#birthday post brain rot rn
perachel-heretic · 1 year
Will does NOT call him babe
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harrysbooty · 1 year
jack champion hc’s!
a/n: currently in deep jack champion brain rot… this prob has errors but i’m too tired to care so enjoy!! 💘💘
jack champion! who practically kisses the ground you walk on. in his eyes, you hung the sun, moon, and stars.
jack champion! who saves just about any picture you send him.
jack champion! who lets you talk on and on just because he likes loves the sound of your voice.
jack champion! who could stare at you for hours. (in a loving way, not a creepy weirdo way)
jack champion! who never misses the opportunity to post about you. tiktok, instagram, bereal, anything. trust me you’re on it.
jack champion! who always finds a way to bring you up in any conversation.
jack champion! who loves the feeling of your touch. sexual or non-sexual. i mean physical touch is his middle name.
jack champion! who follows you around like a lost puppy. (seriously even has the puppy eyes and everything)
jack champion! who will learn your favorite song on piano. (yes i fully believe he is a piano guy. no i won’t be taking any comments at this time)
jack champion! who believes you’re it for him. he’ll never find another like you, and to be honest he doesn’t really need to.
jack champion! who calls you any nickname in the book. baby, sweetheart, love, babe, angel, etc. although his personal favorite is baby doll.
jack champion! who is an absolute sap for you and has no shame in showing it.
“bro you’re so whipped.”
“okay and?”
jack champion! who could sit in complete silence with you but still be perfectly content, just because he’s with you.
jack champion! who says i love you almost too quickly. but once he felt it, he couldn’t not say it.
jack champion! who will spam text you 70 times if you don’t answer after the first. oh and don’t forget about the 30+ calls/facetimes.
jack: hey
jack: hello
jack: hi
jack: i’m bored
jack: can u come over
jack: i miss u
jack: hellooooo
jack: are u dead
jack: babe
jack: babe
jack: babe
jack: what if i was falling off a cliff rn
jack: u don’t love me
jack: im actually dead now thx u let me die
jack: HELLO
jack: pls answer me
jack: im sad
jack: i miss u
you: jack i was showering
jack champion! who sends you tiktoks even if you’re sitting directly next to him.
jack champion! who prefers to be little spoon because he likes the feeling of being in your arms. (barf)
jack champion! who makes it his mission to make sure your entire family likes him.
jack champion! who will buy you anything you need because he likes to spoil you. see a necklace you like? expect to get it for your birthday. new dress you saw at a store? already bought.
jack champion! who does anything to make you blush.
jack champion! who is die hard one direction fan. like knows every song. (but let’s be honest don’t we all?)
jack champion! who plays with your hair whenever your head is in his lap.
jack champion! who loves when you play with his fingers subconsciously. it’s something so simple, but it makes his heart soar everytime.
jack champion! who knows your every order from any food place you guys go to.
jack champion! who traces small shapes into your thighs when his head in in your lap. (bonus points for small kisses here and there)
jack champion! who always greets you first before doing anything else when he comes home. (if you’re living together or even just visiting one another)
jack champion! who will kiss any part of you he can. (don’t tell anyone i told you this but his favorite is nose kisses, giving or receiving)
jack champion! who would do anything for you because you’re the best thing to happen to him and he’ll be dammed if he ever lost you. (told ya… mans a sap)
a/n: zoowee she was a lengthy one. pretty pls send in any requests you have for me. i do top gun, obx, jack (just not ethan yet bc i haven’t watched any of the scream movies but i’m getting there i promise). anywho hope u liked :)) smooches 💘💘
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diggersofgraves · 2 years
im gonna rant here, but if anyone wants to give me advice 😭
so. there was a girl i used to talk abt a lot here. i might rb a few things that i mentioned her in. anyways. i had a big old crush on her in hs. but i moved away for school and that was that. what might have been during hs was kinda dropped. i still saw her when i came back for holidays it summer, but she was more of my bffs friend than mine by the end of hs, so i only saw her once in a while. and by the time i finished college. ig i still remembered the crush i had on her, but i felt like i had gotten over it.
the thing abt this girl is she's a very big jokester and kinda deflective. shes kinda like. an elementary school kid who has a crush on someone and only knows how to handle it by being mean to them? thats kinda her. but with jokes??
well, i never took ANYTHING she said abt us srsly bc. its just what she does. she jokes.
and a few weeks ago, my friend invited us to a little kickback and she was there. i made a post abt it i think, bc obviously everyone needs to be in my business. but quick run down. she made a joke abt kissing me. when i didn't go along with it she said, "why didn't you lean in?" and that's the moment it kinda hit me that she might be fr 😭
and the she got "defensive" again and she told me she was gonna talk to the cute girl over there or w.e.
