#birgit hamer
onheirpodcast · 2 months
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Key figures in the story of the shooting in Cavallo
Dirk Hamer - An athletic, friendly 19 year old German who died after being shot in the early hours of 18th August 1978. He was asleep on a boat near the island of Cavallo after a day trip with his sister and her friends.
Prince Vittorio Emanuele and Princess Marina - The son of the last King of Italy. He was alleged to have fired the shot that killed Dirk following a heated encounter on a neighbouring boat. His wife Marina was his staunchest defender throughout.
Birgit Hamer - Dirk's older sister, a model and former Miss Germany. After her brother's death, she would dedicate the next 40 years to getting justice for him.
Beatrice Borromeo - Best known as the daughter in law of Monaco's Princess Caroline, she is a journalist and family friend of Birgit. She was crucial in uncovering Vittorio's bombshell confession and directed a documentary on Dirk's death.
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stranotizie · 3 months
La sorella di Dirk Hamer ucciso da un proiettile nel 1978 intervistata dall'Adnkronos: "Da lui mai una parola di pentimento, davanti a Dio non può più mentire" Vittorio Emanuele in tribunale con il suo avvocato - Afp "Liberazione e sollievo". Quando stamane ha appreso la notizia della morte di Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia, Birgit Hamer ha provato esattamente questo. Intervistata dall'Adnkronos, la sorella di Dirk Hamer - il ragazzo tedesco ferito a morte da un proiettile sull'isola di Cavallo, in Corsica, il 17 agosto 1978 - torna sulla spinosa vicenda giudiziaria che ha visto protagonista l'erede di Umberto II di Savoia, accusato in un primo momento di omicidio volontario e poi prosciolto dalla Camera d'accusa parigina che lo condannò a 6 mesi con la condizionale per porto abusivo d'arma da fuoco. Una sentenza che Birgit Hamer bolla come "una farsa", una "pagliacciata". Per la sorella di Dirk Hamer la dipartita di Vittorio Emanuele rappresenta "la fine di un incubo": "In questi anni ho pianto così tanto per mio fratello, ho avuto una vita interiore così disastrosa per via di questa storia, che ho cominciato a fare una 'maratona' di perdono. Oggi non provo più niente nei confronti di questa persona. Oggi mi sento libera". "Sarebbe ipocrita - rimarca Birgit - dire che sono triste. Lo stesso vale per mia sorella, che respira già meglio. Ora Vittorio Emanuele si trova davanti al Giudice Supremo. E lì non si può mentire". La morte di Dirk ha segnato per sempre la vita di Birgit e della sua famiglia, che si è battuta per cercare la verità: "E' stata una storia di grande impotenza per me. Una tragedia greca. Anzi - prosegue Birgit Hamer - un giornalista una volta usò l'espressione 'tragedia shakespeariana'. Non ti liberi più di un dolore così. Una cosa è il perdono, un'altra cosa è la ricerca della giustizia. Hanno voluto creare una bolla di bugie attorno a questa storia e io non lo accetto". "E' atroce il modo in cui si sono presi gioco di noi", prosegue la sorella di Hamer, citando la conversazione del 21 giugno 2006, captata da una microspia durante la sua detenzione nel carcere di Potenza, in cui Vittorio Emanuele ammetteva di aver sparato il colpo alla gamba, vantandosi di essere uscito vittorioso dalla vicenda. "Ho deciso di scrivere il mio libro per testimoniare la verità. Non mi sono mai arresa, perché non si può uccidere la verità". Nel 2023 ha debuttato su Netflix 'Il Principe', la docu-serie sull'omicidio Hamer: "Un eccellente lavoro quello di Beatrice Borromeo - spiega Birgit Hamer - e sono contenta sia uscito quando quella persona era ancora in vita". Quando le viene chiesto se intende dire qualcosa ai parenti di Vittorio Emanuele, Birgit risponde: "Non me la sento di dire nulla a questa famiglia, mi dispiace che questa figura abbia rovinato la vita non solo alla nostra famiglia ma anche alla sua. Mi auguro che si sia pentito prima di morire. Noi non abbiamo mai sentito una sola parola di dispiacere o di pentimento da parte sua. Niente". (di Antonio Atte) {} #_intcss0{display: none;} #U11142954256uKC { font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; } #U11142954256JtG { font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; } #U1114295425617F { font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; } #U11142954256MjB { font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; } Fonte
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giancarlonicoli · 9 months
2 ago 2023 17:43
Estratto dell’articolo di Maria Novella De Luca per “la Repubblica”
[…] «Ho lottato per 45 anni, ho gridato contro l'ingiustizia, ho perso nei tribunali, sono stata denunciata, calunniata, ero Davide contro Golia, oggi però il mondo intero conosce le colpe di Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia. Quella notte in cui Dirk iniziò a morire e la verità venne gettata nei fondali dell'isola di Cavallo, io ero lì, accanto a lui, nessuno è più riuscito a spegnere la mia voce».
