#bisexuality only in jokes and offscreen remember!!
devouringyourson · 1 year
loki s2 trailer is out i swear they've made owen wilson's hair inexplicably whiter and shorter just to make him looks less fuckable??? like they really panicked and went !! make him father figure shaped !!!
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roswelldetails · 6 years
Episode 110: I Don’t Want to  Miss a Thing - details
Episode Summary Isobel de-pods, reconciles with Noah, and sets out to gain back her blackout memories via more antidote. Michael tells Alex all about his origins and upbringing, and shows him his super fun alien science basement. Alex and Kyle try to figure out the coded message Jim left. And, Max and Cameron start trying to catch an alien bad guy. (Plus, other stuff happens.)
Details - this is not an exhaustive list of every single detail, just just a few that might be important now or later.
The cave & Max’s house
Isobel is de-podded and cured (we hope), then goes back to Max’s house to immediately begin making fun of her brother. (As a good sister should.)
Max isn’t telling Isobel about the 4th alien yet, wanting to give her the day to get her life going again.
Sanders Auto
Michael has told Alex the alien stuff offscreen, and Alex decides he now wants to know more about Michael’s childhood.
It turns out Michael was placed with: a couple of angry meth heads in Albuquerque, a violent drunk in Santa Fe, and then back in Roswell when he was 11 with fundamentalist religious freaks. 
He was relieved to see that Max and Isobel had an easier time.
When he asks how Alex had already known about aliens, Alex tells him it was a “massive government conspiracy”
Michael thinks it’s funny until he realizes Alex isn’t joking.
Cam & Max
Cam tells Max about the 14 phoney autopsies she’s discovered. Her contact suggested that the real autopsies were destroyed but -
Max interrupts her, so we don’t find out how many of the real autopsies they’ve found in Jesse Manes stash of alien conspiracy paperwork.
Max apologizes for lying, but not for protecting his family, and Cam just hopes she doesn’t have an alien STD, and can we please catch the bad guy now?
Kyle & Mama Sheriff
Kyle, now pretty sure that his dad’s illness was no accident, interrogates asks his mom for more details.
Jim and a CT scan after an accident on Valentine’s day 2014 that showed no abnormalities, but by March 1 he had a huge tumor in his brain.
The doctor said they thought the cancer was accelerated due to “some environmental exposure”.
Hmm. Like Jesse’s cancer ray gun, I bet.
Apparently, Jim and Jesse had been friends until they’d had a falling out when Kyle was a teen. 
The reason Jim gave was that Jesse had no code - or at least not one Jim agreed with.
Jim’s “unbreakable moral line” was “protect your children at all costs.”
Mama Valenti thought Jim was cheating on her with Rosa, but Kyle assures her it was Mama Ortecho, not Rosa, and Rosa was his daughter.
Also, according to Mama Sheriff, Jim wrote those letters for Kyle.
Michael’s fun alien science basement
Michael shows Alex the ship he’s been working on - something he’s never showed anyone.
The pieces naturally meld themselves back together when they’re close enough.
Apparently, offscreen Alex has told Michael that his family has been targeting Michael’s for generations. So why is Michael showing him everything?
Because Michael is tired of secrets and figures if anyone is going to destroy him, it might as well be Alex.
He thinks it’s the ships central control panel, and the key to getting him off the planet.
Meanwhile, Alex is freaking out that Michael is suddenly talking leaving Earth, and he excuses himself to “process”.
“Process” means go drink at the Wild Pony.
Wild Pony
Max and Cam are investigating one of the 14 murders - a girl (Carla) who was killed last year in May. 
It turns out all the murders had the Wild Pony bar stamp on their wrist.
The stamp is only used twice a month when the bar gives out free food to people in need.
According to Racist Hank, Carla had been talking to someone he thought looked shady the last night she was seen. 
Max assumes “shady” means not-white.
Isobel & Noah
Isobel goes home and tells Noah everything. 
He’d freaked out and bought a gun when he’d seen her in her pod, but she convinces him not to use it.
Noah still loves Isobel after her story, and they decide to have a romantic picnic together, only to have their plans interrupted by Isobel’s flashback of Rosa.
In the flashback, Isobel talks to Rosa for the first time, starting a friendship and saying “I’m sick of being Isobel Evans.” She also doodles the alien symbol on a post, telling Rosa “it’s nothing.”
Hoping to get more flashbacks, Isobel convinces Noah to head to the hospital with her to get more antidote from Liz.
Protestors are blocking the hospital entrance, but Isobel uses her powers to make them move aside.
The hospital shooter is there protesting with the group.
