#birthtime watch
irishhorse-blog · 1 year
Did you see the time on jimins watch during his live? Do you think this is something only a boyfriend would do? Thanks!
I'm not going to count out other overly-invested individuals like mommies, but that certainly was something only a man completely besotted with his life partner would do. That took a lot of forethought and effort... anything for his bae.
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ikuhara · 1 month
it's my birthday tomorrow, so tonight I will be watching the Utena musicals with friends 😇
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venussaidso · 9 months
Vedic Astrology Observation (based on shows/films part 4)
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I'm watching the series Archer and I guessed three main nakshatra archetypes correct! This includes Uttarabhadrapada, which is so potent in the two of the most prominent female characters in the main character's life.
First of all, this series is about espionage. So immediately, I know there are moon nakshatras. The main character, Sterling Archer, embodies lunar qualities: being a secret agent, going undercover, using disguises/aliases, trickery etc. etc.
Another hint that supported my theory of the character being lunar is how the fandom literally compare his character design to Henry Cavill who is a Shravana Moon.
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As Henry Cavill is also famous for being in the espionage, spy film The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
Another hint is Archer being a huge fanboy for Burt Reynolds who he inspires after or quotes during his epic, spy missions. And Burt Reynolds is a Hasta Moon, Rohini Ascendant.
Burt Reynolds even guest starred in an episode as himself and we see our main character fanboying throughout.
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Burt Reynolds is famous for his spy film Operation CIA in which he plays a CIA agent who is undercover as a university professor.
The character Sterling Archer has to be voiced by a moon nakshatra native, right?
Finally, I went out to find the voice actor and calculated his vedic chart. Thank goodness the guy has his birthtime available; and accurate, at that. And I guessed right!!! 😭👇🏼
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Just like Henry Cavill, also Shravana, who was a highly voted candidate in the fandom to play the live-action version.
But, in the very beginning of watching this series, the character Sterling immediately struck me as a Sun nakshatra native. His inability to commit to a relationship or anything; having zero devotion to anything.
He improvises everything; not much of a planner which makes him come off more carefree. He is missing this cold, lunar quality to him of being a strategist or even just being highly intelligent. I've always believed that Sun men are quite... bimbos, to say the least. Claire Nakti explored this in her Sun dominant men video more articulately and respectfully; and Archer embodies this energy too.
So, in the beginning episodes of the series, I believed he was mainly Sun dominant before witnessing other aspects of the character expanding.
I also noticed that he is emotionally volatile and loud and extremely comedic, which is not really Solar or Lunar, but Rahuvian. And guess what? The voice actor is an Ardra Moon, which makes a lot of sense.
But, I was right, again, to assume him being a Sun nakshatra. Because the voice actor also has Krittika Sun. Ha!
The reason why his Sun nakshatra was more blatantly obvious in the beginning for me was because of his relationship with his ex girlfriend, Lana!
Lana, whose character design is quite literally inspired by Rihanna's physique.
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Rihanna, who I personally believe is an Uttarabhadrapada Ascendant, as her birthtime is rated C (unlikely to be accurate). And even if you don't think she's Uttarabhadrapada, fine, but the character Lana is.
She is the Saturn nakshatra archetype.
She's very kickass, warrior-like and has a masculine edge— which are the type of characters usually played by Saturnians/Uttarabhadrapadas.
I immediately noticed with how she butts heads with Archer. Uttarabhadrapada is a nakshatra in which its women are known for emasculating other male archetypes/even going head to head with men ruled by fiery-hot planets such as the Sun. Their chemistry in the series is the epitome of the Saturn woman x Sun man pairing.
Sun and Saturn are literally mortal enemies.
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But people with this planetary rulership tend to be intrigued by each other. It seems to be very similar to having an intense square synastry with someone, in my opinion, which might add sexual/romantic tension more often than not.
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Archer's mother is another important female figure in his life who is also Uttarabhadrapada.
She's a hardened woman who is in charge of a spy agency, a masculine job, and she acts or looks very similar to characters such as 1996's Cruella Deville or Miranda Priestly (both also played by Saturn nakshatras; both characters' hair are pale white).
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Malory Archer quite literally ruined her son's life since he was born; always emasculating him even in his adult life. She's had a very cold, (Saturn) oppressive nature towards him since he was young. Saturn nakshatras are either known to humiliate its natives, or natives under this nakshatra lord will further humiliate/abuse others into their cold grip.
A trope I've seen often with this nakshatra, which makes sense if you think of them being the literal ice dragon.
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I immediately noticed that she is Uttarabhadrapada not just from her masculine, commanding role in the series— but from the outfits she wears in every episode. She's always wearing cold colours, especially powder blue.
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Uttarabhadrapada characters almost always have something significant that is coloured blue, which you'll always associate with the character; as Claire Nakti brilliantly pointed out in her Uttarabhadrapada video. And that's how I knew.
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And her relationship with Lana, who is also very Uttarabhadrapada coded, is interesting. The same way Sun men tend to respect each other and always find each other from across the room, Saturn women always have a quiet air of respect for each other's strength.
The first time Malory met Lana, she pointed a gun to her head and Lana stubbornly stood her ground. It was like Malory immediately recognized herself in Lana. She was so impressed by her that she hired her to work at her agency as a top spy, just like that.
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I was so certain that they were Uttarabhadrapadas and finally had the courage to check their charts AND I WAS RIGHT! Both voice actors are Uttarabhadrapadas!!
Their dynamic features this very Ascendant-Moon synastry — I definitely couldn't have guessed that one. This synastry quite literally demonstrates seeing yourself (Moon) in someone else (the Ascendent person). I've been very into studying synastries lately and it's always interesting how it plays out.
Anyway, now it makes sense why Sterling has a connection with Lana. Even though Lana isn't half as worse as Malory, I've always noticed their similarities. Like Lana, Malory used to be a kickass, spy lady before Sterling was born. They both have very sharp, stern personalities and are frequently annoyed by Sterling's existence. And in Sterling's case, it is true that you'll subconsciously seek out traits in a partner that are similar to your parent's.