[…] Ogni attimo della notte tra il 17 e il 18 agosto del 1978, quando un proiettile partito incidentalmente dalla carabina di Vittorio Emanuele ferì a morte Dirk Hamer, 19 anni, giovane e bellissimo fratello di Birgit, è cristallizzato nella sua memoria.
[…] A quasi mezzo secolo da quella tragedia, da cui l'erede al trono d'Italia uscì assolto, un documentario su Netflix firmato da Beatrice Borromeo, e la pubblicazione, dopo anni di sequestro del libro di Birgit Hamer, entrambi dal titolo “Il principe ”, hanno riaperto una pagina di storia densa di ombre e segreti.
Birgit, oggi lei dice che Dirk ha finalmente avuto giustizia. Perché?
«Il documentario […] ha per la prima volta svelato cosa accadde davvero la notte in cui mio fratello fu ferito a morte. I testimoni di allora, che mai avevano parlato, hanno raccontato ogni dettaglio, dagli spari alla vergogna dei soccorsi che non arrivavano. Mai così dettagliata è stata la descrizione dell'agonia di Dirk. E i depistaggi, l'occultamento delle prove, fino alla farsa del processo del 1991 in Corte d'Assise a Parigi che “in dubbio pro reo” ha assolto Vittorio Emanuele».
Assoluto, sempre. Anche nel 2006 quando fu arrestato dal procuratore Woodcock per associazione a delinquere.
«Però proprio in prigione a Potenza Vittorio Emanuele non sapendo di essere intercettato raccontò al suo compagno di cella di aver “fregato” i giudici francesi e di essere stato lui a sparare il colpo che ferì a morte Dirk. I suoi avvocati smentirono, ma trovammo un video di quella intercettazione. Tutto questo è pubblico […]».
[…] Riannodiamo il filo dei ricordi. Roma, fine anni Settanta.
«Con mia madre Sigrid e i miei tre fratelli che vivevamo in via Margutta. I miei si erano separati, così ci siamo ricevuti da Heidelberg a Roma. Anni spensierati. […] Facevo la modella, Dirk e gli altri fratelli frequentavano la scuola tedesca».
Suo padre Geerd Hamer è stato un medico discusso, radiato e poi arrestato per le sue teorie sulla cura del cancro.
«[…] La battaglia per Dirk ci ha divisi per sempre. Accettò dei soldi da Vittorio Emanuele per le cure di mio fratello, ero contraria, sapevo che sarebbero stati usati contro di noi. Ma ha assistito eroicamente Dirk senza mai allontanarsi dal suo letto. Diciannove operazioni e l'amputazione della gamba. E pensare che Dirk era un corridore, si allenava nei 400 metri con Pietro Mennea».
[…] «Nell'agosto del 1978 mia madre affittò una piccola casa a Porto Rotondo. […] Il maledetto 17 agosto un amico di Dirk ci propone una gita all'isola di Cavallo, in Corsica. Partimmo con tre barche, il Coke, Il Mapagià e il Master». […] «Il mare grosso ci aveva impedito di tornare in Sardegna. Decidemmo di accampare nelle barche per dormire a Cavallo. Molti di noi avevano soltanto il costume addosso. Qualcuno per andare a riva aveva preso in prestito un gommone legato a uno yacht vicino alle nostre barche. Peccato che quel canotto fosse di Vittorio Emanuele. Questo scatenò l'ira del Savoia».
Nel libro scrive di aver sentito il principe gridare: “Italiani di merda, avete preso il mio Zodiac, vi ammazzo tutti”.
«Ci fu un primo sparo, poi un secondo durante una colluttazione con Nicky Pende, ex marito di Stefania Sandrelli che aveva provato a fermare Vittorio Emanuele. Uno di quei proiettili colpì Dirk che dormiva nella barca vicina e gli recise l'arteria femorale».
Morì il 7 dicembre del 1978. Dopo un'agonia di 111 giorni.
«Ricordo che corsi sul “Mapagià” e presi mio fratello tra le braccia. Mi fissava con i suoi grandi occhi blu, mentre faceva uno sforzo sovrumano per sopportare il dolore. Era eroica».
È vero che nella prima fase Vittorio Emanuele riconobbe le sue responsabilità?
«Il Savoia viene arrestato e portato nel carcere di Ajaccio. Il 28 agosto 1978 scrive di suo pugno: “Riconosco la mia responsabilità civile per l'infortunio del 18 agosto 1978 accaduto al signor Hamer”. Documento poi scomparso, ma che i giornalisti fotografarono».
