#biteyourcrush;Dr. Schmidt
atropaanimus · 2 years
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"Dia de los Muertos has gone very pleasantly.”
Mariah free zone at work. Time only exists when it is meant to. She can almost hear someone’s complaints from here.
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prankmasterz · 2 years
@biteyourcrush​ replied to your post:
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      “ .......... Girl, don’t get me wrong or anything, but I do not want a bod like Vick’s. Like, she’s nice and all, no disrespect — but that’s not me. Yeah, yeah, I know beggars can’t be choosers, I don’t have many options here, but like... You know. I’d rather fuckin’ not.”
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spkyscry-a · 2 years
@biteyourcrush​ replied: Well... Dr. Schmidt may still not know she's a lesbebn, but at the VERY least she's now fully committed to getting to know the local CEO of hell simply to hear/share more wild and fucked stories from "back in the day".
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That’s it. That’s her whole response to that. Just that smile.
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royalreef · 2 years
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@biteyourcrush​ inquired: 💭 Vicky's Mom Talk about it - Accepting
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      “ ......... She is much like Vicky, in that I would like her to stay out of my business.
       Is that cruel? I do not intend to be quite so awful to her — I know Vicky is very attached to her, and that the two are close, and I am not here to question such a thing. She is, outright, fine. I do not mind it so much, from a distance.
     But when she grows closer? When she tries to poke and pry at the edges of my kingdom, of my people, of what I am doing? I do not like it when people try too hard to discover what I am doing, when they suspect me of my intentions and my means. I do not know her. We are not close like how Vicky is close to her, and considering my own family, the mere act of doing so is paramount to a threat made directly against me. She doesn’t know what she is doing. She doesn’t know what she is brushing up against, what lies behind the locked doors she is so desperate to get into, what...
     I do not know her in any sense. I do not know what she wants with me. I do not know if she wishes to remake me, as if I am but mere clay laid before her. I am a person. I am not a toy, I am not a means to an end, I am not someone else’s plaything with which they can break or bend as they please, I am a princess. I have had the crown laid upon my brow and I have forced countless others to take the knee before me, enforced my will and my way in means so total that nothing may grow back in their places. I am the iron fist of the Merkingdom. I am their will and I am their way.
      Have I presented myself as coward? Have I let anyone be so mistaken as to consider me weak? To consider me unworthy of my throne? Do you think I am broken? Do you think me pathetic? Do you think there is something wrong with me? Do you stand there before me and doubt everything that I have ever done and all that I represent, and think yourself a better Queen than me? As if you would do it better? As if you would know how to reign any better than those who were born for it, who have had their every breathing moment dedicated to such a task?
      Am I your pet project? Am I just something else to be taken apart and discarded, because you think I would look better in some other configuration?”
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       “ .......... I apologize for losing my temper. This is... a delicate subject matter, for myself, as I am sure you can imagine. Dr. Schmidt is fine. I would prefer to keep a distance between us, however.”
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dizzyizzyharper · 3 years
@biteyourcrush​ says: "Don't think you're getting left out either, missy- quit brooding and grab yourself some pie!" -Dr. Mom
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“Uh... I’m a corvid, that’s basically in my blood.”
Wasn’t this Vicky’s mom though? Of course free food never hurt and Wicker was already demanding Izzy stop being depressed. That was his job after all and he was going to stick to it.
“... I’m not exactly fit for being a decent guest but... depends on the kind of pie.”
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fullcfphobias-a · 3 years
@biteyourcrush "Good grief, it's a good thing I brought out the big picnic blanket- okay young man! You're joining us in the No Dads circle, c'mon." -Dr. Schmidt
“Oh–! Um, okay!”
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“Thank you, Dr. Schmidt.”
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upcmingorganic · 3 years
@biteyourcrush "Absolutely, bring it in buster." -Dr. Mom
“Can do, Friend Doctor Schmidt!”
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His hands are whisks now, it’s PIE TIME!
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foulflames · 4 years
Vicky Schmidt Valentine's Submission for Amira Rashid
Alright. The temporary +BOLDNESS from Brian’s jam sesh is infectious. Fuck it!
