#JK birthday live 2023
irishhorse-blog · 1 year
Did you see the time on jimins watch during his live? Do you think this is something only a boyfriend would do? Thanks!
I'm not going to count out other overly-invested individuals like mommies, but that certainly was something only a man completely besotted with his life partner would do. That took a lot of forethought and effort... anything for his bae.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JM live 1 September 2023 20:54 or 8:54 pm KST
And a little bit about JK's same day live as well.
Part 1
Cr./The creators of the media used in this post.
So we got a live from JK at the start of the day. 12:55 am or 00:55 KST, and from JM in the evening, at 20:55 or 8:54 pm KST.
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One opening the days birthday celebrations (or was he?) and the other closing them (in a sense).
Do we have numbers working for the two?
Let's see.
JK's live:
Super easy. Add the 1+2+5+5=13. Then add 0+0+5+5=10.
So we get JK's special day with JM's special day. How sweet.
JM's live: Add the 2+0+5+4=11. Then add the 8+5+4=17 and down to a single digit: 1+7=8.
Guess what we get.
And if you want just a little bit more utilize the date:
and Ta-dah...
Oh, and if it's numbers we are talking about, and if anyone has any kind of doubt that numbers mean so so much to JM and JK, well here's another little doozy.
JM's watch. Yes, the tens of thousands of dollars worth watch he was wearing during the live.
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*Screenshot taken at 3:20 min. mark.
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It's a little hard to see, but the time on his watch looks to be around the 3:27 mark.
I want to remind you that JM started his live at 8:54 pm KST. JM has been in SK for months and you would think his watch would be set to KST, no?
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Screen shot at 8:24 min.
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Screenshot of watch at 32:56 min. mark.
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Deduct the live time stamp at every one of those given moments from the time on the watch and you will go back to 3:23/4.
Why, you may ask, am I making such a big deal about this?
Well, my dear friends, this is why:
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JK's time of birth tattoo, just to remind you.
JK's time of birth being 3:23-24.
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Did JM set his watch to start the live at 3:23-24? JK's birth time?
Wait, but that's not the end of it.
Because JM's watch is also of significance.
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Launched in 1997.
What in the effing hell?
Like, if you have another explanation please do explain!!!
Watch not working? Nope, it is, time counting as the live goes on, all from the 3:23 mark.
Coincidence? Again? That his watch happens to be set at JK's birth time, and it also, by chance, being one launched same year JK was born? JK, who's birthday happens to be on that specific day? The person who JM tells us to wish happy birthday and that it's a "wonderful day"?
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Please don't continue to say this is all a coincidence. Setting your watch to a time that happens to be JK's birth time, something we have been told in the past, something that JK tattooed on his own body, hence being of significance to him, and most obviously of significance to JM as well.
JM and JK might not be saying the words out loud, but shit, they sure are being as loud as hell about what they are to each other!!!
Ok, so I mentioned in passing JK's live. His almost 9 minute live. His totally out of character shorter than short live, even more so when we are talking about a birthday live. No cake. No candles. No playlist (he told us this was just the music that he left on when he left earlier and it's still playing). No patience, lol. He came, he said hi, he told us he was out with friends he was practicing with (wonder if the reason he came live is to explain who with and why he was out and about...), said he's suffering from insomnia and he has to sleep. Did a card trick...MAGIC... Lol, and ducked. Like even his goodbye was super super short. Now, you could say he had a tight schedule, which he does, and that he has to sleep, which he does. But JK was definitley not on his way to bed when he was doing that live, nor shortly after. He was happy and super hyped, and in NO WAY shape or form about to go to bed at that point.
We need to remember that when they say they have a schedule, it's not a 9 to 5 job. Many a times their days start at noon and later and they keep on working into the early hours of the morning. That is the nature of their work. So having a tight schedule doesn't necessarily mean he has to be up at 7 or 8 am and off to the company or wherever he needs to be in the morning.
You could claim he was excited because it was his birthday, and perhaps you would be right. But if it was the end of his night, then excited what for? Bed? Where he struggles to fall asleep? Nah, I don't think so.
So yeah, I think you know where I'm going with this.
Only that this time we didn't get a photo because there was no one around to buffer.
2019 JM flies back to Seoul to celebrate JK's birthday with him. 2020 JM was with JK on his birthday eve. 2021 we don't know, they didn't tell us, we got a selfie the next day in the safety of the company - not the two together alone at JK's or JM's. 2022 JM was also with JK on his birthday eve. We got to see and hear about it just after JK's birthday, and we had Jhope there as a buffer. Why buffer? So that god forbid they aren't spending his birthday eve alone at his place, especially if it's happening year after year after year, cause you know, people would say it means nothing but at the same time it means everything.
I'm going to say it out loud, and shoot me (not literally) if you wish, but this is a hill I am willing to die on. JK wrote his birthday message and very possibly was not planning to go live that night. Perhaps he did come live because of the photos that came out of him with the fans and the info about him being out and about that night. But for whatever reason JK did go live that night it was always going to be short and sweet. And I do believe that is because he had something else planned which is not going to sleep.
I do believe whatever he had planned was with JM. Period. That's what JK was anticipating, that's what he was excited and happy for, that's why he came for a couple of secs and jolted off.
And for those that are already running to the comments screaming "but JM said he only spoke with JK the day before his birthday to wish him happy birthday" I say: hold your horses, I will most definitley get to it and explain to y'all exactly how JM did not say that by no means. Take a breath, be patient, read on, you'll see why JM said no such thing.
The two of the men having the live the same day.
It kind of felt weird that of all days JM goes live on JK's birthday. Well, maybe weird isn't the right word, but curious is more fitting.
JM wanted to come live for some time now. He says that. But then why, of all days, choose this one?
JM himself tells us he wasn't planning to go live from home that day (while on his way to fetch the mood lamp to show us).
Both lives feel unplanned, rushed and unprepared. There. I said it.
Did either of them even plan to do these lives? Or, perhaps they were a consequence of circumstances? JK wanting to clarify his outing (knowing how this fandom rolls). And JM... why JM? Well, maybe there was actually a birthday live planned? Could that be? One at the company? Us finally getting a Jikook live? Or even just a proper JK live at the company with a cake and all? But JK's schedule ran later than expected maybe? Hence one boyfie coming to the rescue and going live in his stead?
All of the above is questions, queries, possible explanations as to why JM decided to go live from home on JK's birthday, even though he himself tells us this was not the plan. I don't have the answer to these questions, but it definitley does have me wondering.
Will continue this discussion with regards to JM later on in my post.
Let's get to talking about JM's live. Starting by his opening pic.
I have to tell you that first thought I had when seeing the photo was "is that JK?". The frame wasn't right, but the outfit most definitely was, lol.
And guess what?
He's wearing pants for the boys new favourite brand. I guess JM's the one wearing the pants in the house, lol. But then, are they his? They do seem a little on the bigger size.
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So, first 17 minutes or so to the live JM talks a bit about not coming live for a while and how he wanted and yet didn't because he's been going through a bit of a personal journey. Not doing well enough in his March promotions, in his mind, had him frustrated and unhappy with himself. Him wanting to restart rather than fix what he feels might be lacking. Kind of resetting himself per say as an artist? In any case he's been doing a lot of introspection. I guess I've mentioned that already, lol. The feeling I got from what he was telling us is that he himself didn't know how to explain what he wanted to tell us. His words not thoroughly thought out, perhaps another sign as to him going live unprepared and before properly thinking out what he wanted to tell us.
JM talks about being at the Dior event. Being nervous and awkward. Also wanting to thank fans that came to see him.
JM is asked multiple times about his hands. Oh my, those hands.
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And when I say multiple times, I mean MULTIPLE times, lol. And JM keeps reading those comments and keeps answering again and again and again that it's a scrape from him working out, doesn't hurt, not to worry. At one point, after he is talking about JK's birthday, telling us it's a wonderful day, lovely smile on his face, and asked yet again, he 'bites back' (if you can call if bite back, lol), telling the commenter to look for it later (as in go watch the live from the start when it's over and they will find out).
Is this the right time to discuss JM talking about JK's birthday?
I think it is.
At around the 18 minute stamp time this goes down:
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He says Jungkookie, btw.
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From the moment he said JK is very busy (he looks at the camera) and up to this point, when he talks about JK's health, not once does JM look at the camera. His eyes were all over the place. And that includes not looking at the camera when he said "I talked to him on the telephone yesterday too".
Remember this?
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@dgtn brought this to my attention. JM's eye movement in this part of the live reminds of his eye movement while thinking just before he goes for the kill with JK and the "did you answer them".
Here's JM talking about Jungkookie's birthday. Look at his eyes.
(But that smile at the end...)
JM was definitely deep in thought as to what to say, how to word what he wanted to say for JK's birthday.
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Several things to note.
Where to start?
I guess I'll start from the obvious.
People jumping on the wagon: "JM didn't see JK on his birthday. He said so. He said he talked to him yesterday...(to wish him happy birthday?)".
Me, I'm calling the bull.
And I will explain it to you too (foreshadowing).
JM, as usual, is very precise how he words what he wants to say.
His words in this instance:
He mentions JK's birthday today, tells us he's very busy and then says "I talked to him on the phone yesterday too..." and back to "he's really busy..."
"I talked to him on the phone yesterday too..."
Let's take this apart, why don't we?
JM spoke with JK on the phone.
The conversation happened yesterday.
What did they talk about? He doesn't tell us. But mentioning JK being busy before he talks about the phone call and after he talks about the phone call. It feels like this is what he is telling us they spoke about.
So far so good, right?
And then we have two words/things said/or not said that are EVERYTHING here.
One word that he says, the other something that is not said and, at least to me, is super loud and super important and was omitted purposefully.
First word is "too".
I talked to him yesterday too...
Leaving the context of the sentence open to interpretation.
Could be any of these:
I talked to him yesterday too just like I speak to him every day?
I talked to him yesterday too because I spoke to him today as well?
I talked to him yesterday too because I was also seeing him later on as well to celebrate his birthday with him?
As for what was missing, well to me it was quite obvious.
JM does not tell us that he wished JK happy birthday.
There was no "I talked to him yesterday too and wished him happy birthday".
JM makes sure to tell us he spoke with JK yesterday (which is not on JK's birthday). Makes sure to add the TOO, but forgets to say that's also when he wished him happy birthday? I think not.
JM is super measured. He is so very careful in what he says and how he says it, especially when it comes to JK. This man not saying it means the words were added or omitted on purpose. And not telling us he wished JK happy birthday in that phone call, well, makes it clear that the phone call in question was definitley not the end of it. Because there is no way in hell that JM would not wish JK happy birthday personally (not via an IG post that JK wouldn't see anyway not being on IG).
