onlywayleftisup · 3 years
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draw dump
im still alive ! albeit barely holding my head above the waters 
dragon nest stuff, as well as aspen draws hehe
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starfall-moondust · 5 years
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DN sketches that would be finished but dunno when lelelel
Long haired dude is my Bleed Phantom, Ummar.
Short haired dude is my bestie Raisu's son Raven, Bjolne.
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mixp · 6 years
Meeting Him
I met him on a day where the sky is bluer than summer's and the sky shines bright enough to dazzle. Appearing behind me out of air, eyes sharp behind the glasses of his spectacles, I had to squint to see him properly because everything he wore screams bright.
"Are you lost?" He asked me.
Lost? I had been to Saint Haven before. I know the streets. Lost in navigational sense, I certainly am not. Feeling lost in life, however, is a different matter. But I am sure this stranger did not mean the latter and I would not burden him with that.
"Um..." I started. The stranger perked up with an expectant face. This is bad. So dallying and answer him. "Um...! I- I am not lost..." His figure settled into a relaxed position but his face showed a hint of being troubled. I could almost hear him berating himself for troubling a stranger.
... Maybe that was just me.
"Um," I felt a bit useless to start my sentences with an 'Um' but I had to do it in order to gain this stranger's attention. "I may not be lost in directions, but I am currently lost on where to stay for tonight. Do you know which inn is better in terms of quality and rates?" I asked and I am glad for it because he looks relieved that he did not bother someone who does not require any help.
"In Saint Haven?" He asked to confirm, to which I replied in the positive. "Ah... I may not know much because I don't frequent in Saint Haven usually- but," he added in a rush, "In my experience, Saint is a good inn. It's only 5 golds per night and 3 golds per meal. A bit pricey but for Saint Haven's rates I'd wager it's the most affordable one."
For a city like this, that is cheap. But by the jiggle of my pouch, the most I could afford is a stale bread and a night out in the stables. I spent most of the few I had to travel here. I had the suspicions that the carriageman overcharged me but it is too late to do anything about it now and I was desperate. I could not blame him for taking advantage of that. But that still did not stop the tendrils of self-hatred that started to crawl its way up onto me.
Worthless sister!
A failure!
I closed my eyes and willed that memory away. Not now. Especially not in front of a stranger.
"-iss?" My attention snapped back to reality. The stranger's brow frowned in concern as he peered at me. "Miss, are you alright?"
"Yes!" I cut. "Yes, I'm alright!" He did not look convinced. I sweated. I was about to insist further before my eyes fell on the noticeboard behind the gentleman. Before I knew it, my mouth has already opened to ask, "Do they post bounties on that?"
The stranger looked taken aback with the sudden change of topic but by following my gaze and the look of understanding that fell on his face, I reckoned he caught on and tactful enough to not mention my financial status in public.
As we walked to the noticeboard (or more to I rushed towards it and he followed behind me), he replied to my last question. "Yes they do post bounties on this. The latest one has been posted by the Court Sorceress Kayleen about a cyclop that has been terrorising the villagers. There has been reports on missing people that has ventured into that place. Lots of adventurers have gone taking up this challenge but noone has been successful to bring it down yet." Taking the bounty off the board, I nodded. This is it. First step to self-retribution.
"I'm going."
"Miss, I disagree."
"I have to disagree on your disagreement."
"Miss-" The gentleman stumbled a step on a small rock in his rush to stop me. "That place," he huffed, "is dangerous! At least let me come with you." He pled.
It's an angel sent down from Heavens.
Roars dying down to wet gurgles.
Somehow this angel did not sound angelic anymore.
"That was a big success!" I cheered after we delivered the cyclop's eye for the Court Sorceress as a proof. "Isn't it, Mr. Bjolne! You're so strong!"
Bjolne looked sheepish. "Ah no, I'm not. I was just in a very... advantageous situation against that cyclop." He then took out a gold pouch and handed it to me. "This is your share of that bounty." I took the weight of it and gave a frown.
"This is too heavy." I announced and gave him a suspicious look. "This is heavier than 25 golds. Much much more heavier than 50 golds even."
"I insist."
So he did gave more!
"I resist!"
"Miss Pugnasonic-" he started. We both gave a pause after that. The flashback of telling him my current name was too embarassing to recall. My cheeks gave a flush. "I insist."
"No thank you! How many did you put in there?"
He looked troubled. "... 2000 golds?"
I can feel my head started to spin at that revelation.
"I insist."
"No thank you...! I resist!"