(and im not a jealous person when im not in a relationship with someone. even if i like them, im not gonna play jealousy games with ppl, sorry, so if she wanted a reaction from me, she did not get one)
okay, we've seen each other a couple of times since then. nothing big. someone realized i had a little crush in her bc apparently i act a FOOL, a SIMP, even when we just talk abt her.
now the NEW MAIN PART OF THE STORY (sorry that was all suppose to be a quick recap lol).
my close friend always throws a big old costume party for her birthday since she's an october baby, duh. and shes make a deal of inviting anyone she was ever cool with. so some ppl from hs, some ppl from shows she goes to, shes knows a lot of ppl. and ofc this girl is gonna be there (lets not talk abt the fact that my ex and her new girl was there lmao, i didnt mind, i just had no idea how to react)
and me? im a little loose from the alc. i dont even remember how we ended up hanging together, but we did. we played beer pong (and ofc we're both amazing so a lot of celebration hugs).
and i think from there we stick to each others sides. kinda close. right?
and she says things I once thought were jokes, but now im like 😳 u think my beauty doesnt compare fr ??
well by the end of the party we're making out. again, i dont remember how it happened. just that it did.
and we went home and I have not texted her since then and vice versa.
i had a conversation with ANOTHER friend yesterday tho. who told me while i was in the bathroom and they were all drunkenly hanging out outside. she told them she's been having a crush on me since hs and she's always been too scared to do or say anything. now lets forget abt the fact that my dumbass is living through a 7 year slow burn with a apparently a shit ton of mutual pining. lets forget abt that. or else ill punch myself.
point is, she has yet to contact me and i have yet to contact her. and im scared if i do she'll pass everything off as a joke. which will hurt. but i still want to reach out. i just dont know what to say. i dont talk to her much outside of in person situations. i should've stolen her sweater so i could have an excuse to give it back 🙄
anyways. that was my little rant. im still stuck on what to say. if anyone has advise. ill give u a little digital heart or smth idk.
the solution might literally be so simple, but i dont have an outside perspective rn, i have dumb dumb lovesick brain rot >:(
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othercrossee · 2 years
Y'all r always comapring yourself to kpop idols, start treating yourself the way you treat idols
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backhurtyy · 2 years
Okay I’m in Disney world for a birthday trip but I went to star wars land and I didn’t see any obi wan stuff but I thought of him there for you if that counts. However you posting about ofmd was the last straw in watching it and I watched all of it right before I left and now I am hhhhh I’m in love with Ed and it’s just. So good. Brain rot. Ed, my beloved - 🤍
HE THREW OUT HIS MOTHERS SILK LIKE I can’t get over him. The bathroom scene he puts his head on Stedes hand. The crop top the leather the graying beard LIKE. sorry I’m brainrot central rn - 🤍
OMGGGGGG I HOPE YOU HAVE FUN!!!!! and it does count, it counts so much. very touched that you thought of me at all 🥰🥰🥰
OH MY FUCKING GOD I CANT I CANT I CANT I LOVE HIM I LOVE STEDE I LOVE THEM I LOVE THIS SHOW I CANTTTTTTTTTT— it is just so good and i’m quite literally working on three different fics for them already because i have so many thoughts and feelings and i’m just being consumed by my brainrot.
also the bathtub. oh my god. like that’s probably the first time ed has ever been that vulnerable with anyone??? and he probably expected stede to run away or kick him off the ship or look at him as if he was a monster. but instead stede asked if they could just forget about it and be friends, and he offered ed his hand, and he just so immediately accepted ed for who he was and just. god. them.
also don’t apologize i think about leather crop top sat and pepper beard ed at least nine hundred bajillion times a day. i want his gender. give.
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castielbrainrot · 3 years
Thank you tagging me @angelfishofthelord ! 
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better whoever you want to :)
1. Name/Nickname: bash :)
2. Gender: ???? haha
3. Star sign: Scorpio
4. Height:  5′4″-5′5″
5. Time: 12:30pm
6. Birthday: Nov 4
7. Favorite bands: lately i’ve mostly been listening to solo artists wow but... Queen? The Beatles? The Go-Gos? nostalgic bands from my childhood 
7. Favorite solo artists: Phoebe Bridgers, Billie Eilish, Hozier, dodie, Mitzki (my indie brother is influencing me 😂)
9. Song stuck in my head right now: Scrawny - Wallows
10. Last movie: Soul
11. Last show: Finishing my spn rewatch (im dying) but for NEW shows i just started Hunter x Hunter 
12. When did I create this blog: December 2020
13. What I post: this is a fully spn blog unless a post relates to me and i don’t want to have to hunt it down for my personal blog (this isn’t a side blog)