Also, Sterling's unhealthy relationship with women & sex (unsuccessfully) fills up the empty hole inside of him that was supposed to be nourished by his mother's love as a child. This makes him fearful of intimacy and closeness, which is common with Sun nakshatra natives.
Malory's neglect is still a running gag in the series — she's emotionally hardened which is a prominent theme for Uttarabhadrapada (especially for the female natives). Being the middle nakshatra in the Pisces segment, it truly is the only Pisces that can struggle with intimacy, vulnerability or melancholic fluff. Which makes sense as Saturn is there. Luckily in Revati, there is more freedom and unrestrained expansion. There is a reason why Venus exalts in 27° of Pisces, where Revati lies. Revati is everything love and philosophical. Uttarabhadrapada isn't always comfortable expressing sentimentality, as they tend to be very self-restraint or outwardly hardened.
Anyway. I'm not done with the characters. I'll make a part 2 once I have the energy.
Ugh I'm sooo good at guessing nakshatras! LMAOO 😭
Especially moon nakshatras. I'm still so intrigued by moon men.
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beigepear · 3 months
hinata shouyou's natal chart
to celebrate hinata shouyous birthday, this year i decided to analyze his natal chart. i am convinced that astrology is something furudate has thought through, and it's immensely fun to look at their characters under this angle. when i want to study this aspect of the characters, i use sidereal charts, because i believe that's what furudate used when they assigned the birthdays (this means that if you look up hinata's natal chart without specifying that it has to be sidereal, it's going to be quite different). i also have a theory about his birthtime (and, consequently, his ascendant and natal houses), but i don't want this to be infinitely long, that's why i'm only going to be talking about the five personal planets: sun, moon, mercury, venus, and mars.
his sun is, obviously, in gemini. gemini is an air sign, and air is about communication. it's also a masculine (more active than reactive) and mutable (versatile and flexible) sign. the majority of the narrative we are watching the world through hinata's eyes, but mostly it's him actuating the change, influencing others. gemini suns often struggle with being tolerable at dozens of things, instead of being very good at one thing (because they are so curious, they crave to be everything at once). until hinata hones his routine and takes a more mature approach to volleyball, we see him sometimes overwhelmed with how many things he wants to try and how much he still needs to improve.
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this versatility also makes gemini suns divinely good at communicating with different people. they love being with people, and it's of no consequence if those people are strangers, aren't easy to talk to, or don't like them. since gemini is ruled by mercury, the planet of communication, gemini suns' very egos are nourished when they let their thoughts flow, and their genuine enthusiasm makes gemini suns fun to be around. and, well, it's hinata shouyou's thing to gain trust of the most wary and closed-up people. geminis dislike being bound to one place, one person, one philosophy. their curiosity, their agility, and their constant search for something to stimulate them mentally push them to travel and move often.
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the moon in astrology gives light to a person's immediate emotional reactions, as well as hidden things about them, such as home life, core beliefs, memories, inner psyche. hinata's moon is in leo. leo moons experience emotions strongly, they are extremely sincere about it and highly sociable. i would argue that hinata's moon in leo not only enhances the mercurian influence of gemini sun; it puts a certain warmth to it. gemini suns are often accused of being hypocritical, but people would never accuse hinata of faking his curiosity in each and every person around him, because he's wholeheartedly emotional about his affection for people. it's also true that leo moons, not unlike leo suns, will blow up immediately and die when they are not given attention—they need audience—but their innate charisma makes it barely possible to not love them anyway.
in a wrong environment leo moons can become conceited and overbearing, which makes me think that hinata had all the potential to become the king of the court in middle school if he had more resources.
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his experiences and his surroundings constantly humble him, which pushes him to learn. in astrology leo is ruled by the sun, and i doubt that hinata believes he's the most important thing, but it's very likely that he's emotionally aware of how resonant his presence is. everything and everyone in the narrative revolves around him and his emotions quite literally.
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now, this is where the sidereal chart gets substantially different from the tropical chart.
mercury in astrology is defined by mental processes, ideas and decisions.
in sidereal astrology, hinata's mercury is in taurus. people with this placement have a certain rigidity to their thinking. it's almost impossible to convince them to focus on something they don't care about, but if they consider something of great practical importance, they are an immovable object. hinata may seem
overall easily distracted and excitable, but if it concerns his main point of interest, all resistance is vain, proven by his fight with kageyama in the training camp arc.
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mercury in taurus natives also tend to be excellent observers with good memory.
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the planet of venus tells us about a person's approach to personal relationships (especially romance), but also their aesthetic values and comfort. hinata has his venus in taurus. people with this placement are grounded in how they love, they enjoy physical contact and appreciate comfort. because they are so sensual and earthy about everything they love, these people are loyal to the bone. this placement makes me sad because it reminds me how hard it was for hinata to adapt when he first moved to brazil. for a taurus venus it's a great upheaval to lose, albeit temporarily, something they are used to and something they loved!
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venus is "at home" in taurus, meaning the planet doesn't have to strain itself for resources. in simpler words, this is an area where hinata doesn't have to struggle, but his venus is retrograde, which means it takes him a little longer to figure out how to utilise the resources he naturally has in this domain. i think it manifests beautifully in the way he calms his energetic ego with a steady routine when he gets older.
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hinata's mars is also in taurus, completing his taurus stellium. mars gives information about a person's modus operandi, how their desire becomes ambition becomes action. as contrasted with his venus, hinata's mars is in detriment, meaning he might be slowed down in this area by obstacles and limitations. taurus mars is forced to fight! they are not openly aggressive, but again, an immovable object. hinata is faced with one challenge after another, but he's unyielding. he may appear frantic (especially when he's younger), but as he grows and as we learn more about his nature, it's not that hard to see that he's steadfast, he's been unrelenting since the very moment he got into volleyball. and that's taurus mars to you—it's purposeful, it's stable in its desire.
