#bitch stfu you've never even tried
emotionalcadaver · 2 years
You guys. So my mom just tore into me because I decided not to go on this daytrip thing that my parents have planned to do tomorrow. Even though she literally told me that I didn’t have to go if I didn’t want to. Ma’am!? You literally offered that I didn’t have to go. Don’t offer that if you weren’t actually okay with it. This is why I am almost incapable of saying no to people. Because for my whole life I’ve been taught that even if someone says it’s okay if I say no, it’s actually not and I get punished for it. I just wanted a day to myself to rest and recharge especially since the rest of the week is going to be INSANITY.  
And then, when I tried to tell her that I’m feeling really anxious because my throat’s been sore most of the day, not only does she fully dismiss that I might be sick, but she threatened to cut off my therapy because it “doesn’t seem like you’re making any progress.” So now I have that to worry about.
I’m just so done with both of my parents at this point and I’m starting to realize that maybe the best thing for me actually would be to get as far away from them as possible after graduation.  
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bbybearcubbs · 6 months
How does someone manage to piss off someone else before that other person is even aware they're awake???
I just became aware of the world around me for 30 seconds max and you've already managed to make me wish my heart stopped while I was asleep. Because why are you mad at me for you having to iron your own son's school pants??? You're mad you have to iron it even though you gave yourself that task??? You said yourself that you'd handle the ironing of clothes since everyone else had other things to get ready for in the morning.
"That phone you love so much? You go loose it. Because you really pissing me off." EXCUSE YOU?!?
Idk if you haven't realized but when was the last time you could complain about the floors being dusty? When was the last time you could complain about the dishes being dirty? When was the last time you could complain about the stove being dirty (right after food was finished being made mind you) When was the last time you could complain about dirty clothes? Or the closest being a mess? Or not finding your shoes under the bed?
I'm stuck at home with the two youngest kids NOT EVEN BY CHOICE and I make it a point to try and keep the place and tidy and neat as possible for 24 hours EVERY DAY because YOU REFUSE to take me to go apply for jobs! I can't do that on my own because I don't have a fucking cent to my name and to get to town I need money because transport costs money!
Don't start ranting early in the mornings as if I haven't been doing shit the entire time I'm home! The only motherfucking thing I don't do is cook and it's only because #1 - I fucking can't and #2 - I'm scared I'll end up wasting ingredients if I tried cause we're broke as fuck, which is no ones fault but you and our moms, and I don't wanna waste anything.
You're recalling the ONE TIME I didn't do the dishes on time in the last month and 2 weeks and blaming it on a phone I didn't have until a week ago?!? You're upset because in the rush of constantly cleaning, dealing with screaming kids on behalf of my mother so she can rest after work and my own screaming mind that never shuts the fuck up, I didn't secure my brothers school pants? Okay yeah I could've hung it up but I didn't think of that, yk why? Cause I was thinking about the living room I needed to clean and the kitchen I needed to clean and the clothes I needed to wash
I forced myself into a sleep schedule so I can do things at a more convenient time for everyone else even though it fucking kills me to be doing anything during the damn day. I work better in the late hours but that's not convenient so I tried to fix the problem and you apparently don't see that. I was up doing chores at 1-2am because our pipe lines suck and we never get running water every day so I needed to refill everything in the house while I could. I also needed to wash as much clothes as possible before they water left. I went to bed at 3 in the fucking morning after having maintained a sleep schedule that has me knocked tf out by 12am.
I was a fucking MESS the next day but STILL managed to follow the fake routine I'd built up. Nothing I do is a routine. I have to actively make the decision to do all those things because adhd is a fucking bitch. And maybe I do rush some days to get back on my phone but that's because I have to play housewife as the oldest kid and haven't left my house beyond going to the shops in the neighborhood twice a week AT MOST. I'M LOOSING MY FUCKING MIND HERE YOU PRICK!!!