As we went back and forth, the cycle of fate started to spin to our oblivious state.
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onlywayleftisup · 3 years
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........ bjolne gets scratched a lot by his birds’ claws 
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onlywayleftisup · 4 years
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my baby raven ........ admiring dad’s coolness
its also why he dyed his hair red !!! he wants to b as cool 😎
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although it is funny that back when i had bjolne, dn’s reddest hairdye was carrot orange. i jsut interpret this sad imitation of ruby’s hair color as “bjolne’s hair was too fair that when he dyed it red the color came out orange”
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onlywayleftisup · 4 years
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ok but like, the dregenkids w swapped personalities
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onlywayleftisup · 4 years
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bjolne has naturally ( villainous ) features n hes self-conscious abt it enough that he dyed his hair red n sports large glasses to hide them
his lil bros lowkey agree
... just thought abt doodling bjolne bc vandar releases next week n ive decided that my new vandar will be associated to bjolne \o/
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onlywayleftisup · 5 years
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onlywayleftisup · 5 years
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bjolne from lotus marsh, who at 29 is my oldest assassin (also the first assassin i made back in 2015). he has slanted eyes and high brows so he kinda always looks either confused or looking down at u eventhough hes v soft. also i tend to give him costumes that have shorter tops/vests bc yoln is supposed to be a v slender sin compared to all my other sins
i cant for the life of me draw hands lmao im sorry 
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onlywayleftisup · 6 years
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tryna decide who to gib purpl blossom cosu to, so i have a poll open in fb like during last xmas (bashaar won that by a landslide and he enjoys the win) and also here... just in case.. idk.. 
Blanteire: color palette usually blue, but ok to be fair he looks good in any of the costumes. resident pretty boy and he knows it. hes getting cranky because the last time he got a costume was silk.
Riverfire: ur frenly neighbourhood white color costume hoarder (like raoul). i have a soft spot for him because hes my youngest sin tbh. he looks good in white is all i can say, because i have a strong Thing for whitehair+darkskin in bright clothing. the contrast gives me eyegasm. 
special mention to the man who isnt part of the poll because im not gonna buy this shade of the costume but he is the one who wears cherry blossom the best, Bjolne. the color is perfect for him because he rocks red and black, but i have to get white no matter what because the weapons are for riverfire, who owns zero (0) weapon costumes. 
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onlywayleftisup · 6 years
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poll results are up!
from being shamelessly half naked to completely covered up, my one and only blue-eyed assassin bashaar wins his competition by a staggering 4x more votes than reuvern, and therefore will be the one to wear this year’s winter costume (\w/)!!! thank you to everyone who voted!
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its ok fern!! im trying my absolute best to find you that wedding suit!! 
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onlywayleftisup · 6 years
today on: i think the most about DN and my DNkids when i am away from the actual game i think its my body’s way of coping with being away from its children LMAO but eh just rambles about how pvp/pve works in my storyworld, weapons, and how lei is not op :c
.. in my DN story, or universe, or storyworld, i like to think that adventurers, though maybe skilled in fighting monsters, are mostly not that skilled in fighting against people. because the way you handle your weapons, and analyse situations, plan strategies, and use your skills greatly differs when you fight mobs vs fighting actual people. its also why my blade dancer, laythe, has an edge to him whereby he has never lost his battles and ends up killing every single person he wins against.
its like... uh.. i imagine its because adventurers are brought up and mainly trained to fight, kill and protect against monsters, not people? mind you that that is how i see DN adventurers in my storyworld. typical mmorpg setting.
the colosseum is not entirely different in that concept. you could be the no 1 pvp player (colosseum fighter), and be absolutely shit at fighting mobs. i got this idea from the game itself; how purely PVP people are sometimes ungeared bc why would they be if they only fight comp on, so if they go PVEing theyd prolly have a really hard time grasping mechs. and purely PVE people themselves would have a hard time with PVP as well. of course there still would be the occasional people who are both God in pve and pve; i still dont have a DNkid representing that category yet... hm.
to add into my “people dont rly know how to effectively fight other people!” thing, well, in my storyworld too, you CANNOT simply unsheathe your weapon in town. you’d get caught by the royal guards or idk if they have police in SH or anything and get sued. we have civilians in the town guys!! you cant just pull out your mace!! there are serious repercussions..!! if you fight in town thats even worse (esp if u use your weapons)- you can get jail time. and the highest crime of it all is if you kill a person. big no-no. just no. i got this idea from the fact that towns are a no-skill zone. :thonk: so ya people fighting isnt the norm here. you go to the colosseum for that.