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hinata's taurus stellium clashes constantly with his agile gemini sun. while gemini is mutable and masculine, taurus is fixed and feminine. his ego screams at him to go, go, go, to jump from one thing to another, but his earthy nature is wiser than that, and it catches up with him as he gets more mature. when he learns to play in spite of the sun, the wind, the sand resisting him, he learns to tame his own overzealous ego. and hinata's unrecognizable when he's playing for msby, but at the same time he's still very much himself. there's a new tenacity to him, but he's the same magnetic presence as always.
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Birth times!
So you all know Jk's most recent upload to weverse, right? The one with his back...
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He uploaded it at :
9.12 10:58 NY time= 10, 5+8=13....10.13
10.13=Jimin's birthday!
9.13 11:58 SK time
Why is 11:58 important?
Jimin: "My birthday is on 13 October. 11:58, I was born at that (time)."
11:58 Jimin's birthtime!
Jimin was born on 10.13, at 11:58.
So Jk posted Jimin's birthday and birthtime.
It seems like birth times are a jikook thing at the moment because remember Jimin's watch in his live during Jk's birthday?
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Jk's was born on 9.1, at 3:24.
Homage to each other's birthday and birthtime?
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hartpisces · 4 months
release ur limited star knowledge (i wanna know 🤨)
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im so glad u asked!
it started when i found out ant is a leo and kat is a scorpio, which was SO wild to me because it just makes perfect sense?? heres the post i made about them when I was going insane about this revelation —>
(take the moon signs with a grain of salt, since the exact birthtime isn’t known)
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For jalen specifically, hes a VIRGO which again, very intriguing because from what i’ve seen, he does very much present as a hardworking, nitpicky, perfectionist, reserved guy (fe: almost every argument he has with josh involves nitpicking, his press conferences.. THE LOCKER CONVO “your locker looks like a tornado hit it” OK VIRGO!!!) Virgos are also known to be shy/easily embarrassed especially when receiving praise, which is so insane to me seeing how he responds to josh (being rendered speechless oml), donte, the media, literally anyone complimenting him. He is a textbook humble virgo!! (also the sign of the virgin btw, lmfao)
Now it gets spicy when you consider that his moon sign is Aries, meaning his emotions are ruled by this fiery, defensive-ass sign, and he acts this way with the people he’s most comfortable around. This is totally represented when he tries to poke Josh’s buttons constantly, but it ultimately backfires every time because Jalen can be short tempered, and a bit spiky. Him being a virgo, he wants to prove how chill, “normal” as he says, he is. But at the end of the day, someone who KNOWS him, and is intuitive (will get to that later) will know how easily flustered he gets. I see why he is such a great leader (im a knicks fan so i have to glaze rq) he gets the precision/composure from his sun, and passion from his moon, bam leads a team through the playoffs.
Now for his venus (sign of beauty, love, romance) his venus is in cancer! ♋️ 🦀 🦀 these people are sensitive, cautious, CLINGY (“we have to hangout everyday”) when it comes to relationships you kind of have to approach them like a crab 🦀 because they WILL cling forever (he literally refused to let go of Donte and Josh, and never will). Very emotional lovers, but they will avoid emotional confrontation in fear of getting hurt. Also soo sentimental! (his reaction to josh being traded while he was at Villanova, you know this man loves feeling nostalgic). Cancer lovers want to be consumed, to belong entirely to someone (if i speak…)
Also gonna do Josh because i make everything about Jalen and Josh. Josh is a pisces sun, taurus moon. Being a pisces, he dreams big, is emotional, VERY intuitive, and he has this ability to sort of be a chameleon and fit in with very diverse groups. This could explain his passion for podcasts, since he’s had two in his career and had all sorts of guests. Pisces can unfortunately be TOO sensitive (cough, beating bitches up in college). While they are dreamers, they are notoriously late to everything, and prefer to chase after them at their very specific pace (explains Josh’s hatred for practice? also moving into his bestfriend’s house during highschool because he knew it would help his grades, environment matters to him). As for his intuition, Josh is very understanding of other’s emotions and his own, more so than Jalen. The most important part about josh being a pisces to me is that it proves he is a full on LOVER BOY and can see through a prickly guy like Jalen.
His moon is in taurus. To his core he is dominant af (literally was described as a dog that needs to mark his territory, always wants the upper hand in arguments). He’s stable, steady, calm (he IS the one who always gets into Jalen’s head first, not the other way around) and is uncomfortable with surprises. I don’t have a link but I read an article where he was talking about how terrible his trade from the lakers felt; he overall resists change. Taurus is also the sign of pleasure and is often aligned with materialism and a love for food (his watch collection? obsession with mike & ike’s??) Overall hes very chill and has soo many lover traits, just do not threaten his dominance lmfaoo.
(I was the most shocked with this placement) Josh’s venus is in Aquarius. The approach people with this placement take with love is friends first, full trust, and then they’ll consider a relationship. They are unpredictable in their advances (josh calling jalen cute on camera twice?? josh’s unpredictable ways of touching jalen and donte whenever he feels like it???), and will try to impress their person of interest with provocative jokes and their rebelliousness. They don’t want to be tied down, but they don’t mind setting rules for their partner. They also might avoid an actual *love* confrontation/confession. The independence of these types aren’t always a bad thing, since their partner will receive a lot of space/won’t feel suffocated.
Accurate or not, this is such a sharp contrast to Jalen’s Cancer venus. Jalen doesn’t WANT space, he could cling 🦀🦀onto Josh all day and still feel too far. There might be conflict in terms of communication; Josh might flirt as a “joke” and Jalen would feel that it’s real, being the more emotional, hopelessly romantic one. This doesn’t mean Josh doesn’t feel the same way, his Aquarius-approach to love just makes him way more cautious about committing to love. His Pisces sun might want him to fall in love, but the Aquarius energy in him is yelling NO! Josh will touch Jalen like he’s his, will leave Jalen stammering, flustered. Jalen will look at him and smile with so much longing, but it’s just another thing they won’t talk about. Jalen is just too careful, awkward and Josh is ever-so conflicted. Jalen fell first, Josh fell harder??👀👀 (hypothetically ofc) (maybe)
i wish i could find out their rising signs because that would be so interesting to me, but obviously nba players don’t care to know their exact birthdate in the name of astrology😭
these boys got issues to sort out
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If it weren’t jikook, do you think it would be weird if someone changed their watch to be their friends birthtime? Like, do you think it could be friendly or it is something that has to be between partners, like I’ve seen other make it seem?