Why do I have to walk on eggshells in my own house around my own father because he's a narcissistic, selfish, dumbass??? I'm not supposed to make any mistakes at all??? Name five fucking things I did in the past month that you can consider a problem and I'll stfu.
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mulletmitsuya · 2 years
Bonten groupchat (@sxgarcube-anon)
Warnings: descriptions of violence, descriptions of depression?, orphans, mentions of death and dying, severed fingers, swearing
Mikey: does anyone know where Sanzu is
Mikey: i haven't seen him in three days
Mikey: i'm starting to smell
Koko: ?
Koko: what does that have to do with Sanzu
Mikey: he needs to bathe me
Mikey: and it'd be nice to eat
Mikey: i can't get up, i'm tired, so i can't do it myself
Ran: and Sanzu does all these things for you?
Kakucho: Mikey you can call me when you need these things
Kakucho: i'm at the supermarket right now, what do you need?
Mikey: a will to live
Kaku: ...
Mikey: i ran out of deodarant
Mikey: get me ocean breeze
Rindou: guys do you know where Sanzu is?
Rindou: i told him he was ugly and i haven't seen him in a while
Rindou: do you think i actually hurt his feelings?
Rindou: not that i care or anything, but i've tried calling him 4 times now
Rindou: anyone checked his apartment?
Mikey: someone check his car, sometimes he just passes out there
Takeomi: i'll check both
Rindou: k
Sanzu: aww
Sanzu: you guys care about me
Rindou: nvm idc anymore
Sanzu: don't be alarmed guys
Sanzu: i was kidnapped
Sanzu: but i got out!!
Sanzu: however, they cut my pinkie finger so im gonna try and get that attached
Sanzu: and my stomach feels like it's inside out
Sanzu: i think my organs are bruised
Sanzu: this is the third time i've thrown up blood
Sanzu: anyway, what's up with you guys
Ran: ??
Sanzu: to make sure Mikey was okay, duh
Sanzu: Mikey are you okay
Mikey: no
Mikey: could've told me u were kidnapped
Sanzu: they tried to call you for ransom but you didn't answer lmao
Sanzu: not that there's anything wrong with that king🙇‍♂️
Mikey: i don't pick up numbers i don't know
Mikey: perhaps i should
Mikey: sorry
Sanzu: never apologize to me, you've done nothing wrong
Rindou: dude
Koko: go get ur pinkie attached
Ran: send a picture💖
Sanzu: k
Kaku: please don't
Ran: i saw you gut someone open last night☺
Kaku: intestines don't scare me as much as severed fingers do
Kaku: i just find it creepy
Ran: you're so strange Kaku
Koko: you saying that is...
Koko: nevemind
Ran: speak up Kokonoi 😙
Koko: you're weird tbh
Koko: and your brother too
Koko: thought i'd get used to it
Rindou: my motto is "never let them know your next move"
Koko: most of the time it's just embarrassing but ok
Rindou: you side characters wouldn't understand
Takeomi: win a fight first dumbass
Ran: get over that will you??
Ran: we were like, teens
Takeomi: you were adults
Ran: oh
Ran: Rindou back me up
Rindou: uhm
Rindou: lol Takeomi your sister died
Ran: too far
Koko: wow
Kaku: why though
Kaku: why do you think that's funny :/
Rindou: ur mom
Ran: Rin you can stop now
Kaku: cause i'm an orphan?? wow so funny and original ahaha
Rindou: ur dad
Ran: Rindou!! Stop!!
Sanzu: Rindou you're not eating
Sanzu: i don't think i used that right
Koko: huh?
Sanzu: he thought he ate
Sanzu: guess you can't use it in present tense
Mikey: fuck are you talking about
Sanzu: nvm
Rindou: i just ate breakfast?
Sanzu: NVM!
Sanzu: ur too stupid to get it
Rindou: u look like an unfinished barbie doll
Sanzu: unfinished???