Lei impiegò 13 anni per far celebrare il processo in Francia.
«Anni di rimpalli tra tribunali, nessuno voleva portare alla sbarra un Savoia. Ci riuscì la mia tenacissima avvocata Sabine Paugam. conoscevano montagne di prove, ma loro erano troppo potenti. Politica, aristocrazia e massoneria si mobilitarono per depistare il processo. Fu una farsa. Vittorio Emanuele è stato assolto. Si parlò di una seconda pistola, inesistente invece. […]». […]
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heavyarethecrowns · 6 years
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Those that have married in to Royal Families since 1800
Donna Beatrice Borromeo born 18 August 1985
She is the daughter of Don Carlo Ferdinando Borromeo, Count of Arona the son of Vitaliano Borromeo, 2nd Prince of Angera, and his long-time companion, Countess Donna Paola Marzotto Through her father she is related to Carlo Borromeo, who became a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church, Archbishop of Milan, and a canonized saint. 
The family currently owns most of the Borromean Islands in the Lago Maggiore, Milan city, and many other estates in the Lombardy and Piedmont countryside . She has an older brother, Carlo Ludovico Borromeo, who married Italian fashion designer Marta Ferri  daughter of Italian photographer Fabrizio Ferri,on 30 June 2012 on the island of Pantelleria.
Beatrice has three older half-sisters from her father's first marriage to German model Marion Sybil Zota: Donna Isabella married Count Ugo Brachetti Peretti. Donna Lavinia; married John Elkann, son of Margherita Agnelli de Pahlen and Alain Elkann. Donna Matilde married Prince Antonius zu Fürstenberg son of Heinrich, Prince of Fürstenberg.
Her maternal grandmother was the fashion designer Marta Marzotto (née Vacondio), ex-wife of Count Umberto Marzotto.Her uncle, Count Matteo Marzotto, is the former president and director of the Valentino fashion house at the time the label belonged to the Marzotto Group.
Since 2008, Borromeo became increasingly known in the tabloid press as the girlfriend of Pierre Casiraghi, the younger son of Caroline, Princess of Hanover. The couple married in a civil ceremony on Saturday, 25 July 2015 in the gardens of the Prince's Palace of Monaco. The religious ceremony took place on 1 August 2015 on Isola Bella, one of the Borromean Islands on Lake Maggiore, Italy. 
She finished secondary education, in 2002, at Milan's Liceo Classico Giovanni Berchet. Borromeo received a bachelor of laws from Bocconi University, Milan in 2010, under supervision of prof. Lorenzo Cuocolo. She also received a Masters in Journalism from Columbia University Journalism School in May 2012
Beatrice was a contributor to Newsweek and the Daily Beast in 2013. Prior to that, and from the newspaper's beginning in 2009, she worked as a full-time reporter for Il Fatto Quotidiano. She continued in that position through the year 2016
She has appeared on many television shows in Italy, beginning with Anno Zero on Rai 2 where she worked for two years, from 2006 to 2008. Every week she interviewed an average three guests on political development and social evils. In 2009, she even hosted a weekly show on the Radio 105 Network.
She interviewed Roberto Saviano, the famous author of Gomorrah, for Above magazine's June 2009 issue. She also interviewed American author of LA Confidential James Ellroy and former candidate for Colombia's presidency Ingrid Betancourt both for Il Fatto Quotidiano. For the same newspaper, she also interviewed Marcello Dell'Utri, Italian Senator and co-founder of Forza Italia. In the interview, Dell'Utri admitted to have entered politics to get immunity in order to escape his arrest. 
She directed Mamma Mafia, a documentary about mafia women: its preview was released by the Newsweek Daily Beast Company on 31 January 2013. That was her sole film in the English language. She has directed several documentaries in the Italian language, ranging from topics as the women of 'Ndrangheta, selfie surgery, and the children of Caivano.
Borromeo collaborated with Marco Travaglio and Vauro Senesi on the book Italia Annozero (Chiarelettere, 2009). She also wrote the preface for Birgit Hamer's Delitto senza castigo: La Vera Storia di Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia. (Aliberti, 2011).Birgit Hamer is a very old family friend; her mother is dear friends with Borromeo's mother, and Borromeo has admitted to having grown up hearing about the murder of Dirk Hamer from his sisters, including Birgit. Borromeo broke the story of the video confession of Vittorio Emanuele, who subsequently sued the newspaper for defamation. In 2015 a court ruled in favour of the newspaper.Borromeo then posted on Twitter: "Vincere una causa e' sempre piacevole, ma contro Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia la goduria è doppia!" ("Winning a case is always nice, but against Victor Emmanuel of Savoy the pleasure is double"), which resulted in spat on social media with his son Emanuele Filiberto
In November 2015 she was sanctioned Special Envoy for Human Rights for F4D. She considered herself in 2005 "atheist and leftist".