Since when would JM not wish JK happy birthday? The man is telling us to wish JK happy birthday, telling us it's a wonderful day, setting his watch to JK's birth time. The man that flew back from Paris to be with JK on his birthday. And also let us know he did it. He wouldn't have wished JK happy birthday himself? And this man wouldn't tell us so either?
Nah. This is JM telling us he spoke with JK, something he does all the time, and that the conversation he's talking about has nothing to do with JK's birthday.
And yeah, by omitting that he's also letting us know that he had another opportunity, one he isn't letting us in on, in which he got to wish JK happy birthday.
JM talking about JK looking after his health. The way those two worry about each other.
Did I mention the pause as JM finishes talking about JK? It being a wonderful day? The smile on his face?
Oh, and JK mentions JK's birthday once more at the end of the live as well when summing up the live.
Thank you JM for reminding us once more it's JK's birthday and that it was one of those things in your live worth mentioning in your own recap of the live.
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Now, I know that there are idiots that are dragging Mingyu for saying he met JK yesterday (on his birthday) and ate with him.
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Well, dragging Mingyu on the one hand for what? Saying he met up with his friend on his birthday? That by doing so he was dissing JM? And others, on the other hand, using this, very stupidly, to prove that a busy JK would rather meet up with Mingyu than with JM.
Are we forgetting what JM told us? Well, JK too? That JK is super busy? Most likely in the Hybe building. You know, where Mingyu also comes to work, being in Seventeen, another Hybe band. Could they have met up at Hybe? Of course they could have. Could they even maybe have met up for a meal break at Hybe? Of course they could have. Mingyu was doing the live in a company car, probably on his way home from work looking super tired. So yeah. Chances are that they met at Hybe.
And as for JM, well, you already know where I stand on that one.
JM and JK most definitely saw each other on JK's birthday. Most likely right after JK's live.
Ok, this one is getting a little too long. So I think I'll leave you all here at the moment, let it all sink in, and come back with a part 2 that will include our little house tour and a few more interesting points - well for me at least, lol.
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To be continued...
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kingofbodyrolls · 26 days
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Jungkook fic recs 2024 🥳
In honor of Jungkook’s birthday, I want to share my ultimate favorite Jungkook stories, that I’ve read this past year (2023-2024) 💜 I want to thank each and every writer on this list for creating such wonderful stories and art - you are truly amazing ✨ All the fics on this list hold a dear place in my heart 🥹🥳
❗Most of these fics are smutty as hell or contains dark themes, so minors dni.❗ 
If you read anything on this list and you like it, please leave a comment to the writer or reblog the fic, it might seem like a tiny gesture, but it really means a lot for writers and I can guarantee it will put a smile on their faces💜 Let’s share and give lots of love!
Looking for more to read? Check ‘The Library’, last years Jungkook recs or  last years recs 🙂
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[index] → jan | feb (jhs) | mar (myg) | apr | may | jun | jul | aug | sep (💜)(knj) | oct (pjm) | nov | dec (kth)(ksj) |
Emoji meaning → angst = 🌩️, smut = 🥵, fluff = 🥰, comedy = 😂, yandere = 😈, thriller/dark = 👻, fantasy = 🪄. 
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⭐When the End Comes (series; completed) @oddinary4bts [77.9k] // jjk x f.reader // breakup!au, slice of life!au, photographer!Jungkook x lawyer!reader // 🌩️🌩️🌩️🥵
📝 seven years after you've started dating Jungkook, long distance creates a wedge in your relationship. When the only solution seems to be breaking up, you go your separate ways even though love still lives in the two of you. Will you find a way back together, or has the end come for you and Jeon Jungkook?
����️ this is a sequel to ‘The Forgotten Spaces’, which was just *chef’s kiss* 😘 The series is completed now – and afsfdfdsfg it was just so damn beautiful and the ending!!! It was definitely worth all my tears 🥹💜
⭐Stretch You Out @chateautae [24k] // jjk x knj x f.reader // college!au, s2f2l, gym employee!namjoon, gym employee!jungkook // 🥵🥰
📝 you have a plan for your crappy, diabolical ex who’s set on ruining your life; making him jealous by snagging a raunchy photo with two hot employees at the gym. what you didn’t have a plan for? befriending the mischievous pair to aid in your revenge and ending up underneath not just one, but both of them.
🗨️ holy fucking shit 🥵 🫣 this was so exceptionally good! So deliciously filthy, it really delivered on every freaking aspect 💯 incredible 👏🏾 perfection 👏🏾💎
⭐The Wedding Planners @gukyi [28K] // jjk x f.reader // e2l, wedding!au // 😂🥰🌩️🥵
📝 Jeon jungkook is three things: cocky, terrible, and your worst enemy. then your best friend hoseok gets engaged to the love of his life, and suddenly jeon jungkook is four things: cocky, terrible, your worst enemy, and the man you will be spending the next seven months with in order to plan your best friend’s wedding. 
🗨️ what I love about this is one, is definitely the slow-burn and the enemies to lovers aspect too. The banter between reader and Jungkook is just so priceless and reading how their relationship slowly unfolds and develops through the months of the wedding planning was just everything 💯 Hoseok and Yoongi’s personality in this also makes this fic truly amazing.
⭐Fragment of the Past (1)(2)(3) (series; completed) @ctrlsht [28.1K] // jjk x f.reader // patient!jk x psychiatrist!reader // 🌩️😈👻🥵
📝 you are a well-known and respected psychiatrist and author. You start treating Jungkook, who suffers from PTSD after surviving an extremely traumatic incident. As you help him confront his traumatic past, he begins to act strangely, and you start uncovering something about him that will change everything.
🗨️ another first for me, with the thriller vibes and damn it delivers on that! It’s really, really good 👏 Pacing is really good and how we see more and more of Jungkook’s disturbing traits is just brilliant ✨
⭐Brother’s best friend @lavishedinjimin [5.3K] // jjk x f.reader // brothers best friend!au // 🥵
📝 in which Y/n owns a smut blog dedicated to her crush and brother’s best friend, jungkook. it was all fun and games until he finds out about it and acts it out with you. 
🗨️ at first I was like ‘this is very cute’ and then it turned so dirty so fucking fast I almost got whiplash 😂✨
⭐To Give a Helping Hand: pt1 + pt2 (series; ongoing) @oddinary4bts [1.8k] // jjk x f.reader // idol!au // 🥵
📝 when Jungkook comes home from the gym, he goes feral thinking about you.
🗨️ I don’t know where to begin… everything Ella writes is pure gold, why would this short one be any different? 🥵 I fucking loved it; it was hot and Jungkook was so needy! And you know what? I think she’s working on part two!!!!! ✨🥵 (seriously, can’t recommend this enough!!!)
⭐When Worlds Collide (series; ongoing) @letjungcoook7 [currently loading…] // jjk x f.reader // college!au, slice of life!au, s2l, fuckboy!jk, virgin!reader // 🥵🌩️
📝 since your mother's passing a year ago, life has been a whirlwind. balancing your passion for ballet with a low-key presence at college, where you’re the top student, was your norm until Jungkook stepped into your world. known for his reputation preceding him, jungkook is the talk of the campus with his casual rendezvous that have the girls buzzing. despite his allure, you're puzzled by his need for your tutoring prowess, especially given his own academic merit. yet, succumbing to his persistent requests, you reluctantly agree, only to find yourself thrust into the spotlight you've always avoided.
🗨️ this story is so good! It’s still being updated and there’s so much drama in it that is slowly being unraveled! 💜
⭐Liquor Lips @letjungcoook7 [1.5k] // jjk x f.reader // established relationship // 🥵
📝 left intentionally blank by the author.
🗨️ it was incredible good, like I want to read more (it’s not a series though!). It’s the perfect dirty little one-shot/drabble ❤️‍🔥
⭐Chasing Cars (series; completed) @oddinary4bts [218.5k] // jjk x f.reader // brother’s best friend!au, forbidden love!au, college!au, slice of life!au // 🥵🌩️🥰
📝 when your brother goes to study on a semester abroad, your life collides with his best friend Jeon Jungkook, who's coincidentally your roommate. Will you survive the collision, or will you crumble into dust?
🗨️ the series has just ended and it is seriously so fucking good ✨ But you should pack some tissues, a hot cup of tea or coffee, because you’ll want to read through everything because of the cliffhangers and drama - also remember to read the drabbles for JK's pov too 💖
⭐Bottle Up Old Love @wintaerbaer [4.6k] // jjk x f.reader // exes to lovers // 🥵🌩️🥰
📝 Jungkook may have broken up with you a year ago, but that's not going to stop him from coming to your rescue when he sees you being cornered by a creep.
🗨️ I really love how protective Jungkook is in this one, and damn the smut 🥵 It’s so fucking good!!!
⭐Hold Me Close + Hold Me Closer @ahundredtimesover [22.6k] // jjk x f.reader // brother’s best friend!au // 🥵🌩️🥰
📝 when Jimin hits a crisis, he enlists the help of his older sister - you - and his best friend, Jungkook, to put the pieces back again. That proves to be difficult when 1) Jimin’s a brat and a certified pain in the ass, and 2) Jungkook has grown and suddenly, you can’t keep your eyes off him.
🗨️ omg this was so fucking amazing 😭✨ The characters are amazing in this, there’s cute backstory, details and the sibling bond is top tier, and the chemistry between oc and Jungkook is so fucking good! The tension is perfect and I love the slow burn 🥰 I feel this was also a bit on the existential side, which I really love. Like the dialogue had me thinking about my own life! I love when that happens! And it was so fun reading about siblings, and I’m missing my own baby sister right now. Anyway, it was exceptionally good! Amazing! 💯 And there’s a mention of Jungkook’s glazed potato incident you can’t miss! It was so fun (both this and the run episode 😂). Can’t recommend this one enough!!
⭐Jump Then Fall (Into You): pt1 + pt2 + pt3 (one-shot; completed) @writtenwhalien [52k] // jjk x f.reader // bf2l, cruise!au, fake dating!au // 🌩️🥰🥵
📝 bringing Jungkook along as your date to your ex’s lavish cruise wedding seemed like a perfect idea at first — all of your family and close friends together, nothing can go wrong… then Jungkook’s ex shows up and all of a sudden you’re in a years long relationship with him. You don’t mind though, really, how hard can sharing a cabin and pretending to be deeply in love with your best friend really be?