Wild Pony
Maria’s power is legit! She’s able to tell what cards someone is looking at even when they’re trying to trick her.
Alex arrives for his drink, and Maria asks the reason for his day-drinking, hoping it’s nothing more than a boy problem.
When Alex confirms that it is, she senses that it’s about the mysterious museum guy from ten years ago. She begs him to finally tell her who it is.
Eventually, Alex admits that yes, it’s Michael Guerin, and he knows that Maria recently hooked up with him.
Maria assures him that it meant nothing to her, and she never would’ve done it if she’d known Michael was his museum guy.
The hospital
Isobel tells Liz how the antidote has started giving her her memories back, and she wants more.
Liz is reluctant, having no idea what side effects there might be, but Isobel insists, so she says she’ll give her a micro dose.
They’re interrupted (maybe - it’s unclear if she actually finishes the injection) by an alarm - there’s a shooter in the hospital!
Liz goes to stash the antidote saying “they can’t be exposed to light this long” while Noah is busy getting shot in the arm.
The government bunker
Kyle, now apparently having his own access to the bunker, has called Alex over to look at his dad’s papers.
Alex enters saying, “I was this close to embarking on a real bender at the Wild Pony.”
Alex immediately notices that Jim’s letters have symbols that match the symbols on the alien fragment, so he shows Kyle and starts talking about the complex algorithms he could use to decipher them.
But Kyle reminds him his dad was a regular dude, not a mathmetician, so Alex guesses maybe it’s a simple code.
Using “Magoo”, Kyle’s childhood nickname, they’re able to decipher the letters.
It begins “Hi Magoo I love you” - proving that they’re on the right track
The scene changes before we see the finished translation for the rest of the pages.
Max goes in to find Liz while everyone else is exiting the hosptial to escape the shooter.
Liz and Co. are hunkered down in the lab, but once the lights start flickering, Isobel realizes it’s Max and opens the door for him.
Max escorts them out, then immediately heads back in to catch the shooter.
Meanwhile, the shooter enters Liz’s lab, breaks everything in sight, and then sets it on fire.
We do not see him take anything from the lab or open any drawers.
Outside, Isobel has another flashback of Rosa: they’re on the roof of the Crashdown, and Rosa is ranting about how the town will never let her change. She says “if I even am an Ortecho - my mom is a liar” indicating that she may have been aware that her mom had an affair.
Flashback!Isobel hugs Rosa because it seemed like she needed one.
Then we see another flashback where Isobel remembers talking to Rosa at the Crashdown the night of the prom saying, “I wish I could be who I am with you all the time.”
Then she has a flashback of finding Rosa by her vandalized car, and learning that Kate and Jasmine were responsible.
Michael runs and hugs Isobel, asking where Max is, and they all look towards the hospital waiting.
Inside, Max finds the shooter down in a basement, having no memory of what he’s done. The shooter then has a seizure.
After catching him, Max and Cam talk about how people getting amnesia after committing crimes is starting to become familiar.
The airstream
Isobel tells Michael about her flashbacks and how she felt like she had feelings for Rosa and wanted to hurt anyone who hurt her.
Michael isn’t shocked and welcomes her to the bisexual club.
But Isobel wants to get all her memories back, and assumes Michael has stolen some of the antidote.
He totally has. So he gives her some and she drinks it.
Kyle & Mama Sheriff
Kyle wants to know what Caulfield means, because it’s appeared repeatedly in Jim’s letters.
She tells him it’s a prison 100 miles north of Roswell where his grandfather first started as a corrections officer. But it’s been closed for decades.
The real-life town approx. 100mi north of Roswell is Santa Rosa, and there is a prison there, but it’s not called Caulfield. (FYI)
Wild Pony
Maria is working after the bar is closed, when Michael walks in to return her necklace.
He’d also like some free booze.
She immediately lets him know that she knows about him and Alex and that she never would’ve slept with him if she’d known the had history. It can’t happen again.
He says, “You keep saying that. I got it.”
Back turned, she tells him to come back when they’re open.
And he leaves.
Hospital lab
Liz’s lab has been damaged by the fire, and since nothing else was burned, Max is sure it was a targeted attack.
Regarding her “normal” science work, Liz says “The damage is gonna set us back months. We’ll have to start over - if the baord even lets us.”
But as Max and Liz talk, Liz realizes that it’s more likely someone was targeting her alien work in the lab. 
Her antidote and serum is all missing.
Liz suggests to Max that the 4th alien is using some kind of mind-control power to make people murder.
She also suggests that the 4th alien is able to do that by taking control during someone’s blackout.