Pierre and Beatrice's first son, Stefano Ercole Carlo Casiraghi, was born on 28 February 2017. Their second son, Francesco Carlo Albert, was born on 21 May 2018.
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onheirpodcast · 2 months
Just listened to the podcast about Prince Vittorio. Speaking as an American (gun culture), who owns a gun (shotgun for competitive shooting), I can say one thing that is emphasized in all safety training: You don't pick up a gun unless you intend to use it and you NEVER point it at someone, even in a joking manner. I have lived in the UK and Germany and some variation of this is present in both of those countries. I cannot imagine that there wasn't SOME sort of training given to Vittorio which included such a statement, especially if there was any type of military service that Vittorio received. My opinion, if it is worth anything, is that regardless of any intention that he may have had at the time, is that he made a choice, something Jessica emphasized, that went against generally recognized safety procedures. Shooting at an unarmed person notwithstanding. Sounds to me that he got off with slightly more than a deserved slap on the wrist and had high powered lawyers that came up with as many straws to grasp at as to create enough doubt to any more severe of a charge/punishment.
Hello. Lovely to hear from you! If people haven't listened to the podcast, a big part of it is about a shooting and we acknowledge the fact we come from the UK. I can't express how alien guns are to us. I remember going to Portugal on holiday as a child and seeing police officers with huge guns and thinking there must have been a major incident because even police officers having weapons was foreign to me. So with that in mind we asked someone from a country where guns are more normalised to share their thoughts :)
I totally agree. I know that Vittorio grew up around guns and they were not safe (we talked about the fact he was present when Juan Carlos shot and killed his brother and that was because they let two unsupervised teenagers clean guns!). He didn't do military training to my knowledge because he wasn't really a royal anymore, so they were clearly just viewed as toys for them to play with and there wasn't respect for safety procedures. He was found guilty of the gun charge because even in the 1970s it was illegal for him to take his gun outside of his home, so clearly he didn't have much respect for the law either. It's really interesting to hear your perspective because I think you're probably even more aware of the importance of making safe choices than we are as you know the power in these weapons. Picking up a gun, taking it out of your house, and pointing it at an unarmed man is a series of active choices which clearly go against what you learn as responsible practice and so whether he wanted to kill Dirk or not (and he didn't because he probably didn't even know he was there!), he made all those choices in full knowledge that someone could get shot. So maybe there wasn't intent but when does negligence become so overwhelming it crosses into intent?
I can't say I would have made a different decision if I was on a jury so I don't judge them but my heart breaks for Birgit Hamer. Knowing that so many pieces of evidence "went missing" is a travesty.
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heavyarethecrowns · 7 years
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Favourite Couples Spam
Pierre Casiraghi and Beatrice Borromeo
Pierre and Beatrice first met in 2008 after they met while both studying at Milan's Luigi Bocconi University. Pierre studied international business, while Beatrice studied law. Beatrice also earned an M.A. degree from New York’s Columbia University in 2012.
Beatrice an heiress to the Italian fashion manufacturer Gruppo Marzotto, which has owned Valentino and Hugo Boss. Beatrice modelled for both Cavalli and Chanel as a teen. Beatrice is a contributor to Newsweek and the Daily Beast Also, since the newspaper's beginning in 2009, she has worked as a full-time reporter for Il Fatto Quotidiano. She has appeared on many television shows in Italy
Borromeo collaborated with Marco Travaglio and Vauro Senesi on the book Italia Annozero (Chiarelettere, 2009).
She also wrote the preface for Birgit Hamer's Delitto senza castigo: La Vera Storia di Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia. Borromeo also broke the story of the video confession of Vittorio Emanuele, who subsequently sued the newspaper for defamation. In 2015 a court ruled in favour of the newspaper.
In November 2015 she was sanctioned Special Envoy for Human Rights for F4D.
Pierre’s reputation is that of a diligent student and serious businessman in June 2009, he became the majority shareholder of the Monaco-based construction company Engeco, which his father founded in 1984. His uncle Marco remains in the position of President over Engeco.  In 2011, Casiraghi was inducted as an honorary member of the Jeune Chambre Economique de Monaco (JCEM).
He founded the “Sail for a Cause" charity race. He is on the Management Committee of the Yacht Club de Monaco. He is a participant in the sport of inshore racing, which differs from offshore racing in that it is done along the coastlines. He is a fixture in the Monte-Carlo Historic Rally, a vintage car race that happens every year in January. However, in May 2014, he competed for the first time in a professional car race
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heavyarethecrowns · 7 years
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Favourite Couples Spam
Pierre Casiraghi and Beatrice Borromeo
Pierre and Beatrice first met in 2008 after they met while both studying at Milan's Luigi Bocconi University. Pierre studied international business, while Beatrice studied law. Beatrice also earned an M.A. degree from New York’s Columbia University in 2012.