Definitely feels like more effort than required for a simple 'just friends' scenario... But so is carrying someone bridal style and only putting them down after they suck on your neck, sucking their ear and kissing it in front of 60,000+ people, or filming yourself reacting almost exclusively to only their content for your millions of fans to see, et cetera.
So, you know, seemingly too extra to be 'just friends' or 'brothers', but also kinda typical for jikook, and there is a lot of daylight between that and "married with a dog in the yard". Human relationships can take a lot of shapes and I frankly don't spend a lot of time or mental real estate trying to figure out exactly what jikook are. I probably sound like a phoney since I'm on jikook tumblr, but I've not really deeply thought about the mechanics of their relationship. It's probably why I don't really have any strong theories or opinions around their timeline, nor am I interested in their fics, etc.
I just see them loving each other out loud in so many interesting and hilarious ways. And my heart softens a bit when I notice it. This watch thing I'll file under the same category of 'jikook jikooking'.
But yeah, no Korean guy is changing the time on his watch to match that of his homie's birth-time. There'd have to be a much deeper commitment between them.
It's always possible Jimin likely just forgot to switch back his watch to the right timezone after a trip, but jikook 'coincidences' are... a curious phenomenon so it can't be ruled out.
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hi! I remember you talked about jimins watch showing jungkooks birthtime during his Weverse live (I might be wrong), so I was wondering what you thought about the time jungkook posted the picture on Weverse? Do you believe it’s related to Jimin?
Yes, I did write about Jimin's watch. I let the spirit of Columbo possess me because I wanted to have some fun. I think it's important to frame our writing because it's usually the key to understanding someone's position on a particular topic. Maybe it's not always obvious for everyone (impossible actually), but my intention was to treat it as an exercise in fun writing about kpop shipping, without taking it too seriously. And in that context, I also mentioned Taemin and Minho so it turned into this close to ridiculous speculation about rich idols and their faulty expensive watches.
Now, about the time Jungkook posted the photos. Short answer, I don't care enough about it to write an entire post. I also want to mention that I hate math. So much. I do know the basics, but my hate is profound and the last thing I want to do is having to work with that.
I think there's some nuance here which I love. I love it quite a lot, in case it wasn't obvious. So, as much as I have no interest in math and numerology, I am capable of acknowledging that Koreans do and idols use it in various situations. Official content makes use of it. Maybe they release something at an hour that indicates a group anniversary or members' birthdays and so on. It's a thing.
I also read the posts which do all the calculations. Sometimes it looks like they add the numbers in a way that is part of confirmation bias, other times looks legitimate. I know K-jikookers jumped on JK's post immediately.
Now, should we condemn it, as some voices are making it really clear? The criticism of jikookers who do this comes in the form of them supposedly acting like taekookers, which I think it's an exaggeration. Engaging in a type of shipping practice, aka focusing on numerology, is something that happens in all fandoms and all ships in kpop. (Even swifties are doing math and major western publications are reporting it). It's one thing to not agree with it, and another to narrow it down to one shipper group when it actually applies across all fandoms.
Also, there is this false impression that jikookers are doing it more now because of a supposed lack of "content", which in turn makes them act like taekookers. It's again false and easily proven by doing a bit of research. Everyone in the fandom with a focus on shipping in general and/or jikook would know that such analyses have been made for years and have always been part of the shipping culture. It has nothing to do with abundance/lack of content. It's all out there, we just have to look for it. Perhaps it's harder to see it on tumblr and twitter because many old accounts are gone, but youtube might be of more help.
In conclusion, I think that the time when the photo was posted is open for interpretation. It's not something that I would do, as I have no interest for, but numerology is a known concept steeped in cultural practices in which companies, idols and fans alike participate and which is easily transferable to international fans. The way in which they apply the math might differ or not.
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wegonbealright-09 · 1 year
I was wondering what you thought about the watch theory between jikookers? How on jimins watch, it was jungkooks birthtime when he started the live.
It’s alright if this is something you don’t want to answer though.
When I saw those analysis anon nothing came to mind except it seemed stupid. If you pay alog of attention to those analysis you'll lose your mind. I didn't even get these kind of analysis when I was still a shipper.
I don't take anything jikookers say seriously because they're a bunch of clowns to me. These are the same people who claimed that the photo concept for seven had something to do with face with the spikes and the dirt of JK's trousers being the dirt on jimin's hand in the beginning of LC. Only for him to sing about fucking a woman seven days a week.
It didn't make sense to me anon because it's a watch unless you tryna tell me jimin winded that watch to be on JK's birth time or something and showed it on camera because he wanted shippers to know or something. I didn't even read the analysis because I'm no longer a shipper an it seems stupid to me.
It's just a coincidence, it was a coincidence. And what was the time on Jimin's watch again I didn't see it. Was it 09:01 is that what jokers are analysing?
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mickgaydolenz · 1 year
“hit me with the grim discovery, i want to suffer” okay asia, if you insist. 
major tw for discussing death //
something else in that AXS interview that got brought up is Micky's health, which is another thing that's flown over my head as he's certainly been talking about it within recent years. and hey, watching your health not a bad thing at all, especially for that age! but the way he talks about it, at least to me, comes off almost a bit obsessive. that’s typical Pluto 6H behavior, a planet dealing with obsessiveness and control. it’s in opposite to our current Pluto Aquarius, which is currently transiting his 12H. nothing to sweat over, right?
except that people don’t usually live long enough to experience that kind of transit. that’s a big fucking deal and i cannot even begin to stress that enough, it’s literal cosmic magic we’re witnessing! ✨🌟💫
despite that being cool as all hell, it doesn't mean it's entirely positive. this is Pluto-on-Pluto we’re talking: double negative nancies. this is the time where everything comes full circle for a person's life; it can be extremely stressful if he’s not mentally capable of handling it, because the powerful Plutonic force is going to hit the gas by messing entirely with his psyche… which by the way his asteroid Psyche in Pisces is in his 1H, the house of the self and outward appearance. if he becomes too obsessed with trying to control his health it's only going to cause more harm than good -- definetly psychologically.
and you know what? it’s no wonder why i kept getting spiritual messages saying “watch your head” in regards to Micky, i wish i was kidding. it is Aries season after all, and Aries rules the head, so AHHH!! if anyone is willing to donate $50 to me so that i can go to the tour and spread this message to him you’d be funding my ‘mystical witch who gives riddling omens to strangers’ services. i only accept paypal.