Wyatt was blackout drunk
The shooter had epilepsy
And Isobel was getting blackouts due to childhood trauma
Liz theorizes that Isobel is innocent, and has been controled by this 4th alien during her blackouts.
Isobel’s house
Isobel has another flashback, this time of the night Rosa died.
Rosa is looking for her backpack when Isobel shows up, telling her she doesn’t need to go anywhere because she’s already taken care of her problem with Kate and Jasmine.
When Rosa isn’t interested Isobel says, “This isn’t me, Rosa. This isn’t my body. I can be anything you want me to be.”
When Rosa assumes she’s just high, Isobel continues, “I’m not Isobel. You want someone strong, someone who will protect you, who won’t leave you. I can be that man. I killed those girls for you.”
Then she specifies that she snapped their necks, and they’re outside. She’d like Rosa to come see.
Rosa, seeming afraid of what will happen if she says no, agrees to go.
But “Isobel” reads her mind and says “You’re lying to me. I can feel what you feel. You hate me know, don’t you? You don’t want to be mine?”
Isobel glow-hands Rosa to death, telling her everything she’d done had been for her.
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sonitavalentine · 6 years
z*kis are not worth it. if they continue to hate and deny matsur's work. good for them.. what can anyone say really?? if they wanna be gay for ren(if anyone LGBT im not being offensive or trying to say its lgbt when it not, so please take no offense) and suck off zero so much thats them. i just never seen anyone be so just terrible people towards her work and to the yumefans. at the end of the day hino work started with kaname yuki. now yuki's fragment inside him. kaname story still goes
I don’t mind RenAi as a wlw couple - at the end of the day, I don’t remember in current shoujo any open LGBT pairs, so it’d look refreshing and really cool. My problem with the pairing itself is that it looks like Hino is locked within a cage of this goddamn love triangle where even kids are doomed to be together only to satisfy the idea that a Kiryuu can’t live without a Kuran, and that Ai is focused on Kiryuus only. I mean, I’d be glad if there was some fresh air, new characters, new plots and interesting development. With the plot as it is now it only makes the characters look like they’re really doomed. 
If we continue talking about possibility of a wlw couple, why not pair Ai with, for example, Seiren? Nothing too deep to dig in my words, this is just an example. 
Or, a completely new female character maybe? 
Or, as soon as Ai was already in love with a man, we can say that she’s bisexual so we can go for another man for her, and a new lady for Ren? 
Why not do anything of the above, huh??
i just don’t like the vibe of doom and the idea that Yuuki slept with two men and both kids of them got together, this is just something beyond pureblood siblings being paired.
Also, we didn’t face truly sibling relationship: Haruka and Juuri were a couple, Rido was mad about Juuri in twisted romantic way. Kaname and Yuuki, that were kinda siblings, also were a couple. Zero and Ichiru were on the dark side of family love, Hanabusa and Tsukiko are offscreen siblings. So, seeing Ai and Ren as sibling dynamic, their sisterly love would be just great, especially when Ai is so much more adult than Ren and could teach her so many really good things as loving adult siblings could do for their younger ones. With RenAi turning into a couple we have a slight confirmation that Hino is in fact obsessed with incest and being a pureblood isn’t an excuse anymore, we lost the opportunity to see good sibling relationship from her side as she’s focused on possible sexual side of them only. This is the reason why I’m disappointed at the pairing :/ (again, not fully confirmed yet)
But yeah, at the end of the day we have what we have. Will see how the story ends, but for now at least we have Yuuki inside Kaname as a confirmation of their eternal and unique connection.
P.S. As a joke, what if Hino secretly shipped Kaname and Zero, but they couldn’t be together because of Yuuki (what a tragedy T_T) so she decided to pair their kids at least. Haha. Have a good night.
P.P.S. I have a feeling that this is not what you were asking for :D
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awed-frog · 8 years
Regarding Dean/A Tale of Icebergs
[Disclaimer: I wasn’t a fan of the other Meredith Glynn episode, and I’m not sure how much i liked this one either, so if you’re striving for zero negativity, feel free to skip this entire meta.]
The most obvious thing about this episode is, for me, the complete and utter disconnect between what the show’s saying on the surface and what’s going on in the subtext. Which, I don’t know - some of it is normal, because if you’re passionated about something you will notice different things and know more about it and that’s okay, and some of it I even like - the classic I can decipher this secret message, I must be a genius thing shared by anyone who’s ever learned a language and also anyone who was into treasure hunts as a kid, and as for that last bit - yeah - that’s where the problem is. So, well - let’s play.