Beatrice an heiress to the Italian fashion manufacturer Gruppo Marzotto, which has owned Valentino and Hugo Boss. Beatrice modelled for both Cavalli and Chanel as a teen. Beatrice is a contributor to Newsweek and the Daily Beast Also, since the newspaper's beginning in 2009, she has worked as a full-time reporter for Il Fatto Quotidiano. She has appeared on many television shows in Italy
Borromeo collaborated with Marco Travaglio and Vauro Senesi on the book Italia Annozero (Chiarelettere, 2009).
She also wrote the preface for Birgit Hamer's Delitto senza castigo: La Vera Storia di Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia. Borromeo also broke the story of the video confession of Vittorio Emanuele, who subsequently sued the newspaper for defamation. In 2015 a court ruled in favour of the newspaper.
In November 2015 she was sanctioned Special Envoy for Human Rights for F4D.
Pierre’s reputation is that of a diligent student and serious businessman in June 2009, he became the majority shareholder of the Monaco-based construction company Engeco, which his father founded in 1984. His uncle Marco remains in the position of President over Engeco.  In 2011, Casiraghi was inducted as an honorary member of the Jeune Chambre Economique de Monaco (JCEM).
He founded the “Sail for a Cause" charity race. He is on the Management Committee of the Yacht Club de Monaco. He is a participant in the sport of inshore racing, which differs from offshore racing in that it is done along the coastlines. He is a fixture in the Monte-Carlo Historic Rally, a vintage car race that happens every year in January. However, in May 2014, he competed for the first time in a professional car race
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heavyarethecrowns · 7 years
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Favourite Couples Spam
Pierre Casiraghi and Beatrice Borromeo
Pierre and Beatrice first met in 2008 after they met while both studying at Milan's Luigi Bocconi University. Pierre studied international business, while Beatrice studied law. Beatrice also earned an M.A. degree from New York’s Columbia University in 2012.
Beatrice an heiress to the Italian fashion manufacturer Gruppo Marzotto, which has owned Valentino and Hugo Boss. Beatrice modelled for both Cavalli and Chanel as a teen. Beatrice is a contributor to Newsweek and the Daily Beast Also, since the newspaper's beginning in 2009, she has worked as a full-time reporter for Il Fatto Quotidiano. She has appeared on many television shows in Italy
Borromeo collaborated with Marco Travaglio and Vauro Senesi on the book Italia Annozero (Chiarelettere, 2009).
She also wrote the preface for Birgit Hamer's Delitto senza castigo: La Vera Storia di Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia. Borromeo also broke the story of the video confession of Vittorio Emanuele, who subsequently sued the newspaper for defamation. In 2015 a court ruled in favour of the newspaper.
In November 2015 she was sanctioned Special Envoy for Human Rights for F4D.
Pierre’s reputation is that of a diligent student and serious businessman in June 2009, he became the majority shareholder of the Monaco-based construction company Engeco, which his father founded in 1984. His uncle Marco remains in the position of President over Engeco.  In 2011, Casiraghi was inducted as an honorary member of the Jeune Chambre Economique de Monaco (JCEM).
He founded the “Sail for a Cause" charity race. He is on the Management Committee of the Yacht Club de Monaco. He is a participant in the sport of inshore racing, which differs from offshore racing in that it is done along the coastlines. He is a fixture in the Monte-Carlo Historic Rally, a vintage car race that happens every year in January. However, in May 2014, he competed for the first time in a professional car race
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heavyarethecrowns · 7 years
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Favourite Couples Spam
Pierre Casiraghi and Beatrice Borromeo
Pierre and Beatrice first met in 2008 after they met while both studying at Milan's Luigi Bocconi University. Pierre studied international business, while Beatrice studied law. Beatrice also earned an M.A. degree from New York’s Columbia University in 2012.
Beatrice an heiress to the Italian fashion manufacturer Gruppo Marzotto, which has owned Valentino and Hugo Boss. Beatrice modelled for both Cavalli and Chanel as a teen. Beatrice is a contributor to Newsweek and the Daily Beast Also, since the newspaper's beginning in 2009, she has worked as a full-time reporter for Il Fatto Quotidiano. She has appeared on many television shows in Italy
Borromeo collaborated with Marco Travaglio and Vauro Senesi on the book Italia Annozero (Chiarelettere, 2009).