Pluto is usually the metaphorical representation of death, so this is more of a psychological experience at best (“best” said with a frowny face). but with this current transiting Saturn, a planet that represents physical death itself, literally on his Ascendant, which we’ve also discussed that it will bring in a melancholic and cranky attitude, it all has me body and soul clenched for dear fucking life. even with those supportive placements in his chart that i've mentioned before it's going to get extremely rough for him and i'm praying that someone around him is keeping a watchful eye on his behavior. if no one will, i absolutely will.
so this all inspires me to start going back and checking the ephemeris’ once again for the three others because now i feel like i just unlocked the secrets of the universe. and here’s what i’ve uncovered:
Davy passed when Saturn was in 29° Libra, and in retrograde, transiting along his 7H in close conjunction to his Jupiter and asteroid Chiron. not only that, it also squares his Mars in 28° Cancer 5H AND his natal Saturn in 22° Cancer 4H, to which both squares his natal Jupiter. something very important to note about Jupiter is that it’s very capable of over-expanding and overdoing something if left unchecked, so it’s strange to me that when the other three talked about him during that time they all said that Davy was healthy in shape… which doesn’t add up to me. whatever he was doing, something was being overdone and his tiny chihuahua body couldn’t handle being pumped by such a big heart no more, as Cancer does rule the chest area. then again, i have to remind everyone once more that his birthtime is still up in the air and i’m just working off the one and only sus source i found. please keep that in mind!
Peter passed when both Saturn and Pluto were in Capricorn, transiting his 3H, where his asteroids Vesta, Eros, Pholus and Pallas, but Satrun was in 15° and Pluto in 22°, and both were in close conjunction to his Pholus (!!!). they also both squared his Jupiter and Lilith in Gemini 8H, but trines his 8H Uranus Taurus; Uranus, much like Pholus, deals with sudden and unexpected changes, but Uranus in particular represents release and freedom, and with it in the 8H it seems to me he finally felt free from his burdens. moreover, the transiting Pluto was in trine to his Mars, and Satrun was in trine to his natal Satrun, both in Taurus 7H. not just a literal death but a metaphysical one at that too! and of course, Taurus rules the throat. who woulda thunk.
Mike passed when Saturn was in 9° Aquarius, which had just transited into his 12H, its cusp starting at 8° Aquarius. it opposed his natal Pluto in 6° Leo 5H and squaring his asteroid Psyche in 9° Scorpio 8H. most importantly it trines his natal Saturn, and Uranus both in Gemini 3H, as well as his Moon and Neptune Libra 7H. remember when i talked about him mending things at the end of his life? yeah me too. Leo specifically rules the heart and his Chiron in 29° Leo, the healing & wounding asteroid, was in his 6H, the house of physical health. literally should’ve seen it coming but alas, i was not there in time to call it out.
it’s very easy to look back retroactively and find these things and start to panic. more often than not i find myself getting panicked over Micky and this crazy astro weather. however, what we all have to remember at the end of the day is that, no matter what tools you use, death cannot be predicted, ever -- we may see it on the horizon but we’ll never truly know when it’ll strike, and that’s how it’s intended to be in universal law. we won’t know what day and what time Micky will be gone. all i can tell you is that it’s getting to be that time and it’s time to start emotionally preparing for it.
i’m no grief counselor and in no way am i sharing these things with the purpose to make everyone scared and worried. i’m sharing this to, in a way, not only help all of us come to terms with the fact that it’s almost over, but to also really enjoy the time we have left with our favorite goober. endings have to happen in life and it would be in our best interest to at the very least be prepared for it, rather than be surprised and in shocked. 
i’m confident that’s what Micky would want from all of us anyways! he’s gonna go out of this with a bang, if anything, come hell or high water. 
ugh he wants to be like Mike so bad girl get over yourself /j /lh
hahahahahahhahaha ouch 🥲
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curtainhideout01 · 2 years
6 Thrilling Elements of Twin Siblings Bonds.
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Twins are the miracle of the universe and the world embraces their presence with immense love and grace. As twins’ siblings are rare. Twins have a magical connection as they form connectivity through heaven. Well, twin sibling shares the same womb. Hence, there’s no doubt that identical twins share a strong bond. Likely, they develop exceptional intuition for each other. Wherein they figure out each other’s problem and pain without even physically evidencing it.
Twins’ siblings are crazy, fun, and amusing. Additionally, twins wearing the same clothes while twining poses for a photograph is a common thing. Besides, it’s fascinating to know about the twin’s specialties and likenesses. Everyone has the curiosity to know about their lifestyles, reactions to each other, ways in which they think, etc.
Thus, here are the 6 thrilling elements of twin siblings’ bonds.
1. Teaming–
While, the twins’ siblings are reliable companions as there is someone to talk to, play around with, and watch tv with. Whereas in the case of having different-aged siblings, one cannot experience the pleasure of doing things jointly that often.
2. Freaking Reality–
Let’s say twin sisters can easily trick teachers, friends, or parents with their identical physical features. Secondly, twins never forget each other’s birthdays. Thirdly, twins cheerfully express the fact that they are twin sisters or twin brothers.
3. Mirroring–
Twins are not only identical to each other, but they also have identical feelings and emotions for each other. From speaking in unison to choosing the same career and having similar likes and dislikes, they have a lot of things in common.
Meanwhile, there’s no fixed formula and definition for twining abilities. Hence, each twin is unique and their shared companionship is unique.