🗨️ I seriously can’t recommend this one enough! I love longer stories because it gives a chance for the characters to develop better! And this does that perfectly; even the minor/background/supporting characters have such a deep and rich story it’s just brilliant!! 💎 And the relationship between oc and Jungkook? 🌶️ Delicious tension, having to pretend to be a couple, when you’re practically already a couple, but haven realized it yet? 🤭 It is just perfect!!!
⭐Ultimatum @parkmuse [10.3k]  // jjk x f.reader // established relationship // 🥵😂
📝 your pervy, idiotic boyfriend just so happens to also be your friendly neighborhood Spider-man (in bed).
🗨️ omfg 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I don’t know where to start with this one, first off, if you haven’t read it before, please go read it, because it is fucking hilarious, even in the smut scenes 😂 Which, fyi, they were really good, smutty and funny!  Okay. There was one scene in there right, I laughed way too hard at!!!! Really good and amazing! 👏💯
⭐Will it Fit? @jeonsweetpea [6.7k] // jjk x f.reader // roommates!au, i2l // 🥵🌩️🥰😂
📝 so what if your roommate caught you masturbating? At least he forgot about it the next day. But he can’t exactly forget the big dildo you left in your shared bathroom…
🗨️ the banner alone had me giggling way too much! Like his face, and with the title— it’s just fucking hilarious 🤣 And the story did not disappoint one bit, fuck, everything was so good and amazing! Their banter, tension and humor was just perfectly on point ✨ This was just incredibly perfect 💯
⭐Dumbo @cinnaminsvga [17.2k]  // jjk x f.reader // s2l // 🥵😂😂
📝 you know what they say about boys with big noses… {or alternatively: jungkook has a big dick but he doesn’t know how to use it, but luckily you’re there to help.}
🗨️ this was just so fucking hilarious I don’t even know where to begin 😂 I don’t know how many times the word ‘dick’ or its many different variations is used in this fic, but damn it a lot, and damn is it fun! 🤣 There’s so many dick jokes it should be criminal! It was so good though, the story was just too funny, almost absurd (lol), but dammit it’s a new favorite! 💯
⭐Fool for You (series; completed) @btsgotjams27 [24.9k]  // jjk x f.reader // college!au, fake dating, s2f2l // 🥵🌩️🥰
📝 when Jungkook is finally single, you shoot your shot.
🗨️ This is a short series and it’s really good— it’s cute, has angst and a happy ending ✨
⭐Make it Right @jungkxook [11.5k] // jjk x f.reader // band!au, exes to lovers // 🥵🌩️
📝 you’re wholeheartedly, madly in love with jungkook and yet you shouldn’t be because it’s been almost a year since you broke up with him. worst part of it all is that you know he’s still in love with you too.
🗨️ gaaaaahhh, I’m crying 😭 This was so beautiful, bittersweet 😭 I loved it so much and their love, omg, so pure, so precious. His song for her, I’m just like 😭 (can you tell I’m a sobbing mess?) Definitely a new favorites and I loved the fact that, they both knew they were broken, waiting for each other, and even though broken, they will heal and take it slow 😭💯
⭐Coffee Stain @oddinary4bts [1.9k] // jjk x f.reader // grief!au // 🌩️🌩️🌩️
📝 you grief, and it's the expression of your everlasting love for Jungkook.
🗨️ do you want to cry, but not able too? Go and read this! It’s so fucking sad, but so incredible beautiful and sweet, it will make you tear up in now time. As said before, Ella just have a way with words, and in this one, they sure do hurt a lot 😭 But I fucking love it ✨
⭐Bite Me, Jeon @sailoryooons [19.3k] // jjk x f.reader // f2l, vampire!au, college!au // 🥵🌩️👻🪄
📝 somehow you convince Jeon Jungkook to look into theories of vampirism for a research paper. What Jungkook doesn’t expect, is for vampirism to become a very real and very personal problem for him.
🗨️ this one is insanely good! It’s so amazing! This one reminds me of Ghostfacers from Supernatural, lol. It was so freaking funny. I was pleasantly surprised at the plot, and I loved it. If you haven’t read this one yet, and you love vampires, this one is definitely for you!!! 🥰
⭐Confided @cravetive [5k] // jjk x f.reader // neighbor!au // 🥵
📝 y/n didn't think testing out a new sex toy would cause so much havoc but no worries, her next-door neighbor Jungkook doesn't mind lending her a bit of assistance.
🗨️ holy shit it was amazing and the smut….. Fuuuuck I’m not gonna lie here okay, I was dripping, I was feeling it so fucking bad and damn. It was hot. The plot was so silly and hot, like omg 🥵
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This is my little corner with my own fics— I don’t write that much (I prefer to read), but it would mean a lot to me if you checked out my work or read it. You don’t have to, it’s up to you of course 🥰
⭐Say That Again (I Dare You) [13.1k] // jj x f.reader x pjm // est. relationship (jjk), threesome, slice of slice!au // 🥵
📝you moan in your sleep, and your boyfriend knows this, but when you keep moaning another man’s name in your sleep - and that man just happens to be one of your friends? What will Jungkook do? 
🗨️ this is just pure smut, lol. I wrote it as a birthday gift to all you people 😂
⭐Say I Do [5.2k] // jj x f.reader // wedding!au // 🥵
📝you and Jungkook tease each other at your wedding reception.
🗨️ again, this is just pure smut, nothing else 😂
⭐Till We Meet Again [11.4k] // jj x f.reader // mermaid!au, fantasy!au, childhood f2l, nostalgia // 🥵🪄🥰😂
📝when your childhood friend that you had a crush on, moved away out of the blue— you never thought you’d see him again. A night swim in the ocean will have you feeling delusional, but the voice that fills your ears— sweet like cotton candy, you’d recognize that voice anywhere, it’s Jungkook.
🗨️ this is a favorite of mine, and it’s just really really cute and fluffy with a sprinkle of smut 🥰
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And as a something little extra, here’s a few fics that I haven’t had the time to read yet, but damn I’m buzzing to get to read them:
Red Light (series; ongoing) @bunnybubae
Ember Burning @kpopfanfictrash
Seven Days (series; ongoing) @kithtaehyung
Dextrocardia (series; ongoing) @jeonstudios
All That Glitters (series; completed) @aquagustd
In This Paradise @ressjeon
Make You Mine @mercurygguk
Castaway @hamsterclaw
For Science (series; completed) @boymeetsweevil
Heart of the Storm @ladyartemesia
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Happy birthday to our GOLDEN man Jeon Jungkook!!!! 🥳💜✨
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uyuforu · 1 month
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Jungkook's Solar Return Chart 2024-2025
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All pictures were found on Pinterest
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જ⁀➴ JK's Solar Return for 2023-2024
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જ⁀➴ When will Jungkook marry?
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What is a Solar Return Chart?
A solar return chart is a chart that literally describes your year from your birthday of a year until the day before next year. For example, Jungkook's 2024-2025 Solar Return will starts on September 1st 2024 until August 31st 2025. It describes the year for you, what will mostly happens. It said as a solar return chart because your sun returns in its home sign (your natal sun).
How to check your Solar Return Chart?
Go to astro.com > Free Horoscopes > Horoscope Drawings and Data > Extended Chart Selection
Enter your birth day, month, year, time and location
Where it's written chart selection with "natal chart", scroll to Solar Return Chart
On the box down there you can add asteroids to see more details ("additional objects")
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ᯓ★ Annual Profection Year: 4H
When one is turning 27 years old, they are in their 4H APY. A 4H APY can mean JK will be focused on stability this year, family, close relationships too. What does he want to settle for, and what does he want to invest in. This year will be filled with reflections about his future, and what kind of life he wants to live in. It's also a time to move, to think of children, future, and building a foundation, but what kind of foundation? What kind of future does he want to build.
ᯓ★ 2H Sun means this year for JK will be focused on Money and Possessions. JK can start to think differently about money, perhaps also be more responsible. He can also make more money this year, find other ways to make money, or just have a new source of income. He can also manifest more money in his life. Very ambitious this year, it can also mean taking risks with money because of his ambition and projects.
ᯓ★ Leo Rising is a time for extra popularity for JK! I know it's strange to say that considering he is already very famous lol. But JK will be more under the projectors the year. I think he can be talked about more and will be more "seen" by other people. Getting more attention. JK's appearance could again make a lot of success for people around him. JK Could also look more proud and confident this year. JK can also do some activities this year that will make him way more famous, just having more attention on his activity this year.
ᯓ★ Moon 12H can mean JK will be more sensitive this year, will feel everything more intensely too. Perhaps will need more sleep as well. Could feel lonely sometimes this year, or just will need more time alone.
ᯓ★ Leo Moon means JK will feel more popular this year, perhaps he will feel seen again, with Military in between. He could also have some spotlight again, and perhaps also feel seen for his talent. He could feel like his popularity will go higher. Though he can react in a more dramatic way this year, he could also have a lot of inspiration for his work coming from his emotions.
ᯓ★ Mercury 1H can be a sign of JK standing more for himself this year. JK can also be more confident about his opinions. He can discover a lot about himself too, and perhaps even learn something new about him.
ᯓ★ Leo Mercury can mean JK can speak in a more confident way this year, and can be more confident in his ideas, and what he believes in. He can speak louder too, or just be more proud and less shy about his voice. JK can also talk a lot about what inspire him this year.
ᯓ★ Moon conjunct Mercury can mean JK will speak more about his feelings and his emotions, how things make him feel. He can be more real with people such as ARMY on certain situations. He will say what he thinks and thinks what he says.
ᯓ★ Part of Fortune 2H can be another big sign of having money this year, being lucky with money. JK can def attract a lot of money. Could also mean a glow up, JK can take better care of himself and put more money in clothings for example.
ᯓ★ Sun conjunct POF can be a sign JK will be more lucky this year.
ᯓ★ Venus 2H can be a sign JK will make more money this year. I guess also strange in a way to say that about him, but I truly think he will make a deal that can make him have more money. He can attract more in general, and he can also buy more clothing, luxuries, etc. We could also see JK be more in touch with his feminine side, perhaps also doing photoshoots with more feminine vibe perhaps!
ᯓ★ Juno 3H is a sign of this year being the year he will meet or see his Future Spouse! Many people asked me this, I think they won't meet for sure this year. But I think with this placement JK will be introduced to his FS online. I think he will see her online, on social media, and won't totally be able to reach out.
ᯓ★ Briede 3H means something similar, but the fact that Briede and Juno conjunct each other is a great sign. I think JK will def encounter his FS online this year. This can also be a sign of getting to know your FS better, learning more infos about your FS, etc.
ᯓ★ Vertex 5H is a sign JK will live a transformative experience in his love life. Perhaps also Something significant will happen to him this year. It can also mean he will get a sudden good idea or inspiration.