Sanzu: what's that supposed to mean🤨
Ran: your fights amount to nothing
Ran: please stop <3
Mikey: yeah u guys end up using actual weapons for no reason so stfu
Rindou: y'all know he's rabid, i'm just tryna protect myself
Koko: and you're not??
Kaku: yeah Rindou you do kinda act like an animal
Sanzu: HAH
Sanzu: BIRTH
Sanzu: *bitch
Rindou: you can't even insult me properly 😐
Takeomi: can u please shut up
Sanzu: omfg just turn off your hearing aids
Takeomi: i'm not that old
Ran: 👴
*Takeomi has left the chat*
Rindou: treat your older brother with respect Haruchiyo
Sanzu: he's not my brother
Sanzu: don't include yourself in matters that have nothing to do with you bitch boy
Sanzu: i'll eat your fucking lungs
Rindou: you are the biggest cunt i have ever met!
Rindou: you are intolerable!
Rindou: how can you stand to look at yourself in the mirror and stand what you see???
Ran: you see what i was talking about 🙂
Sanzu: AND YOU????
Kaku: you're both hypocrites, please stop😐
Rindou: you have such a terrible personality LMAO
Rindou: no wonder Takeomi picked Senju
Sanzu: ...
Sanzu: wow
Sanzu: k
*Sanzu has left the chat*
Mikey: why would you say that to him
Ran: you always go too far Rindou💀
Ran: even Sanzu has feelings
Ran: probably
Koko: what's up with them though?? like as siblings what went wrong
Rindou: uh
Rindou: me n Haru do this all the time tho
Rindou: we're flirting
Ran: r u joking????
Kaku: you think that's what that is?
Rindou: IS IT NOT??
Rindou: k i gotta go
*Rindou has left the chat*
Ran: young love
Ran: i suppose
Mikey: i will slaughter you all
Kaku: why????
Ran: we didn't even do anything what😭
Mikey: Kaku where are you
Mikey: i managed to get in the bath
Mikey: the faucet's too far
Mikey: best i can do
Kaku: baby steps r important
Kaku: the fact that you got out of bed is really great!
Kaku: i'll be there in a few
Mikey: get Sanzu mochi
Mochi: huh
Mikey: the pink and green ones
Mikey: i think he's sad
Mikey: not you, Mochi
Mochi: k
Kaku: alright :}
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feareth-who · 3 years
I think you know who I am
Damn that sounded mysterious asf for no reason-
I feel like you are popular on TumblrTM type of person.
you would prefer coffee over tea but bUT you dispise tea haters. You sip tea occasionally. Yes.
You adore cats even when they bite you.
You're like "omg she bit me!"
Owner: "omg sorry-
You: "yes. I've been blessed by the bite of the cat. *enter internal monologue* I'll become cat lady over night."
You like to be perceived but you're introverted. That is, you like to be perceived as either the main fucking character or that character that never talks but everyone loves cause they a moodTM.
You hate ppl who call art easy. Idk you'd probably kick their ass even if you haven't ever been in a fight.
You have too much confidence on your physical strength. Your lazy ass has never ever lifted weights like for the purpose of strength but you still believe you can beat thanos in combat cause you have secret magical girl powersTM.
You think you are a water elemental but you know you are an earth. You still try to make plants talk to you and you've also tried to manipulate stones to hit some jackass. You failed. But you don't believe in physics. So you still try again.
Thank you and you're fucking beautiful (even when occasionally you hate your reflection. Bitch you're looking at royalty. Pay respect to your reflection. It pretty asf. The mirror is blessed you look into it. But yk what's blessed more? Whatever you put your heart into.