14. Last thing I googled: ‘scrawny motherfucker’ bc i couldn’t remember the title or who wrote it lmao
15. Other blogs: yeah a personal account but im keeping them separate
16. Do I get asks: only once and i was pikachu dot jpeg! send more!!
17. Why I chose my url: spn was boiling and rotting my brains and castiel is most of the reason why <3
18. Following: 301
19: Followers: 83
20. Average hours of sleep: 6-7, sometimes less :((
21: Lucky number: 6 and 1, so often 7 bc those are added 
22. Instruments: a little guitar and piano and uke. i sing! 
23. What am I wearing: giraffe t-shirt and striped boxer briefs !!!
24. Dream trip: tour of Europe with my brother!
25. Favorite food: sushi, chowder, or crab rangoon
26. Nationality: American
27. Favorite song: uhhhhh right now? i have to listen to bad guy by Billie Eilish like 10 times a day for the show im in so that’s a vibe
28. Last book read: I’m reading “Working on a Song” by Anais Mitchell rn
29: Top three fictional universes: not spn that’s for sure. i was also going to say percy jackson but that’s also so dark and messed up... im fascinated by messed up universes so i think all of my “favorites” would actually be terrible places. in the secret good spn where sam and dean reform hunting and monsters and humans coexist and billie is god but all other deities from other cultures are given actual weight, i might be convinced
30: Favorite color: black
Tagging uhhhhh YOU, whoever is seeing this
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night-cr0w · 7 years
Tagged by the ever lovely and radiant @the-queen-is-off-duty (thanks bro)
Nicknames: Don’t really have any rn since I’m in the process of changing my name, but I guess Crow.
Gender: Non-binary, somewhere in the middle of it all.
Star sign: Cancer.
Height: 1.66m
Nationsality: Swedish
Time: 13:06
Birthday: July 5th
Fav bands: Skillet, Twenty One Pilots, Of Monsters and Men, Imagine Dragons, Starset, Set it Off, The Dear Hunter(there are more I just can’t remember them)
Fav Solo artists: Hayley Kiyoko, Woodkid, Susumu Hirasawa
Song stuck in my head: Freeze Your Brain(Heathers The Musical)
Last Movie I watched: Howl’s Moving Castle. I really enjoyed it.
Last Show watched: The Gay and Wonderous Life of Caled Gallo
When did I create my blog: End of 2013
What do I post about: anime, manga, videogames(primarily Overwatch atm), things I like, things I find important.
Last thing I googled: Chill outfit, Ann Takamaki reference
Do you have any other blogs: An artblog. @dead-eyes-and-rotting-soul
Why did you choose your URL: I like crows, but just “crow” was taken so I added night because I like the night.
Following: 236
Followers: 805
Fav color: Red. I also like pale purple.
Average hours of sleep: 10, minus the times I wake up from nightmares and can’t fall back asleep.
Lucky number: Idk
Instruments: Don’t play any, but I’d love to learn something with strings.
What I’m wearing: Gray tanktop, gray shorts, black sweater.
How many blankets do I sleep with: One, but two in the winter.
Dream Job: I don’t have one, but I guess working with comics wouldn’t be too bad. Concept artist for videogames sounds managable as well.
Dream Trip: R’lyeh. My dad lives there
Fav food: Sushi and thai food. 
I don’t have the brain power to tag anybody right now.
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gawayne-replies · 7 years
91 Questions
Oh lord. Thank you @selkatha​ for tagging me in this!