Nice on the surface: Rowena’s backstory
Which is actually not so nice because as much as I want to know more about her, what the general audience will see as closing and minding the gap (why did Rowena even come to the US, and so on) I see as a) yet another villain being queer-coded and b) a tantalizing glimpse of a world I’ll never get to know being thrown into my face. Let’s get to the queer-coding first, because this is the main issue and man, I can’t believe they did it again, and it doesn’t even matter Rowena was offering herself up as a sex slave to all three Loughlins siblings out of necessity, does it, because everybody loves some woman on woman action, including all women, har har, so coercion doesn’t count. No, Rowena was willing to roll around in the hay with Catriona, which makes her bisexual, which brings the total of queer villains in Supernatural to - is that all of them? All the revelant ones, surely. And as we all know, the message this sends is disturbing, to say the least. And secondly - I could happily have watched a whole season about the BMoL, because they are new and didn’t we all wonder what was going on with hunting in other countries and man, look at those spells and that knowledge and those complicated moral questions and now it turns out they’ve got a beef with Rowena and what - and instead, we still don’t know anything about them. They pop up and then disappear. Sam and Dean are mostly ignoring them, unless there’s a deep and meandering conversation going on in the background we know nothing about. And by the end of this season, Mick and the band will probably be gone, and that will be it - like Jesse the Antichrist, like the hunting community, like a hundred other plot ramifications which could hold on a series on their own and instead are just an undeveloped afterthought. 
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Nice on the surface: Dean being all goofy
Which is actually not so nice because we know about Dean’s history, and his childhood, and how much free will means to him. So seeing him like that - I think this is where you notice how weird this show is, and how it’s read so differently depending on who’s watching. And this actually hurt, so, ugh.
Nice on the surface: Dean x Larry (Darry? Lean? Deanry?)
Which is actually not so nice because here was a classic example of in your face dogwhistling - once again, Dean is being coded as bisexual, and once again, his attraction to women is good and wholesome and shown on screen without any ambiguity whatsoever (the one thing we don’t know is whether she blew him in the bathroom or if they actually did it), while his attraction to men is played off as a joke, because this Larry Dean was riding last night - not a guy, duuuur, but actually a mechanic bull. Isn’t that clever! A mechanic bull, imagine that! Cue long sequence of Dean bouncing up and down the damn thing, Sam smirking about it, a relcuctantly impressed waitress and Dean being all wide-eyed and heartbreaking, because the one thing he cares about? ‘Was I good?’ Of course, that’s what Dean ‘everybody leaves me’ Winchester would want to know. Women, men, his dad, his mom, his brother, his pet angel - the only thing Dean cares about is earning his keep so he doesn’t get left behind. 
(All this talk about Cas feeling like ‘just a tool’ - guess where he learned that.)
Nice on the surface: Lookie here, a discussion about consent
Which is actually not so nice because, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, what Dean’s conversation with that waitress implied is that guys can’t get raped, and they sure as hell can’t get raped by smokin’ hot 20-year-olds, amirite, because check out the rack on that chick - she can take advantage of me any day of the week, mate. Now, I have complicated feelings about this whole issue and this is neither the time nor the place to discuss them, but the bottom line is, enough with this bullshit. The idea men want to have sex every hour of every day with any hot woman who comes through the door - next. Sexual behaviour is both personal and fluctuating - what turns you on one day can leave you meh the next, and that includes getting blown by waitresses in Old West-themed bars. Also, this may be a novel idea, but men are human beings as well and they have, uh, feelings? So, sure, sometimes they just want to have fun, and don’t we all, but probably not all the time? And Dean - look at him - dad bod or not, he could probably talk his way into anyone’s bed, and yet he hasn’t and doesn’t. He never touched anyone for months and months, and that was a choice, not circumstances, because we know Dean is tired of the adios and wants to try new things and have a meaningful connection for freaking once, which means this - this was him worried and angry and frustrated and unable to talk to anyone about it, yeah, because Mom’s off somewhere and it’s not like she cares, and Cas is on the verge of suicide as it is, and Sam’s apparently done with his caring ways and We got a case to work, so get it together, alright?, so what is Dean supposed to do here? And yet, this moment, which - to me - is actually sad af, first becomes an example of what the right kind of masculinity is like, and second gets played off for laughs, because, man, you can’t take advantage of me, babe, look at you, and I’m just bummed I can’t remember. Ugh.