Your work >>>> your appearance matters.)
ok first of all i don't think i do? but I'm not tryna guess either way-
it sounded hella mysterious lol
sjkhfs I'm not popular lmaoo, i just love interacting which is the reason I h like a 100 moots who's names I keep forgetting help-
that is true, just facts. if u hate tea, ur gonna hv to gimme reasons.
cats are so cool and cute they're absolute floof balls, i love them, honestly never minded a cat biting me, even my own does! till it becomes unbearable lol
Pls I would so say that, this too accurate wtf ilysm nonnie, i prefer to think i already am cat lady lol
ok one thing u got wrong there but it's okiee,,, I LOVE BEING PERCEIVED BUT THE PROBLEM IS NOT THT IM INTROVERTED but extroverted which is why I can't stfu and spill shit left n right but I've managed to be perceived since I'm in my new college so all good hehe,,, which does mean I love being either the mc or the cool side mysterious dude who's a mood😌✨
art is not easy, artblocks aren't either, you cannot tell me shit bout it, i won't listen. i prolly might if they take it too far, I've always stopped fights but if I ever get into one, my dad taught me how to punch 🙃👊
indeed, i hv low stamina lmaoo but too much confidence, I'll be panting from running just a lil bit, my cheeks also get super red dk wuts up w/ my metabolism 🤷‍♀️ honestly think I could get Thanos down with a punch and a kick, it's a charm of my secret magical girl powers™
how how do uk shit, idk if shld be intrigued or like when tf did I say this shit memory???
but okiee, yess I am a water elemental or so i think, but now you've called me out on talking to plants (mum said I did that as a kid lmaoo, i still do they're just idk how to explain but yeah) did smone say manipulating stones to hit a jackass bcuz 😗🙂✨ there's this one that would look so good with that stone on their face 😅🙃 UH HUH F PHYSICS 😭, i do i try every single time but i think my focusing glare scares them off more lol.
your work >>>> your appearance
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zitaosluckylady · 7 years
Can you say something nice about mutuals you've interacted with who you think are closest to you? Can be as many as you wish, it's time to spread positivity
omg i always get tagged in these and ppl r so nice 2 me which is weird bc im a bitch but lets GOOOOOOOO 
@exoverdosed hello my Yeri banging friend, i think ur banter, i like talking 2 u loads, i often think leo is ur ult instead of suho. Im able to say a lot of my humour 2 u without u getting offended so props 2 u. also when i said id be the vicar at ur wedding i meant it im coming over there bonchgrh
@alphahailang hello my quiet awks tao lovin mate. I scream to u abt like every group in the world n ur just like :DDDDD but ur probs more like stfu on the inside but i do it bc u gas things up so thx. ur always hyping me n ur other mutuals up so i think ur amazing ima hype u up 2 
@kim-jonginism ayy wassup, i can say pretty much most things to u and ur like LOL. ur like my first or one of my first mutuals????? so its been 2 yrs??? of talking or smth i think. Still remember that original blog name?? I hope u snatch ur man one day n get dicked down every day for the rest of ur life even on period week bc thats what towels r for. 
@spicybaek this aint gonna tag u bc my tumblr hates ur username 4 some reason but ur jokes and ur a fave bro and i hope that baek spices up ur bedroom one day but ill say no more bc ur like IM PURE but when he keeps u up all nite u aint gonna be pure then (ill never stop). remember the day u popped up to me i cant remember what u said but what a great choice u made 
@anki-tao uhh tbh we dont speak like a LOT but ur a tao friend, u advised me what to do when i lost me toothbrush and we have been mutuals for a while. when u said u were gonna deactivate a while back i was a bit :( but u didnt and here we are wooooooo
@wonwooniie uh we love jun??? with all our hearts!!!!! and we gas him up 24/7 its wonderful. havent spoken to u a lot lately but we will many more convos to come and lots more seventeen screaming 2 do.
@kimjjwon i need u as my iKON friend, it is important we share the blessing that is iKON together and talk about how yg sucks aSS. also ur rlly nice, and u seem laid back and yes the day hanbin makes that soundcloud is when ill come to u cryin 
@xiudaddyhadmelike ur not getting one ill be here for ages might as well send u an email 
@kairamelcappuccino we dont talk much tbh but i wanna say i hope u n ur cats r happy and ur problems got solved and u grow up in a safe environment where ur parents do their job and look after YOU!!!