heck i even thought of how people have like.. licenses to carry their weapons. like when you graduate from your base classes you go through this formal.. registration.. thingy... idk what its called im not educated enough to know what this is but yea adventurers do go through a formal system whereby they register themselves, their classes, their weapons... etcetc. like uh, bjolne. first class chaser, second class raven. weapons: scimitar, a pair of crooks, shurikens, smoke bombs, small daggers, (lists all his gazillion weapons here). and everytime they change their weapons or upgrade their gears they have to also update the... people.. in charge of that department..? they probably have a form for this or something. and i thought about how most weapons would be made in town (see: blacksmithes) and so would have their own unique trait that therefore would differentiate it as being the only one? like how guns have their serial numbers or something like that. so that if the owner shoots someone the police can track it back to them? again, not knowledgeable enough to explain it sufficiently or attach proper terms for this. but theyd use this system too because i like to think that sometimes adventurers lose their weapons in dungeons or anywhere due to being injured and having to leave immediately, or for whatever reason, so if anyone found that weapon you can trace it back to the owner. also like the gun example, if a weapon was used as a crime tool then it can also be tracked to the adventurer. its why saints (or just normal doctors) are quite important in this aspect, because well, finn, at least, knows to look for these kind of stuff when hes working with injured patients. hes trained to recognize wounds made by mobs and those made by other people, aka other adventurers, or other weapon-wielding people. if its true they were inflicted by other adventurers then he has the rights to notify the authorities for an investigation, because harming another person is illegal >:c!!! 
all in all i am just saying this because i thought about how people might think that my blade dancer, laythe is way overpowered or some gary sue because i always emphasize on the fact that he has.. never lost. hes not overpowered. its just that in my DN storyworld, the setting just so happens that people are not used to fighting other people, especially with the intent to kill. sure they have the colosseum to brawl it out, but the way i set my DN storyworld colosseum is that you absolutely cannot kill a person in there. its simply a place to fight to your heart’s contents but you cant kill or be killed there. kinda like real world boxing matches. can you punch and beat the shit outta people without getting sued? hell yes! can you kill them? bloody hell no!!
in colosseum your damage input and output is controlled by idk some unseen power and also rules (see: compensation on pvp) and though you can get quite seriously injured, you cannot die in the colosseum. if a battle gets too bad the match gets stopped. heck, i even made an entire batch of OCs to be colosseum medics (fantasia c’esthall and her party) on standby to show how much i want people to know that HELLO IN MY DN WORLD YOU CANT DIE IN THE COLOSSEUM
so if you think of how my storyworld was set, it makes sense a bit. you have laythe, who is very proficient in using his class skills for murdering people bc hes... laythe, and most unlucky adventurers who comes across him simply just doesnt know how to... counter that. people are nothing like dungeon monsters. you need to have a very specific skillset for those two entirely different things. you put a Moonlord who his entire life has been training and fighting minotaurs and suddenly hes pitted off against an insanely fast and ruthless Blade Dancer who likely stabs and strangles people for a living. that moonlord, though he might be a very strong moonlord, has no chance. he’ll literally be a moonlord because his soul would be dancing in the moon when half his head gets sliced from laythe’s chakrams.
(also i should probably mention that both laythe and raythe dont live in town. they live deep in the forest/dungeon. raythe chose the place bc its quite secluded... so theyre not really adventurers, theyre just weapon-wielding people... in a way.. neither of them have registered weapons too. illegal kids.)
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onlywayleftisup · 7 years
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i cant stop drawing dragon nest i blame it on my friends who keep PLAYING WITH ME AND GIING ME 500,000 IDEAS
anyways. my SH sealgair likes to give people nicknames. blanteire’s a bit of an arsehole and he likes bullying reuvern, so she isnt that fond of him.
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onlywayleftisup · 7 years
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i stitched my raven!!! his name is bjolne and he was my first assassin UwU this took me more than 15 hours lmao
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onlywayleftisup · 7 years
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dregonkids doodles again. bjolne and blanteire both had white hair, but they dyed it to red and blue respectively. reuvern's the only one whose kept his original coloring. last two pics are smth i doodle on the fly while rping.
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onlywayleftisup · 6 years
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jeebus what the hell is up with this helm. what is up with this hair. are my twin clerics meant to never wear hats.
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utterly flabbergasted. 
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but at least the white set is rly nice on wao. cries a lot!!! not enough crystal points to buy both sin cleric!!! plus priest set is out and i cant afford!!! why cant i afford anything in this game!!! 
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