ᯓ★ Pluto 6H is an indictor or losing or gaining weight! JK could gain weight this year, but it can be muscles since Pluto trine Mars. JK could also overwork himself this year, perhaps working so much he can get sick because of that.
ᯓ★ Saturn 8H can mean JK can feel stuck in his inner world, he could actually realize something needs to change in his life. He needs to face what needs to change and do some actions towards it. It can still be hard and confusing since Neptune is there too. Saturn also opposite Sun, which means this transformation JK will need to get this year will be hard on him.
ᯓ★ Neptune 8H can mean JK can be confused about his spirituality this year. He can have signs, and even be lead to be more open on this side of his life, but he can be confused about what to do. He can also be more into occult and esoteric researches.
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ᯓ★ Chiron 9H can be a sign of JK learning a hard and painful lesson when it comes to spirituality this year. Can be about friendship, online presence, community, fandom, perhaps JK will realize something painful about his relationship to ARMY.
ᯓ★ MC Taurus can be a sign of JK having a pleasant reputation. JK can be seen as respectable, someone who is hard working and works well. Someone who has a lot of money too, someone people should respect. He can also be admired for his beauty. Because his Solar Return MC falls in his Natal 5H, he could also be seen as a true artist, someone who has a lot of imagination. JK can perhaps even touch to the movie making world this year more than before.
ᯓ★ Uranus 10H is something I wanted to talk about for sure here. This placement is gonna make some noise I think. So Uranus 10H is a sign of a major and perhaps sudden change in one's career. The thing is, Uranus is ruled by Aquarius, and JK has Aquarius 7H, which is the house of contract and partnership. Now, hear me out. I think JK will change his contract perhaps with HYBE this year. There is a major change, and since 10H Ruler in 2H is here, he can get a lot of money from this. Or actually be the winner in this change. Uranus 10H can also be a sign of being fired, but I don't see it particularly here. But the change will def give JK a lot of money, and also attention. JK will also perhaps be seen in a different light. He will want to change his reputation. JK can also do a project in his career that no one will be expecting, and it will make him get a lot of money.
ᯓ★ Jupiter 11H is a sign JK will achieve dreams, and goals he had. He could also meet new people or feel very blessed with people who are around him. JK will spend more time with people this year. He could also have new goals and will be very into achieving them. He could be veryyyy popular this year.
ᯓ★ Mars 11H means JK will have more popularity this year. He can find himself meeting new friends, but at least this means everyone will wanna be his friends. He can find himself being chased after people wanting to be close to him. JK can collab with a lot of different people, he will be approached mostly. He can also be seen more with friends.
ᯓ★ 1H Ruler in 2H can mean changing aesthetic, changing how you look. JK can change his style this year, his appearance, perhaps his hair, etc. He can also buy new clothings. JK can also happen to shop more this year, and be more interested in fashion. He can spend more money on himself too.
ᯓ★ 2H Ruler in 1H is very similar to the one I just said. Overall, spending a lot of money on himself and for himself. He can also make a lot of money because of him, his appearance. Perhaps he can get more modeling contracts.
ᯓ★ 3H Ruler in 2H can mean JK can post a lot about his new aesthetic online, or he can show more his outfits, or we will have more contents on jk's outfits lol. More people can talk about his fashion sense, and he can do it too.
ᯓ★ 4H Ruler in 6H can mean jk can find a new routine at home, or with family. He can also work with family members, or he can also move in or live often with a coworker. He can also live in his office lol, or his work can become a comfort place.
ᯓ★ 5H Ruler in 11H can mean he can become very inspired by his friends. But it can mean having a crush on someone online, on a friend, etc.
ᯓ★ 6H Ruler in 8H can mean JK's routine at work will change, transform this year. He can do new projects that will make him go out of his comfort zone he was used to in his career. Since JK will go out of Military in June 2025, this can also translate change in his career (Military to being a Singer again).
ᯓ★ 7H Ruler in 10H is a change in relationships! JK can have a sudden change in his relationships, but also this can mean he will change his contract with HYBE perhaps.
ᯓ★ 8H Ruler in 8H is a sign of having a deep transformation. JK can change a lot of things about himself this year, perhaps it's a year JK will change his appearance, his relationship with his fans, he can also change his career, goals. He will not be the same man. Though, this is part of the process. He can also discover more about himself this year.
ᯓ★ 9H Ruler in 11H can mean having long distance friendships, perhaps he can have friends who live abroad lol. Or he can also be away from his friends and mostly communicate online with them. He can learn a lot on social medias in general, if he wanna learn or study something, internet will be his best friend! He can also be truly inspired by his relationships and friends.
ᯓ★ 10H Ruler in 2H can mean making more money because of work. JK can happen to do a change in his career that will bring him more money for sure. He can change his aesthetic at work too.
ᯓ★ 11H Ruler in 1H can mean JK can be more present on social medias this year, or he can change his aesthetic online too. He can also be more talked about online.
ᯓ★ 12H Ruler in 12H means it can be a more spiritual year for JK. JK can be more spiritual. He can feel more alone, and desire to be more alone, on his own. He can also be more private about what he feels this year. This is also an indicator of sleeping more.
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Thank you for reading!
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mrs-monaghan · 30 days
Emporium Armani have been sticking to his booty his since 2018. He has never wore any other brand for 6+ years except his off stage convenience store colorful undies.
The ONLY time he wore CK was for 2018 CK denim shoot bts did. Now in 2023, when his bf became ambassador he SWITCHED cuz now he gets free branded undies ????
Also... he wore those lil briefs ☻️ like he mostly does ☻️ when he got into pool his shorts were flowing around but we didn't saw any boxers underneath ☻️ but he was wearing an undie cuz we saw the band ☻️ just saying ☻️ his bf specially orders lil briefs etc for him in size small ☻️ as CK only sents him boxers in his size only ☻️
1+1=2 I dont make the rules
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Now all Jimin has to do is post this on JK's birthday this year and we'll be good
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Not but seriously her art keeps coming to life wtf?!
But anon, we can't talk about half naked Jimin wearing CK and not talk about this
JK blatantly checking out Jimin lives in my brain rent free 😭😭😭 he did it not once, not twice, but three times! 😂 even after all this time
Sidebar: that one time we wondered about those smaller boxers JK folded during his live 🧐
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floradinterlunium · 2 months
I took an extended vacation from "journalling" and documenting my thoughts regarding Jikook and fandom shenanigans because I wanted to take my hiatus when the fandom seas had been calmed and all was right with the world, justice had been served. I left on this high note...I naively believed that with Jikook traveling together and moreover enlisting together, all this drama regarding who JK prefers or loves more would would cease and desist. Oh to be young an naive!
For the life of me I cannot understand this fandom!!! If they can't NOW accept that Jikook are hands down, without a doubt, no questions asked the closest members in BTS and man KPOP history than there's no hope fore them!
Because I just can't wrap my mind around fandom logic regarding Jikook . . .
Jungkook 2023
Goes live a kagillion times to gush about JM,
straight up become a JM reaction channel,
begs JM consistently to hang with him, do lives with him, box with
gets giddy whenever JM replied in the chat
brings up JM every chance he gets
Shows us how familiar his boxing coach is with JM
Goes live whenever JM leaves the country
Dog scratches JM on the arm because they were together
Willingly cosigns JMs travel show plan even though a lot of it occured during his busy promotion season
Fandom: Jikook are dead and were never that close!
JM 2023
Plans this whole travel show with JK (no one else mind you not Rm, not Tae. . .)
Travels to different cities with JK, while JK's promoting his album so busy and probably tired, to film travel show
Talks about how he (in 2023) would spend hoooours drinking and discussing music with JK
Shows up with a massive scratch mark on his arm clearly from JK's dog
Discusses how poor Yoongi became a third wheel because they have a tendency to go into their own world and get "deep" when together
Fandom: 2023 shows us Jikook were never close
Jikook 2023
In an unprecedented move, Enlist together through the buddy system-a system that mandates they have to spend their entire service together...they can't even take leave separately. A choice they both made and wanted to make of their own free will.
Fandom: This proves they aren't together because in the military they can't be gay and have sex.
Hangs out with JK with his wooga squad
Leaves JK alone on a MTN
Post about spending time with JK
Post pics of him with JK
Ask JK to go live with him and proceeds to have a silent awkward as hell live where they barely talk to each other
Fandom: OMG they are soulmates HYBE is finally letting them be their authentic selves
Goes to a movie with Tae and his squad
Goes Snowboarding with Tae's wooga squad but they ditch him
Goes live looking lonely and sad as hell all the time
Goes live for white day looking sad
Seems to be going through a crisis...even JM says he needs to get out more
Talks about JM a lot in his lives
Goes to Hawaii and goes skydiving with Tae
Fandom: OMG OMG JK must really love Tae to get on a plane and fly nearly 10hrs to see him. No one can deny their bond now
***Should someone remind them that JM already did that for JK's bday (which Tae wasn't present for) and they minimized it. Or oooh oooh should someone also remind them that JK gifted JM with a whole ass all expense paid birthday trip to his dream destination, went broke doing it, and then made a whole vlog about that trip that only showed JM's face set to the tune of a romantic love song?? Something that they also claimed was not a big deal! ***
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stormblessed95 · 2 months
I sent a timeline into the op, I’ve removed the speculations, so hope this helps some
JM dior show Paris 20th  jan 23 with Hobi 
JM album face promo Feb/march 23
JK visits him at dance practice BB probably Feb time 
1/2 jk goes live bam there 
This is the live where Tae makes him do a instagram live 
3/2 JM live from company late evening 
Same night Jk goes live and JM in comments Jk invites him for fried chicken
Same live where he says Jimins name and bam reacts and runs to the door 
10/2 JM live talks about jk, sings euphoria and talks about acting in photo shoots, 
11/2 jk live at boxing JM comments 
18/2 JM joins Hobi on his bday live at company 
Hobi had said he sees Jimin a lot at company and they play cards 
28/2 jk live talks about going to work and JM is in comments 
4/3 jk goes live gets tipsy 
6/3 JM live at company 
9/3 Yoongi bday, JM records himself watching the live, jk comment on Weverse about marry me thing 
13/3 JM flies to nyc 
Films day with vogue and practice for fallon
And fallon 
14/3 jk. X3 part live on white day- JM abroad but comments- leaves spoiler for smfp2 video teaser at midnight 
19/3 Jimin arrives in Korea 
24/3 Face is released 
24/3 JM on jimmy fallon show not live 
Jk goes love cooking 
27/3 JM goes on suchwita 
28/3 JM live jk spams comments- promos for face are done says to jk that it’s finished, jk says time flies 
28/3 writes I miss you on Weverse , jk replies me too, 
After jk goes live and watches Jimin content including suchwita 
Around early hours- JM replies see you soon the live is cute
29/3- Jimin Weverse live for face 
Late march- all member meal 
31/3- JM on music bank 
2/4 JM on ingagayo 
4th April- JM bb hot 100 live- jk is sleeping comment
8/4 Hobi and Tae go to JKs house and go on Weverse live 
8/4 jk flies to USA 
11/4- JM and Yoongi in weird YouTube show
16/4 jk at cochella 
17/4 Jk arrives home 
19th April - Hobi’s enlistment - epic hug moment 
They were together the night before 
Astro member died 19/4 pm
25/4 JM flies to nyc 
25/4 Jk and Tae attend dream premiere jk comes live straight after it late 
25/4 jk live seems sad and tired and says he is both,,cooks on live
JM had flown to NYC that day 
28/4 Jimin at Tiffany event nyc 
29/4 Jimin at d day concert usa
Jk at lv event in Seoul with Mingyu 
30/4 JM live with Yoongi 
During this time recording Who…
6/5 JM arrives in Korea 
23/5 JM goes to London and HP world
24/5 JK went live , sang angel
27/5 JM arrives home -
5th June Jk live talks about rainy day fight 
Watched Jimin on lee mijun show (sings along to like crazy ) 
12/6 jk falls asleep on live 
13/6 JM letter live for festa 
14/6 jk flying to la
15/6 JM live talks about rainy day fight 
Recording Muse that day too 
22/6 jk arrived home 
Late june- yoongis dday tour attendance Seoul 25th JM and jk 
29/6 jk live working out
1/7 JKs brother posts a pic of family game night ft JMs hand
4/7 jk 4am live with Mingyu 
July seven release 
JK flies to NYC -12/13?