4. Juggle of Senior & Junior–
Due to the minute difference between birthtime, twins’ siblings feel delighted in recognizing themselves as the younger and older ones.
5. Close Affinity–
Twins have their world, and they are family in themselves as their connection and strong intense bond are sometimes difficult to comprehend practically.
Twins are each other’s best friends. And Twins are normally not of competitive nature. Indeed, it’s a blessing to have a twin sibling.
6. Differences–
Likely, they have different personalities, specialties, and ways of thinking do vary. Their life choices are different. Twins are different persons, so their preferences and choices might change.
With the similarities and being together, society tends to compare them which later develops hatred in adulthood for some twins. But leaving the comparison behind, twins are special.
Celebration of Twins Day
Twins share an unbreakable connection that is stronger than any ordinary sibling bond. Hence, to mark their special presence, there’s Twin’s day dedicated to celebrating the matching strings of twins.
For more interesting facts Check out the Life cherishing Moments of Sibling Bond.
If any twin is reading the blog then do share how it feels like waking up with your twin sibling every morning.
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trnquilgalileo · 3 years
NCT Hogwarts House!
Member: Nakamoto Yuta
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I would first like to say that I based this mostly off his birth chart and personality listed on the fandom wiki. Now I know that there’s an general apprehensive nature about using Idol birth charts, saying that it’s an invasion of privacy. However I would like to point out that all you need is a birthtime and place. Many people don’t know their own birth times so when that happens you just enter 12am, the day you were born and your home town (unless you moved beforehand.) His birthday and hometown are listed in the fandom wiki and I’m assuming someone entered 12am for the exact time or he gave out the time himself. If that is not the case, I’ll take this down for the sake of their privacy.
Yuta’s chart is filled with water signs, mostly it being scorpio of course. Because I’ve only been doing their sun and moon signs and Yuta is both Scorpio in his chart I’ll try to go more into detail about what this means!
His Scorpio sun dictated his ego. This means that Yuta is a very private person which is seen in the way he keeps information to himself and releases it over time. For instance it was a few years before Nctzens found out what « secret time, » was. Even though he had hinted at it before. (Watching dramas/ animes and crying…what a baby.)
Yuta’s Scorpio sun also means that he has a very unique way of thinking. He’s always questioning or saying things that are a little out of pocket but they make you ponder. But he’s also a little mischievous, so don’t let what he says keep you up at night. Scorpios have a way with words that always make you come back to them for more which may be dangerous in the wrong hands however, they make you think about the world around you.
Like Yuta had said once in a Vlive. Traveling the world has forced him to see different cultures and process the world around him. That’s why he’s always eager to travel. Especially if you travel alone since the experience will stick out more to you and make you perceive your environment differently.
What I’m trying to say is Yuta’s Scorpio sun is very cunning with words that force others to see the world differently, and because he is kind, he lets us form our opinions to add onto his own.
Yuta’s Scorpio moon is private too. His emotions are intense like other water signs but he keeps them locked up. Not because he’s untrusting of others but because he likes to process them himself without the aid of others.
Yes he likes sharing what he’s feeling but only after he feels it. This goes for different types of situations of course. His wording if i remember correctly is always in the past tense. « I felt this », « this is what happened, » and « during this day, » phrases like this while common in the kpop world holds a bit more weight coming from Yuta.
Yuta’s double Scorpio means that he’s very in tune with himself. He doesn’t halter but instead build upon what he already knows. If you know what sign comes after Scorpio (Sagittarius,) you can see that the energy that Scorpio internalizes comes out in the form of Sagittarius.
So what does this mean for his Hogwarts House?
Yuta is Slytherin.
Slytherins despite stereotype are the planners of the world. They’re your politicians yes, but they’re also your engineers and your inventors. They’re always 10 steps ahead because they’re private, they don’t share what’s going in their head until they need to. This is fitting for Yuta. He’s the boy in Hogwarts taking part in unusual classes that seem a little dark for what he wants to be but he just wants to understand and eventually twist that knowledge into something helpful.
If course this is because of who he is. He’s a good person. But like many Slytherins he will face a crossroad. If he decided to take the darker path, all that knowledge and power will twist into something that could potentially crawl down your spine and paralyze you, hold you still in his grasp, because he knows everything about you.
His second house would be Ravenclaw.
(I haven’t read a chart in a long time so sorry if this was a little awkward)
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plutoswrath · 3 years
Heyy! I was catching up on your NCT rising sign posts and firstly it was sooo cool to see how in-depth u and other go that’s my fav like if u wanna guess risings u can’t just go off of looks! U gotta think any house and planet placements lol the whole thing. I wanted to come here to share my thoughts on Chenle and Heachan specifically bc I recently put a lot of thought into it for some reason lol
For Chenle I know he’s a sag/Scorpio cusp but I rlly think he’s a sag and I was running the numbers and for him to be a sag he would have had to been born after 3pm! I used to be rlly confident he was a cap rising bc he has intense bone structure and eyes but not in a Scorpio way, more in a strict saturn way. But to be a sag puts him past a lot of potential rising signs so the only ones left that have him at sag sun were Aries to Libra. I played around w some of them and I feel like he could be a Gemini rising! It makes sense cuz he’s known for being sooo friendly, bright, curious, and playfully witty and snarky. Here’s the selling point tho, depending on the time it could put his Gemini Saturn in first! Which explains why he looks like a cap rising to me lol
I’m bringing Haechan into this too bc I know a lot of ppl think he could be a Gemini rising and tbh I’d still buy it but I wanted to propose another idea. I think he could def be an Aries rising! And that would put all the sign in their natural house which I think makes sense w his Leo moon in 5th and the Gemini in 3rd etc. and when I try to compare him and Chenle in regards to whose more of a Gemini rising, it makes haechan seem less like one. He does act b Gemini cuz I mean he has 3 Gemini placements lmao..,, but Aries rising are loud, opinionated, independent, but also has that bored or distracted easy Aries thing. Quick temper, very like what I see is what I want. they’re not a curious as Gemini and they can be outgoing but their focus isn’t rlly on like inquiring about people like Gemini?