@kais-daddy ur literally so jokes ur like DILDO THIS n std that n i got dicked down last night u crack me up. We had a good sugar daddy talk one time, ur an inspiration to us all i hope Yifan comes to ur house and u have the nite of ur life o k
pretty sure i left people out i TRIED  anyways u regret askin me for this now???
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desertsugar · 7 years
Fake as Fuck
That's me. Because I smile into my bf's dad's face all the time & act so friendly when in all reality he annoys me. Greatly.
It all starts w/his drinking. He's a little shit starter. Turns into an angry, bitter old man or a depressed slop who drags his weight on whatever he feels should have it.
He's weak. That's why his children are weak.... well at least 3 out of the 4. I don't know the oldest to pass judgment.
Come on dude, you went all the way back to Tx, leaving behind your young son for 5yrs. I was going to forgive it (not that I'm anything special) but you made No Effort to keep in contact w/him. He came to Tx to find YOU.
& today you don't even know your first grandkids names.
*& it made my cringe so hard when he came over yesterday when he said he forgot his grandchild's name & then he says "and then I remember Persephone." Fuck no asshole you have FOUR grandchildren you bitch. How do you just cancel out your first child? Your first son?*
His (second son. His namesake) Other son wrapped his hands around his throat and started suffocating him. & he just sat there and took it. I had to intervene.
His children are brats b/c they grew up w/no consequence for their actions. Why didn't you love them enough to decipline them? So they can be fully functioning adults?
He doesn't try. You ever dealt with someone who just let's stuff happen to him? He's one of those. Hand him all the tools he needs to survive & he'd still die.
Previous story above as evidence. As well as he gets a fat SSI check but OVERDRAFTS his account on beer. He sleeps on everyone's couches instead of going to get him an apt or house, putting a bed in it & sleep in it. He can't even go inside a freezer to get himself an icecream cone. He "cant find it" "doesnt know how to work the freezer" when all you have to do is pull on the drawer and get the fucking cone out.
At the hospital, everyone comes to visit me & the baby. They take pics but he doesn't. He waits until his son (I have the 3rd son) is asleep then complains at me about how he didn't get any pictures with her. Nigga does it look like I organized who did what when? Fuck no, I just sat here like you just sat here. If you wanted to take pictures with her NOBODY was stopping you. Get your I'm-The-Victim ass up, get your phone or anyones phone & ask or snap the damn picture like EVERYONE ELSE. You're not special.
He's a bitch.
Told me black people dont belong w/any body & Third Son & I shouldnt be together.
Third Son & I can't even talk amongst ourselves b/c he has to butt in & make it about himself. We def can't argue b/c he'll but in & keep repeating "dont argue dont argue" then MAKE IT ABOUT HIMSELF. Again.
Tried to make me out to be a bad parent b/c I left my kid in her crib while going to make her a bottle. I don't carry her everywhere 🙄
He talks too much.
Have a movie playing? FUCK IT hopefully you've seen it before b/c he won't stfu so you can pay attention to it.
Oh did you think you'd be able to be on your phone? Lol, send that tweet to drafts b/c he has a sob story to tell you about how he wanted to go fishing but he didn't know where to go but he never asked but expected someone to tell him.
I bet you thought you'd be able to leave? Nah fam, you got all the time in the world to listen to him bitch about the kids HE raised (w/his wife) & kept/keeps coddling.
He's just annoying. Oh & how he has to show up to my house all the time. Sit outside just to call me to ask Juan if he can come outside. Call him on HIS phone. Howbowdat? Knock. Come inside. Howbowdat? Stop coming to my house to come pick your son up when you're supposed to be at work. Find some friends. Juan has a child to take care of. 🙄
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