JM flies out next day 13th
14/7 seven is released 
Go missing in NY state for 4 days - Ays filming
18/7 JM flies home 
24/7 jk arrived home from London 
25/7 JM posts about jk bb hot 100
27/7 jk goes live sings letter by Jimin at end 
28/7 - July when they come back from NYC- JKs epic in bed begging JM live 
30/7 jk inkagayo music show v visits him 
Celebrate hot 100  
August - jeju island trip ? Spotted by fans 
12th august- JK in Tokyo with Eunwoo??
3rd august JM d day concert 
3/8 jk goes live 
4th august jk d day concert 
5th august Weverse live JK
23rd and 24th august jk spotted in Busan with Eunwoo and Mingyu eating out 
September - 1/9- JM shirtless pic for JKs birthday 
Jk attends Tiffany even in Seoul. Comes live afterwards….. wearing watch set to JKs. Birthday time.
jK must have prepared 3D content in September 
He must have filmed suchwita on 3/9 ish 
5/9 jk flies to la 
9/9 jk arrived home from la 
12/9 jk flies to nyc
15/9 JM supported v at music show 
16/9 jk arrived home 
Jikook meal with Yoongi at some point ? Spotted but Jimin kind of confirmed this in mmm
21/9 jk flies to nyc 
25/9 jk arrived home 
28/9 chusseouk - JM posts pic on Instagram of whale cloud drawing saying jk did it 
29/9 jk releases 3d 
JM posts single cover 😅 with this emoji
4/10 jk live talked about Jeon Jimin 
Played like crazy x2 and smfp2 and other members songs
Had hung out with 97 friends that day
6/10 jk flies to la 
10/10 jk arrived home 
13 October- JM birthday live days Jk busy makes sad face and such concern 
13/10 jk music bank 
Around here JM Weverse interview said he has been spending time alone which if Jk was gone to 3D he would be 
14/10 jk flies to Budapest 
Oct- Tae posts pics of him and Jikook in jeju from?? 
20/10 jk arrived home 
23/10 jk at ck event Japan 
29/10- JMs production diary live- JK comes on for a minute 
Jm has golden hair…
They found out days before this about the enlistment 
Late October- 30/10 JM fan even
Mini moni music filming he has blonde hair 
3/11 jk live talking about Golden
Tae and JM live outside JKs house
November 4th- golden release 
&& Release party we only know bc JM posts photos 
5/11 jk flies to nyc
11/11 jk arrived home 
15/11- mini moni p2 filming 
16/11 JM flies to Budapest to film who mv 
17/11 ish JM stuck with you this is Jimin dance cover 
19/11 JM arrives home 
20/11 golden live in Seoul 
JM commented that hate you is his fave song
Rm attended 
Around here JM was spotted filming at a hot springs which we now know isn’t one and was a location for his jimmy fallon appearance 22/7/24
22/11- JM records sgmb track video 
Possibly fallon performance too given spotting date posts 
23/11 - they go to Japan together for about a week 
28/11 they arrive home from Japan 
29/11 jk flies to la 
2/11 jk arrived home 
5/12 - jk,JM,v,rm last live before enlistment very touchy feely 
JM said he’d been sick after Japan 
12/12- both at v and rms enlistment 
13/12- they enlisted  together in the buddy system
Very watered down, but I *think* (can't be 100% sure without going and looking everything up right now, but it looks good) totally accurate timeline of Jikook activities through 2023
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jwirecs · 1 year
hello, hello! here are my bts recs of september! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Head Over Skates || @mercurygguk🔞💔🔄
↳ in which jeon jungkook is the captain of the hockey team and one of the biggest fuckboys on campus. you hate his guts and he knows it – that's why he's more than determined to make the most of three weeks of project work. you're convinced it's going to be the end of you.
My Heart Did || @aseaofyoongi🔞💔✅
↳ as soon as senior years comes to an end a lot of teens shed who we were and strive to be flourish into a more polished version of themselves. although, broken hearts aren’t so quick to heal what happens when thoughts reveal all we need to know?
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Bad Idea || @back2bluesidex🔞💕✅
↳ Accepting Jungkook's invitation to watch him train topless was such a bad idea.
Don't Tell Me That... You Forgot || @sweetiestokkie💕✅
↳ (short summary that i have come up with since there wasnt one, but oc plans a secret birthday for jk. so we have a lil ol angy jjk.)
Just The Tip? || @joon4eva🔞💕✅
↳ you and namjoon are left alone together for a little too long. or: in your childhood home, you learn just how much is really "just the tip" with namjoon.
My Flower || @i-am-baechu💕✅💯
↳ Men don’t get enough flowers. That’s why whenever it’s Namjoon’s birthday, Y/N always sends flowers (someone please get me a boo so that i can give them flowers.)
Socks || @hisunshiine💕✅
↳ (theres no summary but if we talking about socks, his god dam toe socks lives in my mind rent free and i need it to start paying rent.)
Take Care Of You || @kookslastbutton🔞💕💔✅💯💯
↳ To keep your fiance from burning out you suggest a weekend getaway to Gapyeong, a charming town about an hour outside Seoul. You've specifically asked him to leave his work equipment at home but like a deep rooted habit, he still brings it with him. You're left with no choice but to find a way to get his attention back.
When I Say Forever || @kookslastbutton🔞💕✅💯
↳ Today’s your wedding day and the slightly shy yet handsome, doe-eyed stranger who chased after you when you dropped your wallet on the street three years ago just happens to be the man standing before you today.
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7 Hybrids Moved In With Me || @lillsisamarshmallow💕💔🔄
↳ When the dog hybrid who visits her bakery starts taking extra food Y/N follows it through the alleys to find out why, but what happens when she stumbles upon an empty alley only to find 6 more hybrids and some very familiar pastries?
Entangled || @caelesjjk🔞✅💯
↳ Jeon Jungkook is Spider-Man.
Hold Me Together || @casuallyimagining💕🔄💯
↳ a collection of drabbles and headcanons featuring seokjin, yoongi, and namjoon and their significant others.... all of whom have chronic illnesses. each piece can be read on its own or as part of a series.
Leaked || @btsficsandsuch💕💔✅
↳ Req by OP's Followers: Hi ,I love your writing so much . Can I request a ot7 × platonic fem reader where they became friends accidentally and she is also their fan but something happens like a misunderstanding of sorts and she is blamed or something then when the truth comes out they ask for her forgiveness but don't make her forgive them easily also include an accident in between story if you can. Sorry if it's too confusing .have a good day
Stars Around My Scars || @vanteggukie💕💔🔄
↳ people are not always what they seem. you learned that the hard way, when you caught your boyfriend cheating, the night that was supposed to be one of the best ones you ever experienced. but on the same night you also learned that in everything bad, there’s always a little bit of good.
Rainy Days || @rklve🔞💕💔✅💯💯
↳ your life choices left not only yours, but jungkook's heart broken in peaces. now you're back in town, and just like pluto, even if it's cold and dark, he tends to orbit around his sun forever.
Taste Of His Own Medicine || @btsficsandsuch💔✅💯
↳ You suddenly have to leave to go back to your home country for a few months. Yoongi decides to ignore you so you decide to show him how it feels when he realizes you’re gone.
The Back Up Plan || @btsgotjams27💕✅💯
↳ one drunken night leads to an agreement that if you and jungkook are still single by 30, you'd marry each other. the only thing is jungkook has been doing everything he can to keep you single.
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Aphrodite In War || @jungblue🔞💕💔🔄
↳ Everyone knew about the war that had been brewing on the edge of campus for the past two years. Sorority versus Fraternity; a showdown for the ages. However, when the escalating antics between them yields the consequence of possible suspensions for both chapters, the presidents of each house must come together to try and figure out how to end this battle… Which is kind of hard, considering they were the ones responsible for it in the first place.
Basic Needs || @gggukniverse🔞✅💯
↳ missing sex while being stuck in your apartment with your two roommates during quarantine is being the worst nightmare you could've imagined. fortunately, you're not the only one who's touch starved.
Safety Net || @pradaksj🔞💕💔✅
↳ on new year’s eve, you and jungkook reflect on each other’s entire year together. 
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Heart-On || @junghelioseok🔞✅💯💯
↳ your one-night stand definitely isn’t relationship material, but maybe—just maybe—your manager’s son is. (this is part of their serendipity series, make note that its not connected. do check out their jjk fic thats part of this series!!)
Territorial || @bonny-kookoo🔞💕🔄
↳ Who would've known that the big bad wolf isn't actually all that bad?
Do check out all of the other BTS Fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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not-goldy · 4 months
I've done a lot of thinking. Kind of long thoughts. Sorry.