Nice on the surface: Sam being all concerned
Which is actually not so nice because I should probably stop trying to guess what’s going on with Sam, except what the fuck is wrong with Sam? He used to be - well, he’s a complicated person, but lately he’s just - like, apparently he doesn’t talk to anyone, right? and that’s been canon for some time - that he’s got no connections, no friends, no nothing (and that’s not painful at all) but the fact he texted both Mary and Cas to give them the heads up about Dean’s broken phone throws this into sharp relief, again: Sam doesn’t talk to anyone. Dean is the one playing silly phone games with Mary and calling Cas at random moments to say nothing at all, and I bet (this is offscreen stuff, but still) that he’s got a whatsapp conversation open with Claire and Alex and he bickers with them about music and he may even talk to Jody or Donna or some other hunter from time to time (remember in Baby, when he’d texted that woman we never heard of because she might be around and want a beer?), and Sam - Sam is still so traumatized, perhaps, or feeling unclean after his latest brush-up with Lucifer, that he isolates himself. And not only he doesn’t want to talk about what’s going on with him, but he flat-out refuses to hear what’s going on with Dean, as well. That bitch face he pulled in the car, that snarky ‘we got a case to work, so get it together’ - that was well beyond the line of mean, and if we consider how Kumbaya Sam used to be in earlier seasons, a huge character shift. Also one that’s been building and simmering for so long, we might actually have to consider if it’s a character shift at all, or if this is simply who Sam actually is.
Nice on the surface: The Winchesters save the day, again
Which is actually not so nice because okay, now I’m sort of convinced the Winchesters’ sloppiness is on of the themes of the season? First of all, there was the way the first few minutes were framed - a man running through the woods, frantically calling his loved ones - I totally thought that would be a victim of some kind, and instead, nope. As Rowena points out later in the episode, Dean is a killer, and I’m always slightly uneasy during witching episodes - on the one hand, I get why the show is so hard on witchcraft, and I like that, but on the other - these are humans, right, and what’s the difference between killing someone with a gun and killing someone with a hex bag? And, sure, later we do learn the Loughlin family is Moste Ancient and Evile, but Dean didn’t know that when he started chasing after Gideon, did he? He was slightly drunk, and he simply started shooting at someone who’d used mild magic against him in a parking lot, without waiting to hear if there was a good explanation for it (maybe the guy had dangerous and vengeful accomplices somewhere, maybe he had nothing to do with the murder, maybe the murder was sort of justified, maybe maybe maybe). If Gideon’s siblings and been sensible and had skipped town for a few years (the whole Rowena story implies they’re supernaturally long-lived, right? and this is something fiction never gets quite right about immortal creatures - what’s the difference in switching safe houses for ten or twenty years, and why would you risk staying in one place at all?), Dean would have died, along with countless other people. Next we’ve got Sam calling Rowena (wtf?), Sam not telling anyone Dean’s got hours to live (why bother?), Sam leaving a dangerous witch who hates them both to care for his severely debilitated and mindless brother, Sam storming an ancient Den of Wicked Wisdom on his own...let’s be honest for a second - can’t you sort of sympathize with the BMoL’s concerns? Because I’m starting to think we might have an Indy Paradox on our hands here.
Nice on the surface: The brotherly love
Which is actually not so nice because come on, I understand it’s difficult to get over a childhood like that, and by now we’ve got so many metas about Dean being Sam’s parent even Sam’s probably heard about it (we still don’t know what he does online all day, right? so there), but this episode was a whole other level of weirdness. Because, uhm, so they’re in town to hunt a dangerous witch who’s already killed once, and Sam is in his motel room ‘looking into the lore’ (I don’t even want to know what that is code for) and Dean goes out to get himself a burger and never shows up again and Sam’s, like, fine with it? And, sure, this is what used to happen with John, but it doesn’t make it right. And next, it turns out Dean blacked out and, again, Sam’s fine with it? Uhm, hello? We haven’t seen Dean get wasted in a while now, and even when he did, Sam was generally not happy with it, because, I don’t know, that was an alternative reality where Sam recognized that getting blind drunk was Not Okay? And not for moral reasons, obviously (no - we know why, right? right). And finally - despite the state Dean’s in - he can’t even tell apart his damn keys! - Sam doesn’t even offer to drive, because this is what you do around parents, right? You assume they’re okay and self-reliant and that they know what the hell they’re doing, because anything else in unthinkable. So, sure - maybe it’s time for Dean to stop parenting Sam, but it’s also time for Sam to grow up.
Honourable mentions
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The doggie!!
That spell Gideon used sounded like the Irish name Diarmaid, which means ‘without envy’ - kind of fitting for a memory spell.
The geography - Eureka Springs and Carroll County!
The torch!!!!
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