She also wrote the preface for Birgit Hamer's Delitto senza castigo: La Vera Storia di Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia. Borromeo also broke the story of the video confession of Vittorio Emanuele, who subsequently sued the newspaper for defamation. In 2015 a court ruled in favour of the newspaper.
In November 2015 she was sanctioned Special Envoy for Human Rights for F4D.
Pierre’s reputation is that of a diligent student and serious businessman in June 2009, he became the majority shareholder of the Monaco-based construction company Engeco, which his father founded in 1984. His uncle Marco remains in the position of President over Engeco.  In 2011, Casiraghi was inducted as an honorary member of the Jeune Chambre Economique de Monaco (JCEM).
He founded the “Sail for a Cause" charity race. He is on the Management Committee of the Yacht Club de Monaco. He is a participant in the sport of inshore racing, which differs from offshore racing in that it is done along the coastlines. He is a fixture in the Monte-Carlo Historic Rally, a vintage car race that happens every year in January. However, in May 2014, he competed for the first time in a professional car race
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heavyarethecrowns · 7 years
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Favourite Couples Spam
Pierre Casiraghi and Beatrice Borromeo
Pierre and Beatrice first met in 2008 after they met while both studying at Milan's Luigi Bocconi University. Pierre studied international business, while Beatrice studied law. Beatrice also earned an M.A. degree from New York’s Columbia University in 2012.
Beatrice an heiress to the Italian fashion manufacturer Gruppo Marzotto, which has owned Valentino and Hugo Boss. Beatrice modelled for both Cavalli and Chanel as a teen. Beatrice is a contributor to Newsweek and the Daily Beast Also, since the newspaper's beginning in 2009, she has worked as a full-time reporter for Il Fatto Quotidiano. She has appeared on many television shows in Italy
Borromeo collaborated with Marco Travaglio and Vauro Senesi on the book Italia Annozero (Chiarelettere, 2009).
She also wrote the preface for Birgit Hamer's Delitto senza castigo: La Vera Storia di Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia. Borromeo also broke the story of the video confession of Vittorio Emanuele, who subsequently sued the newspaper for defamation. In 2015 a court ruled in favour of the newspaper.
In November 2015 she was sanctioned Special Envoy for Human Rights for F4D.
Pierre’s reputation is that of a diligent student and serious businessman in June 2009, he became the majority shareholder of the Monaco-based construction company Engeco, which his father founded in 1984. His uncle Marco remains in the position of President over Engeco.  In 2011, Casiraghi was inducted as an honorary member of the Jeune Chambre Economique de Monaco (JCEM).
He founded the “Sail for a Cause" charity race. He is on the Management Committee of the Yacht Club de Monaco. He is a participant in the sport of inshore racing, which differs from offshore racing in that it is done along the coastlines. He is a fixture in the Monte-Carlo Historic Rally, a vintage car race that happens every year in January. However, in May 2014, he competed for the first time in a professional car race
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heavyarethecrowns · 7 years
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Favourite Couples Spam
Pierre Casiraghi and Beatrice Borromeo
Pierre and Beatrice first met in 2008 after they met while both studying at Milan's Luigi Bocconi University. Pierre studied international business, while Beatrice studied law. Beatrice also earned an M.A. degree from New York’s Columbia University in 2012.
Beatrice an heiress to the Italian fashion manufacturer Gruppo Marzotto, which has owned Valentino and Hugo Boss. Beatrice modelled for both Cavalli and Chanel as a teen. Beatrice is a contributor to Newsweek and the Daily Beast Also, since the newspaper's beginning in 2009, she has worked as a full-time reporter for Il Fatto Quotidiano. She has appeared on many television shows in Italy
Borromeo collaborated with Marco Travaglio and Vauro Senesi on the book Italia Annozero (Chiarelettere, 2009).
She also wrote the preface for Birgit Hamer's Delitto senza castigo: La Vera Storia di Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia. Borromeo also broke the story of the video confession of Vittorio Emanuele, who subsequently sued the newspaper for defamation. In 2015 a court ruled in favour of the newspaper.
In November 2015 she was sanctioned Special Envoy for Human Rights for F4D.
Pierre’s reputation is that of a diligent student and serious businessman in June 2009, he became the majority shareholder of the Monaco-based construction company Engeco, which his father founded in 1984. His uncle Marco remains in the position of President over Engeco.  In 2011, Casiraghi was inducted as an honorary member of the Jeune Chambre Economique de Monaco (JCEM).
He founded the “Sail for a Cause" charity race. He is on the Management Committee of the Yacht Club de Monaco. He is a participant in the sport of inshore racing, which differs from offshore racing in that it is done along the coastlines. He is a fixture in the Monte-Carlo Historic Rally, a vintage car race that happens every year in January. However, in May 2014, he competed for the first time in a professional car race
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heavyarethecrowns · 7 years
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Favourite Couples Spam
Pierre Casiraghi and Beatrice Borromeo
Pierre and Beatrice first met in 2008 after they met while both studying at Milan's Luigi Bocconi University. Pierre studied international business, while Beatrice studied law. Beatrice also earned an M.A. degree from New York’s Columbia University in 2012.