Anyways that’s my theory lol I just wanted to bounce ideas off someone who gets it! I love theorizing
Hello! Ohh, I love theorizing as well, so this is the place for you haha x
So,I hope it's okay but I think with the recent info that Haechan allegedly confirmed his birth time (which I personally take with a grain of salt because I've read that he apparently talked about his birth time before and said it was around 12 pm so....we gotta take his word here but I think we all generally know one has to be critical with all casual mentioned birth times from celebrities, but guessing peoples rising sign is for fun so in the end it's not that serious and let's have our fun disecting the chart with the info we have now!!) I want to talk about Haechan's rising sign first!
So one thing that always stood out for me when it came to Haechan was that he seemed very sensitive to me. It's almost like it's kinda written on his face when he speaks (or doesn't) and I think by the way he acts (very animated and reactive) it just underlines this sensitivity and just emotional receptivness. So I wasn't really suprised to see that he has a Cancer Mercury. Being a Gemini sun already places a huge empathize on his Mercury sign, and Gemini with the influence of water really makes for some pretty reactive people, because they can be highly sensitive to the words, moods and hidden intentions of others. Makes one really moody as well, especially if it's a Gemini with water influence but that's just a random fun fact I wanted to add on asdfghkl. If we take his alleged birth time into consideration, he'd have not only a Scorpio rising, but also a Pluto in the 1st. I think the look of his eyes can be pretty droopey at times and yet very focused/piercing at the same time, kind of like he challenges you in that sense, and this is certainly a theme I noticed in a lot of Scorpio risings, especially if they have Pluto in the 1st as well (which a lot of second/third decade Scorpio risings have). Also, having his Chart ruler in the 1st and in the opposite of his Sun and Venus would explain why he is kind of 'on and off' in that sense with his energy and moods (when you watch him in interviews with 127 especially, behind the scenes, at vlives, etc), especially him asserting his presence in the room with a Sun opposite Pluto would make a lot of sense (btw, this is all written in a neutral perspective and no critique, this is just me explaining his behaviour with astrology here). Haechan also is extremely 'scheming', even when he just sits and doesn't talk in an interview he seems to think ahead and I think this os something that comes really naturally to him, just connecting the dots and adding his own twists and turns to a conversation and story. Also, his Mercury in the 8th adds to the sensitivity I got from him, and that with his Scorpio rising and Pluto in the 1st really add to his driness at times, just really flat with his responses and reactions (which come pretty quick and surprising as well). And let's not forget his Uranus and Neptune in the 3rd: very distinguished and unique voice, as well as having Uranus in the 3rd would contribute to his 'on and off' switch but generally very high energy he has, especially when having a conversation. Despite that having Sun and Mercury in the 7th in a conjunction makes one really sociable in the sense you could feel the need to communicate and interact with others (especially when the Sun in 7th is involved, outs great empathise on being with others, lack of social connections can result in strong lonliness at worst). Oh and not to forget he'd have a Virgo MC with a Scorpio Ascendant. For me at least, it only adds to the fact that Haechan is really a jack of all traits, Virgo MC people usually come across as pretty capable and are pretty self composed (also can come across as quiet judgy and they don't even notice it).
OKAY I WILL STOP NOW ITH HAECHAN WOWIE LET'S MOVE ON TO CHENLE okay so I think I've mentioned before that I think Chenle's face has strong Cancerian/Jupiterian vibes for me - his bone structure is phenomenal ofc, but I think his face seems kind of 'stretched' (same with Taeil) which is btw not (!) meant in any negative way because that doesn't exclude being pretty ofc. I know an anon before mentioned that they believe he is a Sagittarius rising but with him being a possible Sagittarius Sun that would explain the effect of his Cancer Jupiter! I think I once talked about him reminding me of young Leonardo DiCaprio so much that I just wished for him to be a Libra rising, but to be fair I think an Air Ascendant would make sense for his nature in general. Ex: to have a Libra rising he'd have to be born around 2am, which ofc would make him still a Scorpio but would put his Cancer Jupiter in the 10th house, also in a possible exact conjunction to his MC (and even if not it's still the closest planet to his MC). He'd have his Moon, Mars and Uranus both in the 5th house which would generally explain his extremely friendly nature (if we can believe Johnny's rising and I sadly kinda doubt it tbh because I can see him just trolling us with his birthtime I'm seeing the parallels here) and why it's so easy and probabl also important to him to conenct with others and be on good terms. Generally speaking I find him pretty jolly in nature and I think if he'd have his Jupiter in the 10th, possibly conjunct his MC and an Aqurius stellium in the 5th (+ possible Libra rising) that could be it. He'd have a Scorpio stellium in the 2nd house with his Sun in the 29th degree, and even if this is said to make people closed off, part of Scorpio in the 2nd house is a) maintaing close and intimate relationships is key for them, they really need that and b) they trive on being liked and admired. Not to say that he is fake in that sense (all people are to an extent but that's beside the point) but this can definitely add to a general charisma! But idk if Chenle is actually 'edgy' enough for this potential birth chart, probably not I believe
Another possible rising sign I thought for him was actually Taurus rising, putting his Sun, Mercury and Venus (exactly on the Descendant here if it would be in the 2nd decan) in the 7th house and his Aqaurius stellium in the 10th, Jupiter in the 3rd. With his Sun being already in Sagittarius I think it would add to a natural 'want to feel good' attitude and searching for pleasure and good times in every situation and Aquarius in the 10th can make for very sociable people, even if they feel more introverted in that sense they have an easier time making connections with others, or others feel drawn to their friendly and understanding nature. Also, his Jupiter in the 3rd would be in a trine woth his Venus in 7th (especially if it's on the Descnedant) which can grand him an easy hand with social groups and settings to begin with!
