a jar I repeat a fairy in a jar. Other than that he has started work on an evil zoo
Smallishbeans- It is sad to say that Smallishbeans is no longer the owner of Solidarity the cat as an unknown explosion destroyed the poor soul in other news he also failed to save the definitely human Ldshadowlady
Solidarity- his nine lives have been forited as the cat is now in a bag, however according to source which may or may not be alsmp- headcanons the next life he will live is that of a mighty dragon
The Mythical Sausage- Wither Sausage has died, but from his bone rises Gravital Sausage ready to be a hero
The Orion Sound- The enigmatic figure has appeared, through his boys is responsible for the death of prince inchie. We now know what the Orion Sounds intentions were with the endermen he got from floran LDshadowlady it was to rehabilitate them. We will know more about the Orion Sound orb based shenanigans on Wednesday 
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gezelligbear · 4 years
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Okay I’m working on part 3 of the thing but then I watched Tommy’s video of the origin SMP and I might have gotten a bit tiny bossed over which origin the people from X-life would choose. So I’m starting it off with Shubble (no surprise there) and I was originally thinking cat because cat mom buuut then I thought about how much she falls of her builds and how much she always panicks sooo birb. And if your wondering okay Jess then why is she a ballerina weeelll bird made me think swan and swan made me think Odette and now we’re here. (Also not using the origin tag because that’s apparently an already existing community and I want to respect their space)
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koistar · 2 years
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Feline!Shubble! Bye bye birb :( I mostly drew this to experiment with my shading
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