Beatrice an heiress to the Italian fashion manufacturer Gruppo Marzotto, which has owned Valentino and Hugo Boss. Beatrice modelled for both Cavalli and Chanel as a teen. Beatrice is a contributor to Newsweek and the Daily Beast Also, since the newspaper's beginning in 2009, she has worked as a full-time reporter for Il Fatto Quotidiano. She has appeared on many television shows in Italy
Borromeo collaborated with Marco Travaglio and Vauro Senesi on the book Italia Annozero (Chiarelettere, 2009).
She also wrote the preface for Birgit Hamer's Delitto senza castigo: La Vera Storia di Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia. Borromeo also broke the story of the video confession of Vittorio Emanuele, who subsequently sued the newspaper for defamation. In 2015 a court ruled in favour of the newspaper.
In November 2015 she was sanctioned Special Envoy for Human Rights for F4D.
Pierre’s reputation is that of a diligent student and serious businessman in June 2009, he became the majority shareholder of the Monaco-based construction company Engeco, which his father founded in 1984. His uncle Marco remains in the position of President over Engeco.  In 2011, Casiraghi was inducted as an honorary member of the Jeune Chambre Economique de Monaco (JCEM).
He founded the “Sail for a Cause" charity race. He is on the Management Committee of the Yacht Club de Monaco. He is a participant in the sport of inshore racing, which differs from offshore racing in that it is done along the coastlines. He is a fixture in the Monte-Carlo Historic Rally, a vintage car race that happens every year in January. However, in May 2014, he competed for the first time in a professional car race
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heavyarethecrowns · 7 years
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Favourite Couples Spam
Pierre Casiraghi and Beatrice Borromeo
Pierre and Beatrice first met in 2008 after they met while both studying at Milan's Luigi Bocconi University. Pierre studied international business, while Beatrice studied law. Beatrice also earned an M.A. degree from New York’s Columbia University in 2012.
Beatrice an heiress to the Italian fashion manufacturer Gruppo Marzotto, which has owned Valentino and Hugo Boss. Beatrice modelled for both Cavalli and Chanel as a teen. Beatrice is a contributor to Newsweek and the Daily Beast Also, since the newspaper's beginning in 2009, she has worked as a full-time reporter for Il Fatto Quotidiano. She has appeared on many television shows in Italy
Borromeo collaborated with Marco Travaglio and Vauro Senesi on the book Italia Annozero (Chiarelettere, 2009).
She also wrote the preface for Birgit Hamer's Delitto senza castigo: La Vera Storia di Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia. Borromeo also broke the story of the video confession of Vittorio Emanuele, who subsequently sued the newspaper for defamation. In 2015 a court ruled in favour of the newspaper.
In November 2015 she was sanctioned Special Envoy for Human Rights for F4D.
Pierre’s reputation is that of a diligent student and serious businessman in June 2009, he became the majority shareholder of the Monaco-based construction company Engeco, which his father founded in 1984. His uncle Marco remains in the position of President over Engeco.  In 2011, Casiraghi was inducted as an honorary member of the Jeune Chambre Economique de Monaco (JCEM).
He founded the “Sail for a Cause" charity race. He is on the Management Committee of the Yacht Club de Monaco. He is a participant in the sport of inshore racing, which differs from offshore racing in that it is done along the coastlines. He is a fixture in the Monte-Carlo Historic Rally, a vintage car race that happens every year in January. However, in May 2014, he competed for the first time in a professional car race
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heavyarethecrowns · 7 years
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Favourite Couples Spam
Pierre Casiraghi and Beatrice Borromeo
Pierre and Beatrice first met in 2008 after they met while both studying at Milan's Luigi Bocconi University. Pierre studied international business, while Beatrice studied law. Beatrice also earned an M.A. degree from New York’s Columbia University in 2012.
Beatrice an heiress to the Italian fashion manufacturer Gruppo Marzotto, which has owned Valentino and Hugo Boss. Beatrice modelled for both Cavalli and Chanel as a teen. Beatrice is a contributor to Newsweek and the Daily Beast Also, since the newspaper's beginning in 2009, she has worked as a full-time reporter for Il Fatto Quotidiano. She has appeared on many television shows in Italy
Borromeo collaborated with Marco Travaglio and Vauro Senesi on the book Italia Annozero (Chiarelettere, 2009).