And I really like your idea behind the Gemini rising, depending on the decan, his MC could still be in Aquarius with his Aquarius Mars in the 9th conjunct his MC and his Uranus in the 10th conjunct his MC as well, and again, putting his Moon in the 10th. Idk but his Aquarius stellium being possibly in the 10th just really seems to resonate for me 🤠🤠 Also, having a Sagittarius Sun in the 6th would make him most likely someone who's easier to work with, because these people value having a good and rather lighthearded atmosphere around them. Very enjoyable and loyal as friends and extremely passionate in their work place/when they pursue something their heart is in.
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venussaidso · 1 year
• 𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐈 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓 — 𝐍𝐚𝐤𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐚 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟓
Came back online despite being very dramatic about going on a hiatus just to say!!! that these are all Ashwini Moons and no one can convince me otherwise. I DO NOT CARE.
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Also one is a confirmed Ashwini Moon, guess which one.
(yes jared leto who was tom hiddleston's look alike for some years. yes his birthtime accuracy is rated excellent. look at the shape of his eyes, and tom's, and alexis bledel's. they have the same eye shape. even as cilian's. the eyes are childlike and expressive. these are sidereal aries moons. ashwini faces.)
And just watched Oppenheimer and Cilian Murphy is playing Ashwini Sun J Robert Oppenheimer.
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The shape of the eyebrows, despite one being thicker than the other, are literally the same. And the eyes! Ashwini!!!
Oppenheimer's wife in the film is played by Shatabhisha Sun Emily Blunt and the two go on horse ridings which is also an interesting detail as Ashwini & Shatabhisha are horse yonis (which also means they're extremely compatible). Cilian Murphy's eyes look Ashwini as well as J Robert Oppenheimer's, they're big and sensitive, sometimes they're scary and sometimes they look childlike. And yes Tom Hiddleston to me is an Ashwini Moon, his birth time is unconfirmed and in the date he was born he's either Revati or Ashwini Moon. I don't know why the other possibility isn't challenged. He was in a historical piece alongside Ashwini Moon Benedict Cumberbatch called WAR HORSE.
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Film summary: "Albert and his horse Joey are inseparable. However, when Joey is sold off to the British cavalry, Albert follows him in the hope of reuniting with his best friend."
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Tom Hiddleston played Captain Nicholls as seen above.
The horse is not just the yoni of Ashwini, it is the symbol of this nakshatra, it is how the DEITIES of this nakshatra look like. (Ashwini Moon Tom Shelby (a character who's actively involved in a gambling ring that involves horse racing bets) on his black horse which he named Grace's Secret).
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So horse symbolism runs more deep in this nakshatra. So that's an important detail.
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The very war themes of the film and the two getting through that to reunite in the end is very Martian. Mars represents war, Aries descendant is Libra/7H which is friendships. Which interesting enough, the film was directed by Libra Moon Steven Spielberg.
Albert in the film is played by Ashwini Moon Jeremy Irvine.
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As you can see, he has the Ashwini eyes. Compare his eye shape to the first four Ashwini Moons I started mentioning. And it's the same shape. It seems that Ashwinis have either round/round-ish almond eyes or just simple almond eyes. His eyes appear very sensitive, present and childlike even. And he has a youthful appearance. Which is typical Ashwini.
These are Ashwini Moon faces idc idc idc!!!
(ashwini is so underrepresented i feel like a lot of them are lumped in with revatis and that kinda irritates me ngl)
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Also, Christopher Nolan really likes his Ashwini Moons. Fun fact; Ashwini Moon native Cilian Murphy lost his role of Batman to another Ashwini Moon native Christian Bale. But continued to work with Christopher Nolan. Funny cause I see that Ardras really love Ashwinis. Nolan is an Ardra Moon. Him and Cilian have done three projects together now. Him and Christian Bale have done Batman films and also The Prestige (so 4).
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I have no idea what Ardras have to do with Ashwinis but they're simps for them frfr.
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neotan-astrology · 4 years
I know you only post about NCT/BTS but can you do what type of lover Baekhyun is please?? He himself confirmed his birthtime is at 6:40 am
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the attentive boyfriend
his Sun and Venus both are in Taurus and the 12th house
really romantic
relationships are very important to him
not into flings so would prefer serious relationships
a relationship where he sees his future with someone
extremely loyal 
kind of possessive in a relationship 
constant touches
the type to give neck kisses
a lot of gifts!!
the kind to actually ‘give you the world’
like giving you all kinds of comfort would be his love language
so yeah will SPOIL you
domestic dates 
the kind to make blanket forts and just watch a movie 
game nights at home
but will take you out for fancy dates sometimes
wants your attention 
wants to hear ‘i love yous’
will give you pet names
wants to be with someone he can make a home with
With Venus in 12th house he’ll love really deeply
wants to share all his thoughts with you and will expect the same from you
like wants transparency in the relationship
will dream about your future together
he has Virgo in 5th house so will show his love through actions
helping you in any way he can
paying attention to the smallest details possible
will give you the best advice possible
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Well now that same theory can be applied to jikook isn't it? That JK has a whole gf while he pretended like he has a relationship with Jimin. For what ? Idk. Probably with same intention as Tae i.e to hide he's dating a woman by acting gay and is into Jimin in public. Meanwhile Jimin always, especially recent years only acted like JK's best freind. He kept his boundaries, he didn't gone over board or pretended they are more than friends, not even once.
Hi anon,
Nope. You are not going to come and dismiss jikook. Not that.
I've given my thoughts on the video.
Is Jimin the type to post nonsense on his insta? He even takes that serious. He doesn't waste time doing pointless things. We always say that, don't we? He keeps posting Jk, though. Just because too.
Let's talk about recent times:
Jul 2022: Holding hands with Jk in a corner at Hobi's party.
Oct 2022 Busan live: Got jealous when Jk mentioned "Jk marry me"
Mar 2023 FACE: Included Jk and his voice is his personal album
April 2023 Jimin live: "I think Jungkookie is sleeping."
Jul 2023 Jk's debut: He flew to NY to spend the weekend with him
Aug 2023 Jk's naked live: Jimin commented flirty things
Sept 2023: Setting Jk's birthtime on his watch. Cloud watching picture.
Plus all the stuff I've seen that you haven't seen.
So yeah, whatever theory you are talking about doesn't apply to jikook.
Hope that helps.
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