THE LAST – 1. Drink: Water
 2. Phone call: My dad trying to get me to fix the internet 3. Text message: "'A tomato was a foodstuff that could be thrown.'" (a quote from Wookieepedia) 4. Song I listened to: "The Battle Of Gall" by Joel McNeely 5. Time you cried: Monday at 4 am, reading the Kanan comic
 6. Dated someone twice: No
 7. Been cheated on: No 8. Kissed someone and regretted it: I guess but not really in the way you're thinking 9. Lost someone special: Not really 10. Been depressed: Always 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: No
 12. Vantablack 13. Regular black 14. Dark red
 15. Made new friends: I guess, sorta? 16. Fallen out of love: I’ve never fallen in love so that would be difficult 17. Laughed until you cried: About once a week in math class 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yeah, but in a pretty neutral way 19. Met someone who changed you: I started watching Rebels. So yes 20. Found out who your true friends were: Sure, I suppose
 21. Kissed someone on your facebook? Don't have a Facebook, would never kiss someone who has a Facebook 22. How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? None, don't have Facebook 23. Do you have any pets? Two cats, Leeloo (mine) and Snowpaw (my sister's) 24. Do you want to change your name? Yeah, I guess, idk 25. What did you do on your last birthday? Literally nothing 26. What time did you wake up? 12:30 pm 27. What were you doing at midnight? "Writing" 28. Name something you can’t wait for: Bubble tea 29. When was the last time you saw your mother? Like two hours ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? No more mental illness 31. What are you listening to right now? The Office 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? Probably? 33. Something that is getting on your nerves? The stupid post I have to do on my other blog 34. Most visited site: Either this one or Wookieepedia
 35. Elementary: Alternating years of Good and Hell. So much fuckin snow like that's my clearest memory. So much snow. A mostly-functional education system, that was nice. I went to like five different schools and each had something worth talking about but that'll take too long. (One of them practiced paganism, as it turns out). I moved in the middle of it. Just a very dense time in my life. Too much happened. 36. Middle: Mostly blank. I remember like three things and the rest is a blur of anxiety and dissociation. This is about when I realized that teachers don't actually know stuff, especially if you choose to hire teachers who don't know stuff. 37. High: So far, dislikeable. About half my teachers hate me cause I never do work and the others think I'm a model student (hint: no). I never have to take gym again, though, so naturally I replaced it with philosophy. I can now tell you exactly when the sun rises every morning, thanks J-block band. The third floor became gay this year. 38. College: I'm thinking Waterloo right now, but who knows I might just die instead? I'll probably study either chemistry, astrophysics, writing or music, or philosophy or maths. Who knows?
ME – 
 39. Hair color: Pink, but it'll be mint by next week 40. Long or short hair? Quite short 41. Do you have a crush on someone? Never 42. What do you like about yourself? About half my brain 43. Piercings? Just ears 44. Blood type: AB+ I think 45. Nickname: Occasionally Sherlock, but I mostly get called Daddy Binks these days (or Long Beef Binks, or Daddy Long Beef) (don't ask, you don't want to know). Some people call me Obi on occasion, which doesn't actually come from Obi-Wan as one would expect 46. Relationship status: Single 47. Zodiac sign: Virgo 48. Pronouns: I use she/her but I honestly don't care, as I recently found out 49. Favorite TV show(s): Brooklyn 99, Rebels, Clone Wars, Arrested Development, Parks & Rec 50. Tattoos: Nope 51. Right, ambidextrous, or left-handed? Right-handed
 52. Surgery: Nope 53. Piercing: Ears 54. Sport: Climbing, since I was 3 55. Vacation: Texas? That wasn't really a vacation per say but we never go on vacation 56. Pair of trainers: Well I'm sure I had one, probably, but what does this want? They were probably blue?
 57. Eating: Nothing 58. Drinking: Nothing
 59. I’m about to: Eat, practice, work on stuff 60. Listening to: The Office
 61. Waiting for: Death. Or bubble tea 62. Want: Bubble tea, and death 63. Married: Nah 64. Career: Idfk. Either something to do with space, something to do with science, both, something to do with writing or something to do with music.
 65. Hugs or kisses? Hugs, but those are also generally bad 66. Lips or eyes? Eyes. Unless the lips are playing something really cool 67. Shorter or taller? Idc 68. Older or younger? Romantically, I'm guessing? My age would be better? 69. Nice arms or nice stomach? I don't give a shit 70. Sensitive or loud? Sensitive, I guess. Just not loud 71. Hook-up or relationship? Neither, preferrably 72. Troublemaker or hesitant? Hesitant 73. Kissed a stranger? Depends on your definition of stranger 74. Drank hard liquor? Nope, so far I only like white wine 75. Lost contact lenses/glasses? Don't have them 76. Turned someone down? I don't think so. If I have I can't remember 77. Sex on first date? Nah 78. Broken someone’s heart? Doubt it 79. Had your heart broken? Not romantically 80. Been arrested? No 81. Cried when someone died? All the Jedi at the end of ROTS. Jacen Solo. Chewie. And my dog. That should have gone first, I'm thinking. 82. Fallen for a friend? Nah
 83. Yourself? Only at 5:30 in the morning
 84. Miracles? Not really 85. Love at first sight? No 86. Santa Claus? No
 87. Kiss on first date? Sure, whatever 88. Angels? No
 89. Current best friend’s name: Holly 90. Eye color: Blue/grey 91. Favorite movie: Rogue One, ROTS, Planet of the Apes, Megamind, Star Trek: Beyond
Alright, I'm gonna tag @kenobi-and-barnes, @classy-mantis-shrimp, @crazy-tracyn, @freya-emrys, and anyone else who wants to (seriously you can if you want, I just can't think of people rn).
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