#bite me in the ass later
valtsv · 8 months
one of these days someone is going to ask me to name a woman who inspires me and i'll be just not mentally engaged enough to say james fitzjames and only realise what i've done when they pull out their phone, look something up, and then look back at me with a baffled expression and say "the 19th century naval officer?"
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andaniellight · 10 months
I can't believe this. Even after 15 years now (Law first debuted around 2008-2009 in the manga) and probably almost a decade of Law and Zoro's longest interaction, there's no Firefighters x Medic AU starring Luffy, Law, and Zoro as the main pairing on AO3? Literally 0 fic in there? What is this. Why are there more fic with policeman!Zoro out there when you know being a firefighter is a much more noble freeing thing to do and something someone like Roronoa Zoro would rather be in a much more normal world. It's outrageous.
Not to mention the potentials that Firefighters x Medic AU has? The sheer hilarity that can cancel any form of angst it might produce just from imagining this tall, stressed and sleep-deprived paramedic/doctor, having to deal with these two unstoppable forces having concussion. The ridiculous conversation in the ER between the dazed Zoro who's just trying to save Luffy who's just trying to extract 10 or so people from burning building, all must be handled professionally by the Mr. Professional from North Blue itself, Trafalgar Law? The discordant flirting dynamics because this super tall doctor must be new around here, how could he be so dense when the two injured guys were just trying to get to know him better? But then again, Zoro is Zoro and Luffy is Luffy. Everyone Lives but honestly at what cost? Surely more new found families to be added for each of them.
Edit: Ended up writing it myself.
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fowlblue · 6 months
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hail to the king, baby
(i love this terrible man)
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defiledtomb · 5 days
you know when you're going through a high stress situation that is prolonged and agonizing but you've put on a brave face and you think you've got this! 💪 and then a week into it you accidentally burn your quinoa and there's smoke and all of a sudden your skin is sloughing off and you feel like alice about to be swept away in a tide of her own tears? mmnnmm yeag.
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anotherdragon · 11 months
okay im back to being attatched to codeflipa....shes just a lil baby :(
But seriously- this feels the most genuine we've seen codeflippa before. "Can I go to bed now Im scared" "I love you dad I really do." Something about those signs just felt so much more...real than everything else shes done.
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fatedroses · 19 days
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When you're the emperor of an entire nation and undoubtably have countless very important things to do...
...but you instead drive over to your friend's estate deep in the mountains to surprise him, just to be a normal person for a little while.
(Aka he's hiding out so he can nap in the arboretum for a couple days.)
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demonzoro · 4 months
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began to write a fic outline. had a breakdown. bon appetit.
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apotelesmaa · 7 months
Distressing that people think ruikasa are capable of emotional introspection and self awareness like we are talking about two of the most emotionally dense characters in the game. Canon compliment characterization is them being stupid as all hell. New levels of idiocy are being discovered over here at PXL.
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gregoftom · 1 year
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lucreziaces · 2 months
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love the implication that there is only one "correct" way to love lucrezia which is to serve her, and anything less just isn't good enough. "you are marrying lucrezia borgia. your sole allegiance is to her now" is something you would say to the woman, not the man in these times. the woman is thought to exist to serve the man, not the other way around--again during these times!! also, this is just reiterating what he said in the episode before to lucrezia when he told her, "he will love you, he will serve you [....]". cesare believes this to be true because it's what he would do because he knows his sister's heart well enough to understand that the only way to hold it in your hand is if you give up any sense of control and just surrender yourself to her as if she is a religion, as if she is god herself. and in an attempt to do the right thing here cesare is basically handing the advice alfonso needs to have any chance at a successful marriage with his sister to him on a silver platter. and yet it seems to fall on deaf ears because alfonso fails to even try and fight for lucrezia's son's place at court. "will your "more" be enough?" and the answer, ladies and gentlemen, is no. it will not. turns out lucrezia is right to say "only a borgia, it seems, can truly love a borgia" because no one else even bothers to take the time to understand her like cesare does. 🙃🙃
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evaglass · 5 months
Taigen: You really are a demon
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Michael kaiser?? More like Michael Afton LMAO
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Photography By Me‼️‼️
Michael afton?? who the hell's that?
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how do you guys think jade and june would change classpect-wise in kidswap. considering that this adds another 3 years to their non-SBURB life, i got to consider how the different circumstances and extra time would come to change their personalities (and along with that, their classes).