When we got news BTS was joining MS. I threw up at the thought of Jimin going & panicking on behalf of Jikook. I remember saying I don't think Jikook can go 2 years without each other are they gonna make it, more importantly is Jungkook gonna be okay? Spoiler alert. The answer is NO & we saw that with his breakdown when Jimin was in reach, but busy during Chapter 2. Had that man in a downward spiral knowing he was still seeing Jimin & could pop over, but not as much as he's use too & was not coping well and told us & showed us he wanted his Jimin. Then it was Jimin's turn to pout when Jk was busy. Made me sad but then we saw them making the best of 2023 spending alone vacations together & couple days, even days before enlisting. And I was like pheew, at least they're spending time together so maybe when separation comes, they'll be okay. Spoiler alert. Jikook said NO we won't be okay & pulled the biggest FU you aren't separating us move, that's ever been pulled. I be damn if they weren't behind the scenes making arrangements to not only be together, but share a bed, a unit, living area & in a buddy program that has it where they even take their vacation days together & see each other every day til discharge. Blew my damn mind, but at the same time not shocked cause of course Jikook would pull off something like that. Everyone should've seen it coming to be honest. JUST WOW. The real definition of "Screaming, I testify that we'll survive the test of time. They can't deny our love. They can't divide us, we'll survive the test of time. I promise I'll be right here."
That said. This woman pulling this with Jimin or that woman with Jk. Doesn't matter. I know regardless of what happens behind closed doors, my duo are the closest no matter what anyone says. Its a real genuine bond no one can break, not even random women or men for that matter. They're the two who are spending time in their rooms when they could be with others, spending their vacations off camera alone cooking at their house or coming back home together from LA when others went off on their vacations & them spending couple days together over everyone else. Enlisting together & making life decisions together. Dropping honorifics to show their closeness & even their parents show constant support toward the other. Who make time for each other on their birthdays & really commit to it year after year. Say what you want but I'm at peace knowing how much Jikook truly love each other. Its not fake or baiting. They're genuinely close & comfortable with each other, esp enough to cross friendship boundaries. Whatever that means for them. Take that how you want. I haven't been stanning two people who are exaggerating & making their bond seem closer then what it is for the sake of the group or to entertain fans, when in reality they're off building a relationship & life with their real partner over each other & don't even spend significant holidays or birthdays or couple days together. NO. Instead, I'm stanning Jikook who always put each other first (over their own partners if they have them) for when it really matters, including on couple days & does it year after year & are consistent. Jikook have proven for years they're the closest & the military enlistment solidified that cause you only join with a buddy program with friends you are the closet too or with your actual partner. Take your pick, cause we know both can apply here and Jikook did that. And no one can take that away from them. And guess what they're still together today through all the bullshit and hate. And that matters to me & I support whatever they have. They have nothing else they need to prove to me. I get others need more validation, but I'm content & at peace & just happy knowing while all this melodramatic bullshit is going down, that Jikook have each other and Jimin is not dealing with this alone. They have each other to rely on through good and bad in there. So I sleep well at night knowing that. They'll never make me hate you or turn my back on your Jikook. Thanks for listening.
Been awhile I read something interesting in my Ask box so thanks for your thoughts.
The Jimin going away had us all too so I understand what you mean. We try not to victimize him and treat him like a fragile being but sometimes instincts override our every senses.
I wanna dwell on that a little bit to say things are going much better than I thought.
The anxiety and panic attacks thinking he can't take that isolation for long but bro went in there and dominated 💀
It's a fuck you to every single person who thought him a feeble weak submissive gay man. Don't you just love it when it's the stigmatized gay ones who end up setting the standard of the ever cherished male masculinty and who end up dominating the upper echelons of their prized male sports???
Who's your daddy
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Better say his name bitch
I feel yuh on the other stuff too
We riding till the wheels fall off
Old Town road style 😎
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joyswonderland1108 · 10 months
*Jikook going to Japan in 2017*
"It was supposed to be a Vminkook trip"
*Jimin going back from Paris to South Korea for JK's birthday in 2019*
In 2022: "Awww Taetae is going back to South Korea for JK's birthday 🥹" (which ended up being not true)
*JK commenting under ETA challenge with Jimin : Oh.. Jimin..*
"Wait for JK to comment "Oh.. Taehyung.." under the Hype Boy challenge"
*Jikook going to Japan in 2023*
"It was supposed to be a Vminkook trip 2.0" "What about Taetae?"
Literally.. ????
Listen, we all love us some trio content, hang out, live, etc.. 3J, Jinjikook, Vminkook, Vhopekook, Namyoonmin, etc.. BUT can't we appreciate what a duo is doing together or what they are giving us?
It is actually disrespectful to everyone, and while we're talking about Vminkook here, not only it is disrespectful to Jikook (for those who actually care about Jikook) because somehow it makes it look like their bond is being looked down on by Army but it is also disrespectful to Tae (if your only concern is Tae) because it makes it look like you see him as a weak victim or someone who somehow doesn't have friends outside of the BTS circle and has to be included in everything.
Seriously you don't have to love Jikook but at the very least if it ain't your cup of tea learn to act like you don't see it at least instead of making useless comments that make you look like the whole circus 🤡
Buy anyways, i'm not saying that Jikook in Japan isn't making people mad that Jikook are in Japan all i'm saying is that Jikook in Japan got people having a hard time accepting that Jikook are in Japan and the very fact that Jikook are in Japan to me is absolutely beautiful and precious. Did i say that Jikook were in Japan? Oh my bad i thought i didn't mention that Jikook were in Japan anygays, have a nice day and you can too plan your trip to Japan just like Jikook who are in Japan.
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seoul-bros · 7 months
Jikook Week 10 Complete ✔️(13/02 - 20/02/2024)
Their tenth week in the military is now complete. It's time to celebrate this milestone with a look back at this week in 2022.
BTS was on an extended break after their trip to the US in late 2021. Jimin had been out of the hospital for just over a week after his double whammy of appendicitis and COVID. News of BTS and in particular Jimin and Jungkook was in scarce supply but there were some oases in the desert that week
Firstly, the BTS Factbook was released on the 13/02/2023 with Jikook looking dashing in black and white.....
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& breathtaking in blue and white. That last Jimin picture is just wow!
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On 16/02/22, Big Hit announced that BTS would appear for three nights in Seoul from 10 to 13/03/22 including a live viewing to theatres across the world on 12/03/22. I remember being so excited about this and buying my ticket as soon as they became available. It was my first step towards actually seeing BTS live in concert.
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We were right in the middle of Hobiuary. On 18/02/22, JK rang JHope during his Birthday Live. He was just about to jump in the shower so Hoseok didn't share the screen with us.
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Oh how things have changed since Chapter 2 began!
Jimin posted on Twitter , "I sincerely wish a happy birthday to my bright brother. Please stay by my side and stay healthy" Jhope reposted on Instagram both his and JK's (Happy Birthday Bro) messages. 3Js always around for each others birthdays.
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Hobi's was the first live of the year. It was closely followed by "Belatedly Cracking Bureom" with Jimin, RM and Suga on 20/02/22.
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They talked about what they had been up to during their break and their plans for this year. RM mentioned JK's dance lessons. Jimin told us about his vocal lessons.
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Jimin had a new perm and people in the comments were comparing him to Yuzuhiko from Atashinchi.
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After his bout with illness, Jimin was dead set on getting his physical health and beauty back but RM was there to remind him that he is already the beauty standard for many around the world and that his likeness has inspired a plethora of professional and amateur artists.
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They told us they were just about to start preparing for the PTD in Seoul concerts, as soon as V was let out of quarantine after his COVID, and asked us to look forward to it. The wheels were beginning to turn on a new year that would bring the fandom some major surprises and see the start of Chapter 2 and their amazing solo explorations.
Post Date: 20/02/2022
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JM live 1 September 2023 20:54 or 8:54 pm KST
And a little big about JK's same day live as well.
Part 2
Cr./To creators of content used in this post.
I'm going to dive right in.
Also, not everything I talk about is in the order it's brought up in the live. Just saying. These are ramblings of a blurry mind. Well, sharp and blurry. Just the right combination I say.
Let's talk about the apartment tour, lol.
JM, the master of privacy.
The man that wouldn't even show us his TV, only a cropped screenshot of it when congratulating JK on Dreamers.
The man that over the past close to 2 years since the hiatus, has done every live but one (the Billboard #1) from the company.
Yes, that man.
He not only went live from home (unplanned, which I discussed partially and will probably talk about again later on), from a room we got to see in his previous single home live, but he actually gave us a house tour. Well, somewhat of a house tour. A house ceiling tour with a couple of exceptions, lol.
This tour is divided into 2 parts.
First part was initiated by JM.
And this is important. Because it differentiates between perhaps more pre-thought of and less pre-thought of (more of a spur of the moment thing).
So, after mentioning JK (and reading out the hand comment) JM thinks of this:
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JM wanting to show us his mood lamp. His planet mood light.
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You know what I'm talking about, right? The one with that huge ass sun just right in your face.
He tells us how he simply came to meet us today and he has something to brag about.
Now let's wait up a minute.
He simply came to meet us on JK's birthday adorning his big ass watch starting the live at the time stamp JK was born, like time started counting from that minute and on (for him at least), and now he wants to brag about something that his friend laughed at him about (a grown man sleeping with a mood lamp), which happens to have the sun up front and centre, all huge in it's full glory, for him to fall asleep with (me continuing his story: when his bf isn't or can't be there by his side to fall asleep with).
Yep. All of that!
Ok, so JM is walking around, taking us to what is clearly his bedroom, camera at ceiling because his place is too dirty (his words) as he wasn't planning to go live from home (funny how plans change). He repeats it btw. Saying "I really didn't intend to."
Pause a second (we might be doing this more than once today). This is me just going back for a second to that same point I made in part 1. JM was not going to do the live from home. He doesn't say he wasn't going to do a live. He says he wasn't going to do a live form home.
JM takes us to his bedroom.
Who would have believed this day would come?
And if talking about not believing a day will come, perhaps me jumping the gun here, but can't hold back the excitement, what about this coming from JM?
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Can't say I'm not shocked.
But then, maybe, just maybe, a little of his bf is rubbing off on him? And maybe, just maybe there is a reason for his sudden openness with us?
Anyway, back to JM's bedroom.
What's this now?
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Not sure if he intended for us to see this, but we even got a peak at his bed for a millisecond... shock and awe...
*And kind of a downer for those that thought the snore in the dark was JK sleeping in bed. here is bed. Empty. Made. No JK. I guess you win some you lose some, lol.
Now this is where I got a little confused first time watching this. I actually thought that JM took the lamp from his bedroom to another room so to not be in his bedroom. Cause he sits down, fiddles around with something. Then gets up again and walks around, camera at ceiling (which was very confusing). But watching it a second and third time I think that he was setting the lamp up, connecting it perhaps, and then got up to close all the doors (bedroom door, bathroom door, closet door and who knows what other door) to go dark so we can see the beautiful projection.