She also wrote the preface for Birgit Hamer's Delitto senza castigo: La Vera Storia di Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia. Borromeo also broke the story of the video confession of Vittorio Emanuele, who subsequently sued the newspaper for defamation. In 2015 a court ruled in favour of the newspaper.
In November 2015 she was sanctioned Special Envoy for Human Rights for F4D.
Pierre’s reputation is that of a diligent student and serious businessman in June 2009, he became the majority shareholder of the Monaco-based construction company Engeco, which his father founded in 1984. His uncle Marco remains in the position of President over Engeco.  In 2011, Casiraghi was inducted as an honorary member of the Jeune Chambre Economique de Monaco (JCEM).
He founded the “Sail for a Cause" charity race. He is on the Management Committee of the Yacht Club de Monaco. He is a participant in the sport of inshore racing, which differs from offshore racing in that it is done along the coastlines. He is a fixture in the Monte-Carlo Historic Rally, a vintage car race that happens every year in January. However, in May 2014, he competed for the first time in a professional car race
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heavyarethecrowns · 7 years
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Favourite Couples Spam
Pierre Casiraghi and Beatrice Borromeo
Pierre and Beatrice first met in 2008 after they met while both studying at Milan's Luigi Bocconi University. Pierre studied international business, while Beatrice studied law. Beatrice also earned an M.A. degree from New York’s Columbia University in 2012.
Beatrice an heiress to the Italian fashion manufacturer Gruppo Marzotto, which has owned Valentino and Hugo Boss. Beatrice modelled for both Cavalli and Chanel as a teen. Beatrice is a contributor to Newsweek and the Daily Beast Also, since the newspaper's beginning in 2009, she has worked as a full-time reporter for Il Fatto Quotidiano. She has appeared on many television shows in Italy
Borromeo collaborated with Marco Travaglio and Vauro Senesi on the book Italia Annozero (Chiarelettere, 2009).
She also wrote the preface for Birgit Hamer's Delitto senza castigo: La Vera Storia di Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia. Borromeo also broke the story of the video confession of Vittorio Emanuele, who subsequently sued the newspaper for defamation. In 2015 a court ruled in favour of the newspaper.
In November 2015 she was sanctioned Special Envoy for Human Rights for F4D.
Pierre’s reputation is that of a diligent student and serious businessman in June 2009, he became the majority shareholder of the Monaco-based construction company Engeco, which his father founded in 1984. His uncle Marco remains in the position of President over Engeco.  In 2011, Casiraghi was inducted as an honorary member of the Jeune Chambre Economique de Monaco (JCEM).
He founded the “Sail for a Cause" charity race. He is on the Management Committee of the Yacht Club de Monaco. He is a participant in the sport of inshore racing, which differs from offshore racing in that it is done along the coastlines. He is a fixture in the Monte-Carlo Historic Rally, a vintage car race that happens every year in January. However, in May 2014, he competed for the first time in a professional car race
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heavyarethecrowns · 7 years
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Favourite Couples Spam
Pierre Casiraghi and Beatrice Borromeo
Pierre and Beatrice first met in 2008 after they met while both studying at Milan's Luigi Bocconi University. Pierre studied international business, while Beatrice studied law. Beatrice also earned an M.A. degree from New York’s Columbia University in 2012.
Beatrice an heiress to the Italian fashion manufacturer Gruppo Marzotto, which has owned Valentino and Hugo Boss. Beatrice modelled for both Cavalli and Chanel as a teen. Beatrice is a contributor to Newsweek and the Daily Beast Also, since the newspaper's beginning in 2009, she has worked as a full-time reporter for Il Fatto Quotidiano. She has appeared on many television shows in Italy
Borromeo collaborated with Marco Travaglio and Vauro Senesi on the book Italia Annozero (Chiarelettere, 2009).
She also wrote the preface for Birgit Hamer's Delitto senza castigo: La Vera Storia di Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia. Borromeo also broke the story of the video confession of Vittorio Emanuele, who subsequently sued the newspaper for defamation. In 2015 a court ruled in favour of the newspaper.
In November 2015 she was sanctioned Special Envoy for Human Rights for F4D.
Pierre’s reputation is that of a diligent student and serious businessman in June 2009, he became the majority shareholder of the Monaco-based construction company Engeco, which his father founded in 1984. His uncle Marco remains in the position of President over Engeco.  In 2011, Casiraghi was inducted as an honorary member of the Jeune Chambre Economique de Monaco (JCEM).
He founded the “Sail for a Cause" charity race. He is on the Management Committee of the Yacht Club de Monaco. He is a participant in the sport of inshore racing, which differs from offshore racing in that it is done along the coastlines. He is a fixture in the Monte-Carlo Historic Rally, a vintage car race that happens every year in January. However, in May 2014, he competed for the first time in a professional car race
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