not to go into detail with the strilondes here because this is a harleybert-focused post, but to sum it up i made rose a rogue of light to reflect how she tried to imitate roxy in mom lalonde’s absence, while also displaying her own feelings of inadequacy when it comes to what she’s naturally proficient at, knowledge (light), due to err, apocalyptic circumstances. dave would be a page of time, to demonstrate how without bro, he wouldn’t have absorbed the kind of self sacrificial ruthlessness that a prince of heart would have, instead gaining more self loathing from the fact that dirk is a knight, and try as he might, dave feels as if he could never live up to what he thinks he should want to be. okay recap done with back to the prospits
i think another 3 years of isolation would have legitimately driven jade fucking crazy. we can see from the epilogues and hsbc how being essentially quarantined from the rest of humanity pregame, and then losing the first source of consistent social interaction she has for another 3 years during the retcon ship trip has made her incredibly desperate for any scrap of affection and/or human interaction that she thinks she can’t ever lose. even pregame we see that jade’s only been comforting herself to avoid her loneliness through the skaian prophecies of being able to meet her friends. that’s all she has. adding the fact that bec now can’t really stay with her 24/7 and another 3 years on to that pile and you can see how quickly it fucks over her mental health to the point where i’m pretty sure my kidswap jade is more close to hsbc jade than she is to og jade. funnily enough though i don’t think i’d change her from witch of space to anything. jade’s class being the witch is tied to her complete lack of autonomy in regards to something ruled over by her aspect (which is something she shares with her fellow witches, feferi and damara!), while also referring to how in a trade off for immense power (with witches being consistently in positions of power, either in class or raw potency of ability) she loses any agency she may have gained previously, and is pulled along by the strings of the narrative until it’s done with. (again, another thing she shares with feferi and damara). this isn’t to say the robbing of jade’s autonomy and agency in the narrative in exchange for power and/or the ability to create life is solely from the narrative implications of her classpect alone, but it does play a big part.
with june it’s quite similar, since even at the very first section of act 1 we see how hollow her ‘normal suburban life’ is, despite its normalcy. i think something to note is june’s melancholy about how empty everything seems to be despite things being like they should be is something that remains (despite being repressed and then touched upon and then repressed even harder this time) through hs, culminating in her depressive spiral in the epilogues— these seeds of dissatisfaction and restlessness appear in her since the very beginning, and i feel like they would eventually result in her being depressed nonetheless, with the game or not. another 3 years of mundane, supposedly acceptable suburban life would probably drive her to the same brink as original jade, just maybe the brink could be less tall. like, 50% less. or 30%, depends on how you interpret her depressive spirals in the epilogues. again, the thing is, i can’t really find it in myself to change her class either. this seems very fitting for an heir of breath, and i don’t think the extra years would cause anything to change for her class-wise; she’d probably hold on to that sense of detachment and apathy to not lose her mind at how hollow everything around her is.
and isn’t that harrowing? three whole years of extra time, a whole different set of circumstances and yet neither of them change very much fundamentally. sure, they may be a hell of a lot more desperate and introspective (questionable. is facing the endless hole of loneliness/emptiness within the world around you and yourself introspection?) now, but as who they truly are deep inside, nothing has truly shifted. the world changed, the people around them changed, and yet they still stay the same.
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cursed-elements-blog · 2 months
leo, tj, flynn, jenna... so the last is-
Hey what is your opinion on Carl?
okay im bout to get personal here but I have someone i know irl who is kind of like carl with the anxiety minus the drugs and binge eating to cope and like i feel as if a lot of the discourse surrounding him is due to a lack of understanding of how fucking bad anxiety disorders can be.
and so like it pisses me the fuck OFF when people are like "ooh he just needs to get over it and go outside. he's rich yap yap yap" yeah sure okay he got money but his issues is not easily solvable with that!! let's not lie and say that his parents are an active part in his life. like they clearly love him and greatly care for him but they were not around a fuck ton of the time.
so like i see Carl's anxiety issues and I see someone irl who i'm really close to and who I care a lot about and simply put im his #1 defender. i'll defend this fucking ram till the day I die cause I indirectly know just how debilitating anxiety is, how fucking scary panic attacks and breakdowns can be, how the slightest issue can just end up spiraling into something much bigger than it actually is. how it isn't just a "go outside and get help and everything will be better!!" problem. it's something that takes a fuck ton of work from both the person with anxiety and everyone around them and most importantly, support understanding and communication. something that imo Carl doesn't have a strong amount of around him.
beyond his anxiety, I think he's a pretty fun dude! seems like a great guy to get high with lmao (says a woman who has never done drugs). Carl x Daxton is the peak of the peak echo vn Carl Hendricks ship. they should make out sloppy style
love this ram
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savemeweltyang · 2 months
Can we take a minute to talk about how gross fandoms are about fat characters?
People will complain about someone watering down their favs to one trait and then do the same thing to fat or even just chubby characters by making their whole personality about being fat. Something I see a lot is people ONLY headcanoning characters who are heavily associated with food as fat (ex. Pinkie Pie from MLP, Xiangling from Genshin) but absolutely no one else. It's perfectly fine to headcanon them that way, in fact I encourage people to headcanon any character however they want, but seeing them that way just because of their association with food is a little??? Strange.
It's really frustrating to see fat characters watered down to just eating or liking food when there's a lot more to them than that. I feel like it also feeds in to the false narrative that all fat people do is sit around and eat. You can be fat with a healthy diet. You can be fat and still be active. For some people, being fat is just genetic. Honestly? It doesn't even matter why a person is fat. It's so irritating to see how the only time fat characters are really portrayed is when they're involved with food.
I'm fairly chubby myself, so seeing the only representation we get being super fetishized or just dumbed down to eating is really disheartening.
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fayeandknight · 1 year
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My dad refers to her as Mandibles of Death.
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