Name: Victoria Galatea Schmidt Age: 23 Do you like to cuddle?: Ch'yeah! Can we make-out?: I think, you know, that would be hypothetically pretty sick. A night in or dinner out?: I really like to get out there and see the city, but cozying up together at home is good too! They’ve both their merits! Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: ICE CREAM! Chocolate covered strawberries are good, don’t get me wrong, but MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE ICE CREAM is SO GOOD! What makes you a good Valentine?: I am very caring and attentive to people’s needs, I’m not afraid to put myself out there even if I fail, and you know? I’m pretty doggone cute! Would you cook for me?: I’d love to! I do a lot of cooking at home as it is, since Dr. Mom usually loses track of time re: meals, and I’ve got a pretty good handle on bechamel sauces for home made mac ‘n cheese! Would you let me cook for you?: Always willing to try something once! I don’t think I’ve ever seen your cooking, but I bet you’ve got a specialty dish up your sleeve!
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‘THIS THE SEASON. // @biteyourcrush​ 
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“ ... I mean, I guess you’re a girl ... An’ also a friend ... Makes ya a girl friend, right ? ”
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“ An’ if nobody else’s got a date, we can spend the day with the rest of the gang too ! ”
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brainsorwhatever · 4 years
"I've got multiple doctorates, sport. I've also played poker with assassins, figuring out tells is a subtle science." -Dr. Schmidt
She’s so freaking cool!!!!
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“Sweet, I know how to make No-Bake Mac n’ Cheese... so we're pretty much in the same wavelength.”  He joked.
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atropaanimus · 2 years
“Aw how sweet.
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“She called me dear.”
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atropaanimus · 2 years
@biteyourcrush​ The Adults are Talking
“Then this is where we have our grievances.”
Asier had Vicky’s soul in her rehabilitation vault before this very human in front of her decided to break down her every system and take it back. It took years to finally get through to this stubborn idiot that death wasn’t here to take her back... but Asier knew that there was damage that needed to be healed.
And this is what happened when it wasn’t.
“The shame and the guilt, to wallow in it further, bury yourself so far down to escape the very feeling you are taking with you.” Time and again, there was no escaping these feelings. Asier knew it to be true, observing all sorts of living entities. “I feel you knew this was going to happen. There were opportunities to prevent it, yet here we are.”
Yes, specifically Asier used the term ‘we’, rather than just Francesca herself. Admittedly she had been keeping an eye on Vicky since her soul left her vault. It was the one time she left completely unlicensed necromancy go. Asier could have told Vicky the truth as well, but it wasn’t her place to do so. Weightlessly the reaper walked over to the desk, looking briefly down at the phone.
Asier thought about bringing Belladonna into this, but she didn’t want to start asking them for help. It was hard enough for Asier to think of a way to approach Vicky herself, and the more associations with her mother right now weren’t what she needed. All Milo knew was that something very wrong had happened thanks to their empathy. Asier made sure they had the rest of the week off to keep themselves sorted out.
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The reaper put one hand on Francesca’s shoulder, giving her a quick moment to take in the fact she was there. “Are you going to start climbing out of this pit you’ve thrown yourself into?”
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atropaanimus · 3 years
@biteyourcrush​ said: "Hey, if you end up taking a day off one of us oughta check on hell and make sure it hasn't frozen over." -Dr. Mom 
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“Perhaps... as that could be arranged...”
A pause. Was that a chaotic glimmer in her eye?
“The universal ramifications of us both taking a day of reprieve at the same time may be catastrophic. This may need to be investigated.”
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atropaanimus · 4 years
@biteyourcrush​ said: "Wow, Ace- pot and kettle, much?" -Dr. Schmidt
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“I believe I could say the same about you, Dr. Schmidt. Though it is best you give grievances and complaints to me directly and as bluntly as possible.”
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dizzyizzyharper · 3 years
@biteyourcrush​ said: "You can stay in the lab if you like, kiddo. Plenty of noise cancellation down here, and Vicky's off elsewhere." -Dr. Mom 
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“Where’d you-” Where did she keep coming from?
That was a weird thing to mention. “So... Poprocks isn’t going to be there... not sure what that has to do anything... you just let hobo stray birds into your house?”
Confused harpy was confused.
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