And him having to connect the lamp, does it kinda maybe mean that he doesn't use it every night, mainly because who needs to fall asleep looking at the picture of the sun when the sun is right besides you in bed? Food for thought.
This is what he shows us at first.
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He then turns the camera around to show other planets. But he always goes back to the sun. And makes sure to explain to us that it is the sun.
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And while, once more, focusing on the sun says: "It's pretty, right?"
It definitely is.
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And when he does his whole foot up in the air (I don't think he was pointing, because when he wanted to point he did it with his finger, pointing at the sun) caressing or whatever you want to think he was actually doing, it's with the sun.
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You know what came to mind first thing I saw this?
JM and his love for playing footsies with JK.
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Oh, and if I'm already going down memory lane, we have JK too.
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Back to business.
I find it funny how JM on the one hand says multiple times he wanted to brag to us about the lamp, and then says it's embarrassing that a man nearing 30 sleeping with a lamp. And he talks about the friend appalled by it, lol. That a guy who lives alone (he repeats this) sleeps with a lamp. I guess that when you can't have the sun with you then a projection of it on the ceiling has to do.
JM adds: "these days I look at the ceiling and space out" - looks at the lamp projection that is. And when he says "these days", once again I'm thinking of it being due to JK's clearly super busy schedule.
So yeah, that was more or less part one of JM's house tour.
At this point JM turns off the light and walks back to the PC room (still only letting us see the ceiling as he is moving through the house).
He sits back down and tells us he is living his life like this.
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He's sitting there reading comments for a few seconds and then he reads this one out:
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Welcome to part 2 of the house tour, lol.
He straight away says: "you can see the secret room", grabs the camera and off he goes (again camera at ceiling of course), and asks himself "what are some things I can show?", while obviously there is still very much more that he doesn't want us to see.
He says "I will show just this one then", following by saying he really didn't want to show "my room", and then we are in his gym.
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Shows us his treadmill, tells us "this is my secret room...right here."
So, let's pause for a second here before we move on.
JM clearly decided it's time to share with us (without saying it out loud) that he is boxing. A lot. The hands (he left raw for all to see) and showing us his gym as well.
JM has a punching bag at home.
No biggie, right?
He has a full proper gym at home, much like Tae does, and most likely the others too, well most of the others, because JK doesn't. JK, until a short while ago, didn't have any workout equipment at home. Let alone a punching bag. THE boxer in the group does not have a punching bag at home. And do we talk about the fact that all of his workout equipment, the little that he does have, is in his lounge room? I digressed. As usual. Anyway, now we know for sure (as if we didn't before) that JM is clearly boxing, and all that is left to see is his set of boxing gloves.
And then, JM goes to show us his dad's bedroom, for when he visits him. JM asks himself if there is anything he can show us from dad's room, answering "vacuum cleaner".
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JM walks out of that last room, he looks around, nods with his head (looked like he was contemplating something but decided on NOPE), and walks back to the PC room.
End of house tour.
While on the way there he tells us how his parents "came over to my house and said this..."your house really has nothing, it's like a model house. It doesn't seem like a person lives here. Do you want us to change a bit?".
Ok, so JM's been living in that apartment at the very latest since May 2021. Over 2 years!! And in that time his parents must have visited multiple times. We know at least of once back in October 2021, so a long time ago. JM isn't telling us when exactly this was said to him, and timing, my friends, is everything. There is a before and an after that might be going on here. And It's kind of curious how at this point in time both JM's place and JK's place are lacking in the feeling of a home in the true sense of it. Lacking in adding their little personal touch to the place. Giving them both, at this point, the feel of these places being a temporary fix. Just until perhaps a certain 5 story house is built.
Do I address the marimo discussion and how it turned into a Suga discussion? Was that JM shutting down Yoonminers? Lol.
JM reads out a comment "I miss Jin and Jhope" and tells us he's thinking of going to visit them.
JM continues to read through the comments and reacts to them, this is around the 29 min. mark. You think the hand comments don't continue again? Like he hasn't addressed it 10 times already during this live. He smiles through it, but seriously!!!!
One comment has him giggling : "In my last dream you went out with me but I got dumped". Lmao. At least they were being realistic. His answer was: "I'm sorry. It wasn't intentional". Ehm, excuse me, but to me dumping feels very intentional. Lol.
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One of the most annoying comments, well in my humble opinion, was the one asking him why the chocolate factories have closed. Poor man was waiting and waiting on a reply on that one, so much so he was putting off finishing the live, he was seriously curious, only to have this stupid ass punch line about him being sweet. From the expression on his face when he finally read the answer he was probably thinking "this is what I was waiting for?", lol.
JM's asked about his skin care routine to which he answers: "it's nothing, I just wash up, and I just apply it on my face. Just the cream". Thing is later on as he's closing up he says he has to go wash up but:
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Didn't he just tell us all about it earlier? Or was this him just being cheeky?
JM tells us he goes for a run in the middle of the night and runs into RM.
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Quite interesting that the first time he noticed RM's poster was almost 2 weeks after it was placed there. Especially now that we know from him he's out jogging every night. Was he possibly away for a while? Perhaps not alone?
JM was asked about dramas he's watched and answered he hasn't watched many lately.
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I guess JK being busy is the cause for that. We know for a fact that they watch shows together.
Then he's asked "show your 7 tattoos", to which JM answers:
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"You saw it yesterday. Photos went up. Really...I saw that...Definitely...I'm an anchovy." giggle giggle giggle. "Anchovy...phew..." giggle..."just laugh at it and move on..."
Lol, I'm sure he's also referring to him standing on his tippie toes for the pose, trying to seem bigger and taller than he is.
Now wait a second here.
The comment asked him to show his 7 tattoos. Not "show your moon tattoo". Not "show your back tattoo". Clear as day talking about his 7 tattoos, and JM was the one to read it out!!!
So, obviously that riske (not really, but clearly an eye opener) photo he posted for JK's birthday was on his mind. Or is it more so that JK is on his mind?
JM's told he needs to sleep well. The man says it's rare, but he actually slept well today. Usually when he has schedules he doesn't sleep well. But:
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I guess something, or someone, helped tire him out.
And yes, I can hear the guys on the balcony with the "if he slept so much he couldn't have been with JK". Yeah-nah. Have we not seen these guys schedules? Did I not talk about it in part 1? Night and day are non existent. JM slept 8 to 9 hours and came out - to his schedule, in the evening. These two go to sleep in the morning and wake up at noon. Even in JM's last live, when he was talking about having a proper schedule, including a proper sleep schedule, he was talking about sleeping in late. So no, him sleeping properly doesn't rule out them spending the night together. JM doesn't tell us when he went to sleep or when he woke up. Actually, the way he words it, it's more like he slept till late and woke up in time for his Dior schedule.
Pretty much this was where JM was wanting to end the live.
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And starts to sum it up.
After a few more comments JM winds it up saying his goodbyes.
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And that was the end of JM's live on JK 's birthday.
Oh, btw, remember I said that when I first saw JM's live photo I mistook it for JK? How those pants seemed a little big on him? Well came across this today:
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I'm not 100% sold those are the exact pair of pants, but they sure look similar. And even if they aren't same pants, well my point in part 1 was proven - the pants being exactly the style that JK wears.
I had one more thing I wanted to talk about, which I'm not sure about, but thought it would be good to mention.
About the 12 minute mark JM is talking about taking lessons in English. And he was saying it's hard but he has to force himself to do it, cause otherwise he won't do it. And then he talks about how people get lazy and gives an example. And here is where I found something a little curious. There I go with that word again.
The word of the day: Curious.
Anyway, JM gives an example. And he words it like this:
"You know there is this. I came home as it is like this... It's 9:07... I think that I should wash up at 9:30... But we don't wash up... And later, when it's 1 in the morning... I should really wash up. To sleep...I must wash up. You also know this happens".
And he's giggling the whole time.
Did you notice? The switch from I to we?
Now, it could be him talking about him and us, but I kind of don't think it was, as he starts with I and goes to we and then back to I.
It could also definitely be a slip of the tongue.
You know who the we he might be talking about is. That plus one that turns I to we. That certain plus one that has told us on multiple occasions how he dislikes to wash up before sleep, delaying the inevitable as much as possible, also using that term lazy with regards to it.
Just thought I'd share this little thing I notices with you guys before I finish up with this post.
I feel like this part of my post is a little more all over the place (a bit like JM perhaps, lol). Maybe a little too much blurry and not enough sharp, lol. But hey, I guess it is what it is.
So, we had JK doing the short live nothing like his usual birthday lives, and then later in the day JM coming live, unplanned. Well more so unplanned from home. Could they have been planning to do a live together at Hybe? Could JK have been planning to and asked JM to go live in his place seeing he's held up?
Who knows.
What I do hope is that next time it's not going to be the two live on the same day, but rather the two live same day same time same place.
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Here's wishing.
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peachjagiya · 3 months
I will be doing a series of Ted Talks called: "Is it coincidence or is it just......... Taekook?!"
First episode is:
"The Paradox of Oh No, Oh Yes and its Timings" In this episode, we will talk about how Jungkook played the song twice in early 2023. On the 2nd time he did, he played it as the last song with lyrics during his winter ski date concept while watching the stars and "aurora" in March 2023. His words, not mine. He started this portion of his "ARMY date" livestream with high energy, cringing and giggling, then committing to the winter date act. By the end of the stream, minutes after he played Oh No Oh Yes, he was in tears and brushed it off as "rhinitis". 1 month after, April 2023, while JK left SK for the first time in a while to LA and start working on his songs, Taehyung went live and shared that Jungkookie recommended him Oh No, Oh Yes. He even lit a candle because "Jungkookie does it in his live" he then proceeded to play Maybe, a song he penned about someone who told him they are Twin Flames and will melt each other away when the world is cold during winter. The most crucial part of this episode is what happened hours AFTER Taehyung went live and shook fans with the information: Jungkook's brother's IG account posted Oh No, Oh Yes in his story. 🤯 Fast forward to September 4, 2024. Tae went to join Firenze event in Paradise Hotel, the same hotel TaeKook stayed at and filmed Run BTS TikTok challenge. On his way to the event, he posted a story of the sunset with Oh No, Oh Yes in the background. He was there for dinner event. The next morning, Jungkook flew to the US. Note that Paradise Hotel is near to the airport and 4 days prior was his birthday while 2 days after that, September 3, was their 12th year anniversary of meeting eo.
To wrap this Ted Talk up, the lyrics to Oh No Oh Yes:
"More than a ring on a ring finger
I chose a love hidden to the public gaze
Even if I show that I'm a strong woman
Always in my heart
I'm shaking of pain
Oh no, we're two sinners
But no, we can't separate........"
I still have more episodes of this "Is it coincidence or is it just.... Taekook?!" such as dissecting To Find You, Sweetheart Shirts, Dream Premiere and many more. Shall I send a weekly Ask to you so we can all discuss and dissect together? 😁
This made me smile so wide! 😁😁😁
The Oh No, Oh Yes saga is one of my favourites because of how spaced out it was, like a continually referenced strand running through the year.
Like sometimes a song is just a song, right? But the way it kept cropping up, it feels special like a little Easter egg 😂 I could hardly believe what I was seeing when Tae posted that sunset 5 months on.
I also love that even the platonic explanation, that they just shared and enjoyed the song, shows their closeness. It's undeniable.
Omg PLEASE send a weekly Ask, that would make me so happy.
Thanks anon. I love this. 💜
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duchezss · 1 year
My favorite details/new moments from The Little Mermaid (2023)
Buckle in this is gonna get long cause i’m obsessedddd
EVERYTHING (jk...kinda) 
Ariel not being allowed to go up to the surface at all in the first place, so when she went up to Eric’s ship during his birthday party it felt that much more defiant from her
That they explained right away that Ariel’s mother was killed by a human, and that helps explain much of Triton’s hatred 
Humans hate/fear mermaids as much as mermaids fear humans, it really makes the divide between Eric and Ariel feel more tense
The fact that the daughters were all getting together for an annual meeting rather than a concert. I really did miss daughters of Triton, but I also really liked how they are portrayed as leaders of the ocean
How Ariel helped Max swim to the lifeboat 😭 😭 
How Eric’s compassion is shown right away, and that’s the main thing that intrigues Ariel, not just his looks
Eric’s mother forbidding him from sailing again after the shipwreck, it makes him feel cut off and mirrors Triton banning Ariel from land
Ariel’s not instantly in love with Eric, she’s taken by him, but her love of the human world is equally acknowledged
That Ursula talks directly to Ariel and it’s not her Eels speaking for her
Can I say the entire sequence of For The First Time? It was so cool to see Ariels inner dialogue and the whole buildup to Eric “meeting” Ariel for the first time was fantastic 
How much Eric’s Library mirrors Ariel’s Grotto, and how their love for their passions really connect them. I loved these scenes because it really felt like they were bonding
Ariel immediately smashing that stone, I felt that really set the stage for how Ariel would open Eric’s eyes to even the simplest of things
“My little mermaid” melts...
That the kingdom was based on Caribbean culture instead of European, I really nice touch that makes the remake have a vibe of it’s own
When Ariel stops and takes notice of how kind and compassionate Eric is, and when Eric stops and takes notice of how curious and lively Ariel is
Jodi Benson’s cameo 😭 😭 
Originally I didn’t like that Ariel couldn’t remember she had to kiss Eric, and thought it just made pointless conflict, but it was actually very cute. It caused both of their feelings to be entirely true, and even caused some cute moments of Eric chasing after Ariel. 
Ariel and Eric sneaking back into the castle and just being silly goofy guys
Eric’s hat had a lot of focus and I thought it was very cute ngl
The symbolism of Ariel’s dress and Eric’s mermaid statue to each other. Both were lost when one thought the other was gone, only for them to come back
How even under Vanessa’s spell Eric still longed for Ariel 
The party being for an engagement instead of a wedding, made it feel more realistic
The party being at the castle instead of on the ship, originally I wasn’t a fan, but I thought it made the scene where Ariel runs to the castle more tense than when she swam for the boat
Grimsby kicking away the ring, what a wingman
Ariel cat fighting with Vanessa for the necklace instead of her being more passive in the fight for the shell
Eric hugging Ariel when he finds out she’s a mermaid instead of standing there in shock, by far my favorite small detail from the movie I love them so much 😭 
Eric trying to stop Ursula when she was coming after Ariel
Ariel yelling for Eric when Ursula grabbed her versus Eric yelling for Ariel in the original
How when they surfaced both of them had to look for each other rather than finding one another right away
Every time they were deep in the water Ariel would grab Eric and help pull him up to the surface 
Ariel saving Eric at the end, I actually found myself liking the change
Even after both of them went back to their respective worlds, they both still longed for each other, I liked this small break rather that her turning back human right away
When they first see each other again, they hug and then kiss, not just go straight for the kiss, that was a slay
Their marriage signifying more of a union between humans and merfolk
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
he hanged out with them twice and another time went to a movie premiere. They're acting like they've been going out everyday for months
Okay Taekook Vs Jikook. They wanna talk about mutual friends? Fine, let's talk about it.
(Credit to @victorjimin for the images)
Let's talk about Choi jinwoon and just how close he is to Jikook. Instagram zzinu lets talk about the number of times we've seen him hang out with them and yet we didn't feel the need to go to tkk spaces to bark about it.
(Btw as per his insta u can see he's is a director of w korea magazine. I'm jealous of everyone who owns that copy of Jimin's issue)
In 2019 bts got one month of vacation so Jimin went for a trip to europe with this dude and some of his friends. 
Here they are shopping in Paris
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Things Jimin bought for his boyfriend's birthday:
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How we know these are the things he bought
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Then later Jimin will come to tell us:
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Jimin came back to Korea.. as soon as he and his friend landed they met with Hobi and JK to celebrate his birthday.. It is Most likely that Jimin arranged the surprise in zzinu's place and prolly asked Hobi to take JK there coz it was a surprise. The speculation works because the blinds match. Also u can see the same supreme skate board in both photos, so It's gotta be jiwoon's place.
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That was in 2019. And here he is again in 2022
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Was at the JITB party (we know Jhope handpicked the guests himself so its clear Jinwoon is close to 3J) and he was even in Dior Paris with Jimin
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And now in 2023 2 days ago (3days?) we see him again with JK at the LV party. (They came together)
If u check his insta u will see he has only Hobi and Jimin posted and I bet u the other member he will post will be JK
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JK has hanged out with the wooga squad what? Twice? And it wasn't even with all the members I'm pretty sure he doesn't get along with all of them going by their beliefs. And it was to a musical and for bowling. Meanwhile we have Jinwoon hosting JK's bday party, hanging out with them whenever and has been friends with them for years.
Yet here we are minding our own business just celebrating the relationship that is Jikook in peace.
This really isn't a competition. It's people's relationship we're talking about. Tkkrs wanna turn this into a game about which ship is better. These are people's lives, assholes. It's not about winning or losing.
But if you really want us to stoop to your level, if u really wanna go head to head with Jkkrs
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stupendousfoxthing · 2 months
“Haaang on. So... "Jimin didn't say he didn't see him" is fine here but we can't say the same about JK seeing Tae on birthdays? I BEG them to get a speck of logic that applies across the board.”
Reply from @peachjagiya
See why I say there is a serious lack of reading comprehension?
Jungkook in 2019:
“We may all be in the same group but on all our days off I only saw Jimin hyung and Hobi hyung”
(Jungkook’s birthday was during the same break he said he didn’t see anyone except Hobi and Jimin)
Jimin in 2020:
“It was around 4am when I heard the news, I was with Jungkook…..”
Jimin later that day during a Live:
“I’m the one who told Jungkook about the news” (because they were together when they heard of their song getting a #1 on BB Hot 100)
V on the same day during the Live:
“I spoke with Jimin on the phone and I asked him to come sleep by my side but he was too lazy to come to my place”
Jungkook in 2022:
Jin: “Did V come?” (2x)
Jk: No he didn’t come (2x)
What other logic are we supposed to be applying here? Wasn’t Jungkook clear enough when he explicitly said during the break he ONLY saw Jimin and Jhope? Wasn’t he clear enough when he said TWICE that V didn’t come greet him in 2022 and he was Live till past midnight on his birthday then. Wasn’t Jimin clear when he said that Jk was with him at 4am on his birthday? Didn’t V make it clear that he wanted Jimin to come sleep by his side? What am I missing?
I can say Jimin didn’t say he didn’t see Jungkook on his birthday because he really didn’t say that but you can’t say the same about taekook because Jungkook very clearly said he didn’t, all these times. That is the difference. In one of these cases, you are concluding that Jimin didn’t see him even though Jimin literally never said he didn’t while in the other case you are trying to say that we don’t know if they saw eo or not even though we know because both times Jk explicitly said he didn’t unless you are trying to imply that Jk lied all these times. Is that it?
I don’t want it to seem like I am only talking about birthdays so let’s talk about other days.
Chuseok 2017:
All the members go home for chuseok
Jin: “Jungkook was the only one who stayed back to work on music. He was home alone”
Jimin: Hyung, I was home with Jungkook”
New year 2018:
Interview: what did you do on New years Holiday?
Jungkook: “I didn’t really do anything special, just stayed in the workroom. Ah, I also went bowling with Jimin and we had some really good food. We did some karaoke too.”
Valentines 2018:
14th February 2018:
Jimin seen at the airport back from Japan after a schedule with Hobi.
15th February 2018:
Jk, Jimin and Ha Sungwoon seen together on the street and also left autographs at an escape room they went to on the same day.
Winter 2018:
Jimin who loves the snow talks about not being able to see the first snow of the season and feels bad about it. Few days later Jimin and Jungkook post a video on twitter watching their first snow of the season together. (We know what watching the first snow together means in korean culture. Don’t have to believe me, just google it)
Chuseok 2020:
Jikook together, post video of themselves together from Jimin’s apartment around 3am
White day 2022:
Jimin, Jungkook and friends spotted at a restaurant (Jk was at Jimin’s place the night before, after they finished the final day of Seoul PTD concert)
White day 2023:
Jimin in the US promoting his album, Jungkook in Korea, V in Korea. Jungkook goes Live for almost 5 hours all alone from his apartment.
So it’s not only birthdays that taekook don’t spend together but couple days and other holidays too. I wonder why they only seem to be able to hang out on the most ordinary days but choose to hang out on these significant days with different people or alone?
Y'all. 💀
In one of these cases, you are concluding that Jimin didn’t see him even though Jimin literally never said he didn’t while in the other case you are trying to say that we don’t know if they saw eo or not even though we know because both times Jk explicitly said he didn’t unless you are trying to imply that Jk lied all these times. Is that it?
I'm saying we don't know and also I don't care. 😂 If you want to hyperfocus on a handful of cherry-picked days that you think are super important and think that's enough to prove two people are or are not dating go for it.
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